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Yes, it’s called the Theory of Special Relativity. The formula for figuring out how time passes is called the Lorentz Equation. It’s hard to wrap your brain around it, but bekitzur it’s like this.
Einstein proved that speed is always relative except light. Vos zugst du? Lemme explain. If I’m standing still, and my father drives passed me, I see a car driving at 87 mph. But if I’m riding a bike at 17 mph and he passes me, I only see him driving 70 mph. Because motion is relative to the motion of whatever is measuring it. Except for the speed of light. When I turn on a flashlight, imagine it to be a gun shooting out tiny little balls called “photons”. Photons travel at 186,000 miles per second. Scientists call that number “c”. So if I’m shining a flashlight and the beam passes my Tatti, he sees photons fly past him at 186 thousand miles per second. But let’s say he’s flying in a super rocket that’s traveling at 100,000 mps. He does not see the photos from my flashlight travel at 86,000 mps, he sees them traveling at the same speed I see them. Because when he’s going faster, time is going slower. So he sees me and everything around me moving faster, (and if he keeps up the pace soon I will be older than him) including the light beam.
Hope that helps.
Yserbius123ParticipantI’m comparing it to 9/11 because all the rationale I’ve heard about it being a “liberal conspiracy” sounds like the anti-Semitic “theories” about 9/11. If that’s too much to swallow, then it sounds like the Stony Brook shooting conspiracy, where people claimed that “government agents” brainwashed Lanza and all the deaths were fake or something.
October 25, 2018 5:00 pm at 5:00 pm in reply to: anti vaxxers are wreaking havoc around the world #1611220Yserbius123ParticipantSyag Lchochma:
- False
- Untrue
- Sheker
There are Yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs that allow un-immunized kids into class. I don’t have the number, I doubt that they are the majority of schools, but I personally know of several. Those principals are putting all the kids at risk. And that doesn’t even get to the risks that they are putting any pregnant or nursing woman
who may come in contact with a preventable illness like measles.October 25, 2018 1:00 pm at 1:00 pm in reply to: anti vaxxers are wreaking havoc around the world #1610681Yserbius123ParticipantNothing. Because the people who can do anything are unwilling to act. And the people people who are willing to act, are unable to help.
As long as Yeshivas and Bais Yaakovs continue to allow disease-ridden un-immunized kids in the building under “religious exemption” were are all in deep trouble.
I’m also a little curious why so many frum people are anti-vaccine. The only professional medical knowledge frum people have should come from a doctor, who will invariably push for immunization. Other knowledge can only come from the Internet. So it’s a good Shibboiles, if someone refuses to vaccinate, they clearly have Internet and shouldn’t be allowed into Yeshiva.
Yserbius123ParticipantDo you have a shred of evidence that points to it being a “liberal conspiracy”? I’ve read a few threads on the topic and to be honest they all sound exactly like those anti-Semitic threads that try to pin the blame of 9/11 on Israel.
Yserbius123ParticipantYou guys know that Joseph is a troll, right? Looks like everyone here swallowed the bait and got the hook, line, and sinker.
Yserbius123ParticipantI don’t understand how people can afford any gashmiyus with tuitions and housing prices being what they are.
October 25, 2018 11:42 am at 11:42 am in reply to: Rav Yitzchok Lichtenstein shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Torah Vodaath #1610687Yserbius123ParticipantSo without even bothering to listen to what he has to say you automatically assume that he holds of all of his father ZT”L’s Zionist hashkofos? His whole resume you want? He was practically a ben bayis by Rav Dovid Soleveitchik SHLITA for years. He learned in Lakewood, taught and spoke in numerous Torahdikeh institutions, was unofficial assistant Rabbi under Rav Shraga Feivel Zimmerman SHLITA (Rav of Gateshead) in his shul in Monsey, ran the Bais Medrash in Shaarei Torah under Rav Morderchai Wolmark SHLITA and his older kids are all in kollel except for one son in the IDF.
Is that enough “hashkofo” for you?
Yserbius123ParticipantThere’s a story that happened in Ner Yisroel a number of years back. Yom Kippur was like this year, on a Monday, and two bachurim were in charge of taking care of the chickens. Friday night they were eating at a Rebbi’s house (Rav Mintz SHLITA) and mentioned that they were keeping the chickens in a box in the dorm. He asked if they were fed and they replied no. Rav Mintz told the boys to drop everything and immediately go feed the chickens as halacha states that your animals must be fed before you eat.
Yserbius123ParticipantI don’t think liberals believe that. They just tend to downplay it because (A) it’s not really all that harmful (B) it’s far less common than white racists and (C) people who whine about it tend to use it as a cover for their own racism.
Yserbius123ParticipantA lot of my Roshei Yeshivos and Rebbeim over the years have Wikipedia pages. Does that count as famous?
Yserbius123ParticipantThe DNC and the RNC both are very much against our values. Walk away from it all, harcheik mei’rabbonus, and only go to them when necessary.
Yserbius123ParticipantThere are many food preparations that go on in restaurants without gloves. You just don’t see them. As long as the preparer washes their hands properly, there’s no issue. Gloves can be just as bad if they are kept on and used to touch various unclean surfaces.
Everyone else: @Joseph is a major troll on CR. She/He regularly says things to evoke a reaction. Please ignore him/her.
Yserbius123ParticipantThe discussion is if it’s more spiritual or appropriate to daven Rosh Hashona in Yerushalayim or in Jewish European Burning Man. I seriously can’t believe this.
Yserbius123ParticipantHonestly? Beer is beer. I enjoy the taste and I’ve never really been able to distinguish a good beer from a bad one.
September 5, 2018 6:24 pm at 6:24 pm in reply to: Why are Children from divorced homes treated as second class citizens? #1587786Yserbius123Participant@Joseph: That’s in the US. In Eretz Yisroel the “off-derech” rate is much worse. Close to one in ten or אין בית אשר אין שם מת according to some. It just goes to show that it’s not the level of frumkeit that’s keeping kids frum.
Yserbius123Participant<p>”Recent”? My friend, you may want to check your history books. The first brawl in this institution regarding this particular machlokes dates back to the 00’s. This is only the most recent spat of violence, previously the cease-fire was honored with one side sequestered in the ezras nashim and the other side agreeing never to step foot in their. It essentially split the Yeshiva into two Yeshivos occupying a single building.</p>
<p>At least this time no one broke into any of the rebbeim’s houses and beat them with a baseball bat.</p>Yserbius123ParticipantFifth grade was one of my worst years in school. I moved to a new city and had a hard time making friends. Most of the class was more Yeshivish than me and didn’t understand my pop-culture references (not such a bad thing, in hindsight, but it did make me feel alienated). I hated my English teacher with a passion and the feeling was mutual. It was the first year I realized that I struggled academically and that contributed to everything. There were weeks where I would spend the entire Limudei Chol in the office doing nothing though I was supposed to catch up on homework I missed. After a while, I stopped bothering to tell my parents, though they found out about some of it due to having to regularly pick me up from school when I stayed late to finish class or home work. I loved my Rebbi and learned a lot that year, but he had to leave to his second job in pre-school for the last hour of the day. For that hour, we were graced with a Rebbi who was in the process of quitting smoking and was absolutely miserable. He clearly had no desire other than money to teach the class. Punishment assignments were given out multiple times a day and after a while, so were slaps. In the first day, he assigned a student to take inventory of who had extra homework the day before and when it was due. What that meant was that the first 15 minutes of the hour we had with him were taken up by little Nechemia reading “Yaakov Schwartz, write ‘I will not talk in class’ 25 times. Shmuel Berger, write the first mishna…”, assignments being collected, excuses being given, potches handed out, etc.
It wasn’t all bad. I made some really close friends that year. Like I said, my Rebbi was amazing. Our new house was bigger and more fun to play in. But all in all it wasn’t a fun year.
So no. Fifth grade was not simple. I do not wish to live that part of my life over again.
Yserbius123ParticipantThat’s nice. Problem is a huge percentage of Chassidish and Yeshivishe places do not fulfill Regents requirements.
August 16, 2018 6:17 pm at 6:17 pm in reply to: Dems and Libs, Please explain your Ideology #1575727Yserbius123ParticipantBoth Republicans and Democrats, Conservatives, and Liberals, have their ma’alos and chesronos. If you can’t see the ma’alas in the secular ideologies you don’t agree with, you’re just being close minded.
Sure it would be nice if the world worked in ideals. Where you can just get of your tush and work and receive money as a direct result of that. But the unfortunate matter is that no matter how hard you work, sometimes Hakadosh Baruch Hu will just knock you down again and again, saddling a person with unsustainable debt. And some people are born in less fortunate situations. Where their parents have no money, so they have no way of receiving a proper education required for any job better than flipping burgers. Of course there’s also Big Business, the great boogeyman of the Liberal. Fact of the matter is that the do exist terrible rich people that will take advantage of poor people, often leaving them with no option.
As for Liberals, they have to realize that Communism is a failed experiment and throwing money at poor people doesn’t improve anything.
Yserbius123ParticipantIs suffering in silence on a terrible ruchniyos situation something that a ben Torah does? I think not.
I believe that Lakewood (which is just a city, nothing special) has a different mikvah situation. Many more smaller mikvaos and few large community ones.
Yserbius123ParticipantTell him he should follow the מנהג מגיד משנה ורב הירש
March 22, 2018 4:33 pm at 4:33 pm in reply to: Wife older than husband: How is it working out? #1497033Yserbius123ParticipantI have a חזקה in this regard. I’m the third generation whose wife is taller than he is. Slightly older too, in my case.
My opinion? Why should it make a difference? No one blinks an eye if a 30 year old guy goes out with a 25 year old girl, why should the reverse be different?
Yserbius123ParticipantWhoah whoah WHOAH stop.
Black holes are kefira? Howzzat? They have been scientifically proven to be possible by Einstein and Hawking was actually the one to theorize a way to see them, which was eventually proven when telescopes picked up on Hawking radiation located in regions of space where the gravitational movement of planets predicted there to be black holes.
What else is kefira just because you didn’t see it with your own two eyes? Amoeba? Pluto? Otto Von Bismark?
As for those questioning his contribution to “practical science”, Einstein’s theories of relativity were purely theoretical until decades after his death when it became crucial to designing the satellites that give us GPS. Number Theory was one of the oldest studies in mathematics and for thousands of years people tried to find use for it, until three Israelis named Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman along with two Brits named Diffie and Hellman simultaneously came up with cryptographical mechanisms that can be used to transmit data securely.
Sure we may not have a device that can utilize Hawkings studies in quantum entanglement, nor do our computers need to understand how information is lost across an event horizon. But maybe one day… Or do you just prefer that scientific progress stop right here and now because Yankele Schmendrick with his BA who can’t tell a quark from a quasar doesn’t think it’s worth it?
Yserbius123Participant@Neville ChaimBerlin: Your statement is just a brag about how ignorant of science you actually are. Is this what Yiddishkeit is about? Being proud of ones ignorance of secular sciences?
Yserbius123Participant@Joseph He wasn’t a Rov himself, but he was from a Rabbonish European family. And even though he never really had the opportunity to learn in Yeshiva due to the Wars, he found people to teach him Torah and he himself was a massive Talmid Chacham who married a bas Talmid Chacham and, despite coming the the US with nearly nothing, raised his children in a Shomer Torah U’Mitzvos home where they grew up, went to Yeshiva, and became Talmidei Chachamim in their own right.
I think he just found it easier to eat with a straw.
Yserbius123Participant@coffeeaddict Einstein was very open about his beliefs. He maintained that it’s possible Hashem exists, but he refused to believe in Him. He really disliked religion in general too.
For all those calling him a kofer, nu. That’s unfortunately most of the world these days. Good thing it’s not the kefira that would be chayav misa like Hinduism or certain aspects of X-tianity. If he were a X-tian would that automatically make him a better person? Hitler Y”S was an X-tian last I checked.
As for his “anti-Semitism” that’s everyone getting offended over nothing. He expressed neutral support for the Israel-Palestinian conflict in order to keep away from political discussion. He did a lot of work with Israeli scientists, but he also one time may have caved to BDS pressure. Since it’s a hot topic, neutrality is impossible and he got blasted from all sides for “siding with the Zionists/Palestinians”. You guys sound like all those liberals who get all offended when a person states that there are only two genders or whatever narischkeit it is these days.
Yserbius123ParticipantWhat’s with all the Hawking hate?
Yserbius123Participantlaskern that’s hogwash. Jews have mostly gone OTD due to poverty, not wealth. The Jews in Russia who dropped their Yiddishkeit rather than flee during the expulsion were mostly the ones who didn’t have much to begin with and were attracted to the wealth their non-frum countrymen enjoyed.Similarly when the Reform got going in Eastern Europe it was mostly attracted poverty stricken and less well off Jews who left frumkeit and Orthodoxy to join the fledging Reform movement.
Yserbius123ParticipantI always used a spoon, but my grandfather A”H used a straw.
Yserbius123ParticipantNah. He means Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff Jr.
Top five reptiles?
- Komodo Dragon. No explanation required
- Boomslang. Because of its name
- Skink. They can be used as earings if you handle them correctly
- Anaconda. For being the apex of the Amazonian food chain
- Marsh turtle. I like turtles
Yserbius123ParticipantFYI: I believe that the “Uncle Moishy” from the first album was a different guy than the current one who did all the rest.
Hands in the air if he took your elementary school picture too, with boys posing with the hands crossed on the right arm of a chair.
December 4, 2017 3:54 pm at 3:54 pm in reply to: Why are the lakewood rabbanim so against an eruv in thier Town?? #1417989Yserbius123ParticipantSure there are people who wouldn’t carry no matter what, but I mean that many people don’t hold of the eruv period.
The issue with “קרפוף” is by far new, and all achornim managed to deal with it.
There was an issue in Monsey over סוכות where the eruv around the קרפוף was found to have fallen down and no one was able to say how long it had been down for as that part wasn’t checked weekly. This upset a lot of people as the reliance on the קרפוף to begin with was done in a way that relied on קוּלות.
it has never been done
And? Treating everything a Rov once said like it’s Torahs Moshe leads to some very questionable life choices, as has been demonstrated by many different people and communities. If it’s not written down as a פסק הלכה for that particular situation, like Rav Moshe ZT”L did with the Brooklyn eruv, it’s meaningless.
December 4, 2017 2:53 pm at 2:53 pm in reply to: Why are the lakewood rabbanim so against an eruv in thier Town?? #1417879Yserbius123ParticipantAlso the eruvs in Monsey (see the recent issue with the קרפוף ) and Boro Park (need I actually talk about this?) are far from ideal and rely on several קוּלות, meaning many people won’t carry there.
December 4, 2017 2:53 pm at 2:53 pm in reply to: Why are the lakewood rabbanim so against an eruv in thier Town?? #1417878Yserbius123ParticipantWhen Rav Aharon Kotler ZT”L first established a Yeshiva in Lakewood, he was insistent on several things to make the city as much of a מקום קודש as possible. Some examples include no secular studies in Yeshiva high schools, no sit-down restaurants, and no eruv. Lakewood has ברוך ה׳ grown far beyond even what R’ Kotler ZT”L could have imagined it, but his influence was so strong that even his opinions that were clearly meant for a small town of 50-100 Kollel yungerlite are treated with great care. So people are very hesitant to establish an eruv, as it would mean going against what is perceived to be R’ Kotler ZT”L wishes.
December 4, 2017 2:53 pm at 2:53 pm in reply to: Public Service Announcement: If you haven’t read “Go, My Son,” you should. #1417880Yserbius123ParticipantI don’t understand why people still insist on writing Jewish fiction when the non-fictional accounts are so much more interesting.
December 4, 2017 2:51 pm at 2:51 pm in reply to: He’s Hot, She’s Cold; Windows Open or Closed? #1417888Yserbius123ParticipantMy parents survived a decades long marriage with open windows all winter long. My mother learned to sleep with multiple blankets and not go into my father’s study from November through April.
Yserbius123ParticipantYou’re falling into the trap of treating a random passing thought by Rav Shneerson ZT”L as Torah D’Orayso C”V. It’s not. What he said in a sicha cannot be applied to anything other than the exact situation of what was being discussed at the time.
November 29, 2017 3:10 pm at 3:10 pm in reply to: Hashkafic views on taking money from the medinah #1415441Yserbius123ParticipantThe Israeli government is the single largest supporter of Torah in the world and possibly in the history of galus. That’s a fact.
What I never understood is the individuals who claim that taking money is assur, then use the socialist healthcare of the government.
Yserbius123Participant- Rav Aharon Feldman SHLITA
- Rav Yisroel Belsky ZT”L
- Rav Elazar Menachem Man Shach ZT”L
Yserbius123ParticipantIf anyone here is really interested, look at the end of a משניות סנהדרין יכין ובועז for the sefer אורח חיים also written by the יכין ובועז. It’s fairly short, only about 5 pages, and he describes the concepts of the five worlds before מעשה בראשית and the עולם שכולו שבת after the year 6000. He brings down some rather difficult Kabbaladicke topics, so you should have a Rov close at hand to talk things over with. Now days, the sefer is probably most well known for his mention of scientists finding an iguanodon fossil in Baltimore and his explanation that this is proof that Hashem created worlds before the Torah.
Yserbius123Participant@DaasYochid Pictures of Rav Schneerson ZT”L were very common even before his death. I distinctly recall multiple billboards in NYC with his face on it, ubiquitous pamphlets and fliers advertising the “1-800-4MOSHIACH” hotline, and just his face on every conceivable surface.
@chabadshlucha You do realize that the entire concept of “Nasi HaDor” is exclusive to Lubavitch? Whether or not it’s apikorsus isn’t really up for debate if the facts are that it’s a concept that literally no one else believes in. Sure it’s brought down in the Tanya, but the description is so vague and fraught with kabbaladicke meanings, it’s pretty much impossible to nail down what exactly it means. The only explanation is from some random shmuz by Rav Schneerson ZT”L which, as I’ve explained in another thread, can’t really be taken as anything more than an interesting tidbit.November 28, 2017 10:54 am at 10:54 am in reply to: Jews Who Are Known By Their Non-Jewish Name #1413821Yserbius123ParticipantThe Maggid Mishna’s name was Vidal, no Hebrew name. Rav Shamshon Refoel Hirsch is another well known example. “Shamshon” is just German for “Sampson”, his Hebrew name was not Shimshon. He added the name ben Refoel to his signature after his father (Rav Refoel Hirsch) passed away presumably to give himself a more Jewish name.
Yserbius123Participant@SechelHaYashar didn’t stop people from claiming he said stuff. Sometimes it was “I heard from him once…” sometimes it was literally “The Rebbe woke up today and spoke clearly for the first time!”
Yserbius123ParticipantYou’ve all brought up the sichos and iggros a few times, can we talk about those? Rav Breuer ZT”L once said that any psak halacha that is not explicitly written down and published is a Horo’as Sho and cannot be relied up except for the specific person it was given to. Most Chassidish, Litvish, and Sephardish Rabbonim hold of this to varying degrees. The most well-known example is probably “Iggros Moshe”, 8 chelakim were edited and compiled by Rav Moshe Feinstein ZT”L himself and people still rely on them for piskei halachos. One chelek was put out by his children and is still a massive point of controversy as to whether we paskin like it or not.
But by Lubavitch, it’s the complete opposite. Every letter of inspiration written to some Russian apikores, every burp during a speech, every “Mazal Tov” given at a chasuna, is scrutinized and analyzed like it’s Torahs Moshe l’havdil. Furthermore, it’s well known that after he had his stroke, people claimed that Rav Schneerson ZT”L was saying all sorts of things, each one more outlandish than the last. I personally heard from one of his frum doctors that on his deathbed, they had a difficult time dealing with the constant stream of Chabadskers who would put their ears to his lips and run out crying because they took a subconscious mumble to be an admission that he’s Moshiach.
So sure, you can state that certain practices and beliefs are acceptable because the Rebbe said this or that, but don’t get upset when we call it problematic because you chose to interpret his letters in a certain (probably incorrect) way. What he allegedly said in sichos about “Navi HaDor”, and what he may or may not have written in letters about davening to dead people, is nothing more than an interesting vort at best, but more like a historical curiosities and הפקר ובטל כאפרא דארע.
Yserbius123ParticipantThis thread has been moderated and edited to the point where it’s completely illegible.
Yserbius123ParticipantWeird. I just got a call last night asking if my wife were interested in Madison silver dollars, because for some reason she’s on their list as being a coin collector.
My father has a not-insignificant collection. He has a few things of Yiddish interest, like coins from the time of the Beis HaMikdash, and a few gold coins he considers to be in case of emergency investments.
Yserbius123ParticipantWell, I suppose it’s better than the old ways of 4 months of school covering 1740 through 1870, two months on each World War, followed by about a week for 20th century and beyond.
Yserbius123ParticipantA bigger I issue, I think, should be about mistreating animals so that they’ll taste better. Like veal, which comes from 2 year old calves grown up in essentially boxes.
October 17, 2017 1:23 pm at 1:23 pm in reply to: OMG 770Chabad, stop accusing YWN of hating Chabad! #1383046Yserbius123ParticipantVirtually all of the non-Lubavitch frum world held of Rav Shach ZT”L as the singular unmatched Gadol Hador in the 90s (yes, even Chassidim). Rav Shach held of some less than stellar opinions regarding Chabad. It’s only natural that these sorts of opinions, which are prevalent in the frum world, occasionally make it on to YWN.