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  • in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1932375

    @daas-yochid You claimed that wearing a mask is physically impossible for some people and even dangerous for many. The point of Rabbi Shafran’s article is that it may be difficult for some people, but it’s something almost anyone can get used to and very important that everyone tries. You can’t just not comment on that and pick-and-choose the sentence you liked.

    Good to see we’re finally on a similar page. My point of view hasn’t changed though. It frustrates and angers me to see so many people waltzing around indoors in public places with no mask and places where nobody says anything about that. You can’t expect me to have empathy for someone who refuses to wear a mask for even 15 minutes of mincha.

    in reply to: Twitter Bans Zelenko – He Should Switch To Parler #1931659

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t Parler a Twitter clone started by anti-Semites who were kicked off of Twitter or am I thinking of something else?

    in reply to: COVID Relief #1931288

    The relief bill is such a farce. After Democrats and Republicans spend months bickering over the bill, they finally agree that every family can have three weeks worth of groceries on the governments dime. And since everyone finally decided to agree on the bill, lawmakers and lobbyists used the opportunity to stuff it with tarfus. The bill is five thousand pages long and Congress was given a full two hours to read the text before they had to vote on it.

    in reply to: Spanking/Potching #1931287

    Define “current”. Pretty much all pre-war sifrei acharonim discuss potching in terms of a normal part of parenting. There isn’t much to discuss, unless the parent chas v’shalom injures their child.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1931130

    @avram-in-md What about wearing a mask for 15 minutes to an hour at a time and taking it off for breaks in secluded corners when there are no people around? In my shul on Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanna I saw the majority of people going several hours straight wearing masks with no visible issues. There were some people who felt too uncomfortable, so they would walk outside for a few minutes. There are very reasonable ways to wear masks, even for people who have difficulties. Which is why the whole “debate” baffles and angers me, I really can’t understand why there are still so many people ignoring COVID-19 restrictions.

    You ignored the crux of the article where he says that wearing a mask is a matter of comfort and it’s something that people can get used to, no matter how difficult it is.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1930973

    How can anybody demand that people should wear a mask to protect others?

    I honestly can’t tell at this point if people are being serious or not.

    What do you suggest I should do? And, let’s be honest over here, is there anything I can say that you won’t immediately accuse me of being a bully or worse?

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1930938

    @syag-lchochma It wasn’t a made up story. If there were private messages on CR I can tell you the Yeshiva where it happened at. Everyone tangentially connected to the place knows what happens and are somewhat embarrassed to speak about it. A different, similar, story happened at the same time in a different place close by.

    The scary truth is that COVID-19 may only have a 1 in 10,000 kill rate, but it’s extremely contagious. And there are tons of documented cases where a single person was the vector for infecting hundreds within a very short time. Not to say that this will always happen, but given the “right” circumstances a superspreader event is something very possible. The exponential infection rate of COVID-19 is insane, far worse than pretty much any other common virus out there.

    On the other hand, the story about a guy choking on his face mask to the point where Hatzalah was almost called, flies in the face of not only every bit of science and evidence out there but also basic logic.

    Look, I started off in a respectable manner. Continuing from the original question of asking people why they are opposed to masks. I think the only thing that may have been controversial was when I said that many people are being ga’avadik by not wearing masks, since a lot of the claims are about “me” getting sick while ignoring the stuff about “you” getting sick.

    But everything I said you would jump on and claim that I’m “bullying”. And when I would respond to people who made outlandish claims about the dangers in face masks, I would get frustrated and upset which only caused you to ignore everything else I’ve said and double down on your bully remarks.

    I don’t think you’ll find an honest person who will say that the government’s response to the pandemic was appropriate and proportional. I mean, we aren’t locking ourselves in the basement, not washing our groceries in bleach anymore (at least I hope not!) like what was proposed back in March. But I wonder if you asked your doctor if you should wear a face not when going among other people what she/he would say.

    Let’s take a step back. Do you personally think that masks are dangerous to wear or not? Do you think that most people who don’t wear masks do so because they are physically incapable of wearing one or because they are uncomfortable?

    in reply to: kosher shavers #1930927

    @Reb-Eliezer Presumably people do what Israeli Chareidim do and use shaving cream. When I lived there, the most popular brand was “Black Magic” which was meant for bald black people. Trim your beard down to a stubble, apply cream, leave for three minutes, scrape off with a dull piece of plastic, wash your face really well.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1930700

    May I re-iterate my suggestion to read Rabbi Shafran’s article before going veiter? He basically says the same things that I said in the same tone that got me accusations of being “disrespectful” or “hateful”.


    Ma Nishtana HaDor HaZeh Mikol HaDoros?

    Yeshivas have always had problems with smoking and drinking. Vaping is a new thing now that smoking isn’t as common anymore. I remember one Yeshiva I visited sometime in the mid-90s where outside the back door of the Beis Medrash was a massive pile of cigarette butts because of all the bachurim would stand their to take a smoke break during seder. One Yeshiva had a joke about Shavuos all the windows were lined with still lit cigarettes standing on their filters so they will go out on their own because you can’t stub on Yom Tov.

    And the Rebbeim spoke about it. A lot in many circumstances. One Rosh Yeshiva I knew used to say that he would never allow a shidduch where the boy smoked. It worked somewhat. Smoking is a little better now than it used to be.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1930665

    May I suggest before continuing we all read Rabbi Avi Shafran’s latest article entitled “Mask Ask”?

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1930580

    @syag-lchochma I would be more civil if people would be more civil and logical. When asked for the reasons why people don’t wear masks, we keep getting back to “it’s difficult for a lot of people”. NU? And that’s a reason? We aren’t arguing about the importance of wearing masks, like you said. But it’s such a small, narische thing to hang ones life on. As far as I’m concerned, the only ones here distorting the truth are those who say that it’s literally sakonos nefoshos for some people to wear masks. When I brought that up (I admit, in a somewhat exaggerated fashion) you all attacked me. So nu? Is it dangerous for people to wear masks or not? If it’s dangerous, then what I said of people dying from mask wearing must be true. If it isn’t, then they previous comment about calling Hatzalah on a guy choking on his mask must have not been true.

    You think my stories are fabrications? Tell me truthfully that you don’t know of any simcha in the last eight months where hundreds gathered indoors with no masks or social distancing. Tell me you never heard of that happening.

    And no. We are not all in agreement on the importance of wearing masks. @Avrum-in-MD claims (contrary to a scientific study that he himself linked to) that masks lower oxygen intake and increase CO2. @Daas-yochid talked about how masks are dangerous for some people to wear. And you have defended both of them and said that “it’s not right” that we should argue.

    in reply to: kosher shavers #1930541

    Rav Moshe Heineman SHLITA has spoken and written extensively on the topic. If you go to the Star-K website and search for “shaver” there’s numerous articles that list criteria you need to look out for along with brands of shavers you can use.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1930540

    @Avram-In-MD and @syag-lchochma I was taking @daas-yochid s story to the logical place. If he saw one person keel over choking because of a mask, then obviously Hatzalah should have been overtaxed in dealing with breathing problems from all the people wearing masks. But they weren’t, nur vus the story was a fabrication.

    You mentioned a study yourself that shows no difference in oxygen or CO2 levels after wearing a mask. Why are you blibing shver on it? Because they didn’t stick a CO2 measurement device right in the guys face? Would it matter if the individual was masked or not if they’re literally breathing on a CO2 meter? Would it matter if the individual was old or young, sick or healthy, if they’re still measured as breathing the same air?

    If someone says that something that is physically possible but difficult for them, and it’s a very important thing to do because the safety of others is at stake, my response would be “try harder”. For some people it’s difficult to go through a day without alcohol. Would you tell them that it’s OK for them to drive and put people in danger?

    I tried to have empathy. I really did. But I lost it maybe about six months ago. It may have been some time between when I first got asked “Are you makpid on masks?” and when I watched a live feed of a simcha where hundreds of people were dancing together without any concern for COVID. Or maybe it was the time when a Yeshiva Bachur broke the rules to attend a simcha and ended up putting several of his Rebbeim in the hospital.

    So when you tell me that people have “difficulties” with masks, I ask if they are the same people that still go to crowded mikvahs every morning. If they are the same people who ignore social distancing restrictions. If they are the same people who put their whole family on a plane to visit friends. Because in my experience, 99% of the time they are.

    You’re probably not going to like my doctor’s opinion.

    I would like to hear it. I would be interested to hear a single local doctor say to one of their long time patients “It’s better if you don’t wear a mask”. In my community, there are basically four practices with frum doctors that people go to. And each one of those has been extremely loud and open that not enough people are wearing masks or following other COVID protocols.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1930309

    @avram-in-md I’m referring to an old comment that @daas-yochid made in which he fabricated a story about Hatzalah (you know, the organization that has been begging people to wear masks and socially distant since last Purim?) running around saving people who were dying because they wore face masks.

    I don’t know what studies you’ve read, but there’s literally no evidence that wearing a mask for even extended periods of time will reduce oxygen levels or increase CO2 levels. Fakert, there are multiple studies that show zero physical adverse side effects from wearing a face mask, even for people with respiratory issues. Which is why I’m extremely skeptical of anyone who talks about large swaths of people that cannot wear masks. Who are these people? What sort of masks are they wearing that have material so thick it can actually inhibit airflow? If it is so common, why aren’t we seeing schoolchildren dropping like flies when they sit in a classroom wearing a mask for 1 to 2 hours at a time?

    Sure there are those who have psychological issues, like panic attacks when wearing a mask, or people who have abnormally large or small facial features that make masks extremely uncomfortable. But impossible? No. Dangerous? Absolutely not.

    Please, before you talk about the dangers of wearing a mask, call up your doctor. Not some doctor you heard of on the Internet, but the physician you’ve trusted with your health since before COVID. And ask them if it’s better to wear or not to wear a mask. If they say not to, then we can continue this conversation. Otherwise, I think we’re done here.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1930020

    @daas-yochid sigh. You literally invented a story about Hatzalah running amok because everyone was dying from wearing face masks. Please don’t expect me to take whatever else you say seriously.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1929804

    @syag-lchochma I thought we were being civil, what happened to you?

    There is no way to fully mitigate mental health and economic issues until the pandemic is over. The best we can do is try to protect as many people as possible which involves some sacrifice. If we tell people to act as if everything is normal, we’ll Chas v’Shalom have a repeat of Purim 2020. If we tell people to go into lockdown until everyone is vaccinated, it will be just as bad.

    So we compromise. You can go out, but please wear a mask. If it’s between locking up 100 people who can’t wear a mask or locking up 1000 elderly people because it’s dangerous for them to walk around when there’s unmasked people spreading COVID, I don’t think there’s much of an ethical dilemma as to who’s mental health we should be more concerned about.

    in reply to: Trumpism is here to stay. #1929803

    Just out of curiosity, where does socialized healthcare fit in this list? Because Trump personally had been in very vocal agreement with Bernie Sanders that the US needs a single payer healthcare system as outlined in his book The America we Deserve. He only was quiet about it when he joined the GOP.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1929654

    @avram-in-md We have to measure what the bigger danger is: wearing a mask or not wearing one. The people who physically or psychologically are unable to wear masks are very few, perhaps one out of 1000. The majority of those who claim they can’t wear masks, simply haven’t found one that they feel comfortable in and don’t see a pressing need to wear one. So it’s a question of forcing that tiny minority of people who can’t wear masks to be stuck inside until the pandemic is over, or forcing elderly, immune compromised, and other sick people inside until the pandemic is over. Unfortunately, we have to inconvenience the minority (people who can’t wear a mask) so that the majority (elderly etc.) won’t be inconvenienced.

    And no. Scientists have yet to find a situation where a fabric face mask has restricted someone’s oxygen. It’s literally never happened. CO2 and O2 can pass through the fabric of an N95 mask no problem.


    It is wierd but in my community no one wears masks.

    goes hand in hand with

    none of us has had covid in weeks, yes their was a spike Tisha bav and succos

    If no one wears masks, there will be massive spikes followed by a lot of quiet. That’s literally what you’re describing. I believe you don’t know of anyone who was niftar, but I have a difficult time believing that no one in your community got seriously ill from COVID.

    i don’t see where a piece of cloth that is so thin will save you from this wily disease.

    Truth is, it won’t. What the masks do is prevent a sick person from getting another person sick! Diseases like COVID travel in droplets of saliva and that’s where most people catch it from. If you wear a mask, your saliva gets trapped and you won’t get someone sick. And it’s not good enough to say “But I feel fine!”, because we’ve seen that people can have the virus, feel fine, and still infect other people. Masks are not 100% effective, but it’s effective enough that there’s no reason not to wear one.

    in reply to: Mandatory Vaccines #1929648

    For the doubters, I think there were 30,000 people injected with the vaccine and 30,000 people with a placebo. After several months, there were very few adverse side effects with the worst ones lasting no more than a month. In the placebo group about 1000 people caught COVID and were tested positive. In the experimental group, only 100 people caught COVID. That’s where the 90% effective number comes from.

    The reason they are saying to keep wearing masks, is that you have no way of knowing if you’re one of the 10% that the vaccine didn’t work on and you’ll be accidentally exposing people to the virus if you catch it.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1929468

    @Mottel Absolutely. Yeshivos and Minyanim are essential to continue our teffilos and avodah to Hashem Yisborach. Unfortunately, we are in the midst of a pandemic and we have to follow the advice of Chazal and our Rabbonim to try and mitigate the suffering. So please keep on wearing masks so we can keep the minyanim and Yeshivos open so people won’t Chas V’Shalom get sick just from davening like we had last Purim!

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1928850

    @Daas-yochid Does it matter? I’m upset when, after we have seen so much pain and suffering from COVID-19, that people won’t even do the smallest of acts to try and mitigate it. Yes I’m upset at people who refuse to wear masks where it’s mandated. I’m upset with people or institutions who refuse to mandate basic COVID-19 safety protocols. I’m upset with various media outlets downplaying the dangers of the virus and acting as if wearing a mask is a personal choice. And I’m upset with people who ignore or directly contradict the advice of their local physicians because they read something on the internet that scares them.

    Let’s get this straight: Wearing a mask is not a big deal. It doesn’t restrict oxygen, nor increase CO2 levels. It doesn’t make it hard for people to hear you, and it’s not some form of government mandated mind control. It’s a piece of fabric you put in front of your face, little different than a scarf or muffler that a person would wear on a cold day. And if it even causes a 50% decrease in viral spread (studies show it’s closer to 75 to 90%), it’s well worth the mild uncomfortableness to keep people around you safe.

    in reply to: Working Bochurim Shidduchim Corona #1927639

    Why are poor women who’s fathers are not Roshei Yeshiva considered second class in shidduchim? Why do we say to focus on middos while attaching glamor shots to resumes? Why is it OK to violate HIPAA laws when investigating possible health concerns? There are a thousand and one questions you can ask about the shidduch system. At the end of the day, it’s a broken and unfair game that we are all forced to play, dancing to the beat of the game masters, the shadchanim and mothers.

    in reply to: Toiveling basic George Foreman without cord getting wet? #1926671

    Unless it’s a complicated electric device like a Keurig or a Sous Vide, you’re safe toiveling the whole thing as long as you keep it dry for a few days before you use it.

    in reply to: Mandatory Vaccines #1926623

    @huju What if your doctor told you to take the vaccine because it will protect others but not yourself? Would you still take it?

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1926109

    @daas-yochid Then can you please ask your question again? Because I believe I answered it in three different ways, but I guess I either misread your question or was looking at the wrong comment.

    in reply to: Gedolim vs. Cats and Dogs #1926108

    Rav Shimon Schwab’s son Reb Yosef used to have a dog named Twinkles. His grandchildren would laugh about how when he would visit them, he would sometimes be more excited about petting the dog than seeing his kids.

    in reply to: COVID Casualties #1925417

    I fail to see the difference between the two.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1925243

    @syag-lchochma Like everyone else in the universe, I consider myself to be pretty open minded. I generally change, or at least question, my worldview if it’s ever challenged. On this particular subject, though, I have yet to see anything even approaching a legitimate challenge. It’s like Flat Earth Theory or 9/11 Conspiracies. On one hand, there are tons of scientists and other experts giving a pretty reasonable explanation to things, on the other hand, there are a lot of random people on the Internet and “experts” that are often revealed to either be not experts of simply misquoted.

    I’m inflexible not because I’m an inflexible guy, but because I haven’t yet seen a decent argument to sway me.

    “The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.” – Terry Prachett

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1925081

    @avram-in-md OK good, just as long as we are in agreement that masks help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and people should wear them as much as possible when around others.

    If you’re asking me to name specific people, places, or organizations, sorry but you’re question will have to go unanswered.

    I think you may be surprised how not uncomfortable a mask is if you give yourself a chance to wear one for a little while. The people who claim they “can’t” wear masks are by and large just not used to it, or haven’t found the right one. There’s no danger of loss of oxygen, such that anti-Semites like Alex Jones claim, so being “unable” to wear one is more like being unable to bear wearing one.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1925079

    @syag-lchochma I learned a new phrase the other day called “The Paradox of Tolerance”. Basically, it means that you can’t put all sides of every argument on equal grounds, else we will be tolerating Nazis for their viewpoints. I find that this falls into that category. While I’m sure there are some health care professionals who aren’t as aggressive in recommending masks as others, I doubt there are many. And if there are any who say that wearing a mask makes no difference, there certainly isn’t enough to account for the sheer number of people who claim to quote them. I mean, the biggest frum doctors offices in Brooklyn, Monsey, and Lakewood have all advocated for mask wearing as much as possible. Whomever these alleged doctors are that say that masks don’t help at all certainly are a minority and don’t even begin to account for the sheer numbers of people who refuse to put on masks.

    I think a lot of it comes from people hearing what they want to hear and ignoring the rest. A relative said to me the other day that he doesn’t wear a mask because he heard that a certain prominent doctor said that only a full hazmat suit will protect a person from COVID. I asked if Dr. Hazmat tells people not to wear masks, and what does he think of masks protecting well people from someone who is ill, and he didn’t have an answer.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1924959

    @syag-lchochma The issue is that I don’t think anyone is following their doctors. People find “doctors” on the internet or they pick and choose what they want to hear, then ignore the advice of their local physicians. If people were listening to doctors, many more people would be wearing masks, not making large simchas, and it’s very possible we would have seen less deaths and illness.

    in reply to: Democrats cheated, Biden won #1924744

    The biggest raya that the Democrats didn’t cheat is that, despite tons of preparation, precautions, potential witnesses, lawyers, safe guards, and statisticians in place the GOP has yet to produce a single actionable piece of evidence. The best they were able to come up with was “we don’t have Republican witnesses at this particular point so we don’t know for sure that there wasn’t cheating”.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1924742

    @avram-in-md Wearing masks isn’t 100% effective, it’s probably more like 75%. But that’s all we need to get COVID-19 to go from an above 2 transmission rate to below 1. Keep it like that for a few months, and we can all get back to our normal lives.

    All of this fails to answer this big question originally posed: Why are you so opposed to people wearing masks?

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1924550

    A room full of people when regulations in most states require reduced capacity indoors?

    Don’t be ridiculous. Obviously it was at reduced capacity in accordance with the health guidelines. I think there were 50 people when the shul held 250.

    Also, if the virus is transmitted via aerosols and not just large droplets, the masks would’ve become useless by Yishtabach as breath escaping the increasingly saturated masks became well mixed into the room air.

    It’s mostly transmitted by large droplets. Aerosol transmission isn’t nearly as common. Sure it’s possible, but still a low enough chance to risk it.

    He said hatzolah almost was called on Yom Kippur.

    Read our follow up conversation. There are very very few people who have such difficulty with masks that they cannot wear them. Those people should stay away from others. For everyone else, the issue is just being uncomfortable.

    The level of protection given by a mask for the wearer or others around the wearer is largely unknown, especially in non-clinical settings.

    It’s more well known than you are choosing to acknowledge. Like I said before, there isn’t a legitimate health department in the world today who says not to wear masks. If I have a question in halacha, I ask a Rov and don’t question his reasoning. If I have a question about health, I ask a doctor. In this case, the doctors are saying “Wear a mask”.

    in reply to: Broken Polling #1924534

    Both in 2016 and 2020 the FiveThirtyEight polls were the most accurate. They broke things down by state, and got about 80% of all states right with the remaining 20% well within the margin of error.

    in reply to: Are anti trumpers actual liberals? #1924489

    Many of you are picking and choosing what mitzvos Bnei Noach you find issue with. If Trump were an open mishkav zachar, I doubt he would have any support from any frum community. But he’s “just” a mezaneh so it’s OK I guess?

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1924453

    @Theprophet Where did you get those numbers from? And testing negative is kind of meaningless if you got tested a month, or even a week ago.

    in reply to: Mandatory Vaccines #1924441

    @Abba_s What’s not to understand? Harris and Cuomo are politicians and put their politics before the health and wellbeing of their constitutes. They don’t want to acknowledge the vaccine, because it looks good for Trump!

    If you won’t get vaccinated by choice, then it is your responsibility to stay away from people until herd immunity kicks in. I’m sorry, but that’s the harsh reality of the situation. Your choice, however informed, if it puts people in danger is something that you have to take into account when you make it. And it remains your responsibility to minimize that danger.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1924438

    @daas-yochid A single person being uncomfortable is a small price to pay to potentially protect others from a dangerous virus.

    What question did you ask me that I didn’t answer? About what situations I was referring to? Well, obviously all those shuls, schools, and simchas that chose to go ahead with no changes due to COVID-19 and didn’t push for their members to wear masks.

    Can we acknowledge that this is a conversation about wearing masks to protect others? A mask only offers a small protection from getting a virus. But it offers a huge protection to other people if the mask wearer would Chas v’Shalom be infected. That’s why we can only have these discussions if we agree that wearing a mask is for the benefit of others.

    in reply to: Mandatory Vaccines #1924305

    @SyagLchochma First off, I don’t live in NY. Second, my experiences about mirror what the CDC says are rates of hospitilizations due to COVID-19. Sure “only” one out of a thousand people who catch it die, but about a hundred times more than that are seriously ill, many of which end up in the hospital. CDC data, and the data from independent tracking sites, shows that there have been several million people admitted to the hospital for COVID-19 since March.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1924296

    @SyagLchochma I’m not sure how I can be clearer: you asked “Why do people who are immune to COVID have to wear masks?” I answered “Because of Lo Pluhg. If we allow exceptions, the rules become murky and allow for too many dangerous loopholes and mistakes.” Also there’s the precedent. Once you start allowing people to break the rules, there’s no precedent to follow the rules anymore. Oh you have antibodies, very nice. When did you get tested? Last week? Last month? Six months ago? What were your levels? There are too many factors and too many variables to allow for this.

    My problem right now, is that you keep pushing this cheshbon of mask wearing as a personal choice. That it’s effectiveness is exaggerated and all those people like me who have issues with the anti-mask brigade are wrong.

    Where am I correct scientifically? I can literally post a megabyte worth of links of YWN would allow it. Every health organization and doctor of any legitimacy has been saying the same things I have: Wear a mask to stop yourself from spreading COVID. Halachically? I don’t think that even needs to be explained. We are talking mamesh pikuach nefesh over here.

    I am being to harsh? Oh boo hoo. Every sensible person I know is making huge sacrifices to make sure their families are living normal and safe lives. I know people who had to stay locked up like prisoners for two weeks in their family guest bedroom because they were exposed. I know Yeshivos that had to institute draconian policies to make sure no one gets sick. I know girls who went to Seminary in Eretz Yisroel where the first few weeks were little different than a prison. I know people who are scared to go outside because they are elderly or otherwise vulnerable. I know stores that are bleeding money because people are too afraid to do shopping. I know people who have gotten very very sick. And I knew people who are no longer alive.

    This is a very harsh situation and every tiny thing we can do to help, we should. So even if masks only help to stop the spread by 50% it’s well worth it. And it’s well worth any criticism against those that refuse and those others who make excuses for them.

    in reply to: Mandatory Vaccines #1924266

    @SyagLchochma I’m going according to my own personal experiences where I know about 10 people who were hospitalized or seriously ill for every one that was niftar. Considering that over 250,000 people in the US died, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to assume that millions of people were hospitalized for COVID-19.

    in reply to: Mandatory Vaccines #1924265

    @Theprophet Out of every ten people I know that had COVID-19, at least one was extremely ill. Many haven’t fully recovered even months later. And if they were over 50, they were almost certainly hospitalized. I personally know of at least three people who were niftar from it. I’m guessing you live in New Zealand or some other place where COVID-19 isn’t so prevalent. But if you don’t trust the media or the government, please trust me at least. COVID-19 is extremely contagious and can be extremely dangerous.

    in reply to: Mandatory Vaccines #1924103

    @rightwriter I tried researching the topic, but I can’t seem to find anything legitimate. What has Gates and Fauci done in connection with the two current vaccines and the thousands of others that have been in development? And I still don’t understand what would be so bad. We need a vaccine. Millions of people in the US alone were severely ill or hospitalized from COVID-19. Without a vaccine, this will keep happening year after year. What possible dangers are there in an FDA approved vaccine that can be worse than what’s already happened and what’s bound to happen again? Personally, I am unopposed to capitalism. If some greedy people are making money or gaining power over something we need, then let them gain as long as we gain too.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1924102

    @daas-yochid Nebbuch, I feel sorry for that man and many others who are psychologically unable to wear masks. He did the responsible thing and went outside, and away from people. But you have to understand that those are Yachidim. Most just simply haven’t gotten used to it, or haven’t yet found the “right” mask they could be comfortable with. For the overwhelming vast majority of the world, wearing masks is imperative to preventing other people from getting a virus that you may have. For those that can’t, they should do the responsible thing and stay away from people as much as possible, like davening outside or only ordering delivery.

    Tell me something, how often do you wear a mask? Why or why not?

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1924104

    @syag-lchochma What part about my answer did you find difficult to understand? In a sentence, everyone needs to wear masks because this is a situation that if you don’t have 100% compliance, you end up with close to 0% compliance.

    in reply to: Anti-Face Mask YWNCR #1923997

    Oish oish @daas-yochid! This is the Klal Yisroel I know and love? What happened to us?! I don’t wear a mask to stop myself from getting sick, I wear a mask because I may be sick and I don’t want you to catch it! Oy vey, are we so far gone that all we can think about is “How does a mask protect me?” What happened to “How does a mask protect you?”

    I watched a room full of people, (including children as young as ten!) daven on Yom Kippur and wear a mask the entire ten hours they were in shul! Where is our strength that some of us find it unbearable to help protect others!

    in reply to: Are anti trumpers actual liberals? #1923968

    I do not swear allegiance to anything other than Hashem and His Torah. I find that the Republican Party and the American Conservative stance is slightly closer to my allegiances than the Democratic Party. Therefore I am a political conservative. But, now here’s the kicker, that means I do not have to agree with everything the GOP does. And I certainly do not have to support everyone who calls themselves a Republican.

    So just because I don’t support the particular mushchis who joins whatever party is convenient for himself, does not mean I am automatically in support of yenner party and the extremist positions of certain people on their.

    Oh, and Trump himself once wrote an entire book called The American We Deserve advocating for universal single-payer healthcare. He only stopped voicing that opinion after 2010 when he realized that being a Republican suited his means more and the GOP doesn’t like universal healthcare.

    in reply to: Mandatory Vaccines #1923969

    @rightwriter & @Theprophet I don’t understand. The vaccines were produced by Pfizer and Moderna, no? What does Microsoft have to do with it?

    And right now if we stay the course, we are going to lose about three hundred thousand Americans a year forever to COVID, and hospitalize millions more. Will a vaccine kill more people than that?

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