yankel berel

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  • yankel berel

    @Reb Eliezer
    Thats true . But the ma’ala of bet hillel is that they were Shonin divrei bet shammai before their own.
    Shonin = learning.

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2275652
    yankel berel

    CS: My point was that Rashi isn’t necessarily sticking his point to just the Sanhedrin.

    So there is NO PROOF for anything more than sanhedrin .
    You agree and we agree .
    You cannot use this as proof .

    yankel berel

    The Beis Hilel quoted the view of the Beis Shamai first because of their humility before their decision.

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2275474
    yankel berel

    if it would be that kind of situation [i.e. threat of genocide], the satmar rov would have no problem cooperating with whoever is available to save jewish lives….
    Highly doubt that .
    Rhetoric I hear from Satmar quarters is that mere existence of the medina is a contravention of 3 averot hamurot and is yehareig veal yaavor , no limit on the number of those ‘yehareg’s’ ….

    Even pikuach nefesh is not matir to be drafted in the tsava.

    That is very obvious in all their statements.

    So , no.
    satmar rave WOULD HAVE A MAJOR PROBLEM cooperating with the medina .

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2275460
    yankel berel

    CS is [mis]quoting tanya 32 .
    It says clearly in tanya 32 that apikorsim there is a mitsva to have tahlit sin’a against them .

    CS seems to argue against the tanya …

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2275461
    yankel berel


    Yankel, the zionists caused the Arab threat. Let them handle it on their own – that’s different than the Nazis. Plus, there’s no active genocide in eretz yisroel – if it would be that kind of situation, the satmar rov would have no problem cooperating with whoever is available to save jewish lives
    [avirah to yb]
    1] Zionists caused the Arab threat. Let them handle it on their own ….
    This seems to be the one of the most incomprehensible arguments I ‘ve ever heard.
    Will Hatsole also operate under this assumption?
    If someone causes himself harm, Hatsole is not coming ???

    Its your fault , you created the problem , fix it yourself. Can you in your wildest dreams hear them saying this and refuse to come ??
    Why is EY any different ?

    Heard of the Lav of Lo Taamod Al Dam Reacha . But – Have not heard of any exemption even remotely close to your argument.

    2] …Plus, there’s no active genocide in eretz yisroel –

    Utterly incomprehensible.

    If not for the IDF , Hashem Yishmor , there would be an active genocide.
    Al pi derech hateva , the only thing standing in the way of a genocide is the IDF.

    The most recent vivid example is the hundreds of innocent victims ahenu bnei yisrael, who were murdered like cattle and stray dogs by vicious barbarians who cannot wait to repeat the same on to all yehudi inhabitants [hashem yishmor]

    Dal mehachi the IDF , you have a full fledged genocide right around the corner.
    Remember the Secretary General of the Arab League proclaiming, without any shame whatsoever, in front of the whole world : “The Massacres of the Mongols will pale in comparison.”

    Reality is quite pesky , you cannot wish it away …..

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2275435
    yankel berel

    Sechel and CS are conveniently sidestepping the main points .






    Sechel and CS, Please – honest answers , without insults and denigrations and without sidestepping .

    – The floor is all yours ….

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2275417
    yankel berel

    Yankel, if by collaboration you mean joining the government, then no, the satmar rov holds that’s assur.

    If you mean on an individual level, like a business partner, then it’s no different than a goy and you can.

    If you’re referring to working with them to save jews during the Holocaust, then nobody every said that’s not allowed.
    Saving Jews in Europe is mutar .
    Saving Jews in EY is assur ?
    Ma nishtana ?

    yankel berel

    I started posting because I thought some people were just misinformed about some ideas. It didn’t take too long to realize that they are not open to hear the truth, and continue to accuse others of things that never happened and twist their words the way they want in order to justify their claims against them.
    But I continued posting cuz I enjoy it. And so maybe others who see the thread with an open mind will see whose arguments are logical and who’s are not.

    in reply to: Superiority #2275129
    yankel berel

    du host nish bessr tsu ton vi onfangen aza topic ?
    vu iz dain haham enav berosho ?

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2275120
    yankel berel

    Coca cola type of pirsomet to [search for candidates and then] publicly make atsarot lekabalat malhut shel mashiach was NEVER done within klal yisrael irrespective of location and date.

    Not like CS and sechel attempt to make us believe.

    This is A TOTAL NEWFANGLED IDEA promoted by neo habad.

    Even if you turn yourself in to a pretsel , like the theological twists and turns of neo habad , you will have ZERO EVIDENCE of any precedent for that.

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2275115
    yankel berel


    You came with an explanation [only King David – not us].
    Remember ?

    I asked a question on your explanation.
    You ignored the question.
    Remember ?

    So the question stands , no ?

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2275111
    yankel berel

    How much did the ticket cost ?
    What is the name of the person who paid Kastner ?

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2274975
    yankel berel

    As well, he cooperated with the Zionists to leave Hungary.
    [lernt to avirah]
    You did not answer to this one . Is it Mutar to cooperate with Zionists according to vayoel moshe ?

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2274832
    yankel berel

    According to your logic: the mitzvah of Talmud Torah changed, well tznius also did. Cuz the gra said it’s so important …. he’s “changing” a mitzvah.
    [sechel to yb]
    Gra said tsniut IS AND WAS important .
    Does that equal “change” or not ?
    Obviously not.

    You , however ,are claiming that T’T WAS important and now it isn’t important.
    Does that equal change or not ?
    It does, For sure.

    Where is sechels basic logic ?


    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2274831
    yankel berel

    hope you are more accurate in your learning and your medame milta lemilta than your accuracy in determining who you are talking to.

    First read.
    Then stop.
    Think .
    Then answer.

    Shabat shalom

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2274642
    yankel berel

    have a look in She’ilat Yavets end of Tshuva 5 where he brings numerous examples of people [who are wothy of hora’a] being holek on their rebbi -even muvhak.

    So i would suggest to CS not to tell her brothers yet that she is besting all those non habad people even though she never learnt in a yeshiva.
    Same to sechel….

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2274551
    yankel berel

    this is one example that if you think over the question, my answer etc, you see how a bit more looking into the sugya you have your “shtarke kashe” answered
    דבר ברור ומפורש בתורה שהיא מצוה עומדת לעולם ולעולמי עולמים, אין לה לא שינוי ולא גרעון ולא תוספת,
    Thats the lashon harambam ,sechel is quoting.

    Three things can not happen to any mitsva of the torah
    1] Shinuy
    2] Gira’on
    3] Tosefet

    Sechel agrees that ,at least still in the times of hazal,, the nature of the mitsva of Talmud Torah was shakul keneged all other mitsvot .
    So Sechel agrees that this mitsve as it was given by HKBH to Moshe , WAS shakul keneged all other mitsvot .

    Sechel also says [and here he seems to be supported by the pashute pshat in tanya] that at a certain moment, there was a ‘change’ , and this mitsve ‘lost’ its privileged status , is ‘demoted’ and from now and onwards it is only a ‘regular’ mitsva , not shakul keneged all other mitsvot.

    Sechel wants us to believe that this change and this demotion , is not included in the definition of Shinuy, nor the definition of gira’on.

    Nu , Nu …..

    in reply to: Shmad in Israel? #2274515
    yankel berel

    I don’t know anyone called ‘Chaim Brisker’ ….

    Time to upgrade your Kvod HaTorah .

    Maybe then, as a result, your power to be correctly medameh milta lemilta will be upgraded too.

    in reply to: Shmad in Israel? #2274211
    yankel berel

    Naive maybe, but were he to succeed, hundreds of thousands of people would be alive including thousands of Jews, and with immeasurable impact on world politics, including Israel. Might have been enough justification.
    Naive. That is exactly the description of someone who thinks that motzei shabbat would be too late for his “peace mission”.

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2274179
    yankel berel

    Typical habad answer- again.
    First attack and denigrate the questioner.
    Then give a [non] answer.
    not even clear in your answer what you are referring to. The question about t’t keneged kulam ? which was Asked just now.

    Or the question about ahavat apikorsim tanya 32 . which was a while ago and is not on tanya but on neohabads compatibility with the brackets in tanya . Which was asked a while ago. There was an attempted answer from sechel with a following refutation from yb which was left unanswered by sechel.

    Btw, no one accused tanya or arizal of kfira.

    The only [wrongly] accused here which I can find , is yb. He is wrongly accused of saying that the bal hatanya is a kofer.

    Question for sechel.
    Sechel is very into ‘hate and love’ .
    Nevertheless sechel is wrongly accusing yb of libeling the tanya.

    Is that a manifestation of ‘love’ towards yb ? Or the opposite ?

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2274180
    yankel berel

    True, some of the saved Polish children from religious families were forced to go to anti-religious kibbutzim – not so much because kibbutzim wanted to re-educate them…..
    Come on.
    This was a direct attempt at shmad.
    Not for any remuneration.
    There was a concerted effort to shmad those children.

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2274119
    yankel berel

    Agree with you about the greatness of the baal hatanya.
    But still am lacking understanding in this particular point.

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2273957
    yankel berel

    You still owe me an answer on this one ….
    Tanya asks on his previous principle where he states a Jew [i.e. US] is meant to have also love and also hate towards a sinner. How does that fit with the pasuk of tahlit sin’a , where David hamelech is SHOWING US that the proper approach is hate only , without love.

    To summarize , we have conflicting directives for US , is it love plus hate, or is it hate only ?

    Answer of the Tanya is that it depends which type of sinner is it , the apikores type of sinner or the ma’amin type of sinner.

    The apikores type the ‘only hate’ approach applies FOR US.
    The ma’amin type of sinner ‘the ‘love-hate’ type approach applies FOR US.

    That is the pshat for any unbiased learner of Tanya . This is plain obvious.

    If pshat would be like sechel and all other habad apologists who are biased against the pashute pshat, why doesn’t tanya answer the question by saying the pasuk is talking about david hamelech and not for us ??

    Al korchach that both his previous principle AND this pasuk are meant to be taken as directives FOR US.
    Am still waiting …

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2273931
    yankel berel

    The common denominator we can all agree to is to daven for the peaceful well being of all the yehudim and the whole world.

    Without giving HKBH any etsot how to run His world .

    If He wants it , then mashiach will take over the State – without any ‘dismantlement’ . And if He wants , then He will dismantle it, hopefully peacefully.

    Not up to us to dictate how He should run His world.

    Nor is it allowed for us to contribute to any danger to any yehudi in EY.

    Publicizing that we want the peaceful dismantlement of the State, will knock US support for Israel, which is critical for the yehudims safety .

    So by extension , ujm [and fellow travelers] might have blood on their hands if their position will be used to stop support for Israel.


    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2273933
    yankel berel

    @pekak [to square]
    … with your constant assumption that you can refute his [satmar rovs] entire sefer without having absorbed it from cover to cover ?
    There is no need to absorb satmar ravs sefer from cover to cover .

    One can safely rely on the overwhelming majority of Gdolei Yisrael who were familiar with his sefer from cover to cover , and still disregarded his conclusions.

    He was a very great man, but his shitah was not accepted .
    This is a fact.

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2273901
    yankel berel

    @sechel .

    In short your answer is-
    that the principle of Nitzhiyut hatorah is not applicable to the ‘importance’ of mitzvot.

    Even when as a result of this ‘diminished importance’ , people will leave that previously important mitsva and do the previously less important mitsva.

    Do you have a source for this claim ?

    Arso’s answer is more understandable , but this is a big hidush – that talmud torah keneged kulam is only referring to t’t as practiced in time of hazal . But ‘second class’ t’t [even as practiced by people like arizal and Sh’a hrav !!] , we do not say the principle that t’t keneged kulam.

    Would like to know whether there is source for this pshat too ?

    in reply to: Shmad in Israel? #2273893
    yankel berel

    If the army is so understaffed that Dati Leumi talmidim in Mechina and Hesder are being pulled out early…
    Don’t really like challenging people like you , but

    is the reason they are pulled out early because they are understaffed and there is no other way besides pulling them out early,
    is it that they do not care so much about pulling them out , so out of the various options they might have at their disposal, this was the easiest one , so why not .
    This reminds me a bit of PM Bennet, a ‘religious’ Jew [remember him?] traveling on shabbat to make peace between Russia and Ukraine.
    If he is mehalel shabat for it , imagine how important it must be ….

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2273839
    yankel berel

    @ sechel
    Anyone understands the answer ?
    Why is this not against nitshiyut hatorah ?
    Sechel is not referring to yemot hamashiach , he is referring to us , now.

    in reply to: Shmad in Israel? #2273624
    yankel berel

    hi did you receive my post ?

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2273619
    yankel berel

    Do you agree that ani maamin shezot hatorah lo teheh muhlefget , that the torah is nitschi ?

    Hope you do .

    If so, how can you quote tanya that talmud torah keneged kulam does not apply nowadays ?

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2273561
    yankel berel


    1] Without political Zionism, the Arabs and the British could/ would have been more accommodating to Jewish immigration . Who can know for sure but there is logic to it.

    2] Even if not , the price paid was very ,very high. Too high.

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2273558
    yankel berel


    Huge Masses of Sephardi Jews lost their heritage ,courtesy of our State.
    Besides the Askenazi Jews.
    Rabim Halalim Hipila.

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2273547
    yankel berel


    this tiferet yisrael is definitely not ‘simple pshat’ in a mishna.
    It goes straight against the rama , shach and accepted halahik practice.

    Rama permits/ mandates to be holek in halaha on your rebbi [even rebbi muvhak – rov torato mimenu] if you have ra’yot.
    Others even if it is only miSvara.

    Kol hameharhar ahar rabo [sanhedrin 110a] comes from the pasuk where yehudim falsely ascribed to Moshe rabenu [who provided ‘man from heaven’ as food for the dor hamidbar], that this ‘man’ has the non-existent attribute of blowing up inside one’s stomach. [rashi on humash]

    In other words , making up non existing baloney as a negative for your rebbi, that falls under kol hameharhar ahar rabo.
    That the rebbi made a mistake , that s not included in kol hameharhar , and is definitely possible, and is permitted to be said by the talmid. as per rama above.

    Kedai to keep in mind , however, that like the rebbi is liable to make a mistake , the talmid is even more so [kal vahomer]

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2273480
    yankel berel

    The state – a great thing ?
    Not that sure .
    Considering the amount of Jewish physical victims offered for it
    and the amount of Jewish spiritual victims offered for it.

    There are a few positives too.

    But turning the clock back , knowing what we know now . If we could have stopped zionism and the medina from taking off , at the time, I think on the balance we should have stopped them .

    in reply to: Shmad in Israel? #2273477
    yankel berel



    and fellow travelers

    Isn’t it ironic that davka on the issue of ‘sharing the burden’ , where the haredim are VOLUNTARILY so involved in .
    The myriad gemahim literally thousands of them . All the gabbai’im of the countless tsdakka organisations .All the mothers of large families who are literally moser nefesh to care for them. Not to talk about hatsala , zaka , yad sarah etc. .
    Thats Besides all the people who DEDICATE THEIR WHOLE LIVES TO OTHERS,
    Davka on this very issue there is so much criticism.
    Compare the average haredi with the average secular person . How much time and how much effort and how much of a share of their finances, is expended by each of them during a typical day on others vs oneself.

    The seculars preach about altruism , but the problem is that they preach about their own type of altruism .
    They are not prepared to recognize haredi altruism , it doesn’t fit in their worldview , therefore it does not exist in their minds.
    So they are totally blind to it.
    No wonder they are talking about entitlement attitudes.

    They want a government controlled , a bureaucratically IMPOSED system of altruism .
    From the top down.
    THEY WANT TO CONTROL the haredim.
    Thats THE issue, in my view at least.

     And , sad to say , we are getting influenced by their propaganda.
    Hence our talk about ‘entitlement attitude’ in this context.

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2273229
    yankel berel

    They do not ‘hold’ of the tiferes yisrael.

    Rather , They are willing to ‘use’ the tiferes yisrael.

    in reply to: Shmad in Israel? #2273209
    yankel berel

    Will have to be some requirement for haredi service….

    Based on ?

    On Sh’A and poskim ?

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2272964
    yankel berel

    What does כל המהרהר אחר רבו כמהרהר אחר השכינה have to do with infallibility ?
    Hamharher achar rabo means that he is meharhar that he made a mistake ?
    Or that he bemeizid makes things up ?

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2272944
    yankel berel

    regarding the shtahim , Jrslm , the West Bank, and the Golan , that is a clear situation of p/n .
    Which is doche the issur [if applicable] of the shevuoth.

    Is there any rejoinder to this ?

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2272945
    yankel berel

    If the new state is such a great thing, how can it be that HKBH established it through sinners and heretics? This is indeed puzzling. Most people just shrug it off with בהדי כבשא דרחמנא. And surely you cannot form a דעה on a קשיא. Then there’s the ציץ אליעזר who says that it was done purposely this way to show that it came from above and not through religious yearning.
    There is a Rambam in his hakdama to Mishnayot Zra;im
    That sometimes the RBSH’O causes a rasha to build a palace in order that years later a hasid should be able to rest in its shade.
    Rambam references that principle to the pasuk “Yahin Rasha, vTsadik Yilbash”
    Who knows – maybe the medina is the same ??

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2272943
    yankel berel

    satmar agrees to 4 ?
    Does not seem like it.

    Satmar holds that the existence itself is yehareig ve’al yaavor.
    They seem to hold that 3 shevuot is doche pikuach nefesh.
    Untenable , in my view.

    Thats why they are happy to be used to stop arms shipments .

    in reply to: Shmad in Israel? #2272940
    yankel berel

    I had to scroll back to see what yankel berel really wrote about who is considered a t’ch.
    Then I scrolled back to see how AAQ quoted yb .

    Then I scratched my head.

    yb wrote- meivin midaato berov mekomot hashas verov geonim ve poskim …
    aaq quoted “already learned rov geonim veposkim ….”

    Spot the difference ….

    in reply to: Shmad in Israel? #2272928
    yankel berel

    You might be very pleasantly surprised about the level of the yeshiva bahurim in EY .
    When was the last time you talked in learning with one of them ?

    in reply to: Shmad in Israel? #2272611
    yankel berel

    As far as I remember now [from quite a while ago] rama is delineating someone as as a t’ch if he uses his time only for learning and melacha up until kdei hayov and , is a yarei shamayim and , is a meivin midaato berov mekomot beshas ubesifrei hageonim vehaposkim.

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2272610
    yankel berel

    “The only way forward , if so , is for the habad rabbinic leadership to open up a no holds barred discussion of their leaders personality.
    How , even a great person , who had a lot to offer [in his hasidim’s eyes], is not infallible .…”

    Have you ever seen the Rambam describe the Mitzvah of Respecting Talmidei Chachamim? How if someone rebels against his Rebbe he’s rebelling against Hashem? How about rashi- even if they (leaders) say that right I’d let/ left is right, follow them…
    [CS to yb]
    A] Rambams respecting talmidei hahamim has NOTHING AT ALL to do with the question of infallibility.
    Please CS , can you own up to this one ?

    B] “Rebelling against his rebbi” is mentioned in the context of answering she’elot without the Rebi’s permission or in the rebbi’s locality.
    [Cf Sh’A hilhot kevod rabbo]
    Not in the context of infallibility .
    Sh’A permits [even mandates] to argue on one rebbi’s halahic decisions, provided it s done respectfully.
    Please CS , can you own up to this one too ?

    C] Al yemin shehu smol veal smol shehu yemin , the rashi you mentioned is speaking about sanhedrin hagadol in yerushalayim where it is indeed prohibited to argue against .

    So – to summarize – is the leader of habad INFALLIBLE ?
    The answer is a resounding NO !!!

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2272607
    yankel berel

    For apikorsim he says – tahlit sin’a sene’tim. Sin’ah without qualification.

    How that fits with contemporary habad theology and habad practise is a mystery.”

    Yb, the answer is that there is no true apikorsim today (Frierdiker Rebbe).

    Acher was a true apikoros because he knew Hashems greatness and became an apikoros anyway.

    Todays “apikorsim” are wannabes and lacking any true knowledge of Hashem and Yiddishkeit

    So you disagree with sechel that tahlit hasin’a , is talking about david hamelech only, and not to us ?

    in reply to: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot] #2272602
    yankel berel

    To summarize –
    1] The whole idea of 3 shevuot binding halaha lema’aseh today is a davar hashanuy bemahloket.

    2] Even if it does apply today in a halaha binding fashion, It is very possible that the establishment of the medina does not contravene it, because of the Mandate [based on the Balfour Declaration] which required a national home and self-governing institutions in EY and the acceptance of 1947 Partition Plan in the UN.

    3] Even if the establishment of the medina was against the torah, the continued existence of the medina is not.

    4] Even if the continued existence is against the 3 shevuoth , which has no logic at all , its existence is still imperative because of mass pikuach nefesh which is doche the 3 shevuoth.

    Since the only matter before us now is the continued existence [and not the establishment] of the medina, we can resolve that there is no inherent issur in the existence of the medina.

    We have to make sure to the best of our ability that the medina should be a vehicle for torah true ideals and not chvsh the opposite.

    And that it should be a vehicle to safeguard yehudim as much as possible.

    Because the medina should not be an idol with the yehudim serving it.
    Aderaba , the medina should be serving the yehudim , that way it will not be an idol, and it will come to its tikun.

    in reply to: Shmad in Israel? #2272455
    yankel berel

    Hope to answer in due course
    It’ll take too much time now.

    in reply to: Clarification to mod and DaMoshe #2272453
    yankel berel



    Just as a reminder , before you debate the habad apologists, please keep in mind the following :

    the leader of the habad hasidim gave explicit instructions to his followers. whenever you engage in debate with people of a different persuasion , you must do so with the condition that you [the follower] in your own mind give NO CREDENCE WHATSOEVER EVEN TO THE POSSIBILITY that he might have something to tell you that you previously did not know.

    That is their starting point.

    When their rebbi famously told them to phiphe on the world , it was meant to phiphe on your arguments . By the mere fact that those arguments are against habad, that ITSELF is the biggest possible refutation . All other refutations they might come up with ,are simply batel umevutal [kom lei mideraba minei] and pale in comparison .

    That explains [to me] this astonishing phenomenon of having a rational conversation with [supposedly] rational people , and there we keep on going round and round , and ,after all rationality , they seem totally oblivious to it .

    I don’t know about you , but this kept on baffling me again and again.

    They sound and seem rational and open , but on the other side seem immunized against rationality.

    I must concede – their rebbi did a good job.
    He transformed them exactly in to what he wanted them to be.

Viewing 50 posts - 251 through 300 (of 644 total)