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  • in reply to: “Event 201” #1849971

    @rightwriter Correct. No laboratory, organization, or scientific person of any validity has claimed that COVID-19 originated in a lab. Can you please make a comment making it clear that you admit that any claimed evidence COVID-19 is man made is fake news?

    There’s nothing strange about pandemic warnings. Like stated by many people previously, there have been many pandemics over the years and we have been building up to this for a long time.

    in reply to: Contingency Plans for Extended School Closings #1848621

    I can’t speak for everyone, but I know that a Yeshiva I am affiliated with are dragging their feet. They claim that their refusal to do an organized online class is to accommodate those who don’t have Internet access. But they haven’t come up with an alternative and so far are acting like this will all blow over by the time Bein HaZmanim is over, which is really infuriating.

    in reply to: Moshiach is coming this year! #1847747

    Of course he is! We should always believe that Moshiach will come not next year, but this one! I don’t know why you said Rav Kanievsky spoke “unexpectedly” about Moshiach. He <i>always</i> speaks about Moshiach he’s one of the world’s biggest maimonim. He truly and honestly believes that Moshiach is coming any moment and regularly brings it up when asked about what the future would bring. We should all strive to have an outlook like Rav Chaim and believe that Moshiach is coming right now.

    in reply to: Hydroxychloroquine #1847746

    Two things:

    1. Dr. Zelenko tested on hundreds of patients with coronaviruslike symptoms. When he was stating those numbers, there were less than a few hundred positive cases in the whole US. He simply tried it out on everyone with flu-like or respiratory issues.
    2. France and China did small studies on it and found that it was no more effective than a placebo
    in reply to: Help! Husband OTD #1846217

    @yld I think his comment is relevant because people were suggesting leaving the house to go pray at a certain place.

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1843876

    @rightwriter So let me get this straight: You admit that you were wrong about almost everything. That no scientific authority claimed the virus was man made. That it makes sense for Bill Gates to have talked about it years ago. That everything played out like the Event 201 scenario was not a coincidence, but because it was a realistic scenario. That “coming out of China” does not mean it was man made, but that it originated from Chinese failure to contain it.

    And yet you’re hung up on tiny details, like minutae in what Trump said and vague questions about “biowarfare”. Hung up enough that you’re willing to just toss logic into the garbage?

    Do you know why it’s hard to believe it’s man made? Because not one expert claimed it was. Literally every virologist, epidemiologist, and biologist who is studying this state it’s a natural virus. So I’m not going to believe otherwise until there’s a significant evidence that has significant expert backing that it’s man made.

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1843721

    @rightwriter That was one Chinese official and other Chinese officials called him quote crazy unquote. And under these circumstances, Chinese officials are less than reliable. The Chinese government seriously messed up when dealing with this and a lot of people over there are trying to cover things up. They left the meat and seafood markets run unregulated despite them being the source of several outbreaks, then they pretended nothing was wrong and tried to silence any doctor who said otherwise. That is why Trump is so keen to blame them.

    There still hasn’t been one lab confirming that the virus is man made.

    Do you want to know how they “knew” of the next pandemic? Because it has happened several times before in the last few decades albeit on much smaller scales. With 20/20 hindsight it’s obvious that COVID-19 wasn’t a matter of if but when.

    in reply to: Garlic for Coronavirus #1843116

    I’m glad you felt better from taking garlic, but please don’t publish folk remedies at a time like this. People read things like this and take it far too seriously. There are stories of people who let their children suffer and nearly die from preventable illnesses because they stuck potatoes in their socks instead of taking them to the doctor.

    Please please please, if you or someone you know is feeling ill, call a doctor immediately and heed their advice.

    in reply to: Adding a 2nd Adar #1842210

    I’ve heard that this was a thing Israelis were pushing the Rabbinate to do, unaware that the Rabbinate isn’t Sanhedrin and can’t institute a second Adar.

    in reply to: Top 10 Jewish songs since 1980. #1841530

    Here’s a few you’re missing (in no particular order)

    • Acheinu by D’veykus
    • Yerushalayim Oro Shel Oilom by Avrohom Fried
    • Moshiach by MBD
    • Mama Rochel by Journeys ft. Yakov Shwekey
    • BiSiyata DiShmaya by Miami Boys Choir
    • A Little Bird is Flying by Tzlil V’zemer Boys Choir
    • Yedid Nefesh by Aish
    • Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh by someone (I have a tape with Amudei Shais singing, but I’ve heard it’s not theirs originally)
    • Cholent by Country Yossie and the Shtiebel Hoppers
    • Ivri Anochi by Benny Friedman
    in reply to: “Event 201” #1841528

    Narischkeit, all of it. Fake news mostly spread by Chinese and Russian propaganda mills on social media. Not one laboratory has stated that they believe the virus to be man made. Bill Gates has been talking for decades about pandemics and how the world is unprepared. @rightwriter notably left out some of the more anti-Semitic aspects of this particular brand of narisch, generally revolving around the Kushner family being the sole producers of the vaccine, or Israeli labs creating the virus.

    in reply to: Coronavirus versus the Seasonal Flu #1841527

    I think for illogical anti-Torah people like @Joseph and @akuperma there’s no point in arguing. I wish you both (and everyone else here) good mazel and good health and may Hashem watch over all of us. But in a few weeks time, US hospitals will begin to look like Italy with overloaded ERs and not enough staff nor equipment to deal with the regular load plus all the respiratory problems. May Hashem keep us all safe and give those who put us in danger the understanding to do what’s right.

    in reply to: Coronavirus: Why would Hashem…? #1841373

    I’m interested in @akuperma’s take on all doctors and medicine. Presumably s/he was one of those that posted on the monster thread last year talking about the horrors of vaccination?

    Anyway, I’m not going to argue his/her points because debate just validates both sides and there’s no validity to saying that COVID-19 is “just the common flu”. Unfortunately we haven’t even hit the 1/4 mark, things will probably get much worse like they did in Italy. ER’s are already taxed to their limits, perhaps when life-threatening illnesses are being ignored in hospitals because there are too many dead and dying people, all of you hateful anti-Torah types will finally wake up.

    in reply to: Purim music…? #1837344

    If you want to exclude any album that has goyish tunes or is influenced by goyish tunes, you won’t find any Purim music at all.

    Even this very Yeshivish amateur CD someone gave me that they found in a random discount bin in Yerushalayim had issues. I recognized “Final Countdown”, “Pick a Bale of Cotton”, and “Seven Nation Army”, all very goyishe songs.

    in reply to: New Fabulous Wedding Hall in Baltimore #1833676

    What is the “Owings Mills Synagogue”? Owings Mills is a town in Baltimore County miles from the main frum community. There used to be an Aish shul there, and I think there’s a Chabad maybe. But it’s not the first place I would pick to build a wedding hall, and I can’t find any information on the existence of a shul calling itself “Owings Mills Synagogue”.

    in reply to: What programming language is better to start learning? #1831304

    Programming languages are tools. Asking what’s the best to learn is like asking a carpenter whether you should level up your hammering or sawing skills.

    Python is huuuuuuge these days. Especially data processing and machine learning with the pandas and Tensor Flow libraries.

    Javascript is used in nearly every single webpage in existence and very popular.

    But my personal opinion is to go with C then C++. They are far more complicated and not used as much as they used to, but learning them teaches fundamentals of programming that you wouldn’t get from most other languages. Once you have C++ down, learning a new language should be a cinch.

    in reply to: Vaccinate for the Flu #1831305

    @Gadolhador The problem is that the intelligent people know to vaccinate, and the people who don’t are too unintelligent to be swayed by logic, as evidenced by the 10 bazillion comment long thread on here about 6 months ago.

    in reply to: What programming language is better to start learning? #1831306

    @Burnt Steak Ruby on Rails for computer animation? Huh? RoR is an MVC web app framework. Animation would be something like Unity or Maya.

    in reply to: Kosher games for computer #1830768

    @5ish Some people may not like games with major league sports as it encourages following teams which is also not something many people may like.

    I can’t imagine how reading something like “Urist McDorf latches on firmly to the goblin’s right middle finger with his teeth! It goes flying off!” would be unkosher.


    I love the irony about how frum communities are so aggressively socialist on the state level, but turn into rabid capitalists once things go national.

    in reply to: Kosher games for computer #1830465

    One GTA game (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas) was so treif that when someone found deleted content on the disk, it pushed Hilary Clinton to tighten restraints on selling games to children.

    In no particular order, here are some “kosher” games that I play and allow my children to play. They are all technically bad for the Jews as they lead to bitul Torah.

    • NetHack
    • Dwarf Fortress
    • All the major Mario games, from Super Mario Bros. to Super Mario Odyssey
    • Portal and Portal 2 (some kol isha at the end)
    • Harvest Moon 64
    • Lemmings
    • Super Hexagon
    • Minecraft (offline of course)
    • Space Chem
    • TIS-100
    • Snake
    • Overcooked (especially fun with friends)
    • Snake Pass
    • Humongous Entertainment games, especially the Putt Putt, Freddie Fish, and Pajama Sam series’s
    • Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal (or just about any tower defense game)
    • Hexcells
    • Braid
    • Crayon Physics Deluxe
    • SpaceCom
    • Osmos
    • Any game in the Civilization series
    • SimCity
    • Cities: Skylines
    • Anno 1492 AKA Dawn of Discovery
    • Ticket to Ride
    • Thomas was Alone
    • World of Goo
    • A Mind Forever Voyaging

    You should note that I consciously did not include the excellent point-and-click adventure game The Shivah on this list. Because, despite the only game I can think of (Crusader Kings II doesn’t count) that has a frum person as the protagonist, it has a bit of violence and some bad language in it that may be to unkosher for a nice Jewish household.

    in reply to: Why do you support trump #1830460


    I applaud the government pushing for getting rid of incandescents. For one, it gave us the Shabbos Lamp. Two, I find LEDs so much better and surprisingly cheaper since they don’t need to be changed every other month.

    in reply to: Non-Jewish books #1812367

    @knaidlach. I have yet to find a good Jewish book about the pros and cons of AI in today’s world. Or one explaining Eulers Identity for a non-math person. Or even a decent book about the Theories of Relativity and quantum physics.

    Edited. I don’t find it appropriate to normalize the rationalization process used to justify exposing yourself to stuff that’s not acceptable.

    in reply to: Does all Chabad agree with him??? #1807583

    Oy gevant here we go again.gif

    in reply to: Colonoscopy prep #1796070

    Make sure your affairs are in order so that you can spend the day on a couch very close to a bathroom without being disturbed. Get a good book or something else to take your mind off of stuff. And don’t sweat it! It’s not that big of a deal, just really gross.

    in reply to: Out of Town – Chassidish community options? #1796080

    How Chassidish are you?

    Are you OK with a Nusach Sefard shul where the Rov wears a streimel, throws apples on Shmini Atzeres, and speaks Yiddish but there are perhaps only two or three bekishes in the whole shul? Or do you need a full-on Rebbe with Chassidim following every word, cheder, Yeshiva, girls school, zilber schtock, and tisches and all that?

    Since we’re discussing Baltimore, there are several shuls that fit the first description. The second description is something you don’t really find outside of NY/NJ with the exception of Tosh in Motreal. Even Baltimore has a “Chassidishe Kollel” but there’s no Rebbe and it’s socially isolated from the rest of the frum community.

    in reply to: The zoo needs to change its attitude about tigers (T) #1795075

    @maskildoresh Isn’t Blake’s poem generally written with the archaic spelling “Tyger”?

    in reply to: Chabad hate on YWN? #1793534

    @Gadolhadorah We would say OK, that’s nice. What does the location of Moshiach’s HQ matter?

    GEVALDIG I can’t address every point you made, and a lot of them have been addressed in previous comments, but I’ll pick a few low hanging fruit to focus on.

    In Halocho, Rishonim and Achronim there were many opposing opinions and each had different Pisukim to add credence to their claim.

    Pisukim to add credence to their claim. The “extremists” (who are much more mainstream Chabad than you make them out to be) do not. They have Sichos and Likutim from Rav Schneerson ZT”L which are not only possible inaccurately recorded, but are often vague and out of context. Which brings me to the next point “from the point of view that they are heretics”. Yes. If they believe in something that goes directly against the Torah and meforshim with the only basis being a line on a 20th century sefer written by some random Chabadsker claiming to quote his Rebbe ZT”L, that is heresy.

    As for taking advantage of all the good Chabad does in the world, I do not see a stirah. As a frum Jew, I assume every Chabadsker is a frum Jew unless I have good reason to believe otherwise. So until I see a picture of Rav Schneerson ZT”L on the Aron Kodesh (Ch”VSh) I will assume that the Chabad house is a regular frum shul, hechsher, sukkah, whatever.

    And no one is denying the gadlus of the previous Rebbe ZT”L. He was a gadol b’Torah, that is certain. It’s certain things he may or may not have said, along with the actions of his followers, that people take into question.

    in reply to: Help with iPhone not working #1793531

    Apple is notorious for refusing to repair anything older than the latest model product. She has no recourse. They will push you to spend hundreds on a new iPhone or Mac Book, even if it’s only a minor fix. Since it’s not under warranty, there are computer and cell phone repair shops not licensed by Apple that should be able to help. If you’re in NYC, there’s a well known repair shop near Greenwich Village called The Rossman Group that fix iPhones and other Apple products.

    in reply to: Where were you? #1793526

    Middle of second seder in my Israeli yeshiva in Yerushalayim. My chavrusa got up for a minute, came back and told me. I thought he was joking so I insisted we keep on learning/batteling until another American walked by that I was sure knew. Reports were really erratic at first, which made things scarier. No one knew how many planes there were, what was hit, whether any were shot down. After seder the whole Yeshiva was made up of groups of guys huddled together talking in nervous whispers. I heard one English speaking Israeli repeat to his friends what he heard on the radio and ended his sentence in English, “both of the towers fell”.

    I had took out my phone and for about 2 hours straight was just redialing my parents number until I got through and heard that Baruch Hashem they didn’t hear any bad news about anyone we knew or cared about. Later we learned that one relative who worked near Ground Zero was missing for about eight hours because he had to walk from Manhattan back home to New Jersey and couldn’t find a phone (cell phone service in NYC was suspended that day, and pay phones had hour long lines).

    in reply to: Younger siblings waiting for older to get engaged #1784570

    I don’t think it’s always the best idea.

    There was a famous maaseh that happened in the times of the Rishonim. The younger sister was old enough to be married, but her older sister was an awful person (I think the term “shiksa” is actually used) that no one wanted to marry. A bachur was interested in the younger sister, so he pays off a nobody to marry her with the assumption that the marriage won’t last. B’kitzur, a lot of bad things happened, but the older girl managed to be happy with her husband and famously said ” In token of which duty, if he please, My hand is ready, may it do him ease.”

    in reply to: Trump bumper stickers in Hebrew. #1778149

    Personally, I think it should be טראמפ.

    in reply to: Over saturated professions in the Frum community. #1771329

    Meishiv for second seder is a hugely saturated position. The Rosh Yeshiva only has so many son-in-laws.


    @ubiquitin the problem with “8÷2(2+2) =” is the inconsistent notation. In general when you use x(y) to multiply, you will use a bar to divide, “8/2(2+2)” which makes it a lot clearer that “2(2+2)” is the denominator and “8” is the numerator.

    in reply to: Chabad hate on YWN? #1760908

    Would “Tinokos SheNishbu” be a better description? How about referring to those people in the same way we would refer to Reform, Conservative, Open Orthodox, and other non-frum religious Jews?

    in reply to: See It For Yourself #1760906

    @Whatsaktome That’s not a shitta held of by a single authority outside of modern Chabad.

    in reply to: Jewish music with english words=Goyish. #1760001

    @Yussel You are enferring that it was ever different? Sturgeon’s Law. Out of the gazillion Jewish songs that come out every month, a small handful are really good. Those will end up living on, being sung at kumzitzes and chasunas for generations. The rest will be forgotten.

    in reply to: The Importance of Having Short Hair #1756050

    Rav Chaim SHLITA has a lot of chumras based on numerous acharonim about how Yidden should dress, talk, walk, and style. Most people don’t follow even a quarter of them. One example is that there is an acharon who refers to watches as beged isha. My father was once by Rav Chaim and his gabbai Rav Amar came into the room wearing a watch. Rav Chaim motioned to him, and he smiled and put it into his pocket. Take from that story what you will.

    in reply to: Getting over Android Game addiction #1753954

    Define “Addicted”. There are some games which encourage spending and make most of their money off of “whales” which are gambling addicts that spend 10k+ every month on a game. There are other games which are just really fun and distracting so you find yourself pulling out your phone every few hours for another go round.

    Where do you fall on that scale?

    in reply to: MUSIC BY YIDDEN #1753136

    It’s a divided issue among poskim. Aderet music used to put this really bizarre “contract” in their CD cases that basically states “This is not your CD, this CD and all of its contents belong to Aderet and you are a renter. If you copy anything from the CD the rental agreement is annulled and the CD must be returned”.

    Nowadays, the music industry has learned to live and cope with piracy. There may be nothing technically wrong with pirated music, halachically (again, big machlokes poskim) speaking. So they make their music readily available and easy to get to for anyone who has the Internet and a credit card.

    in reply to: Is Harry Potter kosher #1753062

    @Defend Chabad if you have to refer to AMI Magazine for literally anything other than “This is what it says in AMI Magazine” you’ve already lost whatever argument you’re trying to hold.

    in reply to: Is Star Wars Kosher? #1753057

    @Yeshivishrockstar if LEGO Star Wars is a problem, I will have a lot of angry children and nephews on my hands. None of them have watched or read anything Star Wars related, but they can tell you with absolute certainty how many minifigures come with the Death Star and how many radar dishes are on the Millennium Falcon.

    in reply to: See It For Yourself #1752944

    The question of whether Rav Schneerson ZT”L ever declared himself to be Moshiach, is more a criticism on the Lubavitcher Rebbe himself as opposed to his followers.

    He’s not Moshiach. He won’t be Moshiach. He never was Moshiach. Those are inarguable facts that every frum Yid should know. If you claim otherwise, you aren’t a frum Yid. If he claimed otherwise, then perhaps he isn’t the Gadol we thought he was. Baruch Hashem, even from this video I fail to see how he every claimed to be Moshiach.

    in reply to: No mechitza? #1750672

    The correct answer, that Yiddisheit is not about personal emotional feelings, would not be the right thing to say. So nodding along and saying something noncommittal like you did is the only response.

    in reply to: Star-K Article about Electric Shavers #1750528

    What’s your point @Miramson? That all us electric shaver people are doing aveiros? Are you trying to give everyone mussar because you hold of a different posek?

    in reply to: Jonathan Pollard #1750527

    @🍫Syag Lchochma Not at all. I’ve been reading about him for years in the frum media, and not one article makes a defense for the things I mentioned. The failure to print the full story is on the frum oilom.

    Pidyan Shavuyin, according to most poskim, only applies in cases where the subject is arrested because of anti-Semitism or his/her life is in danger. Pollard directly violated the law and he was never in danger, just uncomfortable.

    in reply to: Star-K Article about Electric Shavers #1750525

    @justme22 I see we went to the same yeshiva at the same time 🙂 I recall both of those speeches fairly well.

    in reply to: CAN YOU DO A RUBIK'S CUBE??? #1750089

    Took me months of off and on memorization from the official Rubiks Cube website. Now I can do it in about 5 minutes. It’s pretty difficult and requires a lot of pattern memorizing.

    in reply to: Jonathan Pollard #1750028

    Such a chillul Hashem. If all he did was give secrets to Israel, I would have been OK with it. But he sold the secrets, gave his then-wife other secrets to get an advantage in business, tried to sell them to Pakistan, and then went on Wolf Blitzer in direct violation of his parole. I honestly don’t understand why the frum oilom has such a thing for defending him.

    in reply to: Returning To The Derech #1750023

    I don’t think there are any hard and fast statistics. And it’s kind of a grey area. What constitutes going OTD and what would constitute getting back on?

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