Forum Replies Created
nice rant but you didn’t respond coherently to any of my questions.
to reiterate,
1) did a ruv give you permission to lie?
2) What’s on the contract, specifically, that you can’t follow?
3) If you feel that there are unreasonable rules according to your haskofos,, why do you feel it’s correct to ignore them instead of finding another school-more aligned to your family’s haskofos?
yitzchokmParticipantShopping, so the ruv said it was ok to just lie? What was on the contract that couldn’t be followed? And if it really was to complicated or against your family’s haskofos why “ruin” them and the school for your selfishness?
August 22, 2014 3:59 pm at 3:59 pm in reply to: Wow…just wow…who would put up such an ad??? #1029998yitzchokmParticipantAre you over 30? Otherwise don’t call.
The 30 number is just a range of ages. I doubt s/o would rather have an 18 year difference in age.
yitzchokmParticipantoomis, dont give up!
I, for one, have a hard time blaming the Jewish education system for its’ failure to successfully educate their students when the non-jewish schools aren’t doing any better.
This should obviously NOT be misconstrued as a “get out of jail card”. On the contrary, as a community we should demand the best.
but at the same time realize that “less than 30% of New York City students were proficient in math and 26% in reading” (NYDN, August 7, 2013).
yitzchokmParticipant@Main Manager,
we are? I had no idea.
@kfb,are you insinuating that modern schools don’t teach enough Jewish subjects?
June 8, 2014 5:52 pm at 5:52 pm in reply to: Abridged/Censored Classic Works for Jewish Schools…? #1019132yitzchokmParticipantthis topic is EPIC!
popa! where art thou?
yitzchokmParticipantnow for the math:
Congrads to LAB writersoul and DY
the others sld be ashamed….
I’m kidding. I was stummped. My dad-out of High School for a few decades did it in ten seconds.
yitzchokmParticipantDon’t understand your logic.
$.07 (cork) + $4.00 is $4.07. Your missing $.03!
The cork costs $.10 and the bottle costs $4.00″
January 12, 2014 6:28 am at 6:28 am in reply to: Shidduchim – NASI's escrow program has run its course #998138yitzchokmParticipantsqueak,
they tried, received a lot of negative press and closed shop.
that it there is to it.
I, for one, am happy there’s s/o trying.
the medicine analogy was uncalled for.
yitzchokmParticipantStam my opinion=BachurTzvi=21 year old immature troll.
yitzchokmParticipantStam my opinion,
what’s YOUR deal??? why berate Cherrybim?
No, I don’t think you are ready for marriage.
If you wanted real advice, you would ask the question without pretending to be your father.
December 31, 2013 6:35 pm at 6:35 pm in reply to: Shidduchim – NASI's escrow program has run its course #998058yitzchokmParticipantDY-
Not nice
December 27, 2013 7:57 pm at 7:57 pm in reply to: Charles Thyrwitt vs. Brooks Brothers shirts #996051yitzchokmParticipantFurhatone-
wow! you’re so wrong it’s funny!
First off, it’s an american co., founded in New York (not York England) in 1818.
Second it’s the quintessential american clothing co, they have outfitted 39 of the 44 American Presidents.
Third, as their site indicates, they don’t handle international shipping. An outside co, called “Borderfree, Inc” does.
Borderfree, Inc, ships to only 33 countries, Israel isn’t one of them. Big to-do.
Neither is Albania, Belarus, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Lithuania,
Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, San Marino, and a host of other countries.
Ps, it’s currently owned by an an Italian billionaire named Claudio del Vecchio
December 1, 2013 4:50 pm at 4:50 pm in reply to: Charles Thyrwitt vs. Brooks Brothers shirts #996041yitzchokmParticipantBrooks Brothers ,Brooks Brothers
yitzchokmParticipantso the question is, did No One Mourns The Wicked submit the application with his SS#?
yitzchokmParticipantI dint get it.
What’s the point in giving your social if you can’t use it to get your results?
yitzchokmParticipantBecause the stigma is true.
Why would you WANT the baggage if you can avoid it?
yitzchokmParticipant“Is it really a surprise when zero classes of science, literature, social studies, math, are offered at Yeshivas?”
can you really write that with a straight face?
I’m genuinely impressed you knew that tidbit of information. Most people don’t.
(although i don’t think you know the second -minor- reason)
….A lack of Kadusha in the mind brings a lack of kadusha in the mouth.
what exactly is the issue here? How is their building hurting you?
You do NOT realize you’re speaking about Hashem? Right? because otherwise, I’m not sure how in the world you think you have the chutzpah to write even write about hashem the way you judt did.
Same standards? what? does a human king really know ANYTHING? Hashem KNOWS EVERYTHING! I could continue dismantling every one of your silly sentences, but I won’t, until you recognize who and WHAT you’re speaking about.
Lipman can’t have it both ways. If he calls himself dati, i’d understand and treat him as such. But no. He calls himself a “charedi” rabbi, bred by NIRC and its’ outlook in torah.
According to “charedi” thought, listening to, conferring with and conforming to the wishes of gedoly hador is rule number one of being a frum person (known as a charedi)
I was going to write the same thing-
just to add,
His own yeshiva disowned him.
(Yoskah was also a “rabbi”. Not to compare, cv’s, just to understand, that being a rabbi at one point, means nothing if you don’t respect gedoly hador)
yitzchokmParticipant?”? ????”? ????? ???”?
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???? ???’ ??????
yitzchokmParticipantsam2, rebdoniel,
comon. do u guys really wanna go down that road?
is that enough for you?
we heard it the first time. and ignored the comment. dont start
yitzchokmParticipantboil your eggs. problem solved
or wear a bib
or eat fish
or don’t
i think you post just to be able to say crazy things like “lift” instead of elevator and “petrol” instead of gas.
July 10, 2013 4:48 am at 4:48 am in reply to: Is nothing more than a tabloid in disguise? #964870yitzchokmParticipant“B”H the Mods in the CR do a very fair job.”
keeps us in check!!
July 10, 2013 1:33 am at 1:33 am in reply to: Is nothing more than a tabloid in disguise? #964866yitzchokmParticipantMammele,
there’s a big difference between “satmer” and naming an individual
July 9, 2013 9:40 pm at 9:40 pm in reply to: Is nothing more than a tabloid in disguise? #964863yitzchokmParticipantHaLeiVi-
I have the same problem,
it really pained me to read the article.
“actual real live Lashon Hara”
July 9, 2013 8:34 pm at 8:34 pm in reply to: Is nothing more than a tabloid in disguise? #964859yitzchokmParticipantI agree.
well said
If i remember my learning correctly,
popa_bar_abba is right about Neutering animals. NOT ALLOWED!!
I’m wondering if you’re even allowed to help s/o neuter,even only with your money.
where else would you rather they die?
in your bathtub?
yitzchokmParticipantI got a new phone and it’s become very annoying. My finger cant seem to press the little button, and i keep ending on the advertiser’s site. (gasp!)
July 1, 2013 8:34 pm at 8:34 pm in reply to: Making Nazi references about the Israeli government #962842yitzchokmParticipanttruthsharer,
forgive me for being daft, but first off, why do we need to be “makir tov” the israeli government? yes, i understand we need to be makir tov the egyptians. on that same note i’d understand the need to be makir tov the israeli regime.
otherwise, why would i be makir tov the zionists? for trying to prevent 17 year olds from learning? for secularizing and turning away MILLIONS of jews?
we were much better off before the zionists and their perverted ways.
getting back to the topic, when frum jews see parallel between lapid or anyone of his goons and the 1930’s attitude toward frum jews the pc police go nuts.
July 1, 2013 7:12 pm at 7:12 pm in reply to: Making Nazi references about the Israeli government #962838yitzchokmParticipanttruthsharer-
so it’s ok for the idf to make Nazi references? aa
yitzchokmParticipantWow. Daniel. “us” vs “them”. Good one.
Just wondering. At what point does the word “moron” stick?
yitzchokmParticipant“The Haredim have invented a strawman in their minds. They perceive a conspiracy against them that doesn’t exist.”
what strawman? Dr. Tendler comparing MBP to female circumcision is REAL. He’s hellbent in destroying MY way of life.
rebdoniel, although you may not prescribe to the Dr’s hate fully, you definitely think we need “help”.
“Asking people to follow the law and act like normal, civilized, honorable citizens is not an attack against your way of life.”
true. just please define “act like normal ect.” according to whom?Are you embarrassed of my way of dress? Do we not “act normal” when we dress in a refined manner? cause, you see the “normal” members of society seem to dress differently.
yitzchokmParticipant…..not telling
yitzchokmParticipantthere is at least one i know of
why is it “rabbi” tendler? of course he’s more lerned than me, ect, but s/o who’s tafkid seems to be destroying my (frum) way of life loses the name “rabbi”. as does avi amsalem, ect.
and so,
when people like tendler try to “help” and “educate” – be weary.
yitzchokmParticipantwhen “outsiders” try helping us I’m wery.
When people like Dr. Tendler (or in this case rebdoniel), people who have severe prejudice against us (the “ULTRA” orthodox)try to “help” I’m sceptical.
(My kids ARE vaccinated, btw.)
yitzchokmParticipantDo they still prescribe it? I thought they stopped years ago
yitzchokmParticipant“So yes, your post is a cute retort that if they cannot bash for bashing, then how can I bash for bashing for bashing, but it is misplaced.”
yitzchokmParticipantYa. No name mentioned. Just looked.
Who says it means tyw? Guilty conscience?