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  • in reply to: BY girl struggling #2259936

    @gadolhadorah and @CS – tyvm
    @get it straight – yeh I agree that my school sorta makes it uncomfortable for girls to ask sincere and valid questions but they’re getting better at it because my friends and I are starting to ask things more straight out and honestly (obviously respectfully also)

    – ty also but I was specifically talking about practical guidance and a listening ear from my school , not Halacha. but yes it’s true that for Halacha a rav is needed

    in reply to: BY girl struggling #2259373

    Also to all of you arguing pointlessly about how chabad is the best I’m honestly embarrassed of you (I’m not lubavitch … but ty)

    in reply to: BY girl struggling #2259371

    @kingdavid I’ve reached out to them a long time ago but didn’t help…

    @daasyochid I appreciate your response a lot ty
    One thing tho yes I am struggling and that makes it harder for me to understand why these things aren’t discussed publicly, but why can’t there always be a place that’s open for a teenager to discuss things that aren’t normally discussed openly?
    All along I felt like I had to look for my own help else I would get worse, and get in trouble… there is a point where certain things should be brought up. It doesn’t have to be publicly but it should be brought up in an open enough way that if a girl or boy is struggling they feel comfortable getting help and guidance. Or otherwise they don’t feel comfortable searching for that help and get worse… (and obviously here I’m talking about teenagers that want to improve)
    why don’t I deserve to be helped from my school and not only threatened? I understand this is a topic that’s more sensitive but to say it can’t be discussed completely in a school setting makes it so much harder for girls like me to feel understood and that our school is there to help us…

    in reply to: Should Lace Shaitels be Allowed? #2034919

    lace shaitels are completely asur
    no discussion

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