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  • in reply to: Polio Making a Comeback? #2349717

    @Neville-Chaimberlin-Lo-Mes Eh, you’re just using the same argument greasy US college “communists” have been saying for years, “It’s never been tried for real”. You’re also being very disingenuous. Libertarian ideals, such as allowing “the people” or “the economy” full power to decide certain major life altering complex decisions is never a good idea. And that includes having the government back off of medicine. If companies like Mercer would have their way without regulation, certain treatments would be too expensive for anyone other than the exorbitantly wealthy and non-profitable things like certain vaccinations, would be left to die along with millions of people.

    in reply to: No Drone Zone #2349655


    1. Not one person in NJ was arrested for flying a drone in the last six months
    2. A handful of drone sightings were real. The vast majority were hysteria
    3. The police, Coast Guard, and other law enforcement and military regularly fly large drones and other light aircraft
    in reply to: Smartphones and Derech Eretz #2349654

    @Always_Ask_Questions Believe you me, if 7th graders would be able to cause a ruckus about a teacher driving a car without it being obvious that they’re just fooling around, they would.

    in reply to: Polio Making a Comeback? #2348798

    Well all of you are showing why both Communism and Libertarianism never worked out on a large scale. The people cannot regulate themselves, also the people cannot be expected to work together for the good of everyone. Because at some point there will be some people in positions of power that will have the ability to skirt those regulations to the detriment of everyone else. So you need a society where people are rewarded for hard work that helps others, but regulated so that they can’t have too much power.

    in reply to: No Drone Zone #2348796

    @amom No one is hiding anything. The drones were never real. Now the hysteria ended, people got bored with taking pictures of everything go in and out of Newark, and lives went on just the same.

    in reply to: Does Saying “CE” and “BCE” Kasher the Christian Calendar? #2348794

    Should we also change the name of Satmar to something that doesn’t shtim from Saint Mary?

    in reply to: Smartphones and Derech Eretz #2348795

    As a former 7th grader, catching a teacher doing something the Yeshivish velt considers wrong and causing a ruckus about it that results in missed lessons, is something that never seems to change.

    in reply to: Polio Making a Comeback? #2342974

    @akuperma Polio is a horrific disease. And with vaccines being voluntary, it’s almost guaranteed that significant groups of people will refuse it, even if it makes a recurrence. Which means that without a vaccinated population, the US will see polio injuries (or lo aleinu even deaths) on par with the slums of Calcutta.

    And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Kennedy is to health what Ocasio-Cortez is to social justice. Meaning, he is the type to enact laws about whatever sensationalist nonsense he reads on the Internet or his friends tell him. Which is a huge problem for us.

    And it’s also goodbye Chalav Stam if he gets his way with neutering the FDA.

    in reply to: No Drone Zone #2342096

    What is it with New Jersey and mass hysteria over flying saucers? 1938, 2024, nothing has changed.

    There’s definitely someone out there flying a few large aircrafts, either an unlicensed carrier drone, some sort of light wing, or military tests. However, after the first few sightings were publicized, every yutz and schmo up and down the Turnpike are calling 911 every time a plane flies overhead.

    Why, in the age where everyone has a high speed high zoom camera on their phone, do we only have a handful of blurry photos? If they were super secret Iranian spacecraft, why are they using standard airplane warning lights?

    in reply to: Trump Good for Jews? Consider these worrying trends #2325133

    I hate the guy so much it pains me to say this, but he’s probably the lesser of two evils when it comes to Israel.

    in reply to: Advertisements – Are they Appropriate? #2325132

    If you’re worried about non tzniyusdike pictures, you shouldn’t be on the Internet. It’s like kvetching that you’re trying to walk down the street but cars keep getting in your way.

    If you are worried about seeing inappropriate things but ABSOLUTELY need the Internet, the TechLoq filter blocks all pictures of people (and reads all your passwords, but that’s another story for another time).

    in reply to: accounting profession #2324954

    Regarding “Living within your means”:

    A decent sized house that can fit a couple with extra bedrooms for kids and guests, within walking distance to a shul, in a sizeable frum community goes for about 400k on the low end. So that’s a monthly mortgage payment of about $3000, tuition bills for two kids run you another $2000, kosher shopping (even being cheap) costs you about $1000, cars are $200-500. Then there’s taxes, repairs, saving for Yeshiva/Seminary, saving for marriage, simchas, and other various sundrys. You’re talking an easy $120,000 annual salary for even a small family.

    Can someone please explain to me what low effort job will allow a family like this to “live within their means”?

    in reply to: Ozempic: The New Grift in Heimish Health #2318951

    @1 Shaychus? COVID was a massive hatzalos nefoshos issue at the time that could be mitigated by small easy things vaccines and masks, yet some people were religiously motivated against them.

    Ozempic is a drug. Is it a miracle drug against weight loss? Ich veis nisht. Hopefully it will help people that have psychological difficulties with dieting.

    in reply to: Why do regular ol’ chicken eggs need a hechsher? #2317907

    There is a Rema that says that a test for bird kashrus is to put the bird on a wire, and see if it splits its claw with 3 toes on one side, and one on the other, or two and two. Modern egg laying chickens sometimes walk with two toes in front, and two in back. That’s where the shayloh comes from.

    in reply to: Exploding Pagers #2316950

    According to several Tzioni news sources, the plan was never to explode them all at once like this. They had intelligence that a Hezbollah terrorist was suspicious about his pager, so they hit the button before he could tell everyone else.

    in reply to: Re: Geneiva is Geneva Switzerland according to AI #2313724

    @Always_Ask_Questions We know how LLMs work, we just don’t know every detail of every machination in its network. From a technical standpoint, there’s little difference between LLMs and a Magic Eight Ball with weighted results that change at random for every question.

    in reply to: Covering the collarbone #2309736

    Rav Falk ZT”L always went with the most machmir opinions in his seforim and it was written for Gatehead Bais Yaakov girls, who may have different shittos of tznius and different minhagei hamakom.

    Anyway, that’s as specific as I’m gonna get. I don’t think men should be commenting on this thread. An ehrliche mensch should not know much about woman’s clothing and minhagei tzniyus have always been determined by women.

    in reply to: Zionism #2309735

    None of those items are an either-or thing. Like that guy from Harvard who talks about anti-Semitism is Chabad Yekkish Modern Orthodox.

    I never liked calling myself “Zionist” for obvious reasons. However, these days “Zionist” seems to mean “does not want Israel to be destroyed and everyone killed or expelled”. So I guess, much to my great-grandparents (A”H) chagrin, I’m a Zionist in the eyes of the world.

    in reply to: What is your most unpopular/controversial opinion or hot take? #2308287

    @Kuvult Last year, I read a short biography of the Rav in Louisiana in the mid-1800s. I found some of his writing online and realized that he got the position because his predecessor was thrown out of the shul for being an abolitionist and he was willing to talk about slavery as a good thing.

    in reply to: What is your most unpopular/controversial opinion or hot take? #2308121


    Pluto will always be a planet

    Nostalgia for your very educated mother serving pizza is clouding your eyes. Pluto only barely passed muster as a planet when it was discovered in 1930. Over the intervening years its status as a planet was called into question again and again and again, especially with the discovery of other dwarf planets, like Ceres, Eris, Haumea, and Makemake (they ran out of Roman avodah zoras and started using ones from different cultures). By the time Neil DeGrasse Tyson and the NYC Museum of Natural History Hayden Planetarium decided to get rid of it in 2000, its status as a planet hung by a thread. The decision of the International Astronomical Society five years later was only the last nail in the coffin. So if you’re going to insist that Pluto is a planet, start learning a new mnemonic. Maybe “My Very Educated Mother Can Just Sell Umbrellas, Not Party Hats However Magnificent.”

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2307829

    Yeah, I’m out. I think people on this thread know my opinions on the subject matters being discussed. However, IMO this has gone way to far with people being really nasty and taking things way too far.

    in reply to: What is your most unpopular/controversial opinion or hot take? #2307773

    The frum oilom is EXTREMELY susceptible to propaganda and fake news.

    in reply to: smoking on Tisha Ba'v #2305910

    Regarding the Misha Berura: During the time of the Chofetz Chaim, smoking usually meant a pipe. Not only did it contain less tar and nicotine than cigarettes, but they were also smoked far less often. Setting up a pipe takes time and energy so even heavy smokers back then had a lot less health problems than modern mild smokers.

    in reply to: smoking on Tisha Ba'v #2305636

    Is it muttar to eat pork outside of a Sukkah?

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2305635

    @sechel83 In his letter, Rav Aharon Feldman makes a distinction between “Elokists” and “Meshichists”. He specifically refers to Meshichists as dangerous because they believe a dead man can be Moshiach. So there’s my one non-Chabad Rov thus fulfilling your request of “please bring one open statement from a non chabad rov that there’s something wrong with believing that a dead man can be Moshiach”

    Nu? So I answered your query, have you answered mine? Have you found some random Rabbonim to talk to?

    in reply to: Using Beach Chairs in Shul on Tisha B’Av #2305634

    Maybe talk to Misaskim about their beach chairs that they give out to batei aveilim?

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2305142

    @qwerty613 I was asked to provide one Rov, I provided the words of one Rov.

    Rav Feldman SHLITA is simply one of the more outspoken gedolim against certain Chabad beliefs and practices in the sense that he publicly condemns things that most other Rabbonim have on written record as being saying. And he’s not some small fringe Rov, he’s the Rosh Yeshiva of one of the biggest, oldest, and most important Yeshivos in the US, and the head of the Moetzes. Furthermore, if you read his letter, he absolutely says that Meshichistim are dangerous and a huge problem.

    in reply to: Republicans Due for a Hard Reset #2305024

    I wish the frum oilom would stop fawning over Trump as if it’s some sort of mitzvah to put your full support behind him.

    in reply to: Biggest supporter of Torah in the world #2304934

    Reb Eliezer @laskern Free child support. Far greater support than any other yungerman gets from any other government in the world in all of history. Even counting what was withheld.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2304933

    @sechel83 There are hundreds of quotes, but I thought Rav Aharon Feldman’s public letter was more well know. He says that anyone who believes that a dead man is Moshiach is dangerous and one should not associate with them nor entertain their beliefs. He’s one of the heads of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah and pretty much everyone else on it agrees with him on that.

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2304316

    @Dr-Pepper There goes that pointless aggression again. Just shouting “Liar Liar!” over and over again. Look, I’m willing to have an honest discussion, I really am. But I am not willing to engage with someone who uses schoolyard taunts when correcting me. Especially on such silly minutiae. Like, you made it abundantly clear that you’re voting for Trump, and when I mention that you’re all “Nuh uh! Pants on fire! Shakran! I am voting AGAINST DEMOCRATS!” I mean, seriously?

    Don’t get me wrong, I think Clinton should have been arrested and charged for willfully storing classified documents in a location that doesn’t conform to SCIF standards, then deleting them when the FBI came a knocking. But I think what Trump did was so much worse. Not only the fact that his stuff wasn’t even locked or password protected, but the sheer hypocrisy of chanting “Lock her up! Lock her up!” then doing nearly the exact same thing.

    in reply to: Should Tisha B’Av Be Movie Day? #2304313


    If you can get through Tisha B’av with the right amount of sadness and making your day truly meaningful, then by all means do! However, most children have a hard time getting into the right mindset of Tisha B’av. By the afternoon, most adults are too exhausted to really give that over. Learning Torah is out. So a meaningful movie, for all those children and hot+tired adults, is just fine.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2304128

    @sechel83 You’re still picking and choosing Rabbonim who (you believe) already agree with you. Considering his less than enthusiastic endorsement of that meshichist book, and his reputation as a massive Talmid Chacham, I highly doubt Rav Breitowitz SHLITA will give you a “There’s nothing wrong with it” answer if you ask him straight out. My point is that the vast majority of non-Chabad Rabbonim hold that there’s something wrong with believing that a dead man can be Moshiach. You can learn that yourself if you just do my quick experiment. Or you can continue to sit in ignorance. Your call.

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2303752

    @Dr-Pepper Just a quick reminder. You are defending Donald Trump, not the Ribono Shel Oilam in this comment thread.

    You are again relying entirely on something the very unreliable and biased Bill Stevenson wrote about 35 years after his marriage ended that contradicts with everything everyone else said on the subject. Then you are saying that Stevenson is somehow more reliable than everyone else.

    Looking at the classified documents case alone should be enough to know the differences between Trump and Biden. Trump spent all of 2015 ranting and railing about how Hilary Clinton should go to jail for keeping a classified computer system in her house. Then he goes and intentionally stores 10x more documents in boxes scattered around the place where any cleaning crew could just pick up and read. Then goes on and on about how he can legally do that because he was once president. Contrast that with Biden who had I think it was four or five single pieces of paper buried in hundreds of other papers in his filing cabinet. An offense, sure, but clearly an accident.

    Frankly, Trump has done a lot of good but his abrasive personality, addiction to lying and hypocrisy, pritzus, scandals, alienation of people around him, and general insane rhetoric, makes me not want to vote for him. I don’t want to vote for a Democrat, but saying things like “justify to השם in the next world why they voted Democrat” sounds like those Xtian cow farmers from Alabama who are calling him Yoshke reborn.

    Can you link to the thread? I have a vague recollection of arguing with someone on gun control where they used the same old tired NRA talking points. But I don’t want to discuss it unless I see it in front of me.

    in reply to: If moshiach came today (or tomorrow) #2303682

    I wish I was on the madreiga to do everything just in case Moshiach doesn’t come. Unfortunately I’m not. I still prepare for the future as if it’s the default and Moshiach coming is a hope, but not a given.

    in reply to: Israeli Generals, Low on Munitions, Want a Truce in Gaza #2303494

    @sam-klein Amen! B’m’heira v’yameinu!

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2303491

    @Always_Ask_Question I am so glad that we have the weighted random outputs of a large language model to tell us how to live our lives instead of those pesky Rabbonim.

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2303489

    @Dr-Pepper You’re coming across extremely aggressive. I hope you’re not like this in real life, because the tone of your comment sounds like something that would get you a stern talking to if you were in shidduchim.

    Anyways, I’ll address everything. My sources for how and when Joe and Jill met is mainly an oft-cited July 17th 1977 article in the Wilmington Morning News where they talk about how they met and have on numerous occasions corroborated the story. You can also look for an article in “The Review” titled “Behind the Stone Balloon” and a Vogue article called “All the Vice-Presidents Women”. As far as I can tell, the only source that Jill and Joe dated before her separation from Bill Stevenson is Stevenson himself. A secret he kept quiet about (including in divorce proceedings) until he wrote it in a book he published a few years ago.

    So on one hand we have multiple contemporary reports, articles, statements from parties involved, and statements from people uninvolved. On the other hand, we have the questionable statements of a disgruntled ex-husband that you admit is very biased.

    Now morality isn’t a zero-sum game, nor is it a contest. But if it were, Biden would win hands down. I mean, I repeat myself, but you’re basically comparing the standard immorality of the standard politician to someone who is literally off the charts in terms of immorality, gaivah, lying, cheating, and stealing.

    I’m not saying to vote for Biden or Harris (I sure don’t want to!) but all this fawning over Trump as if he’s the goyishe Moshiach is ridiculous and frankly embarrassing.

    Look, I don’t have an instant recall of every CR thread I commented in and I’m not even sure I even saw the comment where you listed my lies. So I honestly don’t know how to respond to all of that.

    in reply to: Biggest supporter of Torah in the world #2303012

    Gevalt. The Chareidi Rabbonim should be pushing the Israeli government to abolish the draft so that more Chareidim can go to work. Just demanding that they continue to pay for Yeshivos is burning whatever smidgen of goodwill is left.

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2303011

    @ujm I want you to ask the three Rebbis and Rabbonim you are closest with the following question. If a woman has been separated for a year and has a get, but not yet a legal divorce. May she go out on a shidduch date or not?

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2303010

    @Dr-Pepper Look, I’m not a debater and I don’t know all the “rules”. But I’m pretty sure that if your sources is “this article I read somewhere” that is contradictory to literally everything else you can find online, the onus is on you to provide said article and a really good reason to believe it over everything else.

    Again, you cannot compare Bidens alleged indiscretions, lying, cheating, and stealing to Trump’s lifetime of immorality. They aren’t just on different madreigas, they are in completely different ballparks.

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2302806

    @coffee-addict Is anyone voting for Doug Emhoff? Did lie and misuse funds to pay off that cleaning lady? Did he divorce his wife for that cleaning lady and is now parading her around?

    Now you’re just picking at nothing. Do you prevent divorced women from dating a year later if they haven’t received their get yet?

    I would agree, however I think that both politicians stance’s on Israel are similar and the differences are exaggerated by the media. Neither wants to anger their pro-Israel voter base, nor get directly involved in the war. So both will continue to talk and talk while doing the exact same thing.

    in reply to: Joseph #2302768

    So where is Eastasia?

    in reply to: Israeli Generals, Low on Munitions, Want a Truce in Gaza #2302724

    You know who else wants a truce? I want a truce. You probably want a truce. The only people who don’t want a truce are those terrorists who would rather die murdering people than see Israel continue to exist and those unfortunate Yidden who are fooled into believing that there is some sort of mitzvah to kill all the arabs and move into Gaza.

    Do you know what I want even more than a truce? A guarantee that Palestinian terrorists will never harm innocent people ever again.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2302565

    @sechel83 Most Gedolei Yisroel held of the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZTL as a Gadol, even when the harshly criticized many of his actions. Rav Shach was at one point a near unapposed Manhig without equal and his opinions were reflections of what most Rabbonim felt. Namely (like Rav Moshe states in the letter you posted) that Rav Schneerson ZT”L was a Gadol whose kiruv program is unparalleled, a massive percentage of his Chassidim acted in ways contrary to Yiddishkeit and he failed in curbing them.

    I do think it’s tipshus and bordeline Avodah Zara to take a very unique neis mentioned in the Gemara and say that it can apply to any arbitrary individual or situation.

    Neither of you have taken up my challenge: Go find a RANDOM selection of non-Chabad Rabbonim and ask them if it’s OK to believe that a dead man is Moshiach. If you want, you can even start with Rav Breitowitz SHLITA. Go to any Yeshivas or shul website, they almost have contact information. Just send them an email!

    in reply to: Israel Antagonist Kamala Harris #2302564

    Jill Stevenson was separated from her husband for over a year when she met Joe Biden. They hadn’t formalized the divorce yet, so she was only technically married, but still very much single.

    Trump, on the other hand, has always been a massive philanderer and has openly cheated on all three of his wives.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2302303

    @Lostspark I know this is a Chabad thread, but maybe you can speak in terms familiar to those outside of Chabad? Like what do you mean “the Rebbe’s nisiyus”? What is the “seforim story of heh teiveis”. Who thought the previous Rebbe (and by this I assume you mean the Lubavitcher Rebbe before Rav MM Schneerson ZT”L. Because technically the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe is the one who passed on 25 years ago, since there’s no current Rebbe.).

    But if as you imply, there were people saying that a dead man is still alive, then yes. That would be considered either avodah zara, or stupidity to literally any frum Yid.

    in reply to: Chabad Media Won #2302074

    @sechel83 I listened to bits of the podcast you mentioned and while I heard Rav Schachter condemn many Chabadskers for worshipping a man, I did not hear him say that it’s OK to believe that Moshiach can come from the dead. Neither did I hear any of those other Rabbonim say such a thing. Regarding the “Kuntrus Shmo Shel Moshiach” you should read those haskomos a little more carefully. Rav Breitowitz and Rav Cohen are giving the most lukewarm approval for the kuntrus, and are both very adamant that Moshiach cannot be a dead man. The haskomos are basically saying that there may be some poskim who hold that it’s not outright kefira to believe so.

    I am forced to conclude that your beliefs are biasing your senses into misinterpreting things you hear.

    in reply to: End of MAGA #2302068

    @Dr-Pepper I would like to respond to your accusations, but I frankly don’t remember you at all.

    Anyway, I was not referring to the debate (where Trump was very toned down from his usual self) rather in general. Trump made up about a thousand different stories regarding the huge stacks of classified documents on prominent display in his house and people tried to equate that to Biden saying it was an accident when a handful of classified documents were found mixed in with a bunch of other stuff at his house. Then there was things from his increasingly bizarre explanations as to why his lawyer paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to a zoinah, to stupidly inane stuff that anyone can check out, like the size of the crowd at his inauguration. Biden lies about on par as a regular politician, but Trump lies as a matter of course when he opens his mouth.

    in reply to: End of MAGA #2301880

    @dr-pepper I can answer for that. Trump’s lies are on a level of magnitude worse than Biden’s lies. It’s like comparing some college kid saying “I don’t like Netanyahu” to a rabid fascist declaring that Jews need to die and saying that they are both the same.

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