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I put on without a brocha and take them off after kedusha
yeshivaguy45ParticipantI think the one in chicago houses counselors. It could be they fly them in too
yeshivaguy45ParticipantAre you referring to any camp gan israel in any city or somewhere specific? Chabad runs them all over the US. Is that what you’re talking about?
yeshivaguy45ParticipantIn Mexico there is no shidduch crisis (as far as I know) and the reason I think is also because the girls get married at 18 average and the boys are average 20-22. The problem I find with this is what if the girl isn’t ready to get married yet? 18 is young and marriage involves taking on a lot of responsibility.
October 4, 2012 3:54 pm at 3:54 pm in reply to: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 – 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 x 0 = ? #1125372yeshivaguy45Participant48,651
October 3, 2012 4:51 pm at 4:51 pm in reply to: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 – 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 x 0 = ? #1125366yeshivaguy45Participanthaifagirl I see what you’re talking about. Thanks
October 3, 2012 3:16 pm at 3:16 pm in reply to: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 – 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 x 0 = ? #1125364yeshivaguy45ParticipantMaybe I’m crazy but I keep on doing this problem and I keep on coming out to 15. 1+1=2 +1=3 +1=4 +1=5 + 1=6 + 1=7 + 1=8 + 1=9 + 1=10 – 1=9 + 1=10 + 1=11 + 1=12 + 1=13 + 1=14 + (1 x 0)=15
October 3, 2012 1:40 am at 1:40 am in reply to: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 – 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 x 0 = ? #1125358yeshivaguy45Participant15 you do multiplication first
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 – 1 + 1 + 1 + 1+ 1 + 1 + (1×0)
yeshivaguy45ParticipantIn E”Y, if you keep one day of Yom tov, shemini was read last week and Tazria-metzora is this week. However, in chutz laaretz, Shemini is read this week.
April 16, 2012 3:04 pm at 3:04 pm in reply to: Action for Pollard: 100s to call White House Tomorrow (Monday) #867754yeshivaguy45Participantcalled
yeshivaguy45ParticipantThere is a pnei yehoshua (I think it’s in shabbos or beitzah) that says it’s muttar to smoke on yom tov because it’s good for the digestive system and therefore it’s a davar haveh l’chol nefesh. R’ Eliashiv shlita in his sefer on Kesuvos says that this pnei yehoshua was bizmanam when they thought it was healthy to smoke. However, nowadays, since we know that it’s mazik l’nefesh it’s not a davar shava l’chol nefesh and therefore it would be assur to smoke on yom tov.
yeshivaguy45ParticipantYou could check out Zichron Moshe, they probably have a minyan
yeshivaguy45ParticipantThe Gemara says that you shouldn’t leave E”Y but nowadays we’re in galus it might be different ask your rav.
yeshivaguy45ParticipantThere’s a thread for this already
I think that it might just be chol hamoed
yeshivaguy45ParticipantI definitely don’t think it’s muttar to smoke, in fact I think it’s assur gamur. But I was in E”Y and the streets are filled with people smoking and it’s a total israeli mentality that whenever you want you can stop and take a smoke break. You see kids not looking older than 12 smoking. On yom tov, everyone smokes it’s like a total heter. I’ve haven’t seen any sign in E”Y about smoking but I’ve seen signs about plenty of other things. In America everyone seems so more towards assur and all against it. Thank you the little I know for posting about Chaim lelo ishun. I guess I should check that out.
yeshivaguy45ParticipantOne thing is forsure. Sefarim will never be obsolete. There would be a problem of shabbos and yom tov. However there are sefarim that are hard to get and are available on databases. There was a sefer I was once looking for that I went to a several bookstores to look for that wasn’t well known and none of them had it, but I found out that Otzar Hachochma had it.
yeshivaguy45ParticipantOn the cd Journeys 3, abie rotenberg sings that “music will always be remembered on audio cassette and compact disc.” Now it’s 20 years later, tapes are obsolete and cds might go that way too if everyone buys downloads. It’s possible that books will go obsolete and bookstores can go bankrupt, but it would take some time. It’s definitely possible but hopefully it won’t happen for a long time.
yeshivaguy45ParticipantIf the poskim really have assur’d it then why in E”Y is there more of a mentality to smoke? There are chashuve rabbonim in E”Y who smoke. In America, people lean more to the side of assur.
In my opinion, the poskim of America (R’ Yaakov, R’Moshe, R’ Shmuel Kamenetsky etc.) were against smoking. Torah Umesorah put out a whole video against smoking. They said it should not be done. In E”Y, although the poskim have assur’d it, no one has published out psakos against smoking.
I think the answer might be that nobody would listen if the psakos were published, but how does that figure out with all the other psakos in E”Y that are published?
What I find ironic is that R’ Eliashiv shlita the posek in Eretz Yisroel, assur’d smoking on Yom Tov, R’ Moshe Feinstein zatzal the posek in Americasaid that it should be assur to smoke on Yom Tov, but everybody does it so it must be a davar shavah lechol nefesh and it would be muttar, and yet there are ten times more the people in E”Y smoking on Yom Tov than in America.
April 9, 2012 7:16 pm at 7:16 pm in reply to: Not writing on Chol Hamoed, what about posting in the CR? #866743yeshivaguy45ParticipantR’ Doniel Neustadt holds that writing on a computer screen is not considered a ksav. When you write on a piece of paper, the ink goes on the paper. Ksav means attaching ink to a paper. On a computer screen,letters that appear on the screen are not being attached to the screen.
April 6, 2012 3:16 am at 3:16 am in reply to: The Longest Seder Contest�How Late Will Your Seder End? #1199570yeshivaguy45ParticipantI will not compete. Sorry
yeshivaguy45Participantgr8 masmid, isn’t the problem with this that when you take the foil off after pesach, it will smell bad?
yeshivaguy45ParticipantI’m not afraid of that awful Dr. Doomshtink. He can’t even see me.
yeshivaguy45ParticipantZaidy, your uncle is a door?
March 29, 2012 11:33 pm at 11:33 pm in reply to: Yeshiva Boys being sent home to collect Bain Hazmanim #864447yeshivaguy45ParticipantA great idea in theory, but who says the business owners are interested in hiring and that bochurim are interested in working? Most bochurim wouldn’t be interested in doing something like that.
yeshivaguy45ParticipantE and S tours takes a tour every summer with Rabbi Paysach Krohn
yeshivaguy45Participantsupergirl613, you’re mixing up R’ Yosef Shalom Eliashiv shlita Yosef Sholom ben Chaya Musha. We’re talking about R’ Chaim Kanievsky shlita, Shmaryahu Yosef Chaim ben Pesha Miriam.
yeshivaguy45ParticipantIf you’re talking about the Ateret Torah in Brooklyn, it’s sephardi and the Rosh Yeshiva is a very chashuv person Rabbi Yosef Harrari-Raful. It’s a good place from what I’ve heard about it. I know several guys who went there and they have all turned out to be bnei torah.
yeshivaguy45ParticipantGevald! Another Middos Alert!
yeshivaguy45Participant I’ll still continue for the next couple days
yeshivaguy45ParticipantR’ Gettinger’s yeshiva (he was the Rosh Yeshiva in South Bend and moved to Lakewood and started a new yeshiva), R’ Newman’s yeshiva, and plenty of others
yeshivaguy45ParticipantI’ll say mine every day until he gets better. He should have a refuah shelaima
yeshivaguy45ParticipantI’d be willing to say it daily but I don’t know what everyone else wants to do. Gumball,yitayningwut what do you think?
yeshivaguy45ParticipantI said gimmel and daled, yiddishemeidel you can say hey.
yeshivaguy45ParticipantI don’t know what number you’re up to before me but I’ll take the next two after the post before mine
yeshivaguy45ParticipantThe Vilna Gaon said that we should not decorate our Shuls with greenery on Shavuos even though the Rema paskened in Shulchan Aruch (OC 494:3) that we should. The reason he says is because the non-Jews have “stolen” this minhag and we don’t want to be like them. Many argue that since we did it first, why should we care what other religions do?
Rav Mordechai Epstein brings proof from a Rashi to the Gra. It says in the Pasuk (Devarim 16:22) that we should not bring a Korban on a Matzeivah, even to Hashem, because Hashem hates it. Rashi says that although the Avos did it and Hashem loved it, now that others have adapted it as part of their service, Hashem despises it. We see from here that even something that was considered a mitzva can become despised once non-Jews take it on for their worship.
August 31, 2011 8:29 pm at 8:29 pm in reply to: U.S. really the first to send man to the moon? #804524yeshivaguy45ParticipantI think it’s true. The proof that it was staged is that by the video of neal armstrong, the flag is flapping and how can it be flapping if there’s no gravity. The reason why it was flapping is because it was tied to the spaceship. I’m sure you read all this on the web. Why would you think otherwise, I don’t know.
yeshivaguy45ParticipantThere’s a large kollel in Cleveland Heights headed by Rabbi Boruch Hirschfeld and Rabbi Grunwald (I forgot his first name). There’s also a kollel in Denver which has about 10 yungerleit, along with baalebaatim who come during morning seder. In Chicago, there are several large kollelim-Chicago Community Kollel, Adas Yeshurun (Choshen Mishpat Kollel), Telshe Yeshiva, Kollel Ohel Torah.
Also I think there’s a large kollel in Miami.
yeshivaguy45ParticipantThe meam loez is in Devarim chaf zayin chof vov (which is quoted by lothar above)at the end of the paragragh that starts ???? and he says “People are noheg to point with the finger zeres over the ksav and to kiss it.” I think zeres is the pinky but I could be wrong
yeshivaguy45ParticipantI would think that there is Maris Ayin issues and also you have to see that it’s just coffee, not coffee latte or something like that and they didn’t use anything that was used for treif to clean it. But don’t pasken from here, ask your local kashrus organization or rov
yeshivaguy45ParticipantToi, f you look in the piskei Tshuvos on the bottom, he brings down a yalkut Meam Loez in Devarim that says the minhag. I once looked it up but I don’t remember if he brings down with the pinky or just a finger. He also brings down sefer Hachaim by R’ Chaim Palagi, which Jothar quoted. So there is a mekor but some people still question whether it’s necessary to do this
yeshivaguy45ParticipantI said this over at the Shabbos table. Everyone thought it was very good. Thanks for posting
August 25, 2011 8:54 pm at 8:54 pm in reply to: Does anyone know the answer to this question? #802178yeshivaguy45ParticipantSam2, you’re thinking of how big the dough has to be in order to take challah. I think always runs with scissors is asking What’s the actual amount that you have to take off
According to the Artscroll Siddur, it’s a kzayis. Also to learn brachos, I would recommend Rabbi Bodner’s Sefer on brachos and also Vezos Habracha by R’ Alexander Mandelbaum if you can read the hebrew. Rabbi Binyomin Forst’s sefer on brachos is also very good
yeshivaguy45ParticipantMaybe it will take place after shkia so it will be counted as the next day’s daf
yeshivaguy45ParticipantI was going to say lakewood, but sorry I didn’t see brotherofurs. Antwerp
yeshivaguy45ParticipantMoshiach please come, Shalom Aleichem and welcome to the CR. I’m also kind of new here.
August 8, 2011 9:04 pm at 9:04 pm in reply to: Chofetz Chaim Heritage presentation this year #796296yeshivaguy45ParticipantI saw the preview it looks very powerful
August 8, 2011 7:41 pm at 7:41 pm in reply to: Chofetz Chaim Heritage presentation this year #796289yeshivaguy45ParticipantHow did you see it already?
yeshivaguy45ParticipantProject Inspire has a video called The Road Home You have to fill out a form to see that one and you get on project inspire’s email list.
Here is the link to their other videos
yeshivaguy45ParticipantGo underneath all the topics to forums and go to the category that the old topic would be in. You can also do a google search on the name of the topic and yeshiva world news and that will get you somewhere.
yeshivaguy45ParticipantProject Inspire at has videos that are appropriate for tisha b’av