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I disagree.As I had stated I know of plenty of people who send their children to a yiddish speaking cheder I.e. chassidish(not just teitching in yiddish) and they become fluent although their parents don’t speak a word.
yossiMemberR’ Avi,
I’m all for it.just playing devils advocate,by advancing their hisnagdus to the concept.Are you ready to start a Hebrew speaking cheder?
yossiMemberDoesn’t anyone want their 7 year old to open up a (hebrew)Sefer and give a dvar Torah at the shabbos table as is done in E”Y?
yossiMemberThought would garner more conversation.
yossiMemberMaybe I was the one who called 🙂 ? Do you live in Baltimore? Be that as it may how many people walk right by the Hefker table?
yossiMemberIt’s a much overlooked mitzvah thus making it a meis mitzvah as stated by the Chofetz Chaim
yossiMemberIn shul.went over to the. Hefker table picked many items(seforim,coats exc.)and called the unknowing,yet grateful owner…. If every person just picked up one item….
yossiMemberI.e. their children
yossiMember*zei ken…
yossiMemberI’m aware of plenty of people who send to a chassidishe cheder who don’t speak a word of yiddish un fun destvegen Zeidy’s ken ret an eksta yiddish
yossiMember* of the top 10-20 per.
yossiMemberR’ Avi,
the whole point is that many consider modern hebrew to be Loshon Hakodesh mekulkal,and thus The Gra et al.. Have no relevance.(the sifre and Rambam as well state that speaking in Loshon Hakodesh is indeed a mitzva). The above letter I believe,, is simply from a practical standpoint.The chadorim in general, are doing a very poor job in enabling our children to open up a chumash,siddur,and even a Gemara sans an artscroll,with the exception with the top 10 to 20 percent. I don’t know about anyone else,but I would definitely be interested in starting such a cheder if I had the funds!
yossiMemberR’ assurnet you’re a hundred percent correct about moving to the Holy land(albeit not according to the satmar Rebba that you’ve quoted). However it’s simply not feasible for many…but second best would be..
yossiMemberLook at the C”S inside that’s what he says it’s not a theory.
yossiMember* hamon am
yossiMemberJoseph, the Heilege Chasam Sofer says it’s because in bavel the streets were filled with idols,thus had a din of a bais hakisei,and memeila Loshon Hakodesh became a forgotten language as it is Asur ldaber Loshon Hakodesh….
If that is indeed our current status then it would prohibited to talk in learning in the streets as well?
Chazon Ish said,”Fight today’s battles”.
Call Ivris what you want,but at the end of the day it will enable kids to open up any Sefer that they desire,which is not the case for the Harmon Am,including myself.
We never lived in such a society where all the shmutz was so accessible.Brasi yetzer haro ubrosi torah tavlin.