Forum Replies Created
Stuck: Of course, many times yeshiva boys and seminary girls need to shop for tzorchei shabbos, even if it’s just a gift for their host or if they’re making shabbos for themselves. People do do it. My family has access to an apartment in the Old City and we always try to get it for my cousins in Israel when it’s available so that they can bring their friends for Shabbos and do it themselves. They come back raving about it.
writersoulParticipantcinderella: Isn’t that similar to a lot of people and Kupar Ha’ir? If that’s okay, you’re probably okay.
writersoulParticipantOf course! Why not?
Everyone was a newbie once…
Baruch haba!
(Bruchah habaah?)
writersoulParticipantSam2: I wonder if the hishtadlus works without dating.
writersoulParticipantWhere in the Torah does it say what Adam and Chava’s respective roles were? All it says is childbirth for Chava and working for Adam, if I remember correctly.
So women working is really gender role switching min hatorah.
writersoulParticipantMy mom was in a gas station way out in yenemsvelt in New Jersey and she decided that she may as well buy a ticket.
Right behind her was a whole flock of yeshiva bochurim who pooled together and bought 60 TICKETS!!!
March 30, 2012 7:13 pm at 7:13 pm in reply to: Are these young women nuts, selfish, out of it or something else? #865116writersoulParticipant“My issue is with complainers who always have complaints against people. Especially to complain about people who are frummer than themselves.” —- cheftze
Forget it. I don’t trust myself to comment on this one.
writersoulParticipantI don’t think I’m going to judge people on the styles of their houses right now.
writersoulParticipantRABBAIM: My point was, think before you post.
I was being totally serious, by the way.
writersoulParticipantWe just went to Dunkin Donuts and bought a box of Munchkins for Shabbos so my mom doesn’t need to buy cereal.
I’m really getting into this Pesach thing.
writersoulParticipantsausage: when marinara gets old
candelabra: the spell to turn lights on
biology: the study of leave-taking
apartment: rural living
writersoulParticipantRABBAIM: What do you think the CR is :)?
From your “time killer and tool of yetzer hora” perspective, it certainly is.
writersoulParticipantI think the school is perhaps justified, depending on the values projected by the school in the first place; HOWEVER, by telling the girls to open one in the first place they are promoting a double standard. They will only make the girls confused as to what is more important— money or shmiras einayim.
Bad move. They need to pick a position and stick to it. What a great example it would be if they had specifically foregone the contest because it would necessitate Facebook, which seems to be against school hashkafah.
I’m not going to say whether I think Facebook is good or bad, though, just because my own opinions on the subject aren’t entirely developed.
writersoulParticipantIt’s possibly not grammatically correct, but I’d say it’s more idiomatic by now.
writersoulParticipantLook, honestly, the only reason why I posted here in the first place is because I wanted to know about this program. I haven’t the foggiest idea beyond this post and what I’ve heard over time. That has been my request from the first post.
SO can someone tell me?
writersoulParticipant“Do they still cook?”
Oh boy, are you asking to get your ears fried off?
March 28, 2012 7:44 pm at 7:44 pm in reply to: Writers? Anyone? Use your skill to help others! #867856writersoulParticipantWell I can’t really go places to do it first-hand…
writersoulParticipantPut it in the fridge and any gross smells will go away (just change it every so often).
It might work in other places but I’ve never tried.
March 27, 2012 11:57 pm at 11:57 pm in reply to: Writers? Anyone? Use your skill to help others! #867854writersoulParticipantDo you mean rewrite it?
I can try.
writersoulParticipantLet’s just wait for the trial, and see what the FACTS are.
People are obviously holding things back from both sides.
Just please don’t overcompensate for liberalism by being over-conservative.
March 27, 2012 11:21 pm at 11:21 pm in reply to: Should Unhealthy Foods Be Legislated Against? #863097writersoulParticipantBut I do think that the government should tax chemically based additives and food colorings to the extent they are able.
March 27, 2012 11:20 pm at 11:20 pm in reply to: Should Unhealthy Foods Be Legislated Against? #863096writersoulParticipantnitpicker: Quite honestly, thinking back, I’m not sure why I said that either.
avhaben: That was the point of my post. I was saying that we have free rein when it comes to ourselves, and that theoretically we should have free rein as far as smoking as well, so I said why I believe we SHOULD tax tobacco.
writersoulParticipantuneeq: Aren’t many of these communities kiruv/new communities anyway? In that case the population can be split into the kiruv people (who most probably are NOT amaratzim) and the kiruvees, for lack of a better word (who I can see more as pba’s definition of an am haaretz, though that’s unfair as what can be expected of them at an early stage?).
Just because a person doesn’t live in the tri-state area doesn’t mean that he is potentially more likely to be an am haaretz.
March 27, 2012 12:04 am at 12:04 am in reply to: Why Are Divorces Usually Initiated by the Wife? #870650writersoulParticipantI don’t know. Do they?
writersoulParticipantpba: No, I didn’t accuse you of gaava. I simply didn’t understand what these things are about, and that was my question: what is it, and what do you do? Nice and simple.
But either way all you’re doing is making generalizations right now. I kind of was also, I know, and I apologize. However, what you said just now is a disservice to all of the balabatim who make it their business to learn as much as they can in addition to their busy work schedules. They are not all amaratzim.
And I don’t know where you did your program, but it isn’t fair to call them amaratzim unless they fit under the descriptions of the tannaim who said that, among other things, an am haaretz is someone who doesn’t put on tefillin or have a mezuzah, doesn’t teach his children Torah, etc. It doesn’t mean “doesn’t learn in kollel.”
March 26, 2012 11:30 pm at 11:30 pm in reply to: Should Unhealthy Foods Be Legislated Against? #863078writersoulParticipantnitpicker: Totally.
I think that there shouldn’t be, and yes, I have a reason: because unhealthy food impacts you and smoking impacts EVERYONE. I’ve known of people who have gotten lung cancer or emphysema from second-hand smoke. Smoking is irresponsible not only for yourself but for the innocent people around you.
writersoulParticipantUm, Health, does anyone besides you say that Zimmerman only pushed Martin?
Though honestly, quite frankly, if someone jumped on me from behind at night I would probably start punching them, and feel quite justified. Besides, my definition of battery included “unlawful touching or striking” and pushing most probably fits in that category.
PS: Please do not respond unless your response is 100% civil. I just had a really hard day and don’t need anything else to push me down.
March 26, 2012 11:13 pm at 11:13 pm in reply to: Writers? Anyone? Use your skill to help others! #867851writersoulParticipantWhat needs to be done?
I know I’m only a teen, but as you can tell from my status I love to write and maybe I can be of use.
writersoulParticipantShticky Guy: Yep… I’m just talented that way.
And DON’T do it by Alto Music! The teachers aren’t Jewish, which can be a problem for yamim tovim (though they’re great teachers) and the guy in charge REFUSES to reschedule lessons. It’s an enormous pain in the neck.
I speak from experience, though; I take flute lessons there and I have a great teacher, but the scheduling’s a mess.
writersoulParticipantItcheSrulik: You mean get rid of the aron?
writersoulParticipantI’m not talking about the non-frum kids or their parents. That I can understand. In fact, I hope to be able to go on a kiruv trip in my school next year (if I can raise the money).
I’m talking about the FRUM community. And pba, I DO think it’s gaava to assume that these balabatim are amaratzim just because they’re not in kollel. Just the fact that they’re going to these learning sessions 2 hours a day, as said in the OP, on top of their very busy schedules makes that absolutely demeaning to working people.
And you haven’t answered my question, by the way.
writersoulParticipantCool it, pba. I’m asking a simple question here— what is the point of these trips?
I’m looking for a nice, friendly response to a person who means no disrespect and seeks only an answer, seeing as I don’t know much about this. I was looking for a clarification.
Apparently, I’m in the wrong place.
And by the way, the girls’ trips I mentioned are chaperoned. If these boys are just doing what they want in their free time, then they probably aren’t chaperoned.
If they are coming back from these trips down a level in yiddishkeit, then maybe the balabatim, who made the time for learning an hour in the morning and an hour at night even during an exhausting day at work, should be mechazek THEM.
writersoulParticipantWhy do yeshiva bochurim assume that they can be mechazek the balebatim (who are undoubtedly much older than them) and can teach them how to learn? Seems a bit gaavadig unless I’m just not getting the concept.
I’ve known people who went on SEED programs (girls) but those were chaperoned and were meant for the kids in the communities.
writersoulParticipantI can play pretty well by ear but I have no clue how to do chords. I play the flute, where there aren’t any chords, so I have no motivation to learn.
writersoulParticipantHealth: Wait a cotton-picking minute.
First, you say, “Yes, he did something wrong and it might even be called Battery (a crime),” and then you say “but this does Not Justify a violent response.”
Battery is, according to, is
“a crime and also the basis for a lawsuit as a civil wrong if there is damage. A battery is any:
a. Willful and unlawful use of force or violence upon the person of another; or
b. Actual, intentional and unlawful touching or striking of another person against the will of the other; or
c. Unlawfully and intentionally causing bodily harm to an individual.”
If you’re admitting that he committed battery, then he obviously was already being violent, which would probably make a “violent response” justified.
Just because you think liberals go too far doesn’t mean you have to go conservative to the extreme.
And there are less infantile ways of making your point than insulting commentors.
writersoulParticipantEveryone: You’re right about Obama (not) commenting. I was half asleep when I posted that. Chatati aviti pashati.
Health: If he was justified in attacking the kid because he was previously attacked, then WHY did Zimmerman call 911 and follow him BEFORE the kid even saw him? He followed the kid after the 911 operator told him not to. Why?
And not knowing the guy, I can’t say he’s a racist. But you said “the accused is a Minority from Hispanic descent…in other words, if it was Murder, it wasn’t racially based.” Which is the only reason why I said why I did. You said he CAN’T be racist, I said MAYBE.
But Health, if it’ll make you feel any better, I won’t vote for Obama in November :).
writersoulParticipantmorahmom: Yes, I know. I really meant “starting shidduchim” when I mentioned priorities.
Look— my mom and her friends began to date at 19. My mom’s friend got married at 20, my mom at 30, and my mom’s other friend at 40.
My entire point was to
a) put out what I see the numbers at (and by the way, there are PLENTY of outliers at the higher end of the spectrum unfortunately) and
b) to point out that stereotypes mean practically nothing.
writersoulParticipantHonestly, while a response would probably be nice, Obama doesn’t really NEED to respond. The tragedy involved France and Israel, and the US had NOTHING to do with it. On the contrary, this case took place in the US and does touch upon race relations which CAN BE relevant. There is no reason why a member of one minority can’t be prejudiced against members of another. You’ll find many cases– nobody wants to be on the bottom, so you have to make someone else at the bottom.
writersoulParticipantThe whole question is moot. It depends on your priorities for what you feel you need before marriage— something which is NOT ALWAYS determined by your “grouping” (something which I’ve never quite gotten; where do I apply to find out what group I’m in?). Sometimes yes, especially with chassidim, but otherwise I’ve known of people from 17-60.
Admittedly, the general population I’m counting (ranging from what OTHER PEOPLE call yeshivish to MO) clustered by 20-28 for girls and 22-32 for boys, but there are always outliers.
writersoulParticipantA circle has no beginning.
writersoulParticipantKen Zayn: Unfortunately, you’re wrong about some people’s definition of women’s dancing. After my cousin’s wedding, I now do not associate with my mother in public.
Now THAT was embarrassing.
Then again, there is some pretty cool stuff in the men’s section. Like my cousin who did a triple cartwheel in front of the chosson and kallah. I had no idea he could do that.
writersoulParticipantWhen I was younger, I loved the Little Medrash Says haggadah, because it had fantastic explanations of everything (a bit wordy, but I’ve never had trouble with that). I just put in post-its by the actual haggadah pages so I wouldn’t have to constantly leaf through.
Now I think it’s too bulky so I’m on to my next obsession— the Baruch Chait/Gadi Pollack hagaddah. It’s fantastic
writersoulParticipantYeah. I call it a ‘shidduch thingie.’
writersoulParticipantLook- I don’t think girls should be schlubby when they go out. (When they go out anywhere, as a matter of fact.) However, as pba said, she took that completely valid point and buried it in a pile of garbage.
writersoulParticipantlongarekel: I’m going to take that as a bracha. AMEIN!!!
And you’re on the right track, but I mean PERFORMING the mitzvah— and there’s a very specific reason why. You’ll be kicking yourself—I know I was when I was first told the answer. It’s not a trick— it’s extremely logical.
Hint: You don’t need to retell the story for newborn babies.
That was a HUGE hint, by the way. Just let your thoughts wander.
I’d better start thinking up some Shavuos Torah…
writersoulParticipantNo– it’s the name of my shul, which I will not post because people may figure out who I am (it’s not that big). It’s just the only kehillah I’ve ever been part of, even if only by name.
writersoulParticipantOh, gosh, did I really write “one’s”? I usually don’t bother to correct myself for really minor mistakes but that just looks like grammatical ignorance.
March 21, 2012 1:50 am at 1:50 am in reply to: If You find Free Jewish Sheet Music Post It Here #902252writersoulParticipantI didn’t actually check your link— it didn’t work on my computer. But thanks for telling me— I’ll try again.
Out of curiosity, does anyone else play flute?
writersoulParticipantIf you do a good job and work hard, you may get a job with a better company someday.
The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off due to budget cuts.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
Never quit until you have another job.
Hang in there, retirement is only thirty years away!
Go the extra mile – It makes your boss look like an incompetent slacker.
{intaxication}: euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.
{reintarnation}: coming back to life as a hillbilly.
{bozone (n.)): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.
{giraffiti}: vandalism spray-painted very, very, high.
{hipatitis}: terminal coolness.
{glibido}: all talk and no action.
{dopeler effect}: meteorologists take note – the tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you from a computer.
{beelzebug} (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito that gets into your bedroom at 3 a.m. and cannot be cast out, even by an exorcit.
writersoulParticipantBaruch Hashem I don’t live in Brooklyn…
Here you know automatically that St. Lawrence (or whoever he endorses) is going to win.