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@SyagLchochma I know I’m coming across as being motzei shem ra to a lot of Yidden in saying that their arrogance is killing people, that was not my intention. The majority of people I know who refuse to wear masks are because their city or community is very casual about COVID-19 in general and they just go with the flow. The leaders and askanim of these communities, on the other hand, I have a very hard time being dan l’kaf zechus on them. All they have to do is say “It is important to listen to what the doctors tell you about social distancing, hand washing, and face masks.” Instead, if they choose to say anything at all beyond empty platitudes of teffilah and nisyonos, it’s always “me me me me me”. “Wearing a mask makes me uncomfortable”, “I shouldn’t have to lock down if you feel in danger”. etc.
Yserbius123Participant@torahvaluesoverparty What a ga’vadicke comment! Because you are young and healthy, you have no problem condemning people to die?!
Yserbius123Participant@SyagLchochma Before I answer you, can you not see how your lines of reasoning are a detriment? You are a very reasonable and intelligent person as I can see from our conversations. Which is why your comments sometimes baffle me.
There is a huge fight going on right now, between those who are worried about the health and well being of the oilom at large, and those who only care for themselves. As soon as you start questioning “Well logically I shouldn’t have to follow these rules…” you give ammo to those who don’t have Ray’us for their fellow bnei Adom and sneer and scoff with phrases like “99% survival rate”. “Just asking questions” is one of the most dangerous lines of reasoning out there and has been responsible for everything from the Reform movement to Holocaust denial.
But sadly, these questions need answers. I can talk for a while about percentages, issues of enforcement, and rates of recurrence, but I believe there’s a much simpler answer. Let me give you a moshol:
Why do thousands of race car drivers, that raced in professional circuits in extremely difficult situations, have to follow the speed limit?
The truth is that you can’t set rules for only some people. Either there is compliance or there isn’t. And as soon as there is a precedent of people who don’t have to follow the rules, you end up in very murky and very dangerous territory.
Can we look at someone without who is following science without condemning them as uncaring and not complying with science?
No. A mask is a silly, stupid, little item of clothing. It’s not difficult to wear, it doesn’t cause any sort of damage (yes, there is some psychological problems associated with mask wearing, but they are far outweighed by the benefits), they are cheap, and easy to find. So anyone who refuses to do this one silly little thing that can probably save lives is clearly either uncaring, or brainwashed by a community that is.
Yserbius123Participant@theprophet I’m almost inclined to say that you’re trolling at this point. On two separate threads you posted some of the most gaavadik, selfish, self-centered rants while ignoring everyone else’s concerns. You should not go around unvaccinated because you are a walking health bomb. This is not about your health, it’s about how much you care about others.
Many people don’t have the option to stay at home, and many people cannot be vaccinated (cancer patients, people with anti-immune disorders, etc.) Refusing to get vaccinated while still going around in public is putting all those people in danger.
As for the alleged dangers vaccines cause, do you know every detail about how your car works before you get into it?
Yserbius123Participant@theprophet You’re missing my point. If you don’t wear a mask, I am notsafe. Masks are not to protect yourself, they are to protect others from you. If you are too sensitive to wear a mask, then the only responsible thing would be for you to lock yourself down and not expose yourself to others.
I wear a mask because I care about you and don’t want to make you sick. Please wear a mask so that I don’t get sick either.
Yserbius123Participant@Theprophet But what about my health? The reason I want you vaccinated is not because I’m worried about your health, it’s because vaccines are only about 90% effective, so if you’re sick there’s a 10% chance I can catch it too!
Unless you’re willing to stay in lockdown for your whole life, please please please get vaccinated so we don’t have to worry about getting people ill. Especially vulnerable people who can’t get vaccinated themselves.
Yserbius123ParticipantDear @theprophet,
You are making a common error in your assumptions.
A mask won’t work to protect you if someone with COVID sneezes on you, that is right. But it protects others from your own sneezing COVID saliva by not allowing you to spread it.
Since we don’t know for sure who has COVID and who doesn’t, everyone should wear masks as a measure of Bein Adam LaChaveiro to make sure we don’t C”V accidentally make our friends ill.
November 26, 2020 11:06 pm at 11:06 pm in reply to: why did our conservative news site go liberal? #1923576Yserbius123ParticipantIs there any site or media organization other than OANN that you would consider not liberal?
November 26, 2020 10:52 pm at 10:52 pm in reply to: U.S. Supreme Court opinion supports freedom of religion #1923574Yserbius123ParticipantIn my personal, unasked for, and minority opinion: The frum community in NY could have just pretended for a few months that COVID-19 is a dangerous disease, insisted on mask wearing, socially distant shuls, Chasunas limited to less than 100 people and outside, etc.
Instead it was ignored, people died, and everyone was shocked when Cuomo and DeBlasio went nuclear.
Yserbius123Participant@Theprophet Can you explain your moshol of “do what you want with your bodies”? I think the same people who say “My body my choice” (hameivin yavin) accept to live with the consequences, so to over here, it’s your choice not to take the vaccine and accept the consequences of remaining cloistered from everyone else.
I agree that people should be knowledgeable of what they put into their bodies. That’s why I have trouble with those who insist on only “organic” foods and “homeopathic” medicine. There are too many non-FDA approved chemicals that go into making that junk.
Yserbius123ParticipantWhatever damage a vaccine can cause is certainly less than COVID-19. Something like one out of every twenty people who get COVID have terrible, possibly permanent, damage. And out of those, one out of every 100 dies. There has never been a vaccine that has even come close to the damage that COVID-19 causes.
Yserbius123ParticipantI don’t understand the question.
November 18, 2020 7:11 pm at 7:11 pm in reply to: Massive Pennsylvania Supreme Court Defeat for Trump’s Incompetent Legal Team #1921143Yserbius123ParticipantIs there fraud in this election?
Maybe. Unlikely to be more than any other election. And certainly not enough to swing the vote in any state.
Did Dominion software change the real result?
No evidence.
Why were votes withheld?
Only a small handful were caught in red tape. Still not enough to swing a state
Were some votes trashed?
how did so many Biden votes turn up in the middle of the night?
Not many, if any turned up at all
were the people stopped from observing?
Were votes included that arrived too late and were mainly for Biden?
Not in any statistically significant increase over the other mail in ballots.
If you dont get these questions answered, the election means nothing.
Well then there you go. I guess the election means something now.
Yserbius123Participant@commonsaychel Can’t agree more. Identity politics, in my opinion, are mostly from white liberal Americans who want to be “woke” without actually doing anything useful to help.
Yserbius123Participant@jewishcommonsense The lockdowns in March and April worked, but in NY they came too late. Cuomo and many frum communities deliberated a good week after Purim before shutting down, which is where most of the infections came from. Another issue was that huge swaths of frum people out and out ignored the lockdown, with “secret minyanim” and “underground weddings”. Compare New York to places that initially took it seriously, like Chicago or LA.
Yserbius123ParticipantNot Abie Rotenberg, it’s Eli Nathan in Destiny: Volume 4. The name of the song is “King of Tony’s”.
Yserbius123ParticipantIn my opinion, COVID-19 is a test for Bein Adam L’Chaveiro and lockdowns are only necessary when we fail that test. Lemme explain.
The best way to keep the virus in check is for everyone to act as if they may have the virus. Keep hands to yourself, don’t touch things you don’t have to, use sanitizer before going out, wear a mask so your breath doesn’t get on people, don’t go into crowds, be very careful in general, etc.
But instead, unfortunately, too many of us have done the opposite. How many times have we heard our friends or family say “It’s OK to do this, I won’t catch the virus from it” or “I’m not going to bother with this precaution, it’s not going to help much to prevent me from catching COVID”
The fact that the only way to prevent people from being spreaders, Rachmana Litzlon, is to lock everyone in their homes illustrates that whatever we told ourselves on Yom Kippur about being better to others wasn’t enough.
Yserbius123ParticipantThere was a line in “Binah” magazine last week that I’ve been saying for years. “If there’s a Shidduch crisis, it’s not causes by bachurim who don’t know a size 6 from 2, it’s caused by their mothers.”
Yserbius123ParticipantYou people do realize that Skver was partially the reason why Hilary was almost president, yes?
Yserbius123ParticipantMizrahis love to gripe about Ashkenaz cooking. Lemme let you in on a little secret: Dumping a container full of cumin into everything does not make it better.
Yserbius123Participant@gadolhadorah When I was a kid there was Gus’s Pickles and there was everything else. I could swear I never tasted a real pickle before I had one from Gus.
@ctlawyer I tried making my own pickles, but I got impatient and made them half-sour with sugar. Meh. I need something good and fermented. The pickles that come in tupperware-like plastic containers are as close to home made as you’re gonna get without the wait.
@ywnjudy My blood sugar is fine, thank you very much. I keep it in check with a steady diet of orange juice and Gushers. If a pickle isn’t properly fermented, it’s just a cucumber with some infused flavor.Yserbius123Participant@syag-lchochma Ah I see now my mistake. I take it back. When I refer to “Corona Kofrim” I refer to people who actively deny that COVID-19 is an actual issue. Those people who claim it’s “just a flu” or something similar and refuse to do anything to mitigate any risk or damages that they may cause, no matter how small.
It actually is pretty close to 95%. There are other methods of transmission, sure, like by touch. But the overwhelming vast majority of people who got COVID got it from someone who they were in close proximity with inside and wasn’t wearing a mask. I made it a habit to ask people how they got it. “I talked to a guy outside of shul and we took our masks off. He came back from a Chasuna where no one was wearing a mask” “I got it from my son who got it from a friend” “I was in a Yeshiva dorm” “A shiva” etc.
How did the exceptions that you know about catch it?
Yserbius123ParticipantHalf-sour aren’t real pickles anyway. Batampte garlic sour pickles all the way.
Yserbius123Participant@Effi I wish I wish! The problem is, like I’ve said before, that you’re viewing this as a machlokes where there are two legitimate sides. This is as much of a machlokes as the frum/Reform “machlokes”. There are some people who are making massive and grave errors and it is a responsibility of klal Yisroel to educate them.
November 3, 2020 3:26 pm at 3:26 pm in reply to: REALLY disappointing clinical trial results #1916489Yserbius123Participant@Health Exactly. HCQ+Zinc given in the first few days for people that aren’t symptomatic is shown to have moderate improvements as high as 5% less people hospitalized with that regimen. Azoi zugt the studies.
Yserbius123Participant@syag-lchochma When did I ever say “people who don’t think like me are killing people”?! I want line and verse and I will retract it immediately!
But I will say this and stand by it: People that have derided social distancing and masking, making big simchas, underground minyanim, and ignored the advice and pleas of our Rabbonim have killed people and are still doing so today. That’s not “my thinking”. That’s basic derech eretz and common sense.
Do people get sick even when wearing masks or keeping socially distant? Of course they do, I never denied that! But the masks and social distancing have been proven by a multitude of studies to drastically reduce the rate of infection. You keep harping on those miniscule number of cases where masks didn’t work as if that proves something. You’re acting as if something that is 95% effective isn’t effective at all because of that 5%.
@chan56 You cannot ignore the scientific articles I posted then claim “there’s a dearth of science”. They science is there. You’re just choosing to not look at it. You’re no different than a flat-earther in that sense. Sorry if I’m being harsh right now, but I have little regard for people who throw out Nazi comparisons to everything that makes them a little uncomfortable. Did Dr. Fauci line up Yidden and execute them? Did Joe Biden encourage “No Dogs Or Jews Allowed” signs?Yserbius123ParticipantI’m starting to get frustrated with the amount of times I have to repeat this.
Wearing a mask is to protect others, not yourself
In almost every case where someone was careful and got infected, they received the virus from someone who was not. You can wear a mask all day long, but if someone with COVID sneezes on you, it’s goodbye Bsamim! Why you ask? Because there’s only minimal protection from wearing a mask. What it does is protect others from getting the virus from a masked person.
There is a lot scientific validity to “It could have been much worse”. In shuls in my community where they enforced mask wearing, there were almost no cases of transmission within the shul. In those that didn’t, almost everyone got the virus at some point. That’s just anecdotal. There is actual research that shows that places where people wore masks had much lower levels of viral transmission.
This isn’t a case of “Elu v’Elu Divrei Elokim Chaim”. There are not two sides to the issue. Wear a mask for everyone’s sake. Please.
November 3, 2020 12:36 pm at 12:36 pm in reply to: REALLY disappointing clinical trial results #1916404Yserbius123Participant@torahvaluesoverparty @Gadolhatorah
I mentioned this in another thread, but HCQ+Zinc has been tried in numerous studies on numerous types of patients. Unfortunately, the results only show a moderate improvement. I think the best result was that there was 1/20 less patients hospitalized. Many doctors and hospitals, notably the Henry Ford Institute in Detroit, have been using HCQ+Zinc as part of a regimen of drugs to treat COVID.
All this goes to show is that the best response to COVID is teffila and bein adam l’chaveiro. There’s no cure, there’s only prevention and Hashem. The best prevention is to assume that you have the virus and try not to go near people without protection on yourself,, and the best cure is to daven to bring Moshiach.
Yserbius123Participant@chan95 There is no scientific evidence that “viral buildup” when wearing a mask is a thing. I did some research and found that the origin of the idea is from an anti-Semitic forum on
I read something online that I think should resonate with everyone.
All we had to do to prevent the spread of COVID-19 was act like mentchen to everyone. It seems we’ve failed at that.
Masks work. Please wear one.
Yserbius123Participant@chan56 I understand that you and others are having a lot of difficulty with masks. It really is hard wearing fabric over your mouth and nose for hours on end. But please please understand the importance of it. It’s not some “Democrat conspiracy”, there really is value in wearing a mask. Even if you can save one life, isn’t that worth the hours of discomfort? And if the discomfort is too much, maybe don’t go out.
The number one misconception about masks is probably that it’s meant to keep you safe. No. It helps, but the reason wearing a mask is important is that it keeps other people safe. A person with COVID-19 is much less likely to infect others if the sick person has a mask on.
I don’t think we read the same article. Please look for the article titled “Masks Work. Really. We’ll Show You How”. It makes a very clear point that I’ll explain. COVID-19 travels in droplets that come mostly from people’s mouth and nose. Studies have shown that almost all COVID-19 infections were caused from breathing in droplets. If someone wears a mask, they expel something like 95% less droplets and they don’t travel as far. You are right. It’s not 100% effective, but it’s 95% effective. Meaning, if there’s a sick person in a crowded room without a mask, it’s almost certain that multiple people will be infected. But if they were wearing a mask, they will infect 95% less people.
There was little data in March and April but since then we’ve Baruch Hashem come a long way. has an article titled “Face masks: what the data say” which collects a lot of the various studies that show the effectiveness of masks in prevented COVID-19 from spreading.
Without any precautions, the virus has what’s called an infection rate of 3. Which means that everyone infects on average three people. (by comparison, a flu has an infection rate of 1.7). Those three people infect three more and so on and so forth. After a week there is a possibility of thousands of infections. We saw that in April where one man at a Bas Mitzvah managed to cause a massive outbreak in New York City.
But with precautions, such as masks and social distancing, we can bring that down to an infection rate of 1 or less. Meaning that if someone has COVID, they will infect an average of one person. After a week, instead of thousands there will be only seven new cases. So it’s not 100% effective, but it’s effective enough.
People not wearing masks make me anxious in the same way that people walking around with loaded guns and their fingers on the trigger make me anxious. It’s easier to ask people to wear masks than to ask people who care about COVID-19 to avoid the Corona Kofrim who don’t care about people getting sick and dying.
Yserbius123ParticipantYeshivas Ner Yisroel has consistently endorsed Democratic candidates for the last several presidential elections. I’m pretty sure they also endorsed Biden. I don’t know who you people are in the coffee room, but you must be grester tzaddikim if you are arguing with Rav Aharon Feldman SHLITA who has no problem with people voting for Biden.
Yserbius123Participant@chan56 The NY Times article @Effi references is titled “Masks Work. Really. We’ll Show You How” Google that phrase and the interactive article is the first hit.
I don’t know about operating rooms, but dentists, ObGyns and many other doctors in non-surgical settings wear masks for hours on end without special training or oxygenation.
Can you point to some research that shows the damages that wearing masks does? People on here keep referencing it, but I have a hard time finding anything other than shadey YouTube videos. I am very interested in this topic and what the results of the studies are. My shul enforced mask wearing the entire Yom Kippur and there were people from ages 12 to 75 who davened (while fasting!) Shacharis through Mussaf for close to four hours straight wearing a mask the entire time. I wonder what health issues they encountered while doing that and whether I should tell them to go see a doctor to check for low oxygenated blood.
October 28, 2020 11:42 am at 11:42 am in reply to: New Conservative Supreme Court Supermajority #1914443Yserbius123ParticipantPeople, the goyim aren’t bothering us with these decisions. Just let them do their things.
(FYI, Rav Moshe ZT”L was not against Roe v. Wade)
October 26, 2020 9:57 am at 9:57 am in reply to: Is hydroxychloroquine really proven ineffective?? #1913380Yserbius123Participant@syag-lchochma I don’t want to name the Yeshiva, but it really and truly happened and it was absolutely terrifying. They took precautions to try and keep everyone from leaving and guests from coming in with the understanding that they could not make all the boys social distance and wear masks all the time (dining room, dorms, etc.). But unfortunately there were a few “leaks”. One of those leaks was a guy who went home on Friday afternoon before Rosh Hashono, then one of his parents felt sick over Shabbos and a few days later so did he. They sent him home immediately but almost right away his roomates and chavrusas tested positive. After a few days there were people falling ill in the Yeshiva, by Yom Kippur they were forced into full lockdown and had a special run for tests which was 75% positive. By the time Succos rolled around, people were already saying tehillim for one Rebbi, and at least two other Rebbeim were hospitalized with less severe symptoms. Even as late as yesterday, there was a tehillim call for the Mashkiach’s wife who has been in serious condition for weeks.
October 25, 2020 11:53 pm at 11:53 pm in reply to: Is hydroxychloroquine really proven ineffective?? #1913303Yserbius123ParticipantI don’t know who Rabbi Doctor Smith is but I have a lot of kushyos on what you claim he said. I don’t believe he’s singing the same tune these days now that we know more about COVID-19.
For one, it’s not the death rate that’s the issue (although it is a huge issue), it’s the infection rate. On Rosh Hashanna an infected bachur walked into a Yeshiva of 300 talmidim. By Yom Kippur, nearly 3/4 of the talmidim were testing positive and several Rebbeim were hospitalized. So saying “only” one out of 1000 die is incredibly dishonest considering that it’s very easy for 1000 people to catch the virus.
October 25, 2020 12:28 pm at 12:28 pm in reply to: Is hydroxychloroquine really proven ineffective?? #1913229Yserbius123Participant@torahvaluesoverparty The main study I was referencing is available on PubMed through the website of the NIH. Google the author’s names and nothing else and you should find it. A very similar study is also available on the Henry Ford Institute’s website.
how do you explain the media’s inability to point out obvious flaws in the studies discrediting HQC?
You know what, you’re somewhat right. There is a bit of suppression going on. I believe that it’s all part of the massive effort media companies are doing to try and stop misinformation. There is a ton of HCQ+Zinc misinformation out there with people calling it a miracle drug and stuff, so the media is suppressing it and only focusing on studies that show its ineffectiveness.
You know what? I agree with them. To extend your plane moshul, if someone picked up a loudspeaker and started talking about how it’s OK to take a hammer to the plane’s innards because there are enough parachutes for everyone, no one would argue against taking the megaphone away.
I can’t speak for the cancer medicines you mentioned, but for HCQ+Zinc there’s really only anecdotal evidence that it’s more than moderately effective. There were a few doctors back in March and April that treated a lot of people with this regimen, but they were working without hard data as to who had the virus and who didn’t and they didn’t publish the breakdown on exactly how many people were ill. These things are absolutely necessary to prove the effectiveness of a drug. You can’t just say “Well it may work, so let’s just give it to everyone”.
October 23, 2020 6:19 pm at 6:19 pm in reply to: Is hydroxychloroquine really proven ineffective?? #1912983Yserbius123ParticipantFirst off, I don’t think any tried and tested COVID-19 treatments are being suppressed. I do think that too many people believe there is a miracle cure out there and use it as an excuse to ignore restrictions, and go to large crowded simchas and minyanim without masks. Because of that, there is some suppression going on regarding unsavory people who are promoting various forms of magic which is extremely dangerous as it leads to very unsafe behavior.
Sorry about not giving you the details, it’s hard to parse them from just reading the study. You can google it yourself, I think everything you want to know is there. The study was trying to mimic the circumstances of those doctors who claimed high “cure” rates for COVID-19 so they don’t contain the flaws you say exist in other studies.
I mentioned anti-Semitism because I did a bit of searching and found that a lot of the stories floating around WhatsApp and Facebook claiming that HCQ studies have been repressed originate from anti-Semitic social media accounts and websites. It just goes to show you can’t trust everything you read online.
The reason I’m focused on a double blind RCT study is because it’s the only way to ensure that HCQ+Zinc is effective. COVID-19 effects so many different people so differently. If a few doctors say “I treated a lot of people with this concoction and only one person died” that’s pretty much a meaningless statement. What we need is a full blown study that can show that so few deaths and hospitalizations will happen with only the drugs being given, and it’s much worse when the drugs are not given. The studies I listed are basically that and they show that HCQ+Zinc does have some effect, but it’s far from a miracle drug.
Yserbius123ParticipantTrump did much better this time around. Biden did much worse. It was far more balanced than the previous debate which means that no one is really changing their minds.
October 23, 2020 3:00 pm at 3:00 pm in reply to: Is hydroxychloroquine really proven ineffective?? #1912966Yserbius123Participant@kollelman That’s a good point you bring up. Not all the studies researched the drug in the way that it was originally experimented with. That’s why I picked those studies in particular, they tried to mimic the results by giving the drugs in similar doses to people who weren’t seriously ill. Unfortunately, the results were only marginally effective.
October 23, 2020 11:09 am at 11:09 am in reply to: Is hydroxychloroquine really proven ineffective?? #1912931Yserbius123Participant@torahvaluesoverparty That’s interesting that the WHO says lockdowns don’t work. I can’t seem to find anything about it online first hand, can you write a bit more about it? Does the CDC agree?
I’m not sure what you mean by “hardly science to that”. I’ve seen numerous reports that COVID-19 positive people who wear masks are far less likely to spread the disease. And more studies that show how communities where most people are masked and socially distant have almost no internal disease transmission.
Again, I’m not a doctor but I’ll try and explain as best as I can. The first study I mentioned is the clearest. Two doctors read about how HCQ+Zinc was being used to treat mild symptoms in outpatient settings in NY, France, and China so they decided to test the hypothesis. They gave the drug cocktail to a group of people who were showing mild COVID-19 symptoms and a placebo to another group with similar symptoms. The results were that of those who took the HCQ+Zinc slightly less ended up dead or in the hospital.
This is important in two ways. One is that HCQ+Zinc can be added to the list of potential drugs, like Remedisvir and Regeneron, that help with COVID-19. Another is that it illustrates that it’s still not a miracle drug. It only helps with COVID, and certainly doesn’t cure it outright.
As far as I can tell, the idea that it’s being “repressed” in the media is anti-Semitic fake. All double blind peer review published studies are out there and being discussed. Unfortunately, the studies aren’t as optimistic as the original experiments.
October 22, 2020 11:07 pm at 11:07 pm in reply to: Is hydroxychloroquine really proven ineffective?? #1912811Yserbius123ParticipantI don’t understand what you need explained. HCQ+Zinc has been shows to have a mild positive effect in several studies that gave it to COVID asymptomatic patients. So what? I believe the most optimistic study only showed that it saved the life of one person out of twenty.
I’m not a doctor but if there’s something you don’t understand I’ll try and help.
The best hishtadlus “medicine” right now is to continue to wear masks and social distance so if we have COVID without knowing it, we don’t accidentally pass it on to someone else.
- Does zinc supplementation enhance the clinical efficacy of chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine to win today’s battle against COVID-19? <i>R. Derwanda and M. Scholzb</i>
- Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc With Either Azithromycin or Doxycycline for Treatment of COVID-19 in Outpatient Setting <i>Avni Thakore </i>
- A Study of Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc in the Prevention of COVID-19 Infection in Military Healthcare Workers (COVID-Milit) <i> Military Hospital of Tunis </i>
October 18, 2020 1:56 am at 1:56 am in reply to: REALLY disappointing clinical trial results #1910900Yserbius123Participant@torahvaluesoverparty I was referring to outpatient. The only studies with HCQ on asymptomatic people show a small decrease in hospitalization and death. A small decrease. In other words, it’s not enough to call it a wonder drug and certainly not enough to justify ignoring COVID social distancing and mask regulations.
There have been some informal and anecdotal thingies, but those are certainly not reliable. A doctor who claims to have treated 1000 people and only one hospitalization is probably because only 10% of those people actually had COVID-19.
October 16, 2020 5:32 pm at 5:32 pm in reply to: Studies Showing Masks Prevent Virus Transmission #1910711Yserbius123Participant@akuperma To extend your battlefield moshol, if everyone wears a mask it would be like jamming all the soldiers’s guns.
October 16, 2020 2:06 pm at 2:06 pm in reply to: REALLY disappointing clinical trial results #1910694Yserbius123ParticipantHCQ + Zinc may work or it may not, there is too much information and I don’t have the head to sift through it right now. The strange thing is, that’s not important. The studies and information I have read show that it only marginally increases the possibility of a COVID-19 patient surviving. Surviving! Is that what we should be striving for? Why can’t we try and keep people out of hospitals to begin with instead of making sure that one out of twenty who would have otherwise died, instead merely suffers from potential lifelong breathing problems?
October 16, 2020 2:06 pm at 2:06 pm in reply to: Studies Showing Masks Prevent Virus Transmission #1910695Yserbius123ParticipantThere’s a much simpler way to put it:
If someone has COVID-19 and wears a mask, it’s very unlikely they will spread it.
Even if you’re feeling fine, or you had an anti-bodies test, or you caught COVID-19 in the past, you should still wear a mask. There’s no telling when you may catch it and be contagious and a simple piece of cloth goes a long way to prevent other people from getting sick.
October 14, 2020 8:42 pm at 8:42 pm in reply to: going to eretz yisrael do i have to quarantine? #1910095Yserbius123ParticipantYes. They don’t care what your health record is, since it’s too easy to fake and reinfection is a thing.
Even if you can skirt the regulations by traveling via Canada or something, you shouldn’t. The bidud guidelines are there for a reason and that reason is to protect people from getting a dangerous virus from people who aren’t being careful and spreading it around.
Yserbius123ParticipantAll the Rabbonim I know of and respect have made clear time and time again the importance of following government COVID-19 regulations, such as masks and social distancing. There are a handful of true Gedolei Torah today who mamesh don’t have any connection to the world other than a series of heavily filtered shaylos brought to them by gabboim and relatives. Those Gedolim, unfortunately, are sometimes fed bad information and release strange or contradictory advice.
Therefore, the people who are disrespecting Rav Zilberstein SHLITA clearly have no love for Hashem’s Torah and those who teach it to us to begin with so I suggest we don’t give them a second thought.
October 9, 2020 12:34 pm at 12:34 pm in reply to: Republicans – Pollard pidyon shvuyim opportunity #1908575Yserbius123ParticipantIt is unlikely that the mitzva of pidyun shvuyim applies to a person who was imprisoned for knowingly violating multiple laws solely for their own gain and possibly giving dangerous information to enemies.
Yserbius123Participant@Syag-Lchochma I am not the originator, only the messenger. I am simply quoting Chazal. If Chazal is the platform that I am “so attached to” then I will stand by it and so should you.