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February 24, 2021 10:17 pm at 10:17 pm in reply to: DOES YWN MAKE MONEY FROM PROMOTING THE VACCINES?? #1952078Yserbius123Participant
@torahvaluesoverparty Let’s get one thing out of the way first.
HCQ+Zinc is not an alternative to vaccines. Even by the most optimistic reports, it’s far less effective and more prone to side effects than the vaccines. Despite what you may hear on WhatsApp, it’s not some miracle drug that evil politicians are trying to hide so that we’ll all die.
You have to read the entire article. The pertinent passage is this one:
“The study also found those treated with azithromycin alone or a combination of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin also fared slightly better than those not treated with the drugs, according to the Henry Ford data. The analysis found 22.4% of those treated only with azithromycin died, and 20.1% treated with a combination of azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine died, compared to 26.4% of patients dying who were not treated with either medication. ”
There’s a difference of 6.5% in deaths for patients treated with HCQ+Zinc or nothing at all. That directly contradicts your original statements that HCQ+Zinc is the effective medication. The Henry Ford Health System concluded that only HCQ alone in hospitalized patients is effective. Which is a questionable result since even by your own admission multiple other studies have shown that HCQ alone for symptomatic patients is only minimally effective.
February 24, 2021 6:49 pm at 6:49 pm in reply to: DOES YWN MAKE MONEY FROM PROMOTING THE VACCINES?? #1952010Yserbius123Participant@syag-lchochma I don’t think my sentence was clear (grammar was a long time ago, me no speak English good no more). I meant about 150 fatalities in accidents per day compared to one to two thousand fatalities due to COVID per day.
February 24, 2021 6:11 pm at 6:11 pm in reply to: DOES YWN MAKE MONEY FROM PROMOTING THE VACCINES?? #1951981Yserbius123Participant@torahvaluesoverparty You keep coming back to the same song and dance. You don’t trust expert opinion or the scientific process. So in your own mind HCQ+Zinc works and literally nothing can refute that because we are playing by rules of logic that you invented.
Let’s take one response that I keep pushing and am still waiting on you to comment. The Henry Ford Health System in Detroit promoted the use of HCQ+Zinc to treat COVID-19. They gave it to pre-symptomatic patients and patients who were already experiencing symptoms. They published papers on the results and collaborated on other HCQ studies. The results show that 5% less people were hospitalized when they took HCQ+Zinc. That’s good, but hardly fantastic. Promoting HCQ+Zinc as a vaccine alternative is incredibly dangerous.
February 24, 2021 3:58 pm at 3:58 pm in reply to: DOES YWN MAKE MONEY FROM PROMOTING THE VACCINES?? #1951964Yserbius123Participant@akuperma In the USA alone between 1000 to 2000 people a day are dying from COVID-19. Comparatively, in a normal year there are about 100 deaths from the flu and about 150 from car accidents. COVID-19 is over ten times worse than the flu and car accidents combined. All the treatments in the world (Remedisvir, HCQ+Zinc, Vitamin D) have only had a negligible effect on that number. And that doesn’t even factor in all the serious, potentially permanent, health problems people suffered from after getting the virus.
So please don’t pretend that COVID-19 is some political game or something to scoff at. Did you not loose enough friends and family? Would you change your tune if Hashem took more people you knew to the Oilam Ha’Emes?
Yserbius123Participant@commonsaychel Oish, Air America, I remember that disaster. Michael Moore was their big draw and even he quit after he was basically ignored. I don’t know what it is about AM radio that attracts Conservative viewpoints, but in a way I’m glad it does.
@ubiquitin He spent an awful lot of those three hours daily pushing pure fiction that he knew most of his listeners believed. Up until his death, he was still claiming that the people who attacked the Capitol were Antifa hired by Democrats, despite many being identified as prominent Trump supporters.Yserbius123ParticipantBobby Fischer always suffered from untreated mental health problems. Because he was a celebrity, it was chalked up to “eccentricity” and everyone accommodated his absurd requests, public tantrums, and random appearances. In his later years, he started denying that he was even Jewish, despite birth records and relatives stating otherwise. His opinions on Jews in general were horrific, to say the least. It’s likely that even had he chosen to stay in the public eye and rejoin chess tournaments, much of the media would have chosen to ignore him.
Yserbius123Participant@ubiquitin Let me clarify. Rush Limbaugh was not an intellectual. One only has to listen to his various attempts to debunk climate change over the years to understand that. “Melting ice doesn’t make the water in the glass rise!” is not an intellectual response.
Yserbius123ParticipantWhy Teflon?
Yserbius123ParticipantThe problem with “Perfidy” is that Hecht gives way too much power to Kastner. He alleges that Kastner single handedly had the koach to stop the Churban in Hungary but didn’t in order to get the Kastner Exchange (and Kindertransport I think?) off the ground.
Ironically, Hashem used Kastner as the shliach to save the Satmar Rebbe Reb Yoel ZT”L from the fires of Europe.
Yserbius123ParticipantDemocrats and Republicans are just two sides of the same coin. They want you to foam at the mouth and hate “them” because it bolsters their position. There are decent Democrats, there are decent Republicans. There are reprehensible Democrats, there are reprehensible Republicans.
The best way to view the divide is to serve Hashem as best as we can and daven that who ever He has running this country will do good for us Yidden.
Yserbius123Participant@syag-lchochma @daas-yochid I have repeatedly stated my position and you and the others have repeatedly muddied the waters and gave vaguer and vaguer rebuttals to it (“Just google it”, “mechanchim”, “I once saw…” etc.). You literally leave me no choice but to call you pro-death since you have made it abundantly clear that you don’t care about people dying from COVID and brush it off pretending there’s nothing to be done. All I want is a simple rebuttal to my position: Wearing masks saves lives and the negative effects of it are exaggerated.
To address your most recent goalpost moves:
You cant misquote people, misrepresent their comments, skip half of their points and call it listening.
And you can’t continue to ignore the main drive of my argument and claim that I didn’t address a non-existent rebuttal.
I told you i spoke to several doctors IN PERSON who said the masks won’t stop the spread – you said i should try speaking to doctors.
No doctor will say that it stop the spread entirely, but considering that the vast majority of experts (doctors, health organizations, nurses, EMT orgs, two presidents, and the CDC) are still recommending mask wearings I have difficulty believing that you found multiple doctors who do not recommend it and say it doesn’t help. I believe you probably asked them a very specific question, like “If everyone wears a mask will COVID be over?” and they answered truthfully that no it won’t be over.
From the CDC: Masks should NOT be worn by children under age 2 or anyone who has trouble breathing.
Read how the CDC describe someone with trouble breathing. They are referring specifically to people who regularly are hospitalized with breathing problems and give very strong recommendations that said people should take extra care to socially distant, a far more extreme act than just wearing a mask.
The person who I mentioned was told by his doctor that he cannot wear a mask for long periods.
Yichidim. Edge cases. I never denied that there are people who cannot wear a mask. But like I repeatedly said (which you’ve continued to ignore) those people are so few and far in between we can make special accommodations for them. They absolutely do not account for the sheer number of people who are running around in crowds without masks, and they are absolutely not an excuse for random yutzes to not wear a mask because it makes them uncomfortable.
The fact is that there are gedolim on both sides of the equation.
There are no two sides to the equation anymore than there are two sides to the question of whether the Earth is round or flat. There’s people who are rational and people who are duped. Unfortunately, a lot of gedolim are surrounded by a filter of people who is their only connection to the outside world. So if the filter is biased, the gadol’s opinions share that bias.
Alright that’s enough. No more goalposts movements. Wear a mask. Unless you have some severe health problem there’s no reason not to wear a mask. And no respect should be given to those who say that it’s a personal choice. These are facts and this is my position. Address them, or move on.
Yserbius123Participant@syag-lchochma I am listening. You and the others are not. All I’m saying is that wearing masks saves lives and the negative effects of it are exaggerated. So far not one of these posters has had any rational response to that statement. So yes, people who are against wearing masks are pro-death.
Yserbius123Participant@daas-yochid Addendum: Just for fun, I went through the entire first page of Google results for “asthma mask”. Zilch. Nada. Nothing. Every result is about how important it is to wear a mask even for asthmatics.
And to add on the the mechanchim thing, the only thing I’ve ever heard a mechanech say that’s pro-death is “It’s difficult to expect kids to wear masks all day”. Which (1) does not support your argument at all and (2) is patently false as many Yeshivos do have mask rules and the kids follow them.
Yserbius123Participant@daas-yochid Let’s get this out of the way, on the two sides of this argument, pro-death and anti-COVID, there’s really only evidence to back the anti-COVID side. For one, you’re getting pedantic about minor details in order to avoid addressing my points. Whether Hatzalah was called or almost is irrelevant when the facts remain that masks are not physically dangerous but not wearing masks are.
If you want to quote a source about masks and asthma, don’t tell me “just google it” when “just googling it” exclusively brings up stuff that directly contradicts your main point. Tell me where to look.
I woud tell you to speak to rabbonim and mechanchim who don’t insist on masks and ask them the reasons, in a sincere way, but I’m afraid you are not able to drop your bias and hear real answers and accept that there’s another side.
Yeah, I’ve spoken with mechanchim and Rabbonim. All the Rabbonim in my city have spoken again and again how important it is to wear masks to shul. As did the Rabbonim in nearly every other place I know of, except for those that are pro-death. Even the New York Times, in its recent anti-Semitic hit piece about COVID and Israeli Chareidim, admitted that the Rabbonim are constantly asking people to wear masks. Every non-dorming Yeshiva near me has strict mask rules. I believe it was Rav Yaakov Bender SHLITA that was approached by people asking him about the psychological effects of wearing masks and he bluntly said “There’s no increase in suicides”. If you’re going to be pro-death, you’re going to have to have a better argument than “Well some Rabbonim say it’s OK”.
@MadeAliya Oh that. Yeah, I wear glasses with my mask. If you’re constantly fogging up, you have to get a different mask. Or just take them off and clean them. I’ve never found it anything more than a minor inconvenience. I think if we’re making a comparison to being anti-COVID or pro-death, COVID is a little more inconvenient than a couple of minutes of having foggy glasses in shul.
Yserbius123Participant@torahvaluesoverparty We can agree now that COVID is killing 1500 people in the US daily that masks are necessary. We can agree that if COVID will “only” kill 100 people in the US daily that masks will not be necessary. I don’t know where the line is drawn, I’ll leave that to people smarter than me. Right now it’s clear that the line hasn’t been passed yet, so let’s worry about whether or not to wear masks when we start to approach it.
@daas-yochid Ah it was you. You double down and claimed that I was lying when I said “You called Hatzalah on a man choking to death on a mask”. What was my lie? That the man wasn’t choking, he was “struggling to breathe”. OK. Sorry, whatever veracity you had went out the window at that point. I exaggerated the story to prove a point: that if someone had Hatzalah called because a mask inhibited their breathing, then many people would have had Hatzalah called. But they weren’t, QED.Look, I don’t deny that there are people who are psychologically incapable of wearing masks. Your friend (if he exists) was probably having an anxiety attack. But don’t pretend that masks are dangerous. Especially when it’s imperative that we try to wear them as much as possible around other people. Anyone who is having psychological difficulty wearing a mask (the only possible difficulty) needs to see a therapist ASAP. They are no different than an alcoholic who cannot drive without getting drunk first.
Oh and I googled “Asthma and masks”. First five results were from some pretty reliable sources and all talk about how masks don’t affect asthma unless the someone regularly needs machines to breath. I am not diving into the weird part of the internet just to find one or two obscure conspiracy sites that bolster your argument.
You have yet to bring a single rational argument about how the mild psychological affects of mask wearing somehow trump the major sakana of not wearing them (see: my drunk driving moshol).
Yserbius123ParticipantTalk radio was never about exchanging ideas. It was about letting someone talk about their opinion for hours on end with occasional callers who were screened to either reinforce the host’s opinion, or let on to be sneered and laughed at before cutting them off.
I may agree with a lot of what Rush had to say, and even went through the usual (thankfully brief) Yeshiva Bachur phase of enjoying to listen to him, but let’s not pretend he was anything more than he was. A cheerleader who could yell his opinions really loud.
Yserbius123ParticipantI already know that at least one of you (honestly I don’t want to name names because I’m too lazy to look through old comments) invented a story involving the dangers of masks then called me a liar because I repeated the story a little differently when calling them out on it (I think I said “couldn’t breathe” when the original fiction was “choking”). So I’m sorry if I’m coming out disrespectful, but I think it’s pretty obvious that you’ve lost all reason for anyone to respect your position.
Yserbius123Participant@torahvaluesoverparty According to the CDC, pre-Corona the flu killed about 100 Americans a day. COVID kills about 1500. So when we reach a point where COVID becomes as dangerous as the flu you can get back to me with your silly invalid comparisons.
@daas-yochid No, it doesn’t. Mask wearing isn’t nearly as big of a deal as you anti-maskers like to make it out to be. I don’t think there’s anything I can say that can convince you otherwise as I know you’ve already thrown your hat into the anti-rational camp where a random WhatsApp message confirming your own personal biases bears more weight than any number of epidemiologists, doctors, Rabbonim, and politicians.
@madealiyah Please explain your moshol to this silly am ha’aretz. Not wearing glasses will affect people because they won’t be able to see. Not driving affects people because they can’t get places they need to go. Wearing a masks affects people…. how?I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. You people with your “respect those who choose not to mask” are essentially saying “my own personal comfort takes precedence over your health”. It’s gayvah, pure and simple. It’s not a position that demands any amount of respect.
Yserbius123ParticipantThe biggest hypocricy is the media focusing on Cruz’s arrogance that hurt no one, and all but ignoring Cuomo’s lies that killed thousands.
Yserbius123ParticipantAs much as I disagree with what Democrats and liberals like to call “systematic racism” I also hesitate to speak out against it because a lot of the accusations of “wokeness” and “victimhood” can be used against our fellow Jews who are sometimes a little too quick on the antisemitism trigger.
Yserbius123Participant@daas-yochid We’ve done this song and dance before.
A) I do not respect other’s “right” to not wear a mask anymore than I respect other’s “right” to drive drunk. It’s a danger to others to pretend that a pandemic doesn’t exist.
B) No, they do not have good reasons. The reason is “it’s uncomfortable” which isn’t a good reason. Yes, there are people who the comfort is too difficult, but there are also alcoholics who can’t drive without drinking first. Both need a doctor to help them before they put others in danger.
Yserbius123Participant@torahvaluesoverparty Will putting a small piece of fabric over your mouth and nose affect your life in any meaningful way in the same manner that not driving will?
When we reach the point where we can be reasonably certain that the vast majority of people are not spreading a dangerous virus, then I will be comfortable with everyone taking off their masks and stopping to socially distant. Right now the opposite is the case, unfortunately. In every group of 1000 people there is a reasonable certainty that at least one of them has COVID-19. So if all 1000 gather in one spot without masks or social distancing, there is a decent fear that many of them will catch it and some will end up seriously ill.
Yserbius123Participant@daas-yochid Why do you not want to encourage people to wear masks? They work, which we all know now, so why are you so against them?
The reason mask wearing is important for COVID is that COVID isn’t just “some flu”. It’s far more contagious than pretty much any other common virus out there. So even if the “hospitilization rate” is the same as the common flu (it’s not, COVID has a far higher hospitalization rate), the infection rate still makes it much more dangerous. What that means is that where a flu can affect 100 people, COVID-19 will affect 10,000. Meaning that in a theoretical closed population you are much more likely to see people hospitalized and dead from COVID than other common viruses. Which is why mask wearing is important as it lowers the infection rate. B’chasdei Hashem we will see more and more vaccinations as the days go on and im yirtzah Hashem that will mean that we will see lower and lower rates of both infection and hospitalization, making the virus much less dangerous so we no longer have to mask and socially distant.
Yserbius123Participant@the-shady-charedi I’m sorry but that’s just wrong. The value of BTC primarily comes from investors, not from its value as currency. Unlike cash which is accepted as legal tender, there are very very few places that accept BTC for payment. The long wait times, the fluctuating prices, and the general user unfriendliness of BTC are all major obstacles that prevent it from replacing the dollar any time soon. If I want to buy something for 20$, by the time my transaction of 0.00038449042 BTC gets entered in the ledger, the price could jump 20% causing me to spend an extra 5$.
Yserbius123Participant@ujm It’s not really all that different than stock betting (AKA options trading, day trading, Forex markets). Which is kind of my point. Bitcoin, despite the hype, isn’t being used as a currency. It’s being used as a betting mechanism whose sole value comes from the fact that people use it as a betting mechanism.
@gadolhadorah I’ve been hearing about “Cryptocurrencies on the rise” for the last ten years. I’ll believe it when I see it. Right now, despite your optimistic predictions and comments about Tesla and Microsoft, I don’t see it.Yserbius123Participant@daas-yochid If you have a problem with the conspiracy theorists, then why are you playing into their hands? Just say “Masks work, please wear them” and stop caring about something someone once said and then retracted.
February 17, 2021 5:21 pm at 5:21 pm in reply to: EXPLAINER: Covid Regulations Post-Vaccine #1949392Yserbius123ParticipantMost of the reason why there’s a pandemic is that the approach of “to each their own” doesn’t work since it puts other people in danger.
The reason why we still have to be careful is that the vaccine is 95% effective. Meaning that one out of 20 people aren’t affected by it and still have to be careful. Since we don’t know who those people are, it means that everyone has to be careful. Statistically, that’s not an issue if everyone is vaccinated, since 5% is still really small. But since most people are still not vaccinated, that 5% partying like it’s 2019 can be a real danger to some people.
Yserbius123Participant@daas-yochid He lied about what? That masks are ineffective? Or that masks are effective? The guy made a public announcement that he made a mistake and after reviewing the evidence he’s changed his mind. Why would someone lie about that? And why wouldn’t you believe him?
I think there’s a lot more truth to that statement then, say, the claim that masks can cause people to have potentially fatal breathing problems. The former is backed by documented evidence, the latter is a dangerous fabrication being pushed on social media.
Masks work. Wear them.
Yserbius123ParticipantBitcoin is a gambling mechanism, nothing more nothing less. Despite lofty goals of a decentralized currency that anyone with a computer and internet connection can use anonymously with no string attached, it’s become just a slot machine. Almost all Bitcoin holders are just investing, hoping to sell their BTC when the price goes up. The few actual uses of BTC as a currency are mostly limited to shady Dark Web drug and gun forums.
The ridiculous price volatility of BTC combined with the several hour transaction wait times make it nearly impossible to use as a normal currency.
Bitcoin isn’t mainstream, it’s just talked about more.
Yserbius123ParticipantNew York State accounted for nearly half the US COVID deaths during April 2020. Why isn’t Cuomo held accountable for that?
Yserbius123Participant@daas-yochid So what you’re telling me is that Fauci changed his mind after being presented with evidence contrary to his opinion. If people on CR would be the same, we wouldn’t be having so many arguments.
Masks work. Wear them.
Yserbius123Participant@Yt I’m not sure if using your visible name links to your profile, so I went with both.
Do you want to know why “lots of people are against them”? Same reason why lots of people are anti-Semites, or why lots of people think that the Earth is flat, or why lots of people think Joe Biden is a lizard in disguise. People get their information from less than legitimate sources and aren’t educated enough to know better to look for something a little more verifiable.
Do you know what’s worse than the unknown side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines? COVID-19.
Yserbius123ParticipantUltimately what is missing from this discussion is what going to public school shows. When frum people were sending their children to public school, they left Yiddishkeit in droves. It shows that public school had/has a detrimental effect on whether someone will choose to remain frum. The fact that several gedolim and Rabbonim went to public school and still became great tzaddikim is eidus to their greatness.
Yserbius123ParticipantI believe Rav Shlomo Wolbe ZT”L went to the early 20th century German equivalent of public school until he was old enough to go to Yeshiva.
L’Havdil, Rav Malkiel Kotler SHLIT”A went to Betzalel, a non-frum Jewish school in Lakewood.
Public schools back then did not teach the pritzus they do now. They were much worse. Most secular schools in the 20th century were very into Atheism and openly anti-Semitic. There was no accommodation for religious lifestyles and Jewish students were actively encouraged to discard their old fashioned dress and religion.
Yserbius123Participant@daas-yochid The “changing mask guidelines” is literally fake news. There was one Tweet, not even an official guideline, back in March of 2020 asking people to stop buying medical grade masks. After merely a few weeks, the CDC started recommending people wear masks when it was revealed that it prevents others from getting COVID. Since then the only “change” has been Fauci saying that two masks are recommended. If people like you would just stop whining and put the stupid piece of fabric over your stupid face this whole horrible situation may have been much less severe.
@zeev1234 (AKA @Yt) the problem with “everyone makes their own choice” is that it’s not your choice anymore than it is your choice whether or not to drive drunk. By not getting the vaccine, you may be putting others in far more danger.Yserbius123Participant@torahvaluesoverparty 5% was what the Henry Ford Clinic reported. I think they were the only large medical group to prescribe HCQ+Zinc on a big scale to treat pre-symptomatic COVID-19. The 80-90% number reported from the Kiryas Yoel clinic is misleading. It was based on patients who had or had some symptoms of COVID-19 were prescribed HCQ+Zinc were not hospitalized. That is perfectly consistent with how COVID-19 reacts normally without medication. Furthermore, this was at the beginning of the pandemic, without testing, so it’s likely that most of the patients didn’t even have COVID-19.
Yserbius123Participant@torahvaluesoverparty What @refoelzeev said. Also the doctors that have been prescribing it before COVID-19 becomes symptomatic reported a 5% drop in hospitalizations. Which is useful and helpful, but too small of a number to rely on. Please get vaccinated.
Yserbius123ParticipantThere were several double-blind studies on HCQ. Several repeated Dr. Zelenkos drug cocktail. The most positive outcome was a 5% decrease in hospitalizations for COVID-19 patients. Dr. Zelenko himself never performed a proper peer reviewed study.
There exists multiple medications and procedures to help with COVID-19 and the medical establishment is scrambling for anything. If HCQ+Zinc worked as well as people on here claim it does, it would have been standard months ago.
There are a lot of frum people with an extremely dangerous mindset. They believe that the vaccines are more dangerous and less effective than HCQ+Zinc when the reverse is true. This means that COVID-19 will continue to spread and endanger our oilom if we don’t educate people on the matter.
Yserbius123ParticipantDiane Feinstein and Chuck Schumer both condemned Omar’s statements as anti-Semitic, as did multiple left wing news sources. Omar apologized and in the several years since has mostly been quiet about Israel.
Greene never even acknowledged her comment, forget apologizing. And although she was condemned by right and left wing media, there was only a few murmurs from her GOP compatriots.
February 4, 2021 1:58 am at 1:58 am in reply to: Two Frum Community Problems Solved with One Approach #1945144Yserbius123Participant@ujm Relying on rich parents for money shows a chisaron in emunah. If an individual requires a life where he doesn’t have to work and neither does his wife, then he should have the emunah that Hashem will give it to him. How do you think so many kollel families in Eretz Yisroel manage? What if the father-in-law makes a bad business decision and loses his money, leaving the man stuck with no prospect for a job and a wife he needs the finer things? Money disappears, Torah is l’Netzach Nitzachim.
Yserbius123ParticipantIt’s Oliver Wendell Holmes’s famous quote “You can’t cry FIRE in a crowded theater and claim freedom of speech”. Social media has given everyone a megaphone and it is the responsibility of the owners to ensure the megaphone doesn’t land in the hands of a fire crier.
February 4, 2021 1:58 am at 1:58 am in reply to: Biden announces restoration of U.S. relations and aid to Palestinians #1945141Yserbius123ParticipantSo are Republican Jews responsible for terrorist attacks that come because of the lack of peace between Israel and the Palestinians?
February 1, 2021 11:15 am at 11:15 am in reply to: Biden announces restoration of U.S. relations and aid to Palestinians #1944275Yserbius123ParticipantI personally feel that they should have kept WB & Gaza the way it was before.
What’s “before”? When they were Jordan and Egypt? I guess I can sort of get behind that, provided there were adequate security measures in place and Yerushalayim was still in Israel.
While the ‘endgame’ is huge political discussion, Israel is mostly fine with the status-quo. The problem is the Palestinians who can’t stop whining and pull themselves together.
That’s my problem. The status-quo stinks and I don’t think Israel is fine with it. The status-quo means that the West Bank and Gaza are in a state of limbo, not part of Israel but not part of another state either. And I don’t think it’s unreasonable for the Palestinians to keep whining as long as they are stuck like that. Israel should have a plan as to what to do as soon as we can get a decent Palestinian non-terrorist leadership. But they don’t have a plan.
Yserbius123Participant@CharlieHall “New York can be doing worse” isn’t exactly a shining endorsement of Cuomo. After botching the initial COVID-19 response causing nearly half the initial deaths in the US. Then encouraging vaccine distributors to throw out extra doses by threatening anyone who dared vaccinate someone who isn’t in the nebulous “Group 1A”. He will have to do a lot better than 33rd percentile before you will get people to stop bashing him.
Yserbius123ParticipantYou can, if you want to. But it basically means getting off the Internet entirely. Most non-Google websites use Amazon Web Services to some extent. And online retailers take advantage of Amazon’s infrastructure.
January 29, 2021 10:13 am at 10:13 am in reply to: Biden announces restoration of U.S. relations and aid to Palestinians #1943607Yserbius123ParticipantNot endorsing Biden’s plan or anything, but I would like to ask a question for everyone here. What’s Israel’s endgame?
I mean it makes sense to say that you can’t negotiate with terrorists, but it also makes no sense to keep the West Bank in a state of permanent limbo. Do you want the West Bank to be completely part of Israel and give all of its residents citizenship? Or do you want to give the whole thing back to Jordan? There has to be some sort of plan, right? We can’t just keep pretending that everything is fine just as long as the terrorism is kept to a minimum.
Sorry to sound so much like a smolani, but it just bothers me that no one seems to be thinking long term about what needs to happen.
Yserbius123Participant@mbachur (AKA Coffee Addict) and @trybepolite You’re still relying on YWN standards as to what they consider appropriate, and those standards may not be the same as yours. So my advice would be not to rely on the frumkeit standards of anonymous people on the Internet. If you want your eyes to stay 100% pure and kodesh, stick with seforim. Besides, the video in question was hardly problematic. If that’s what you take issue with, you definitely need to stop leaving the Beis Medrash.
YWN also slips up on occasion and prints stuff that go against their standards too. There was an article some time ago that quoted Louis Farrakhan (may Hashem bring him to teshuva soon) and used language that is certainly not something you want your children reading.
January 25, 2021 11:01 am at 11:01 am in reply to: Is being “eco-friendly” a value that means something to you? #1942246Yserbius123ParticipantRav Aryeh Carmell ZT”L wrote at length about how “ecofriendliness” is part of the Torah and we cannot disrespect our environment. I suggest we all read his essays on the matter before proceeding further.
Though I do admit that modern “green” movements are mostly about making people feel better about themselves. Even if everyone in the US would use reusable shopping bags, the impact on the environment would be minimal. The main things we need to worry about are big governments and companies that account for 90% of the world’s pollution.
Yserbius123ParticipantIf you are worried about seeing stuff on the Internet that goes against what a ben or bas Yisrael should see on the Internet, then you should not be in the Internet even with a filtered connection.
Yserbius123ParticipantAs a side note, there is one Yid that was pardoned who is being mistakenly referred to in the media as an Orthodox Jew.
Edited – I am not sure that information fulfills the requirements for posting