yankel berel

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  • in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2367571
    yankel berel

    It seems like that the habad propaganda machine has run out of steam . We should give them some time to recuperate.
    They were working overtime, seems like.
    It must have been too much.

    So it might be our turn to offer to provide answers to their questions now. Such as Why do you ….

    You the neo habad sceptics , for lack of a better name…
    Or all non habad yehudim ….

    Why are you sceptic only about our wonderful movement which is the only contemporary embodiment of all of Judaism’s generations from Abraham Avinu to today ?

    Is there anything beyond simple sin’at hinam at play here ?

    We should attempt , unlike CS, to provide honest and clear answers here .

    To the point answers and not shirking anything.

    Whoever wants to join – is welcome.

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2367570
    yankel berel


    If someone sincerely believes that a certain food is permitted by the torah , while it really is prohibited,
    8. The belief in the divine origin of the Torah , and
    9. The belief in the immutability of the Torah ???

    Obviously those haredim [and many of the national religious] who support the existence and establishment of the medina do not consider this against the torah ??

    Read all the posts on this thread , all of them keep claiming that the torah AGREES to Zionism and a medina.
    You might argue that they are MISTAKEN in the way that they understand the torah ….
    But REJECTION of the torah – man dechar shemei ???

    They all agree and accept that torah is divine and immutable , but they learn the wrong pshat in the torah.

    maskana :
    athaltah d/g is not heresy.

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2367568
    yankel berel


    Regarding ikar 12 –

    How is establishment of medina a denial of mashiach ?? Why can’t they both exist ???

    He still yearns for and believes in Mashiach who will restore the Bet hamikdash , metaher klal yisrael and meishiv them bitshuva, take away the lev even mibsarhem ,bring back malhut bet david , take away the nations’ hate of the yehudim , bring the shechina back down to this world and the kiyum of all of the nevu’ot of the nevi’im.

    and in the meantime, while he awaits and yearns for all this , he brings parnasah for his family … and he governs himself too.
    Does that HAVE TO BE contradictory ???

    How so ?

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2367567
    yankel berel


    Emrei Emet in his written letter [Osef Michtavim]
    says clearly that

    “we decided in Vienna that we will not be mitnaged to political rights to EY granted to the Jews even when they come via the seculars ,ki yavoh hatov mikol makom, because the good can and should come from any place”

    This is the actual words of the foremost accepted Torah leader in Poland pre World War 2 ….

    Clearly NOT like the hashkafa you promote here ……

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2367565
    yankel berel


    rav kotler zatsal did support the medina’s needs klapei chuts when speaking to the US administration .

    Yadua lakol.

    Maskana :
    Mere Existence of the medina is not heresy .

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2367563
    yankel berel


    Steipler in Karyane DeIgrata VOL 1 clearly says the belief in the medina as athalta digeoulah ,while a big mistake [!] , is not kfirah.
    Al pi ha’emet , It is a descent into a more dark form of galut than previous galuyot .
    To experience a galut between our own errant and hateful brothers.
    But this mistaken belief of athaltah d/g is definitely not kfira.

    Please check inside the sefer.
    It is not kfirah .

    Black on white.
    It’s there.

    Maskana :
    Athaltah d/g is not heresy.

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2367562
    yankel berel


    None of the rabbanim in mainstream Orthodoxy .
    None . [maybe some extremists within satmar]

    1] Have ever declared wine touched by a fully frum believer in athalta d/g as Yayin Nesech .

    2] None have ever declared kidushin formed with the edut of a fully frum believer in athalta d/g as invalid .
    None have ever declared subsequent kidushin to the same kalla by a strange man as valid and binding .

    All mainstream rabanim would not require a get , even lehumra , from the second mekadesh.

    They would ALL , totally invalidate the second kidushin , on the basis of the validity of the first kidushin.
    Which is valid only b/c of the edut of our fully frum athalta d/g believer.


    So much for halacha’s acceptance of the so called ‘heresy’ of athalta d/g.

    For contrast – lehavdil , if our ed for the first kidushin would be a fully mitsva observant conservative jew , or a fully mitsva observant member of Jews for “j” , it is clear that all Orthodox rabanim would invalidate the first kidushin and need a get from the second one.

    Which gives a clear illustration that even those who do talk about ‘heresies’ , do so in a theoretical manner only , but not in practical hahacha manner.
    Leharchik et ha’adam …
    Etc .

    Maskana lehalacha :
    Athaltah d/g is not heresy.

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2366660
    yankel berel

    It seems that much of your beliefs were not much more than one big bubble.
    One prick ….

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2366659
    yankel berel

    The Steipler in Karyane DeIgrata VOL 1 clearly says the belief in the medina as athalta digeoulah ,while a big mistake [!] , is not kfirah.
    Al pi ha’emet , It is a descent into a more dark form of galut than previous galuyot .
    To experience a galut between our own errant and hateful brothers.
    But this mistaken belief of athaltah d/g is definitely not kfira.

    Please check inside the sefer.
    It is not kfirah .

    Black on white.
    Its there.
    None of the rabbanim in mainstream Orthodoxy .
    None . [maybe some extremists within satmar]
    Have ever declared wine touched by a fully frum believer in athalta d/g as Yayin Nesech .

    None have ever declared kidushin formed with the edut of a fully frum believer in athalta d/g as invalid .
    None have ever declared subsequent kidushin to the same kalla by a strange man as valid and binding .

    All mainstream rabanim would not require a get , even lehumra , from the second mekadesh.

    They would ALL , totally invalidate the second kidushin , on the basis of the validity of the first kidushin.
    Which is valid only b/c of the edut of our fully frum athalta d/g believer.


    So much for halacha’s acceptance of the so called ‘heresy’ of athalta d/g.

    For contrast – lehavdil , if our ed for the first kidushin would be a fully mitsva observant conservative jew , or a fully mitsva observant member of Jews for “j” , it is clear that all Orthodox rabanim would invalidate the first kidushin and need a get from the second one.

    Which gives a clear illustration that even those who do talk about ‘heresies’ , do so in a theoretical manner only , but not in practical hahacha manner.
    Leharchik et ha’adam …
    Etc .

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2366655
    yankel berel

    This is a repeat post- you must have overlooked this one

    you seem to say that rav kotler zatsal did not say to support the medina’s needs klapei chuts when speaking to the US administration ?
    Do you really stand by that ?

    This is yadua lakol .


    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2366653
    yankel berel


    “….. Establishment of any state before Mashiach comes , is a violation of :

    8. The belief in the divine origin of the Torah.
    9. The belief in the immutability of the Torah.
    12. The belief in the arrival of the Messiah and the messianic era.

    Hashem said that you are forsworn not to return to the land (certainly not en masse and with force and politically and against the nations – all of which the Zionists flagrantly violated) until I return you to the land….

    [Hakatan to YB]

    Cannot understand your logic at all-
    If someone sincerely believes that a certain food is permitted by the torah , while it really is prohibited,
    8. The belief in the divine origin of the Torah , and
    9. The belief in the immutability of the Torah ???

    Obviously those haredim [and many of the national religious] who support the existence and establishment of the medina do not consider this against the torah ??

    Read all the posts on this thread , all of them keep claiming that the torah AGREES to Zionism and a medina.
    You might argue that they are MISTAKEN in the way that they understand the torah ….
    But REJECTION of the torah – man dechar shemei ???

    Would you say that in each argument about the real pshat in torah that the mistaken opinion is in violation ikarei emuna 8 and 9 ???


    Besides that , AVNEI NEZER [end of YD] clearly paskans that establishment of a medina before mashiach is not against halacha.

    How can you say that someone who paskans not like DIVREI YOEL is kofer in 8 and 9 of the ikarim ???

    Hafleh vafeleh !!! How could you even say that ???


    And regarding ikar 12 –

    How is establishment of medina a denial of mashiach ?? Why can’t they both exist ???

    He still yearns for and believes in Mashiach who will restore the Bet hamikdash , metaher klal yisrael and meishiv them bitshuva, take away the lev even mibsarhem ,bring back malhut bet david , take away the nations’ hate of the yehudim , bring the shechina back down to this world and the kiyum of all of the nevu’ot of the nevi’im.

    and in the meantime, while he awaits and yearns for all this , he brings parnasah for his family … and he governs himself too.
    Does that HAVE TO BE contradictory ???
    How so ?


    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2366389
    yankel berel

    @non political
    I do not see in your post any response to my Q.
    My Q pertains to the essence of self government before mashiach, according to katan.

    Self gov by non zionist shomrei torah.
    Is that against ikarei emuna ?

    If yes, Which one and how so ?

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2366400
    yankel berel

    the only response you can get from CS and her fellow travelers is a choice between jokes , sidesteps, issues being ignored and obvious non answers.
    There is nothing else on the menu.

    Read through the last pages on this thread and the other [discontinued] threads , on the same topic.
    Always the same.

    Wonderful people . Special people.

    Lousy theology. Non existent logic.

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2365985
    yankel berel

    All your arguments are against the Zionists who were heretics and lived their life against torah.
    But that was not the Q.
    The Q here is whether a theoretical establishment of a non zionist state by shomrei torah before mashiach is against ikarei emuna.
    You skirted this Q until now.
    Will we merit to hear your opinion and proof ?
    Which ikar and how so ?

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2365928
    yankel berel

    ta’anit dibur applies to someone who has something to say and keeps back ,,,,
    Seems like there is nothing left to say ?

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2365552
    yankel berel

    I looked at vayoel moshe several times . He for sure gives the impression that he is of the opinion which Katan is propagating on these pages. But even while learning his sefer , I could not come to any clarity as to the absolute proofs to his shitah .

    The mere fact that he says that it is against the 13 ikarim is not enough for me [/ us].
    I [and all the non – Satmar Jewish Orthodox world] are not his talmidim or his hasidim.

    So , if not for re’ayot muhrahot to this shitah , we do not see ourselves obligated to follow his da’at yahid in this respect that even a non zionist medina is against ikarei emuna.

    Nor should we be influenced by katan’s exaggerations about other rabanim who according to katan also held by his shitah.

    For sure since following katan’s overblown hashkafa is being used as an excuse for curtailing US Government support for the medina.
    [Cf, US Senate Majority Leader’s quote of Satmar as part of his Senate speech for withholding certain arm shipments.]

    All the while the medina is surrounded by bloodthirsty monsters who would make [chvsh] the Yazidi’s lot considered paradise compared to those of the Jews under their domination.
    The unspeakable atrocities of Oct 7 are ample proof.

    It is clear that the overwhelming majority of gdolei yisrael disagreed with this satmar proposition.
    There even is a niggling hashash that even satmar rav himself did not fully hold that the mere existence of the medina is against the ikarei emuna.
    As mentioned before – and ignored by katan – Hafets Hayim writes clearly that it is permitted for a rebbi or parent to exaggerate the rish’ut and danger to a pupil or child in order to get the child to distance from the danger.

    There are certain internal contradictions in Satmar which point towards this idea.
    But this is for another post.

    lema’aseh , the topic here is whether existence of a medina before mashiach is against ikarei emuna . If yes, which one and how so ?

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2365538
    yankel berel



    You are not responding to my Q.
    The essence of the Q was whether the establishment and / or existence of a medina before mashiach in theory by non zionists and by shomrei torah . Is that against the 13 ikarim? If yes which one ? And how so ?

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2365537
    yankel berel


    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2365045
    yankel berel

    It is well established fact that in Europe and the ME before the medina ,the Zionists were a substantial force for abandonment of yiddishkeit
    Likewise after the medina .

    My question is re the theory of a medina without any repercussions. Is that against ikarei emuna ?
    Katan wants us to believe so.

    But all he does is quoting others.
    He has not once explained which ikar it contradicts and why.

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2364735
    yankel berel

    Is it true that in order to be a kanna’i , you have to either be prepared to lie , or to distort ?

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2364734
    yankel berel

    Lets wait and see how long they can hold back .
    For the record – there are NUMEROUS unanswered questions here.
    Is this going to be the ultimate proof that habad lost ?

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2364674
    yankel berel

    Hello ….
    Can we invoke the klal of shtikah ke’hoda’a ?

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2364673
    yankel berel

    you seem to say that rav kotler zatsal did not say to support the medina’s needs klapei chuts when speaking to the US administration ?
    Do you really stand by that ?
    This is yadua lakol .

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2364670
    yankel berel

    Still have not heard why a hakamat medina before mashiach IN OF ITSELF is against Rav Saadia Gaon principle that Klal yisrael is only a nation through torah ?
    Or against any other principle of the torah ?

    All I have heard is that THOSE PEOPLE who established the medina were against the Torah . They thought and acted against the Torah.
    So their handiwork factually was used against the Torah.
    They used it to take countless yehudim away from the torah.

    But a medina in itself is a neutral creation , like a car or a spade. They both can be used for and against the torah.
    Depends on the person who owns them.
    All the gdolim said – was the medina was practically being used as a tool against the torah. Which I do not dispute at all.

    What happens however, when a rasha uses a spade against the torah and a tsaddiq wrestles it out of his hands and uses it to further Torah ?
    Is the spade still considered ‘against’ the torah ?

    Happy to hear new ideas / proofs / logic about this .

    Theoretically – Is creation of a country for Jews before mashiach coming , considered heresy in of itself – provided it not used against the torah ?
    And if yes , against which of the 13 ikarim ?
    And how so ?

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2364204
    yankel berel


    The most you can say is – that Zionism used the torah to give itself credibility.
    I cant see anywhere in the torah a hiyuv to establish a State.

    Zionism , however, was a trojan horse , planted within religious Judaism , through which untold Jews defected from Yiddishkeit.
    Many times in a piecemeal fashion, slowly slowly.

    So Zionism as a movement had a very detrimental effect on Judaism.
    This seems to be agreed all over.
    Hence the overwhelming disapproval of the gdolei torah toward the Zionist Movement.

    That does not justify stupid and/or extreme shitot like those of hakatan and others which come up on these pages.

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2364032
    yankel berel

    Nu ?
    Are they scared ?

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2363663
    yankel berel

    Besides your quoting R’E zatsal , I have not heard yet from you what ikar from the 13 ikarei emuna the medina is opposing. Besides the fact that most of its leaders and supporters are heretics.

    Waiting for you to specify exactly which ikar are they contravening by establishing a medina before Mashiach’s coming ?
    And how that is considered a contravention ?

    A clear and detailed answer if possible .

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2363657
    yankel berel

    @ hakatan

    You agree that:
    Rav Kotler zatsal advocated to SUPPORT the medina klapei hutz !!!

    Not like your claim in these pages that no one would support NY State because of its Jewish inhabitants.
    Rav Kotler clearly agreed that the welfare of the State equaled the welfare of its inhabitants.

    And that’s not at a contradiction at all to the emuna that HKBH is dealing with this world with shar va’onesh , as you put it on these pages.
    Your statements on these pages are reflective of satmar minority view , which do not make any common sense at all .

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2363655
    yankel berel

    Fact is and remains that although the Steipler for sure did not think that the State is ashalta degeoula. Aderaba it is an even bigger galut than before. A galut between our our own erring brothers.
    Nevertheless someone stating that it is ashalta deguola , IS NOT AN APIKORUS.
    He said that while observing the first three decades of the medina in actual operation.
    Wrong – yes. Apikorus – no.
    Clear from him that the essence of the medina is NOT kefira.
    You cannot use a ma’amar of Rav E’W ztsal, which was said much before the medina’s existence.

    Also – Hafets Chaim writes explicitly that a rebbi is allowed to exaggerate the sakana of a bad influence , in order to impress his talmidim to keep their distance from that influence.
    So – it could very well be that R’E exaggerated and used inexact terminology to define this Zionist movement which was indisputably a bad influence on his talmidim and on the rest of klal yisrael.
    This is not revisionism .
    This is cold torah logic.

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2363521
    yankel berel

    The silence from CS and the other habad apologists/propagandists is getting louder …..

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2363149
    yankel berel


    fyi. Rav Elhanan W zatsal wrote that in his opinion one will not be able to keep the torah and educate one’s children in a future medina.
    In practice this has not come to pass.

    So – what Rav Wasserman zatsal thought about how the medina would develop , was not the same as how the medina actually turned out to be.

    So – R’W zatsals shituf association which was said re the old time zionists might also not pertain to our medina.

    RW zatsal did not see our medina.

    So – our medina may not be subject to his shituf association, and our medina supporters are not necessarily ovdei a’z beshituf even according RW ztsl.

    Rav Aaron Kotler zatsal , someone who was on the same shitah with R’EW zatsal before the War, and did see the medina , advocated that the haredi Jews klapei huts towards the US Government should vigorously defend the Israeli Government in world affairs – notwithstanding the very severe ta’anot he had against them.

    RE’W would have been of the same persuasion had he seen the medina as it really was.

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2363119
    yankel berel

    Clear letter by RYY Kaniefski zts’l that even someone nowadays who holds that the medina is athalta degeoula, even such a person is NOT an apikorus. [Kryane De’igreta vol 1]

    If you are honest, am waiting for your hoda’a .
    Bezot tibachenu………

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2362594
    yankel berel

    Revisit to CS’s answer-
    “2] Can you point to any source acceptable to all hugim in Yahadut that your leader qualified as a Tsaddiq of Tanya ?”

    Is there any public widely known instance of The Rebbe doing any aveira? Those who know The Rebbe say not… besides for the sheer holiness etc [CS to YB]
    The basic difference according to Tanya between Tsadiq and Beinoni is that although both refrain from ALL AVEROT, the beinoni still has the pull to do bad inside himself , but he strengthens himself and does not transgress at all , whereas the Tsadiq does not have this pull at all anymore , like David Hameleh who killed his yetser with fasting.

    So if CS would still have a shred of honesty left, she should here publicly agree that her answer is totally off.
    Lets say he did not do any avera – how does this have any relevance to his ‘Tsadiq status’ according to Tanya ???

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2362272
    yankel berel

    I cannot see the ‘heresy’ you per force read into Zionism
    You are right that the overwhelming majority of Zionists were heretics.
    And that the medina and Zionism shmadded a huge amount of yehudim r’l.
    Which is an avla , bal yehupar.

    But to say that a Zionist who happens to believe and keep the torah is a heretic – Minalan ??
    When I say Zionist here ,I mean someone who supports the medina and tries to make it as frum as possible. Lav davka that he calls it ‘Reishit Tsmihat Ge’oulatenu’ . He supports the medina nevertheless because its hatslaha equals the hatslaha of its inhabitants, and serves as a reminder to some of the diaspora Jews not to assimilate .

    He supports the medina because he knows that its collapse would reduce its Jews to the level of the Yazidi’s of Iraq a few years ago r’l.
    Such a person – is he an heretic ? If yes – Why ?

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2361864
    yankel berel

    Dear reader
    Please contrast CS’s actual responses [without honesty] against those with honesty. Kirchok mizrah mima’arav.

    “1] Can you point to where in tanya it says that a tsaddik of Tanya is INFALLIBLE ?”

    A tzaddik is totally in line with Hashem’s Ratzon, so his “mistakes” don’t come from yetzer hara but are also directed by Hashem (remember Aharons argument to the malach hamoves?) There is a rare scenario of a tzaddik not advancing in his avodas Hashem, and slipping to do an aveira (like Yochanan Kohen Gadol), but it would be obvious as the Posuk states ba zadon vayavo kalon.

    For a regular YB to think HE knows, or anyone that didn’t top The Rebbe in yiras shomayim, knows, that The Rebbe made a mistake, because He knows better, is utter foolishness, but just arrogance and bizui TC. I hope that clarifies.

    “2] Can you point to any source acceptable to all hugim in Yahadut that your leader qualified as a Tsaddiq of Tanya ?”

    Is there any public widely known instance of The Rebbe doing any aveira? Those who know The Rebbe say not… besides for the sheer holiness etc

    “3] Is the concept of ‘tsadiq of Tanyah’ widely accepted in Yahadut – outside of the hasidi circles ?”

    The Alter Rebbe is widely accepted. How many tzaddikim of Tanya there are today is a different question which I cannot answer. I keep my nose out for them.

    “4] Is the tsaddiq of Tanya explanation the only available one to explain the relevant ma’amarei hazal ?”

    Not sure what you mean. And even if it is, it answers.

    “5] If there exist other explanations , how are they more deficient in actually explaining the relevant ma’amarei hazal when compared to the Tanya’s [besides that they will not serve the habad cause]”

    No one is making you become Chabad. As for me, it’s my honour and privilege.

    “6] Why do you employ the condescending attitude that it is the opposite side who has ‘go and learn’ ?
    Maybe it is actually YOU who should ‘go and learn’ ???”

    See the answer to 1, and you’ll know why.

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2361416
    yankel berel

    I wrote that satmar rav VAYECHI was daat yachid.
    Only he said such extreme that the avera of tsionism was the me’akev of the ge;oula.

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2361397
    yankel berel

    I will [for CS’s benefit] , attempt to fill in the answers to those simple questions in her place IF SHE WOULD BE HONEST AND HUMBLE ENOUGH to do so.

    “1] Can you point to where in tanya it says that a tsaddik of Tanya is INFALLIBLE ?”

    No , I cannot because he nowhere addresses this.
    I happen to have MY OWN IDEAS about this. But they carry no more weight than that. I am not able to invoke the Tanya’s authority for them without clear proof from his words.

    “2] Can you point to any source acceptable to all hugim in Yahadut that your leader qualified as a Tsaddiq of Tanya ?”

    No , because there is no such source to be found . Again – I and my fellow travelers happen to have OUR OWN IDEAS about this. But they carry no more weight than that. We are not able to invoke any klal yisrael wide authority for this besides that this happens to be our own subjective opinion.

    “3] Is the concept of ‘tsadiq of Tanyah’ widely accepted in Yahadut – outside of the hasidi circles ?”

    The Alter Rebbe is widely accepted. But as this was not the question asked , the answer to the Q is , no. This concept is not widely accepted in klal yisrael outside of hasidi circles.

    “4] Is the tsaddiq of Tanya explanation the only available one to explain the relevant ma’amarei hazal ?”

    I understand what you mean , because I took the time to reflect on this and used my honed intellect to process this Q. To be truthful, I never looked in this direction because I was programmed to repeat everything I am told by certain people without any of my own critical thinking.

    “5] If there exist other explanations , how are they more deficient in actually explaining the relevant ma’amarei hazal when compared to the Tanya’s [besides that they will not serve the habad cause]”

    I don’t really know [refer to previous answer] .But my well-honed intellect tells me somehow that if there are other, better explanations to those mamarei hazal , then the authority lent to Tanya’s explanation is reduced to the Tanya himself and not to the Amora’im who said those ma’amarim.

    “6] Why do you employ the condescending attitude that it is the opposite side who has ‘go and learn’ ?
    Maybe it is actually YOU who should ‘go and learn’ ???”

    Because my rebbi taught me in all sorts of ways ,and I internalized this very well, [I actually can feel it in my bones] that my approach and that my rebbi are way more great, and way more emet , in all aspects, than any other approaches , and any other rebeim in the whole world.
    He even conditioned me [and my fellow travelers] to continue to believe that ,even in the face of overwhelming evidence and immense rationality clearly pointing to the opposite.
    He , therefore , even taught us to “phaiph” on said evidence and rationality.
    So, as a result, said evidence and rationality are totally worthless, when it comes to convincing me of anything different to what I have been brainwashed to believe.

    So obviously – it the other side who should ‘Go and Learn’ ….
    Not me …..

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2361390
    yankel berel

    Read all questions put to CS and read all answers.

    How many remain ‘non addressed’, as in ignored ?

    How many merit nothing more than a flippant response ?

    How many receive a condescending response ?

    How many merit nothing more than a joke as response ?

    In how many responses do you see CS’s middah of moddeh al ha ’emet at work ?

    In how many of her responses do you see evidence of her shallow approach , worthy of a female who could not be bothered to do the hard work of deciphering basic sugyot of oxen and people goring each other [basic stuff for any aspiring talmud scholar] , and nevertheless feels qualified to teach our entire generation about the proper approach to ikarei emuna , and in addition feels qualified to overrule RAMBAN in those issues ?

    In how many of her responses do you see evidence of this age old ma’amar – ein hohmat nashim ela biflach ?

    In how many of her responses can we see the wisdom of the rebbi of the WHOLE klal yisrael ldoroteihem [not only of a minority of brainwashed lunatics] Maran HaBetYosef who paskaned in his Shulhan Aruch – Kol hamelamed et bito torah , ke’ilu melamdah tiflut ?

    I think our collective message to her should be –
    please look in the mirror with honesty and humility and
    REMEMBER – eizehu haham , hamakir et mekomo.

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2360955
    yankel berel

    “3] Is the concept of ‘tsadiq of Tanyah’ widely accepted in Yahadut – outside of the hasidi circles ?”

    The Alter Rebbe is widely accepted …
    That was not the question . The Q was whether the concept of Tsadiq of Tanya is accepted outside of hasidi circles .
    And I can tell you.
    I know the ‘outside of hasidi circles’ better than a chabad shluha who is not interested in oxen goring people …

    And I can confirm – THIS CONCEPT OF THE BA”AL HATANYA IS NOT ACCEPTED outside hasidi circles.

    You are simply NOT QUALIFIED to answer this question and your honesty – if there is any left- should compel you to agree.

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2360954
    yankel berel

    “1] Can you point to where in tanya it says that a tsaddik of Tanya is INFALLIBLE ?” [YB to CS}

    A tzaddik is totally in line with Hashem’s Ratzon, so his “mistakes” don’t come from yetzer hara but are also directed by Hashem… [CS to YB]

    A mistake is just that – a mistake. Does it have to come from yetser hara ? Maybe it is just human to make a mistake ? Does a tsadiq from tanya know EVERYTHING ?

    Tanya himself says clearly that hahmei hazal do not know everything . So they cannot be tsadiqim ???

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2360952
    yankel berel

    “2] Can you point to any source acceptable to all hugim in Yahadut that your leader qualified as a Tsaddiq of Tanya ?” [YB to CS]

    Is there any public widely known instance of The Rebbe doing any aveira? Those who know The Rebbe say not… besides for the sheer holiness etc [CS to YB]
    Your Rebbi was a controversial person. That is well established fact . There are admittedly many rabbanim who held him in high regard [in various stages of his life] but on the other hand many more rabanim are known to have criticized him on a personal level, some even very harshly so.

    I think this is an accurate description of your rebbi’s reputation.

    So to say axiomatically that your rebbi qualifies as a tsaddiq of tanya …. is doubtful.

    To base all your ikarei emuna on that premise is like basing your investment on a 50/50 chance of total loss.

    To all undecided readers of these lines I would say – hedge your bets ….


    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2360950
    yankel berel

    Obviously you’re ignorant of the medrash that depict this scenario as I posted on our other conversation some time ago to avira. In addition it’s in the classic sources that certain tzaddikim will have techias hameisim early. If I finish all the tasks needed to bring Moshiach (especially if I have 9 other yidden with me), it’s entirely plausible that I’ll go to the Ohel of the Rebbe and demand that he lead the Geula as we’re already all living in Geula mode spiritually. And it will happen.

    Another scenario is that a certain person will be “Moshiachs assistant” and lead the Geula here on Earth using all the tasks and power left in our instruction manual. In fact this person is already on the planet in the wake of the tragedy of October 7. In that case, The Rebbe would be the honorary Golus Moshiach and the Assistant who led the Geula physically will be crowned Moshiach. The Rebbe hinted at this option in the sicha regarding Kaisar and Palgei Kaiser. Look it up if you wish.

    For two thousand years we have not had the crookedness of loud public belief of mashiach coming back .
    All Jews knew the first answer to a Xtian missionary – Where are all the promises of the nevi’im in J’s lifetime ??


    Mashiach dying and coming back IS definitely xtian.

    Thats RAMBAN’s view.
    btw -There is not one Orthodox Jew on this planet who does not regard RAMBAN as one the gdolei hador and all Jews from his times onwards agreed.
    RAMBAN can be safely assumed to have known the whole torah, including any midrash CS’s search engine might produce.
    and nevertheless stated that


    We [plural – the ENTIRE klal yisrael in ALL generations since] rely on RAMBAN for everything, ranging from isurei de’oraytah hamurim to inyanei hashkafa hamurim .

    So when tiny teensy CS [huge understatement] wants to overrule RAMBAN based on some midrash her search engine supplied her with, we [the entire klal yisrael] should send her packing on a long one way trip to the desert.

    Bear in mind that this midget of a CS confessed the following : “I naturally find the nitty gritty debate of oxen and people challenging and uninspiring (btw so does my brother but he has a chiyuv anyway and I don’t!]”

    The above is a self portrait of the ‘BAT PLUGTA” of the RAMBAN ….. Shomu shamayim.

    Hu Asher Dibarnu ….

    You [plural] either joke about it. Or change topics.
    Or pretend that an obvious non answer will do the job. [YB to CS]


    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2360158
    yankel berel

    Only once you will be prepared to internalize that this person was a fallible human , prone to mistakes and subject his personal negi’ot, notwithstanding his many talents and mesirut nefesh, only then we will be able to see a possibility to have REAL open and honest, evidence based discussion of all of the above.
    Until then we will have to suffice with shallow responses, change of topics, misplaced claims of victimhood and occasional jokes.
    But not a serious discussion.

    Apparently you never met a Tzaddik of Tanya. Sounds like the Yanuka and Modzitzer Rebbe may qualify. Go and learn.

    1] Can you point to where in tanya it says that a tsaddik of Tanya is INFALLIBLE ?

    2] Can you point to any source acceptable to all hugim in Yahadut that your leader qualified as a Tsaddiq of Tanya ?

    3] Is the concept of ‘tsadiq of Tanyah’ widely accepted in Yahadut – outside of the hasidi circles ?

    4] Is the tsaddiq of Tanya explanation the only available one to explain the relevant ma’amarei hazal ?

    5] If there exist other explanations , how are they more deficient in actually explaining the relevant ma’amarei hazal when compared to the Tanya’s [besides that they will not serve the habad cause]

    6] Why do you employ the condescending attitude that it is the opposite side who has ‘go and learn’ ?
    Maybe it is actually YOU who should ‘go and learn’ ???

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2360157
    yankel berel

    “ Your crooked theology has [and will further] give fuel to Xtian pretenses to make unsuspecting Jews accept the messiahship [and worse] of their discredited idol.
    You [plural] have never taken all those serious issues by the horns…

    You either joke about it. Or change topics.
    Or pretend that an obvious non answer will do the job.

    I’m sorry that to you, Moshiach is xtian. That’s actually apikorsus.
    Looks like CS is trying to prove my point.
    This is either an obvious non answer or a joke.

    For two thousand years we have not had the crookedness of loud public belief of mashiach coming back .
    All Jews knew the first answer to a Xtian missionary – Where are all the promises of the nevi’im in J’s lifetime ??


    So , no , obviously the idea of mashiach is not xtian .
    But Mashiach dying and coming back IS definitely xtian.

    And your [plural] stupid propagation of your discredited mashiach coming back , which is against YOUR [plural] OWN publicly stated mass- and multiyear position, is being used by xtians in their dangerous missionary work , shmadding innocent nefashot forever.

    All for a bit narishe kavod – Just to be able to say : My Leader is greater than everyone else. My Torah is deeper than everyone else’s.

    in reply to: Anti-Zionists Criticized in Matzav Inbox #2359799
    yankel berel


    Satmar rav vayechi is daat yachid.
    Rov minyan ubinyan of gdolei yisrael disagreed with him on most of his rabid anti zionist views.

    Some say that even he himself sometimes overstated his own shitah , because of the hurricane of Zionism after the war.
    Now that we are much further from the war and the allure of Zionism lost most of its appeal, we don’t need this extreme rhetoric which was used in those times.

    People like you, tend to view the world through this one dimensional Lense, and therefore your picture comes out crooked and unbalanced.

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2358266
    yankel berel



    Your crooked theology has [and will further] give fuel to Xtian pretenses to make unsuspecting Jews accept the messiahship [and worse] of their discredited idol.
    You [plural] have never taken all those serious issues by the horns.

    You either joke about it. Or change topics. Or ignore it.
    Or pretend that an obvious non answer will do the job.

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2357270
    yankel berel

    Not bashing you and your fellow hasidim at all.
    Clearly stated that you are all wonderful and special people who try and do good .
    Please do not ignore that.

    But that’s not a get out of jail card for excessive person [idol/ rebbi] worship, crooked theology and successive public uturns on ikarei emuna AND your collective inability [[due to brainwash and / or lack of honesty] to face up to them.
    We cannot ignore that either.

    Your crooked theology has [and will further] give fuel to Xtian pretenses to make unsuspecting Jews accept the messiahship [and worse] of their discredited idol.
    You [plural] have never taken all those serious issues by the horns.

    You either joke about it. Or change topics.
    Or pretend that an obvious non answer will do the job.

    The issues mentioned in those above lines were extensively mentioned in previous threads.
    With only those above mentioned responses as a result.

    It seems that the source of your [plural] inability to muster anything more than the above , is your obstinate clinging to one certain persons infallibility.

    Only once you will be prepared to internalize that this person was a fallible human , prone to mistakes and subject his personal negi’ot, notwithstanding his many talents and mesirut nefesh, only then we will be able to see a possibility to have REAL open and honest, evidence based discussion of all of the above.
    Until then we will have to suffice with shallow responses, change of topics, misplaced claims of victimhood and occasional jokes.
    But not a serious discussion.

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2356283
    yankel berel

    Important Notice

    What’s not under discussion here is what good habad people do all around the world.

    What is under discussion here is the objectionable and abhorrent belief systems which are drilled into tamimi children and youth, who totally lose the ability to think for themselves anymore.
    And used to brainwash unsuspecting baalei tshuva, making them think that this ersatz coffee created from who knows what , is really a delectable drink , far surpassing real coffee.

    Detestable shitot can coexist with sincere ratson to improve the world . We have to keep remembering this.
    It would be a travesty to ignore the former because of the latter.

    It is high time that this fraudulent worldview should be exposed for what it really is.
    So again – habad consists of truly wonderful people , all nebah victims of mass brainwash and total inability of independent torah based critical thought.

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2356281
    yankel berel

    What’s not under discussion here is what good habad people do all around the world.
    What is under discussion here is the objectionable and abhorrent belief systems which are drilled into tamimi children and youth, who totally lose the ability to think for themselves anymore.
    And used to brainwash unsuspecting baalei tshuva, making them think that this ersatz coffee created from who knows what , is really a delectable drink , far surpassing real coffee.
    It is high time that this fraudulent worldview should be exposed for what it really is.
    So again – habad consists of truly wonderful people , all nebah victims of mass brainwash and total inability of independent torah based critical thought.

    in reply to: Hi I’m back 3.0 #2356275
    yankel berel

    CS is back with her half baked lies and full baked brainwash.
    Special people with shitot nebach ranging from obnoxious and detestable to outright crazy.
    The last line is an apt description of this theologically proven bankrupt hasidut.
    Rahmana Litslan.

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