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@rightwriter And the reason I said that you had an agenda is because you asked very specific questions which you already had answers to that you only mentioned once people responded in a way contrary to the answers you had in mind.
August 27, 2021 3:06 pm at 3:06 pm in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2003625Yserbius123ParticipantI think that a lot of the confusion and discussion can be cleared up by emphasizing that Modern Orthodoxy is an actual movement with a set of ideals and some (albeit unofficial) leadership and institutions. There are plenty of MO high schools that separate the genders and plenty of places and Rabbonim who would never dream of giving a shiur comparing “Murder in the Cathedral” to Koheles. But the fact remains that some of the biggest MO institutions and figures endorse those that do. So it’s fair to criticize MO by pointing out that a lot of institutions under the MO banner act in way contrary to the Torah with implicit approval by those “Modern Orthodox machmir” people.
Yserbius123Participant@AviraDeArah I didn’t say that Chazal’s refuos were based on folk remedies, I said that a Rishon did. Which is absolutely not problematic to say in any context. For that matter, the Gemara discusses many many strange sounding refuos, especially in Mesechtas Gittin. But I don’t recall any of them mentioning gemstones in particular. So it sounds to me, that when Rabbeinu Bechaye discussed the healing properties of the gems in the Choshen, he was basing it off of common knowledge.
Yserbius123Participant@RebYidd23 The critter on the cover of the original album was purple, implying your first reading was the correct one. Now, what about flying lokshen keegle eaters?
Yserbius123Participant@rightwriter The fox tooth is in the same sugya as the scary mask which I already commented on. Your questions about the significance of the Choshem stones was also answered, look it up in Rav Hirsch. There are multiple other Rishonim and Acharonim who discuss it, I’m sure you can find one or two in a Mikraos Gedolos.
What about when Bnei Yisrael had to gaze at the bronze snake to get healed?
Ayin Mishnayos mesachtos Rosh Hashonna (and the London School of Jewish Song song using those words).
Im sure there are plenty more sources in Judaism.
I’m sure there aren’t based merely on the fact that none of these gemstone salesmen mention them. The strongest source seems to be Rabbeinu Bechaye. All the other sources mentioned do not state that gemstones have healing properties, such as Avrohom Avinu which I mentioned in an earlier comment.
August 27, 2021 6:36 am at 6:36 am in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2003442Yserbius123Participant@AviraDeArah Camp Morasha has a weird relationship with Camp Morasha Kollel. They are officially part of the same organization, but the kollel is run completely separate. The camp is pretty much the embodiment of everything previous comments have taken issue with regarding Modern Orthodoxy. The Kollel is run by YU Rosh Yeshivos and generally only accepts serious bachurim with a very serious mindset about Yiddishkeit.
I’m not sure if the connection between the two can be construed as the Rebbeim from the Kollel endorsing the way the camp is run and the hashkofos they put out.
Yserbius123Participant@rightwriter I would suggest not believing everything you’ve read on the internet. That “Or Emunah” site is highly questionable and seems to be more based on Eastern mythology than Torah. The “Kibitz” link is just trying to sell chintzy chotchkes. The only good source seems to be this Rabbeinu Bechaye which the Chabad site that quoted it stresses that the true healing is the Torah and Tahara.
I’m not sure what your agenda is, though it’s clear you have one. But other than one Rabbeinu Bechaye (who stresses that Torah is the ikkar and also seems based on the folk medicine of his time), there is no basis in Yiddishkeit that gemstones have some magical healing properties and can be used to supplement (or substitute) actual medical help.
Yserbius123Participant@rightwriter Rav Hirsch ZT”L discusses the 12 stones of the Choshen. What makes you think they were selected because of healing properties?
I did a bit of Googling. I was hard pressed (read: could not) to find a single website about gemstone therapy and crystal healing that was not all about Eastern avodah zara. The whole concept is riddled with things like “reiki” and “chakras”, often subtly hidden behind innocent sounding nonsense phrases like “body energy” and “flows of power”.
Yserbius123ParticipantThe Gemara in Shabbos is in the context of folk remedies, like wearing a scary mask to scare away diseases or healing amulets. Most Rishonim agree that the remedies aren’t actual cures, but psychological calming devices that we allow on Shabbos because of the placebo effect.
See the MAHARSHA on Baba Basra who says that the Gemara about Avrohom Avinu having a healing stone. The Gemara says that when he was niftar, Hashem put the power of the stone into the sun. The MAHARSHA explains that it’s a moshol. Avrohom Avinu had the knowledge of how to heal people and after he was niftar, Hashem gave the sun a certain koach that people will be healthy by spending time in the sunlight.
Yserbius123ParticipantThe English phrase “Chosen people” was coined originally by anti-Semites, it’s never found directly in the Torah (Am HaNivchar, Goy HaNivchar, or something similar). They would use it to convince people to hate Jews “Look at these Jews! They think they’re so much better than us!”. Non-frum religious Jews reclaimed the term sometime after the European Churban to use it as a mark of pride.
So while I don’t disagree with these statements, I’m very leery of using the term in general to describe the Yidden.
Yserbius123ParticipantRead the studies you linked. HCQ and Ivermectin probably work as effective remedies to lessen the symptoms of COVID-19. But they are far from a silver bullet. Even if they were being used widespread in all COVID cases, the most optimistic studies show that it would have only had a 10-20% change in how many people died. Maybe.
The best remedy is still prevention. Get vaccinated if you haven’t had a positive COVID test in the last few months. If you can’t or won’t vaccinate, avoid contact with people and wear a mask when leaving your house.
August 25, 2021 11:12 am at 11:12 am in reply to: Latest media anti-Israel bias: AP calls terrorists – “activists” #2002758Yserbius123ParticipantWater is wet, the sky is blue, the Rav HaRashi is Jewish, and the mass media balks at calling Palestinian terrorists “terrorists”.
Yserbius123ParticipantI’m not a Talmid Chacham, but every book on Shalom Bayis I’ve seen has numerous quotes from Chazal about how it’s a chiyuv.
Yserbius123Participant- Pagan nonsense
- No
- Rav Hirsch on Tetzaveh
- See above
Yserbius123Participant@rightwriter The links you posted confirm that it’s far safer to take the vaccine than to rely on having had COVID a year ago.
Yserbius123ParticipantDoes Ben and Jerry’s have franchises in China?
Yserbius123Participant@rightwriter You keep harping on vague statements like “ineffective” and “rare”. Look at the actual numbers as to how effective vaccinations are compared to someone who tested positive for antibodies months ago.
Yserbius123Participant@ywnjudy I may be speaking narischkeit right now and I’m going off of some really old memories, but isn’t there a huge controversy around stem cell research that has something to do with abortion?
Yserbius123Participant@rightwriter So the answer to my question is yes. You are just ignoring my response to your flu comparisons.
Yserbius123Participant@syag-lchochma and @rightwriter The studies that showed a years worth of immunity from a COVID-19 infection also say that it’s not nearly as effective against Delta. Furthermore, a lot of people I know who don’t want to get immunized because they have antibodies were tested positive for antibodies months ago and never actually showed COVID symptoms nor tested positive at any point. There’s no telling when antibodies wear out in those cases.
Yserbius123Participant@rightwriter Are you intentionally avoiding my responses to your questions? Like how COVID is nothing like the flu?
Antibodies are a fine substitute to the vaccine. But you can’t expect everyone to have antibodies, so those who haven’t had COVID in some time (three months I think they say) need to get the shot.
Yserbius123ParticipantAn Indian media named WION caught up with him today and did a short interview. He wants to stay and says it’s because Afghanistan is his home and he needs to take care of the Beit Knesset. He’s been under the Taliban before and probably faced much worse. Brave guy.
Yserbius123Participant@rightwriter COVID-19 is far deadlier than the flu. For one, it’s far more likely for a healthy person to end up in the hospital and/or face long term health problems from COVID-19 than the flu. But more importantly, it’s much much more contagious.
And I am counting natural antibodies. Someone who had COVID already and shows a high number of antibodies in a test is fine and doesn’t need a vaccine. But unless they’re getting tested every two weeks, they will need a vaccine at some point.
Yserbius123ParticipantSomeone in my town put out a video of every single shul and Yeshiva rav talking about how important it is to get vaccinated. Many other places put out something similar.
Yserbius123ParticipantOh and I work in a place that researches robotic appendages and AI. So I guess I’m at the center of whatever maelstrom is brewing up.
Yserbius123ParticipantI think Binah Bunch did an interview with a girl that had a prosthetic arm a few months back. I’m surprised she didn’t have @ywnjudy banging at her door screaming about giant towers.
Yserbius123Participant@rightwriter I’ve said this in previous threads, maybe to you maybe to someone else.
Those who don’t take precautions against COVID (vaccines, social distancing, etc.) are like people speeding on a road. The biggest danger is to themselves (crashing into a wall), the second biggest danger is to others like them (crashing into a speeding car). But they are also endangering those who are trying their best not to speed.
So if a speed limit is impinging on your personal liberties and freedom of choice, then fine! Go to the Great Salt Flats or the German Autobahn or somewhere else where you’re allowed to speed. Otherwise, follow the law and keep other people safe.
Yserbius123Participant@syag-lchochma I’m not as upset at AAQ’s dystopian vision of separate shuls and schools for those who are unvaccinated. Mainly because getting a vaccine is a choice to take on a tiny near-impercievable risk to ones self in order to help others. So while I don’t like the idea of “separate but equal”, I also don’t have a lot of sympathy for those who choose not to help protect their fellow menchen.
Yserbius123Participant@rightwriter Hold your horses there Marjorie Taylor-Greene. Last I checked, you’re in a frum forum where Churban Europa comparisons are frowned upon. If you said the same thing in a goyishe forum, you’d probably be called an anti-Semite.
Yserbius123Participant@ywnjudy What’s wrong with robotic appendages?
Yserbius123ParticipantI question the idea that ant-vaxxers believe that more people will die from the vaccines than COVID if no one takes it. I’ve never heard an anti-vaxxer explicitly state that and they always shy away from direct questions like “Don’t you think that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the possible side effects?”
I think they are mostly just afraid and are letting their personal feelings get in the way of seichel and common sense. They don’t want to take the vaccine, so they justify it with mounds of contradictory and vague statements.
Yserbius123ParticipantAt this point I think it’s abundantly clear that there’s no evidence that the election was stolen. The Maricopa Cyber Ninjas have spent months dragging their feet and whining that they are being stymied because they aren’t allowed to canvas door-to-door to double check the people’s votes. Mr. Pillow Man spent three days talking about nothing, claiming to have 14 terrabytes of data as proof, but refused to do anything with it other than show some brief images on a screen.
And of course, anyone who casts doubt on anything Trump says is automatically a RINO or a “lying lib”.
Yserbius123Participant@syag-lchochma I direct the term “pro-death” to those who are single-mindedly opposed to any and all proactive measures that can counter COVID-19. At this point that means mainly vaccinations. In this thread, it was not meant for you but if you think that describes yourself, then so be it.
Yserbius123Participant@smerel It’s a simple statement: Are there thousands of real practicing medical doctors who secretly oppose the vaccine but are afraid to speak out or aren’t there? I don’t think there are considering every doctor I’ve personally spoke with has been passionate that people get vaccinate, some going above and beyond the call of duty to get involved in organizations and askanim to get the vaccine to the frum oilom. Furthermore, every time I’ve seen an article or video about a doctor who opposes the vaccine, it turns out they aren’t really a doctor.
@syag-lchochma We’ve tantzed at this chasuna already. If you oppose the vaccine and are actively promoting dangerous lies to convince people not to get it, you are either a shoteh or want people to die.Yserbius123Participant@philosopher said:
There are many professionals, doctors and professors who came out against the shots.
This is another piece of propaganda that unfortunately seems to be swallowed by many frum Jews. It’s simply not true. There are almost no actual practicing medical doctors nor professors or other medical professionals in fields related to vaccines and viruses that have come out against the three vaccines! Read any pro-death (you know, the type of individual who is OK with another half a million people dying from COVID because “co-morbidity” or “they were old”) blog you can find on non-Google search engines and any pro-death video not on YouTube. They will invariably trot out some guy or woman in a lab coat and introduce them as “Dr. Plony” or “Professor Almoni” who will then speak about how horrible the vaccine is and how COVID is no big deal and they were banned from yenner website for saying so. Try looking them up. Always, and I do mean always, they are called Dr. because they have a PhD in some unrelated field, or they are a professor of philosophy, or they work in holistic medicine, or they retired 25 years ago some small contribution to the vaccines which they exaggerate.
So unless a practicing medical Doctor that you know and has been seeing you or your family as a patient since before COVID tells you that they don’t believe in vaccines and they aren’t allowed to say so, I am not going to believe you.
Yserbius123ParticipantIf you don’t like the Google results, you can always use Bing. Barring that, you can go for the Commie ones, Baidu and Yandex. I find the Russian Yandex to be an excellent source when looking for misinformation about COVID. Putin has been working overtime to make this stuff very available for anyone who wants to look.
Yserbius123ParticipantHere’s a hot take: I have no problem with people being excommunicated for speaking out against getting immunized for COVID-19.
Whatever health concerns you may have over the three vaccines, it should be abundantly clear that it’s still a better choice than to not get vaccinated. Not only will getting vaccinated protect yourself, but it will also protect those around you. It’s pure gayvah to talk about vaccinations and other COVID protective measures as “personal choice”. No, you’re elderly neighbor isn’t choosing to have you spit your diseased breath into her face because you wanted to say Gut Shabbos.
Yserbius123ParticipantYou’re pretending that it’s a simple question. It’s not. It’s a very complicated question that requires a lot of background and education to understand. Judging from your comments, I have my doubts that you have the education or knowledge to understand, kal v’chomer explain, what the vaccines do. You say “Whether the mRNA enters the nucleus of the cell or not”. Does it? Doesn’t it? Is it common? Uncommon? Is entering the nucleus a bad thing? None of these have straight answers and none are answerable by anyone without extensive education and experience in the fields.
I see what’s going on in countries with high coronavirus rates per-capita. Countries like Israel which is seeing right now peak Delta-variant hospitalizations which are not even as high as the lowest rate of hospitalizations before the vaccine was distributed.
And stop with this CNN-style fear mongering about “untested vaccines”. They’ve been out and tested on millions for well over a year. That’s longer and more widespread than most FDA approved medications.
So unless you’re willing to deny any and all medication, hospital care, and doctors, you have to stop scaring people about the vaccine. Facts don’t care about your feelings. You’re feeling scared, but the facts are that the vaccine works and is far less dangerous than the possibility of COVID.
Yserbius123ParticipantHow many music groups has Yerachmiel Begun been in charge of and can you name any of their songs that aren’t from MBC?
Yserbius123ParticipantI think we’ve learnt two things from this thread:
- Don’t talk about complicated scientific processes unless you’re well educated and experienced in the field. Reading some literature you found online doesn’t make you well educated.
- If you’re feeling afraid of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines then you should have no problem taking the J&J shot.
Yserbius123ParticipantThere is no definite proof that mRNA from these shots cannot enter the nucleus.
There is no definite proof that being around blond people doesn’t turn you into a horse.
I can make any claim with the statement “There’s no definite proof that it doesn’t….”. That’s not how logic works.
Yserbius123ParticipantI think simple math and observations can solve a whole lot.
First, think of how many people you know that died or were hospitalized from COVID-19. Think of all of those who are still having health problems. Then, think of how many people you know who died or were hospitalized from a COVID vaccine or are still having health problems. If there’s a significant difference in the numbers, your answer is a no-brainer!
Yserbius123ParticipantYou should also be very careful about the decisions you’re making! There’s a lot of serious talk about health insurance going up for people who don’t get vaccinated. There’s a good possibility that someone who is hospitalized from COVID may be responsible for their entire medical bill (even under Medicaid)!
Yserbius123ParticipantWho still uses cash anymore?
Yserbius123ParticipantOne of the most common Shir HaMaalos tunes was originally from a different song with a different pasuk. What were the words?
Yserbius123ParticipantOK. That’s your prerogative if you so choose. You may work and bring home a parnassa to support your family and Hashem may bless you with either having your finances in order, or having a whole family that’s content with whatever level of disorder they are in.
But that’s a personal choice between an individual and his wife.
Yserbius123Participant@rightwriter Why is getting a vaccine considered a “liberal” thing? Modern politics are so stupid. Everything is either Dem or Rep, lib or conservative. When did common sense become a political issue?
Yserbius123ParticipantBen and Jerry’s is a private company. They are free to do or say whatever they want and the customers are free to buy or not buy their products. If they choose to be anti-Israel, that’s their prerogative. I don’t see why we need to spill so much ink on the topic.
July 26, 2021 2:55 pm at 2:55 pm in reply to: Racist Linda Sarsour & Ben & Jerry’s announcement #1994711Yserbius123Participanttl;dr
Social justice advocates are hypocritical when it comes to Israel and Jews.
In other news, water is wet.
Yserbius123ParticipantIn related news, yenner website removed a video of two people discussing chess because the algorithm picked up phrases like “white beats black”.