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@daas-yochid Jokes on you, I’m barely goireis Da’as Torah when it comes to politics.
My “hypothetical” example is based on a real situation where the Rabbonim and Rosh Yeshivos of a certain frum community unanimously endorsed a Democrat while Trump endorsed the opposing Republican. This lead to one of the worst voter turnouts in this community’s history with most of the frum oilom still voting for the Trump ally. So I’m curious what would happen if the same thing would take place on a bigger scale.
Yserbius123Participant@klugeryid This part of the comment:
The smart amongst us knew from the start that things didnt add up
This isn’t about the vaccines, but about COVID in general.
I would love to argue facts and logic, but other than the first sentence, the entire post is completely bereft of either. What it does have is a lot of Q-Anon dog whistles. “New World Order”, “sheep-minded liberal”, etc. It makes me wonder if @rightwriter isn’t just some anti-Semitic conspiracy theorist taking a break from InfoWars to troll CR.
Yserbius123ParticipantIf the Rosh Yeshivos said to vote for Biden, would you still vote for Trump or sit the election out?
Yserbius123ParticipantPretending that there’s no such thing as racism and any discussion about it is only a ploy to brainwash kids into submissive little liberals is like half the GOP platform right now.
Yserbius123ParticipantI don’t know if I agree with everything your saying. Like this alleged quote from Rav Yaakov ZT”L. The people in power in the US were treated blacks like inferior sub-humans, which is the exact thing you said should not be done. That’s what MLK et al were fighting against.
What needs to be said is that the Torah concept of Goyim and Umos is completely incompatible with whatever the modern day concept of race and racism is.
One thing I feel that needs to be said, that will probably make a lot of people angry at me, is that in the frum community racism is unfortunately very common. People tend to look down at goyim (and even Yidden) because of the color of their skin or the shape of their eyes. They are spoken about as if they are little more than beheimos. This is a huge endemic problem that must be addressed.
Finally, let’s talk about Critical Race Theory (oh no I said the thing!). The main idea behind it isn’t that white people should always feel bad about racism or whatever. What it means is that even once racism basically became illegal in the US, the same people who were previously praising Hitler Y”Sh for his “ubermenschen” were still running the governments, universities, banks, and schools. So they snuck in a lot of policies designed to discriminate against black, Jews, immigrants, and other minorities. The Long Island overpass is probably one you’ve heard of. When designing the Long Island Expressway, the engineers wanted to make it difficult for black people to come in from Manhattan to use the beaches. The eastern part of Long Island was very white and most blacks were coming in via charted buses from Mid Town and The Bronx. So they designed the bridges to be too low for buses. This type of policy was mainstream in many many hidden (and not so hidden) ways. From jobs to bank loans to education. Skin color isn’t as easy as changing from Chaim to Hyman and putting on a baseball cap over your yarmulka. And a lot of those policies still exist in many forms.
Yserbius123Participant@rightwriter I was with you until “sheep”. There’s a balance between being safe and being so ridiculously over cautious that your ruin peoples lives. You are criticizing one extreme but then immediately jumping to the other. Frankly, your whole comment smacks of Q-Anon narischkeit and I would kindly recommend you take a breather from social media and the internet in general.
November 18, 2021 10:32 pm at 10:32 pm in reply to: When will all Yidden finally have Achdus? #2030633Yserbius123Participant@ts-baum @farbycoffe @nochum-dokshitz You are calling people “anti-Chabad” for saying that the Lubavitcher Rebbe was a Gadol but he wasn’t the greatest gadol of the 20th century by a wide margin. That’s ridiculous.
November 18, 2021 5:43 pm at 5:43 pm in reply to: The most unexpected place where you met yid. #2030547Yserbius123ParticipantMy family was on vacation in Alaska and we stopped at the side of the road in Denali Park to look at a beaver dam. There was already a man and his son standing there wearing the uniform of Yidden on vacation everywhere (man in a taxi driver hat, son in a baseball cap not covering the peyos behind their ears). My father ambled up and casually asked “Nu? Any chance we can get a minyan for mincha?”
Yserbius123Participant@syag-lchochma @avram-in-md Nu shtill Vremele, shtill kinder.
Yserbius123ParticipantLast week I drank too much at a chasuna. I felt really awful, but confident enough to drive home. I got home OK with only some minor bumps and scratches on my car. No one died or was even hurt. Why should I be forced to subject myself to going teetotaler or paying for taxis all the time?
Yserbius123Participant@ujm I question your metrics. I think it’s more like 65% of the time. And a good 50% of the time there’s no better of the two.
Yserbius123ParticipantThis is the most Chassidishe thing ever and I’m loving it.
November 16, 2021 9:43 am at 9:43 am in reply to: When will all Yidden finally have Achdus? #2028940Yserbius123ParticipantWhy are we playing gadlus Olympics? Who cares who contributed more to Yiddishkeit than whom?
Thing is this. We can all get along. But there are certain elements within our communities that we have to fight against. And if we want to stay as Torah Jews we cannot just stand idly by.
Yserbius123ParticipantThe minority who protest are supported and encouraged by the majority. Except for those that throw rocks or protest narischkeit, like an elementary school for girls. Those don’t have any support.
Yserbius123ParticipantWhat if you are of the opinion that both Republicans and Democrats are self-serving narcissistic goyim that don’t give two hoots about you and yours but will do and say anything to get you to believe they do in order to retain popularity and power?
November 15, 2021 10:36 am at 10:36 am in reply to: When will all Yidden finally have Achdus? #2028453Yserbius123Participant@ts-baum Not to Chas v’Shalom diminish the numerous accomplishments of Rav MM Schneerson ZT”L, but you have a very “Chabad-centric” view of Yiddishkeit. After the Churban in Europe Hashem sent numerous gedolim to the US to help bring Yidden back up to our feet. The Satmar Rebbe Reb Yoel ZT”L, Rav Moshe Feinstein ZT”L, the Alter Vizhnitzer Rebbe ZT”L, Rav Yaakov Kaminetzky ZT”L. I don’t want to start an olympics about which post-war Rav was more influential, but Chabadskers kind of have this tendency to ignore everyone except their late Rebbe and pretend that there would have been no Torah in America without him.
(also 300 volumes isn’t that impressive when there’s a huge team of people who did nothing for decades but write down and publish every thing he said and wrote, long past his petirah. Kol HaMarbeh bi’seforim etc.)
Slight edit
Yserbius123ParticipantAdd this to the list:
Yserbius123ParticipantCommunity splits is one I have a hard time with. I was involved with one many moons ago. From my perspective, it was abundantly clear that one side was acting like childish buffoons and the other side was just trying to live their life. But I can understand how people outside may look at both of us as just a bunch of yutzes making a huge chillul Hashem. In hindsight, it’s nice to see that the Rabbonim that were involved with and supported “our” side are now world-renown in very important positions while the one Rav on yenem tzad had his shul fall apart.
But then I look at other community splits where clearly both sides are acting in a manner more akin to street gangs than Yidden. Full-blown fist fights in shuls. A guy hospitalized when a molotov cocktail was thrown into his window. Cars overturned. People running into shuls to grab sifrei Torah. Brothers that refuse to speak to each other. I don’t see any way to be dan l’kaf zechus on these manners, it’s just machloksim she’lo l’sheim Shomayim.
Yserbius123ParticipantOh yeah, I member when I tried to do this and got the thread locked.
- Someone mentioned Zohar, so I guess we should add the authorship of the Zohar
- How far should Da’as Torah extend (and is it even a thing to begin with)?
- Secular studies in high school
- The infallibility of Rabbonim, from Tana’im to your local Rav
- Whether we have a responsibility to act better than goyim
- Is it assur to oppose the GOP?
@AvirahDeArah I don’t think there’s much controversy here regarding TV and movies. Most people on here will agree that they have little inherent value and if you can keep yourself and kids away from them, kol hakavod.
Yserbius123Participant@HaLeiVi Even when many prominent Chabad people actively practice things that are in direct contradiction to Yiddishkeit?
November 12, 2021 1:11 pm at 1:11 pm in reply to: Newspaper coverage of Rav Shaul Alter’s visit #2027573Yserbius123ParticipantLubavitchers are probably just as surprised that almost no frum newspapers had any stories about the Chabad Kinus other than a handful of pictures. Yidden have different priorities as to what constitutes “historic” and “important”. A Chassidishe rov who is very involved of what many consider a major issue and Chilul Hashem won’t merit much talk in a circles that don’t care about internal Chassidish rifts or those on “the other side”.
Yserbius123ParticipantErnie. No question. I’m the one who refuses to take anything seriously and I used to have a habit of laughing through my nose.
Yserbius123ParticipantRav Wolbe ZT”L once said regarding avoiding tayvos “You can’t ignore the bekiyus forever, because then it just becomes be’iyun”. If we treat every potential tzniyus issue (a bekiyus) as a major problem and block it out, then we’re just training boys and men to see every women as a source of tayvoh.
Yserbius123Participant@aviradearah I think Rav Schneerson’s letter denying that he’s Moshiach is well known amongst Chabadskers (as all of his letters are). Perhaps someone from Chabad can shed some light on it? All I know is what anti-meshichist Chabadniks have told me, that it exists.
Yserbius123Participant@Health Well, I googled the case you’re talking about. The only people who are claiming it’s Satanists is some weird paganist blog. All the more mainstream (and fringe) news sources simply list it as an unsolved mystery. The links to the (10 year old) allegations aren’t even working anymore.
Yes, I sound like that last line. Probably because it’s true.
Satan worship isn’t a huge thing in the US. Those that are Satanists are mostly just pagan idolators and not death worshipping murderers.
Yserbius123Participant@AvriaDeArah I do believe that Rav Schneerson ZT”L denied being Moshiach on several occasions and I think there’s a letter where he criticizing a Lubavitch rov for claiming that he’s Moshiach. It’s likely that the extent in which people believed him to be Moshiach was kept from him and he simply didn’t know how widespread it is. The last few years of his life, he had a stroke and was unable to communicate much. During that time, the meshichists became a lot more brazen and would openly sing “Yechi” in front of him to the anger of the agudists. His inaction was taken to mean that he accepts their beliefs. I’ve heard that one of his doctors, a frum Talmid Chacham, had a difficult time keeping meshichists away from his bedside. He said that they would ask their Rebbe questions and take every mumble and grunt as they chose to interpret it.
Yserbius123Participant@Health No you didn’t find a case where they did. You didn’t even name the city or time period where it happened. You just gave some vague statement.
And the popularity of what people call “Satanic Worship” is usually LeVay Satanism which is basically Atheists making fun of religion and using America’s freedom of religion to do so. Like putting a giant evil statue next to an image of the Luchois at a state capital. They don’t actually believe what they preach.
Yserbius123Participant@Health You’re right, just because I can’t find it doesn’t mean you’re wrong.
However, you own admission of ignorance coupled with the vague statements you are calling “facts” does. So you’re wrong.
Yserbius123Participant@Health Says “I don’t know anything about the Satanic Panic”. @Health also says “Satan worship is pretty common in rural America”. You keep professing your ignorance, yet still claiming that you “know” that it’s very common.
The closest thing I can find to your story is the death of Jeanette DePalma who was from New Jersey not New York. Her death is still an unsolved mystery but a local priest drummed up some panic due to her body being found at a place called Devil’s Teeth. There was no altar, no group of teens, and like the Salem Witch Trials, no evidence that Satan worship was involved at all.
Yserbius123Participant@Health There isn’t a single shred of evidence that there is, or ever has been, some massive underground cult of Satanists that routinely murder people. The Satanic Panic was merely a blood libel with different targets and different window dressings (although many did attempt to attack Jews as complicit in this alleged child murder ring). Most of the child witnesses from places like the McMartin Preschool recanted their testimony when they got older, and a lot of the testimony was re-examined and found to be either contradictory, implanted by the interviewer, or both.
Yserbius123Participant@ujm Any conviction today that results in execution, even under the shadiest circumstances, still has far more proof than any convicted witch at Salem. The raya to this is Giles Corey. If they could knowingly and willingly execute an innocent man, who’s to say they wouldn’t do the same to many others?
Yserbius123Participant@ujm Halachically, the Salem Witch Trials involved the murder of 20 people. (The one person who actually may have practiced some form of kishuf or Avodah Zara survived.) There’s nothing else to it. If you want to discuss halachic points, a goyishe court can’t just wantonly kill people for suspicion, they actually have to show proof. There was no proof for any of the 20 people executed, therefore they were all murdered.
Yserbius123Participant@philosopher They mean that “Rav Schneerson is alive”. Sorry if my post is confusing, I was responding to the initial comment where the fellow says “3. Lubavitchers believe the Rebbe is alive
WRONG”. That is actually wrong, since many believe he is still alive.Yserbius123Participant@ujm I forgot to elaborate on Giles Corey. He was one of the accused and he was tortured for a confession by having rocks put on his chest. He grinned at his molester, said “More weight” and died. By their own admission of the Salem court, Corey was completely innocent and still died.
So all else aside, the Salem Witch Trials absolutely murdered at least one innocent man.
Yserbius123Participant@ujm I would like a source that witchcraft (not Avodah Zarah) is assur for goyim. Also, like @AviraDeArah says, it wasn’t exactly a trial. The biggest “proof” was the testimony of three ketanos and one confession extracted from torturing someone until they almost died.
Yserbius123ParticipantJust to pick on one point:
Lubavitchers believe the Rebbe is alive
There absolutely are Lubavitchers who believe the last Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT”L is alive as evidenced by numerous pamphlets, websites, and other paraphernalia that they have produced. They have made it abundantly clear that they don’t believe he ever really died.
Yserbius123ParticipantI mentioned on a different thread that Jewish publications have a danger that doesn’t exist in goyishe stuff. This here is a good example.
Yserbius123Participant@ujm And gentiles can’t execute people for suspicion of Avodah Zarah. So I guess the two cases cancel each other out and the Salem judges remain murderers.
Yserbius123Participant@ujm Tituba was Haitian and practiced some form of paganism that would probably fall under the category of Avodah Zara and something assur for Yidden to be connected to (kishuf, or machsheifus). The Xtians in Salem didn’t understand what she was doing and assumed she was worshiping the Sahtan. If that makes her guilty, then yeah. But I’m willing to be dan l’kaf zechus that she was a tinokes she’nishba. The other four people were as innocent as they come.
Yserbius123ParticipantI’ve got a better idea.
If you have a question about a medicine, ask your doctor. If you want to know if you should get vaccinated, ask your doctor. If you want to know if the risk of getting vaccinated is more than the risk of getting COVID and treating it with ivermectin, ask your doctor.
And by “your doctor” I don’t mean a guy you looked up because you like his or her policies. I mean the doctor you generally go to for when you’re sick and have been going to before 2020. If you feel like you’re smarter than that doctor because of something you read on the internet or heard from a friend, then perhaps you no longer need doctors and should just do home-births, self-appendectomies, and treating illness with herbs from now on.
Yserbius123ParticipantI don’t know the details of every case you mentioned, but I feel like you are doing yourself a disservice by mentioning the Sukkah dismantling here. This is the year where there were nebbach two tragedies in Eretz Yisroel involving a structure collapse in overcrowded situations on a Yom Tov that were supposedly checked by experts first. The Israeli authorities have every right to make sure this doesn’t happen again.
But yea, the Israelis kind of hate the Chareidim. That’s never been a secret.
October 29, 2021 1:28 pm at 1:28 pm in reply to: Metaverse, is this an accident waiting to happen #2022298Yserbius123ParticipantI don’t get it. I’m old enough to remember when announcements like Metaverse were happening on a near-weekly basis. There was VRML, there was Second Life, there was VR Chat. Not one ended up as anything more than a cool looking toy. And none of the Zuckerberg technology is that much more advanced or available than all the others. So what makes Metaverse special?
October 29, 2021 1:28 pm at 1:28 pm in reply to: I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach,” #2022296Yserbius123ParticipantI don’t know the details of this case, but I do know from the experience of several teachers I am close with that the absolute worst thing a school can do is capitulate to parents and decide the curriculum based on what they demand.
Yserbius123ParticipantIt’s a matter of historical record that there was actually one witch in Salem, a slave named Tituba. The other four people accused of working with her (three women and one man) denied any involvement and the only proof against them was the word of a couple of little girls. It was revealed that there were family and monetary disputes that the girls had to gain if these women were killed.
So what you, @ujm, are doing is saying that the word of a couple of goyishe ketanos is worth as much as the word of a Tana, l’havdil?
@AviraDeArah The so-called US “Satanic Panic” actually had a huge anti-Semitic/blood libel stink to it. A lot of the so-called “experts” on Satanism cited that Jews worshiped Lucifer with blood and death. There’s a recording floating around the Internet of a local talk show interviewing a woman claiming to be Jewish who left because she didn’t like kidnapping and killing babies.Yserbius123ParticipantI wonder how much of that is skewed by the Chareidishe oilom who choose to live a life of Torah and potential poverty instead of sending their children to the IDF.
Yserbius123ParticipantD’Oraysoh. Yehareig v’Al Ya’avor
Yserbius123ParticipantSingers make very little off of the albums. They usually have big contracts with Mostly Music or whomever that nets them only a small percentage of the sales, in return for the producer doing basically everything but singing and songwriting.
October 24, 2021 11:30 pm at 11:30 pm in reply to: Bargaining for a Lower Price: Proper or Improper? #2020330Yserbius123Participant- Almost always
- When the vendor is just a salesman contracted to sell the product and cannot make decisions as to the price
Yserbius123ParticipantPretty sure that WoW’s whole thing is that they do everything just within bounds of Shulchan Aruch, and pushing the envelope on that. It’s not their actions so much as their intent. They don’t just “want to be part of a minyan”. They think that normative frum Yiddishkeit is problematic and seek to change it.
Yserbius123ParticipantEvery single time one of these free speech sites has been started (Gab, Voat, etc etc etc), and I do mean every time, it’s immediately overrun by actual Nazis talking openly about Holocaust denial and how much they hate Jews (among other things). Then they loose their advertisers, then their hosting providers, then they solicit money from users, then they shut down.
I give it a month.