Forum Replies Created
WIY: Everyone gets a pekel, which is theirs and theirs only. Some people might have a hard time with one thing, but an easier time with something else. Others may have the exact reverse situation. Maybe someone who has a very easy time in one respect, one that you find hard, actually has a hard time in something you think is intuitive and natural, or vice versa.
To be completely honest, if you’re going to claim that we women don’t understand your tayvos, it’s arrogant to suppose that you can understand ours. It works both ways. And let’s say, for argument’s sake, that your tayvos IN THIS MATTER are worse than ours. How do you know that women don’t have a different tayva that is just as difficult as yours is? For instance, if I have $100 in cash and you have $700 in cash, you may have more money than I do. But I may have more gold coins than you do, which could mean that the VALUE of all of the money we each have could theoretically be equal. It’s not straightforward at all.
writersoulParticipantgefen: I’m 100% serious. I have ambulatory issues.
writersoulParticipantWIY: Did I ever say that’s not the case?
All I’m saying is that even if it does harm you, you can’t force someone else to change FOR YOU. You can wish they did, and it could be COMPLETELY their problem and they could be headed straight to the boiling oil (or the Jewish equivalent) after 120, but a) a decent amount of the onus is on YOU not to look and b) even if the other person is 100% wrong, you can be VERY annoyed and even ask the other person not to paint the door orange, but you can’t ask them to repaint or even repaint it yourself.
It’s frustrating, but it’s a fact of life.
And like someone mentioned above, after the basic tznius guidelines the girl is COVERED (literally and figuratively). Of course, a taste for the spirit of the law is appreciated, I’m sure, but yes, it is just as much (if not, for obvious reasons, MORE) your mitzvah than ours. I won’t be blackmailed into taking ALL of the responsibility off of the guys- if a guy trips up, it’s not ONLY the girl’s fault.
writersoulParticipantSo great! You have a great new opportunity to make new friends in a place that seems to really suit you!
Have you had trouble becoming friendly with them or is the only problem that you’re overwhelmed?
Maybe wait until school starts, or see if there’s some kind of summer program you can do, and just try to become friendly with them. Figure yourself out for real and realize the DIFFERENCES between the girls. Nobody is THAT easily categorized as “that type”- what other amazing qualities do they have?
Worst case scenario, show up to school on the first day and just pick from the thirty girls in your class :).
That doesn’t mean you should give up on Estie! In what context are you going to be able to get together? With her BFF or not? In your town or hers? That can all change the dynamics of your relationship. Just remember, though- it’s hard to be a long-distance BFF.
Either way, no reason why you can’t call her to say hi and have some nice long DMCs even if you’re not best friends.
Kol tuv!
July 8, 2013 1:53 pm at 1:53 pm in reply to: Labeled OU-D but no dairy ingredients. Why then is it OU-D? #1155095writersoulParticipantThe packaging usually just states “Contains less than 2% of:” and then lists ALL of the ingredients. They also list the ingredients in order of the quantity of the ingredient in the product (wow, that’s clunky), so while I wouldn’t rely on that, it’s reasonably likely that the last ingredient on the list MAY be batul beshishim.
writersoulParticipantPBA: And if he gave you a glass of milk, you would ask for a straw.
You know, this would be a great “serial story” type thread. To make a funny, interesting one.
When I’m less tired.
writersoulParticipantI hope it’s handicapped-accessible…
writersoulParticipanttakahmamash: “at this point.”
writersoulParticipant‘Scuse me, but please excuse my complete and utter disgustedness at SG’s latest pearl of wisdom.
1) Regarding the Halacha of 4 inches, the Rabbonim should come out with a uniform standard, whether it’s 4 or 3 or whatever.
You’re showing such a complete lack of understanding of the meaning of the word HALACHA that it’s mindboggling. Halacha is not something that can be made or changed or bent. It exists. We don’t pull it out of thin air. We can change our understanding of it, but the way you’re suggesting it is- off.
2) Who will enforce it? Perhaps the Rabbi’s wife, and some community leaders wives. It’s no secret who the provocative dressers are. The violators would be warned first by the Rabbi’s wife.
If this is part of the duties of a rabbi’s wife, then I know of a lot of rabbis who will be out of a job because their wives would NEVER do such a thing.
3) All those people who say let’s enforce learning or Lashon Hara are missing the point: HOW YOU DRESS IN PUBLIC IS NOT YOUR BUSINESS BUT MINE BECAUSE I HAVE TO SEE IT.
This is just so strange. That’s like my saying, “The fact that you painted your front door orange is not your business but mine because I have to see it.” It’s really your business, you say? You paid for the paint and the labor, after all! But no. I’m the one who has to see it, so you need to repaint it BLACK. At your expense.
Remember- you can’t wear those squeaky shoes anymore- I have to listen to them! And please don’t wear a streimel or blue socks- something about them just gets me SO annoyed.
We girls get propagandized a lot that “the spirituality of men rests ENTIRELY on us!” And maybe some of it does, but that misses the whole point- that however much we might be able to help, THE MITZVAH IS YOURS. It is YOUR responsibility as a whole not to look. I can’t stop you from painting your front door orange- I’ll just try to ignore it when I pass by. Sure, sometimes I’ll see it accidentally, when I’m trying not to, and I’ll cringe and grit my teeth, but I still can’t make you repaint your door. I can think, wow, it’s totally your fault that I’m so annoyed today!- but that’s not going to stop the fact that it’s YOUR door.
writersoulParticipantShabbos leftovers.
YES! A full week of milchigs!
*either alienates popa or gets him rampaging to my house with a bloody axe*
writersoulParticipant“But that doesn’t take care of ALL of the boys.” Mrs Norrisberg seemed desperate to pick as many holes as possible in the plan. “There are more boys than girls- what do we do with the extras?”
“Well, first, we need to give the clones my antidote to prevent them from keeping on cloning themselves. It’s getting out of control. But don’t you see? After that, it’s perfect! Those one in ten girls NASI talks about who will never get married- this is their chance! After that, all we need to do is make the age gap even GREATER. It’s not going to be enough to have all those sem girls getting engaged over Sukkos- we’ll just need to get all of those high school seniors into shidduchim, and those thousands of extra boys all have whom to marry!”
There was another- yes, ANOTHER, this was getting ridiculous- silence on the line.
Actually, it wasn’t a silence on the line, but twenty thousand alarm bells going off at the thought of writersoul going into shidduchim this year.
I need a drink. (VERY stiff.)
writersoulParticipantI did :). We learned Trei Asar.
PBA: What gemara did it come up in?
writersoulParticipantpixelate: However bad you may think it is now, chances are, it was worse at any time you may randomly stab on a timeline.
writersoulParticipantpixelate: Sounds like we’re in two different countries…
shopping: No, I didn’t read the other thread. It probably would have helped me understand better.
When did you move to your new town? Have you been focusing as much effort on making friends where you live now as where you used to live? If you find amazing girls where you live now it won’t make your friendship with Estie any less but it’ll maybe make you less desperate.
Unless you mention it within the context of a regular conversation (like, “oh, I remember when I moved- it was so annoying when xyz happened. Is it like that with you?”), I wouldn’t bring it up, especially if it’s not their type. Remember, focus on who you’re doing it for- them or you? If it’s really for them, then if it would make them uncomfortable, just drop it.
It must be really frustrating when it doesn’t seem like Estie is as good a friend to you as you want her to be. I had a friend like that in elementary school- after a while we did become friendly, but never as much as I wanted to be. It was really hard. We talk occasionally now, but not recently and not very much. Sometimes I wish it had been more, as she was a really great girl, but oh well.
This could easily have all been discussed to death on the teen trouble thread, but are you having issues adjusting to your new town? Even if you can make an amazing friendship with Estie, she’s still not going to be around during the new school year apparently. It may make sense for you to focus on where you live now and where you’re going to be in school for the next year- that’s what’s really going to affect you.
Wishing you loads of luck!
writersoulParticipantPBA: I’m not saying there’s a comparison with the IDF, but just from the Torah standpoint, if the kohen mashuach milchamam told the “yarei verach leivav” to leave, then that would leave the tzaddikim, who are probably (if you really want to use modern terminology, which I don’t think is the best idea) closer to the chareidim.
Most people left because of the whole “aras isha…”, “nata kerem…”, “banah bayis” thing as well as “yarei verach leivav” – this would logically create a very finely selected troop of talmidei chachamim.
writersoulParticipantChesed doesn’t mean chesed case! It just means helping people! I’m sorry if I made it sound like that, as you’re obviously not doing that- it was just a catch-all term.
It doesn’t matter if you’re helping them because they’re nebach cases or because they’re your best friends- it’s still chesed.
Just don’t make it reliant on anything. Do it because they’re awesome and you think you can help- not because there’s something for you dependent on it. And if they don’t want it, it’s not helping.
Which, as I mentioned, does NOT mean you should give up! Your situations sounds really hard as far as pairing off is concerned. I’m really sorry but I have no suggestions- even in my most cliquey situations, there’s always been room for a third to latch on, which doesn’t sound the case in your situation.
Hatzlacha again, and I hope you come out of this strong. 🙂
Are you doing anything in the summer like working in a camp or something where you meet new people, Be friends with Estie all you want, but don’t limit yourself to her.
And invite people! Worst case scenario, invite both halves of a BFF team! You’d be surprised what can happen.
Just saying, in elementary school, I never thought in a million years that I could give anyone advice on friendship :). For me it was just a bad sviva with people who I had absolutely no shaichus to- a different situation from you, apparently. Then I went to the right high school and everything’s done a 180, baruch Hashem. Remember that anything can change at any second- NOTHING is set in stone. You’ll do amazing :).
writersoulParticipantBy the way, plenty of girls don’t know that one- not all girls learn Trei Asar, AFAIK.
writersoulParticipantTlIk: Exactly. That’s pretty much what I said in my post, which is why even if hochayach tochiyach applies, you can hochayach people all you want, but you CAN’T force them to do anything.
DY: Yes, women should dress tzniusdigly. If they do or not can affect men. (And we’re NOT getting into that whole argument again, please.) But you can’t FORCE women to dress a certain way. You don’t have the authority and it’s between them and the RBSh”O.
I dress perfectly tzniusdigly for my community’s and family’s standards. Would I walk into Meah Shearim or maybe even Lakewood dressed how I do normally in the summer (LONG slinky biz, graphic tee, weird ponytail)? Probably not (and I didn’t, in the case of Meah Shearim- actually, I’m not sure what I would do if I ever went to Lakewood- I’ve never been yet so I never had the opportunity to decide). But on my turf, I’m completely comfortable dressing as I do, and if you walk in and scream, “Where’s the Vaad HaTznius?”, sorry, but you can’t stop me from doing anything. It’s between me and Hashem after a certain point.
writersoulParticipantWow, even after you get a 5 in AP United States History, you realize just how much you don’t know.
You learn something new every day.
writersoulParticipantOomis- unless you’re a member of the Greengrocer’s Guild- then it’s all seriou’sly.
(See, OOM? Back in the game!)
writersoulParticipantWhich rabbanim are going to patrol and inspect women’s knees?
More seriously (though that’s nothing to sneeze at), I have NEVER heard ANYWHERE that four inches below the knee is a halacha.
Just saying, though, I don’t want no rabbanim inspectin’ MY knees.
Though if they decide to get women to do it, I know of loads of women who would queue up to join the knee-inspecting committee. To be honest, I don’t want THEM inspecting my knees either.
I’m going to reiterate what I believe, which is that while hochayach tochiyach is a thing, that does not extend (and definitely not in this day and age, where a Jewish governing body does not exist) to enforcement. A person’s decisions are their own, and they will answer for them after 120.
This is completely aside from all of the impracticalities of this plan (be honest, did the internet one REALLY work? The TV one definitely didn’t), but I still don’t think it’s anyone’s place to do this.
writersoulParticipantOkay, then, so it’s pretty much a different problem from what I said. Sorry. However, I do think that some central concepts from there can be applied here.
You could be amazing friends with Estie and her BFF. It’s entirely possible. It’s gotta be tough to have stronger feelings about your friendship with them than they have about their friendship with you.
Because that’s what it seems like, and that does NOT mean that you should give up. You have got time.
Like I said above, though, right now, if you really want to be a good friend to Estie, bear in mind that IF SHE NEEDS YOU, SHE WILL FIND YOU. Just be open- WITHOUT being pushy- and see if you guys become closer as her BFF moves away. If not, and what you really want is to help Estie, then remember that she’s happy and you did what you could.
Please don’t be insulted when I add this caveat- it’s entirely human nature and it happens to everyone. It’s entirely possible that the reason you want to help Estie so much is pretty much centered around your desperation to be friends with Estie- and that’s entirely natural. I remember (and this was already in high school, when things were better for me) hand-copying five pages of notes for someone I was really hoping to be friends with- to this day we’re friendly, but not the best of friends, and I think to myself, WHY did I do that? I was obviously so obsessed by the idea of being friends with her that all of these ideas of what to do to help her that I would never do for anyone else just sprang there.
So actually, I think this is more similar to my other post than I thought it would be. You need to know yourself and know WHY you are doing things. This is really all about you- and that’s normal. That’s a very decent sized part of what friendships are about- balancing you and the other person, but until you’ve found the other person, it’s all about finding someone you’re comfortable and close with. So you do need to figure yourself out.
If you do a cheshbon hanefesh and conclude that your real motivation for helping Estie and her BFF is your potential friendship more than true chesed, then come to terms with the fact that it may not happen. If it is chesed, then really, the same thing applies. True chesed is doing what the other person wants, not what you want. Either way, there’s no reason for you not to subtly push the friendship along- even if only just to be nice and friendly over the summer. Invite them to your house. DO stuff together. Why not? Just pretend you’ve got nothing at stake, and you’ll be a lot happier and less stressed.
The other point you mentioned is that everyone is paired off. I’ve never been in a situation like that, though I’ve definitely been in situations that are the poster children for “clique,” but it definitely sounds tough.
Hatzlacha! I hope everything works out well for you.
writersoulParticipantWell, I can’t drive yet…
But honestly? I’m in the city a lot, and even if I just park at home, it’s so, so easy in a SmartCar. Those are SO insanely cool. Double-parking is just not a thing when you have one of those.
My mom just gets nervous because there’s no trunk or hood in case of a crash, and there’s no room for groceries, other people, etc., which of course is what’s preventing me from getting one.
LOL! Hahahaha! Wow, I just crack myself up.
writersoulParticipantFair point, definitely…
Once you’ve lived here long enough you get desensitized.
Stop the presses! Someone finds Monsey INTERESTING!
writersoulParticipantYou have no way of knowing if you made an ayin hara. There is no reason to suppose you did. All you are doing in beating yourself up right now. What do you think that’s gonna do to help?
I’ve had loads of friend issues (still do, though I do now have some ABSOLUTELY AMAZING friends- if you’re reading this, though 99% of you shouldn’t know who I am and the 1% who does shouldn’t admit here that she knows me, love ya guys!). I would always hang out on the fringes of the groups of people I wanted to be friends with, just like everyone else, and while I was reasonably good friends with one of them it didn’t really last. I was seriously suffering a lot until I went to high school, where I actually found friends who were my speed.
The one thing I learned was: I don’t have the RIGHT to be someone’s friend. It’s not coming to me, and it’s not like she’s doing something wrong for not being friends with me. If I’m not the person she wants to confide in or be friends with, then she has just as much of a right as I do to decide with whom she wants to be friends. The popular girls tend to be friends with the popular girls (definitely not an ironclad rule, but in general) and if you try to hang on you’ll probably just stay hanging on.
You sound, though, like these girls are your type, and you’re just frustrated because you’re not as close as you’d like to be with one of them. The above still applies, but with one caveat- YOU DON’T NEED A BEST FRIEND.
Focus on yourself and not Estie. Estie doesn’t need to do what you want her to do. She’ll manage perfectly well even if she doesn’t confide in you while it seems like you won’t. You need to figure yourself out. Why do you want to be friends with Estie in particular? Are there other girls who are just as nice and sweet and amazing as Estie? If not, why not? Why is Estie’s BFF currently her BFF- what do they have in common and what do they see in each other? And most important, what are YOU? What type of person, what type of friend? Why would someone want to be YOUR friend?
After all that, you may not end up with Estie as your BFF, and that’s okay. (I know it seems like it isn’t, but you’d probably be surprised.) But you’ll end up with somewhat of a clearer picture of yourself and be closer to realizing what you REALLY want out of a friendship.
I hope I don’t sound condescending- I have no idea how much older I am than you or if I am older than you at all. This is just what I think can actually help- it worked for me.
writersoulParticipantCuriosity, that’s what I said. I have no idea since when they’ve been doing these commercials. For all I know, it could have been since the invention of the television, but as I’ve only been around for a bit less than seventeen years, I wouldn’t know. But the commercials ONLY aren’t the point- the fact is that they’ve been fundraising for nearly 150 years and this isn’t really a big divergence from their usual derech.
writersoulParticipantI love the Shein Line! 🙂
writersoulParticipantWhy can’t it just be a counter to the same thing that girls learn all the time in high school and sem, all about how we need to always support our husbands and make them happy? Can’t it just be that both sides of the partnership should try to make each other happy and be good to each other?
Just in an ordinary, day-to-day sort of manner, even- like, compliment your wife on the soup even though it needed more salt (are you listening, WIY?) or try to be available for your husband when he needs you.
No need for fancy metaphysical concepts- just try to be nice.
writersoulParticipantI’d say minhag hamakom, as many have said above. My mom jogs every morning, as do many people where I live, but I can see people in other places objecting. (Whether they’re right or not isn’t the point, because in the end they’re the ones with the power.)
writersoulParticipantCuriosity: Why do you think their methods are new?
Check out the ASPCA website. They have a nice long blurb about their history.
I’m not old enough to know how long they’ve had these commercials, but it looks like they’ve been guilt-tripping New Yorkers for years.
writersoulParticipantWhy is someone telling YOU that your behavior should be ladylike?
And, chevra, raise your hand if you also just mimed sipping tea with your pinky in the air and elbow next to your ear :).
I’m touched 🙂
I started something yesterday, actually (I just came back from a very long trip where I familiarized myself with many, many methods of the license plate game and have been unavailable for writing) but it didn’t really work out.
Trying again…
It took a while to cool off Mrs Norrisberg’s tirade of English, Hebrew, Yiddish and- wait, was that Arabic?- insults. Rivky held onto the phone, eyes closed and taking deeeep yoga breaths. She’d been nervous about the idea of calling Mrs Norrisberg- Rivky knew that she could only blame herself, and hadn’t wanted to hear all that blame come from someone else as well.
Especially not from someone with a quadrilingual command of invective…
Finally, when the noise from the earpiece seemed to be at a nominally healthy decibel level, she was able to give her plan, the plan she’d been working on for countless sleepless nights, to Mrs Norrisberg.
“So you’re going to get your” (unintelligible Arabic word) “over here, get your job back at the NSA, and figure out some way to either clone some more girls or get these clones to stop reproducing! Right?”
“Um, no-” Rivky took another deep breath, but Mrs Norrisberg had relaunched. But this time Rivky was going to finally make herself heard, if it meant a couple more bags of those throat candies and a couple gallons of hot tea with honey at the end of it all.
A shocked silence on both ends- Rivky that she’d managed to scream loud enough to make her glass of water crack down the middle, and Mrs Norrisberg that someone had finally gotten her to shut up.
“Okay, Mrs Norrisberg, I know that you want Eli and I to go back to the US and for me to quit InShidduchim and go back to the NSA. But I can’t. His thinness radar would go completely off-kilter. Washington, and even New York, are right at one of the thickest parts of the whole United States. He’d go crazy. And I could obviously go back to work for the NSA, but I don’t think I should quit InShidduchim just yet. I’ve been working on a plan.”
“MMMmmmm.” Mrs Norrisberg sounded ticked, but there was maybe- well, POSSIBLY, if you imagined hard enough- a tiny smidge of curiosity in her tone.
“The plan involves the InShidduchim serial story.”
writersoulParticipantFeeding animals in the wild is NOT a good idea. They may carry diseases and, if they were already keeping away from populated areas, now come closer to get more food- bad for us and for them.
That’s why ASPCA is a good thing, assuming that’s your thing. They’re professionals who know what they’re doing.
writersoulParticipantNot that it really makes a difference, but does your friend know the person who put up the review?
writersoulParticipant“writersoul – I have no clue how you gleaned your statements from mine, much less is that ‘exactly what I said.’ I was not alluding to the slippery slope argument. I was saying that the fact that we’ve gotten to the point where these commercials are mainstream indicates that the next two steps are not so far behind.”
And… what is that if not for the slippery slope argument?
Or are you saying that the fact that there is such an organization as the ASPCA indicates that there is public sympathy for bestiality? Because if it hasn’t happened since 1866, why should it happen now?
Anyway, you’re the one who brought bestiality up, not me.
writersoulParticipantCuriosity: Reread your post. That is EXACTLY what you said. Whether it’s what you meant is a different question, but the assumption from reading your above post is that you think that it’s a slippery slope from ASPCA and what it stands for to legal bestiality.
Quote: “First it starts with prioritizing the needs of animals alongside those of people’s, then the love one has for an animal becomes on par with those shared with humans, and the final step is to cross that small threshold of turning those relationships into sexual encounters – as unpalatable as that sounds.”
It is not a BAD THING to save an animal- if you saw that your car was about to run over a squirrel, would you stop the car or just run over it (assuming you could safely avoid it- granted that many times you can’t)? Nobody is putting up a picture of a starving child and a starving cat side-by-side and saying, “don’t bother with the kid! Fluffy the Cat needs your help!” It’s marketing, and just as plenty of people market products that are utterly useless and ridiculous and make very effective commercials to convince you that they aren’t, the ASPCA is trying to sell something. Feel free not to buy it, but they’re the ones paying the advertising time.
writersoulParticipant“And the US has the same rules. A frum person got in trouble for not taking off his yarmulka and SCOTUS ruled against him.”
It’s funny, they have his yarmulke on display in the First Amendment exhibit at the Newseum in Washington DC (I just saw it). Ironic, because while they made a law permitting it afterward, he did, as you mentioned, lose the case.
writersoulParticipantThere are a bunch of different versions. My siblings and I usually do these:
-Look at the three (or however many, depending on the state) letters. Try to either come up with a word that contains all three (sometimes it’s impossible, in which case you go on to the next one) or you make up a sentence that makes a reasonable amount of sense using the letters as an acronym. For example, PHG1234 could be Play Hazardous Golf. And that’s one of the more sensical (if that’s a word) ones.
-Keep a log of how many different states you find. Don’t tell anyone what you find and write down the state and where you find it (to protect against cheating, though we do have an honor system). By the end of the trip, whoever has the largest variety of states wins.
Definitely not bad games, but when you’re in the car for five hours it can get a bit stale.
writersoulParticipantThe ASPCA and other related organizations were around long before gay marriage became even close to being accepted. (1866, if you’re interested, in the case of ASPCA.)
I don’t think there’s a correlation at all between bestial (yes, that’s how it’s spelled) relationships and the ASPCA. That doesn’t even make sense. Does that mean people shouldn’t be allowed to have pets? Or, from a different tack, what about people who donate money to orphanages? (Fill in the blanks here.)
You have no way of knowing to whom people will donate if there is no ASPCA. For all you know, they may not donate money to any charity at all. Maybe they will, but YOU HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING. Your argument is the same one that people use to try to stop wealthy people from making big simchas and having big houses, but do you KNOW that they’d be donating all the money that they’d otherwise spend on them to tzedakah? No, you don’t. Don’t get mixed up in yenem’s cheshbon. We all have enough trouble with our own.
writersoulParticipantOOM: ‘Kay then…
writersoulParticipantPBA: It’s a mitzvah to unload your or someone else’s donkey. Even your enemy’s donkey (Shmos 23:5). If you have a choice between loading one donkey or unloading another, you should unload the burdened donkey because of the issur of tzaar baalei chaim (I think it’s in Bava Metziya somewhere).
writersoulParticipantGamanit: VERY true. If I could take all that time I wasted waiting for time to be called on the English sections of the SAT and apply the time to the math sections, I would seriously get a 2400 or something.
Though the isolation chamber was meant to be boring. The anticipation of the tooth-pulling was meant to be painful.
A few more examples could be waiting during the SAT break when you don’t know anybody (or worse, when there are only two people and you’re the only girl and the other guy is the one who was popping gum and burping the ABCs while the proctor was waiting to start- TRUE STORY), driving for five hours in the car with only the license plate game to entertain you, and taking a class that teaches material that you already learned in a different class.
All I do know from watching what I watched of the trial is that I hope never to be a juror in a case like this. (What little stuff has a jury? Not traffic court, right?)
writersoulParticipantAnimals raised in homes, without needing to provide for themselves, with a warm place to sleep and a nice bowl of pet food every day, are NOT necessarily going to survive if left on the street in the middle of the winter without a source of food.
But leaving that aside, nobody is asking YOU to donate money to the ASPCA or anywhere else. If anyone wants to, that’s their cheshbon, and I wouldn’t be too sure that person is getting an aveirah, either- it may not be on the level of real tzedakah for all I know, but the issur against tzaar baalei chaim is a real thing. Feel free to have better and loftier priorities than all the idiots who get suckered into caring about the welfare of these briyos- but what other people do with their money is truly not your concern.
writersoulParticipantI personally really decide my views on a case-by-case basis. I took one of those quizzes by the election to figure out which presidential candidate I would vote for if I were actually going to vote and they told me I’m a libertarian. I’m not so sure, but yeah, whatever.
Puerile declaration of the day: After watching about an hour of that trial this morning, I have determined that watching a courtroom trial is only negligibly less boring and painful than sitting in an isolation chamber waiting for the dentist to pull all of your remaining teeth.
A) I was talking to OneOfMany (OOM), not oomis. (Though I can see where the mistake would be made.)
B) The McKinley Tariff was from the presidency of Benjamin Harrison, as I mentioned in my post.
I’m not saying anything negative about the presidency of McKinley. All I said was that B Harrison had a kind of unremarkable presidency and I was wondering why OOM mentioned she liked him.
writersoulParticipantOkay, OOM, I’m curious…
Unless you’re especially a fan of the “Billion Dollar Congress,” the McKinley Tariff and Sherman Antitrust Act, and his civil rights and education efforts, I can’t really see what’s so remarkable about him.
Though if you mean William Henry Harrison, then I can see your point because he didn’t have a lot of time to make enemies or suffer scandals :).
writersoulParticipantAnimals die on the street all the time. Then the Vashta Nerada eat them.
In all seriousness, though, while I would personally not donate money to ASPCA (like the OP I would probably first donate to help people) it’s still not funny when something like they describe happens to an animal- the situations in their ads do actually happen. An elderly couple a few blocks away moved a few years back and abandoned their cat (I’m not sure why- I think they may have been moving to a pet-free facility or something). A (frum) family on their block eventually realized and took it in, but by that time it was skeletal and probably dying. An animal that’s been raised indoors by humans is not going to be able to survive on its own very easily- in fact, it may not at all.
writersoulParticipantrebdoniel: Many people who do things like that either a) are only getting used to the idea of lending out their house (which, you’ll admit, can be pretty personal and invasive, to imagine someone else living in YOUR house using all of YOUR stuff, especially when you’ve never done it before) or b) have gotten burned in the past.
I’ve been in both places (in order, obviously) and I completely get why someone would lock certain rooms- in some cases it’s not so much suspicion as practical certainty.
writersoulParticipantrebdoniel: How much is too much?