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  • in reply to: How Was Vashti Killed? #1836282

    Vashti’s age at the time of her execution should be calculable based on the Medrashim.

    in reply to: If you vote democrat #1836195

    Ubiq: What were the underlying reason the Rov(s) permitted the abortion(s)? Why did the parents want the abortions?

    in reply to: Put Donald Trump on the Rock #1836102

    Reb Eliezer, thou make thy point exceedingly well, something Herr Joseph immensely finds favour with.

    in reply to: Pointless #1836101

    Alternatively, dear redleg, you are so far on the left of the religious and political spectrum, than anything right of center strikes you as incoherence.

    in reply to: A spy #1836098

    Nashim Da’atan Kalos. You might be unto something.

    Nashim Da'atan Kalos and Women Today

    in reply to: “Kosher” Ice Skating Show in Brooklyn #1835820

    There’s nothing kosher and everything treif with this.

    in reply to: Put Donald Trump on the Rock #1835810

    CA: We should reintroduce the $500 and $1000 bills. Reagan on the $500 and Trump on the $1000.

    in reply to: L’kovid Rosh Chodesh Adar – V’nahapoch Hu #1835582

    1 from Joe, 1 from CTL and 265 from GHD.

    in reply to: L’kovid Rosh Chodesh Adar – V’nahapoch Hu #1835331

    A real v’nahapoch hu would be Joseph moderating the comments.

    in reply to: Israeli election #1834875

    Vote for the Joint List.

    in reply to: Pointless #1834860

    Redleg, on multiple occasions after a discussion with persons of the opposite viewpoints of myself, they’ve outright told me I’ve made excellent points and convinced them of the correctness of my position.

    in reply to: Sanders or trump #1834789

    There’s only three regular Democrats in the CR: CTLawyer, ubiquitin and Godolhadorah. (Charlie Hall was another, but he’s no longer a regular here.) Hardly a representative sample.

    Indeed, you’d be hard pressed to find any serious percentage of Orthodox Jews who identify as Democrat voters (as opposed to registered Democrats for local one-party reasons; which is a whole ‘nother discussion.)

    in reply to: How girls are causing the shidduch crisis! #1834772

    I can.

    in reply to: How girls are causing the shidduch crisis! #1834750

    I can vouch that the OP is serious. Seriously mistaken but also serious in believing everything he’s writing (as well as in describing his background). He expresses all the same opinions you see here in real life social settings.

    in reply to: How girls are causing the shidduch crisis! #1834710

    WB95: You ignored my Point # “2)” above.

    Also, why do you refuse to marry a girl who aspires to be a stay-at-home mom?

    in reply to: Aspergers shidduchim #1834693

    RY23, I’m glad you agree.

    in reply to: If you vote democrat #1834692

    Ubiq: I take exception to your description that my definition of life at risk differs from Halacha. Furthermore, as I’ve said in our previous conversations, if there was a ban on abortion with a libral exception for life being at risk that more than covered any halachic exception permitting abortion, you still would oppose the ban abortion despite it allowing it in all cases where Halacha allows it. That demonstrates that your support for abortion-on-demand being legal is not based on any worry about Halacha.

    in reply to: Sanders or Bloomberg? #1834638

    I suggest we all vote Sanders in the Democrat primary in order to help the Trump re-election effort.

    in reply to: If you vote democrat #1834631

    Ubiq: That’s absolutely false and a gross misrepresentation.

    in reply to: Aspergers shidduchim #1834627

    The vast majority of marriages among Asperger’s people are with someone who doesn’t have Asperger’s or any other notable diagnosis.

    in reply to: How girls are causing the shidduch crisis! #1834526


    1) Exactly what makes you interested in these girls (that aren’t interested in you)?

    2) Isn’t there a reasonable consideration that someone who moved from one hashkafic practice to another is more likely to change hashkafic practices again in the future than someone who remained in the same hashkafic practice all his life? If so, there’s a legitimate reason to prefer someone who has been on the same hashkafic practice as oneself all their life.

    in reply to: Pointless #1834506

    I’ve had success swaying people to my side. On religious issues and on political issues.

    in reply to: From our mouth #1834388

    There is no Mitzvah to speak in Loshon HaKodesh. Without the modernizations, its not much of a speakable language (we don’t have that many words). And if you do add in a bunch of words and tweak it, youll just end up with another Yiddish, but based on Loshon HaKodesh, which is only a bad thing, not good, as per above. Plus, the Responsa Chavtzeles HaSharon (I:OH:10) writes that Loshon HaKodesh is only Kodesh if its used exclusively for holy things. Once you start using it to speak mundane things, its not holy anymore. It’s like an Aron HaKodesh – once you use it to hold your model racing car collection and not Sifrei Torah, its not an Aron HaKodesh anymore.

    In the Sefer B’Tuv Yerushalayim it relates that the Maharil Diskin refused to speak to a certain Talmid Chacham of Yerushalayim because he used to spek only Loshon HaKodesh. Said the Maharil Diskin, “For generations we are accostomed to speaking Yiddish, not Loshon HaKodesh.” He saw in the speaking of Loshon HaKodesh a contradiction to historical percedent, which originated based on the ideas in the aforementioned issues. The Chasam Sofer is in his comments on Shulchan Aruch, OH #65 – the reason we do not speak Loshon HaKodesh is to prevent undesirable people from speaking it, plus to prevent its being used in Tameh places. The posek Hagaon Rav Akiva Yosef Shlezinger in his Sefer Lev HaIvri says we should not change our spoken toungue from Yiddish, and he draws parallels with our usage of Yiddish in modern times, to our usage of Aramaic in ancient times.

    What about giving a Shiur or Dvar Torah in Loshon Kodesh? The reason that was not done is because Loshon HaKodesh is very hard to use in a speaking manner – its much more suited to writing. Would you start a sentence with “hinei”? And even when Divrei Torah are writen in Seforim, they add in many Aramaic words and expression, to the point where someone who only know Hebrew but not Gemora language would have a hard time understanding it. There simply aren’t enough words or expressions in Loshon HaKodesh to do that. Its awkward even when it can be done. So since theres really no reason to do it – there is no Mitzvah to speak Loshon HaKodesh – but there is a Mitzvah to understand your learning as best as you can, it was deemed by Klal Yisroel better to use foregn language – or at least a combination of Loshon HaKodesh and foreign language, which is really what is needed to get a complex Torah idea across.

    Remember – the Gemora itself was done in Aramaic – a foreign language, and not Loshon HaKodesh. And thats because it was more easily understood. Foreign languages still are. And the point of the Chavtzeles HaSharon by saying that Loshon HaKodesh loses its holiness when spoken for mundane matters was that doing so is a Bizayon for the Holy language and it therefore should not be done. Historical precendent is valid only when the past generations could have done somethign but clearly chose not to. Speaking Loshon HaKodesh was an available option for them just as it is for us – and they could have created a “speaking language” out of it if they wanted – just like they did recently. The fact that they didnt shows that they chose not to. We should, too. But Loshon HaKodesh – with the Aramaic and foreign words mixed in, which is what is used for Torah – is not really speakable. But it woks best from the written Torah word. Its not a coincidence that after thousands of years, those who finally came up with the idea to speak Hebrew were atheist Apikorsim who did it specifically for heretical reasons – because in order to be a “nation” you need a language.

    in reply to: From our mouth #1834387

    Other reasons why MH is not the “language of the Jew” are:

    (a) Its origin is actually anti-Jewish. The creators of MH did so because “it is not possible to be a nation without a national language” (see Eisentein’s encyclopedia, ‘Ivrit’). This of course is Apikorsus, because Jews are a nation not like other nations – whereas other nations need a common spoken language, we only need the Torah to make us a “nation”. We are no more or less an “am” if we have or do not have a common language, common food, or common geographic boundaries. The idea was that MH will make us into a “nation like all nations”, in the same way that some fool may say that all Jews should eat bagels and lox because without doing so, we will be less of an “am”. And even though those who speka MH in Bnei Brak today do not subscirbe to this heresy, we do not consider this language the “Jewish language” because it was created to actually change the definition of what “Jewish” means. In The golyon Maharsha, quoted by Rav Reuven Grozovsky in “Bayos HaZeman”, there is brought a responsa of Rav Yaakov Sasportes, a great combatant in the fight against the Shabse Tzvi y”s. He says that Shabse Tzvi actually intorduced some positive, even obligatory practices into Judaism. Performing Birkas Kohanim daily, even in Chutz La’aretz, was foremost among them. But, says the Ohel Yaakov, even though this is a good and positive practice, and perhaps even obligatory according to Halachha, since its origins came through Shabse Tzvi, we should not do it. The same applies, all the more to making MH our “national language.”

    (b) The changes in Loshon HaKodesh that were made, both in accent and content, are unacceptable. The changing of accents from Ashkenaz to Sefard for Ashkenaz Jews is wrong. Rabbeinu Bachye writes that if you change even a komatz to a Pasach in the language, it will lead to heresy. Also, certain words in Hebrew are definitely against the spirit of the Torah. (Ben Yehuda once said that he designed the language specifically to “shtoch” the religious). Example: “Chashmal”, which means electricity in MH, comes from the Loshon HaKodesh word found at the beginning of Yechizkel which is the name of the Angel of Fire. The idea of taking the name of the Malach of AIsh and using it to mean “electricity” was the implication that whereas in the olden days we believed in angels as explanations for things, today we believe in technology. It would be the same as calling penicillin, for instance, “Rephoel.” The Debreciner Rav ZT’L actually discusses if it is permitted to use this word.

    MH does have its roots in Loshon HaKodesh, but its adjustments of it make it the worst of both worlds – since it has Loshon HaKodesh elements we dont want to use it for our mundane purposes – and since it has non-Loshon HaKodesh elements, we do not want to accept it as our national language. So to speak MH is one thing, but to say it is the “language of the Jew” is just not so. Neither is Yiddish the “language of the Jew”, any more than a black hat is the “clothing of a Jew.” But just as the purpose of the hat is “lo shinu es malbushayhen” – we want to dress differently than the seculars – thep purpose of Yiddish is “lo shinu es shemom” – we want to talk differently than the seculars.

    in reply to: Until the zman #1834413

    LOT112: The timestamp on posts reflect the time the moderator approved the post; not the time the poster submitted it.

    in reply to: Until the zman #1834406

    The California moderators approve posts until about three hours later than the New York moderators can while the Eretz Yisroel moderators can approve things on Motzei Shabbos about six hours before the New York moderators can.

    in reply to: Is trump really immoral #1834389

    Trump is the biggest Oheiv Yisroel in the White House since George Washington.

    in reply to: From our mouth #1834385

    The Chasam Sofer writes that the reason Jews do not speak Loshon Hakodesh as a speaking language is because it is inappropriate to use a holy language while enveloped in Tumah, which is our current status. The Rambam writes that a love song in Hebrew is more repulsive to Hashem than the same song in Arabic, for instance, because the pollution of the Holy language is an additional crime. If someone wants to store pornography in his house, thats bad enough. But to store it in the Aron HaKodesh is unspeakably worse. So to cause Loshon HaKodesh to be used as a street language, complete with all the disgusting ways it is used today in Israel, is just more of a reason why we should make sure it never gets into the streets. For our Creator to look down at the world and see His holy language – or even elements of it – used in magazines such as are sold in Kiosks on Yaffo or Dizengoff Street, or spoken by the lowest of the low trying to make a sale, is not something that he or we are happy about.

    The Kuzari writes that Avrohom Avinu, therefore, spoke two different languages. One for holy speech – that was Loshon HaKodesh, and the other for mundane speech – that, the Kuzari says was some non-Jewish language that Avrohom Avinu took and changed around a little on his own. And thats the idea behind Yiddish. It is a non-Jewish language that we took and twisted a bit in order to make it exclusive among us.

    Even though there are Yiddishistin who speak Yiddish, they took it from us, not vice-versa (as is the case of Modern Hebrew), and since we do not live in a country or society dominated by Yiddish-speaking shkotzim, there is no benefit of Lo shinu es leshonam by not speaking Yiddish. But there is such a benefit by not speaking Hebrew.

    in reply to: From our mouth #1834384

    Modern Hebrew is not different than Turkish or Farsi – it is the language of a secular culture complete with all those things that we want to stay away from. The fact that some of those who speak Modern Hebrew are religious Jews is not different than the language of any country Jews are in where they speak the language of the land. The point is to stay away from the language of the land and only talk the language of the Jew.

    The Radak (Sefer HaMichlol, introduction) writes that Loshon HaKodesh is all but forgotten to us, and all we have left is what is in Tanach.

    Maran Hagoen Rav Elazar Shach told American educators that Yeshiva boys should be taught Chumash in Yiddish, even if the boys speak English amongst themselves. He furtermore said that both boys and girls should learn to be comfortable in Yiddish. He also said that Yiddish is spoken by “all jews” (that is his phrase). He referred parents to send their children to Yiddish teaching yeshivos. And there is good reason why Rebbes and Rabbonim give ma’amarim in Yiddish.

    The Chasam Sofer notes that while Chazal used many words and phrases borrowed from the Greeks and Romans, they never coined a new word, as has been done in modern hebrew, for in their holy opinion it was preferable to use other languages rather than create even a single new word that did not have its like, its example, in the Torah, since it could not be rooted in sanctity.

    The Chasam Sofer EH 2:11 says that in ancient times Jews used to use a modified version of the non-Jewish languages for everyday (divrei chol) talk, similar to what Yiddish is.

    The Rambam writes that even in the days of Ezra they had a translator to explain the Torah readings to the people – clearly, they did not speak Loshon Hakodesh, even before the Churban.

    in reply to: If you vote democrat #1834383

    Murder will not go away if homicide is outlawed. Legal manslaughter will be unavailable to most people. Rich people have always had access to hired hitmen; it’s merely a matter of money.

    in reply to: If you vote democrat #1834278

    Ubiq: I take it you support repealing all laws against manslaughter and, murder since sometimes killing someone is halachicly justified (self-defense, someone breaking into your home (even when you don’t know whether he’s armed), a Moser, etc.) and a competent halachic authority need to decide as such rather than killings being outlawed by the secular government.

    in reply to: Bloomberg or Trump? #1834257

    Bottom Line: Would you rather have the guy in office who tries to ban Jewish practices (Bloomberg) or the guy who tries and does help Yidden (Trump), and moreso has a lifelong history of doing so even long before becoming President?

    in reply to: Drinking fountain soda in NYC #1834102

    jdb: We don’t “make our own decisions”. We must follow our poseks ruling.

    in reply to: Is trump really immoral #1834096

    Every goy is immoral.

    Reb Eliezer, you shouldn’t want ANY goy to be a role model for your children.

    in reply to: New Fabulous Wedding Hall in Baltimore #1833500

    How many frum Yidden live in Baltimore?

    in reply to: dirshu siyum was 80% chassidish, understanding why? #1833389

    APY: Would you venture to guess why that’s the case by Chassidim much more so than by non-Chassidim?

    in reply to: If you vote democrat #1833392

    Reb Eliezer, I’m really shocked that you support abortion being legal.

    in reply to: Drinking fountain soda in NYC #1833391

    Only get fountain soda from a restaurant that has a hechsher.

    in reply to: New Wedding hall in Lakewood #1833390

    Is it a “takana” chasuna hall?

    in reply to: Out of town Shadchanim #1832932

    Why do out of town shidduch candidates, regardless whether it it is the male or the female, generally have to travel to the New York/NJ area when the shidduch is with someone from NY/NJ?

    in reply to: Lag baomer 2020 #1832744

    Home Depot


    There are multiple rabbis who have the exact same name as he.

    in reply to: Bloomberg or Trump? #1832610

    Bloomberg is an antisemite, self-hating Jew. He opposes Judaism and has tried to outlaw Jewish practices.

    in reply to: Preventable Marriage Disasters #1832611

    Syag, many would say the same about the other two things Haimy included in his list.

    in reply to: Preventable Marriage Disasters #1832579

    So-called “professionals” are the worst people to ask.

    in reply to: Preventable Marriage Disasters #1832557

    The Chasidim know how to do a full research before dating.

    in reply to: Preventable Marriage Disasters #1832555

    Better to be married and divorced than to never marry. No question about it.

    in reply to: Preventable Marriage Disasters #1832554

    Pru Urvu is a Chiyuv. One is obligated to get married.

    in reply to: How girls are causing the shidduch crisis! #1832553

    OP/WB95: Would you agree to marry a girl who grew up LWMO but became Yeshivish?

    in reply to: dirshu siyum was 80% chassidish, understanding why? #1832085

    CTRebbe: You’re missing utilizing the Pew Research study of American Jewry, 2013. It’ll add context of how what they call “Ultra-Orthodox” (i.e. what is also referred to as Chareidim and includes both Yeshivish/Litvish as well as Chassidish in one statistical category by Pew Research) have become a super-majority of American Orthodox Jewry, with Chareidim constituting almost 70% of American Orthodox Jews nationwide in 2013. It was an increasing majority until then and has certainly increased even further since 2013.

    What Dr. Marvin Shick’s studies for Avi Chai demonstrates, by looking at not just his 2013 study but rather at at least his two studies prior to 2013, is that the Chassidish population rate-of-growth far outstripped anyone else, including the Yeshivish/Litvish. The Chassidish schools were in his earlier studies smaller than the Litvish but the rate of growth of their student bodies year over year (calculated by comparing the earlier Avi Chai studies to the most recent one) demonstrates a far higher rate of growth.

    Also, I’m not Chasidish and don’t live in any of the enclaves.

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