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@always_ask_questions I’m pretty sure that if the US would have had a 90-95% vaccination rate, masks would only provide a tiny bit more of protection. But people are refusing to vaccinate, so we need mask mandates to increase that protection. But the people who don’t vaccinate don’t mask nor test nor socially distant either, so we’re back to square nothing.
Yserbius123ParticipantIf you don’t want to engage, that’s fine don’t engage. But you are engaging and you still haven’t answered the question!
For the record, I think masks on planes is kind of dumb too. But I’m not going to protest if I take a flight and they make me wear one. It’s really not that nearly as big of a deal as your making it out to be (fake new of an old man not being able to breathe on Yom Kippur nonwithstanding).
Yserbius123Participant@Health What a typical democRAT thing to say!
Biden didn’t stage a PROTEST. TRUMP did! Did you think that he would let your party of LIARS take over the White House?!
Who was at the protest?
watch the whole 4 hour video by the guy who did the thing on that website
It wasn’t BIDEN protesting and it wasn’t a RIOT that’s the lie that they are trying to make stick!
your comunism will never win in Hashem’s UNITED STATES!
Yserbius123Participant@syag-lchochma Because I thought we would have a civil conversation for once, but you went right back to the snark. Are you going to answer the question?
December 21, 2021 10:20 am at 10:20 am in reply to: “Palestinian” Abbas’ Advisor: Allah punishing world w/ COVID… #2043716Yserbius123ParticipantDumb politicians causing damage is just how Hashem is hiding the punishment.
December 21, 2021 10:18 am at 10:18 am in reply to: Trump Incitement VS. Sanders Incitement #2043719Yserbius123ParticipantMore Lib lies! I never meant that and you know it!
Perhaps you can explain why horn guy was seen at many Trump rallies waving pro-Trump flags BEFORE January 6th?
You should check out the uncut video of the full seven hours from the Trump speech to the Capital break-in. That proves how right I am and how much the liberals like you are lying and making stuff up.
Yserbius123Participant@syag-lchochma There’s the Syag I know and love! Well, I’m glad at least this time you aren’t responding with all-caps “LIAR LIAR” when I didn’t directly quote your question word for word, I guess we’ve all matured. Let’s pretend I have a bad memory. Can you copy and paste the answer you gave to the following question “What examples are there of the very same people who question and dismiss away many aspects of judaism are willing to accept all covid facts with blind faith?”
I’m agreeing with @always_ask_questions over here. Masking is a very basic measure that has been proven to be extremely effective against COVID, even in the absence of a vaccine. So are vaccinations. The current opposition to vaccines and masking is nothing short of childish. The current dangerous claim is that single girls who get vaccinated won’t have children. In a year when that’s proved to be more nonsense you and the others will move on to another, equally ridiculous, lie.
And on a similar note, although many of these people that seem to be cheering on COVID claim that many doctors are against vaccinations, at no point have I heard of any of these people asking their local physician that they always go to if they should get vaccinated and wear a mask. It’s always some random guy on the Internet with a PhD in paleontology or something.
Yserbius123Participant@syag-lchochma You never answered the question. What have people said that makes them skeptical of Yiddishkeit while taking COVID by faith alone?
@orangecountychapper That’s true, it’s all about what passengers want, what shareholders want, and whether they could be liable if someone gets sick on a plane.December 20, 2021 2:23 pm at 2:23 pm in reply to: “Palestinian” Abbas’ Advisor: Allah punishing world w/ COVID… #2043521Yserbius123ParticipantWell, he’s half right…
Yserbius123Participant(If anyone is thinking I’m serious, I’m just raitzing Health on using his own lashoinois.
Yserbius123Participant@syag-lchochma The last time we engaged, I brought up a (seemingly exaggerated if not completely made up) story that someone posted and all you could do is scream in all caps that I’m a liar over and over again because (let me see here…) I said “was choking” when the original post was “couldn’t breathe”.
So by all means stop. Because if that’s what you consider “discussing”, I would hate to see what you consider arguing.
Anyhoo, enough about myself. You said that there are people who take COVID on faith while denying Yiddishkeit. I wanted to know specifics. That’s all.
Yserbius123ParticipantIf I recall correctly, much of the early COVID pandemic response was based on the last major outbreak of SARS in 2004 which originated from Wuhan and spread to American via air travelers. The “six feet” rule was based on the fact that all the passengers who were infected on the plane were within six feet of someone with SARS.
Yserbius123Participant@ujm It’s a simple fact. If you support slavery as it was (and still is) practiced in almost every culture except Yiddishkeit, you are against the Torah.
Yserbius123ParticipantConspiracy theory I believe?
Jeffery Epstein was either murdered, or pressured into committing suicide and it was covered up by several high ranking government officials.
December 20, 2021 10:14 am at 10:14 am in reply to: Trump Incitement VS. Sanders Incitement #2043396Yserbius123ParticipantWhat a load of Lib!
Do you think Trump was just going to let Biden waltz into the White House on January Sixth?
Antifa is an invention of Communists. There are Communists (Soviets) and Fascists (Nazis). Those opposed to the Nazis are the Antifa. It’s Stalin and Hitler but I choose Hashem.
“the Demoncrat Leadership was very Scared ” Because you conned them with your Liberal Lies!
” I didn’t fall & a few Cons also didn’t fall.” So you admit that your just another lying liberal con artist!
Yserbius123Participant@syag-lchochma Nobody appreciates snark. You made a very controversial and antagonistic statement. What do you have to back it up other than “read your old comments”? What forms of Yiddishkeit did people ignore while believing something COVID related on blind faith alone?
Yserbius123ParticipantMore Liberal lies from the king of Liberal lies (you)!
Antifa running the protest was a false flag fake news by Bernie Sanders supporting Liberals like you just outed yourself to be! It was organized and run by a majority of Trump supporters, the videos back it up!
The guy with the horns isn’t even named Angeli, his name is Jacob Chansley!
When will you stop and wake up?!
Yserbius123Participant@charliehall Hear hear.
@syag-lchochma Can you give some examples of people dismissing aspects of Judaism while accepting COVID facts on blind faith?Yserbius123Participant@Gadolhatorah I was making the bad life decision of frequenting conspiracy sites when the whole Pizzagate zach was starting to brew. It was completely insane. There was a leak of emails from Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta. A bunch of nutsos (most of whom were also openly anti-Semitic) sifted through them and dug up the most random things as “proof” that there’s a child kidnapping ring centered around a DC pizza shop. The proof was things like an email saying “Hey did you leave a handkerchief with a pizza and map design over at my place?” or real smoking gun that said “I had fun playing dominoes at your house, maybe next time we’ll serve pasta instead of a cheese board”. They then did the whole crazy person thing of putting a bunch of pictures on a board and connecting them with read lines. The emails referenced a certain DC restaurant, so they went into its Instagram and found such damning things like a picture of a walk in freezer, a little girl playing with masking tape, and conflicting statements as to (gasp!) whether the store had a basement.
I’m not even exaggerating, you can look it up yourself (because there’s no way YWN would approve a link to those sites). That’s literally the “proof” needed for a guy to walk in to a pizza shop and hold the staff at gunpoint. I couldn’t even make this stuff up if I tried.
Then they got bored of harassing random restaurateurs and moved on to Q Anon which is a whole nother ball game…
Yserbius123Participant@commonsaychel See what I mean? What’s with all the hate? You hated masks before the vaccine, now with the vaccine you hate them just as much if not more! Do I “love my mask”? No. I found it uncomfortable. But I wore it because I cared about the people around me. But I didn’t hate it like you do for whatever reason you decide today. (government overreach? lack of oxygen? my body my choice?)
The reason we were able to go to shul and school at all in 2020 without the constant fear of getting sick is because of masks. The reason we don’t have to be makpid on masks so much any more is because of vaccines. The reason COVID isn’t as dangerous as it was a year and a half ago is because of the combination of vaccines and people using seichel to be careful about COVID (quarantines, testing, masks, etc. etc. etc.). Then you have your crowd who just wants to throw it all out and pretend that COVID just magically went away all on its own.
But since neither masks nor vaccines are even close to 100% effective, in some places (especially with a lot of people in close proximity for a long period of time) it’s preferable to take every precaution. And if someone is asking me to take extra COVID precautions on their property (i.e. an airplane) I see no reason to hate on it. For that matter, if anyone is asking for people to be extra cautious, there’s no reason to be so against it.
Yserbius123Participant@Health Your Liberal agenda is leaking. It’s the Liberals, like yourself, who want us to all believe that anti-Semitism isn’t a thing and never existed. That anyone who ever hated Jews was just “anti-Zionist” or some sort of mishegas. Go read some real history, and by that I mean the thing you Libs all hate, the Torah. That Eisav Soneh Yaakov!
Yserbius123Participant@smerel @Always_Ask_Questions Nu nu, so some of the Founding Father’s were ohavei Yisroel. Doesn’t change the fact that their vision of what the USA should be was that there should not be a single unchanging vision. So what they would or would not think of the US today is irrelevant. @ujm seems even more detached from reality than usual.
Yserbius123ParticipantPETA stands for being against cruelty to animals, which is something I like. But in this day and age, almost every civilized person is against pointless cruelty to animals. So PETA has to take things a step further. They are against farming, eating meat, pets, and treat animals like they are on equal footing to humans. All of those things are against the Torah.
Yserbius123ParticipantThat the Jews run all of politics from secret back room meetings and control all the money in the world. Nu? Where’s my chelek?
Yserbius123Participant@always_ask_questions The reason we don’t have to cancel Bar Mitzvahs nor skip another game is because of the success of vaccines. Before vaccines, we were able to almost be back to normal with regular masking and social distancing policies. So masks and vaccines are a small price to pay for returning to normal.
You’re logical fallacy is that you’re equating all the anti-COVID measures as equal. So being locked down and having shuls and schools closed to you is as bad as keeping a piece of paper on your face. Fakhert. We kept masks on so that our shuls and schools can be open with only a small fear of spreading COVID. Now Hashem gave us an even better weapon to fight it, the vaccines. Which allows us to open shuls where wearing masks isn’t necessary.
The fact that so many people are still vehemently opposed to even the smallest things that could prevent COVID shows that perhaps we haven’t learned the lesson Hashem is trying to teach us.
Yserbius123Participant@HaLeivi The plan was always to head to the Capital. He even mentioned it a few times in the speech at the White House to the assembled crowd. Pretty much everyone expected a “large scale trespass”, but I’m not sure if anyone expected several people (including police officers) to die from it.
Yserbius123ParticipantI’m not sure whether it’s right or wrong to still mandate masking on planes if there are already vaccine and PCR test mandates.
But I’m always flabbergasted at the sheer adversity so many people have to wearing masks. Just keep the piece of paper on your face for a few hours, it’s not difficult, a 5 year old can do it. Like this is the hill you chose to literally die on?
Yserbius123ParticipantThe issue with Trump’s incitement, as I see it, was that he stood in front of the rioters knowing that they will march on the Capitol and start a fight. He stood there and encouraged them to “go fight”, even if he meekly said “peacefully” once or twice.
Bernie never told a crowd ready to riot that they need to “take care of those Republicans” or whatever.
Yserbius123Participant@Health Do you think that the concept of slavery as it existed in the US 200 years ago resembles our concept of Eved C’na’ani?
And I would be absolutely shocked if the Founding Fathers weren’t all anti-Semites as most goyim of their time were.
My point is, can we stop treating the image of the USA as the Founding Fathers envisioned it as some sort of gospel that can be no wrong? Especially since they explicitly added in provisions to drastically change things if need be.
Yserbius123Participant@Health Yeah, George Washington is probably rolling in his grave at the total lack of slaves and the fact that Jews can be part of the government.
December 9, 2021 9:58 am at 9:58 am in reply to: Public menorah lightings and rooftop menorahs #2039906Yserbius123ParticipantI get annoyed when I read articles about people making a fuss about their city only putting up goyishe decorations and not menorahs. It’s a chillul Hashem, in my opinion. No one looks at a man in a yarmulka standing up at a public meeting in the city hall of a place with 0.0001% Jews complaining about their decorations and thinks anything good.
Yserbius123Participant@Gadolhadorah It’s just one simin. Kind of like if you see a beheima without split hooves you would know for certain it’s not kosher.
The Uncle Moishy machlokes was resolved by compromise. Mr. Tanenbaum can continue to perform and put out albums under the name “Uncle Moishy” and Suki & Ding can continue to produce albums and shows under the name “The New Uncle Moishy”.
Yserbius123ParticipantIf SCOTUS decides to overturn RvW, we had better daven for an extremely socialist government to support all those thousands of new babies so that they don’t get killed by their mothers, nor grow up to be violent criminals.
Yserbius123ParticipantIf you want a real head scratcher, take this one out for a spin (it was an issue some 20 years ago). The Rama says that to see if a bird is not kosher, put it on a wire. If it puts two “toes” on one side and two on the other, it’s not kosher. Apparently, modern chickens are bred to be so fat that they stick two toes behind them for extra balance.
Yserbius123Participant@philosopher Tens of thousands of scientists and doctors are saying that it’s far better to take the vaccine than to risk getting COVID. A couple are saying it’s not. For some reason you’re listening to the minority of the minority.
Yserbius123ParticipantThere are a great many scientists and doctors who have come out against the so-called covid-19 vaccines, against the wearing of masks
No. There aren’t.
Yserbius123ParticipantThat’s quite literally a Modest Proposal.
I think only women should be posting here as men shouldn’t have a say as to what is and what isn’t tzniyus as long as it’s within Shulchan Aruch bounds.
Yserbius123Participant@ujm Women driving isn’t controversial. Either you hold that the Vizhnitz and Satmar Rebbe’s psaks are still chal, like Vizhnitz and Satmar do, or you don’t.
What’s controversial is this: Should I be responsible for picking up the slack because you’re women don’t drive? L’Moshol, there’s a family near me whose mother doesn’t drive. They have many kids and there’s no decent local frum taxi service. So when the mother needs to get the kids somewhere, she relies on favors from neighbors to take them, even if they are women. Is that right?
Yserbius123ParticipantIf the Bernie and the progressives in DC have their way, the US would have a system similar to Israel’s.
The US system is terrible, because there are too many people who are too poor to afford proper insurance and too “rich” to be eligible for the government sponsored insurance, so they get saddled with debt every time they get sick or hurt. The Israeli system isn’t perfect, like the long wait times for non-dangerous cases, but it’s a lot better than the US.
Yserbius123ParticipantI read a recent article that did some investigation into the popular tzeddakas that run ads all over the Chareidi world. A lot of these are less than fully yoshor and you really need to check in to what you’re donating to. Like, one organization only gave about 10% of the money collected to the family in need and used their own protectzia to garner a few endorsements from leading Rabbonim.
Yserbius123Participant@syag-lchochma I don’t know what your experience is, but even in the strictest “mask all the time” shuls I davened at the worst you would get is a friendly tap and someone handing you a disposable mask.
But that was a year ago. I don’t know of any place where someone not wearing a mask will elicit comment. Where are you referring to?
Yserbius123ParticipantA friend of mine decided to, nebbuch, no longer be shomer Torah u’Mitzvos. He was nervous going to a small family simcha last year, but relieved and weirded out that he got more comments about his mask than lack of peyos.
And yes, I noticed it too. In some communities, wearing a mask is an open invitation to sarcastic comments and people trying to get overly physical.
Yserbius123Participant@ujm If you look back at the now-infamous article from several years back attempting to defend LT, you will find several comments by notable Rabbonim. One of the Satmar Rebbes said that the community needs to be “rescued”. Even though this depraved article was meant as a defense, the author was forced to list several of their heinous practices, such as marriages of 13 year old children and taking kids away from parents as a punishment.
Yserbius123Participant@always_ask_questions The Baltimore Rabbonim took COVID very seriously. The Star-K and the Va’ad HaRabonim of Baltimore under the auspices of Rav Moshe Heineman SHLITA and Rav Yaakov Hopfer SHLITA have issued numerous proclamations and guidelines for people and shuls to follow and they were unanimously signed by all the frum shuls and schools. This included masking, vaccines, quarantines, and closures when appropriate.
Even though now life is mostly gone back to normal, people don’t get funny looks and weird comments if they choose to wear a mask in shul (which many still do).
Yserbius123Participant3. Why are you still defending a dangerous group of individuals who have been near-unanimously condemned by pretty much every Rov on the planet who ever spoke about them?
Yserbius123ParticipantI think it’s the lack of respect that many people have for the law that leads to things like this. The bachurim who were in prison in Japan were told that they were smuggling seforim. Similar things happened to many other people in many other less high profile cases (“I just need you to take these diamonds hidden in the lining to my parents”). People simply have a disregard for governments and don’t think about the consequences when breaking the law. We need to instill in ourselves that we are still in galus and we can’t just flaunt around pretending that goyim are only here to be tricked.
One thing I would mention to people when the Japan thing was ongoing was this. When the kids were sent to prison, the drug dealer was put into cheirim by his community and vilified as a rasha. Had the kids not been caught, and the dealer freely admitted what he had been doing, would people have been upset at him? What if he was honest, and really just trying to smuggle diamonds or seforim, would he still be in cheirim?
Yserbius123ParticipantWould you still say the same thing if it was your private business, in which you have invested your entire life into, that he was defending?
G– En Himmel YES! If my business was chas v’sholom under threat from a mob, I would lock the store down and daven that my business will survive. What I absolutely do not want is some random teenager waving around an assault rifle and telling me he’s here to help.
Yserbius123Participant“Not guilty” just means “Kyle Rittenhouse did not commit intentional homicide” which I think would be obvious for anyone paying attention. It does not mean that he isn’t a blithering idiot who thinks he’s some sort of Batman that’s going to jump into the middle of a riot and protect… something… by waving a rifle around hoping that someone will attack him so he can shoot and declare self-defense.
Yserbius123ParticipantI must have missed that day in Yeshiva where it was explained that we have a responsibility as Torah Jews to carry weapons around with us all the time and even insert ourselves into dangerous situations where our weapons may come in handy.
Yserbius123Participant@gadolhadorah I didn’t think that the CDC recommendations to (A) wear masks if your not vaccinated and (B) get vaccinated would be so contradictory and confusing. What part of it did you not understand?
@rightwriter Those dog whistles are blowing strong, not enough to bring the whole pound running, but my neighbor’s hound just perked her ears up. All the things you are saying, the Fauci hate, the repeated references to some fantastical “New World Order”, the ridiculous Bill Gates hate, throwing terms like “gain of function” without a clue as to what they mean, etc. It all smacks of someone who got most of their information from some questionable sources, like maybe InfoWars or Stormfront. -