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  • in reply to: Unfair tax evasion? #2367018

    Point being?

    At best you have R Ziring theorizing that the mere holding of citizenship is enough to call you a shutaf in the country…

    The pashtus is very clearly not that way

    in reply to: Unfair tax evasion? #2366473

    Asides from that, DDMD is a halacha with clear gedarim when and where it DOES apply, and when it doesn’t. Not every law passed by a country comes under its chiyuv

    in reply to: Unfair tax evasion? #2366466

    AAQ I’d love to see a mekor that DDMD applies outside of the borders of the particular malchus, especially when those dinim are not international norms.
    What would you say if the US passed a law that all people named moshe in the world need to pay a special moshe tax… so all the moshes living in the Uk, france, Switzerland etc need to pay the tax bec of DDMD?

    in reply to: Unfair tax evasion? #2365624

    With regards to the ponzi scheme….
    Look up it’s definition!
    Any fund that is dependent on the recruitment of new members to pay off the obligations to earlier one’s is a ponzi scheme.

    in reply to: Unfair tax evasion? #2365620

    The US is a solitary outlier in the world taxing expat income earned abroad by citizens who are resident abroad.
    Hard to see how Dina Demalchusa is relevant at all in light of that fact.

    in reply to: Shabbos Mobility Computers #2276622

    Bemichilas Kvod the star-k and its poskim – they are more or less a daas yachid when it comes to grama.
    Most poskim do not agree that what they call grama is in fact grama

    in reply to: Angels no, electricity yes? #2190274

    Shabbos Electricity is, at the end of the day, a machlokes haposkim.
    I heard personaly from one of the gedolie hapokim in the US, (who knows very well exactly the issues in EY, and would not pasken otherwise) that it is a CHUMRA of the chazon ish, and don’t worry about it, and he does’nt either (on his annual visits to EY, where he is respected by all of the local poskim).

    in reply to: Are all these protests in Jerusalem really a kiddush hashem? #1389285

    It’s really simple
    If you are a part of Peleg, The Eida, Neturie Karta, parts of Brisk,Satmar – you think that the protests are the greatest Kidush Hashem possible.
    If you’re a shasnik, an agudist, degel, DL, chiloni, a goy -anything aside from our Palestinian friends – you think it’s a Great Chilul Hashem.
    You can close the thread now.

    in reply to: Shipping Seforim from Eretz Yisroel #1383058

    Next to the Mir will ship a pallet (about 40 boxes) to the US for about $250
    They also ship smaller amounts.

    in reply to: Eruv in Brooklyn #761626

    I’m just a bachur but I am very interested in eruvin. One thing I have learned it is among the most complicated sugyos in all of halacha. I heard in a shiur from Rav Moshe Dov Stein Ztz”l (an expert in eruvin,Posek In sheor yosuv) that the three hardest masechtos in shas are eruvim, yevamos and nidda.

    No person in their right mind should insert their opinions on this sugyah at least until they learn the ENTIRE sugya BIYUN-shas, tur shulchan aruch rishonim achronim -at least a year in full time beis medrash.

    you wouldn’t state opinions as though you are knowlegable in pysics cemistry or other secular subjects until you studyed them thouruly so why are people willing to argue on gedolei poskim-even rishonim!! when they realy have almost no clue what they are talking about.

    there are many things i have seen on this thread where people have written things as if they are a dovar pashut, while realy they are a machlokes rishonim or achronim

    in reply to: Where and How To Learn Safrus #1198671

    I’m in middle of learning safrus from a very good rebbe R’ Yisroel Landsman. He will come to you makom. But he just teaches the skills i.e. ksav, sirtut, making a kulmus. The halacha ayou have to learn on your own. He can be reached at 718-404-4249 or ask the mods for my email

    To get a ksav kabala you have to learn 1)Mishnas Sofrim (found in Mishna Berura Chelek Alef) 2) shulchan Aruch siman lamed bais and lamed vav w/ Biur Halacha 3)keses Hasofer- Found either in a sefer called Likut sifrei stam (aprox. $24 in ny) or with a perush Called Mishnas Hasofer Aprox $36 in ny

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