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  • in reply to: Telemarketers Should ASSUR Due to Something #1392943

    “They have a private person’s name come up.”

    I’ve never seen Jewish/tzedakas do that. Spoofed Caller ID is generally done by many shady secular telemarketers and bill collectors.

    in reply to: Wearing Wigs #1392829

    Removed by member.

    in reply to: Boro Park & Flatbush: Whom Are You Voting For #1392749

    The council district Hikind is running in has a huge proportion of Yiddish as a first language demographic. And the others are mostly also Yiddish capable.

    No, the point of the convention is to propose amendments to the existing state constitution.

    in reply to: My savings account and CDs are earning almost no interest, any solutions? #1392747

    Six figures and you’re looking for a short term solution?? If you’re looking for a long term solution you won’t find a safer+better return combination than the S&P 500 index.

    If you need total safety in returns look at U.S. Treasuries. Otherwise almost any 5 or 10 year period in the S&P will be fine. As far as exceptions, you’ll find more exceptions elsewhere.

    in reply to: Fox News #1392745

    The other major outlets are far worse. The mainstream media are extreme left-wing, politically, anti-religiously and immorally. They are all focused exclusively on whatever so-called news they think will make the President of the United States look bad. However tiny, small or otherwise the story is in the grand scheme, to promote their Democrat Party agenda that’s what they’ll heavily focus on. The MSM will throw in a huge dose of their opinions into what they call news and make ridiculous speculation that usually is false and far from reality. And they are far from free of peddling outright false stories.

    Fox isn’t good either. (Virtually none of the media is.) But they are far less bad than their far left competitors that are the mainstream media.

    in reply to: Applying for a job that’s not you #1392737

    Is moving to Lakewood viable? A three bedroom basement in Lakewood proper could be had for no more than $1000/month. A smaller basement, with kitchen and all, for several hundred dollars less than that. And doubling or tripling up with some other frum guys sharing a basement would probably run you only a few hundred dollars a month.

    Kosher food will be much less expensive too.


    The stock market is one of the safest long term places to invest funds. Put the money into an S&P 500 index fund (or ETF) and sleep well. (Don’t invest in individual stocks or managed funds.)

    in reply to: Math Jokes #1392617

    A physicist, a biologist, and a mathematician are sitting on a bench across from a house. They watch as two people go into the house, and then a little later, three people walk out.

    The physicist says, “The initial measurement was incorrect.”

    The biologist says, “They must have reproduced.”

    And the mathematician says, “If exactly one person enters that house, it will be empty.”

    in reply to: Math Jokes #1392616

    Three statisticians go out hunting together. After a while they spot a solitary rabbit. The first statistician takes aim and overshoots. The second aims and undershoots. The third shouts out “We got him!”

    in reply to: Is A Jew Permitted To Celebrate Halloween? #1392571

    According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Halloween originated with the pagan Celtic festival of Samhain, a day on which the devil was invoked for the various divinations. ‘The souls of the dead were supposed to revisit their homes on this day’, Britannica says, ‘and the autumnal festival acquired sinister significance, with ghosts, witches, hobgoblins .. and demons of all kinds said to be roaming about.’

    It is noted by Professor John Hennig, in his classical article on this topic, there is a clear historical relationship between the Celtic concepts of resurrection, Roman Catholic responses to it, and the modern American holiday of Halloween.

    in reply to: Is A Jew Permitted To Celebrate Halloween? #1392490

    Where do you live that the shkotzim do “tricks” on Jewish homes that don’t give?

    in reply to: Boro Park & Flatbush: Whom Are You Voting For #1392456

    Vote No on Referendum Ballot Question #1, so that the liberals shouldn’t amend the constitution for the worse.

    in reply to: What does CRF stand for? #1392452

    Capital recovery factor
    Change request form
    Catholic Reaction Force
    Corticotropin-releasing factor
    Chronic renal failure
    Coupled rangefinder camera

    in reply to: charities #1392383

    What if returning the coins will contribute towards avodah zara?

    in reply to: charities #1392312

    According to halacha you don’t have to send it back. It could even be that you are not permitted to send it back.

    in reply to: Should Your Spouse Be Your Best Friend? #1392216


    Any response to my speculation above as for why “friend” has become a marital term of endearment?

    Avram: I think your comment is a reasonable observation.

    in reply to: divorce prevention tips! #1392203

    Ash, she certainly can claim that. But that isn’t the default. By default Halacha, any income or assets she comes into possession to during the course of marriage belongs to her husband. Furthermore, if she does claim איני ניזונת ואיני עושה, she forfeits her right to have her husband support her. Critically, as well, is if she does make that claim it is only effective going forward, not retroactively. So any income and assets (other than a small number of exceptions such as gifts he gave her) that she accumulated during the course of her marriage up to and until the point she makes that formal claim, still remain the full property of her husband.

    Since the discussion here is about divorce, if she hadn’t previously claimed this before divorce was considered it is of no use to her since up to that point all income and assets belong to him and she can only claim it for future income or assets that she generates.

    in reply to: Should Your Spouse Be Your Best Friend? #1392150

    Shtika, are you friends with your mother and father? If not, why not?

    in reply to: Should Your Spouse Be Your Best Friend? #1392118

    You love your mother too. Are you friends with your mother and father? With your grandparents?

    in reply to: Should Your Spouse Be Your Best Friend? #1392117

    I didn’t say love. I said friends.

    in reply to: Should Your Spouse Be Your Best Friend? #1392109

    Do you think Rav Elyashiv, Rav Chaim, Rav Shach, the Steipler, the Chazon Ish, Rav Moshe, the Satmar Rebbe, the Gerrer Rebbe, Rav Aharon, the Chofetz Chaim, and most others in their category were friends with their Rebbetzins?

    in reply to: Master Plan #1392100

    No one has to listen but certainly anyone has a right to express an opinion.

    in reply to: Master Plan #1392032

    People outside Lakewood have no right to an expressed opinion on a Lakewood public policy matter?

    in reply to: Wearing Wigs #1392025

    “Maybe I’ve just never had a good one.”

    Where have you had steak sandwiches?

    in reply to: Telemarketers Should ASSUR Due to Something #1391940

    … and how is a tzedaka bittul zman?

    in reply to: Wearing tefillin all day #1391933

    Mussaf can be said all day. Did they daven Mussaf at the end of the day?

    in reply to: Replacing Talis and Retzuos (on Tefilin) #1391795

    Are there not many people who yarshen a Talis and/or Tefilin from their father, grandfather, great-grandfather, etc., and proudly wear many decades or a century or more after it was first used by their zeidas?

    in reply to: Should Your Spouse Be Your Best Friend? #1391735

    Using basic definitions you could also describe your spouse as your roommate. 🙂

    Being someone’s roommate typically indicates a degree of trust in each other.

    Just as you probably wouldn’t describe her as your roommate, I would think that describing her as your wife is more appropriate than describing her as your friend.

    in reply to: charities #1391723

    Keep them.

    This is a duplicate thread:


    CTL, when your wife was ill and people were saying Tehilim for her, what name was used for your wife in the tefilos — wife bas Sarah Rivkah or wife bas Sorel Rivil?

    in reply to: Should Your Spouse Be Your Best Friend? #1391526

    “If a friend means someone who has committed to you to care about you, your happiness, success and well being…”

    Is that how you define a friend when it comes to friends from school, shul, neighbors, and other miscellaneous non-family friends?

    If not, why would you make a special definition of “friend” that is only applicable to a spouse? Simply call him/her a “spouse”.


    “My aunt always tells me that “simchos” should be “smachot”.”

    Your aunt is Sephardic?


    “there is a large stone for the family plot with the family name at top, and married last names below.”

    How is the “family name” different than the “married last name”?

    Wouldn’t wives be buried with their husbands in their husband’s family cemetery/family area? So you’d have your male family members and their wives buried in your family area whereas your female family members would be buried with their husband in his family area.


    This discussion brings up another interesting question. Who will mother in law’s husband be after techiyas hameisim?

    Also, is there a common Jewish or halachic standard as to which husband to bury a twice-widowed wife next to?

    As far as a twice-widower gentleman, it would seem he could be buried next to both his wives who predeceased him.


    “May she know of no more “tzahr” only smachot.”

    Pardon my brief interlude, but this quite common saying after a petira is a bit confusing. Does this bracha mean that a person should never again have family members pass away?


    Don’t rely on me, but my thinking is that something like Sorel Rivil is merely a nickname of Sarah Rivkah, and not the actual name. Much like Yankel is a nickname for Yaakov, but he’d still get called to the Torah as Yaakov not Yankel.

    I think it would be unusual and confusing to put her name on husband #1’s matzeiva if she isn’t buried there.

    in reply to: charities #1391456

    Keep it.

    in reply to: Telemarketers Should ASSUR Due to Something #1391440

    Switch to VoIP and block numbers that robocall.

    in reply to: Telemarketers Should ASSUR Due to Something #1391416

    Which clear cut issur in Shulchan Aruch do they violate?

    in reply to: Replacing Talis and Retzuos (on Tefilin) #1391375

    What did you do with your original Retzuos and Tallis after you replaced them?

    in reply to: Is wife halachically required to take a Get on unfavorable terms? #1391172

    Lenny, how does her lawyer’s dragging out the civil divorce hurt you (which you seem to indicate is his goal of dragging it out)?

    in reply to: Do we kill too many animals? #1391091

    What does animal welfare mean, that this money is being spent on?

    in reply to: Struggling with Cholov Yisrael.. #1391049

    Rent is very cheap in Lakewood.

    in reply to: Do we kill too many animals? #1391029

    Yankelle, I’ll answer you in a new thread.

    in reply to: Struggling with Cholov Yisrael.. #1391023

    Lakewood has inexpensive rent plus low cost kosher food.

    in reply to: Do we kill too many animals? #1390978

    Man has the right to use animals to make leather wallets, other leather products, upholstery, interior decorating, fur for hats, coats, clothing, etc. Hashem provided animals to man for all these purposes.

    in reply to: The Blind Leading The Blind #1390830

    He was not very fond of rebbes

    That is complete hogwash and the opposite of the truth. The Satmar Rebbe labeled Rav Miller as “not from this dor but rather from a previous generation.”

    And this is a quote from Rav Miller’s sefer “Loving His People” 2, #528 1:06:

    “If we study two kehillas Satmar and Lubavitch. We see how beautiful are these two kehillas. Satmar is a beautiful kehilla. I had personal contact many years with Satmar. I even spoke to the Satmar Rav, the old one, zichron l’bracha. The new one I knew well, very well. But the old one I met personally once at midnight in his home. I knew many of them personally. Satmar brought a new dimension to America.

    “There’s another beautiful kehilla called Lubavitch. I know them personally too. A Lubavitcher was once my rebbe when I was a boy. I learned an entire mesechta kesubos with him. For nothing. He taught me free. And so I have a love for both of these kehillas.

    “Vehitzidku es ha tzadick. They are two kehillas of tzadickim. You must know that. When I say Satmar I mean all of the Satmar kehillas. All of them. I don’t mean each person is a tzadick gamur. But in general, there’s no question that their way of life is tznius. Lubavitch their way of life is tznius. Satmar they are devoted to avodas hashem. They go all out to serve Hashem. Lubavitch, all out to serve Hashem. No question about that.”

    in reply to: Do we kill too many animals? #1390829

    Give the other parts to needy families or something. Otherwise you might run into bal tashchis.

    in reply to: Master Plan #1390783

    Lakewood is growing k’h by leaps and bounds. A lot lot more buildings are needed for the booming population growth.

    Baruch Hashem for the newly approved zoning allowing more needed buildings.

    in reply to: Coin Collecting – Numismatics #1390784

    That sounds really interesting, CTL.

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