Forum Replies Created
January 24, 2022 12:05 pm at 12:05 pm in reply to: guys its normal for girls to go to seminary #2054111Yserbius123Participant
I understand the logical reasons parents send their girls to sem, but let’s talk real world over here. For many many people it’s simply unaffordable. And for those that can afford it, shidduchim factor in way more than they probably should in choosing the “right” seminary.
And seminary costs are significantly more than college. You can go to a local college and sleep at home, pay in-state tuition costs, and get a full 4 year degree for less than half of one year in seminary.
January 23, 2022 10:21 pm at 10:21 pm in reply to: Do you think we will ever stop wearing masks #2053981Yserbius123ParticipantIt’s currently culturally acceptable to wear a mask. I hope that continues. It’s crazy to think that if we just had a bit of a fever, or a little sneeze, we would walk into crowded supermarkets and shuls with no difference.
January 23, 2022 10:21 pm at 10:21 pm in reply to: guys its normal for girls to go to seminary #2053982Yserbius123ParticipantIt’s very difficult to weigh the increasingly outlandish costs of seminaries in Eretz Yisroel against the need for the best shidduch.
Do we really want a world split between those who can afford to spend $30,000 on their daughters to go to sem and those who send somewhere in America?
Yserbius123ParticipantWe do not discuss the Thing That We Do Not Discuss on this place where it is not discussed.
Yserbius123Participant@rightwriter Sorry, my memory isn’t great. But weren’t you 100% in support of Trump during his presidency?
Yserbius123Participant@ bored_teen (AKA @trump-2024) To be fair, I said that this should be a topic decided on only by women and girls.
Yserbius123Participant@moishekapoieh I like the Tiferes Yisroel/Yachin U’Boaz’s pshat on dinosaurs mentioned in his sefer on Mishnayos Sanhedrin, “Orech Chaim”.
Yserbius123Participant@always_ask_questions I never liked the Turing Test. The current biggest candidate being hyped all around is a piece of software called GPT-3. Even though it has a massive vocabulary, rarely repeats itself, and writes in clear English, it only takes about 2 paragraphs before devolving into pure narischkeit.
Yserbius123Participant@torahvaluesoverparty I do believe that the current Democrat and Trump narrative is much closer to what I suggested than the hard-right Republicans, even if it isn’t 100%. They ask their doctors and listen to their advice.
What did your doctor tell you?
@always_ask_questions I like the idea of asking multiple experts for their opinion, but I’m afraid it’s just going to lead to shopping around for a good answer. Like how some not so erliche Yidden will ask every Rov until they find one who is meikel. But if you’re going to ask around, it has to be done right. You can’t start emailing some doctor in Jamaica because you watched his videos or whatever. You have to go to the doctors you know and trust.Yserbius123ParticipantI remember Yeshiva World posting about Mendel’s petira. I was embarrassed because it was the first time I learned his last name.
Yserbius123ParticipantI am not unconvinced that most of the posters on CR are not robots to begin with.
January 11, 2022 6:19 pm at 6:19 pm in reply to: What Steps Will the Charedi World Take to Try to Prevent Abuse #2050416Yserbius123ParticipantWe should listen to Rav Yaakov Horowitz and all the other Rabbonim trying to educate the frum oilom on the very real dangers of abuse. There’s literally nothing more to add.
Yserbius123ParticipantForget mandates, VAERS, transmission rates, death rates, co-morbidity, Democrats, Republicans, and all the other buzzwords being thrown at us. There’s a simple solution to all of this: as your doctor.
Most of you have a primary care doctor. One that you’re had since before COVID that you go to when you’re sick. Or even a pediatrician when your kids are sick. Or even a specialist who you go to for some specific thing. Ask him or her if you should get yourself, and/or your kids, vaccinated. That’s all!
Yserbius123ParticipantWhen was the last time you paid cash for anything besides a babysitter?
Yserbius123ParticipantZoom use during lockdown varied wildly. Some Rosh Yeshivos embraced it. Some discouraged it. Some switched “sides” in the middle. Many places worked really hard to make sure there was some form of video conferencing available to talmidim/talmidos that didn’t require a household internet connection.
Yserbius123ParticipantYou can get email services through a kosher provider without full internet access that allow people to send you audio and video. So there’s no excuse for a Yeshiva to shut down teachers sending videos specifically “because internet” while still relying on email for everything else.
Yserbius123ParticipantSome Yeshiva systems did amazing, some… not so much. One place I’m familiar with set up an awful phone conferencing system after a few weeks with zero guidance or help to Rebbeim and teachers on the best way to use it then said “good enough” and that’s what they used for the months of lockdown (and the following year when lots of kids and teachers were out for days or even weeks). The administration cared more about avoiding the Internet by all means necessary than they did about having a functional distance chinuch system in place. Like teachers were emailing videos out, but the hanhallah shut them down. To their credit, they did listen to parent complaints (which there were a LOT of) and did change things a little here and a little there to make things more tolerable.
Yserbius123ParticipantYes but also no.
In a perfect world, everyone would only be speaking Lashon HaKodesh, getting all their education from frum teachers in Yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs, and working with only frum people. But despite our best efforts, we cannot be completely secluded from outside influences. Even these Jewish magazines that decry goyishe “culture” so much are heavily based on similar secular publications.
So while I absolutely applaud anyone who chooses not to have non-Jewish literature in the house, I will not approve of people who criticize those that do.
December 27, 2021 9:40 am at 9:40 am in reply to: Why aren’t autistic people that are orthodox open about their diagnosis #2045113Yserbius123ParticipantJust because most of the real world isn’t screaming about their mental illnesses (both real and “self-diagnosed”) 24/7 like Twitter doesn’t mean that “Orthodox aren’t open about their diagnosis”.
Yserbius123ParticipantLast I checked most of those looters broke and stole less than $900 which, in Los Angeles, is not a crime.
Yserbius123ParticipantTwo points:
A. We need Congress to stop holding by that 1980s fear of nuclear power and build more nuclear power plants. They are cleaner to run and produce far more electricity than coal or oil. But since the big anti-nuclear campaigns of the last century (most of which are unfounded) caused the US to all but stop building and improving on them.
B. What’s the worst that can happen? Electric cars become cheaper? I would absolutely buy an electric car, presuming it can fit my needs and is a comparable price to a non-electric one. How often are you driving more than 300 miles a day anyway? Just a decade ago people were saying the same about hybrids and now look! Almost every car on the market (including vans) is a hybrid!
Yserbius123Participant@commonsaychel No I don’t know what @syag-lchochma means and since neither of you posted any examples at all I’m further confused by this whole conversation. What sort of nonchalant take on frumkeit do these certain posters have? And what sort of approach towards masks do they have that makes it a matter of pure faith?
December 22, 2021 10:34 am at 10:34 am in reply to: Trump Incitement VS. Sanders Incitement #2043982Yserbius123ParticipantHealth “Your posts are getting more and more incoherent”
Also Health “Preload to Communism” “Marshal Law Rule”
Anyhoo where was I? Oh yeah! Raitzing on and trolling by getting in the mud and wrestling a chazer!
You DemocRATS are all the Same!
“He wanted to demand an investigation”. Yes by Protesting that the Man from Delaware Is In the White House!
The End of Democracy Happened When People Like You Liberals Made Sure that the President who was Mandated by HEaven to be Precedent Wouldn’t Be Prezident!
You WANTED Biden To Rule!
You People Dont Like Trump!
Yserbius123Participant@always_ask_questions I’m pretty sure that if the US would have had a 90-95% vaccination rate, masks would only provide a tiny bit more of protection. But people are refusing to vaccinate, so we need mask mandates to increase that protection. But the people who don’t vaccinate don’t mask nor test nor socially distant either, so we’re back to square nothing.
Yserbius123ParticipantIf you don’t want to engage, that’s fine don’t engage. But you are engaging and you still haven’t answered the question!
For the record, I think masks on planes is kind of dumb too. But I’m not going to protest if I take a flight and they make me wear one. It’s really not that nearly as big of a deal as your making it out to be (fake new of an old man not being able to breathe on Yom Kippur nonwithstanding).
Yserbius123Participant@Health What a typical democRAT thing to say!
Biden didn’t stage a PROTEST. TRUMP did! Did you think that he would let your party of LIARS take over the White House?!
Who was at the protest?
watch the whole 4 hour video by the guy who did the thing on that website
It wasn’t BIDEN protesting and it wasn’t a RIOT that’s the lie that they are trying to make stick!
your comunism will never win in Hashem’s UNITED STATES!
Yserbius123Participant@syag-lchochma Because I thought we would have a civil conversation for once, but you went right back to the snark. Are you going to answer the question?
December 21, 2021 10:20 am at 10:20 am in reply to: “Palestinian” Abbas’ Advisor: Allah punishing world w/ COVID… #2043716Yserbius123ParticipantDumb politicians causing damage is just how Hashem is hiding the punishment.
December 21, 2021 10:18 am at 10:18 am in reply to: Trump Incitement VS. Sanders Incitement #2043719Yserbius123ParticipantMore Lib lies! I never meant that and you know it!
Perhaps you can explain why horn guy was seen at many Trump rallies waving pro-Trump flags BEFORE January 6th?
You should check out the uncut video of the full seven hours from the Trump speech to the Capital break-in. That proves how right I am and how much the liberals like you are lying and making stuff up.
Yserbius123Participant@syag-lchochma There’s the Syag I know and love! Well, I’m glad at least this time you aren’t responding with all-caps “LIAR LIAR” when I didn’t directly quote your question word for word, I guess we’ve all matured. Let’s pretend I have a bad memory. Can you copy and paste the answer you gave to the following question “What examples are there of the very same people who question and dismiss away many aspects of judaism are willing to accept all covid facts with blind faith?”
I’m agreeing with @always_ask_questions over here. Masking is a very basic measure that has been proven to be extremely effective against COVID, even in the absence of a vaccine. So are vaccinations. The current opposition to vaccines and masking is nothing short of childish. The current dangerous claim is that single girls who get vaccinated won’t have children. In a year when that’s proved to be more nonsense you and the others will move on to another, equally ridiculous, lie.
And on a similar note, although many of these people that seem to be cheering on COVID claim that many doctors are against vaccinations, at no point have I heard of any of these people asking their local physician that they always go to if they should get vaccinated and wear a mask. It’s always some random guy on the Internet with a PhD in paleontology or something.
Yserbius123Participant@syag-lchochma You never answered the question. What have people said that makes them skeptical of Yiddishkeit while taking COVID by faith alone?
@orangecountychapper That’s true, it’s all about what passengers want, what shareholders want, and whether they could be liable if someone gets sick on a plane.December 20, 2021 2:23 pm at 2:23 pm in reply to: “Palestinian” Abbas’ Advisor: Allah punishing world w/ COVID… #2043521Yserbius123ParticipantWell, he’s half right…
Yserbius123Participant(If anyone is thinking I’m serious, I’m just raitzing Health on using his own lashoinois.
Yserbius123Participant@syag-lchochma The last time we engaged, I brought up a (seemingly exaggerated if not completely made up) story that someone posted and all you could do is scream in all caps that I’m a liar over and over again because (let me see here…) I said “was choking” when the original post was “couldn’t breathe”.
So by all means stop. Because if that’s what you consider “discussing”, I would hate to see what you consider arguing.
Anyhoo, enough about myself. You said that there are people who take COVID on faith while denying Yiddishkeit. I wanted to know specifics. That’s all.
Yserbius123ParticipantIf I recall correctly, much of the early COVID pandemic response was based on the last major outbreak of SARS in 2004 which originated from Wuhan and spread to American via air travelers. The “six feet” rule was based on the fact that all the passengers who were infected on the plane were within six feet of someone with SARS.
Yserbius123Participant@ujm It’s a simple fact. If you support slavery as it was (and still is) practiced in almost every culture except Yiddishkeit, you are against the Torah.
Yserbius123ParticipantConspiracy theory I believe?
Jeffery Epstein was either murdered, or pressured into committing suicide and it was covered up by several high ranking government officials.
December 20, 2021 10:14 am at 10:14 am in reply to: Trump Incitement VS. Sanders Incitement #2043396Yserbius123ParticipantWhat a load of Lib!
Do you think Trump was just going to let Biden waltz into the White House on January Sixth?
Antifa is an invention of Communists. There are Communists (Soviets) and Fascists (Nazis). Those opposed to the Nazis are the Antifa. It’s Stalin and Hitler but I choose Hashem.
“the Demoncrat Leadership was very Scared ” Because you conned them with your Liberal Lies!
” I didn’t fall & a few Cons also didn’t fall.” So you admit that your just another lying liberal con artist!
Yserbius123Participant@syag-lchochma Nobody appreciates snark. You made a very controversial and antagonistic statement. What do you have to back it up other than “read your old comments”? What forms of Yiddishkeit did people ignore while believing something COVID related on blind faith alone?
Yserbius123ParticipantMore Liberal lies from the king of Liberal lies (you)!
Antifa running the protest was a false flag fake news by Bernie Sanders supporting Liberals like you just outed yourself to be! It was organized and run by a majority of Trump supporters, the videos back it up!
The guy with the horns isn’t even named Angeli, his name is Jacob Chansley!
When will you stop and wake up?!
Yserbius123Participant@charliehall Hear hear.
@syag-lchochma Can you give some examples of people dismissing aspects of Judaism while accepting COVID facts on blind faith?Yserbius123Participant@Gadolhatorah I was making the bad life decision of frequenting conspiracy sites when the whole Pizzagate zach was starting to brew. It was completely insane. There was a leak of emails from Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta. A bunch of nutsos (most of whom were also openly anti-Semitic) sifted through them and dug up the most random things as “proof” that there’s a child kidnapping ring centered around a DC pizza shop. The proof was things like an email saying “Hey did you leave a handkerchief with a pizza and map design over at my place?” or real smoking gun that said “I had fun playing dominoes at your house, maybe next time we’ll serve pasta instead of a cheese board”. They then did the whole crazy person thing of putting a bunch of pictures on a board and connecting them with read lines. The emails referenced a certain DC restaurant, so they went into its Instagram and found such damning things like a picture of a walk in freezer, a little girl playing with masking tape, and conflicting statements as to (gasp!) whether the store had a basement.
I’m not even exaggerating, you can look it up yourself (because there’s no way YWN would approve a link to those sites). That’s literally the “proof” needed for a guy to walk in to a pizza shop and hold the staff at gunpoint. I couldn’t even make this stuff up if I tried.
Then they got bored of harassing random restaurateurs and moved on to Q Anon which is a whole nother ball game…
Yserbius123Participant@commonsaychel See what I mean? What’s with all the hate? You hated masks before the vaccine, now with the vaccine you hate them just as much if not more! Do I “love my mask”? No. I found it uncomfortable. But I wore it because I cared about the people around me. But I didn’t hate it like you do for whatever reason you decide today. (government overreach? lack of oxygen? my body my choice?)
The reason we were able to go to shul and school at all in 2020 without the constant fear of getting sick is because of masks. The reason we don’t have to be makpid on masks so much any more is because of vaccines. The reason COVID isn’t as dangerous as it was a year and a half ago is because of the combination of vaccines and people using seichel to be careful about COVID (quarantines, testing, masks, etc. etc. etc.). Then you have your crowd who just wants to throw it all out and pretend that COVID just magically went away all on its own.
But since neither masks nor vaccines are even close to 100% effective, in some places (especially with a lot of people in close proximity for a long period of time) it’s preferable to take every precaution. And if someone is asking me to take extra COVID precautions on their property (i.e. an airplane) I see no reason to hate on it. For that matter, if anyone is asking for people to be extra cautious, there’s no reason to be so against it.
Yserbius123Participant@Health Your Liberal agenda is leaking. It’s the Liberals, like yourself, who want us to all believe that anti-Semitism isn’t a thing and never existed. That anyone who ever hated Jews was just “anti-Zionist” or some sort of mishegas. Go read some real history, and by that I mean the thing you Libs all hate, the Torah. That Eisav Soneh Yaakov!
Yserbius123Participant@smerel @Always_Ask_Questions Nu nu, so some of the Founding Father’s were ohavei Yisroel. Doesn’t change the fact that their vision of what the USA should be was that there should not be a single unchanging vision. So what they would or would not think of the US today is irrelevant. @ujm seems even more detached from reality than usual.
Yserbius123ParticipantPETA stands for being against cruelty to animals, which is something I like. But in this day and age, almost every civilized person is against pointless cruelty to animals. So PETA has to take things a step further. They are against farming, eating meat, pets, and treat animals like they are on equal footing to humans. All of those things are against the Torah.
Yserbius123ParticipantThat the Jews run all of politics from secret back room meetings and control all the money in the world. Nu? Where’s my chelek?
Yserbius123Participant@always_ask_questions The reason we don’t have to cancel Bar Mitzvahs nor skip another game is because of the success of vaccines. Before vaccines, we were able to almost be back to normal with regular masking and social distancing policies. So masks and vaccines are a small price to pay for returning to normal.
You’re logical fallacy is that you’re equating all the anti-COVID measures as equal. So being locked down and having shuls and schools closed to you is as bad as keeping a piece of paper on your face. Fakhert. We kept masks on so that our shuls and schools can be open with only a small fear of spreading COVID. Now Hashem gave us an even better weapon to fight it, the vaccines. Which allows us to open shuls where wearing masks isn’t necessary.
The fact that so many people are still vehemently opposed to even the smallest things that could prevent COVID shows that perhaps we haven’t learned the lesson Hashem is trying to teach us.
Yserbius123Participant@HaLeivi The plan was always to head to the Capital. He even mentioned it a few times in the speech at the White House to the assembled crowd. Pretty much everyone expected a “large scale trespass”, but I’m not sure if anyone expected several people (including police officers) to die from it.
Yserbius123ParticipantI’m not sure whether it’s right or wrong to still mandate masking on planes if there are already vaccine and PCR test mandates.
But I’m always flabbergasted at the sheer adversity so many people have to wearing masks. Just keep the piece of paper on your face for a few hours, it’s not difficult, a 5 year old can do it. Like this is the hill you chose to literally die on?