Forum Replies Created
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipant
I personally know of cases (I can’t give details because they’re not well known and the involved parties want it kept quiet) of supposed abuse that there was NO ONE pressing charges and the victim was still detained for a long time because they claimed people were covering up. They put on crazy pressure on thus person to plead, even though they both knew he was innocent, because they didn’t want to admit they kidnapped a person on NOTHING! The media loves these stories because they hate us. The average tabloid is toilet paper anyways.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantRema: i completely missed that. (Aren’t democrats donkeys, if that’s what you’re referring?)
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantLetakein and shopping: that sounds right. Do you know any details about it (singers cd ect)? In any case thanks a ton, I should be able to find it now. Its one of my favorite tunes, but i couldn’t find the song.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantI reposted my response from the other thread.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantYou can get her a nice bottle of bourbon. “You give me wings to fly”, can be your caption. On the flower theme, how about three bottles of Four Roses? You’ll give her a dozen roses!
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantDoes anyone know of a song that the high part is something like;
Together we stood by har Sinai as one,
Naaseh venishmah amru k’echad”.
I’m not even sure if those are the exact words. I’ve been looking for that song forever. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantI don’t get some of the responses. If you want to experience the mind altering effects of alcohol its not l’shem mitzvah? The mitzvah is to experience those effects. At this point I would like to announce that I ate a cheeseburger last night. I stand by it and am proud of it. I knew I would not be able to be omeid benisayon, so I did it. It seems that it has become popular to announce different things done against halacha in the CR. If you can’t drink on Purim don’t; but why are you proud that you couldn’t do a mitzvah?
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantIf you vomit on the floor you didn’t drink lshem shamayim?!? In general,i think the way bnei Torah act when they were drunk is a kiddush hashem. The best way to tell what a person its really about is when he’s drunk. (Bkeeso, b’koso, ub’kaaso.) I usually like what I see.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantRema711:And physically? I am one of those stereotypical Brooklyners that can’t imagine that anyone comes from anywhere but Brooklyn or lakewood. Widen my horizons, please. Btw why don’t you post the recipe for gingerbread hamantashen letovas harabbim?
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantIsn’t formaldehyde the embalming chemical they use in non iron shirts? I guess I’m getting a double dosage.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantCorrect. The plural of moose is fish. (That was very deep.)
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantBecause they are desperate to say that G-d’s Chosen People are no better than the rest. It is just like Jews always being held to a higher standard, but it is worse, because they are blowing out of proportion an issue which is relatively uncommon in the frum world. I’m not chirping my head in the sand, but everyone agrees that it is less prevalent by us than by them. They ate trying to say that we’re really no better, we just cover up. Those has been going back thousands of years.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantI’m enjoying the cerebral acrobatics. By us, we have an old yesod, if you say something to insult someone and he’s not insulted, its not an insult. By the same token, if you say it to insult him and he is insulted, it is an insult, whether it is an insult or not. If his being insulted is based on it being an insult, he should never be insulted, being a its not an insult until he is insulted. Accordingly, being as there is such a thing as an insult, which would be impossible if it would be dependent on the insult being an insult, we are forced to say that you can be insulted irrespective of whether or not its an insult. Therefore, it is an insult. Anyone following?
January 30, 2015 5:58 am at 5:58 am in reply to: Are Borsalino hats more stylish than other fedoras? #1056913Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantI’m talking about shabbos hats. This is an old shaalah, do you get a new hat when you need a new weekday hat or a new shabbos hat?
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantShowjoe: what did you say to either of us? I don’t see that you posted on this before.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantAn adult would be upset he wasn’t trusted to exercise good judgment. And if the storm would have happened the mayor would have been just as wrong, just no one would have complained. A mandatory curfew is extreme balancing the likelihood of the storm (75%), with the effects of being stuck outside (slightly inconvenient, as very few cars are abandoned in the street). The mayor wanted a big a deal as possible made of this storm, knowing that he came out ahead no matter what. (I love conspiracy theories).
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantAs far as actual damage is concerned, its very probable that humiliation and emotional abuse is much worse than corporal punishment; as far as the chances of some self righteous animal that is convinced that the entire frum world is abusive and we’re all covering up for each other deciding to ruin your life, its more likely with physical treatment. Don’t stake your hopes on the justice department, they are some of the sickest people you can imagine. Just like politicians with billions to spend lose sight of the value of peoples hard earned money in the face of their personal agendas, these people who are handed the reigns to a persons fate lose sight of the value of human life. As the minchas chinuch says, an executioner has the same value for life as a murderer, because he becomes desensitized, whether they are innocent or guilty.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantOy yoy yoy. You have my deepest sympathies, rema711. Btw how many non-boys were in tooter class?
January 30, 2015 3:28 am at 3:28 am in reply to: Are Borsalino hats more stylish than other fedoras? #1056908Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantI have heard that shtreimalach don’t come out more expensive than hats; because over 40 years, they both cost the same $2500. (1×2500=/<15×180). Any chassidim on the CR that can verify or disclaim this? I don’t know the going rate for either, or how long hats and shtreimlach last the average consumer.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantNot a chance the moderators will let that. You’re from Brooklyn?
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantI know, if the plural of goose is geese; the plural of moose should be meese. Ah, the secrets of the English language.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantMoose, I think. Same thing as deer. And I can tell you why New Hampshire isn’t well known for its moose; cause there are none! I was there. I looked. I can tell you.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantWho says? There is a dearth of research into them. The guy from the store told me there is the stuff they use in fog machines, nicotine, and flavoring in the liquid. It seems to be agreed upon that they’re healthier than cigarettes, bad as they may be.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantRema711: you’re gonna have to send me some.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantIf restarting your computer works that seems like the fastest eitzah.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantThis thread is so yeshivish out was kedai to open the coffee room for it. A gantze soap opera! 🙂
January 30, 2015 1:19 am at 1:19 am in reply to: Couplets, haikus and any short poems by weird people #1209850Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantRandomex: I’m glad someone caught that, but its gonna be hard to explain. What does Kotzk have to do with it?
January 30, 2015 1:13 am at 1:13 am in reply to: Frum Politicians- do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? #1055571Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantI’m happy I’m not a Gadol who had to make decisions about such things.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantI was once in New Hampshire, land of the moose. I didn’t see a single moose, but I did go to an arcade where they had a Whack-a-Moose. That’s what your guacummus reminded me of.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantIf it has avocado its no longer hummus. I don’t care how great it is. Now that we got the definition clear, it actually sounds pretty good. We’re gonna have to come up with a new name for it, though. Any suggestions?
January 30, 2015 12:04 am at 12:04 am in reply to: Are Borsalino hats more stylish than other fedoras? #1056901Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantIf you NEED a Borsalino you’re not a real Ben Torah.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantWe should start a post about e-cigs, actually. For me its great, but i hear the boys schools are having big problems with it. I don’t understand the taavah for a non smoker, but i hear its a serious issue. I don’t know how bad it is, but it can’t be as bad as smoking.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantNo! I saw on Yeshiva world that they’re unhealthy! I actually got one from a place in flatbush (nicdrops, ave m and east 13th), and i haven’t had a cigarette in close to six weeks! 🙂 The morning coffee just isn’t the same, though.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantThe president once asked one of his Jewish advisers how the Jews knoweverything that’s going on. The Jew said “Come to the mikvah Friday afternoon and you’ll see for yourself”. On Friday afternoon, the president dressed up likeayid with full regalia. He asked the first Jew there “So nu, what’s the news?”. The guy answered, “Didn’t you hear? The president is coming to the mikvah!”
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantMaturity is an undefinable word. However, children who are very easygoing are more prepared for marriage than adults who are not.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantRema711: that is correct it is a terrible habit. However if one is unfortunately smoking anyways, it should be done with a coffee. Kids, don’t try this at home. Seriously speaking, I don’t know a single smoker who didn’t have charatah that they started, whether they managed to quit or not. If there is anyone reading this that may ever think of picking up a cigarette, do the smart thing. I promise you’ll be happier.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantDon’t worry, it was a short lived experiment. It very quickly changed to fleishig cholent and creamer. But pareve cholent isn’t SO bad if its made right.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantIt can be said the other way around. Girls don’t start dating right out of seminary, so if he stats right away, he will take last years girls, but if he waits six months, he will go for this years. The freezer thereby effectively increases the age gap by a year. (I am not saying if I think this is true, I am saying an opinion in the world.)
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantWhat does maturity have to do with marriage? Out has much more to do with a willingness to compromise and give in, and an easygoing nature.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantI do apologize. I realized that after rereading your post, right after i posted. I’m sorry. I think homemade hummus is cheaper also, but the cost difference is much less significant, and is arguably not kedai.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantAnd even a kindergarten child would be upset if i told him that he can’t go out because i think it may start to rain, instead of telling him to come inside if it starts raining.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantA short timeline:
1) on shabbos Chanukah there was a tragic incident involving the cold blooded murder of two policemen. The mayor took a lot of heat from the case, since he had said that policemen are racially against blacks.
2) over a month later people are still talking about it. The mayor is desperate to turn attention elsewhere. Even coming out looking like a fool from this storm is ok if the storm is a diversion.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantGingerbread hamantashen? What’s next, macaroons on Pesach?
January 29, 2015 6:41 pm at 6:41 pm in reply to: Are Borsalino hats more stylish than other fedoras? #1056898Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantI am speaking due to my experience with a Trionfo, and a Brandolino with the red inside. My opinion is generally unpopular, most people i know like Borsalino better. The price difference is insignificant.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantYou can get her a nice bottle of bourbon. “You give me wings to fly”, can be your caption. On the flower theme, how about three bottles of Four Roses? You’ll give her a dozen roses!
Rema711: gingerbread hamantashen?!?
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantYou can’t eat cholent on tisha b’av either. And from that diyuk i can tell you never properly enjoyed a cigarette with your cholent. Do they even smoke in BT yeshivos?
January 29, 2015 4:50 pm at 4:50 pm in reply to: Suggest subtitles for others (okay, and yourself…) #1152545Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantCozimjewish: =D
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantIf cholent is a mixture of beans potatoes barley and meat, and has to much potatoes and too little meat; you wouldn’t say there’s only 25% cholent, you would day there’s cholent with to little meat. I don’t think its loses the name hummus if there’s too much tahina.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantOf course, but the meteorologists always say they may be wrong. The mayor spoke with the confidence of a fool who has no idea what he is talking about, and even worse, acted drastically based on that confidence, inconveniencing many. He was just dying for a distraction from the police saga, and hoped to come out looking like a hero, but even being spoken of as a fool was preferable to him than to continue the previous story. In my opinion, its ridiculous to blame the murders on him, but he did act pretty stupidly. Same for Obama.
Yayin Yashan B’Kli ChadashParticipantName me 5 other yeshivos with over 25 guys in shidduchim. Like it our not, bmg has become the default stop for many.