Forum Replies Created
UJM: They never had a permanent link. Now they do. Its in the middle column under the news link
May 6, 2024 2:09 pm at 2:09 pm in reply to: How Can Any Jew Who Isn’t a Self-hating Jew Still Identify as a Democrat #2281357YeshivishrockstarParticipantTwo words: Tucker Carlson.
YeshivishrockstarParticipantBest Android and Iphone filter is a new one by tag called MB Smart. Its superfast and only costs 30 dollars a year!
YeshivishrockstarParticipantHe now certifies tbe 2nd Ave Deli. That should tell you about his level of reliability. It’s also known to be Jewish so a shtar mechira wouldn’t help.
YeshivishrockstarParticipantThe Saola has two horns.
One horned creatures are biological impossibility.YeshivishrockstarParticipantRabbi Slifkin discusses Unicorns at legnth in his book “Mysterious Creatures”. He demonstrates conclusively it does not exist.
Ifr their business is being machshir something which is not actually kosher, or even on a bedieved standard when it is claimed to be lechatchila, it is definitely letoeles.YeshivishrockstarParticipantHello99: basically, youre saying it’s not acceptable?
Do you know anything about Shufra chickens with a Badatz ashdod and Chug chasam sofer?
YeshivishrockstarParticipantUjm, I clearly write Petach Tikva.
I was told than Bnei Brak was better.YeshivishrockstarParticipantMobico: R Kuber’s suggestions are great – if you want to ensure that abuse continues.
Also, his statement in regards to kosher phones seems more of an argument against having one. It s a pity R Kuber doesn’t seem to realize that.YeshivishrockstarParticipantFun fact:
The individual who inspired this post and others was not a licensed therapist!!!YeshivishrockstarParticipantI’m Sherlock Hemlock.
August 29, 2021 9:24 pm at 9:24 pm in reply to: Ahavas Yisrael for those in YU/the MO community (Ask me anything) #2004078YeshivishrockstarParticipantJust pointing out that the Posek who was mockingly called the bnei bonim guy has haskamos from Rav Moshe feimstein and Rav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach, those beacons of Modern Orthodoxy.
While we are talking about halacha that certain groups may not follow, what happened to the halacha of bizuy Talmud chacham? Is that one optional?
Avirah, you are just as Modern Orthodox as those who describe themselves as such are, you just happen to be meikil on other halachos than them, like lashon hara and bizuy Talmud chacham (not to mention the bitul mitzvas asey of techeiles).
And yes, it’s just as beshita as the modern Orthodox shita on tznius. (If you were as makpid on Shemiras halashon or bizuy Talmud chacham as you are on kashrus, this thread would not exist.)September 16, 2020 7:57 am at 7:57 am in reply to: The Empty Wagon – great book, but berating specific frum Jews is assur #1902046YeshivishrockstarParticipantShapiro’s other “friend” Yirmiyahu Kagan, advocates procisely that – giving up the state.
So he in effect wants to give up the mitzva of yishuv haaretz, and probably increase hatred of Jews in the world, in order to keep his fake mitzva of “hating the zionists”.
The Empty Wagon would’ve fared far better if he titled it “The Empty Book”. Harry Potter 7 is shorter and more interesting, and more depth.
He also brazenly includes the false “kook shmook” story, despite it being debunked and him being called out for it 15 years ago! (on Rabbi Gil Student’s blog.) Whic hmeans he couldn’t care less about chipush haames, and rather has an agenda.
Oh, BTW, his site frumteens was also terrible.YeshivishrockstarParticipantI also want to add Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan’s “If You Were God” on the subject of evil and suffering.
YeshivishrockstarParticipantI can’t post them, because they’re deleted by mods.
This post has been marked ‘private’ and can only be seen by you and the mods
I hadn’t deleted them, I just hadn’t read them yet, lol. Due to the nature of the questions, I would rather not post them to be misunderstood or misused by those who do not possess your level of emuna. But with your permission I would like to forward them…
YeshivishrockstarParticipantRTY26, do you mind enlightening us why the claims are easy to answer? I’m frum, with strong emuna, but I have some good questions which aren’t “stupid”.
YeshivishrockstarParticipantAll medicine is kosher for pesach, if its a pill.
April 3, 2020 10:59 am at 10:59 am in reply to: Why do so many continue to ignore restrictions on gatherings and travel #1846661YeshivishrockstarParticipantIt is no worse than the winter flu death rate wise, assuming many people have it who aren’t getting tested. But it’s far more contagious, which means proportionally far more people will die.
BTW in Israel, LESS people are dying than usual, as the complete moratorium on driving ensures a near-zero accident death rate.
YeshivishrockstarParticipantKosher bacon and sunnyside-up
January 16, 2020 5:35 pm at 5:35 pm in reply to: A rebbe iz Atzmus uMahus vos hot zich areingeshtelt in a guf #1823615YeshivishrockstarParticipant“but not at any Chabad shuls that I have been able to find. ”
Not true. Chabad of Lakewood has. I know quite a few others. Just google “chabad daf yomi” or “crown heights daf yomi” without the quotes.
YeshivishrockstarParticipantSyag – I appreciate the emotional agrument, but no-ones arguing that there aren’t kids who deserve to be medicated. What i was talking about is the borderline cases. Many rebbeim have told me that one in 3 kids in their class is medicated. That’s messed up.
BTW, none of my posts yesterday went through. I’m not sure what I did to deserve a ban. But I did try to respond to certain points.
YeshivishrockstarParticipantJoseph – a long school day is scharoi yotze behefsedo. Just like we tell parents not to have TV, we should also tell them “no long days.”
There’s no issur bitul torah for 12 year olds!Mods: I think some of my messages aren’t getting through. Or are you guys just super-busy?
YeshivishrockstarParticipantFor mods only: Am I banned? Nothing I posted today got through.
Grey Matter: Teens have free will, but it takes a compelling reason to leave the derech. Many people get abused and stay frum, but those are the ones who enjoy yiddishkeit. If one doesn’t, he probably will stay frum due to inertia if he wasn’t abused, but if he was (and many cases where he was not) he will go off.
We need to recognize that just like Rav Hirsh gave teens what they wanted in 1800’s germany – intellectualism – we need to give teens in 2020 America what they want -fun.
YeshivishrockstarParticipantSyag: Yes. Meds are not tools, they’re coping devices (for the student, or more often, the teachers.) Meds may give someone correctly diagnosed an opportunity to learn tools, but they are not tools.
YeshivishrockstarParticipantHealth: I am not mistaken. That is from a pharma-sponsered website, so sure they would say that. But Zvi Gluck clearly states from experience that the opposite is true.
Even we concede that properly-diagnosed cases do result in lower addiction rates when prescribed medication, that does not account for the inflated rates in our yeshiva system who would not have recieved the diagnosis had they been in public school or not learning gemara. Everyone agrees that those without ADD who take meds have a risk of getting addicted (some say one out of ten.)
YeshivishrockstarParticipantJoseph: “If several of your Rebbeim agree with me about everything, what convinces you I’m trolling? (I’m not.)
2. Perhaps I too am from that “one specific yeshiva”. Or, perhaps, <gasp>, I’m one of your rebbeim.”Berniker – is that you? (Mods – dont worry – name has been changed.)
Seriously, though, the reason why I assume you are a troll is those rebbeim would hold that anyone who uses the internet has no chelek in olam haba, and “us yeshivaleit” who stay away from it are far better than all those other riffraff who pretend to call themselves frum but have smartphones and are really no different than the tzionim and haskala” etc etc.
Btw, Joseph, did you guess yet which yeshiva it is?YeshivishrockstarParticipantChaya: “you can’t put a kid in the current system without giving him the tools he needs to be successful within the system that you have placed him.”
Are you seriously calling meds “tools”?
YeshivishrockstarParticipantFrom Bnei Barack: “So You and I and the lubavitcher rebbe are the same in this regard.”
No, The Lubavitcher Rebbe is worse, because he’s dead.
YeshivishrockstarParticipantJoseph: “That depends whether he’s a minor child or an adult child.”
True, but not in the way you meant.
If he’s an adult child you can control him, because he’s subject to numerous social pressures. But if he’s a minor and doesn’t listen to you, you have no recourse.YeshivishrockstarParticipantJoseph: I propose shortening the school day, allowing seventh graders to come home the same time as their public school counterparts, and introducing phys ed to the frum world. Perhaps starting gemara later may help as well.
YeshivishrockstarParticipantFrom Anonymous Jew: “Yanky told the Rabbi that he had no feelings for yiddiskeit. Yes , he had learned for 14 years but his studies had focused virtually exclusively on the Gemara. He never had any classes that dealt with emunah, davening, or how to relate to Hashem unless it was tangenital to a sugya he was learning. It left him indifferent to being religious.
This. 100% this. This is exactly the reason i, and many others, turned to Breslov. Others have turned to Chabad or Carlebach.
It doesn’t help when you have Rebbeim in in Litvish yeshivos making snide comments about other groups and insinuating that “their” derech is the only way to serve Hashem. (Joseph may be a top-notch troll, but I have had Rebbeim who would have agreed with him on everything – only nonironically – and would feel that all those who disagree with them are not on the true derech. As an aside, all those Rebbeim who shared that attribute were all graduates of one specific yeshiva.)
YeshivishrockstarParticipantKer-a-velt is doing an excellent job of explaining the tzaddik. Lekutei Moharan is a great source of info as well.
There’s a website called “Identifying Chabad” which purports to show that Chabad is a”z. While the website makes some good points, he displays an utter lack of knowledge of classical chassidus, which results in him calling claims made by all classic chasidish sefarim, accepted by everybody (i.e, Noam Elimelech, Tanya, Kedushas Levi) kefira, and tries to pin those claims on Chabad. Grey Matter, you also seem to have that same issue. I have studiously tried to avoid that, and tried to only bring claims unique to contemporary Chabad that cannot even be sourced to the Rebbe (ie, the Rebbe is Moshiach, is found in all objects and is memale kol olmin, one may daven to him, etc) which are complete and utter kefira.
BTW, Keravelt, I loved how you nonchalantly explained the atzmus sicha in a noncontroversial way without bringing attention to it. If only all chabadniks had the brains to understand it like you (which IMHO was the Rebbe’s original intention, as he clearly states in that sicha he is not meaning to say anything controversial and should be interpreted as such).
I have a hunch that chabadniks who study nonchabad Torah and/or are familiar with the original chassidic sefarim are much more likely to interpret the Rebbe’s teachings nonradically, while those who are baalei teshuva or just learn sichos without the background are much more likely to interpret the Rebbe’s teaching in a new fashion that seemingly contradicts basic tenets of yiddishkeit. But I don’t have definite proof to this.YeshivishrockstarParticipantI agree with what keravelt says 100% in regards to tzadikim. Well stated.
Keravelt – now that we have a normal lubavicher whos a maamin, can you please tell me – honetly – in your opinion, what percentage of lubavichers agree with you and what percentage believe the rebbe “could” or “is” or “will be” moshaich? So far in the coffee room, you’re the only one (maybe Sechel Hayashar, but I haven’t seen a straight answer from him yet.) What about in the real world?YeshivishrockstarParticipantGrey matter, how is believing tzadikim having power is avoda zara? We believe malachim have power. Whats the difference? (Asking malachim to help you tho is a huge halachic shayla.)
YeshivishrockstarParticipantGrey Matter: Even if tzadikim have power, you still cannot ask them to do stuff for you. it is no different than asking a deity that has power (all the old avoda zaras had power, as we see in chazal.) BTW, this is why there is no proof from any rebbe story, even if they are 100% verified, because koach hatumah has power too. (That’s not to say thats where the Rebbe’s power came from, just that there’s no proof. But I wouldn’t be surprised of that’s how the igros stories work – with koach hatumah.)
YeshivishrockstarParticipantHow about this quote – the Rebbe is in “the whole worlds – even in metal and trees! Is that not Avoda Zara??
“תראה לי עסק שמתפתח בלי הבעלים. מאז הסתלקות הרבי, שאנחנו לא רואים אותו בגוף – העסק הגדיל את עצמו פי 4. לא צריך להאמין. הוא בכל מקום – בברזל, בזכוכית, בעץ, בבטון. אם אתה מסתכל על הרבי כאדם טבעי, אז ברור שאי אפשר להמשיך בלעדיו. הרבי היה אדם פיזי כדי שהשכל שלנו יוכל להבין ולקלוט, אנחנו אנשים שמאמינים במה שאנחנו רואים. אבל אם אתה לוקח אותו כאדם רוחני שדבריו ממשיכים להתפשט בעולם והוא שליח של הקב”ה – היום הוא חי יותר מאז, כי אז היה יכול להיות רק בברוקלין ועכשיו בכל העולם”.
From The Globe newspaper in honor of Gimmel Tammuz. The article is called: הוא עוד ישוב: 25 שנה למותו של הרבי מלובביץ’, ובכפר חב”ד הוא עדיין נמצא בכל פינה. Its really required reading. Search for it on google.Btw, we really need to combine all these chabad threads.
YeshivishrockstarParticipantkeravelt: Valid point. I was wrong. I stand corrected: There is nothing wrong with believing a Tzaddik can control the world after his petira.
But where Chabad is still wrong is in asking the Tzaddik to do things for them even not by the kever! All the seforim hakedoshim state that theres a heter of asking a tzaddik to do something for you when two conditions (and you need BOTH) are met: 1) You are at the Tzaddiks kever 2) You ask him to intercede on your behalf to Hashem (not ask him for him himself to do something for you.) Yet chabad routinely violates these two conditions without a second thought. (with igros etc). And thats Avoda Zara. (I have personally heard lubavichers say stuff like “Rebbe, help me” not at the Ohel, which goes against the ani maamins.)
BTW, keravelt, what do you think of the song “The Rebbe Lives”? (It’s on Oh Rebbe 2: The Rebbe Lives by
Mendy Chanin search it on Spotify) The lyrics are “The Rebbe sees, The Rebbe knows, the Rebbe hears” etc. It sounds like Avoda Zara to me. These type of songs are unique to chabad. Can you imagine a song “Rav Shach Lives” with the same lyrics? I can’t.While Chabad does alot of great things, there are a lot of confused people there and many of them are unwittingly serving avoda zara. This needs to stop. A Kol Koreh saying “The Rebbe is not Moshiach. Period.” might be a good place to start. Ker A Velt – answer me honestly: What percentage of Chabad rabbanim would sign such a kol koreh? I think very few.
(who knows, nowadays we might need a kol koreh saying “The Rebbe is not god”.)
YeshivishrockstarParticipantUncle Ben. True. But is that what the article implies? (you can watch the video as well, it’s called “Litvish Couple sees the Rebbe in a dream”.
From the article (and from Butman’s previous views) it seems that the Rebbe himself will find a way to answer your questions HERE, BY HIMSELF.
YeshivishrockstarParticipantFrom Collive today: (This is a MAINSTREAM normal chabad website – not meshichist:)
Shabbos Night Live with Rabbi Shmuel Butman – special broadcast for Gimmel Tammuz: The Rebbe himself will find a way to answer your questions and give you his guidance and the special mission he gave each one of us.They believe the Rebbe has koach in this world – pure avoda zara (yiddishkeit believes tzadikim can intercede in shamayim, chabad believes the Rebbe controls both worlds.)
July 6, 2019 11:01 pm at 11:01 pm in reply to: When did Chabad become a Kiruv oriented Chassidus? #1753222YeshivishrockstarParticipantDefend Chabad, why have you gone silent? I brought conclusive proof that mainstream Chabad websites celebrate and endorse elokists. Furthermore, they (at least the commenters) attack kniown gedolei Torah. What happened? can no one hear defend chabad after that?
YeshivishrockstarParticipantMods, can you let them in? it will be quite educational for those unaware of the seedier aspects of Lubavich today.
YeshivishrockstarParticipantBetter question: Who in their right minds would make a cd KNOWING it will get stolen? It seems like a dumb business idea, no?
YeshivishrockstarParticipantBTW, Keraveltheint, I want to frame your response and hang it on the wall of all chabad houses. Unfortunately, too many people are scared to come straight out and say it, which is why many of us believe that all chabadniks believe the Rebbe is (or could be) Moshiach,
YeshivishrockstarParticipantKeraveltheint: You sound like a ernste sane chabadnik! Kol Hakavod to you!
Now can you clearly say: “The Rebbe’s not Moshiach. He will never be Moshiach.” If you can, You are exactly what chabad needs. If not, you’re part of the problem.
YeshivishrockstarParticipantHarry Potter isn’t Kosher.
But Bernie Bott’s Jelly Beans are. So are Chocolate Frogs (if you eat chalav stam.)
Jelly Belly makes both.YeshivishrockstarParticipantOf course we’re still in galus until Moshaich comes. However, morally, you have no right to act like it “kumtz to dir” in America, as it isn’t a Jewish country. But, in Israel, where everyone are Jews and its a Jewish country, you can act like you’re in the majority – because you are. There’s no inyan of “shtelling tzu” to keep the peace in Israel, unlike in America.
YeshivishrockstarParticipantHow about Lego Star Wars? Is that OK?
YeshivishrockstarParticipant“We are old school Chabad: We are Chassidish, we don’t compromise & quite frankly, we DON’T CARE WHO MOSHIACH IS! He just needs to show up already!
But it is incumbent of every generation to search for Moshiach of their time. Ze hu.”
Anyone else see the contradiction between the first sentence and the second? If you search – you care!!
Pro-Tip for the so-called “snags” from a chossid turned snag: If a chabadnik tells you he “doesn’t care” who Moshiach is, he believes the Rebbe is Moshaich in his heart (he just doesn’t have any proof to it.)
YeshivishrockstarParticipantGoldilocks: By going down the “Rebbe could be Moshiach” route you’ve unwittingly telegraphed you are part of a certain chassidus, because no one outside of chabad believes these crazy word salads of “could be moshiach” “chezkas but not vadai” etc. Every normal frum yid believes a dead guy is not moshiach end of story. (And don’t bring me the Abarbanel, Rashi in Sanhedrin etc, they’re taken out of context as much, if not more than, the New Testament takes Tanach out of context for it’s purposes.)
And yes, I DID insult a whole chassidus (Or rather a whole chassidus insulted itself by believing that a dead person with no apparant qualifications is Moshiach).
bk613: There is nothing wrong believing the rebbe WAS that person in the generation. But 99% of Chabad believes he IS (or could be)., even though he patently isn’t.
too geshmak: That video channel is representative of Chabad today unfortunately. I know their arguments quite well as a an ex-chabadnik.