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  • in reply to: Frum Running For Congress as a Dem #1868418

    I am always surprised at how little frum people know about abortion in halacha and haskafa. Everyone kind of gravitates towards the right-wing Xtian approach of widespread banning and arresting people for murder. If there’s one thing I don’t like about Ben Shapiro and his media network, it’s their unwavering dogmatic positions on abortion.

    In reality, it’s actually a very complex issue and not as clear-cut as the media likes to portray it. I’m certainly not qualified to speak on it, but I suggest you read up on some teshuvos and speak to your Rov. Rav Moshe Feinstein ZT”L, for one, stated that it’s similar to murder, but we should not oppose government efforts to legalize it because it needs to be available for women that truly need it.

    For context, last year, there were two extreme abortion measures up for review, one in New York and one in Alabama. Both got a ton of press. The NY law referred to it as a choice and would have allowed women to choose even during labor. The AL law referred to it as murder and it would be considered a crime even when the fetus was little more than a bundle of cells. The Agudah protested both and used almost identical language in each.

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1859702

    @rightwriter It’s really not that much. You have persisted in refusing to acknowledge every refutation everyone has on your original few comments. Namely regarding how it’s not such a coincidence that experts on pandemics are able to estimate that pandemics happen and how and where and when.

    Now you’re stuck grasping at straws. Gates laughing is “proof” of nothing more than the fact that Bill Gates once laughed.

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1859555

    @ubiquitin I think this is one of the threads where our “Ignore @Joseph” rule should go into effect.

    What you are doing right now is what is called in debate and philosophy as “Moving the Goalposts”. You were backed up against a wall with your claims about Bill Gates when myself and many other posters repeatedly addressed and debunked. So you ignore the debunking, pretend it never happened, and move on to discussing Plandemic.

    Take three to ten steps back and address our comments about how predictions about pandemics are nothing new, and how epidemiologists have been warning us about this for decades because it was likely to happen and did. Then you can move on to another topic.


    How… just how are you people writing this dreck? Do you not remember what things were like over Pesach when every day we were hearing about another friend or relative who died or was severely hospitalized because of COVID-19? And not only elderly either! Is that what you want to go back to? There’s no sensationalizing necessary, we all saw with our own two eyes and ears the dangers of not isolating! Sure most young people don’t die from it, but guess what? The more young people that have it, the more likely an older person will catch it! What are caretakers supposed to do? What about all the thousands of elderly who cannot care for themselves?

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1859340

    This is stupid. This thread is full of people of average intelligence who recognize the danger of COVID-19 fighting with people who wouldn’t change their opinion if the Riboino Shel Oilom literally told them otherwise that are currently creating a danger for all of us trying to stay healthy. Just drop it and ignore the tinfoil hat trolls.

    in reply to: L’toeles Harabim: Google Voice #1859335

    My daughter’s Bais Yaakov had to have a whole thing about Google Voice and T-Mobile because they charged for the “free” teleconferencing service. Yeshivos should just take the money they are saving on building maintenance and pay for a decent phone system.

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1858872

    @rightwriter I’m still not sure why you haven’t responded to the myriad of comments addressing your claims that Gates and Fauci had some knowledge of COVID-19 before it happened.

    To address your comment, China messed up. They do things like this all the time, there’s a danger in China, they pretend that the danger isn’t a big deal, people speak out against Beijing for minimizing the danger, those people disappear. Only in this case the danger ended up being towards the whole world and they were not able to cover up in time. Journalists and doctors were killed or jailed, but the virus was so disastrous that people heard anyway. Had they not covered it up, people would have known immediately that China made a Big Mistake. Instead, it took a couple of weeks.

    Almost all these viruses come out of China over the years whether lab created or not, and they never reacted in the manner that they have with this one which indicates something.

    What does it indicate exactly? You’re not a medical professional, virologist, or epidemiologist and neither am I. So neither of us can say what it indicates, we can only report what the experts are saying. And right now the experts are saying it’s a natural virus.

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1858841

    @rightwriter Sorry if my writing isn’t the best. Can you point out what parts you’re having trouble understanding? I tried to be clear, but you know (shrug) Yeshivish is my first language.

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1858639


    Now all you’re saying is “I have no evidence that my theory is correct, but I will still stand by it because, uh, because!” Not only are you quietly agreeing with me, but you’re also stating that you are admittedly wrong but will still continue to be wrong.

    Im not understanding your moshul since noone is denying/disputing the cause of illness (for the most part).

    The moshol is in regards to the virus’s origin. Why bother looking into artificial origins when the region of COVID-19’s origin is ripe with virus carrying exotic animals that are hunted in unsafe fashions which caused several previous pandemics of very similar diseases?

    And again “bioweapon conspiracy”, not such a conspiracy since countries do work on bioweapons .

    (This is something that was actually written online on an anti-Semitic website) Israeli works on nuclear weapons. Therefore the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi Disaster was because Israel nuked it. That’s the same logic you are using. There’s no causation. Heck, there isn’t even correlation.

    more likely it slipped out of a lab or was injected into animals and then sold to markets.

    See, here you go again. “More likely”. You are sounding very much like you’ve convinced yourself of a specific narrative and are spinning a yarn based on the assumption that your narrative is true. The more likely scenario is that exotic animals were handled in an unsafe manner causing the virus to jump to humans. You know, like what happened multiple times before on smaller scales.

    Im not asking anyone to take my opinions without evidence.

    You aren’t actually stating opinions. “China is a bad country” that’s an opinion, “China created coronavirus” that’s a fact. A fact without evidence, hence it’s just a waste of electrons.

    it likely is based on the nature of this virus and China’s attempts at hiding it from the world and misleading everyone with intentional misinformation.

    China dropped the ball on handling the initial outbreak. They tried to cover it up and are covering up their incompetence. Hanlon’s Razor: Never attribute to malice what could be attributed to incompetence.

    You are all forgetting the original header here, “Event 201”, led by Bill Gates and crew who have been speaking for years about depopulation, depopulation through vaccines, prepared this event 1month before it broke out in China

    We aren’t forgetting it, @ubiquitin has been mentioning it on every thread. The Gates Foundation has been working with diseases, pandemics, parasites, vaccinations, and malnutrition for decades. They hold events like this all the time. The “coincidence” is just research. The most likely vector for a pandemic was from China so they focused study on that.

    Fauci’s warning in 2017 about a pandemic in Trump’s term

    This has been addressed multiple times already. Pandemics happen every couple of years. The NIH warning about a pandemic is just doing their job. GW Bush has been talking about it for even longer.

    Judging by your dogwhistles (hatred against Fauci and Birx, neutral attitude towards Trump) you have an ultra-right wing agenda (which, you should know, is based on stuff written and publicized by actual Nazis. Seriously, trace back some of your sources, guaranteed it won’t take long before some discuss “the Jews” or Israel) and aren’t willing to even consider that you may be unknowingly peddling false information by various internet provocateurs.

    in reply to: Lack of kovid hatorah. #1858633

    @commonsaychel I know the guy who has the original letter. It says what it says. The main thrust to the relevance of this thread is that Rav Moshe ZT”L was uncomfortable paskening on brain death and so he openly and extensively relied on his son-in-law for the psak. Rav Tendler, Rav Dovid, and Rav Reuven compiled the teshuva and that’s how they wrote it.

    So Da’as Torah isn’t infallible and often has to rely on da’as of something else.

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1858248

    @rightwriter Now you’re just trolling. You’re asking everyone to take your opinions on faith without evidence. The things you mention aren’t even coincidences, you’re just cherry picking facts that fit your narrative while ignoring everything else.

    I heard a good moshul about the COVID-19 bioweapon conspiracy: If you find a dead body in a car that had crashed into a pole, would you check to see if they died of a lightning strike? In other words, there’s a very solid very reasonable origin theory for COVID-19 that virtually every scientist accepts. Why invent conspiracies that contradict it?

    in reply to: Chinese Lab Origination of Wuhan Coronavirus #1857390

    Another use and I came up with idea a few weeks ago to combat a major issue on CR. There are liars and trolls here and in the midst of the pandemic, they cannot be allowed to have their dangerous poisonous tongues roll free. So I propose we put into action what was done on the other thread:

    Ignore @Joseph

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1857385

    @rightwriter : Funny, you call yourself “not a conspiracy theorist” and your post has the air of someone “just asking questions” but as soon as someone points out factual errors in your comments, you double down on these beliefs that you claim you’re unsure about.

    Pompeo claimed he had “enormous evidence” which he failed to provide. He very quickly backtracked and repeated that US intelligence has no evidence it was man made. So yes, I stand by my statement. Why aren’t you willing to repeat the line I gave you? Just one comment, saying this: “At the time I wrote my original comment, not one lab nor organization of note has found evidence that COVID-19 is man made”. It would be a good baseline to continue this discussion. If you cannot concede that point, we will have no choice but to conclude that you are merely trolling and not interested in anything that disagrees with your per-concieved notions based on utter narischkeit.

    in reply to: Vishnitz philosophy #1854009

    That’s an oddly specific topic to be handed. I don’t think any flavor of Vizhnitz (Monsey, Bnei Berak, Seret, Montreal, Monsey d’Bnei Berak, Bnei Berak d’Monsey, etc) has a particular philosophy that differs in any significant way that any other major chassidus, like Satmar or Belz. Some of the Rebbes have written seforim, but nothing nearly as influential like Divrei Yoel among Satmar or Tzemach Tzedek in Lubavitch. Were you given any guidance on this?

    in reply to: Coronavirus davening at home #1853900

    My wife certainly prefers it!

    in reply to: Lack of kovid hatorah. #1853899

    @ubiquitin Baruch Hashem! A little stressed dealing with my kids being home 24/7 along with all my every day narischkeit.

    That was my fault. I brought up Rav Moshe’s famous teshuva on brain death to show that even a gadol like Rav Moshe Feinstein ZT”L can say “I don’t know enough about this scientific matter, I’ll allow an expert to decide”.

    in reply to: Lack of kovid hatorah. #1853033

    So @ubiquitin, since we are literally the only two people commenting on this thread, how are things by you?

    in reply to: Lack of kovid hatorah. #1852984

    @Joseph Eh. Once @ubiquitin wasn’t on board I figgered there’s little point. Also I don’t have all the free time that you do, so it’s hard to keep up with your sheer volume of comments.

    According to the mods this alleged letter was never submitted. Since the way you are describing it contradicts with a different very well known and publicized letter, I have my doubts that it says what you think it says.

    I didn’t outright make them up, I just couldn’t find one or two of the original threads so I based the titles off of memory. My point has been made, “just asking questions” isn’t a valid defense, and yet you still don’t respond. Why not?

    in reply to: Lack of kovid hatorah. #1852944

    The problem with “Just asking question” illustrated with examples
    from actual social media threads I found online (and one or two I made up based on stuff I’ve heard)

    • Does anyone else think the Holocaust was an inside job?
    • Why do we still follow the rulings of chauvinist Rabbis who knew nothing about women’s anatomy?
    • How do Orthodox Jews make a living if they don’t work?
    • Was the Holocaust and other anti semantic events bloated to create pity?
    • Do Jews dominate in American media?
    • Why is there one historical event that can get you jail time if you question its authenticity?
    • Why does the Talmud say that non Jews are cattle?
    • Why are Orthodox Jewish women so oppressed?
    • Where did the mystical number 6 million come from?
    • Is Coronavirus any worse than the seasonal flu?

    As an aside, no one has yet to produce this fantastical psak by Rav Moshe Feinstein via Rav Moshe Sherer. I would assume it would be more well known as it directly contradicts Rav Moshe’s famous letter to a doctor (אגרות משה חלק ט) that his children published where he clearly states that he doesn’t have the expertise but his son-in-law does.

    in reply to: Distance Learning for Many children – AND ONLY ONE DEVICE! #1852787

    @MRS PLONY TAG in Far Rockaway had phones and tablets donated to families who need extra devices. If your schools didn’t say anything about it, they probably don’t offer it. I would suggest what I said before, just grab one off of a shelf in Rite-Aid or something. You can have it in your hands immediately, there’s no contract to sign, and it’s rather cheap.

    Also, please don’t listen to @Joseph. He gets his jollies from lying to people in YWN Coffee Room so I wouldn’t trust anything he has to say.

    in reply to: Distance Learning for Many children – AND ONLY ONE DEVICE! #1852570

    I can’t speak for everyone, but we are personally finding it frustrating with even three devices. Speaking to the school and teachers is pointless, as the schools are struggling too and are having a lot of difficulty adapting to the new situation.

    Although kosher phones are important blah blah blah, they are also rather overpriced and may be out of range for many people (except in Israel where they are dirt cheap). If a kosher phone isn’t an option because of cost, drugstores and supermarkets sell really cheap phones with just voice and text and a pay-as-you-go plan that usually end up costing bupkis, certainly less than you would otherwise spend on a kosher phone.

    in reply to: Lack of kovid hatorah. #1852555

    Can we have a vote to simply stop listening to @Joseph and responding to his trolling? People like him live for things like this, to get a whole message board into an uproar by lying, asking leading questions, playing word games, and touting fake news. Let’s just make a community decision to ignore him from now on.

    in reply to: Lack of kovid hatorah. #1852556

    @commonsaychel My mistake! He’s often referred to as “Rabbi Doctor” and Rav Moshe ZT”L deferred to him on this shayloh, so I always assumed he was an MD.

    in reply to: Lack of kovid hatorah. #1851995

    @Joseph: You also said that COVID-19 is “just the flu” and nothing to worry about and quite a few other (extremely dangerous) falsehoods. So excuse me if I don’t believe your current trolling is any more correct than anything else that spewed from the gifts Hashem gave you.

    in reply to: MALARIA DRUG – RIDICULOUS STUDY #1851918

    Yesterday, April 21st 2020, marks the day when the conversation on the malaria drug peters out. There have already been several studies showing that it’s no more effective than a placebo. Fox News and other conservative media have started mentioning its ineffectiveness and stopped touting it as a cure-all. I’m willing to bet that Trump will no longer mention it unprompted.

    in reply to: Lack of kovid hatorah. #1851906

    If anyone thinks that a medical opinion from a Talmid Chacham with no training is considered Da’as Torah, I suggest you read the infamous letter from Rav Moshe Feinstein ZT”L regarding brain death. He starts of with stating that he is not a doctor and cannot comment on it so he defers to his MD son-in-laws opinion.

    in reply to: Lack of kovid hatorah. #1851037

    That’s a silly way of looking at things.

    This is like last year when a group of Rabbonim incorrectly stated in public that measles wasn’t a danger and schools must allow unvaccinated children in. A large group of doctors respectfully corrected their mistakes in order to reverse that machla. They weren’t disparaging da’as Torah nor being mevatel kavod haTorah then and this doctor isn’t doing it now.

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1849971

    @rightwriter Correct. No laboratory, organization, or scientific person of any validity has claimed that COVID-19 originated in a lab. Can you please make a comment making it clear that you admit that any claimed evidence COVID-19 is man made is fake news?

    There’s nothing strange about pandemic warnings. Like stated by many people previously, there have been many pandemics over the years and we have been building up to this for a long time.

    in reply to: Contingency Plans for Extended School Closings #1848621

    I can’t speak for everyone, but I know that a Yeshiva I am affiliated with are dragging their feet. They claim that their refusal to do an organized online class is to accommodate those who don’t have Internet access. But they haven’t come up with an alternative and so far are acting like this will all blow over by the time Bein HaZmanim is over, which is really infuriating.

    in reply to: Moshiach is coming this year! #1847747

    Of course he is! We should always believe that Moshiach will come not next year, but this one! I don’t know why you said Rav Kanievsky spoke “unexpectedly” about Moshiach. He <i>always</i> speaks about Moshiach he’s one of the world’s biggest maimonim. He truly and honestly believes that Moshiach is coming any moment and regularly brings it up when asked about what the future would bring. We should all strive to have an outlook like Rav Chaim and believe that Moshiach is coming right now.

    in reply to: Hydroxychloroquine #1847746

    Two things:

    1. Dr. Zelenko tested on hundreds of patients with coronaviruslike symptoms. When he was stating those numbers, there were less than a few hundred positive cases in the whole US. He simply tried it out on everyone with flu-like or respiratory issues.
    2. France and China did small studies on it and found that it was no more effective than a placebo
    in reply to: Help! Husband OTD #1846217

    @yld I think his comment is relevant because people were suggesting leaving the house to go pray at a certain place.

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1843876

    @rightwriter So let me get this straight: You admit that you were wrong about almost everything. That no scientific authority claimed the virus was man made. That it makes sense for Bill Gates to have talked about it years ago. That everything played out like the Event 201 scenario was not a coincidence, but because it was a realistic scenario. That “coming out of China” does not mean it was man made, but that it originated from Chinese failure to contain it.

    And yet you’re hung up on tiny details, like minutae in what Trump said and vague questions about “biowarfare”. Hung up enough that you’re willing to just toss logic into the garbage?

    Do you know why it’s hard to believe it’s man made? Because not one expert claimed it was. Literally every virologist, epidemiologist, and biologist who is studying this state it’s a natural virus. So I’m not going to believe otherwise until there’s a significant evidence that has significant expert backing that it’s man made.

    in reply to: “Event 201” #1843721

    @rightwriter That was one Chinese official and other Chinese officials called him quote crazy unquote. And under these circumstances, Chinese officials are less than reliable. The Chinese government seriously messed up when dealing with this and a lot of people over there are trying to cover things up. They left the meat and seafood markets run unregulated despite them being the source of several outbreaks, then they pretended nothing was wrong and tried to silence any doctor who said otherwise. That is why Trump is so keen to blame them.

    There still hasn’t been one lab confirming that the virus is man made.

    Do you want to know how they “knew” of the next pandemic? Because it has happened several times before in the last few decades albeit on much smaller scales. With 20/20 hindsight it’s obvious that COVID-19 wasn’t a matter of if but when.

    in reply to: Garlic for Coronavirus #1843116

    I’m glad you felt better from taking garlic, but please don’t publish folk remedies at a time like this. People read things like this and take it far too seriously. There are stories of people who let their children suffer and nearly die from preventable illnesses because they stuck potatoes in their socks instead of taking them to the doctor.

    Please please please, if you or someone you know is feeling ill, call a doctor immediately and heed their advice.

    in reply to: Adding a 2nd Adar #1842210

    I’ve heard that this was a thing Israelis were pushing the Rabbinate to do, unaware that the Rabbinate isn’t Sanhedrin and can’t institute a second Adar.

    in reply to: Top 10 Jewish songs since 1980. #1841530

    Here’s a few you’re missing (in no particular order)

    • Acheinu by D’veykus
    • Yerushalayim Oro Shel Oilom by Avrohom Fried
    • Moshiach by MBD
    • Mama Rochel by Journeys ft. Yakov Shwekey
    • BiSiyata DiShmaya by Miami Boys Choir
    • A Little Bird is Flying by Tzlil V’zemer Boys Choir
    • Yedid Nefesh by Aish
    • Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh by someone (I have a tape with Amudei Shais singing, but I’ve heard it’s not theirs originally)
    • Cholent by Country Yossie and the Shtiebel Hoppers
    • Ivri Anochi by Benny Friedman
    in reply to: “Event 201” #1841528

    Narischkeit, all of it. Fake news mostly spread by Chinese and Russian propaganda mills on social media. Not one laboratory has stated that they believe the virus to be man made. Bill Gates has been talking for decades about pandemics and how the world is unprepared. @rightwriter notably left out some of the more anti-Semitic aspects of this particular brand of narisch, generally revolving around the Kushner family being the sole producers of the vaccine, or Israeli labs creating the virus.

    in reply to: Coronavirus versus the Seasonal Flu #1841527

    I think for illogical anti-Torah people like @Joseph and @akuperma there’s no point in arguing. I wish you both (and everyone else here) good mazel and good health and may Hashem watch over all of us. But in a few weeks time, US hospitals will begin to look like Italy with overloaded ERs and not enough staff nor equipment to deal with the regular load plus all the respiratory problems. May Hashem keep us all safe and give those who put us in danger the understanding to do what’s right.

    in reply to: Coronavirus: Why would Hashem…? #1841373

    I’m interested in @akuperma’s take on all doctors and medicine. Presumably s/he was one of those that posted on the monster thread last year talking about the horrors of vaccination?

    Anyway, I’m not going to argue his/her points because debate just validates both sides and there’s no validity to saying that COVID-19 is “just the common flu”. Unfortunately we haven’t even hit the 1/4 mark, things will probably get much worse like they did in Italy. ER’s are already taxed to their limits, perhaps when life-threatening illnesses are being ignored in hospitals because there are too many dead and dying people, all of you hateful anti-Torah types will finally wake up.

    in reply to: Purim music…? #1837344

    If you want to exclude any album that has goyish tunes or is influenced by goyish tunes, you won’t find any Purim music at all.

    Even this very Yeshivish amateur CD someone gave me that they found in a random discount bin in Yerushalayim had issues. I recognized “Final Countdown”, “Pick a Bale of Cotton”, and “Seven Nation Army”, all very goyishe songs.

    in reply to: New Fabulous Wedding Hall in Baltimore #1833676

    What is the “Owings Mills Synagogue”? Owings Mills is a town in Baltimore County miles from the main frum community. There used to be an Aish shul there, and I think there’s a Chabad maybe. But it’s not the first place I would pick to build a wedding hall, and I can’t find any information on the existence of a shul calling itself “Owings Mills Synagogue”.

    in reply to: What programming language is better to start learning? #1831304

    Programming languages are tools. Asking what’s the best to learn is like asking a carpenter whether you should level up your hammering or sawing skills.

    Python is huuuuuuge these days. Especially data processing and machine learning with the pandas and Tensor Flow libraries.

    Javascript is used in nearly every single webpage in existence and very popular.

    But my personal opinion is to go with C then C++. They are far more complicated and not used as much as they used to, but learning them teaches fundamentals of programming that you wouldn’t get from most other languages. Once you have C++ down, learning a new language should be a cinch.

    in reply to: Vaccinate for the Flu #1831305

    @Gadolhador The problem is that the intelligent people know to vaccinate, and the people who don’t are too unintelligent to be swayed by logic, as evidenced by the 10 bazillion comment long thread on here about 6 months ago.

    in reply to: What programming language is better to start learning? #1831306

    @Burnt Steak Ruby on Rails for computer animation? Huh? RoR is an MVC web app framework. Animation would be something like Unity or Maya.

    in reply to: Kosher games for computer #1830768

    @5ish Some people may not like games with major league sports as it encourages following teams which is also not something many people may like.

    I can’t imagine how reading something like “Urist McDorf latches on firmly to the goblin’s right middle finger with his teeth! It goes flying off!” would be unkosher.


    I love the irony about how frum communities are so aggressively socialist on the state level, but turn into rabid capitalists once things go national.

    in reply to: Kosher games for computer #1830465

    One GTA game (Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas) was so treif that when someone found deleted content on the disk, it pushed Hilary Clinton to tighten restraints on selling games to children.

    In no particular order, here are some “kosher” games that I play and allow my children to play. They are all technically bad for the Jews as they lead to bitul Torah.

    • NetHack
    • Dwarf Fortress
    • All the major Mario games, from Super Mario Bros. to Super Mario Odyssey
    • Portal and Portal 2 (some kol isha at the end)
    • Harvest Moon 64
    • Lemmings
    • Super Hexagon
    • Minecraft (offline of course)
    • Space Chem
    • TIS-100
    • Snake
    • Overcooked (especially fun with friends)
    • Snake Pass
    • Humongous Entertainment games, especially the Putt Putt, Freddie Fish, and Pajama Sam series’s
    • Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal (or just about any tower defense game)
    • Hexcells
    • Braid
    • Crayon Physics Deluxe
    • SpaceCom
    • Osmos
    • Any game in the Civilization series
    • SimCity
    • Cities: Skylines
    • Anno 1492 AKA Dawn of Discovery
    • Ticket to Ride
    • Thomas was Alone
    • World of Goo
    • A Mind Forever Voyaging

    You should note that I consciously did not include the excellent point-and-click adventure game The Shivah on this list. Because, despite the only game I can think of (Crusader Kings II doesn’t count) that has a frum person as the protagonist, it has a bit of violence and some bad language in it that may be to unkosher for a nice Jewish household.

    in reply to: Why do you support trump #1830460


    I applaud the government pushing for getting rid of incandescents. For one, it gave us the Shabbos Lamp. Two, I find LEDs so much better and surprisingly cheaper since they don’t need to be changed every other month.

    in reply to: Non-Jewish books #1812367

    @knaidlach. I have yet to find a good Jewish book about the pros and cons of AI in today’s world. Or one explaining Eulers Identity for a non-math person. Or even a decent book about the Theories of Relativity and quantum physics.

    Edited. I don’t find it appropriate to normalize the rationalization process used to justify exposing yourself to stuff that’s not acceptable.

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