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Yoni the yogiMember
In the broad sense of the term, i would say it’s someone who follow the hashkafah of the yeshivot litvish. A chassid would be called chassidish, even if he went to the same yeshivah.
I assume that they called you yeshivist because you were tzitzit outside and black kippah or black hat.
If Boro Park calls you goyish, tell them: maybe a sheigetz but a kosher sheigetz”.
Yoni the yogiMemberI agree with you about the need of openess. What i mean that every person is different. Some BT become fulfledge shomer mitzvot and Torah, very quick, and some others much longer. Of course, we have to match hashkafos, doesn’t mean to reject away a BT or YU, you could be very surprised. Bracha vhatzlacha.
Yoni the yogiMemberDear CR10, I’m a ger(convert) fir more than 15 years now, i can tell you that i was shomer negiah from day one. And so many of my friends guerim and BTs. What you are saying , it’s pure motzi shem ra. If i say that the sepharadim in Lakewood are full of gaavah and sinah against YU and BTs, what would you think about me? Baruch Hashem, i know better than that. There are Charedim ,Lakewood people who certainly don’t keep some mitzos, can i generalize about all Lakewood. Di you consider people who keep more chumros, to have a higher level of yiddishkeit than the one who don’t. Are you Hashem to judge? If you are a frum from birth You have no idea what does it mean to become a BT or a ger, so don’t come and judge until you stand in their shoes. You want to follow the charedi derech, it’s fine and i respect that. It’s not my derech but i respect it. But you judge people who are different than you. There’s a lot of gray in the Torah.
Yoni the yogiMemberYou say that you don’t judge, but on the same time, you will refuse a YU boruch or a BT, not because you don’t love them but because your children want to uphold a higher level, meaning that the YU and BT have a lower level of yiddishkeit. Sorry, is it not judging? Btw, how do you measure the level? The Sepharadim are the Jews who flew away from Spain because of the decree of the king Fernando and queen Isabella. Before this time, they were not Sepharadim. If you ask Jews from Irak ,Iran or from ex ussr republics of south, they will clearly tell you that they are not Sepharadim.
Yoni the yogiMemberIt’s written in the Gemara Brachos 57b, if a person has put light a low mood (depressed), he has to do three things: smell(flowers,spices…..), see(panorama, beautiful architecture), hear(music, Rashi says the sweet voice of a woman). The Rambam says thst we don’t have to wait to be depressed to do that.
To Blabla
Remember that you are special because there’s only one Blabla. Your poetry is one of your talent. I’m sure that you have plenty more. Hashem loves you for who you are and what others say,if it’s not positive, is not important.
I got a postcard for my twentieth birthday: saying : Do what you like to like what you do.
So let rock poets.
Yoni the yogiMemberTo WIY
I read it on another site. I know this guy has an agenda, but usually he’s pretty well informed.
Yoni the yogiMemberFrom what I read recently, the letter was published on the hebrew Yated Neeman and the last information, it seems that is a fake. I’m not surprised.
Yoni the yogiMemberIn Williamsburg Brooklyn NY, they banned Mishpacha, Hamodia and .Bina
I’m reading tv iran an iranian newspaper in english, very kosher and sometimes funny. Fed up with orthodox politics.
About band, jazz band?
Yoni the yogiMemberTo apushatayid
Harav Elyashiv Shlit”a
January 2, 2012 3:45 pm at 3:45 pm in reply to: But how far is too far to excuse based on intentions alone? #840809Yoni the yogiMemberI wanted to add that it’s right that the secular media uses this opportunity to bash the Chareidim. I don’t generalize about them. I focuse on a particular person who did an horrible thing and it happens that he belongs to the charedim faction. I judge him for what he did no for who he is. I don’t think that there’s one group wrong and another right. I’m sure that both parties have some good points.
To health, I want to apologize to you ,because my answer to you was not really mentsch. I hope you forgive me and I wish you a good day.
January 2, 2012 2:33 pm at 2:33 pm in reply to: But how far is too far to excuse based on intentions alone? #840808Yoni the yogiMemberTo health
Good morning, thank you , I went to sleep and I woke up. Thank God. You may be right on what you said on some point about her mother. But I was talking about the girl and this little one didn’t violate any halacha. Second of all , if I follow you, it’s ok with the halacha to spit ateople and insult them, because that’s where is the problem.
I hope you had also a good night sleep.
January 2, 2012 3:34 am at 3:34 am in reply to: But how far is too far to excuse based on intentions alone? #840803Yoni the yogiMemberTo 10952
The girl had arms and legs covered. She didn’t wear stocking. So I send to check the Mishna Berurah on Hilchos Krias Shema saying that the shok is from the knee and upward, meaning that there’s no chyuv to cover the leg from under the knee to the feet. The Chazon Ish agree with that. To cover or not this part is a question of minhag.
But onaas devarim is not halacha too?
Yoni the yogiMemberThank mr the wolf.
Yoni the yogiMemberSorry MR THE WOLF, I got an argument between my fingers. Lol. I hope you forgive me. No bad intention at all.
Yoni the yogiMemberI have the same approach than you Mrs The wolf. I’m just curious about life and about human beings. I don’t read any of those publication becaise I don’t like propaganda. Nobody has totell me how to think. But I appreciate a nice open discussion based on truth and respect.
Yoni the yogiMemberSatmar in Williamsburg put a sign banning Mishpacha Bina and Hamodia. I don’t know why. But I agree that Zman is a outstanding magazine. It is the only jewish publication that we buy. The rest is just propaganda and i’m no more a Communist for a long time.