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RIETS is no more qualified than BMG or any Yeshiva that issues a BTL.
JosephParticipantTzaddikim have ruach hakodesh. Including when writing their seforim hakedoshim.
October 16, 2017 12:49 pm at 12:49 pm in reply to: Apple Throwing Tisch……………………I don’t get it #1381636JosephParticipantGolfer, just because you’re “uncomfortable” with a Minhag Yisroel what gives you the right to voice your discomfort regarding the minhag? Can I publicly declare myself uncomfortable with the correctness of people beating aravos in shul on Hoshana Rabba?
JosephParticipantThere’s always a trade off between limudei kodesh and limudei chol. An improvement in one necessitates at least a somewhat lower quality in the other.
October 16, 2017 8:41 am at 8:41 am in reply to: Vegas Massacre: 59 Good Reasons to Outlaw Automatic Weapons #1381485JosephParticipantAt least a subset of objectively unambiguously offensive speech can be an agreed definition by all.
October 16, 2017 12:49 am at 12:49 am in reply to: Vegas Massacre: 59 Good Reasons to Outlaw Automatic Weapons #1381419JosephParticipant“Do you think a country, as a whole, would be a better place to live if speech that offends or disturbs anyone were outlawed?”
I think objectively unambiguously offensive speech should be outlawed.
JosephParticipantDid you check the Yated News and World Report yeshiva rankings?
JosephParticipantI read it as a child.
JosephParticipantYou end up in Oz. Crushing the Wicked Witch.
October 15, 2017 7:38 pm at 7:38 pm in reply to: Moving to the suburbs to escape the Orthodox ghetto #1381261JosephParticipantThere are far more people in Brooklyn living as close to the Slabodka mussar lifestyle that you’ll find anywhere today than in any of the other cities you mentioned.
Stop looking for the bad and start looking at the so much good. So much good.
JosephParticipantYou can ask as many questions as desired. 😉
If your Plan A, for whatever reason, doesn’t pan out, what’s your preferred Plan B?
JosephParticipantGolfer, if someone logically and convincingly explained and proved to you in an online discussion that a certain view of yours was mistaken, you’d be too stubborn to change your line of thinking?
October 15, 2017 4:14 pm at 4:14 pm in reply to: Moving to the suburbs to escape the Orthodox ghetto #1380855JosephParticipantQuote from Maran Rashkbhag Hagaon HaRav Moshe Feinstein ztvk’l:
“There are people who maintain that Talmidei Chachomim are not qualified to decide political matters, that Gedolei Yisroel should limit themselves to Torah and Halacha. Such people cannot be considered within the Torah camp. One might well say ignoring the advice of a Talmid Chochom is far worse than violating a commandment. One who violates a commandment because he is too weak to resist temptation, at least knows that his action is wrong. By contrast, one who ignores the advice of a Talmid Chochom denies that a Torah scholar’s wisdom is superior. This is a far more serious breach.”
(Reb Moshe, p. 123)
JosephParticipantYekke — no relevance.
October 15, 2017 2:45 pm at 2:45 pm in reply to: Moving to the suburbs to escape the Orthodox ghetto #1380819JosephParticipantI agree that Lakewood and Monsey carry the same status as Brooklyn according to Rav Miller’s intent in his comments. As does KJ and NS, even more so.
October 15, 2017 2:01 pm at 2:01 pm in reply to: Moving to the suburbs to escape the Orthodox ghetto #1380811JosephParticipantMammele, yeridos hadoros. Of course. But where is better?
As far as Satmar (or Skvere) is concerned, they have their isolated shtetl that’s 100% frum. That’s even better, of course. (Including their newer exclaves that attempt to replicate Kiryas Yoel.) But most Yidden don’t have the opportunity to live in as a wholesome environment such as KY or NS.
JosephParticipantTo the view/understanding I expressed/explained.
JosephParticipantFor some, Rabbi G is their only rabbi/posek.
JosephParticipantYekke, what is your best guess or expectation (or hope if you can’t answer guess or expectation) as to what your vocation will be in 10 years from now?
JosephParticipantI’ve had people tell me my online comments changed their mind/position.
October 15, 2017 10:21 am at 10:21 am in reply to: Moving to the suburbs to escape the Orthodox ghetto #1380655JosephParticipantThe underlying reason for Rav Miller zt’l’s point is well understood and was explained by Spreadthetruth above. His point is no different today than when he said it. And how he would apply it today is clearly understood.
JosephParticipantWhy would you pick comfort over better tefila?? A bigger minyan means you’re tefilos are more likely to be accepted.
JosephParticipantIts economic output. Lost employers, stalled economy, lost jobs. It used to be a manafacturing powerhouse.
October 15, 2017 1:11 am at 1:11 am in reply to: Moving to the suburbs to escape the Orthodox ghetto #1380559JosephParticipantThere is more Torah and ruchniyos in Brooklyn, and in its frum neighborhoods less gashmiyus, than in suburbia with their sprawling homes and swimming pools and larger intermingling and friendships with goyim, who are more likely to be their neighbors.
October 15, 2017 12:46 am at 12:46 am in reply to: Why is hashem punishing the Caribbean islands? #1380553JosephParticipantToo bad you weren’t around to set Chazal, and the Tosfos Yom Tov, straight when they came up with their “mistaken theories”, ghd.
October 15, 2017 12:39 am at 12:39 am in reply to: Moving to the suburbs to escape the Orthodox ghetto #1380548JosephParticipantIt’s easier, and one is more likely, to remain on the correct derech when living in a more intensely frum environment surrounded by more frum Yidden.
JosephParticipantWhich is why I said “probably”.
October 15, 2017 12:32 am at 12:32 am in reply to: Moving to the suburbs to escape the Orthodox ghetto #1380529JosephParticipantThe best yeshivos tend to have the lowest tuition. You are confusing best yeshivos with best private secular education. The two have nothing to do with each other.
And, incidentally, Yeshiva tuition in Brooklyn tends to cost much less than elsewhere. Another plus for young families.
October 15, 2017 12:06 am at 12:06 am in reply to: Why is hashem punishing the Caribbean islands? #1380524JosephParticipantLike blaming talking in Shul for Tach V’Tat? Or blaming sinas chinam for the churban?
October 14, 2017 11:43 pm at 11:43 pm in reply to: Why is hashem punishing the Caribbean islands? #1380497JosephParticipantWith Tropical Storm Ophelia’s transition to Hurricane Ophelia on Wednesday, 2017 became the first year in 124 years — and only the fourth on record — in which 10 Atlantic storms in a row reached hurricane strength. Franklin. Gert. Harvey. Irma. Jose. Katia. Lee. Maria. Nate. Ophelia. The last time 10 consecutive Atlantic storms became hurricanes was in 1893. Since modern records began in 1851, there has never been an 11-hurricane stretch.
This year the Atlantic has experienced 18.75 major hurricane days: the total number of days logged by Category 3, 4 and 5 storms. This is nearly five times the full-season average of 3.9 days.
And with major urban areas of California still burning down over a week after large wildfires broke out, with dozens dead, hundreds missing and complete large urban neighborhoods burnt to the ground along with thousands of homes in the largest state in the United States — is anyone still in denial about all this being a message from Hashem to Klal Yisroel?!?
October 14, 2017 11:42 pm at 11:42 pm in reply to: Moving to the suburbs to escape the Orthodox ghetto #1380494JosephParticipantThe intensity of Yiddishkeit in Cleveland doesn’t come close to Brooklyn. The large number of Yeshivos, Butei Medrashim, Makomos HaTorah, the large number of Bnei Torah, Rabbonim, Gedolim, Rebbes, plain Yidden, Chesed organizations — Tzedokos, Hatzolah, Shomrim, Chaveirim, numerous Bikur Cholims, Gemachim, health services, etc., in Brooklyn is unparalleled elsewhere in chutz la’aretz.
JosephParticipantGlass probably isn’t tznius since we have to sleep in the Succah.
JosephParticipantYerushalayim or Chutz La’aretz?
JosephParticipantBecause it is a bigger inyan to daven in a larger minyan.
JosephParticipantNu, ubiq, did you find it necessary to shove anyone over again on Simchas Torah, in order to keep the hakafos moving smoothly? 😉
JosephParticipantYseribus, Buffalo has lost its economic and, to an extent, its population over the last four+ decades.
October 11, 2017 4:09 pm at 4:09 pm in reply to: What’s the proper time for a bochur to daven shacharis during bein hazemanim? #1380323JosephParticipantAlright, RY. So until what age or time should parents maintain discipline of their children?
JosephParticipantWhat about glass Succahs for people who live in glass houses.
JosephParticipantYou can often choose, as explained above, whether to place yourself in a predicament possibly necessitating its use.
October 11, 2017 12:18 pm at 12:18 pm in reply to: Is decorating the succah the mans job or women’s? #1380275JosephParticipantGHD: Which part of it did you not “concur” with? The Rabbeinu Tam, the Rishonim, the Gemorah, the Mordechai, the Beis Yosef, the Yaavetz or the Chasam Sofer?
Yekke: It was minimally a partial refutation of the quote of his you bolded “Women can build a sucah…”
JosephParticipantGood is relative. Better than a non-lazy bum, but I wouldn’t call him good.
October 11, 2017 11:28 am at 11:28 am in reply to: Driving in the left lane at the speed limit #1380260JosephParticipantI agree with Syag!
JosephParticipantIf the guy is quickly fixing his Talis, turning his page or picking up a fallen Esrog, that is a reasonable delay. What else is he expected to do — continue walking while leaving his Esrog on the floor, his Machzor on the wrong page or his Talis falling half off??
JosephParticipantubiq, how’d you (gently) nudge him?
October 11, 2017 11:16 am at 11:16 am in reply to: Is decorating the succah the mans job or women’s? #1380236JosephParticipantYekke, GHD isn’t exactly interested in Torah sources to refute his views. Citing modern western philosophy is more up his alley.
October 11, 2017 11:10 am at 11:10 am in reply to: Driving in the left lane at the speed limit #1380227JosephParticipantIf you pull too closely in front of him, he will be required to apply the brakes
What if the idiot was hogging the left lane while the traffic was passing him in the right lane. Ain’t he deserve being cut off?
JosephParticipantYou have to know how to nudge without upsetting people. If the guy in front of you becomes stationary, very very slightly bumping into him, as if you were simply continuing to walk — as expected, since the circle should be continuously moving — should not set off any fire bells.
If the shul is big enough, you can make multiple rings of circles. If the shul is not very big, those walking in a circle directly around the Bima slows down the other circle(s), and so usually such a circle (or even individuals) directly around the Bima should not be occurring in a non-large shul.
October 11, 2017 10:52 am at 10:52 am in reply to: What’s the proper time for a bochur to daven shacharis during bein hazemanim? #1380198JosephParticipantTill what age does Chazal expect parents to discipline or have any “reins” on one’s children? Till Bar Mitzvah? Till wed (i.e. age 22)? Even when the child’s age 50?
JosephParticipantBuffalo is a dying city.
October 11, 2017 10:52 am at 10:52 am in reply to: Driving in the left lane at the speed limit #1380204JosephParticipantCutting off a car requires that car to apply the brakes to avoid hitting you.
How is the passing driver to know whether the other car that he’s passing will apply the brakes, thus making it an inappropriate “cutting off”, or not, thus making it an appropriate pass?
CTL: Why would someone cut off a car rather than pass/overtake it?
Also, often in urban areas when you signal an intention to pass the other driver will use that advance knowledge from your signalling to prevent you’re ability to safely pass/overtake him. Thus causing drivers to pass without signalling advance intent.