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hudi… you’re in the clear if you stay natural… Makeup should enhance one’s natural features (mascara, a touch of eye shadow sometimes), not create new ones (layers of foundation and unnatural lip-stuffs).—IMHO
yid.periodMemberOther posters on various threads have mentioned “top boys”… with lists and lists of girls where it seems everybody knows X about them and wants their daughter to date them.
What is that X that many people from long distances hear about/ see that makes them pursue the boy? What makes a boy “popular” or “in demand” is basically what I’m asking I guess… sorry if I’m still unclear…
yid.periodMemberRight but I’m not necessarily talking about what people SHOULD consider “top”… the same way many consider a top girl someone who is extremely attractive with a wealthy father, and who is also a graduate of BJJ etc… is automatic entry/first date material.
Not every father/mother knows how the boy will do on the farher before they pursue a date with the boy… so what makes them pursue it in the first place (that these boys’ mothers would have long lists etc)
yid.periodMemberI’ve been wondering…
what makes somebody a “top boy?”
Just a note to what you were saying… I agree, but I also think it’s ironic that when women wear all that makeup, they don’t even look good (imho)!
yid.periodMemberdodge charger and camaro are both cooler than the mustang in my opinion. And personally, I’d rather a sport sedan for its functionality once you actually get that shidduch iyh… sonata turbo and the others mentioned above. That shows you are thinking about the future today, even if we are speed freaks.
I once spent a week at the yeshiva in mitzpei ramon, it’s beautiful there
yid.periodMemberJewish? Religious? Shayach?
yid.periodMemberOHH MY GOOSH!!
this irony is amaaaaziiing! Mods! I LOVE your sense of humor!
yid.periodMemberi was kidding.
How old are you? Who are you going with? I’ll try to give you a serious response…
off the top of my head… Kotel– with tunnel tours, a free tour around the old city which meets at Sha’ar Yaffo (Jaffa Gate) every hour or so, Machaneh Yehuda Shuk in Jerusalem, Mea Shearim– with food stops that could take you an entire day.
A trip up north.. bike around the kineret, go ATVing, visit the Yarden Winery, go on a hike (it’s really beautiful), the old city of sfat– you could buy artwork up there as well… Meron where Rashbi is buried
Bnei Brak- visit R’ Chaim, visit the cemetery where many greats are buried…
Go hiking in the desert down south by Ein Gedi, visit the dead sea, go to the spa there
I actually rented a bike in Yerushalayim once and rode it to the Dead Sea… it’s almost entirely downhill took about 2 hours… then took the bus back to Jerusalem– LOTS of fun
Ma’arat Hamachpeila in Chevron…
There are a lot of kivrei tzadikim everywhere… I can give you more specifics but I don’t know how much of your trip you want to devote to that….
Make sure to get to the kotel at midnight or later one day… it’s an unforgettably peaceful place and time
yid.periodMembercancel- just go to lakewood instead
yid.periodMembermonkeys can be difficult to care for…
yid.periodMemberI would have understood it as such except you said it would be “alarming.”
I object to you considering someone deciding to take off their hat “downgrading.”
Common, did I say that? The OP’s father doesn’t like it, and there is a “statement” that comes along with someone putting on a hat, that some people don’t appreciate; that is just reality. I didn’t realize you are so naive.
perhaps there is another, more discreet way to enhance your kavanah and accomplish whatever it is you hope to accomplish by donning a blackhat? Perhaps a gartel, davening jacket or just a special beged katan? These often have less stigmas associated with them.
yid.periodMemberand I’m just wondering what people would think if someone whose father does wear a blackhat, wanted to explain to his father why he (the son) did not.
What’s the story?
yid.periodMemberI mean this in the best way possible (eek)
but sometimes I feel like you create threads just to create threads… because you are bored or something. They don’t really make for much of a worthwhile discussion. But that’s just my feelings, maybe others benefit from it. But the clutter is… well… cluttering…
yid.periodMemberNo I totally agree with Lakewood Dude. I think Bayis Shlishi should be in Lakewood Ir Hakodesh. …Jerusalem who?
yid.periodMemberhey, I didn’t say I am for it at all! popa I agree 100%, but as you said, “of course it is more tznius to wear a burka” and some people aren’t as level headed as you are to determine the rest of what you said.
OP asked “what’s it all about”… I answered.
yid.periodMemberit’s just taking tznius to the logical extreme…
eretz yisroel isnt worth 22000 (assuming it doesnt break the bank)??!
Kedusha is kedusha is kedusha. And in fact, girls who usually are more well versed in Tanach than their male counterparts, would probably gain a lot from seeing the places and kivrei tzadikim they’ve learned so much about. Don’t sell it short.
I’m not sure who you are to make a claim like that either.
until you try spending a year dedicated to growth in Israel, I don’t think you really know what you’re missing…
Eretz Yisroel has more kedusha than galus inherently, you’d also get to visit all these extra extra special kadosh places like kivrei tzadikim and places from tanach. The independance of NOT going home every shabbos and getting to meet new Jews all of the time and be in such an amazing place shouldn’t be discounted.
I don’t mean to sound attacking if I did… sorry
yid.periodMemberfafsa didn’t work for me a few years ago when I was in Israel through YU’s program. And the size of the grant you get is definitely income based. Masa has been $2000 if I remember correctly. Unless the sem/yeshiva are offering a tremendous scholarship themselves, those 2 would not be enough to cover it at all…
yid.periodMemberPersonally I would recommend yeshivat netiv aryeh first… it has the largest selection of shiurim and many many rabbeim of all walks of life who would love to shmooze with you too.
falafel? the cheaper it is, the less strict the hashgacha is usually… I wasn’t a huge fan of any of them in the old city. BBQ Bar maybe? if you live in the rova don’t forget to tell them “rova discount” for your discount…
i have no idea whether you are agreeing or disagreeing with me… can you explain please? When you said “like this” were you saying I was being hypocritical?
What’s “They call in Yuhara, or Ga’ava in most cases.” sorry I’m not familiar…
yid.periodMemberaries, you hit the nail on the head.
yid.periodMemberIt is possible, however, that that case was an exception because christianity is largely considered avodah zara, and therefore would be yehareg v’al yavor, as opposed to “regular” issurim like violating shabbos kashrus or not wearing a black hat (sorry I had to).
yid.periodMemberthe parents need to have a bond with the child for him/her to take the parents seriously and want/not be opposed to spending time with them. Then real issues can eventually be discussed, once there has been a relationship formed.
yid.periodMemberagain, it seems there is a disconnect between what you write, and what you think you’ve written. You used the words “frum” and “modern.”
you mean to say “yeshivish”… “frum” just means religious, and you used “modern” as the antonym.
yid.periodMemberThat’s not what you said. you said “if a shitta is something is assur, even if there is another shitta that holds it isn’t assur, a person would not be wrong to state that it is assur.”
A “shitta” means (at least) one person. You say we are discussing where there is only one meikil man diamar… I don’t know where you got that from. It seems, at least from that post, like you are saying we the daas yachid we are sometimes machmir for is the halacha. Which isn’t true.
yid.periodMemberMod 42,
you and me both, buddy
hate to make it seem like I’m doing a multi-thread attack but…
making a blanket statement like “it is assur” is misleading if it is not universally accepted by torah authorities as bottom line halacha, and not qualified as such.
Saying there is a ma’an di’amar that says it’s assur is a more accurate, honest way to present one’s point.
Otherwise, if it’s not in the S”A, and not universally accepted, it is a chumra. All over rishonim and achronim it discusses being “machmir for the daas yachid”. Machmir. from the same word as chumra. Meaning not required.
open your mind a little bit pal. Yes, we are talking about “Frum” people. And… brace yourself… sometimes frum people who are orthodox etc date for more than 10 dates or two months.
“Modern” isn’t synonymous with “Not religious,” contrary to popular opinion
yid.periodMemberYeshivat Netiv Aryeh is right there too. You actually must enter the kotel plaza to get into it, on the stairs next to where the old police station was (there is an excavation there now). Lots of shiurim there in english.
There is also Yeshivat Hakotel in the upper Rova. There is also Yeshivat Birkas Hatorah for balei teshuva, I’m sure they have english shiurim… on Rechov Ohr Hachaim next to the Heritage house.
Any other specific questions about the old city? I lived there a few years.
yid.periodMemberyea i was kidding sorry if the sarcasm didn’t carry
yid.periodMemberthe craziest date you’ve ever been on.
yid.periodMembergood point shlishi. I never thought of it that way.
just because something may be true does not mean that everyone necessarily cares. True, someone should be frum because Hashem said so, and everything else is irrelevant. The trick is getting people TO CARE (caps b/c I can’t italicize) about what Hashem wants.
And DY
Yes, so many people are still on the derech b”H. This doesn’t mean the system isn’t flawed.
Numbers don’t prove that something is being taught correctly (or is right). Look how few Jews there are in the world…
yid.periodMemberyachad just had a “family” shabbatone last week where they had support group-like sessions for all the families of all the divisions. I didn’t go, but I heard it was really nice.
yid.periodMemberso everybody is in agreement now?
yid.periodMemberIs there no cotton that is designed for znus? Wool? how can we denounce a material in its entirety!?
yid.periodMemberI agree 100% (in my experience for other things). I usually feign ignorance… and b”H works for everything! bad/good, vague, works like a charm. if they pry, “Oh, you know, baruch Hashem, you know”
I hate smalltalk too. It’s all sheker.
yid.periodMemberI haven’t said anything yet. I’m not sure you all understand where I’m coming from (I dont mean that in a bad way, there is no simple answer to this issue)
I’m not in discussions with a shadchan… this is a person who wants me to go out with their relative… So telling them what I’m looking for wouldnt work…
Also, i dont think this middleman is aware of that this person has these qualities… and will be blind to seeing it.
again, im not expecting an easy answer. It’s a real pickle.
yid.periodMembera “Like” button doesn’t just tally up how many people agree, but it also shows the names (usernames) of who agrees. And you could only hit it once.
Like you said, it isn’t the numbers but it is WHO agrees. The Like button is meant to accomplish the latter.
Mod 80- I’m a big fan too…
May 19, 2011 6:41 pm at 6:41 pm in reply to: No wonder the Tzeitung deleted the photo of Hillary!!!!! #768270yid.periodMemberreally? …