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  • in reply to: @lululemontatty #2226405

    This has gotten way out of hand. Bored bochurim/people pretending to be bored bochurim, please find something better to do with your time that does not involve posting naarishe things.

    in reply to: Beoitzar Chaim #2225657

    I did a google search for it (with hebrew lettering) and it came up on a website beinenu dot com.

    in reply to: Relating the Tisha B’av message from Hashem in Today’s generation #2224872

    Sam, I don’t know if anyone is able to view it but I can’t view the hebrew lettering in your original post (it comes up as question marks for me) so what was your remez to Tisha b’av in 9/11?
    Yes it was a wakeup call for Teshuva but how did you see anything about Tisha b’av?

    in reply to: Lakewoodflation #2221497

    Cholent-Good one. Not that I know of

    in reply to: Lakewoodflation #2221358

    Lakewhut, I’m not sure which city you’ve been in (and it doesn’t matter as it’s lashon hara) but I’ve lived, traveled and have been in yeshiva in several out of town cities. Only one out of the cities that I’ve been in had an issue with that. They tried to make their own cholov yisroel plant because of that but they ran out of funding.
    My point is that they don’t deliberately sell spoiled milk. It happens occasionally (and this even happens in cities that are in town) that milk or other dairy products were spoiled right from the start. Many stores (including Lakewood) have a 7 day return policy for perishables for this reason.

    in reply to: Lakewoodflation #2221239

    I used to live in Lakewood and I think food prices have gone up due to inflation in general there’s more more supply and demand and not due to the new check increases. The prices were rising even before the Adirei Hatorah initiaitive.
    Lakewhut, I don’t know if you’re serious or joking, but Thoughtful Response wasn’t saying to go out of town to buy milk, but just to compare prices.
    No, out of town does not sell spoiled milk.

    in reply to: The Rabbi and the priestly priest #2220468

    cholentmitkugel, that’s a spinoff of a joke on 3 people, not a rabbi, priest and someone from poland.

    in reply to: Maaselach of Rav Aharon Shechter zt”l #2220419

    I’m not a Chaim Berliner but I was once at a fundraising melava malka several years ago, and the MC got up to speak. He said that there was a dinner recently at Chaim Berlin celebrating a milestone (I don’t remember what it was) and there were over 20,000 reservations. The Rosh Yeshiva R’Aharon Schechter Zatzal said, “Let’s remember that the tachlis here is to raise money. We can’t forget that.”
    The MC continued and said, “We’re here for a beautiful melave malka but we can’t forget the main purpose of why we’re here, to raise money.”

    in reply to: eidele bochur #2212995

    There’s story where a reporter came to check out a famous yeshiva and write an article on it. When he saw the beis medrash and the bochurim were yelling at each other in learning, he asked the person who brought him there, “I understand that they are learning the Torah and it’s very special but why do they have to be screaming at each other?”
    The person answered him, “If someone would come and try to take your life, would you start screaming? Of course. To these bochurim, Torah is their life. If someone tells them that the Torah that they are trying to tell over is not true, it’s like someone is taking away their life and that’s why they scream.”

    in reply to: questions about the yeshivish world #2210837

    Sorry I pressed submit before I finished my post. That last sentence should have said
    “The mishna berura writes if it’s not such a shas hadchak, the congregation can start quietly after Kedusha.”

    in reply to: questions about the yeshivish world #2210772

    It sounds like the OP is bored and trying to create some hock.
    However, just to let everyone know, regarding short chazara hashatz, it’s actually a halacha in Shulchan Aruch and the mishna berura towards the end of chelek 1 (I can’t remember which siman offhand but I’ll try to look it up later). The Shulchan Aruch says b’shaas hadchak the chazzan can start shemone esrei out loud and the congregation can start shemone esrei quietly along with the chazzan, word for word. After Kedusha, everyone continues quietly. The mishna berura writes if it’s not such a shas hadchak, the congregation can start quietly.

    in reply to: Chris Christie – why can’t Jews rally around him? #2210592

    yechiell, is there a reason why you started another thread on this? You could have continued the thread on this topic that you started.

    in reply to: Kosher food near Niagara #2209923

    I haven’t been there in many years but I do know that Buffalo is on the American side not too far away

    in reply to: Maharal’s Golem #2209318

    Rabbi Paysach Krohn and Rabbi Ephraim Tenenbaum talk about it on their trip to Prague in Eternal Luminaries (can be found on Rabbi Krohn’s website). If I remember correctly, Rabbi Krohn said that there was no golem as there was no mention of the golem in any writings until many years after the maharal was niftar. Rabbi Tenenbaum said that even though the Maharal’s golem wasn’t true, other gedolim have made golems.

    in reply to: Forgotten Halachah MB 167 #2209254

    In many places they are mechabed the Kohen to lead the bentching.

    in reply to: Yom Tov Erlich #2209209

    I grew up with Avraham Fried’s Yiddish Gems (for those in the next generation, that was Avraham Fried’s collection of R’Erlich’s niggunim). Every year before Shavous, my father would listen to to the song of the malach going to the other nations asking if they want the Torah.

    in reply to: Goldilocks and the Three Bears #2209048

    ujm, then name goldilocks bothers you but the names grossman or kleinman, kleinbard etc. don’t
    There are names in the Gemara that allude to a color, presumably of their hair (Yitzchok Sumka, which means red)

    in reply to: Frog and Toad Are Friends – Offensive? (T) #2205781

    This is obviously a troll, but for anyone who doesn’t understand, the OP is referring to a kids series of books called Frog and Toad.

    in reply to: Frog and Toad Are Friends – Offensive? (T) #2205780

    This is obviously a troll, but for anyone who doesn’t understand, the OP is referring to a kids series of books called Frog and Toad.

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2204128

    Moshe kapoyer-It’s a machlokes in the Gemara, and most rishonim don’t pasken like that tzad of the Gemara. For a more detailed explanation, see “The Rebbe, the Messiah and the Scandal of Orthodox Indifference,” by David Berger

    in reply to: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher #2203750

    If you’ll look closely, you’ll see that those current threads discussing lubavitch are usually started by the same one or two posters.
    You are correct that many people bring up the topic because they are talking to Lubavitchers. I grew up in an area with many Lubavitchers and Litvaks. Many times when the Litvish Bochurim met the Chabad bochurim, the conversations were about the Rebbe if he’s still alive and whether he was/is Mashiach.
    I don’t think you’d find Litvaks discussing it on a daily basis.

    in reply to: Any pet owners here? #2203226

    Mods, is there a reason why this thread is on the top of the coffee room threads, among the sticky posts?

    in reply to: Does YWN or any other Jewish news place send out text updates #2201924

    As far as I know, this has become a thing of the past as it used to be popular with several people sending out text news updates but the ones that I know of are not doing it anymore.

    in reply to: Mazel Tov #2201563

    I don’t know if this is an actual mekor, but we find in the Chumash that when Leah Imeinu gave the name Gad, Rashi there says “Ba Mazel Tov” (Beraishis 30:11)

    in reply to: RCA Statement Regarding Chabad Messianism #2200160

    Taken from Wikipedia on “The Rebbe, the Messiah and the Scandal of Orthodox Indifference” (a book by David Berger)

    In June 1996, The Jewish Press published a paid advertisement that included a letter with Rabbi Ahron Soloveichik’s signature. The letter included the assertion that R’ Soloveitchik believed R’ Schneerson to have been worthy of being Messiah, that the Chabad position that R’ Schneerson was the Messiah could not be dismissed as heretical, and cited a number of sources to demonstrate that he could be the Messiah. The letter also attacked Chabad’s critics, and praised Chabad’s works.[6]

    Many messianists believe that R’ Soloveichik defended their position and bring him as a source to back up their arguments. Yet the letter caused confusion as this was a reversal of R’ Soloveichik’s previous position on the matter. In 1994, R’ Soloveichik had told The Forward that R’ Schneerson “can’t be the Messiah – he is not living – a Messiah has to be living. A living Messiah, not a dead Messiah.” He had also expressed shock at the idea that anyone could suggest that the Messiah could be from among the dead noting that “that could be possible in the Christian faith, but not Judaism” adding that this was “repugnant to everything Judaism represents.”[7]

    Berger provides a letter from Soloveitchik to a friend in 2000, that resolves the contradiction between his two positions. R’ Soloveichik writes:

    To my great dismay. . . publications affiliated with the Lubavitch movement have persisted in stating that I validate their belief that a Jewish Messiah may be resurrected from the dead. I completely reject and vigorously deny any such claim. As I have already stated publicly. . . such a belief is repugnant to Judaism and is the antithesis of the truth. My intent in signing the original letter . . . was merely to express my opinion that we should not label subscribers to these beliefs as heretics. Any statements in that letter which imply an endorsement of their view were not shown to me at the time I signed and I once again repudiate any such ridiculous claim.
    [8] HaRebbi Melech HaMoshiach, David Berger, Urim Publications, 2005. p.75, note 7. (The book is an expanded edition and translation into Hebrew of: The Rebbe, The Messiah, and the Scandal of Orthodox Indifference)

    edited to add titles

    in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2199953

    This thread reminds me of a story with R’Chaim Kanievsky Zatzal that I heard from R’Eli Stefansky (Yevamos 71, about 10 minutes in). R’Chaim went to visit a certain Rebbe on Chol Hamoed Succos in his sukkah and saw a box of Matzos on the table. He asked him, what was going on, matzos on Sukkos.
    He said, “In our chassidus, we are makpid like the hava aminas of the Gemara. The Gemara wanted to compare Sukkos to Pesach, (Gezeira Shava Tes Vav of Pesach to Tes Vav of Sukkos). So we’re makpid to have matzos.”
    R’Chaim answered him, “The Gemara had a hava amina that maybe you have to do a bris mila on your ear. Since you didn’t do that, you’re an Arel according to this hava amina and an Arel is assur to eat Matza according to the hava amina in the Gemara on Yevamos daf 71!”

    in reply to: Grocery that gets rid of all Chometz before Pesach #2199307

    Smiler613-Before you start thinking this is a chumra and there’s a group of “machmirim” that only buy things that were baked after pesach and don’t rely on mechira, realize that this isn’t even an inyan-the Mishnayos and Gemara both talk about selling things to a goy for Pesach. Many chashuva Rabbonim and Roshei Yeshiva buy food items that were sold to a goy before Pesach. There’s no need for storeowners to be fair to these “machmirim” who are inventing such a chumra which is not mentioned in any sefer.
    I would advise you before taking on this “chumra” to ask your LOCR if there’s even such an inyan to be machmir in this regard.

    in reply to: Jewish Beats For A keyboard (pa600) #2198966

    You can ask Pinchas Doppelt of Lakewood. He should be able to help or know whom to contact

    in reply to: The Liozna Rebbe #2195829

    Many years ago, I went on my eight grade trip to the Living Torah Museum with Rabbi Deutsch. We had finished from getting a bracha from the Skulener Rebbe Zatzal, and it took longer than expected. Even though it was late at night, Rabbi Deutsch gave us an amazing tour of the museum and showed us the artifacts that he has. He is an amazing person.
    It was only years later that I found out about his book.

    in reply to: Ice cream truck frequency #2195759

    You can teach your kids that ice cream is a special treat and you don’t have to get every single day just because the ice cream truck is here.
    There is no obligation to get ice cream just because the ice cream is driving through the neighborhood. If you want to get ice cream, that’s your choice, not the driver’s choice.

    in reply to: German Products #2194319

    This is only a matter of opinion, so not everyone may agree to this. A holocaust survivor was once asked if he thinks all Germans should be held responsible for the holocaust even if they didn’t participate. He said “Imagine a factory where some of the workers mess up and the whole factory is ruined but all the workers get blamed even though they had nothing to do with it. That’s the same thing here.”
    I personally think that’s not true in all situations, as there’s a famous saying, “If you were with them, you’re one of them.”

    in reply to: Hashavos Aveida – AirPods Pro #2192930

    The lakewood scoop has a forum where you could post lost and found (On the menu just after Home)
    There’s also a website that you could post Hashovas Avaida items. it used to be popular back in the day (used to be a link from YWN itself) but it may still be worth a try-hashovasavaida dot com

    in reply to: music lag ba’omer night or not?? #2189129

    YW Fan-Piskei Halacha from R’Moishe Dovid Lebvics (Psakim of R’Belsky Zatzal) says what you’re thinking of. I don’t have it in front of me but I believe he writes bshem R’Belsky Zatzal that In the Zchus of R’Shimon Bar Yochai music and singing at bonfires are fine but music in general the night of Lag b’ome r(like listening to music at home) is not allowed.

    in reply to: Caffeinated versus decaffeinated #2188571

    741, regarding searching for old topics in the coffee room, check out the tips thread on the coffee room main page.

    Moderation Memos, Posting Tips, and Important Links 📝⬆️🔗

    in reply to: Am I missing something? #2186909

    From a different news site-it seems that there’s nothing new to report so it could be that’s why YWN didn’t report it.

    The overall condition of Maran Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, Philadelphia rosh yeshiva, remains unchanged after his stroke earlier this week.

    Physicians are working on transferring the rosh yeshiva to a rehab facility or Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.

    Boruch Hashem, as previously reported here, there appears to have been no cognitive damage, but the rosh yeshiva’s speech has been affected.

    All are asked to continue davening for Rav Shmuel ben Itta Ettil.

    in reply to: the Bible or Google #2186836

    I’m not exactly sure why google only took the first part of the article, but if you look at the source that google has you’ll see that the article is disproving that statement.

    in reply to: You should get a dog. #2186747

    Once you troll that, I will tell you that you remind me that when I was growing up, they came out with virtual pets (also known as Giggapets, or Tamagotchi pets, as that was the name of the company that came out with the idea). It was a small handheld device with a a pet on the screen. With the press of a button, you could feed it, take it on a walk or let it sleep. Sometimes it would “wake up,” “get hungry” or “get tired” and you would have to take care of it.

    in reply to: info travel restrictions #2186276

    According to the media, there was a statement released by the Biden Admin (can be found on whitehouse dot gov) the vaccine requirement for international travelers will end after May 11 (it says end of day on May 11 so really May 12)

    in reply to: Chassidishe Out of town Kollelim? #2186210

    mb10-I’ve been out of Chicago for a number of years so it could be it changed. But I was a around when the Zidichov Kollel started so I know a little bit about it.
    It’s a halacha Kollel.They learn Halacha in depth and Halacha l’maaseh. As I said it could be it changed, but they chose yungerleit that were chassidish but were open to the litvish culture (ex: speak english fluently) as the shul has chassidish and litvish mispallelim so they wanted everyone to feel comfortable with them and so that they’ll be able to learn with baalebatim.

    in reply to: I refused to be injected with an experimental product #2185137

    Nomesorah-in case you’re interested, you can google Rabbinical panel hears 8 hours covid collive and it should come up

    in reply to: Kollel life with no parental support #2178281

    AAQ-When I left Kollel and went to work, I realized that a working person can be serious about learning if he makes the most out of his learning. For example, he can go to night seder and learn seriously the entire time. It’s the quality. It may be only a few hours a day (as opposed to the many hours a kollel student learns) but it can be a serious learning as well.

    in reply to: Kollel life with no parental support #2177736

    I’ve been out of Kollel for several years now. When I was in Kollel (BMG), I was amazed at the amount of people learning full time even though they were married and several kids.
    I think many of them have side jobs (you’ll be surprised at how many of them do things on the side like tutoring and selling things on amazon) and have support from parents, in laws and friends. They do their hishtadlus and Hashem takes care of the rest. When I was in my last years of Kollel and thinking of leaving, my wife told that there’s a certain Siyata Dishmaya in parnassa when one is learning and one shouldn’t take leaving kollel and going to work so lightly.

    in reply to: Bein Hazmanim Shiurim #2177529

    Check torahanytime, kolhalashon and torahdownloads. Or your local Bulletin board

    in reply to: Teen Violence in Lakewood #2174124

    Gadolhadofi-I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. I am for teaching English in yeshivas. I was saying that it wasn’t a shita of R’Aharon not to have english but of somebody else.

    in reply to: Teen Violence in Lakewood #2174047

    ujm-I learned in a yeshiva where both Roshei yeshiva were talmidim of R’Aharon Kotler Zatzal and the accredited english program was very good.
    So it’s not a shita of R’Aharon.

    in reply to: Rebbetzin Weinberg z”l #2173192

    I’m not sure if you want an answer from other CR posters or YWN. If you want an answer from YWN, use the Contact tab on top right as the mods here have said that they have nothing to do with the news reported on YWN.

    in reply to: Shtultz #2169929

    Coffee- He actually said that they were roommates with the older graders but at the same time, there was a boundary called shtultz (As I wrote, I was in a yeshiva that did not have shtultz and therefore I didn’t have this derech. This is how he explained that derech)
    Always-My rebbe attended a very prestigious modern day yeshiva.

    in reply to: Shtultz #2169580

    I went to a yeshiva that did not have shtultz but I had a rebbe who had gone to a yeshiva with shtultz. We asked him once to explain it. He went thru it (a little lengthy to post here) and at the end of it he said that if a 9th grader would come to ask a 12th grader a question in learning or in hashkofah, the 12th grader would answer him warmly and cordially, being friendly. If he would come over to shmuz with him, he would “shtultz him out.” This made the 9th graders realize that the 12th graders are not there to be their friend but to help them out, to help them grow and looking out for them.

    in reply to: Aliens/UFO/Extraterrestrial Beings #2167446

    R’Chaim Mintz Shlita in the book “Ask the Rabbi” writes that there is no reason to think that there is life on other planets as Hashem created the world for us to grow close to Him and we can accomplish that mission without looking at other planets (You can look in the book for the full answer).

    in reply to: Yeshivishe “Rayd” or “Reid” #2165375

    Is it on the gavra or the cheftza
    es poelt un a chalos

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