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  • in reply to: Mixed Seating #877011

    147: One question might be whether, unless the dancing is in a separate room, where the dancing is so the men can’t see the women’s side from their shared table.

    Also, for a lot of people there doesn’t seem to be a difference.

    in reply to: Only issue #870539

    Someone brought up smoking and being overweight. The difference is that smoking will harm you and your future kids as well. Second hand smoke can kill– forget about first hand smoke.

    in reply to: Color War Theme Ideas #869719

    My school did Ruchnius vs Gashmiyus one year— it was very entertaining, to say the least! (That was grades 1-6, with help from teachers.)

    All ones I’ve seen:

    Shemesh vs Yareiach

    Shamayim vs Aretz

    Ketchup vs Mustard

    Pesach vs Shavuos (we did Chanukah vs Purim one year, but that obviously wouln’t work)

    Torah vs Avodah vs Gemilus Chasadim

    in reply to: Hillel & The Jewish Calendar #869659

    I assume you mean Hillel HaSheni.

    in reply to: What to research b4 going on the shidduch date??? #869770

    Are you doing this all yourself? Do you have a parent or mentor doing this with you? If so, they will probably be able to give you a good answer.

    First of all, though, figure out what you want. Correction, what you NEED. The only way to figure that out is to figure yourself out and what you want out of life. A mentor can help there as well.

    One of the great things about shidduch resumes, however much people may hate them, is that they really minimize on the amount of time it takes to research someone. For instance, if you wanted to know something simple like what school someone went to, you’d have to call people. Now, it’s on a piece of paper. So you really just call to get a real feel about the person from people who actually know her.

    in reply to: Mishpacha article reg. drinking #870437

    I was actually at a kiddush for a bar mitzvah a while back, and they had a very well-stocked liquor table, to say the least. Some boys started coming down to the table, and I mean boys— this was a January bar mitzvah and these were classmates of the bar mitzvah boy, and only one of them had a hat. They immediately got down to business downing shots of Scotch and vodka. I and my family were looking on absolutely horrified, and my dad went over to the boys to tell them to stop. They refused, and my dad went to go tell the baal simcha, a friend of his. While they were drinking, two other men came over. One told them they shouldn’t be drinking— because the rav hadn’t yet made kiddush. The other snatched their bottle of Scotch from them and told them not to drink it— he handed them another bottle of cheaper Scotch instead. Honestly, if I hadn’t been a ten-year-old schnook I seriously would have gone over to tell them to stop. Eventually, the baal simcha confiscated the liquor and sent the boys home.

    At the same kiddush, the same man who gave them the cheap Scotch told me off for stepping my foot three inches into the men’s section to get some candy.

    Something is rotten in the state of Judaism, if you ask me.

    in reply to: Mishpacha article reg. drinking #870436


    in reply to: Yom Hagevura #869440

    Csar: I thought the designated date was Asara Bteves?

    As fat as the question is concerned, it’s probably because they need a hero to hold on to and make you feel good about yourself. You can’t just mourn six million dead people all day; it gets too depressing.

    in reply to: What would you love to see invented? #1014728

    A non-muktzeh Kindle or Nook. I have so many books on mine that I can’t read on Shabbos, even though that’s my best time to read.

    in reply to: Schissel challah? #1071857

    Why is it called darchei haemori anyway rather than “darchei hachiti” or “darchei haperizi” or “darchei hamoavi”?

    in reply to: An Only Child #869427

    Csar: I’d say that there isn’t a rule, just some educated guesses which are sometimes right, sometimes wrong.

    I do not know any only children who are spoiled, can’t share, can’t relate to the other gender, etc.

    in reply to: Yiddishkeit and Technology #870731

    zahavasdad: I agree. This event does not need to be live, and even if it were, it could easily be in a less costly venue. What would be just as effective but more cost-effective would be to make a video presentation instead of all of the speakers.

    Where’s the money coming from, anyway?

    in reply to: who would you say is the most intelligent CR poster? #870179

    bekitzur: Awww! Thanks!

    I really think that it depends on the issue being discussed. I’ve seen some people write brilliant posts on some issues and not such brilliant posts on others.

    Also, I don’t usually notice who writes which post unless I comment on it, so it’s hard to decide :).

    in reply to: bochurim texting #888278

    dunno: THANK YOU! Every time I say that everyone thinks I’ve gone wacko all of a sudden!

    I personally have two male-owned cell phone numbers in my phone: my dad’s and my grandfather’s. If I wanted boys’ numbers I would put them in myself— the phone would not do it for me and force me to have a conversation with them. This is about responsibility and choices, not cell phones and texting.

    in reply to: Stomach Lap Band Surgery #869187

    As I mentioned in my previous post, ask your Qualified Medical Doctor. Don’t go around asking people in an anonymous chat room online.

    in reply to: Nothing Important #868289

    Why wasn’t my post let through?

    in reply to: Jewish Movies #898329

    I saw Ushpizin when I was ten or eleven (after a lot of parental begging) and it was REALLY good. The actors were FANTASTIC. I don’t think this is what you had in mind, but I’m just putting it out there.

    in reply to: Divorce: Whose Fault Was It? #932178

    popa: I don’t even know why I’m responding to this (probably just because I’m waiting for dinner to warm up and I’ve got nothing else to do), but in my previous post, I acknowledged that I know numerous women and girls who are NOT crazy or twisted.

    Shalom al Yisrael.

    in reply to: Stomach Lap Band Surgery #869182

    Ask your QMD.

    in reply to: Divorce: Whose Fault Was It? #932167

    popa: My point was that you made a blanket statement, that women are crazy and twisted, and I responded that the only such lady I know is my junior high principal. She is literally the only person I know of whom I (and many, many others, including my mom) would call crazy and twisted.

    in reply to: Getting Married and Getting Fatter #868148

    To be fair, I’ve seen it affect both. However, one person I’m basing this on is a naturally skinny lady who is a REALLY good cook, so I probably shouldn’t judge her husband :).


    bekitzur: MASKIM(AH)!!!!!!! I’ve been saying it for years. It’s insane how teachers expect us to learn and absorb the material when it becomes boring stuff to be absorbed, spit back and promptly forgotten like the resto f the stuff we’re tested on. Which is why I’d love to abolish tests in limudei kodesh, but unfortunately that’s not really practical.

    in reply to: Divorce: Whose Fault Was It? #932160

    PBA: “Women are twisted and crazy.”

    HEALTH: “So TRUE!”

    I could be deluding myself, but I never thought of myself, my friends, nor many other delightful women of my acquaintance as “twisted” or “crazy” in any sense of the word. Except my junior high principal, but I digress.

    in reply to: bochurim texting #888276

    What on earth is wrong with texting? It’s really handy. It’s much quicker to text someone if you only need to say a little and you have a limited amount of time, or if you need to be quiet (like the library or a bus or somewhere– NOT a speech and DEFINITELY NOT a wedding!). I text my mom all the time on the bus when I just need to ask something quick, because I’m on there pretty early and people try to sleep and don’t want to be disturbed by someone yammering on their phone.

    If you mean what people DO with it, I can only speak for myself. But honestly, I don’t mean to judge people, but if people bring up texting between girls and boys, how can that be brought about because of texting per se? If it’s by accident, then everyone needs to be taught just not to respond to anonymous messages, and if it’s on purpose, then not having texting will not stop them. If anyone can tell me why texting makes the problem greater I would be much obliged. I honestly want to know.

    in reply to: Sheva Brochos Divrei Torah #867950

    As Sam2 noted, there’s a difference between using another person’s dvar torah and using it without attribution. Patri, please make sure that you are doing the former and not the latter. Even repeating a speech someone else prepared verbatim, without either their permission (like a speechwriter) or attribution, even if they themselves quoted other people, is probably a bit iffy. Either way, try to make the dvar torah your own. Customize it. Make it unique.

    in reply to: Getting Married and Getting Fatter #868144

    OneOfMany is correct.

    But honestly, ladies, if you don’t want your husbands getting fat, just don’t feed them!

    in reply to: Anti-Isreal Goyim Yemach Shemom and Anti-Isreal Jews #1061699

    apushatayid: Amen!

    in reply to: Sheva Brochos Divrei Torah #867947

    There were some interesting circumstances. Either way, I haven’t yet done it. (My cousin did at her younger brother’s bar mitzvah, though.) I have, though, spoken at shabbatonim, bas mitzvahs (including my own) and a shabbos kallah and written speeches for multiple occasions.

    in reply to: Pesach circa 1980 VS Pesach 2012 #867663

    I just came back from a Pesach hotel, and what HIE is describing is NOT necessarily the norm.

    We go pretty simple at home: we bought the Lay’s potato chips and cereal for my brother (nobody else would touch it), but for the rest we usually eat our homemade stuff. And it’s great.

    in reply to: Anti-Isreal Goyim Yemach Shemom and Anti-Isreal Jews #1061696

    Whew, mochoh timcheh, are you trying to show off your new thesaurus?

    in reply to: Sheva Brochos Divrei Torah #867945

    I don’t see what is wrong with Patri’s question. I volunteered to speak at my cousin’s sheva brachos (yes, even though I’m a girl) and I had to back out because I couldn’t find anything in that week’s parsha that had to do with marriage or my cousin. It’s tough.

    Even if it was written in a somewhat funny way doesn’t mean that he has bad middos.

    Instead of finding something from the parsha, go and find a generic passuk from something not timebound, like tehillim, or find a gemara that has to do with marriage or the chassan and kallah. Or, if you’re in a rush and there’s a dvar torah in the next week’s parsha you want to do, go ahead, especially for shabbos sheva brachos. I’ve done it on short notice.

    If you want an actual dvar torah, I really like the sefer Tallelei Oros.

    in reply to: Family Not Traveling Together #868086

    We travel in two different cars when we go away— but that’s only because we put down the seats in the van to hold the luggage.

    in reply to: tuition and home buying #869133

    Centralized billing cannot work unless all schools are absolutely equal in tuition and services, which frum schools are obviously not. That’s why it works in public schools.

    How will you decide which kids will go to the more expensive and possibly better schools, and how will you decide how much each family needs to pay? Will families with more kids need to pay more? Will families with kids in better schools need to pay more? Will parents be able to choose where they want to send their children?

    There are far too many holes in this plan to work.

    If I’m misunderstanding the plan please explain, but this doesn’t seem possible in a private school system.

    in reply to: Pesach Makeup #937610

    I think all Clinique is kosher lePesach, but as others said, it’s not really an issue. However, as yitayningwut said, other stuff might be an issue..

    in reply to: hotel problem ?? #866134

    Is there a 21 year old friend you could bring along? My cousins had this issue, and in the end they just took along an older cousin who was 21. They had a blast.

    in reply to: Why dont high school girls no how to spell and right ? #866169

    Goq: Awww…. thanks.

    About high school boys, just of the ones I know of, I don’t think they do any better than the girls you guys are talking about. Certainly whenever I see peerimsameach’s posts, for example, I cringe as I try to figure out what he’s talking about.

    I don’t mean only on the CR, either. It’s funny— I’ve always found grammar pretty instinctive. So I guess it’s hard for me to “get” people who don’t. I try to work on that and not judge people overmuch, but sometimes I just CAN’T.

    in reply to: Why is People from the cr acting mean #867497

    Health: Do you honestly believe that popa’s a girl?

    Personally, I treat the CR as though I’m having a conversation with people. They say what they say, I say what I say, etc. etc.

    I try not to be offensive. If I am, I request your mechilah and assure you that I don’t mean to be.

    in reply to: Whats an english name for "Shemuel" besides Sam? #866582

    Whatever you want, really. They’re not really going to be associated together.

    I know someone whose English name is Madeline and her Hebrew name is Nechama. Her mom just liked the name Madeline.

    in reply to: Shabbos and Friday #865960

    I don’t think there are any standards. I know frum people who do all the different things you mention. Okay, only one person I know calls Shabbos Saturday, but all the others are pretty common.

    I don’t think I know more than one person who calls Friday night Leil Shabbos, though.

    in reply to: complaint on coca puffs #866405

    Wolf and yitayningwut: Amen!

    There’s no rule against bracha piggybacking, is there?

    But honestly, when I was little, I used to look forward to the chocolate milk at the end of my bowl of Cocoa Puffs.


    Most of these are rubbish. I received a self-defense for women class once and the instructor went through this list item by item and rebutted most of them as absolutely ridiculous.

    If you want stuff that makes sense, then:

    A) If you’re grabbed and you’re facing your attacker, knee up HARD and push out your arms, with your elbows pointed, very forcefully.

    B) Be on the alert at all times. Don’t get caught unawares, for instance if you’re on a cell phone.

    C) Look around BEFORE you enter a place, not while you’re there.

    D) A purse can be a weapon, and a very effective one.

    E) It can’t hurt to carry around pepper spray. (I’m serious.)

    I took the class 3 years ago so I don’t remember so well, but that’s stuff that comes to mind fast.

    May we never have to use it.

    in reply to: Coca~Cola #865955

    One question I have with the whole relabeling thing is why they put some other brand name on the product. For instance, I saw an Oneg sticker, with the heimishe hashgacha, stuck on Twizzlers. There was regular Twizzlers right next to it for a buck less.


    A) Why do they put a different brand name?

    B) Is there a difference between Twizzlers (for example) with the sticker and without?

    in reply to: Why dont high school girls no how to spell and right ? #866160

    EXCUSE ME!!!

    This is an insult to all literate teenagers.

    However, it’s not your fault, Goq— I blame the ILLITERATE teens who don’t seem to care.

    Seriously. Some of the mistakes I see make me cringe (and not just teens— adults too).

    My friends in other schools told me that their English teachers don’t even correct spelling anymore. It takes too long. It’s ridiculous.

    And as a message to all posters on here: take the extra ten seconds to proofread and spell out all of your words. It’s not that long a time.

    in reply to: Asking Questions #866179

    Popa, the first time it was funny (maybe– even that’s debatable). After a while (even only a couple times) it becomes stale.

    Can’t you find a new line?

    in reply to: facing my brooklyphobia #867279

    I don’t know— as a Monsey resident, I listen out for the school bus in the morning. When I hear a car driving, I know it’s here.

    I was at my friend on Avenue I and I kept turning my head every time I heard a car. I got a serious crick in my neck.

    I’ve only really ever been to Brooklyn a couple times, and I don’t feel like I’m missing anything. All I can say is that anywhere with a jaywalking law is too citified for me.

    in reply to: Ideas For Chol Hamoed Pesach 5772 – 2012 #865434

    DON’T GO TO SIX FLAGS AND THE BRONX ZOO!!! Are you crazy? It’s gonna be swamped.

    Try Bear Mountain (paddleboating is really, really fun) or go to the Catskills and do all that stuff you don’t get to do in the summer. My whole extended family used to go every year to this one trail (Kaaterskill Falls, near Tannersville) and hike it. It was SOOO fun.

    One year we went all the way to Lake George on chol hamoed for two days and we brought all our own food (though they have an awesome supermarket in Albany). Much less crowded there.

    in reply to: what's your favorite.. #868136

    What’s really irritating is that I downloaded a whole bunch of awesome Jewish songs from a website to try to play on my flute and I couldn’t do it. It was so frustrating. They were SO HARD. GRRR.

    I hate having to remember the flats and sharps and do a billion sixteenth notes in a row along two octaves.

    in reply to: what's your favorite.. #868135

    yungerman and moishy: I was about to say that!

    I happen to have a love-hate relationship with Journeys. Some of it I LOVE LOVE LOVE (like Mama Rochel and I Am But A Little Tree) and some I hate with all (okay, only most) of my heart (like The Cat Ate the Canary and the Wedding Song). So it’s confusing.

    I also really like a bunch of Shwekey songs, like Vehi Sheamda, and strangely enough, I also like One Day from Mattisyahu. My siblings love that stuff, but that’s the only one of them I can stand. (Miracle is okay if necessary, but there’s a lot of sensory overload.)

    in reply to: Should Schools Ban Facebook? #903631

    zahavasdad: No, not true at all. My elementary school banned Facebook and didn’t care about the internet in general.

    I’m not saying that that was a good policy of theirs (it DEFINITELY wasn’t) but many schools don’t think that way.

    I’m not entirely sure about banning stuff like that myself, just because as Bais Rivka obviously knows, Facebook can be useful and necessary at times. My mom has Facebook for work. I can’t understand all those schools who don’t let internet at all, even filtered, and take pride in it, because the world is changing and they can’t just ignore it. A better way to control it, in my opinion, is to teach how to use it, supply a filter, etc.

    Maybe they could find a filter company to cooperate with the school and mandate the filter for homes but at a reduced rate. I don’t think that’s practical, but its more practical than the situation now.

    in reply to: Alternative meanings for common words #892492

    Disintary isn’t a word. Try dysentery (or then again, don’t).

    armchair: relaxing place to put your gun down and sit

    sweater: bad thing to wear in the summer

    refrigerator: something that frigerates again

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