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  • in reply to: Davos or Arosa? #873146

    St. Moritz

    in reply to: Obamas position on gay marriage #875559

    @kfb And murder and theft are things that can cause harm to other people. Laws against them existed even before Sinai. The Romans and Greeks had strict laws against murder and theft, yet they were some of the most promiscuous civilizations in history. You can’t really compare the two.

    in reply to: Obamas position on gay marriage #875558

    @kfb It was never stated in the Constitution what “marriage” means. I think you are referring to the Defense of Marriage act, which lasted a few years but was repealed by Supreme Court ruling.

    These people are only not considered married, because the Torah defines what marriage is for us. So let the government re-define marriage to be whatever they want it to be. Let people marry their cars if they want to. Why should I care?

    in reply to: Obamas position on gay marriage #875554

    @far east Agreed %100. The only arguments against gay “marriage” are from a Torahdik perspective. I see no reason why any Yid should care about what is assur, but legal for goyim to do. Should we lobby to ban ever min ha’chai next? What about stam znus? Or avodah zorah?

    in reply to: Discuss the (soon to be expiring) Tal Law Here #874371

    @shmoel The Briskers accept money from the State. There are thousands of Briskers in Eretz Yisroel, are you trying to tell me that every single one pays for their own health insurance? Or never took advantage of the law that pays for land to build a shul? Or ever got a kollel check?

    in reply to: Discuss the (soon to be expiring) Tal Law Here #874364

    shmoel: I’ve heard from very reliable sources that Rav Shteinman <i>did</i> say his famous “controversial” statement that bachurim who are having trouble should join Nachal Chareidi. His words were ambiguous, though, so the Rav I heard it from said that he was referring to bachurim who are eating treif and being mechalel Shabbos. Walk through the Geula/Meah Shearim areas and ask around about peoples opinions of him. Better yet, read the graffiti.

    in reply to: Discuss the (soon to be expiring) Tal Law Here #874337

    @derszoger Which Gedolim? The Gedolim have been divided on these issues since 1948. Rav Shteinman famously said that bachurim going off the derech should join the army.

    I have several opinions on the topic. First off, people living in Eretz Yisroel have to live like Israelis. That means either being Da’ati Leumi and allowing your children to join the army, or being Chareidi and letting your children sit in kollel for their entire life.

    Secondly, the situation as it is now, is terrible and in serious need of change. Joining the army (even Nachal Chareidi) is not an option for most Chareidim, and sitting in kollel forever is also not an option. Something has to change, and I believe that with the exploding Chareidi voting population, change will happen to allow for more and more options other than kollel or army.

    in reply to: Prague -things to do?etc #870351

    There are two main tourist attractions in Prague, the Jewish Quarter and the Prague Castle. Both can be done in about half a day or so. Unfortunately, there isn’t much left of the Jewish Quarter, so you can visit every old shul, cemetery and Yeshiva in a guided tour that lasts about 4 hours.

    in reply to: Rav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg & Baseball #867046

    As for the “Seudas Hoda’ah” I’ve heard various versions of that since 2000, so I doubt that it happened at all, and certainly not in 2009 as Sam2 postulates.

    in reply to: Rav Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg & Baseball #867045

    That’s funny, I was just talking to my shvugger the other day about R’ Scheinberg who he was close with when he was in Torah Ohr. I asked him about the validity of this story. He told me that once the Rosh HaYeshiva was speaking with a group of “modern” American boys and he mentioned that when he is in New York and sees the papers announcing that the Yankees won, he still would get a little excited.

    in reply to: Bizarre song adaptations. #857750

    My favorite is a song that goes “Mi-she mi-she mi-she nichnas Adar” to the tune of an obscure bluegrass melody, “Pick a Bale of Cotton” from the 1950s.

    in reply to: murder mysteries #857705

    Don’t forget the Perry Mason books by Earl Stanley Gardner.

    in reply to: murder mysteries #857702

    Harry Potter books are fine up until Book #5.

    A Rebbi I know allowed his kids to read all of them except #5.

    in reply to: Yeshiva's reading rules #858472

    @mikehal12382 I remember in first grade a kid brought “Green Eggs and Ham” in to class to read (mind you, this was not a very Yeshivish elementary school) and the teacher read it as “Green Eggs and Yam”.

    in reply to: murder mysteries #857691

    Sherlock Holmes is selfish, arrogant and condescending. The Hardy Boys (despite their girlfriends) are probably a better influence.

    Personally, I don’t feel that there is any problem with 99% of juvenile books written before 1980 or any book written before 1930. But if you really want your kids to read stuff that you are certain won’t have a bad influence on them, then they should only read books by Marcus Lehmann.

    in reply to: Yeshiva's reading rules #858436

    There is more to the story than what MonseyGuy wrote. I am certain.

    Yeshivas have been banning books forever, even Shakespeare only makes it into Mechinas after a lot of use of Sharpie’s.

    in reply to: What is your most controversial opinion? #848853

    @YehudaTzvi Gravity is also a theory, no? Should physics not be taught in Yeshivas?

    What’s wrong with studying Greek and Xtian mythology? You think your kids are going to go bow down to Jupiter? It’s all just stories, and even the Gemara makes reference to them from time to time. I still remember how I read about Aphrodite for the first time in a secular context I had this smug smile remembering R’ Gamliel in the bathhouse.

    in reply to: Great news!!! #849105

    Do people really waste so much time with Facebook? I have an account with about 40 friends (and “friends”) which I check for about 5 minutes every other day or so.

    in reply to: Who gave me a subtitle? #848975

    Well, YW Moderator-42, at least I know what both your subtitle and the number after your name mean. But you have to know the question, v’hamavin yavin.

    in reply to: What is your most controversial opinion? #848844

    And on another note, this is perhaps my 3rd time posting a new topic on YWNCR and this has been in the top 5 for 2 days. Yeah me!

    in reply to: What is your most controversial opinion? #848843

    @Tora Yid

    I believe that I am a descendant of Odom Harishon, amongst many others. Science says that my ancestors were apes. Both of these statements are true, just viewing things from different perspectives. In this context, the only perspective I am concerned with is the Torah perspective.

    in reply to: What is your most controversial opinion? #848834

    @Nechomah: There is no other known animal that has split hooves and doesn’t chew its cud, like the chazir, but there are animals that chew their cud and don’t have split hooves, like the camel which is mentioned in the Torah and the Llama which is not.

    Still not sure what this has to do with evolution. And it’s not “monkeys”, it’s apes, a different species. While I still am strong of the belief that everything comes from Hakadosh Baruch Hu, still He put in the world science and mathematics as a way to describe the world without Him in order that people should come to their beliefs through bechira. In other words, if there is absolute proof that there is an Abishter, no one will have any schar for believing in Him.

    Evolution is just another aspect of science that exists in the world and I see no stira between that and the Torah anymore than there is a stira between red shift caused by Doppler effects and the Torah. How it fits into the Ma’aseh Beraishis is another issue, one that I’m frankly not bothered too much by.

    in reply to: What is your most controversial opinion? #848804

    @Haleivi: But what is the “Chochma” that the SA is referring to?

    @Nechoma: Species can evolve into different species given millions of years. That is a scientific fact, there is no arguing on that (in terms of science). How that shtims with Torah is a completely different story. I suggest you read Gerald Schroeder’s “Genesis and the Big Bang”.

    in reply to: What is your most controversial opinion? #848802

    If the frum community had put more focus on not making a Chillul Hashem and following Dina D’malchusa, we wouldn’t be saying tehillim for certain people who are in jail for criminal activities. These people are not martyrs, nor are they victims of antisemitic governments. They are people who committed criminal activities and must face the consequences, no matter how harsh or unfair they seem.

    in reply to: What is your most controversial opinion? #848783

    1. There is nothing wrong with teaching and/or studying evolution. Learning science does not turn a person into an apikores.
    2. Just as people focus on the wrongdoings that the Israeli government commits k’negged the Chareidi oilom, it should not be such a stretch to admit that there are occasional wrongdoings k’negged the Palestinians.
    3. Your kids Yeshivas, your shul and the Yeshivos you went to may not have a 30 page pamphlet with pictures of Gedolim and detailing all the segulos you will receive by giving tzedaka, but they are a #1, 2 and 3 priority for your tzedaka money.

    in reply to: What is your most controversial opinion? #848707

    Most of the shidduch problem comes from the parents, not the people involved. Your average Yeshiva guy views 99% of the girls on the market as “very attractive”, it’s their mothers who demand pictures and say no if she’s not good enough. Your average Bais Yaakov girl will date any guy who knows how to learn, regardless of how many years and what Yeshiva he went to. It’s the mothers who insist on a guy with certain specific criteria.

    in reply to: Is individualism allowed??? #835074

    Yes. But I’m not the one who’s going to dress like an idiot.

    Seriously, that’s the mindset. It’s like when my wife wears a green dress (instead of black-and-white like everyone else) she gets tons of comments on how good she looks from people wearing black-and-white.

    in reply to: When the shadchan doesn't give up! #833661

    You should have more than one shadchan. Chances are, this shadchan doesn’t have that many guys/girls that are suited for you, so he/she keeps pushing the one that is.

    in reply to: "Taliban Women" #833881

    This is nothing new. They’re a group of women based out of Ramat Beit Shemesh that have been promoting this “Taliban Tzniyus” for the past few years. There already have been numerous statements by rabbonim decrying their lifestyle, and one of the leaders was arrested on child neglect and abuse charges.

    in reply to: question about black hats!!!!!!! #824596

    Only if you’re Yekkish. 😉

    in reply to: Searching CR For Old Threads #938252

    This site is a schtickle gneivas da’as. (but I’m not paskening). All you need to do is go to google, and type “” or “” to search for something. All does is add that in front of your google search and get money from advertisers. YWN mods, you should delete this sticky.

    in reply to: How do you pronounce your screen name? #1018784


    in reply to: whats the deal with the sikkrikim #833354

    They’re not in Yerushalayim, the recent attacks stemmed from a group centered in Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph. There was an article in Ami magazine over Sukkos that discussed it.

    in reply to: Separate Boys and Girls pre-school #738284

    And why do girls in preschool need to have a dress code that includes *only tights*, but no socks.

    in reply to: Any know of any Computer jobs in or near Baltimore MD? #721286

    Have you tried the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory?

    They generally only hire right out of high school, but it’s worth a shot.

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