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  • Yserbius123


    Do you still contend that there are 157 studies showing a link between vaccines and autism or do you agree with my comment?

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1636158

    The nomenclature of “Rebbe” and “Frierdiker” is always so confusing to me. I mean, Rav MM Schneerson ZT”L is really the frierdicker, since there’s no current Rebbe.


    Goalpost moving again @doomsday.

    Guys remember. @doomsday has his/her entire shitta based on the shekker that there are 157 studies showing that vaccines cause autism. Although it’s pretty obvious that the idea is false, I found two websites that discuss it in detail. So far (unsuprising) @doomsday has refused to acknowledge s/he’s wrong. Don’t let up until we get a straight answer!

    • โ€œVaccines and autism: A thorough review of the evidenceโ€ from the blog โ€œThe Logic of Scienceโ€
    • โ€œAbout Those Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Linkโ€ from the blog โ€œVaxopediaโ€

    @doomsday I’m still waiting for your response to what I said last week. Namely, that there aren’t 157 reports showing that vaccines cause autism. The following sites prove it:

    • โ€œVaccines and autism: A thorough review of the evidenceโ€ from the blog โ€œThe Logic of Scienceโ€
    • โ€œAbout Those Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Linkโ€ from the blog โ€œVaxopediaโ€

    I trust the government to make certain decisions to protect us. Immunizing children protects everyone, not just the kids getting the vaccine. There’s no slippery slope, because this is a major issue that involves literally everyone.

    in reply to: Applesauce on latkes is better than sour cream: Prove me wrong. #1635802

    Can’t prove wrong a basic axiom of life.

    in reply to: Chanukah Thoughts #1635801

    Everyone knows the ืงืฉื” of the Bais Yosef, but I want to know what your answer is to the lesser known question. If ื˜ื•ืžืื” ื”ื•ืชืจื” ื‘ืฆื™ื‘ื•ืจ then why did they need a ื›ืฉืจ bottle of oil to begin with?

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Golus & don’t misunderstand me. #1635770

    Good luck on getting Monsey, Boro Park, Lakewood, and Kiryas Yoel into realizing that America is golus.

    in reply to: Herd Immunity for Dummies #1635623

    @truthishidden But you don’t actually have a valid argument! Antibodies wear off after a few years which is why it is crucial to vaccinate young! Proper herd immunity will kill a virus in a vaccinated population after only a few short years which is why we don’t need to keep vaccinating adults every decade. And your raya to this is a study from the 1950s?! Studies from a little as 10 years ago are out of date, who knows what data and facts came to light in 60+ years!


    @doomsday You keep framing this as a “disagreement”, that I “disagree” with you and “disagree” with those studies. Negative. You are simply wrong. My evidence to that fact is that you never even looked at those “157 studies” you keep touting. Had you, you would have seen that the guy who posted them lied in claiming that they prove an autism/vaccine link.


    @doomsday Yes you exist and yes you persist in not answering anything anyone throws back at you. I’m like 98% certain you’re just a troll. Nobody can be this persistent on absolutely nothing.

    First off, can you blame me for getting the wrong Danish study if you never posted the name and author of the study in the first place? I simply looked for “Danish CDC study” on freak anti-health sites and this one study kept on coming up. If that wasn’t what you were talking about, then fine. Be more specific!

    Now answer a simple yes/no true/false question. Namely, the one I posed earlier. If you cannot (or will not) the board as a whole will have to conclude that you are just a troll and don’t actually believe what you write.


    @truthishidden Can you repost it then? All I see from you are various claims on the dangers of vaccines that don’t really reflect reality, such as claiming that there’s a dangerous level of formaldehyde in vaccines.

    @doomsayer No, the article I pointed to also addressed the 157 studies, not just your original 24. I also personally addressed those pointing out how many of the studies are so completely off topic I’m not sure the collator even knew what s/he was reading. Here are some articles you should look up:

    • “Vaccines and autism: A thorough review of the evidence” from the blog “The Logic of Science”
    • “About Those Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link” from the blog “Vaxopedia”

    Don’t get me wrong. I am under no fantastical impression that you would even bother reading my comment, and certainly not the two blogs I referenced. You’re probably just going to re-post one of your classics, call me a liar, and go to bed feeling all smug that you just chapped the “provaxxers”.

    Oh, and I addressed your claims on “the Danish Study” like, 3 days ago. Please go back to page 5 or so and read my comments there.

    in reply to: East Ramapo – where are our children supposed to go to school? #1635572


    If the only reason you can give for the hate is Eisav soneh es Yaakov, why in frum places like Five Towns, Cleveland, and LA do you not have the opposition to frumkeit that Ramapo has?

    In a way, you are right. Eisav hates us and always will. We are in Galus and Hashem sends us constant reminders of that. But some of us choose to ignore the reminders, pretend that we rule the world, and give Eisav more reason to hate us. We should always remember our place in this world. The goyim rule over us until Moshiach comes. When we fight that idea, like what Ramapo Yidden have been doing, they just grow stronger, as evidenced by Mawah, Airmont, and Pomona.



    Folks, there ARE 157 studies linking autism to vaccines. You can google it and see for yourself.

    First off, let’s address your original comments before we move on to your moved goalposts. Second, I addressed the claim of “157 studuies” in two previous comments. Again, please read what people have responded to you before blindly re-write the same tiresome arguments.


    @doomsday I have shown you in previous comments that although you claim 24 studies show a link between vaccines and autism, those studies show no such thing.

    True or false?


    Yserbius: then they moved on to โ€œYou guys are liarsโ€
    Doomday: You did lie when you said there are no studies showing link between autism and vaccines.

    Um, no. I addressed this in at least 7 different comments. Please re-read everything I wrote again before you go back to your childish insults and hands over your ears.


    @doomsday And just because you refuse to address the dozens of comments responding to your allegations does not mean you’re right. The first CDC study you claimed had “falsified data” was the so called “Danish Study”. But you were wrong. The data wasn’t falsified. There was just one guy on the study who exaggerated his expenses and kept the money for himself. That was all. The study still stands and you still refused to address that.

    Now now! Wait a second… don’t tell me you were talking about another CDC study. That’s goalpost moving. First address the original comment, then you can move on to something else. Your first comment was about the “Danish Study”. Admit you were wrong or address my response, then and only then can you bring something else up.

    in reply to: East Ramapo – where are our children supposed to go to school? #1635500

    What angers me about East Ramapo is the frum response to everything. Unfortunately, we spent decades snubbing zoning laws, making living there uncomfortable for anyone who isn’t Yeshivish or Chassidish, fighting tooth and nail refusing compromise to make sure things go “our way” 100% even if it’s to the detriment of others, pretending that PR is a thing for goyim (because they’re all anti-Semites anyway, right?), ignoring basic city planning and turning entire areas into a nightmare snarl of traffic, and doing pretty much nothing to endear ourselves to the neighbors.

    Then, the frum oilom expands outwards towards Chestnut Ridge and Tallman and everyone is so shocked that we are unwelcome.


    Guys, don’t get sidetracked. Notice how @doomsday, @truthishidden, and the other anti-vaxxers have backed off of each claim as they are disproved and moved on to something else. First it was “CDC lies”, when that was shown to be false they moved on to “you guys are liars”, when asked for clarification it became “Google the phrase 24 vaccine autism studies” that was shown to be a product of an uneducated mind attempting to read scientific literature so they moved on to Googling “157 vaccine autism studies” (the more the merrier, I guess?), I showed them how that was similarly nonsense, so they followed up with more name calling until settling in on VAERS and other evidence-scant lawyer stuff from the early 00’s about vaccination.

    Hold them to their words. Let them prove their original allegations and respond to everyone who disproved what they were saying, before allowing them to move the goalposts yet again.



    You have yet to respond to @2cents or myself about those alleged “157 studies”. Still waiting on that.


    @doomsday I am capable of understanding your statement but you’re incapable of understanding those papers. Read the article whose titled I posted twice. Just because a website claims that 157 research papers that show a link, does not mean there is a link. That website lied. Those 157 papers do not show a link. Fakhert. Many of those papers reinforce the idea that there is no link between immunization and autism. Like paper 41 of 157 for example. “Newborn screening for autism: in search of candidate biomarkers.” There’s literally nothing in the paper about vaccines, thimerisol, or anything else for that matter. The next paper “Altered urinary porphyrins and mercury exposure as biomarkers for autism severity in Egyptian children with autism spectrum disorder” deals with ethylmercury exposure. Ethylmercury isn’t found in any vaccine and never was. People may think it is because it bears a similar name to methylethylmercury, AKA thimerisol, but it’s a completely different compound.

    Who lied now? Are there truly 157 papers that show a link or are there 157 random scientific studies that some science am-ha’aretz decided to throw out there claiming them to show a link?



    If you would Google the phrase I posted, you will see that the people who claim that there exist studies showing a link are incapable of understanding a scientific research paper. Not one of those 157 studies shows a link. @2cents did not lie, you are just merely lacking in scientific research paper comprehension (not a chisaron, most of us are).

    How about this: Why don’t you contact the authors of those studies? There are hundreds of them. If you can get ten to state (even anonymously) the words “It would be safer if no one vaccinated ever” then I would agree you have a point.



    I told you what to Google and what to look up to refute your claim that those 24 studies show that there is a link. You are ignoring my response and are continuing to ignore my question on thimerisol. Simple google “About Those Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link” to understand how @2cents was absolutely correct when s/he said that there’s no study that shows a link. So s/he did not lie, as I told you several days ago (which you ignored and proceeded to call me names).

    You are an incredibly belligerent excuse for a human being. You have done nothing in this thread but use angry words and call people liars. You’ve been posting the same “proofs” over and over again and every time someone calls you out on it, you revert to some previous argument and pretend you didn’t hear it. I wonder what type of mench you are in real life. If anti-vaxxers are all like you, it’s no wonder Yeshivos won’t let them in irregardless of their opinion on data, science, and facts.



    Please stop yelling and please stop calling everyone liars. This is a frum message board, not some county fair in rural Arkansas.



    You asked me 3 times

    โ€œDid 2scents LIE when s/he stated that
    there are NO Studies linking Autism to Vaccines?

    And I answered several times with an unequivocal NO. Here is where

    Studies on vaccines you might have missed.๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ”ฌ๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿšซ

    Studies on vaccines you might have missed.๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ”ฌ๐Ÿ’‰๐Ÿšซ

    Let’s be clear: You are claiming that @2cents lied (or LIED! as you so eloquently like to put it) about studies showing a link between vaccination and autism. Your proof that s/he lied is that you found a website claiming 24 studies show that there is as link. I found different websites that refute the claim in the first website, and that people who think that those studies show a link are merely having difficulty understanding the scientific language used.


    @doomsday Still waiting on an apology when you called me a liar and an explanation for your misunderstanding of thimerisol.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1633552


    You were literally just talking about how it’s standard Chabad practice to mention the name of Rav Schneerson ZT”L when davening so he can be a meilitz. That’s what I mean by “insert said leaders name into tefilos”.

    And when I compared Chabad learning R’ Schneerson’s writings more in depth than Gemara I meant it too. Don’t try to compare him and his publishers to the Rambam and Ibn Tibn who had rishonim vet the publication and writings. R’ Scheerson, for all his gadlus, was no Rambam. And the Chabad rabbonim are no Rishonim.

    Furthermore, although the Rishonim had kushyos on the Rambam, they never assumed that every word and letter choice was deliberate, l’havdil, like Chazal do on Chumash. Chabad, though, does give that treatment to R’ Scheerson’s random collections of letters collated and printed by various mortal people, many posthumously.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1633376


    ืฆื“ื™ืง ื’ื•ื–ืจ ื•ื”ืงื‘โ€ื” ืžืงื™ื™ื

    That’s a cop out and leads to a whole lot of other issues if taken literally. You’re essentially saying that anything a tzaddik says or does is automatically accepted in Shomayim and becomes reality. It’s very similar to what I’ve seen Chabadskers say in regards to Rav Schneerson ZT”L’s writings and speeches that they hold it’s impossible for him to have made a mistake on even a letter and therefore one can learn up his words as if they were, le’havdil, Torahs Moshe. Even a Gemara isn’t given to the same interpretation that Chabad lends to ืœืงื•ื˜ื™ ืื’ืจื•ืช. We understand that people are human, and errors arise, especially in the long process of recording, transcribing, editing, and publishing that takes place before a sefer is read.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1633369

    Whatever it is that Chabad does, however they daven, you should know that the place Rav Schneerson ZT”L has amongst them is unprecedented in all of Yiddish history. No one has ever proclaimed that a dead leader is an exclusive emissary from H”KBH, nor has anyone ever made it a minhag to insert said leaders name into teffilos. I don’t care how many Chassidishe seforim talk about “Nasi HaDor” or how many mekoros there are for a meilitz yosher, it’s a new, mudnehdikeh, thing that was invented by Chabad in 1996.

    Is it avodah zora? Not for me to decide, others have already weighed in. Is it a new and strange custom with no basis in halacha or minhag that very strongly resembles certain issurim d’orayso? Absolutely.

    in reply to: Herd Immunity for Dummies #1633260

    If you want a visual, animated, interactive demonstration, search for “Research on Complex Systems: D3 Herd Immunity Simulator”.

    It creates a population of 300 simulated people, and you can set how fast they have children and how many are immunized. When you run it, it clearly demonstrates why a high vaccination rate is crucial to the overall health of a group of people.


    @doomsday Myself and several other people have posted numerous refutations to the allegation that there are research papers “proving” the link between vaccination and autism. Futhermore, I did address your claim of fraudulent CDC studies.


    @doomsday I’ll answer the question again. There is no verified study other than Wakefield’s that shows a link between disease immunization and autism. You think otherwise and told me to look up that webpage with “24 studies”. I refuted that with another webpage I found showing how those studies are not evidence for a link.

    We are talking about the study: “A Population-Based Study of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella Vaccination and Autism” yes? Because I’m having a difficult time seeing your points in the study. In fact, I couldn’t even find your points on the anti-immunization sites I pulled this from. Where did you get your information?

    1. Patients before 1992 were counted from hospitals, after 1992 they counted the total population: I don’t see anything in the study that differentiates between the datasets per year.
    2. after 1992The Danish Government Changed the Definition of Autism: Shouldn’t this be a pretty big red flag that your initial assumptions are incorrect? This kind of proves that you cannot correlate the increase in autism rates with any increase in immunization.
    3. the Fake Researchers [deleted] the entire year of data 2001 for seven year old children from its final published report.: Again, I think we are reading different studies. The CDC “Danish Study” only looks at data from 1991 to 1999.
    in reply to: My Inner Thoughts On Vaccine Politics #1633199

    @apushatayid Can’t speak for the others, but it’s a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine to argue a position I know I’m right about.

    in reply to: A question about the Modern Orthodox #1633197

    @Takes2-2tango It’s a well known fact that Rav Moshe Heineman SHLITA enjoys fixing things and handiwork. He used to fix his own cars until he was told it’s pas nisht for a rov. I know people who have asked him shaylos on issues they had with their car.

    in reply to: A question about the Modern Orthodox #1633196

    Not to disparage Yidden. Modern Orthodox Yidden are even more diverse than the Yeshivishe chevra.

    That being said, there are definitely people who consider themselves Modox who believe in “Maddah U’Torah”, “Da’at Ba’al HaBus”, and “Da’at Yachid L’Heter”.


    As for the “Danish Study”, two seconds on Google found an article on the website “Science Based Medicine”, search for the title “The curious case of Poul Thorsen, fraud and embezzlement, and the Danish vaccine-autism studies”.

    Basically, Thorsen is a fraud. But he only worked on two studies and wasn’t even the primary researcher on either. The data from the studies is still valid and so is the data on dozens of other studies that show no link between immunization and autism.



    I did not lie. I did not say that there’s no way to analyze all the studies, nor did I refuse to answer your question.You told me to look for a site that claims 24 studies that link autism to immunization. As I am not a scientist, I cannot honestly tell you if those studies show what you claim. But I do know a little about science and can say that at least some of them do not come to the conclusions you claim they do. Good thing I also found a website of a real scientist that goes through each study individually and points out why the study was either invalid, or does not conclude what you claim.

    Furthermore, you are consistently refusing to acknowledge that thimerisol, a major aspect of many of your studies, is an methylethyl mercury compound and not the dangerous kind of ethylmercury. Can you address that?


    @kavod Habriot

    You are arguing from emotion, not logic. Take a step back and think for yourself. What science? What history? Have vaccines been an overall benefit or danger to society? What happened to polio? Smallpox? How many people over the age of 60 have permanent illnesses because of measles? How does measles, mumps, and rubella affect newborns? Chemo patients?

    in reply to: In a general sense, rate broad categories of devices based on performance. #1633045

    If you have a business or something that involves regularly printing on something other than paper, i.e. plastic or fabric, get a specialized printer for that because inkjets aren’t great at plastics either. If it’s not a regular thing, then just do your printing down at Kinkos/FedEx. The sub-$100 inkjet printers are a complete ripoff and there’s no reason to buy one over an more expensive laser.


    @RebYidd23 As opposed to printing on celery which inkjets excel at?

    It’s comparable in quality. But if you’re doing professional photos, you want a specialized photo printer, not a $50 HP so this comparison isn’t nogeya.



    I already responded to your post about “24 studies” with one of my own. None of those 24 studies do show a link between immunization and autism as you can see from searching for the phrase I posted or this one “About Those Research Papers Supporting the Vaccine/Autism Link”.

    The idea that there is research showing a link besides the Wakefield study is a sheker that comes from people unfamiliar with scientific studies attempting to comprehend a scientific study. One major example of this am ha’aratzus is the one I keep bringing up: claiming that thimerisol (methylethyl mercury) is damaging to the human body just because it shares words in common with ethylmercury.

    Other bits that showcase this lack of education are things like calling a cell-line “aborted baby fetus”, referring to preliminary studies showing possible correlation as evidence, and ignoring a lack of control groups.

    in reply to: In a general sense, rate broad categories of devices based on performance. #1632717

    You’re buying printers wrong. Ink jet printers are awful. The companies actually lose money selling the printers and make all the profit on ink. Therefore the printers are incredibly flimsy, waste ink like it’s water, and replacement ink costs more than a good esrog.

    Get a Brother or Canon laser printer. I did and never looked back. They are expensive (several hundred dollars) but they rarely run out of toner, print really fast, and work like a charm.



    You are doing what’s called a “Gish Gallop”. Posting dozens of pieces of evidence in order to overwhelm the person you are trying to debate because they will have to go through each one individually. I can respond in kind if you would just Google “124 (now 144) papers that DO NOT prove vaccines cause autism”.

    Just reading the titles of the articles I know that the conclusion you are attempting to draw is a false and misleading one. Several articles specifically talk about heavy metal ethylmercury which has never been present in vaccines, unlike methylethyl mercury which is harmless. It’s a lack of scientific knowledge that causes people to confuse and conflate the two.

    On another note, several articles are old and only show preliminary conclusions that essentially state “more data required”. More data has been gathered and newer studies were launched that showed the initial preliminary conclusions were incorrect due to a variety of factors.

    in reply to: The Anti-Vaxxers are Causing a Chillul Hashem #1632350

    I think at some point we will have to rethink how we approach the anti-medicine community. Obviously logic doesn’t work. Announcements and psak halacha from chachomim doesn’t work. Debate doesn’t work. Ridicule doesn’t work. Attacks don’t work. Having their children literally get sick and (C”V) potentially die doesn’t work.

    I’m all out of ideas, thoughts?

    in reply to: Welfare #1632347

    My question is why the frum oilom, which relies so heavily on welfare and other federal MOIFSIM (ืžืื“ื™ืงืืจ, ื•ื•ืœืคืืจ, ืคื•ื“ืกื˜ืžืค, ืกืงืฉื™ืŸ ืื›ื˜) programs are so overwhelmingly anti-Democrat which is the party that’s constantly pushing to increase these programs.

    in reply to: My Inner Thoughts On Vaccine Politics #1632017

    To add to my previous comment. The debate over vaccinations is no more a debate than the debate over flat Earth, whether the President is an alien, and government mind-control satellites. Not surprisingly, they are all discussed in the same forums.

    So if you want people to discuss “both sides” and continue to pretend that this is a debate, just know that you sound no different than the people that claimed the world will end in 2012.

    in reply to: My Inner Thoughts On Vaccine Politics #1632015

    Anti-vaxxers are under the mistaken impression that there is a vaccine “debate”. That there are two sides to the issue, “pro-vax” and “anti-vax”. That’s a fantasy concocted by the anti-vax crowd and is completely false. There’s no debate. There’s merely facts (which the majority of intelligent seicheldikeh people understand and abide by) and there’s scare tactics and lies pulled from weird looking websites with only some token out of context scientific data to back it up.

    in reply to: Games for Shabbos #1632016

    Kingdomino and its sequel/expansion Queendomino are excellent games.

    in reply to: Why Are Torah Observant Jews Overwhelmingly Republican/Conservative? #1630795

    @It is Time for Truth

    Can you stop with the big words and hidden meanings and just come out and say it? You vote Republican because they are opposed to gay marriage.

    Fine. But you know what? It’s happening whether we like it or not and there’s nothing we can do to stop it. So maybe we can stop pretending that Republicans have some sort of imaginary moral high-ground and look at actual issues that actually affect us as opposed to an inevitable change that has literally nothing to do with frum society.

    Do they realign the whole world to fit with their indiscretions,promote, and flaunt it ?!

    We are talking about Trump, yes? Because that describes Trump to a “T”. How many wives has he had so far? How did he pick them? What has he been accused of spending a lot of time, effort, and money covering up?

    in reply to: Why Are Torah Observant Jews Overwhelmingly Republican/Conservative? #1630667

    Because on the surface it seems as if Republican and conservative values align more with Torah values than Democratic and liberal ones.

    In reality, they are all apikorsim whose only values lie in tayva. Look at the Great and Might Trump, for example. Is this menuval really supposed to be the pinnacle of what a Jew should vote for just because he made some token gestures about Israel? Also I find it extremely ironic that those who benefit the most from liberal social programs like Medicare, FAFSA, Section 8, and WIC are the ones that vote overwhelmingly Republican.

    Democrats are bad. Republicans are bad. As a klal we need to start looking more objectively at politics and decide to support those that are slightly less damaging in their policies.

    in reply to: “Lehovin” has the highest respect for Rav Chaim Kanievski #1630659

    I do not believe Rav Chaim knows 100% what’s going on outside of his walls of Torah. All the information from the outside world is filtered and filtered again before it gets to him. He relies entirely on trusted advisors to explain to him situations. At times, those advisors have agendas that they push by selected what Rav Chaim hears. I don’t even believe he cares about political nuances other than those situations that may attack Torah lifestyles.

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