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  • in reply to: Which Heimishe Hechsherim do you trust? #1660254

    Also Cup-K.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1660148

    I left this thread when my purpose was accomplished – proving that many chabadniks have kefira beliefs in regards to the rebbe (see my many posts proving that.) Yet CS kept excusing them. If she’s willing to give an answer with sources (instead of “thats not what they mean”) I’ll reconsider.

    in reply to: Which Heimishe Hechsherim do you trust? #1660212

    I only eat Triangle-K and Tablet K. Everything else is treif.


    I just saw a video of black hat members of this crowd pulling off a techal of a woman?!?!?!

    Liar. Never happened.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1653619

    Sechel, I don’t think it’s controversial when you say it. It’s when CS says it, it’s controversial.

    And since the only one saying things that are controversial is CS and Chossid, and she is seemingly unwilling to answer basic questions, I think this thread is over, unless she changes her mind.

    in reply to: Anyone Else Worried About Today’s Frum Music? #1653437

    “This is besides the likely link to ADD, as per a certain study with mice.”

    It’s a good thing we’re not mice.

    These stidies are on par with the studies of playing music to plants, where rock music kills the plants. Of course they kill plants and mice, they have a much lower tolerance to bass than we do. If you play the same rock song with and without bass, without bass will gie you the same results as classical music. But play a classical song with bass, than the mice and plants respond just like to rock music. It has nothing to do with the syle, just hat plants and mice are more sensitive to bass than we are.

    Humans will also react like those mice if you play them sounds with enough base to make them go mad. The army does this with super-deep frequencies outside terrorist hideouts. But regular music has an amount of bass humans can tolerate quite well.

    in reply to: Anyone Else Worried About Today’s Frum Music? #1653436

    Yes, I’m worried.

    For the most part, Jewish music is around 5 years behind the goyish world. There’s no reason with the talent we have we shouldn’t be on equal par or ahead.

    I love good rock, rap, and EDM music, and there is no reason why Jewish music shouldn’t include those genres. Who decides what is goyishe music anyways?

    When the gemara said “greek music” it was referring to classical music, the ones that are “oh so cultured”. Yet no one cares about the influence of classical music on Jewish music. Becuase once it becomes Jewish, it’s Jewish. There’s no reason to differentiate between classical and other genres of music just because some 60 year olds don’t like the style.

    Every generation has their style of music, and THATS Jewish music, but the next generation is too goyish. Yeah right.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1652357

    “If it really was a problem and distracted from Hashem, then MY generation would have mostly forgotten Hashem cvs”

    Who says this hasn’t happened? I think it did, based on quite a few Chabadniks I know.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1652355

    CS, becuase I have been in both Chabad and Breslov, I can tell you there’s no comparision between the two. A”Z-like statements are rampant in Chabad, no-matter how many times you justify them, while in Breslov they’re lacking. Please don’t use us as a defense.

    The Mainstram Breslovers kicked Berland out, and he is the craziest of them all kefirawise. If Chabad would have the guts to do the same, I would stop harping on it.

    And I know you’ve responded to me a number of times, that wasn’t the purpose of my posts. The purpose was to show the onlookers that I’m not exaggerating.

    Remember, CS, you started this thread by saying I find that people completely misunderstand when Lubavitchers say things like the above, and panic, or happily relegate us as kofrim, depending on their education.” My purpose was to show they’re not panicking, it’s not dependant on their education, and that statements that most other groups in klal yisrael would deign kefira are rampant and commonplace in Chabad, and dismissed as harmless. I think that with my posts and your responses show that my sentiment is 100% accurate.


    So it is the machlokes between GImmel and Etz. If you’re against the law, you’re Eitz!

    in reply to: Trump will not be re-elected. Sorry #1652057

    Neville, obviously there is no conspiracy. But the loudest voices in regards to the culture wars are no doubt secular Jews.

    CTLawyer, I obviously didn’t meant they literally did it. I mean they pushed it, gave money for it, and announced it like it’s Judaism.

    If you think that message isn’t lost to the Christians, you’re wrong.

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1652009

    There are some very good causes in the environment for autism and ADHD levels rising – Atrazine, certain plastics during pregnancy, tylonol during pregnancy was linked to ADHD recently, but no good ones tying ADHD and autism to vaccines.

    While there are certainly instances where the pharmacists push drugs rather than the underlying cause (See the book ADHD nation) very rarely are the so-called natural cures effective. It’s more like random chemicals that have statistical significance, usually during pregnancy, not after the baby is born, and nothing to do with vaccines.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1651830

    Chabad Shlucha:

    Here are the lyrics to the song “The Rebbe Sees” on Oh Rebbe 2 (This CD is on Amazon, for those who want to listen to themselves.

    “The Rebbe is,
    The Rebbe lives,
    The Rebbe cares,
    The Rebbe hears,
    The Rebbes sees,
    The Rebbe leads,
    He is concerned for all our needs.

    The Rebbe is,
    The Rebbe gives,
    The Rebbe sees,
    The Rebbe speaks,
    The Rebbe smiles…”

    Keep in mind this CD was recorded after 3 Tammuz. This CD was tremendously popular in Chabad. The low part lyrics are even worse.

    ChabadShlucha – How can you raise your kids with such lyrics and not have them think the Rebbe is a god? I understand that you don’t believe that, but your kids will!!!
    I have heard young meshichists say “Beezras Hashem V’harebbe” (granted, it was in tzfat). It’s just one step before JUST the Rebbe.

    CS, did you ever read the Rambam about how A”Z came to the world (via the dor of Enosh?) It fits the Rebbe far better than the Moshiach Rambams. In fact, it fits without twisting at all.

    in reply to: You gotta be blind not to understand that Netanyahu is a dictator #1651827

    Netanyahu’s a dictator. So what?

    in reply to: Trump will not be re-elected. Sorry #1651171

    RY – if you found the country you’re not an immigrant. Your a founder. You may be an immigrant to the land, but not to the country. And America is (or was) a Christian country, before the secular Jewish orgs banned religion in Public Schools and destroyed our morality.

    If your a guest in a country, it’s never a wise move to make laws prohibiting your hosts religion and ridiculing their moral beliefs as backwards, which is what all the lefty orgs are doing.

    in reply to: Trump will not be re-elected. Sorry #1651056

    YWN mods? Seriously, that PC edit? We all know what type of immigrants people are upset about, and if cha”v people ever investigate which nationality (ours) passed the 1965 Immigration act, they’ll be coming with pitchforks to the yidden…

    America is not was not, and cannot stay a nation of immigrants. It is a lie that many white chrsitians are fed up with and if they don;t get the wall, their next target will be us…

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1651026

    Syag, it hasn’t received a response, because I don’t believe it to be true. Particularly that last bit, as many Chabadniks say tehillim for everybody and most certainly do not discriminate at all cha”v.

    However, there is some discrimination in official gatherings – Chabad does not officially attend the Siyum Hashas (although many Chabadniks do), is not part of Agudas Yisrael, did not take part of the huge macha against the giyus during Lapid’s gov’t (although Israeli CHabad did) and bythe internet asifa, there was some uproar when CHabad decided not to come, and then claimed they weren’t invited (or vice versa, not sure order of events there).

    Furthermore, some shluchim, especially when they move into a kollel or modox community, feel the need to create their own infrastructure and fight with preexisting moisdois. When this happens, it’s a big brouhaha and brings bad feelings to lubavich. However, B”H, this is quite rare, occurs much more often by Mushrooms, and generally most Shluchim do integrate into existing communities and even send their kids to the already existing yeshivas, as per the Rebbe’s explicit instructions in the Igros (Yes, here he actually wrote this straight out, and not just through magic-asking).

    However, not letting kids play by non-lubavichers? I never heard that. They’re certainly alot less segregated than other chassiduses

    The biggest problem by Chabad, IMO, besides for Mashiach, is the need to constantly judge every gadol by their attitude to lubavich. Whenever a litvishe or chassidishe Rebbe dies, all the Chabad news sites will be judging them not on the basis of their greatness or their Torah, but rather what he holds about them. This practice does not exist anywhere in the Torah world. When the vizhnitzer Rebbe zt’l was niftar, no litvishe news site had comments like “he really respected Rav Shach” or “He held of our yeshivois”, rather they were all about his greatness and his qualities. Ma she’ein kein the the Chabad websites, where it was all about them.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1650364

    CS- Hidden (or concealed) does not mean dead. This is the second time I’ve needed to point this out. It’s a deliberate mistranslation, on par with the Christians.

    Chossid – we do not do mitzvos for Moshiach. We do it becuase Hashem commanded us to.

    in reply to: Trump will not be re-elected. Sorry #1650355

    He will not win reelection if he doesn’t build the wall. Period.

    It will be his version of “Read my lips”.

    If he builds it, he’ll win in a landslide. The media underestimates how much people are fed up.

    PC edit

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1650070

    RSo, your points are on target.

    This is what I mean by forcing the Rambam to match your guy, rather than the other way around. This is not how Halacha works.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1649807

    CS- assuming what you said is true, is the Rebbe the only one who meets those qualifications?

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1649776

    CS – please adress two points:

    1) How the Lubavicher Rebbe a=can still be Moshiach even though he is presently dead, when the Rambam says otherwise.

    2) Even assuming the Halacha is not like the Rambam, why is the Rebbe the greatest of all possible dead candidates

    3) Why there is a chabad obsession to identify their dead Rebbe as Moshiach even though it contradicts all the evidence, no other Jewish group has this obsession, and it makes a chillul Hashem and Chillul Lubiavich for all onlookers, and there is nothing to be gained by it other than perhaps fulfilling a psychological need. It certainly doesn’t bring Moshiach closer.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1649689

    CS – Please answer my posts when you can.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1649579

    CS, thanks! I hope you weren’t insulted.

    RSo, if you read my earlier points, you see I am making this exact point. While it’s not farfetched (especially for a lubavithcer) for someone to believe the Rebbe was the greatest in his generation, to say he was the greatest of all the generations is insane, and usually borders on kefira (because the answers are generally like “well the Rebbe was the only one with atzmus” etc.)

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1648993

    Chossid – My problem isn’t with the tzaar, it’s with the svara that Chassidim can rely on their rebbe’s tzaar, because the chassidim are tied up with the neshama of the rebbe. (מכיון שחסידים מקושרים לרבותם)

    So Chassid, noawadays, when the rebbe is no longer alive, are chassidim patur from the mitzvois because חסידים מקושרים לרבותם?

    Username and SH have both avoided this part of the sicha as well.

    Further more the Rebbe says that the reason why previous Gedolim did sleep in the sukkah was because they didn;t know toras chabad. Does he mean that abaya and rava didn’t know toras chabad, or does he mean that they knew it, it was forgotten, and no the rebbe is respreading it? If the former, it seems kind of chutzpahdig to say the Rebbe knew torah that Abay and Rava did not, and if the latter, why didn’t Abaye and Rava say why that they didn’t sleep in the sukkah? (and don’t answer that they in their greatness were able to, like username tried answering previously, because the Rebbe doesn’t say that. And he should.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1648501

    Chossid – It’s pashut! In Russia and Lithuania , it was freeeeeeeeeeeeeezing. SO it was sakanas nefashois not to sleep in the sukkah. Even if one were to eat there in the rain becuase of kabbala, it still way easier and safer than sleeping there! No one said to give up your life for it! Not even a Rebbe would do that,

    BTW, this that chabad eats in the sukkah in the rain with a bracha, but doesn’t sleep in the sukkah even in hawaii, is a great raya to “Baal toisef, shema ba letegra.” Because it was decided al pi kabala to eat in the rain, it was decided al pi kabala to sleep inside, even in comfort.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1648387

    Username, any thoughts on my rant? I want to see where mainstream Chabad stands.

    in reply to: OU Missing In Action Over Yeshiva Issue #1647847

    Teach NYS only existed to elect David Greenfield.

    Now that he’s gone, why should they do anything?

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1647846

    BTW, CS, I’ve learnt this sugya beiyun. That’s why I can write so dismissively about anyone who tries putting the Rebbe in the Rambam.

    (I saw a kuntres in Tzfas claiming the Rebbe is Moshiach Vadai, because he built the bais hamikdash-770! Hashem Yirachem! This is what happens when you decide on a result and then trample over the rest of the Torah to make it fit.)

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1647844

    “For example, Rabbi Emmanuel Schochet pulled a prank with some other bochurim in Yeshiva where they switched around the books in the library and piled up the furniture.”

    Right, that’s completely similar to Saying the Rebbe’s Hashem.

    “As far as putting Himself in the Rebbe you’re misunderstanding. The point is we ALL have Atzmus umehus inside of us. As the Alter Rebbe says in Tanya perek beis that our neshama is a chelek Eloka mimaal mamash. And the essence of our neshama is one with Hashem.”
    And in other places he says Kaviyachol. This is not meant to be taken literally, and is kefira if it is. We do not have GOD in us, we have GODLINESS. Big difference – and is the difference between yiddishkeit and kefira. A mistake in this is a mistake in yichud Hashem!!!! While the Raavad is dan lekaf zechus those who err, the Rambam does not… CS, be very very very careful.

    “Funny you say that because there definitely is place to say that in either case. Sdei chemed and Abarbanel say the preferable option is from the dead. Rashi and medrash say moshiach will be revealed and then concealed before he is finally revealed. We were discussing SPECIFICALLY the Rambam which i doubt you have studied much in depth yourself if you write so dismissively.”

    Nowhere does it say it’s the preferable option. Abarbanel keeps it as a possibility. BTW, most rishonim hold Moshaich cannot come from the dead, based on their arguments with Christians. (Many chabadniks will answer that was only to win the argument, but really they held otherwise. This is disingenuous, dishonest, and dumb.) Rashi says that if Moshiach comes from the dead he will be Daniel (not someone like Daniel, but Daniel.) Either way, if Mashiach comes from the dead, do you really think that of all the dead people in all of yiddishkeit, the Rebbe is the greatest of them all???? (Not just Nosi Hador, which I can buy, unlike Rso, but Nosi Kol Hadorois?????) I would think Dovid Hamelech, R Akiva, R Shimon Bar Yochai, Chizkiyahu (who almost made it) etc etc, not the Rebbe.
    (BTW, the common answer is that it has to be someone from this dor, even if he comes from the dead, but 1- there’s no source for that anywhere, in fact by the Gemara of Daniel it seems the opposite, and 2-in another few years the Rebbe’s Dor will have passed lekol hadayois. Do you think for a second that any meshichist will give up their belief in the Rebbe? not in amillion years they won’t.)

    Furthermore, The Rebbe clearly says that MOSHIACH CANNOT COME FROM THE DEAD (I brought the source earlier). Thus, the “still alive” crazies are at least more intellectually honest than the min hameisim’s. Furthermore, the Rebbe said numerous times “THE HALACHOS OF MOSHIACH ARE LIKE THE RAMBAM” So if it doesn’t fit the Rambam, than according to Chabad it’s wrong!!!!

    Anyways, CS, don’t you see how intellectually dishonest this is? Normal Halacha is to learn the Rambam and to see what he says and understand it based on the sugyois. What you and other meshichists are doing is deciding out of nowhere that the Rebbe is Mashiach (the Rebbe never once said it, and accepting a tambourine from an obviously nutso woman does not constitute proof), and then twisting the Rambam to make your preconcieved conclusions fit! This is not Orthodox Judaism’s Halachic system, it is Reform’s! And twisting Gemaras, psukim, and rishonim to make a certain person Mashiach is not even Reform, it’s Christianity!

    This is not disrepsect, it is an accurate depiction of the facts. The earliest christians were also shomrei torah Umitzvois. If I made fun of their proofs back then would it also be “disrespectful”?

    The only difference between them is that The Rebbe was a Talmud Chacham, and J was a Rasha. But in regards to the early talmidim’s beliefs, it is exactly the same. Chabad is at a Crossroads – either stop with the Mashiach nonsense, or write yourself out of Klal yisrael!

    And don’t show me R Ahron Soloveitchik’s letter that believing the Rebbe’s Mashiach is not kefira First of all not kefira doesn’t mean it’s correct or acceptable. Eating pork letayavon is also not kefira. Furthermore, I also think it isn’t kefira – at least not yet. But experience has shown that blindly believing in a dead person’s messiahship, and ignoring all indications to the contrary eventually leads to either kefira (Christianity) or mass disillusionment (Shabsai Tzvi.)

    CS, while you are certainly a shomer torah umitzvois, and I would eat at your house unquestionably. But you have to realize that ignoring Hashem and focusing on the Rebbe will never lead to anything good. Just because you claim that you know the difference between the Rebbe and Hashem doesn’t mean your future decendants will. Neither will many Baal Teshuvas and less-learned people. There are sign of this happening in Chabad already, I posted them many times in this thread. Chabad is one of the best organizations in the Torah world, and does tremendous good work. This Moshiach thing is threatening to destroy it all, and with it the Rebbe’s reputation.

    I suspect Sechel Hayashar would agree with me.

    CS, I’m sorry if this was too harsh – I mean nothing personal at all, butsomething needs to be said to wake Chabad from this mishagas. And if I succeed in saving even one meshichist by writing this post, It was worse all this time. “Kol Hamatzel Nefesh Meyisrael”

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1646150

    CORRECTION: Not necessarily is Mashiach, but could be/might be/will be etc..
    Any of those positions is delusional.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1646147

    DY, good diyuk. SHY is just saying what many of us already know – most chabadniks think the Rebbe is Mashiach, even if they aren’t delusional enough to say he’s alive.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1646041

    I’m really enjoying some in depth learning and challenging on the topic of can the Rebbe be bchezkas moshiach now. They don’t teach this stuff in school really it’s too touchy.

    Of course not, because if a Chabadnik says outright the Rebbe is not Moshiach anywhere but on the internet he gets run out of Chabad.

    But the Rebbe is not, cannot be, and will not be Moshiach. There’s a good reason why no nonlubavichers believe it. It doesn’t fit according to any halachos at all.

    I’ve seen Chabadniks twist the Rambam more than the Christians twist the Torah to get their Moshiach to fit.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1646036

    CORRECTION: They tell me it’s kefira not to believe that Hashem could place himself in the Rebbe’s guf, because then i believe Hashem has limits.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1646035

    Quote from Username: “Rebbes don’t have any independent power, just as the sun doesn’t have any independent power. All the power that they have is what Hashem gives them.”


    My point was that Hashem didn’t give over his every power to the Rebbe. In my mind that’s still kefira. I have met lubavitchers who believe that the Hashem gave over all his powers to the Rebbe, and some say, even placed himself in the Rebbe’s guf, and THEY TELL ME it’s kefira, because I believe that Hashem has limits! It’s not that Hashem has limits, it’s that there are certain things Hashem doesn’t do, such as give over all his powers to a ben-adam.

    This is why “The Rebbe runs the world” is kefira, plain and simple.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1646034

    Username: Reread the sicha, this time with the footnotes. The Rebbe explicitly says a chassid can be somech on his Rebbe’s tzaar.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1645576

    CS -” Vehu Yegaleinu” It does not mean that the Rebbe is Mashiach, If it did, then the Rebbe’s Moshiach would be the frierdicke Rebbe – he’d have a different mashiach than all of us,

    (Many Chabadniks answer that whenever the Rebbe said “Friedkier Rebbe” he was referring to himself. But that’s a gross simplification. In actuality, he was refering to the Freidiker Rebbe, because he was the Rebbe’s rebbe. But Chassidim apply whatever the Rebbe said on the Friediker Rebbe to the Rebbe, because he’s our Rebbe.)

    Rather vehu tegaleinu is referring to an Arizal who asks that the gemara promises a reward of seeing the Geula for many mitzvois. He asks, how can that be true, many people have kept those mitzvos but were niftar? So he answers that before techiyas Hamaysim, tzadikim who kept those mitzvois will have techiyas hameysim before the geula.

    With this, we can explain what will happen when mashiach comes “Veyasu Kulam Aguda Achas”. When Mashiach comes, all the talmidim of each tzadik will line up behind his tzaddik. For example, all the Breslovers will line up behind Rav Nachman, All Sefardim behind Rav Ovadia etc, and those tzadikim will line up behind their Rebbe – Rav Ovadia behind Rav Ezra Attias, Rav Nachman behind Rav Baruch etc, and their rebbe behind his rebbe, and so on until Moshe Rabeinu, who will line up behind Mashiach,

    Thus, when Mashiach comes, the Rebbe will be resurrected and lead his talmidim to the geula, and he’ll be behind the Riyatz, and he’ll be behind the Rashab etc etc.

    And that’s how Vehu Yegaleinu applies to us in regards to the Rebbe, and to the Rebbe in regards to the Friyidiker.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1645590

    Username – You still have not answered my question re: the end of the Sukkah Sicha, where chassidim can be soimech on the tzaar of the Rebbe.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1645585

    CS – So now I have to clarify a very important point – “The Rebbe Runs The World”

    This is not true!

    Everywhere in chasidus and prechasidus, a tzaddik only has power when two conditions are met:
    1) In regards to something the Tzaddik achieved during his life
    2) In regards to talmidim who tie themself to the Tzaddik.

    Thus, the Rebbe has full control over his talmidim, both in life and in death, because he had full control during his life. Thus any person who wants to get close to the rebbe has to first become a talmud of him,

    This is why R Nachman insisted you give money to him and go to Uman – by doing that you show you are his talmud so he can intercede on your behalf.

    Thus the Rebbe has complete control over anything that affects what he did in his life, and over his talmidim. But he has no control over anyone who doesn’t follow him!

    So saying the Rebbe runs the world is incorrect.


    (Btw, with this you can understand the Sicha of Atzmus, and the footnote, that the reason a Tzaddik even has such powers over his talmidim and that they can ask him to intercede is just like the Rebbe is Mevutal to Hashem, the Talmidim are mevital to him, and Chad Hu, so in this aspect Hashem gave over this power to a Rebbe, becuase it’s not an atzmui, ratherthe talmud is one with the Rebbe so when he asks the Rebbe it’s like asking himself, and the Rebbe is CHad with Hashem in the aspect that Hashem gives him the power to be goizer in the talmidim who are mevutal to him. But not that the Rebbe is atzmus cha”v)

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1645570

    ChabadShlucha – I need to respond about a much older post.

    Firstly, you started this thread to address litvishe taanois that Chabad are koifrim. I demonstrated that their suspicions are not without basis, at least in regards to the meshichistin.

    You said
    Now we in lubavitch are the last ones to rush to do that and we take it very seriously.

    This is exactly the problem! Chabad should be the first to jump out to protect the rebbe’s name! The fact that they don’t implies shtika kehoidaah! When avoda zara – or avoda zara like statements enter the mainstream with nary a word of protest, it brings churban to klal yisrael! You might claim to know it’s not avoda zara, but so did the dor of enosh. When you can go to chabad simchas without ever hearing the name of Hashem, only the Rebbe, when everything is addressed to the rebbe, when kids are encouraged to kiss a picture of the rebbe everyday, when kids only hear about the Rebbe’s yeshuos, YOU may know it’s not avoda zara, but do you think the next generation will???? Remember, J’s followers did not consider him a god, it was their kids and grandkids who did. And the way things are going, if Chabad doesn’t do anything, it’s headed in the same direction.

    Finally, it is quite a jump to say that because you can name one person who wrote something outrageous, the whole lubavitch needs to do some serious purging because we have a serious festering problem within. One individual who recanted does not equal a festering lubavitcher kefira problem cvs.

    First, CS, we have no clue of it was recanted! Second of all if the Yated, Ami or Mishpacha, would put a picture of a gadol and write “Hu Elokeinu” they would be boycotted and have to close down the next day! Certainly no one would let them into their homes, even if they apologized.

    Yet Beis Mashiach does the same thing, Meshichist Chabad says “Meh, just don;t do it again” and they keep selling thousands of copies! CS, let me tell you, this would not happen in ANY other frum community

    And that’s why I left lubavich. The misnagdim are right – many chabadniks, even if not kofrim, have no problem with language that borders on kefira. And that’s a huge problem.


    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1645551

    The Rebbetzin did dress tznius, and I would like to point out that saying loshon hara (in this case motze shemra) about someone who specifically tried to stay out of the public eye is certainly assur, and is in no way letoieles.
    Think about going to the Ohel to ask mechila.

    She was tznius in the original sense of the word – avoiding publicity and exemplifying kvoda bas melech pnima.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1644209

    Sechel, I’ll save you the trouble: It’s Likutei Sichos Chelek 35, Sicha of Parshas Vayigash. Look at Note 6. The reason the Rebbe says about Dovid Hamelech applies to all dead people.

    Now that I’ve demonstrated I know more about chabad than i originally let on, I would like a response on my posts about “creeping elokistism”.

    in reply to: How Do I Unvaccinate My Kids? #1644231

    Milhouse – That was funny.

    Doomsday? Why are you on YWN? Shouldn’t you be reading InfoWars?


    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1644162

    Username, please respond to my criticism of the second part of the sukkah sicha when you can. Your analysis and defense of the first part where quite good.

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1644161

    Nu, Sechel, Chossid, Username: I think I’ve demonstrated that if an elokist is giving shiurim on chabad’s flagship website (albeit not on these specific views), when a litvak suspects chabad of kefirah, it’s not merely sinas chinam, but rather a chashash with basis. (Admittedly, this is true only of meshichists, but you can’t expect a litvak to know chabad politics.)

    Chabad needs to make a cheshbon hanefesh, a kol koreh, and a huge purge,

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1644105

    Who wouldn’t have guessed Doomsday was female? Just sayin’…

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1644049

    Correction: His name is Arnie Gotfryd. This Elokist even appears on Chabad dot org!

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1644027

    “I’m thinking he meant was that the halachic conditions of bchezkas moshiach etc only apply to someone alive but if someone comes from the dead than they would start over. ”

    This actually makes sense. So you agree the Rebbe’s not halachically chezkas mashiach then?

    in reply to: The world is in a state of Geula- and don’t misunderstand us! #1644026

    “in a magazine that doesn’t care to explain itself very much as it’s geared for a certain segment of lubavitchers who get what its saying.”

    I.e., those Lubavichers who deify the Rebbe.

    I don’t think you’re like that, CS, but Beis Moshiach’s editors are most certainly closet elokists. They once printed Arnie Gottfried’s article that ended “Hu Elokeinu? The Rebbe, MH”M that’s who”. Which is indefensible, and they rightly got called out for it. But I don’t believe for a moment they’ve changed their shittos. Beis Moshiach’s editors have an agenda, and it’s poisoning Chabad. BTW Gottfried is the one who wrote one of the biggest pro-meshichist proof books in English, and I’ve seen his books in multiple meshichist Chabad houses. So even after that kefiradig article, he’s still considered mainstream by meshichistin.

    Furthermore, Sichas Hageula almost never refers to the Shechina as the shechina, rather they always refer to it as “Atzmus Umehus”. Recent example: On Parshas vayera they wrote “it’s time to turn to HKB”H and ask him “Atzmus Umahus, please take us out of Galus!” There’s no reasonable reason for them to write this that way – except if they have a hidden agenda.

    Sichas Hageula once called the Rebbe “Hakodosh Baruch Hu in a Body” years ago, and they got called out for it as well. But that doesn’t seem to spot it from appearing in meshichists homes.

    in reply to: If you could go back in time for one day what would you do?!?! #1644036

    Beat you to starting this thread.

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