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  • in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1629395

    @LogicalMom As you agree that you were wrong about thimerisol due to a misunderstanding of how chemistry works, perhaps you can take a second look at everything else you believe about vaccinations?

    And I’ve read Dr. Humphries’s essay. I don’t need to be smarter than her or more qualified than her to say it’s nonsense. I just need to find people that are. And it’s not very difficult. I’ve found almost no one as smart and as qualified as her that actually agrees with her and literally thousands who consider her a dangerous quack. Why do you insist on following the insignificant minority of experts who hold of her and ignore the overwhelming vast majority of unbiased opinions that consider her a liar?

    in reply to: Games for Shabbos #1629350

    Playing Carcassone seriously means reading the instructions for how farms work.

    What I find hilarious is how every expansion has some kneitch that seems to totally contradict how the rules work. L’moshol, in one expansion it comes with special meeples in every color plus gray, which isn’t one of the playable colors. There are at least two expansions that have changes to the farm rules, but the original rules mentioned are different than what’s in the original box.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1629299


    If thimerisol contains mercury making it dangerous to ingest, then salt contains chloride making it dangerous to eat, water contains hydrogen making it dangerous to drink, etc.

    The chemical compound is made up of mercury which is a completely different ballgame than the dangerous form of liquid metal mercury.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1629011

    @LogicalMom So you’re admitting you were wrong about Wakefield and thimerisol. Just to clarify.

    You are under the mistaken impression that there’s some sort of debate. There isn’t. There are maybe a few dozen medical doctors in the US who believe that there’s a debate and probably less than 5 who are anti-vaccine (Dr. Humphries is the most well known, and she honestly believes that polio and smallpox vaccines were meaningless). There’s simply no question that the benefits of immunization far outweigh the potential damages.

    Look at what people like you have done in Eretz Yisroel and Monsey! Children are literally dying from measles! Don’t tell me things would have been worse and more people would be sick if they all vaccinated.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1628821


    You are wrong about Wakefield. He did some serious ethical breaches to produce the data that was used in his infamous study. It was enough of an issue that he lost his license. Not because “they” didn’t want the truth to come out. Initially he had the support of many members of the medical community, but when it became clear that he was untrustworthy, a fear-monger, and an attention addict, everyone backed down including his 11 collaborators. Doctors later expressed surprise that the study even passed peer review since the data shown in the paper didn’t even support the conclusions and there were some serious doubts if the data itself was correct.

    Not to mention that it spurned numerous other studies that showed absolutely no link between GI diseases and the MMR vaccine. Why fixate on a retracted study when there are many more that show no correlation between vaccines and autism?

    • “Unintended events following immunization with MMR: a systematic review” (2003) Vaccine. Jefferson, Price, et all.
    • “MMR vaccine and autism: an update of the scientific evidence” (2014) Expert Review of Vaccines. DeStephano, Thompson
    • “Immunizations and Autism: A Review of the Literature” (2006) Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences. Doja and Roberts

    . Yes its in the form of thimerisol which is 50% mercury but difference does that make as to the exact chemistry name of it?

    What difference does it make? All the difference in the world! Salt is a molecule made up of one sodium atom and one chloride atom. Sodium is an incredibly destructive chemical that can cause fires just by touching water. Chloride is literally poison. But table salt is perfectly safe. Same with thimerisol. It’s not “50% mercury”, it’s organic molecule has a mercury atom in it.

    in reply to: Is it Mutar to celebrate Thanksgiving?!?!?!?!?!?! #1628737

    Once, our high school class made a joke and put our belts on our hats and sang and danced for Thanksgiving. The mashgiach came in to tell us we were going straight to gehennom for avodah zorah. He shook his head sadly at me, “Your grandparents and great-grandparents (whom he knew personally) are rolling in their grave”.

    My grandparents came to the USA from Europe. They were from Rabbonus and pretty much everyone who wasn’t a rov in that side of the family was also a massive talmid chacham and lamdim. They celebrated Thanksgiving and so did most of their siblings that lived in America.

    If someone wants to tell me that it’s assur, I would really like to see the source.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1628730


    I’m not going to refute all of your points, but I’m certain they aren’t any more logical than the fake fear mongering Wakefield invented to start the modern scare. So let me pick on the most obvious one:

    At no point in any time in history did any vaccine contain mercury.

    It’s a misconception based on misunderstanding of chemistry. Vaccines used to contain thimerison which is an organomercury compound. It’s related to the mercury you find in old thermometers in the same way in which highly flammable hydrogen gas is related to water (H2O). The reason it was removed was because of fear mongering by people like Andrew Wakefield and Jenny McCarthy.

    in reply to: Did Dell Bigtree change your perspective about anti vaxxers? #1628491

    Rav Moshe Heineman’s Vaad Harabonim of Baltimore just issued a statement

    We consider it a Halachic obligation for every member of the community – adults and children – to be properly vaccinated according to the standards and schedules established by the medical community as outlined by the CDC ( These standards have been responsible for the eradication of many terrible diseases and have significantly improved public health in our country. As we are seeing in the current measles epidemic, ignoring or undermining the policy of universal vaccination endangers the community and is Halachically wrong.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1628281

    Unfortunately I’ve come to believe (and e/o is welcome to their own opinion of who they would like to believe) that the CDC has falsified information in their favor.


    Then your beliefs are wrong. That claim was publicized by a fellow named Andrew Wakefield, the same Andrew Wakefield who invented the claim that vaccines cause autism and lost his medical license after he falsified data trying to prove it. The CDC has done other studies and re-examined the data of the study in question and came to the same conclusion.

    We can keep playing Wack-A-Mole with data, claims, anecdotes, all day long, but you can be rest assured that for everything you bring up that seems to imply that vaccinations are dangerous there is a rock-solid scientific reason why that is not so.

    Do you know how I know that you are biased and that vaccination is the right way to go, no questions asked? Because of how you argue. It’s always the same. First there’s a claim from one shady place about the dangers of immunization. That’s proven to not only be false, but completely bogus. Then there’s another claim from another place with a similar rebuttal. Then a third, then a fourth. At a certain point an unbiased debater will say “Well if so much of what I believe is based on narischkeit, maybe I should re-examine it” But not anti-vaxxers. You will keep pulling more and more absurd and out-of-context “evidence” to push your agenda no matter how many times it’s proven false.

    And then there’s the tiny amounts of “evidence” required to cement your beliefs versus the mountains of evidence you require to contradict them. A falsified study, a claim by a website, a letter by a Rov, an anecdote by a random person, good enough to say vaccines are bad! But to say they are good, you require notarized letters from every doctor, researcher, and Gadol in history!

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1628285

    @Meno Yes it’s a coincidence. Children unfortunately suffer neurological and mental disorders all the time. The fact that once or twice it happened soon after vaccination is meaningless. You have to show that out of a random population of children affected by a disorder, it happens most often immediately after vaccination. Then you need a control group of unvaccinated kids and show that they are healthier. Similar studies have been done and the conclusions show no difference.

    in reply to: Lev Tahor and other frum cults- and don’t misunderstand me #1628243

    As much as I would like to agree in terms of Lubavitch (entire sedorim dedicated to memorizing random letters a man wrote to someone 50 years ago is not Yiddishkeit), they do learn rishonim and acharonim and they do not have a single living “guru” who demands that they do nothing without his or her say so.

    in reply to: Lev Tahor and other frum cults- and don’t misunderstand me #1627984

    You aren’t wrong, but you are a little misleading. I don’t know of any other frum system that learns their guru’s writings to the exclusion of others. OK, maybe Satmar and Vizhnitz won’t read Rav Kook, but there are Ponevezhers who learn Rav Hirsch, Briskers who learn B’nei Yisaschor, and Chassidim who learn P’nei Yehoshua.

    in reply to: Fighting Jew haters on social media. #1627888

    @Mariana Santos: Not just the hardcore anti-Semites. Even the cowardly “I only criticize Zionism” types have difficulty explaining why they level the same “criticism” at Jews of every stripe and color.

    in reply to: Games for Shabbos #1627889

    Did I really just say 38 melochos?


    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1626974


    That’s another issue. People keep trying to frame this as a “debate” or “science machlokes”. It’s nothing of the sort! There’s literally no debate, there are just normal people and people who reject hard facts and logic.

    L’Havdil, if I would say that in Halacha there’s a debate whether the Chachomim are correct and their psak stands forever, or to go like Reform and the Torah (C”V) needs to be “reexamined” I would be reamed over hot coals, banned from this site, and called a kofer. It’s the same thing with this fantasy of there being a “vaccine safety debate”.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1626895

    I spent time writing that comment, but it got borked because capital and lowercase show up the same. Here it is again:


    Do you know what? Even if every one of your studies leads to the conclusions you are claiming they lead to it would still mean that it’s imperative to vaccinate. Because all those studies show is that there may be some side effects of immunizing. But on the other hand, it is a fact that not immunizing can not only lead to horrible permanent damage or death due to measles or whooping cough. And not only in the people who refuse to vaccinate but also in the 5% of people who vaccinated whose bodies didn’t respond to the vaccine, to the infants who are too young to get the shot, to the elderly with compromised immune systems, to people who nebech are undergoing chemo therapy.

    Let’s do this in some visual, yeah? Imagine the studies are all fine and good, this would be the world today. “O”
    is someone who is vaccinated, “u” is someone without the vaccine either by choice or medical necessity (infants, immune compromised, egg allergies, etc). Let’s say that’s %5 of people.


    So you say there are adverse side affects to vaccination, ok, let’s limit that to side affects that cause lasting damage and/or death. We’ll mark them as “D” and say it happens to 0.5% of people which is way higher than what the people opposed to vaccination claim it is.


    Really a tragedy. OK, now let’s say that instead of 95% of people vaccinating, it’s more like 70%. Then our population would look something like this:


    That “X” disappeared! Yay! Less vaccinations means less likelihood of someone getting hurt from one!

    Now let’s take measles as a factor. According to the CDC, measles can cause death 0.15% of the time and other lasting damage about 1% of the time. Let’s go with our original vaccination rates and assume that only unimmunized people will get the disease. They will be denoted as “M” in this chart. Again, a large “D” is someone damaged from a vaccine, but we’ll add a small “x” for someone damaged from measles.


    One person got measles, recovered, and only able to pass it on to one person who also recovered. Let’s see how that plays out in a less vaccinated population:


    Far more people received the virus because it is more likely to spread. So no one was damaged by the vaccines, but we have two people with severe issues emanated from the measles virus.

    According to these numbers, an unvaccinated population is more than twice as likely to see permanent injury or other lasting damage than an immunized one.

    Any kashes?

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1626852


    Do you know what? Even if every one of your studies leads to the conclusions you are claiming they lead to it would still mean that it’s imperative to vaccinate. Because all those studies show is that there may be some side effects of immunizing. But on the other hand, it is a fact that not immunizing can not only lead to horrible permanent damage or death due to measles or whooping cough. And not only in the people who refuse to vaccinate but also in the 5% of people who vaccinated whose bodies didn’t respond to the vaccine, to the infants who are too young to get the shot, to the elderly with compromised immune systems, to people who nebech are undergoing chemo therapy.

    Let’s do this in some visual, yeah? Imagine the studies are all fine and good, this would be the world today. “O”
    is someone who is vaccinated, “o” is someone without the vaccine either by choice or medical necessity (infants, immune compromised, egg allergies, etc). Let’s say that’s %5 of people.


    So you say there are adverse side affects to vaccination, ok, let’s limit that to side affects that cause lasting damage and/or death. We’ll mark them as “X” and say it happens to 0.5% of people which is way higher than what the people opposed to vaccination claim it is.


    Really a tragedy. OK, now let’s say that instead of 95% of people vaccinating, it’s more like 70%. Then our population would look something like this:


    That “X” disappeared! Yay! Less vaccinations means less likelihood of someone getting hurt from one!

    Now let’s take measles as a factor. According to the CDC, measles can cause death 0.15% of the time and other lasting damage about 1% of the time. Let’s go with our original vaccination rates and assume that only unimmunized people will get the disease. They will be denoted as “M” in this chart. Again, a large “X” is someone damaged from a vaccine, but we’ll add a small “x” for someone damaged from measles.


    One person got measles, recovered, and only able to pass it on to one person. Let’s see how that plays out in a less vaccinated population:


    Far more people received the virus because it is more likely to spread. So no one was damaged by the vaccines, but we have two people with severe issues emanated from the measles virus.

    According to these numbers, an unvaccinated population is more than twice as likely to see permanent injury or other lasting damage than an immunized one.

    Any kashes?

    in reply to: Games for Shabbos #1626796

    As for Shabbos issues, Rav Ribiat in his 38 Melochos series goes into detail for several toys and games. He is OK with most puzzles as long as they’re not built in a frame. For something a little more specific, a talmid of Rav Yosef Berger from Baltimore published a kuntrus on his psak halachos of toys on Shabbos and he goes into detail on games and puzzles.

    Don’t quote me on this, but I recall one or both paskening that there’s no halachic problem with a game that has play money, it’s just something people don’t do.

    in reply to: Games for Shabbos #1626792

    @Rand0m3x: You’re suggesting Eclipse and telling me that Agricola isn’t gateway enough?

    I just found out that there’s a third game in the “Forbidden” series called Forbidden Space. Looks like fun, but a little more complicated than its predecessors.

    Hanabi is an amazing family game that’s also small and cheap.

    in reply to: Did Dell Bigtree change your perspective about anti vaxxers? #1626789

    @takahmamash I had to google the name. He’s a guy with a website. I think the only thing that makes him famous is that he hates the government and he’s very against doctors and medical science. That makes him a big name for conspiracy theorists and “alternative medicine” types. A few years ago he made a movie (falsely) claiming that the CDC suppressed data on the dangers of vaccination.

    in reply to: Did Dell Bigtree change your perspective about anti vaxxers? #1626102

    I don’t need rabbinic support to tell me what any first year medical student knows.

    The sad fact is that in the case of vaccines, there are several prominent rabbonim that have been misguided by fools and liars. Since there is no Torah nor halachic cheshbon to use to figure out if vaccination is the right thing to do, Rabbonim have to rely on secular knowledge. And some rabbonim, R”L, mistook the fools for the educated ones.

    in reply to: what does "greasy" mean? #1626114

    To clarify some things: The “greasy” guy isn’t the biggest masmid. The greasy Yeshivish guys are just those that have given up interacting with the world in general. They speak in mumbled sentences, wear the same clothes all week, and rarely shower. They may be smart and talmidei chachomim, but not necessarily. Most Yeshivish masmidim I know are well respected and dress normally.

    in reply to: Lev Tahor’s donors – Which rock could they be living under? #1626091

    If anyone has any questions about Lev Tahor or doubt the reports from the frum news sources, just read the Ami article from a few years ago. Ami tried really hard to paint them in the best light possible, and were severely criticized for it. But even in this whitewashed picture that Ami tried to paint, the rough edges are still pretty glaring. In an interview, one guru admits to taking kids away from uncooperative parents and waves his hand saying “We don’t do that so much anymore”. When asked about the teen and child marriages the only answer given was “A 12 year old girl is old enough to marry k’halacha”.

    in reply to: Fighting Jew haters on social media. #1626060

    To answer your first question: No.

    As for the second: Goyim who live near large frum communities.

    in reply to: How can the Lakewood township fix the local traffic problem? #1621558

    Lakewood and Monsey are lost causes in terms of traffic. There never should have been that many people living in such close proximity with only one or two roads that can get you where you want to go.

    But everyone who insists on zoning enforcement is an antisemite amirite?

    in reply to: Are goyim real?? #1615777

    Are you real or are you a Russian bot?

    in reply to: Interesting science #1615063

    I’ve always found Brian Greene to have the best explanations on physics. Gerald Schroeder gives a good one too, if you want something from a frum perspective.

    in reply to: Interesting science #1615062

    Yes, it’s called the Theory of Special Relativity. The formula for figuring out how time passes is called the Lorentz Equation. It’s hard to wrap your brain around it, but bekitzur it’s like this.

    Einstein proved that speed is always relative except light. Vos zugst du? Lemme explain. If I’m standing still, and my father drives passed me, I see a car driving at 87 mph. But if I’m riding a bike at 17 mph and he passes me, I only see him driving 70 mph. Because motion is relative to the motion of whatever is measuring it. Except for the speed of light. When I turn on a flashlight, imagine it to be a gun shooting out tiny little balls called “photons”. Photons travel at 186,000 miles per second. Scientists call that number “c”. So if I’m shining a flashlight and the beam passes my Tatti, he sees photons fly past him at 186 thousand miles per second. But let’s say he’s flying in a super rocket that’s traveling at 100,000 mps. He does not see the photos from my flashlight travel at 86,000 mps, he sees them traveling at the same speed I see them. Because when he’s going faster, time is going slower. So he sees me and everything around me moving faster, (and if he keeps up the pace soon I will be older than him) including the light beam.

    Hope that helps.

    in reply to: Liberal conspiracy #1611221

    I’m comparing it to 9/11 because all the rationale I’ve heard about it being a “liberal conspiracy” sounds like the anti-Semitic “theories” about 9/11. If that’s too much to swallow, then it sounds like the Stony Brook shooting conspiracy, where people claimed that “government agents” brainwashed Lanza and all the deaths were fake or something.

    in reply to: anti vaxxers are wreaking havoc around the world #1611220

    Syag Lchochma:

    1. False
    2. Untrue
    3. Sheker

    There are Yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs that allow un-immunized kids into class. I don’t have the number, I doubt that they are the majority of schools, but I personally know of several. Those principals are putting all the kids at risk. And that doesn’t even get to the risks that they are putting any pregnant or nursing woman
    who may come in contact with a preventable illness like measles.

    in reply to: anti vaxxers are wreaking havoc around the world #1610681

    Nothing. Because the people who can do anything are unwilling to act. And the people people who are willing to act, are unable to help.

    As long as Yeshivas and Bais Yaakovs continue to allow disease-ridden un-immunized kids in the building under “religious exemption” were are all in deep trouble.

    I’m also a little curious why so many frum people are anti-vaccine. The only professional medical knowledge frum people have should come from a doctor, who will invariably push for immunization. Other knowledge can only come from the Internet. So it’s a good Shibboiles, if someone refuses to vaccinate, they clearly have Internet and shouldn’t be allowed into Yeshiva.

    in reply to: Liberal conspiracy #1610706

    Do you have a shred of evidence that points to it being a “liberal conspiracy”? I’ve read a few threads on the topic and to be honest they all sound exactly like those anti-Semitic threads that try to pin the blame of 9/11 on Israel.

    in reply to: Lubavitch Hats #1610707

    You guys know that Joseph is a troll, right? Looks like everyone here swallowed the bait and got the hook, line, and sinker.

    in reply to: Thoughts on High Level of Gashmiyus ? #1610708

    I don’t understand how people can afford any gashmiyus with tuitions and housing prices being what they are.

    in reply to: Rav Yitzchok Lichtenstein shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Torah Vodaath #1610687

    So without even bothering to listen to what he has to say you automatically assume that he holds of all of his father ZT”L’s Zionist hashkofos? His whole resume you want? He was practically a ben bayis by Rav Dovid Soleveitchik SHLITA for years. He learned in Lakewood, taught and spoke in numerous Torahdikeh institutions, was unofficial assistant Rabbi under Rav Shraga Feivel Zimmerman SHLITA (Rav of Gateshead) in his shul in Monsey, ran the Bais Medrash in Shaarei Torah under Rav Morderchai Wolmark SHLITA and his older kids are all in kollel except for one son in the IDF.

    Is that enough “hashkofo” for you?

    in reply to: Kaparos Chilul Hashem #1594984

    There’s a story that happened in Ner Yisroel a number of years back. Yom Kippur was like this year, on a Monday, and two bachurim were in charge of taking care of the chickens. Friday night they were eating at a Rebbi’s house (Rav Mintz SHLITA) and mentioned that they were keeping the chickens in a box in the dorm. He asked if they were fed and they replied no. Rav Mintz told the boys to drop everything and immediately go feed the chickens as halacha states that your animals must be fed before you eat.

    in reply to: black, women racists #1590158

    I don’t think liberals believe that. They just tend to downplay it because (A) it’s not really all that harmful (B) it’s far less common than white racists and (C) people who whine about it tend to use it as a cover for their own racism.

    in reply to: Which famous people have you met? #1590155

    A lot of my Roshei Yeshivos and Rebbeim over the years have Wikipedia pages. Does that count as famous?

    in reply to: Time to Walk Away #1590152

    The DNC and the RNC both are very much against our values. Walk away from it all, harcheik mei’rabbonus, and only go to them when necessary.

    in reply to: Pizza handlers and gloves. #1589036

    There are many food preparations that go on in restaurants without gloves. You just don’t see them. As long as the preparer washes their hands properly, there’s no issue. Gloves can be just as bad if they are kept on and used to touch various unclean surfaces.

    Everyone else: @Joseph is a major troll on CR. She/He regularly says things to evoke a reaction. Please ignore him/her.

    in reply to: Don’t build more galuyot. #1587789

    The discussion is if it’s more spiritual or appropriate to daven Rosh Hashona in Yerushalayim or in Jewish European Burning Man. I seriously can’t believe this.

    in reply to: Whats your favorite beer? #1587788

    Honestly? Beer is beer. I enjoy the taste and I’ve never really been able to distinguish a good beer from a bad one.

    in reply to: Why are Children from divorced homes treated as second class citizens? #1587786

    @Joseph: That’s in the US. In Eretz Yisroel the “off-derech” rate is much worse. Close to one in ten or אין בית אשר אין שם מת according to some. It just goes to show that it’s not the level of frumkeit that’s keeping kids frum.

    in reply to: Recent chilul HaShem #1587784

    <p>”Recent”? My friend, you may want to check your history books. The first brawl in this institution regarding this particular machlokes dates back to the 00’s. This is only the most recent spat of violence, previously the cease-fire was honored with one side sequestered in the ezras nashim and the other side agreeing never to step foot in their. It essentially split the Yeshiva into two Yeshivos occupying a single building.</p>
    <p>At least this time no one broke into any of the rebbeim’s houses and beat them with a baseball bat.</p>

    in reply to: I wish I could go back to 5th grade #1584121

    Fifth grade was one of my worst years in school. I moved to a new city and had a hard time making friends. Most of the class was more Yeshivish than me and didn’t understand my pop-culture references (not such a bad thing, in hindsight, but it did make me feel alienated). I hated my English teacher with a passion and the feeling was mutual. It was the first year I realized that I struggled academically and that contributed to everything. There were weeks where I would spend the entire Limudei Chol in the office doing nothing though I was supposed to catch up on homework I missed. After a while, I stopped bothering to tell my parents, though they found out about some of it due to having to regularly pick me up from school when I stayed late to finish class or home work. I loved my Rebbi and learned a lot that year, but he had to leave to his second job in pre-school for the last hour of the day. For that hour, we were graced with a Rebbi who was in the process of quitting smoking and was absolutely miserable. He clearly had no desire other than money to teach the class. Punishment assignments were given out multiple times a day and after a while, so were slaps. In the first day, he assigned a student to take inventory of who had extra homework the day before and when it was due. What that meant was that the first 15 minutes of the hour we had with him were taken up by little Nechemia reading “Yaakov Schwartz, write ‘I will not talk in class’ 25 times. Shmuel Berger, write the first mishna…”, assignments being collected, excuses being given, potches handed out, etc.

    It wasn’t all bad. I made some really close friends that year. Like I said, my Rebbi was amazing. Our new house was bigger and more fun to play in. But all in all it wasn’t a fun year.

    So no. Fifth grade was not simple. I do not wish to live that part of my life over again.

    in reply to: Hasidic Secular Education #1575915

    That’s nice. Problem is a huge percentage of Chassidish and Yeshivishe places do not fulfill Regents requirements.

    in reply to: Dems and Libs, Please explain your Ideology #1575727

    Both Republicans and Democrats, Conservatives, and Liberals, have their ma’alos and chesronos. If you can’t see the ma’alas in the secular ideologies you don’t agree with, you’re just being close minded.

    Sure it would be nice if the world worked in ideals. Where you can just get of your tush and work and receive money as a direct result of that. But the unfortunate matter is that no matter how hard you work, sometimes Hakadosh Baruch Hu will just knock you down again and again, saddling a person with unsustainable debt. And some people are born in less fortunate situations. Where their parents have no money, so they have no way of receiving a proper education required for any job better than flipping burgers. Of course there’s also Big Business, the great boogeyman of the Liberal. Fact of the matter is that the do exist terrible rich people that will take advantage of poor people, often leaving them with no option.

    As for Liberals, they have to realize that Communism is a failed experiment and throwing money at poor people doesn’t improve anything.

    in reply to: Tahara at Risk in Lakewood City of Torah #1575466

    Is suffering in silence on a terrible ruchniyos situation something that a ben Torah does? I think not.

    I believe that Lakewood (which is just a city, nothing special) has a different mikvah situation. Many more smaller mikvaos and few large community ones.

    in reply to: going by your jewish name #1512733

    Tell him he should follow the מנהג מגיד משנה ורב הירש

    in reply to: Wife older than husband: How is it working out? #1497033

    I have a חזקה in this regard. I’m the third generation whose wife is taller than he is. Slightly older too, in my case.

    My opinion? Why should it make a difference? No one blinks an eye if a 30 year old guy goes out with a 25 year old girl, why should the reverse be different?

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