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  • in reply to: smoking on Tisha Ba'v #2305910

    Regarding the Misha Berura: During the time of the Chofetz Chaim, smoking usually meant a pipe. Not only did it contain less tar and nicotine than cigarettes, but they were also smoked far less often. Setting up a pipe takes time and energy so even heavy smokers back then had a lot less health problems than modern mild smokers.

    in reply to: smoking on Tisha Ba'v #2305636

    Is it muttar to eat pork outside of a Sukkah?

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2305635

    @sechel83 In his letter, Rav Aharon Feldman makes a distinction between “Elokists” and “Meshichists”. He specifically refers to Meshichists as dangerous because they believe a dead man can be Moshiach. So there’s my one non-Chabad Rov thus fulfilling your request of “please bring one open statement from a non chabad rov that there’s something wrong with believing that a dead man can be Moshiach”

    Nu? So I answered your query, have you answered mine? Have you found some random Rabbonim to talk to?

    in reply to: Using Beach Chairs in Shul on Tisha B’Av #2305634

    Maybe talk to Misaskim about their beach chairs that they give out to batei aveilim?

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2305142

    @qwerty613 I was asked to provide one Rov, I provided the words of one Rov.

    Rav Feldman SHLITA is simply one of the more outspoken gedolim against certain Chabad beliefs and practices in the sense that he publicly condemns things that most other Rabbonim have on written record as being saying. And he’s not some small fringe Rov, he’s the Rosh Yeshiva of one of the biggest, oldest, and most important Yeshivos in the US, and the head of the Moetzes. Furthermore, if you read his letter, he absolutely says that Meshichistim are dangerous and a huge problem.

    in reply to: Republicans Due for a Hard Reset #2305024

    I wish the frum oilom would stop fawning over Trump as if it’s some sort of mitzvah to put your full support behind him.

    in reply to: Biggest supporter of Torah in the world #2304934

    Reb Eliezer @laskern Free child support. Far greater support than any other yungerman gets from any other government in the world in all of history. Even counting what was withheld.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2304933

    @sechel83 There are hundreds of quotes, but I thought Rav Aharon Feldman’s public letter was more well know. He says that anyone who believes that a dead man is Moshiach is dangerous and one should not associate with them nor entertain their beliefs. He’s one of the heads of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah and pretty much everyone else on it agrees with him on that.

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2304316

    @Dr-Pepper There goes that pointless aggression again. Just shouting “Liar Liar!” over and over again. Look, I’m willing to have an honest discussion, I really am. But I am not willing to engage with someone who uses schoolyard taunts when correcting me. Especially on such silly minutiae. Like, you made it abundantly clear that you’re voting for Trump, and when I mention that you’re all “Nuh uh! Pants on fire! Shakran! I am voting AGAINST DEMOCRATS!” I mean, seriously?

    Don’t get me wrong, I think Clinton should have been arrested and charged for willfully storing classified documents in a location that doesn’t conform to SCIF standards, then deleting them when the FBI came a knocking. But I think what Trump did was so much worse. Not only the fact that his stuff wasn’t even locked or password protected, but the sheer hypocrisy of chanting “Lock her up! Lock her up!” then doing nearly the exact same thing.

    in reply to: Should Tisha B’Av Be Movie Day? #2304313


    If you can get through Tisha B’av with the right amount of sadness and making your day truly meaningful, then by all means do! However, most children have a hard time getting into the right mindset of Tisha B’av. By the afternoon, most adults are too exhausted to really give that over. Learning Torah is out. So a meaningful movie, for all those children and hot+tired adults, is just fine.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2304128

    @sechel83 You’re still picking and choosing Rabbonim who (you believe) already agree with you. Considering his less than enthusiastic endorsement of that meshichist book, and his reputation as a massive Talmid Chacham, I highly doubt Rav Breitowitz SHLITA will give you a “There’s nothing wrong with it” answer if you ask him straight out. My point is that the vast majority of non-Chabad Rabbonim hold that there’s something wrong with believing that a dead man can be Moshiach. You can learn that yourself if you just do my quick experiment. Or you can continue to sit in ignorance. Your call.

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2303752

    @Dr-Pepper Just a quick reminder. You are defending Donald Trump, not the Ribono Shel Oilam in this comment thread.

    You are again relying entirely on something the very unreliable and biased Bill Stevenson wrote about 35 years after his marriage ended that contradicts with everything everyone else said on the subject. Then you are saying that Stevenson is somehow more reliable than everyone else.

    Looking at the classified documents case alone should be enough to know the differences between Trump and Biden. Trump spent all of 2015 ranting and railing about how Hilary Clinton should go to jail for keeping a classified computer system in her house. Then he goes and intentionally stores 10x more documents in boxes scattered around the place where any cleaning crew could just pick up and read. Then goes on and on about how he can legally do that because he was once president. Contrast that with Biden who had I think it was four or five single pieces of paper buried in hundreds of other papers in his filing cabinet. An offense, sure, but clearly an accident.

    Frankly, Trump has done a lot of good but his abrasive personality, addiction to lying and hypocrisy, pritzus, scandals, alienation of people around him, and general insane rhetoric, makes me not want to vote for him. I don’t want to vote for a Democrat, but saying things like “justify to השם in the next world why they voted Democrat” sounds like those Xtian cow farmers from Alabama who are calling him Yoshke reborn.

    Can you link to the thread? I have a vague recollection of arguing with someone on gun control where they used the same old tired NRA talking points. But I don’t want to discuss it unless I see it in front of me.

    in reply to: If moshiach came today (or tomorrow) #2303682

    I wish I was on the madreiga to do everything just in case Moshiach doesn’t come. Unfortunately I’m not. I still prepare for the future as if it’s the default and Moshiach coming is a hope, but not a given.

    in reply to: Israeli Generals, Low on Munitions, Want a Truce in Gaza #2303494

    @sam-klein Amen! B’m’heira v’yameinu!

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2303491

    @Always_Ask_Question I am so glad that we have the weighted random outputs of a large language model to tell us how to live our lives instead of those pesky Rabbonim.

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2303489

    @Dr-Pepper You’re coming across extremely aggressive. I hope you’re not like this in real life, because the tone of your comment sounds like something that would get you a stern talking to if you were in shidduchim.

    Anyways, I’ll address everything. My sources for how and when Joe and Jill met is mainly an oft-cited July 17th 1977 article in the Wilmington Morning News where they talk about how they met and have on numerous occasions corroborated the story. You can also look for an article in “The Review” titled “Behind the Stone Balloon” and a Vogue article called “All the Vice-Presidents Women”. As far as I can tell, the only source that Jill and Joe dated before her separation from Bill Stevenson is Stevenson himself. A secret he kept quiet about (including in divorce proceedings) until he wrote it in a book he published a few years ago.

    So on one hand we have multiple contemporary reports, articles, statements from parties involved, and statements from people uninvolved. On the other hand, we have the questionable statements of a disgruntled ex-husband that you admit is very biased.

    Now morality isn’t a zero-sum game, nor is it a contest. But if it were, Biden would win hands down. I mean, I repeat myself, but you’re basically comparing the standard immorality of the standard politician to someone who is literally off the charts in terms of immorality, gaivah, lying, cheating, and stealing.

    I’m not saying to vote for Biden or Harris (I sure don’t want to!) but all this fawning over Trump as if he’s the goyishe Moshiach is ridiculous and frankly embarrassing.

    Look, I don’t have an instant recall of every CR thread I commented in and I’m not even sure I even saw the comment where you listed my lies. So I honestly don’t know how to respond to all of that.

    in reply to: Biggest supporter of Torah in the world #2303012

    Gevalt. The Chareidi Rabbonim should be pushing the Israeli government to abolish the draft so that more Chareidim can go to work. Just demanding that they continue to pay for Yeshivos is burning whatever smidgen of goodwill is left.

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2303011

    @ujm I want you to ask the three Rebbis and Rabbonim you are closest with the following question. If a woman has been separated for a year and has a get, but not yet a legal divorce. May she go out on a shidduch date or not?

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2303010

    @Dr-Pepper Look, I’m not a debater and I don’t know all the “rules”. But I’m pretty sure that if your sources is “this article I read somewhere” that is contradictory to literally everything else you can find online, the onus is on you to provide said article and a really good reason to believe it over everything else.

    Again, you cannot compare Bidens alleged indiscretions, lying, cheating, and stealing to Trump’s lifetime of immorality. They aren’t just on different madreigas, they are in completely different ballparks.

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2302806

    @coffee-addict Is anyone voting for Doug Emhoff? Did lie and misuse funds to pay off that cleaning lady? Did he divorce his wife for that cleaning lady and is now parading her around?

    Now you’re just picking at nothing. Do you prevent divorced women from dating a year later if they haven’t received their get yet?

    I would agree, however I think that both politicians stance’s on Israel are similar and the differences are exaggerated by the media. Neither wants to anger their pro-Israel voter base, nor get directly involved in the war. So both will continue to talk and talk while doing the exact same thing.

    in reply to: Joseph #2302768

    So where is Eastasia?

    in reply to: Israeli Generals, Low on Munitions, Want a Truce in Gaza #2302724

    You know who else wants a truce? I want a truce. You probably want a truce. The only people who don’t want a truce are those terrorists who would rather die murdering people than see Israel continue to exist and those unfortunate Yidden who are fooled into believing that there is some sort of mitzvah to kill all the arabs and move into Gaza.

    Do you know what I want even more than a truce? A guarantee that Palestinian terrorists will never harm innocent people ever again.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2302565

    @sechel83 Most Gedolei Yisroel held of the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZTL as a Gadol, even when the harshly criticized many of his actions. Rav Shach was at one point a near unapposed Manhig without equal and his opinions were reflections of what most Rabbonim felt. Namely (like Rav Moshe states in the letter you posted) that Rav Schneerson ZT”L was a Gadol whose kiruv program is unparalleled, a massive percentage of his Chassidim acted in ways contrary to Yiddishkeit and he failed in curbing them.

    I do think it’s tipshus and bordeline Avodah Zara to take a very unique neis mentioned in the Gemara and say that it can apply to any arbitrary individual or situation.

    Neither of you have taken up my challenge: Go find a RANDOM selection of non-Chabad Rabbonim and ask them if it’s OK to believe that a dead man is Moshiach. If you want, you can even start with Rav Breitowitz SHLITA. Go to any Yeshivas or shul website, they almost have contact information. Just send them an email!

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2302564

    Jill Stevenson was separated from her husband for over a year when she met Joe Biden. They hadn’t formalized the divorce yet, so she was only technically married, but still very much single.

    Trump, on the other hand, has always been a massive philanderer and has openly cheated on all three of his wives.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2302303

    @Lostspark I know this is a Chabad thread, but maybe you can speak in terms familiar to those outside of Chabad? Like what do you mean “the Rebbe’s nisiyus”? What is the “seforim story of heh teiveis”. Who thought the previous Rebbe (and by this I assume you mean the Lubavitcher Rebbe before Rav MM Schneerson ZT”L. Because technically the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe is the one who passed on 25 years ago, since there’s no current Rebbe.).

    But if as you imply, there were people saying that a dead man is still alive, then yes. That would be considered either avodah zara, or stupidity to literally any frum Yid.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2302074

    @sechel83 I listened to bits of the podcast you mentioned and while I heard Rav Schachter condemn many Chabadskers for worshipping a man, I did not hear him say that it’s OK to believe that Moshiach can come from the dead. Neither did I hear any of those other Rabbonim say such a thing. Regarding the “Kuntrus Shmo Shel Moshiach” you should read those haskomos a little more carefully. Rav Breitowitz and Rav Cohen are giving the most lukewarm approval for the kuntrus, and are both very adamant that Moshiach cannot be a dead man. The haskomos are basically saying that there may be some poskim who hold that it’s not outright kefira to believe so.

    I am forced to conclude that your beliefs are biasing your senses into misinterpreting things you hear.

    in reply to: End of MAGA #2302068

    @Dr-Pepper I would like to respond to your accusations, but I frankly don’t remember you at all.

    Anyway, I was not referring to the debate (where Trump was very toned down from his usual self) rather in general. Trump made up about a thousand different stories regarding the huge stacks of classified documents on prominent display in his house and people tried to equate that to Biden saying it was an accident when a handful of classified documents were found mixed in with a bunch of other stuff at his house. Then there was things from his increasingly bizarre explanations as to why his lawyer paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to a zoinah, to stupidly inane stuff that anyone can check out, like the size of the crowd at his inauguration. Biden lies about on par as a regular politician, but Trump lies as a matter of course when he opens his mouth.

    in reply to: End of MAGA #2301880

    @dr-pepper I can answer for that. Trump’s lies are on a level of magnitude worse than Biden’s lies. It’s like comparing some college kid saying “I don’t like Netanyahu” to a rabid fascist declaring that Jews need to die and saying that they are both the same.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2301861

    @sechel83 That wasn’t what I asked. I’m sure you can find vague comments by big public Rabbonim and interpret that in any way you want. Certainly there are people on this thread that heard something completely different on that show. What I was you to do is go in disguise as a non-Lubavitcher, then RANDOMLY go over to non-Chabad Rabbonim and ask them if there’s something wrong with believing that a dead man (no matter how holy) is Moshiach. What percentage do you think will give you a straight “It’s OK to believe that” answer? More importantly, how many Rabbonim do you think you will have to ask before you get that answer?

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2301277

    @sechel83 I want you to even out your hat and beard, dress more Litvish, and go around asking a random assortment of non-Chabad Rabbonim (Chassidish, Modernish, Yeshivish, whatever) whether there is anything wrong with thinking a dead individual is Moshiach. I am curious how many you will have to go through to find one that doesn’t give an immediate “no”.

    in reply to: Why does Yiddish butcher Hebrew #2300813

    Excuse me while I wrap up several Talleisim, after spilling out this mayim acharonim vasser on Yuntiff.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2300784

    @EchadHaemes I’m repeating myself, but you seem to be unaware how uniquely Chabad-centric your view point is.

    First and foremost, the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Sichos were not meant to be learned b’iyun. He would have much preferred if his Torah would take a distant fifth place behind Gemara, Rishonim, Acharonim, and Halacha. Second, again, you have Gedolim like Rav Ruderman ZT”L who had the capacity to see more b’iyun in a “casual” reading of Torah than anyone alive can do in weeks, who learned Chabad Torah (Rav Ruderman was from a Lubavitch family and had daily sedorim in Tanya and other sifrei Chabad), learned the Lubavicher Rebbe’s sichos, and still didn’t see them as deep as some young bachur straight from Tzfas seems to see them. And he’s far from the only Gadol who did.

    Have you learned Alei Shur? Pachad Yitzchok? Rav Hirsch? RAMCHAL? There are hundreds of sifrei hashkafa, most of which you’re probably unaware of. Who’s to say that learning b’iyun any of those wouldn’t have a similar epiphany that you achieved from one Gadol alone?

    in reply to: Killing lice on shabbos #2300727

    @skripka Talk to proffesional chefs about their dutch ovens and cast iron pans, then tell them Ta’am is no longer a thing these days.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2300057

    @EchodHaemes Saying that the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Hashkafa is “quantifiably different” is a uniquely Chabad perspective that I don’t think you realize. Again, outside of Lubavitch, Rav Schneerson ZT”L is viewed as one of the great gedolim of the previous generation. Not the greatest, but probably in the top ten. And yes, @sechel83, that perspective is held even by those who read his speeches and seforim.

    in reply to: Biggest supporter of Torah in the world #2300056

    I was in a bad mood the other day when I got my tuition letters saying how much I owe to various Yeshivas and Bais Yaakovs. Although I received a significant break, the total cost is still a massive percentage of my annual income. While going over the paperwork, I received a phone call asking to help support Yeshivos in Eretz Yisroel after the budget cuts. I want to say I had Derech Eretz when saying “I’m sorry I cannot right now,”, I may have come across more than a bit angry when I think of all the American parents literally scrounging for funds while they Yeshivos barely find enough to get by year after year, with almost all of it coming from tuition and donations and almost nothing from the government.

    in reply to: Tradwives #2299890

    @Always_Ask_Questions Exactly. So the concept of traditional wife who prioritizes homemaking never really existed in any extended capacity.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2299889

    @EchadHaemes I don’t think Rav Schneersons Torah and Hashkafah have any more relevance to non-Chabad than they did before. It’s important to learn, sure, but the Hashkafa isn’t something a Litvak or Chussid would put above their own Rebbe or Rosh Yeshiva. And everyone learns their Rav or Rebbe’s Torah as first and foremost with all the others being a lower priority. Like a Satmarer learns Divrei Yoel and sifrei Chassidus, an American Litvak would prioritize Pachad Yitzchok. Then if there’s time or interest, may pick up his seforim on the RAMBAM or read a sicha or two. Likutei Iggros are all but ignored outside of Chabad.

    I don’t see why a couple of frum Internet influencers mentioning some Chabad holiday really means much, especially considering the vast overrepresentation Chabad has on the ‘net.

    in reply to: Tradwives #2299611

    From a Yiddishe standpoint, any frum married women is a traditional wife by definition.

    From a secular perspective, it hearkens back to an idealized concept that never really existed in reality. There were rich families, where the women were pampered all day and never lifted a finger. And their were poorer families, where the women worked themselves to the bone. The “traditional wife”, who stays around the house all day making herself pretty and cooking for her husband and kids, is something from 1950s media as a fantasy both men and women would like to have.

    in reply to: Killing lice on shabbos #2299610

    I was told by a Rebbi that there are Rishonim that talk about how every living thing comes from a male and female. So it’s not that Chazal didn’t understand the science, it may be that lice eggs and baby lice are too small to see so it’s as if they came from dirt.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2299609

    @EchadHaemes I’m not saying it’s a bad thing. It’s just that Chabad takes a different approach to interacting with goyim than the rest of the frum world. What that results in is tons of content online that’s frankly baffling to anyone who isn’t Chabad. Not just gimmel Tammuz, but also Elul posts about “The king outside” or something, and all references to “The Rebbe” being Rav Schneerson of blessed memory. Compare that to virtually any non-Chabad frum publication, like Mispacha or Ami. If gimmel Tammuz is even mentioned (it’s usually not) there will be clarification as to what that day means. Whether or not it was non-Chabad who started it, it’s hard to push the argument that gimmel Tammuz means anything to the vast majority of frum Jews who are unaffiliated with Lubavitch.

    The fact that Chabad is very good at kiruv and extremely useful at times, does not negate criticism of them. I know plenty of non-Chabad Rabbonim who won’t daven in a Chabad shul that they never heard of since they don’t know if the shul (or “house” as I think you call them) rejects the apikorsus aspects of Chabad messianism.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2298963

    Chabad won in media a long long time ago. They were always quick to embrace new technologies as ways of reaching people, while the Chassidish, Yeshivish, and Modernisch oiloms were much more hesitant. Therefore references to frum Yiddishkeit on TV, movies, and the internet are almost always from a Chabad perspective. A lot of people who know mostly of minhagim through the Internet think that things like the day the Ba’al HaTanya was released is widely celebrated, or that there’s only one person referred to as “the Rebbe”.

    in reply to: Tech Geeks? #2294702
    • Download “VLC Media Player” to your PC
    • Right click on the video and select “Copy URL”
    • Open VLC
    • Select “Media->Open Network Stream->Network”
    • in the text bar that says “Network URL” right click and “Paste”
    • Click on the down arrow next to “Play” and select “Convert”
    • Ignore any options you don’t understand and hit “PLay”
    in reply to: Elon Musk #2293425

    @ujm Incorrect. Musk was pretty quiet about his personal life, rarely posted to social media anything unrelated to his work, and uninvolved politically for the longest time. Then after the Thai cave rescue, where his ideas were ignored, he was annoyed that the experts didn’t take him seriously. He realized that his public image is effectively bulletproof, so he just stopped holding back. It started with comments about how much he enjoys pritzus online, and drugs. Then political opinions. I think his absolute low point was publishing a very private picture of his ex-girlfriend in order to make fun of her after she lost a domestic abuse case with a different man.

    in reply to: Elon Musk #2293238

    Nisht a hin, nisht a herr. He’s very much a goy who Hashem gave koichos too that now squanders his oilom ha’zeh on naarische pursuits and zivul. I get that he’s a brilliant businessman and Hashem has given him much hatzlocho, but there are literally hundreds of billionaires who are better people to look up to, and don’t build big cars that look like a five year old’s cardboard design.


    I would like to be on the madreiga where I can honestly say that I believe with full belief Moshiach will be here any day even though he’s delayed.

    So in short, yes. But I’m not sure if I’ve really internalized it yet.

    in reply to: Anyone else long for when restaurants were simpler #2248498

    I want all my restaurant food served to me Israeli style. I have to walk up to a counter and wait for the attention of an extremely irate looking man who acts like he is doing my THE BIGGEST FAVOR even though I’m the only one there. Then I place my order (obviously without bothering him to ask what’s on the menu) to have him shout back at me “WHAT TO PUT IN?”. Then one to fifteen minutes later hear my name shouted where I grab some mess of bread, vegetables and grilled turkey wrapped in wax paper served on a plastic disposable plate.

    in reply to: Anyone else long for when restaurants were simpler #2248496

    Give me a Dougies beehive any day. A blooming onion topped with chopped brisket, fries, and honey barbeque sauce. It’s perhaps the least Instagrammable food imaginable outside of cholent.

    in reply to: The Amelia Bedelia interpretation of “antisemitism” #2242624

    @Amil Zola “Bartleby the Scrivener”? In what way? Bartleby didn’t take things literally, he (for some unclear reason) had a drive to be a scrivener, copying down legal documents, and was mentally incapable of doing anything else.

    in reply to: Demonic Dogs #2230468

    The story was in the “Golem of Prague” book by Gershom Winkler. I just looked it up out of curiosity, and it’s in Reb Yudel Rosenbergs’ נפלאות מהרל which is the origin for pretty much all the Golem stories, but it’s of highly questionable accuracy.

    In Prague, there was an abandoned building that people saw strange things around. One merchant passed the building and saw a scary black dog come out, run around him, and go back inside. The man then started having dreams where he was riding a giant dog like a horse in a cavalry charge with other men and they were all barking and howling like dogs. The people in his house noticed that he was sweating, and barking in his sleep. During the day, the man was visibly weakened. After three nights they brought him to the Maharal. The Maharal checked his teffilin and tzitzis and found both to be pasul. He said that this merchant is missing his Malachei Shmira and that’s why the tumah from the building affected him. The man fixed his tzitzis and teffilin, put on an amulet with the pasuk “ולכל בני ישראל לא יחרץ כלב לשונו” and some Kabbaladike letters inscribed on it, and was told to trade beds with Yosele Goiloms for a week. After the week was up, the Maharal instructed Yosele Goilom to burn down the building and no harm came to anyone from the building again.

    in reply to: Hydroxychloroquine #2228679

    Dear coffee addict,

    Mayo Clinic was the only major health provider that took HCQ as a serious treatment for COVID. However, unlike what some (many unfortunately frum) people would have you believe, they never treated it as a magic bullet that is a cure. For a period of time (probably between six months to a year) they used it as part of a regime under strict supervision of medical professionals. They stopped using it when better options became available, and when its effectiveness was questionable, at best. Last week some blogger noticed that it was still listed on their website, a holdover from 2020, and made a big fuss about it. So they removed it from their website.

    That is all. This is all public knowledge reported in multiple sources that can easily be checked with archived websites. Do the research.

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