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  • in reply to: Gedolei Torah and Municipal Elections #2263810

    I think the Rabbanim are basing their decisions on what they saw and heard in the past 5 years in RBS/BS so we can’t say that they aren’t basing their decisions on anything and I know that they along with more than half of the city council including Likud were very unimpressed by the mayor. Anyway on a side note in Yerushalayim 5 years ago by the way Degel Hatorah and the Gedolim went with Moshe Lion (who is religious ) for mayor instead of Yossi Deutch the Chareidi candidate, so that means the Gedolim don’t always automatically instruct their Tzibbur to automatically vote for the chareidi person so therefore I believe the Gedolim know what they are recommending.

    in reply to: Amazing old concerts from the good old days (mbd fried etc) #2251126

    I’m not trying to compare anyone including Mbd and Fried who have been around the longest whom I really enjoy listening to, I miss the music from the 90’s and early 2000’s, Dedi ז”ל, Mendy Wald, Shloime Dachs, Shalsheles, I wish they would have continued putting out music.

    in reply to: Amazing old concerts from the good old days (mbd fried etc) #2251128

    Do they also have Dedi Z’L Mendy Wald, Shloime Dachs etc.?

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