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  • in reply to: It's a secret! #756115

    early mazel tov on the engagement!

    in reply to: I was called crazy #754318

    TBT- shes not making me feel bad. trust me shes not a person on my list that i care if shes making me feel bad! if anything…I FEEL BAD FOR HER CHILDREN! In my community one of the local schools runs a bike a thon. if you are NOT wearing a helmet you cant be involved. They are teaching you the importance of a helmet! dont you people get it??? forget about this woman! think about the fact that this child is not wearing a helmet! how many times do you see kids not wearing them??? kids day in adn day out are not safe and something needs to be done. if parents are not caring shouldnt someone else?????? I was NEVER allowed to go bike riding or rollerblading without a helmet! My mother cared about me! Yes you can say you can pick and choose your battles with your kids but over a helmet? Do your kids know what the word “no” means? Dont you set limits for your kids??? Do you just give in to your child jus because you dont want to hear them crying and screaming?? You are willing to give in over a helmet???? because your child doesnt want to wear one??? How stupid can a parent be??? YOU are the parent NOT the kid! Make them wear a helmet! and if they refuse you dont let them bike ride! its as simple as that! GB3-what does me being newly married have to do with this?? its called common sense and safety! something which you dont seem to have! You have a child, it is your job to protect them, care for them and love them! If you are nto going to care then adios neither do I! In that case again, I really hope nothing happens to ur kids and if it does I wouldnt be suprised! I daven to Hashem daily to make sure that my baby is going to be safe and healthy and make sure its going to be OK! I cry for my child! Although my child wont be born for another few months, I still care for it and for all other children in this world! Isnt this what Hashem wants????

    in reply to: I was called crazy #754315

    “are you going to move again bec. of this?”

    what does one thing have to do with the other? the other apartments were not being taken care of we had mold in one and obnoxious neighbors and a bad LL in the other whats your point? so i live among stupid people now, not my problem. At least I have a LL now that takes care of things for us and is nice to us and we have other neighbors who are nice and caring but you dont fall into that category! but when ur kid runs into the street(like kids tend to do well then…oh well)i really hope ur kids make it in life GB3 because at this rate it doesnt look so good.

    happiest-these are two different things! one is about safety. the other has nothing to do with this. that woman had no business telling me WHEN to get pregnant etc. THIS IS ABOUT A CHILDS SAFETY!

    I would like to thank those people who agree with me. the world would be a happier and safer place if more people would watch out for each other and not be angry if someone tells you that your kid is unsafe. Why do you send your kids to school? Do you get upset with the teacher is she tells you that your child had a bad day or if your child isnt doing well? It is NOT the teacher fault but we are there for them and we are try our best! That’s all I did here-Try my best! I know for next time and I will inform my friends too to not worry about THOSE children from THAT family. I hope nothing happens to them this summer and if something does C”V, well I will NOT be the one to say “I told you so.” But if things continue like this where I see dangerous things being done I will have no problem calling authorities and getting people involved. Maybe thats the awakening that is needed!

    in reply to: Chasunah Policies – What are the details? Do they make sense? #754606

    never heard of such a hting

    in reply to: I was called crazy #754308

    A.because im not stupid its her type. B. the person who told me is an honest person and is not going to lie. C. anyone who has ever delt with her has been talked about by her in one way or another.

    it doesnt matter anyways. I learned a lesson: if she, the mother is not going to care about her kids, then I wont care either. I just hope she doesnt receive a phone call this summer because she doesnt know where her kids are etc. Apparently she really doesnt care and its sad that there are mothers like that 🙁

    in reply to: I was called crazy #754301

    again im not telling her what to do! i was nicely letting her know after the fact that “btw in case u didnt know i saw ur son… xyz(that whole story again)” had she just said thank you i woodve said ok. but to go behind my back and call me all sorts of things like crazy bec of that doesnt fly with me. i learned my lesson if she doesnt care abt her kids why should i?

    tbt-the ones i like meaning its parents like those that i can look up to and say wow!

    in reply to: Best Shmurah Matzah #937580

    yeah but i dont like prunes

    in reply to: I was called crazy #754298

    actually im passed the “newly married” part already. but thanks for calling me a pisher. I am a soon to be mom and im sorry that you dont care enough about your own kids to notice what is really going on. yes I have a mouth that I am NOT afraid to use. if it gets me into trouble so be it. but if it saves a life even better. a few months back i saw a woman sitting in the front seat of the car while the husband was taking the kids out. he left the baby in the car seat in the MIDDLE OF THE STREET! now for sure I was saying something. I said very nicely, that it was dangerous what was being done. had I not seen the carseat i couldve hit the baby and lo aleinu… does it matter if someone is a parent or not to know about safety? what about someone who wasnt zoche to have children and they are older, and they see something and say something? are they not allowed because they never had kids? having kids or not doesnt make a difference. If you care about children or another jew you look out for them. isnt that what ahavas yisroel is all about? and why should I stop because you dont like hearing the truth???

    Aries-please dont take offense. If you have seen what ive seen you would def understand. I will not sit here and begin to tell you…and i didnt say 100% i said 90. you and all those other hard working mothers who dont have housekeepers raising their children are the ones I like!

    student-i am not here to give constructive criticism. i was simply stating facts and how I was called “crazy” because I was looking out for another yid’s son! Maybe I will make sure not to care but last time I checked it says in the Torah “vneshmartem meod linafshosaychem” if this doesnt fall into that category than what does?

    I would like to give you a scenario:

    Your child is off bike riding. Forget that you dont know where he is. But he’s somewhere and he’s without a helmet. Now lets say C”V he falls and he hit his head. Someone who knows him sees him and calls you to tell you that he’s unconscious. Now, had he been wearing his helmet he wouldnt have been badly injured. What is going thru your mind at this point? Besides is he going to be OK? Once you get to the hospital the doctors will most likely be “yelling” at you for no helmet. Wouldnt you rather be safe than sorry and know that someone is calling you to tell you your child is without a helmet??? I’m sorry but I rather that phone call then anything else! How many times do we hear someone is hurt because of a car accident and no seat belt? And I see parents driving all the time and kids are standing and also not wearing seatbelts? Do you not care about your children???? I seriously dont understand people! They say all the time people die in cars lo aleinu and you know what my uncle was one of them! For that I am so makpid about seatbelts! If I see a parent driving without the kids buckled I will of course open my mouth. If you yourself have a seat belt or a helmet on why shouldnt your kids? I cry thinking about how many kids are chalishing for their parents to notice them and to make sure these kids are safe. It is not fair to hurt your own children! they are precious beings and are our future legacies! Please keep them safe and let parents knwo if a child isnt. Because honestly…you do not want to chas vshalom be on that receiving end of that phone call!

    in reply to: Zonked!! #754135

    ppl make it sounds as if pesach is tomorrow. why dont you pace yourselves? u still have a few weeks. so relax a little

    in reply to: Best Shmurah Matzah #937577

    mod 80-or mineral oil works great too!

    in reply to: I was called crazy #754284

    ummm eclipse…its about 90% of the mothers in the five towns!

    in reply to: I was called crazy #754280

    gumball if it was ur kid, ud want to know. if u really love ur child ud be happy!

    in reply to: I was called crazy #754275

    it didnt happen today. it was a few months ago actually. the problem is the mother is NEVER home and when she is, her kids are out of the house going who knows where and she jsut stays there. i dont get it. im not due till sept iy”h but as a morah i worry day in a day out abt my kids. but im already worrying what im going to do for a job for this coming year bec i dont want to send my kid away from me. the world is scary and how often do the babysitters really care for the kids they are watching. this mother from above has a backyard camp in her house and she is never there for it! these things scare me!

    in reply to: Need camp for 3year old boy in flatbush #754008

    you mean you are in brooklyn and not going to a bungalow colony????

    in reply to: I was called crazy #754272

    i see day in and day out parents not caring and its driving me crazy. kids are not asked to be born and when they are they need our attention!

    in reply to: "The Japan Song" – new video #755644

    never mind…found it

    in reply to: "The Japan Song" – new video #755643

    couldnt find it on youtube

    in reply to: i found you #754959

    we would like that. ask the neighbors for my number. you are more than welcome!

    in reply to: Best Shmurah Matzah #937565

    twisted-wanna come show me how? or u can make for me?

    in reply to: Best Shmurah Matzah #937557

    where can women go matzah baking?

    in reply to: Gebrochts #940781

    hellllllloooooo what about pesach rolls and matzah pizza???? the classics!!!!

    in reply to: "Yalili" Music Video #880136

    lubavs know the way to do it!!!! go us! lol

    in reply to: Gebrochts #940764

    my husband doesnt eat gebrokts. but i do. last year when i got married i said i wont either. by the next night i was back to eating gebrokts. it was just too hard.

    in reply to: what's your favorite.. #868103

    this is a tuff question…i have many but i think anything by abie rottenberg and shwekey

    in reply to: how did U find out about cr?? #758706

    saw it in the corner. wondered what it was and i was like ill join!

    in reply to: what made you choose your screen name? #889501

    after seeing the movie recently i was very into it!

    in reply to: do 'mazinka' dance or not? #753119

    last march when i got married since i am the only child my mother insisted that we have a mazinka. my husband was like no why would we? then of course she didnt listen and we did it! we had a blast! remember this YOUR simcha! do whatever YOU want to do! If your child wants it then do it! Again, this is YOUR simcha, not your friends!

    Also, I know that Oomis was very mesameach at my wedding and she enjoyed it tremendously!

    in reply to: couples moving in for pesach #752813

    as long as everyone helps in their own way. ie: kids clean up toys, parents see to it that the kids clean up. the parents should help clear and serve and yes im saying men should get up and help too! women should help with cooking if need be and NEVER EVER LEAVE A MESS for anyone to clean up after you.

    in reply to: Anxiety #752997

    “yogibooboo – If you have long term anxiety, like OCD, you should be on meds. Not the benzos, but the SSRI’s! “

    health- I do not have OCD. Psychs try to say all these things to you to think you have stuff to get you onto meds. But, I will not give into that! I know I have an anxiety problem which I am dealing with by NOT being on meds! I see a therapist which I am B”H thrilled with! That’s called getting help…not medicine!

    in reply to: Wedding or house? #752433

    deiyezooger-yes i actually do! and my husband does also.

    in reply to: Wedding or house? #752426

    my mother only bought a watch for my husband way after we were married and it was a nice one for like $25. only after 8 months of marriage did my husband get a shas that I not anyone else I paaid for! I bought him his tallis and tallis bag. He bought me all my jewlery after we were married when HE could afford it! Also, I didnt get candlesticks fom my MIL. I wanted it from my HUSBAND and he bought them for me! No they are not Silver which is fine they are pewter and unique and guess what? I dont have to ever polish them! the only thing that my in laws paid for was my rings and thats because they are friends with the jewlers and got a really great deal(like a quarter of the price it shouldve been). WE did everything. I bought 2/3 of my sheitals and my husband bought the other after we were married. WE didnt ask mommy or daddy to pay for anything that was considered a gift for us. They paid for the wedding and that was it. Even then, we paid for the benchers and invitations and videographer. Again, it was US and not Mommy and Daddy!

    in reply to: Anxiety #752992

    yes! i have very bad anxiety too. i see a therapist for it and its B”H working wonders!

    here is a breathing technique i learned:

    think categories:

    for example lets say u watch tv. think of your favorite show or shows. then think what abt those shows u like. before you know it, you’ll be done!

    when i get atttacks i think im gonna pass out or my stomach starts burning or chest pains. u just have to remember nothing is wrong with you you are just experiencing an anxiety attack. this is what works for me. i try to stay away from the meds. i have them in case i need…

    in reply to: Dental insurance #752253

    i also have delta. thats what my husband got from his job. im very happy with it as most dentists take it. the only thing is they dont do certain things for liek a year. for example, i was going to have a crown put on a tooth but i couldnt bec i had just joined and wasnt gonna eb covered for a year

    in reply to: Anonymous Letters #752249

    thakns tbt

    in reply to: Anonymous Letters #752247

    so i wrote a letter to my old neighbors(rememebr the loud and obnoxious ones?) and on Purim she saw me brought over a shalach manos to me with a nice big apology! i guess my letter hit home!

    in reply to: Who Would You Elect as Mayor of Coffeetown #1111012

    i meant OR not and. but those are my 3 choices

    in reply to: Who Would You Elect as Mayor of Coffeetown #1111002

    eclipse, wolf and popa!

    in reply to: single guy and single girl talkin about shidduchim #911490

    no itsnot inappropriate. its good!

    in reply to: single guy and single girl talkin about shidduchim #911480

    im with oomis on this!

    in reply to: whats it take to get a screename subtitle? #759341

    i still want one!!! how do i get it?

    in reply to: younger sublings getting engaged before older #752023

    again i was just curious abt it

    in reply to: i found you #754954

    yossiz-well ummm im not gonna say anything here lol

    in reply to: Is it just me? #751174

    daughter in law!!! duh!

    in reply to: Is this acceptable for shalach manos? #1218958

    one word: WOW!!!! this is a tuffie! but i really think you should talk to the rav and ur ex for that matter

    in reply to: schools closed over next few days #750772

    anon-im certainly not saying ALL. you know the ppl i am talking about. i agree that i dont know why schools were closed today. my school was closed yesterday too and parents were upset as were teachers. yes i wouldve been off anyways cuz im only there in the afternoons but still. and since i know your kids rather well, i know they NEED to be in school. but again here is what people dont understand…teachers burn out quicker because they are with a classroom full of children and each one can be nagging, kvetchy etc. also you would be suprised that some of the kids can have a “evil” streak in them. i had a rabbis kid in a class i was subbing at the beginning of the year and you know what he would said to me when i asked him to be quieter? “you suc*: that was a 5 year old child! when questioning the mother, the mother responded, “my child would NEVER say that.” later found out that some of the boys in that family werent speaking the proper way either. and again that was a principal/rabbi’s son! i had another kids hit me, bite me, push me and you tell me that their middos are OK? and then the parents deny that their childrendo wrong. i have one child where the mom will punish the kid at home even if she was already punished in school. the kids goes home tell her abt day, says morah “punished” me(punishing means going to thinking corner in her world) and if her mother hears that she repunishes her kid. its very very sad. why should she get it at home too? this child is chalishing for moms attention so when she says about good things going on in school mom doesnt listen. i feel bad for this child. another kid, the mother is so busy doing who knows what and complains no money, while shes all spiffed up and the child comes in with ripped tights(sometiems no tights) and clothes that dont fit. I want to so badly take her to buy clothing. i cry to the other teacher every day that i want to take these kids and give them all that they need. i cant take it! but yes there are other parents who are excited when their kids are home. but i rarely find it. do you know why we need off isru chag? how many times are kids going to sleep late or are off schedule? many! they need that one day to recouperate!

    i do not complain about the money i get. yes i would like more. do you know how many times i feel embarassed to say im a teacher bec ppl sadly look down upon us?! why? because im not making the big bucks like others??? student- i know you are not putting down teachers but once someone starts about having their kids home etc it makes my blood boil because its such a bracha to have children which unfortunetly many dont have such a privelge. so im giving you a bracha…may you never complain about your children being home, continue to make money to raise your children easier and they should have fantastic beautiful middos that they learn from you!

    oh and anon-u know what i would say to you abt ur kids lol

    in reply to: i found you #754944

    anon-ur the best! especially one great mom! oh and dont ever be scared to say anytihng in the CR

    in reply to: schools closed over next few days #750766

    mischiefmaker-you dont even know the half of it. i once gave a speech to my kids telling them how i love each and everyone of them and of course one kid pipes up and says even me? and i said yes even you! mind you…my kids are preschoolers! and i love them! and we are on top of every single one!

    student-b”H i am handling both. but im sure you get off other holidays that we dont and you are probably one of those mothers who thank G-d for that day your kids have school and your home yourself. Do you know how many teachers and Rebbeim are out day and night continuing to educate children because they tutor because parents cant and dont want to. When i say cant its because they are too busy helping in the communities and not in their own homes. BTW, YOUR children are learning their middos and halacha not thru you but thru US! just remeber that. instead of putting down the schools think of the favors WE are doing for YOU!

    in reply to: i found you #754941

    i am characterized as funny. good guess! right on the ball!

    in reply to: i found you #754939

    no i do but im working hard on myself not to. but i dont go to the rabbis and say whats going on

    in reply to: schools closed over next few days #750761

    student-do me a favor. go read the chinuch roundtable in the yated on how Rabbi Yaakov Bender responds to angry parents and schools being closed.

    while you may have a 9-5 job or even shorter, you are not bringing your work home they way we are. we are constantly on the phone with parents, social workers, etc trying to make sure YOUR children are doing OK! you know what else we are doing for YOUR children? teaching them to read, write, about the yomim tovim, chumash, navi, halacha etc. YOU are home with your children a couple of hours a night. WE are with YUOR children a good 6-8 hours a day. and sadly many times it is parents who deny that YOUR child has a problem because you are not with them as much as we are. we know when they werent bathed the night before, we know when they didnt sleep well, we know wha they are eating daily. YOU have NO reshus whatsoever to complain about where your money for tuition is going because at the end of the day we are there for your children faster than many parents are. We know who’s parents are home at night to do homework with their children and who isnt. We know whos more into themselves than their own children. Oh and not to mention when we do go home and have to be on the phone with parents, we still have to take care of our spouses and children. There are nights I cant sleep because I am worried about my students. I love each and every one of them and the days that I am not with them I hope that they are OK at home and are safe. you know why they have to give off some days for us “hard working” teachers? Because WE need time to take care of our own needs and pesach clean, and fast on a fast day oh and also cook. Do you knwo what its like when a teacher takes a day off? the class’ routine is not always 100% right, class may act out and not to mention you have to train the sub in. It is MUCH harder to take off from school then it is from any other job. So next time anyone wants to complain about teachers and schools…DON’T!

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