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Even if the bochurim need a break, does it need to be over a month? I know a lot of hard-working people in the secular world (doctors, attorneys, CPAs, finance, etc…), and they’re lucky if they get a month off over the entire year. They still seem to be functioning.
Lovely. Tell them they are in the wrong profession
- This reply was modified 11 months, 2 weeks ago by YW Moderator-29 👨💻.
- This reply was modified 11 months, 2 weeks ago by YW Moderator-29 👨💻.
YankelleParticipantOver 1/5 of Israel’s population is Arab. Why not accommodate them by providing signage in Arabic? BTW, enabling 1/5 of a country’s citizens to understand signage (be it directions, instruction, earning, etc…) also helps the non-Arabic speaking population. Also, I’ve only seen Arabic signage in certain cities which have a large Arab population, probably much higher than 1/5 (ie: in Jerusalem, but nor in Tzfat).
And what’s the harm in such signage? Why does it upset you?
YankelleParticipantFrom what I hear, cold is not an issue for Tefillin, but heat definitely is.
As for the thermos/cooler idea, unless you have something in there maintaining the interior cool, wouldn’t the heat only amplify inside? I think that it might make it worse, not better.
Maybe the solution is to keep the entire car cooler by covering the windshield with one of those metallic sheets?
YankelleParticipantIf they are swimming separately, then there is no shayla, and if they are mixed swimming, then there are much bigger shaylas.
YankelleParticipantIsn’t there a Gemerah that says that for every traif food, HKBH created a kosher food with the same taste? If I’m correct about that, then it seems like a good proof that there is nothing wrong with eating this either.
YankelleParticipantUncle Ben: I got that it was satire, just seemed to be unnecessarily turning the thread into a political discussion.
YankelleParticipant@Gadolhadora: I normally find your comments to be witty and thoughtful, but this one is off base. Why inject politics into a thread about a supermarket? And the obvious answer to your rhetorical question is that many many Jews live there, so GG doesn’t care that some areas of Baltimore are disgusting and rat-infested.
YankelleParticipantGood article regarding swordfish:
YankelleParticipantI agree with your sentiment but at 22 you don’t have the luxury to be so choosy. If that is the only big problem you have from the date, then I think it’s worth trying it again.
YankelleParticipantWhere did the term “Sar HaTorah” originate? Was it created for R’ Kanievsky, or did someone else hold the title prior?
YankelleParticipantMaybe positive reviews should also be forbidden as it can lead to Avak Lashon Harah. I.e. Person A says that the pizza at Restaurant X is great, only for Person B to comments that it was the worst pizza that he ever consumed.
YankelleParticipantYup. That’s why many credit cards don’t issue insurance for car rentals in Israel.
YankelleParticipantYou don’t reside in your plane seat. Do you also need to check your taxi seat on the way to the airport? Or a park bench you sit on while tying your shoes?
YankelleParticipantThere is a difference between knowing what the Orthodox believe to be permitted and forbidden, and actually believing it and knowingly committing a sin.
July 24, 2018 9:34 am at 9:34 am in reply to: Can One Ride in a Self-Driving Car on Shabbos #1563576YankelleParticipantNOYB: If those are the only problems, then the companies can develop a “Sabbath Mode”, as has been done with many appliances. However, my understanding is that even entering and exiting a vehicle would present serious issues, which obviously cannot be overcome.
YankelleParticipantIf your goal is law school, just focus on doing the best you can on the LSATs. If you score really well, let’s sat 165 or above, you should have a relatively easy time getting into a law school with a BTL.
YankelleParticipantIt’s a mitzvah actually.
June 26, 2018 5:54 pm at 5:54 pm in reply to: Orthodox Rabbi Takes Job at LGBT Synagogue – Discuss #1546917YankelleParticipantI’m not going to make a self-repressed and insulting comments like Joseph, but I don’t think that this Rabbi would qualify as Orthodox due to his positions.
June 15, 2018 12:46 pm at 12:46 pm in reply to: Is there a connection between unpaid Shadchanus and the blazing Shidduch crisis? #1540591YankelleParticipantAZOI.IS: Do you make your expectations clear at the start? Maybe you and your clients have different expectations for remuneration, and that is the issue.
February 2, 2018 11:55 am at 11:55 am in reply to: Address emotional disorders before shidduchim age comes #1461546YankelleParticipantI think the OP makes a good point. And the people who develop a disorder after the wedding is a different story which shouldn’t detract from the OP’s point.
December 11, 2017 1:11 pm at 1:11 pm in reply to: A Couple of Reminders From Your Friendly Moderators… #1424341YankelleParticipantWhy not make life easier for everyone by automatically allowing all posts initially, with an option for readers to flag comments which they find objectionable?
YankelleParticipantJoseph: you keep stating your opinion as fact without any substantiation.
YankelleParticipantWhy do you classify clothing as a necessity, as opposed to fun or luxury, like hunting or bull-fighting? If anything, clothing made from animal products is more expensiveness than their synthetic counterparts, so it is certainly not a necessity for (almost) anyone to wear animal products. This is especially true of fur, which 99.9% of the time is only worn as an adornment.
YankelleParticipantThat sounds like a non-sequitur to me, Joseph. How does being given the earth translate into killing animals for appearance? Would you also say that hunting or bull-fighting is permissible under the same grounds? I agree that Hashem gave us the planet, but along with that comes a responsibility to treat it well, the same way that Hashem have us our bodies, but we are not permitted to do whatever we want with it just because it’s ours (i.e: tattoos, smoking, etc…). And what about tzar balei chaim? Doesn’t that come into play?
YankelleParticipantJoseph: What’s your source for that, especially now that there are so many alternatives?
YankelleParticipantJoseph: What’s the source for your statement that killing animals for fur is permitted? That may have once been the case when there were few other alternatives, but what right do you have now to torture/kill a living being because you want (in your opinion) to look good?
October 4, 2017 12:20 pm at 12:20 pm in reply to: What’s the proper time for a bochur to daven shacharis during bein hazemanim? #1378619YankelleParticipantI don’t know who Rav Gavornlik is, but I like his reasoning. While it is acceptable for a “regular” Jew to daven until the end of the halachically permitted time, a Yeshiva Bachur has supposedly committed his life, or at the very least the current years of his life, to an intense service of Hashem, sometimes to the exclusion of other responsibilities, such as earning a parnassah or assisting with household duties. That being the case, it does not present a good and sincere appearance when the same Bachur that was unable to get a job or clean some dishes during the zman asit might constitute bittul torah, all-of-a-sudden has the time to sleep until the 10:00 AM minyan.
September 13, 2017 12:20 pm at 12:20 pm in reply to: Makom Kavua – Being Kicked out of your Seat #1362772YankelleParticipantI understand that there is an inyan of a makom kavua, but part of that stringency is arriving early enough so as to ensure that the seat is unoccupied.
It is completely inappropriate to show up late to shul and make someone move, in essence being machmir on makom kavua but being VERY makel on other issues, such as embarrassing a guest and/or interrupting their davening. I believe that the term for such a person is a Chasid Shote.
September 11, 2017 11:48 am at 11:48 am in reply to: Why is the frum world seeing more divorces while it’s dropping by the secular? #1360442YankelleParticipantAs stated by the erudite CTLAWYER, the frum world, in many aspects (and especially social matters), is living according to standards which are decades (if not centuries) behind the “secular”world. As the OP mentioned, divorce is still stigmatized in the frum world, which is causing many unhappy couples to stay together, to the detriment of themselves and their children. Some other issues within the frum world (an exhaustive list would be much too long for this post and would require its own article) include stigmatization of certain physical and mental diseases, lack of education, and an obsession with victimization and self-pity. BH we seem to be making some progress, which might explain the contrast between divorce rates in the frum vs “secular” societies.
YankelleParticipantIgnorance and superstition. The only effect of discussing these matters in an indirect and shameful manner is preventing better awareness.
YankelleParticipantTo say that WWI started on 9’Av, which invariably led to WWII is classic Artscroll grasping-at-straws to fit their agenda. As others have said above, WWI does not have a clear start date. And secondly, to say that WWI caused WWII is is ridiculous, because, ignoring the fact that all wars have myriad causes, that argument can be taken back indefinitely. What led to WWI?, etc…
January 4, 2017 5:53 pm at 5:53 pm in reply to: Lakewood Resident Screaming About New Shopping Mall #1208490YankelleParticipantits no nice to post this she is clearly not ok r’l.