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  • in reply to: The Shach #1705597

    All in context.

    That contradicts what you said earlier. You said that using a title before the name belittles a person.

    So, if I say “HaMelech Dovid,” is that denigrating him or respecting him?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Going t Kever Rochel – “Mama Rochel helf mir” #1705583

    Avi K, it is a common practice to say to be a melitz yosher.

    There are two possible ways to look at this without having to resort to “doresh el hamesim” issues:

    1. We are asking HKBH that so and so should be a melitz yosher. In other words, we’re not directly asking the dead to do anything for us – we’re asking HKBH to cause them to intercede and pray for us.

    2. We’re not praying to the dead to be a melitz yosher, we’re just hoping that they are — much as I may express hope that the weather is good tomorrow without actually asking KHBH to make the weather fine tomorrow.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: The Shach #1705591

    No one calls Shmule or Dovid or Sholmo with a title.

    No one? I do it quite often.

    (The prefix is a title while the suffix is the “job description”).

    Oh. So if I call him HaMelech Dovid, that’s belittling him?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Pessach: zman chairuseinu but not zman geulaseinu? #1705485

    Also, cheiruseinu is NOT one of the 4 leshonos shel geula: v’hotzeisi, v’hitzalti, v’goalti, v’lokachti (v’heiveisi)…but no loshon of cheirus?!

    Because “taking out, ” “saving, ” “redeeming” and “taking” are verbs, but “freedom” is a noun.

    The Wolf.

    in reply to: Karpas – is any ha’adoma ok? #1705473

    but it’s silly to

    If only that was the standard for some posts in the CR. 😀

    The Wolf

    in reply to: The Shach #1705454

    edited! We do not capitalize the word ‘he’ when talking about a person!

    I do! (When it’s the first word in the sentence. 🙂 😀 )

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Bdikas Chometz: Hid 10 pieces of bread but found 11 #1705455

    If you find 11 pieces, do you assume that the 11th piece is from last year’s bedikas chometz and therefore chmometz she’ovar olav ha’pessach – so you can’t eat it?

    Were you planning on eating year old bread?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: The Shach #1705451

    Everybody in the world knows who The Rebbe is, when talking about other rebbes they say Gerrer rebbe, satmar rebbe etc., but everyone knows who The Rebbe is.

    FWIW, I do not refer to the Lubavitcher Rebbe as “The Rebbe.” I refer to him as “The Lubavitcher Rebbe” or (rarely) “Rabbi Schneerson.”

    The Wolf

    in reply to: The Shach #1705448

    How come Rav Shach must be called r shach otherwise your a lubavithcher hater, but shach in shulchan aruch shach goes by shach (the shach says)

    For the same reason we don’t refer to Rav Chofetz Chaim.

    When we refer to a name of a Rav, we use an honorific. If we refer to a person by his magnum opus (as in the example you brought), we just refer to the work without adding any titles.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: The Shach #1705432

    No one calls Shmule or Dovid or Sholmo with a title.
    Titles BELITTLE the greatness.

    Am I belittling Dovid or Shlomo if I add the title “HaMelech?”
    Am I belittling Shmuel if I add the title “HaNavi” or “HaChozeh?”
    Am I belittling Moshe if I add the title “Rabbeinu?”

    The Wolf

    in reply to: The Lubavicher Rebbe “Shlit”a” #1705422

    שפתיו דובבות בקבר is a chazal that you are unaware of. It applies talmidei chachomim that are בקבר yet their lips are MOVING! If someone’s lips are moving – is that person dead? Define dead?!


    Is it your contention then that the widow of a talmid chochom cannot re-marry because her husband’s lips move in the kever, proving that he is, in fact, still alive?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: The Lubavicher Rebbe “Shlit”a” #1705055

    I prefer the term apikorsim

    I was not aware that mistakenly (and even purposely) believing that a deceased person is alive is apikorsus. To the best of my knowledge, it is simply incorrect, and being factually incorrect regarding the living status of any particular modern person is not grounds for calling someone an apikorus.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Mishnayos are the key to Shas #1704863

    I also try to learn Mishnayos whenever I can. I prefer learning it with the Rav (R’ Ovadiah MiBartenura) and the Kehati, which I find very helpful in explaining things.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Chabad? Most non religious Jews are not halachikly Jewish. #1700202

    Please cite some statistics to back up your claim that “most non religious Jews in the US are actually non Jews.”

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Ad D’lo Yada for Teenage Boys #1697104

    Everyone jumps to extremes. If i dont drink i must be a rasha.
    What sheer utter nonsense. What lunacy. What a clown show. Everything is kill me if dont do a certain mitzvah.

    I never said to kill me for this. Please don’t put words in my mouth.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Ad D’lo Yada for Teenage Boys #1696402

    FWIW, I will not be getting drunk this year.
    I did not get drunk last year, or the year before or the year before that.
    In fact, I have never been drunk in my life and have no desire to start now.

    If that makes me a rasha… so be it.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Hodaas baal din kmeah edim dami #1684035

    Of course, this only applies to civil matters. If I walk into bais din and say that I was mechallel Shabbos, they will not execute me, even if no other witnesses come to contradict what I am stating.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Eruv Question (regarding 600K people) #1668928

    Happy CRanniversary, Wolf.

    Thank you!

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Studies on vaccines you might have missed.👨‍🔬💉🚫 #1664911

    We stopped taking Small pox Vaccine – and NOBODY is dying of smallpox!

    Yes, and that’s because the disease was eradicated. It’s only because it was eradicated that we stopped taking the vaccine. If the disease was still out there, we’d still be vaccinating for it.

    But I’m sure you already knew that…

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Freezer-Burnt: Most boys unprepared for dating or married life. #1664906

    knock shidduch

    What is a “knock shidduch?”

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Shidduch Crisis Denial Syndrome #1664631

    I don’t need any studies (though studies were done). I see it by my extended family & friends.

    The plural of anecdote is not data.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Frum Jews Should NOT Fly On Thursday! #1657810

    How did you come to that conclusion from anything that’s been written here?

    It says “Frum Jews should NOT fly on Thursdays.”

    I guess I’m not a frum Jew, as I have flown on Thursdays before and will probably do so again.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Beth Isaac of Flatbush (R Yerucham Leshinsky) Closed? #1657811

    I used to teach a Bar Mitzvah student there.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Frum Jews Should NOT Fly On Thursday! #1657649

    How ridiculous! So now, I can’t take a Thursday morning flight from Florida to NYC?? 36 hours isn’t enough buffer time for a three hour flight??

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Let’s Register Our Children To Public School #1645461


    Can’t find it. Can you post link?

    If you go tot the search bar above and search “public school wolf” (without the quotation marks) you’ll find a bunch of the threads. Nonetheless, I’ll summarize the gist of it here.

    It has been proposed before that frum Jews should all enroll their kids in public school at the same time. The idea is that the public schools would not be able to handle the influx of so many kids at once and, as a result, the board of Ed will be forced to fund at least the secular portion (if not the entire day) of yeshiva.

    There are several problems with this idea:

    1. There is a portion of the New York State Constitution (Article XI) which reads (in part):

    §3. Neither the state nor any subdivision thereof, shall use its property or credit or any public money, or authorize or permit either to be used, directly or indirectly, in aid or maintenance, other than for examination or inspection, of any school or institution of learning wholly or in part under the control or direction of any religious denomination, or in which any denominational tenet or doctrine is taught, but the legislature may provide for the transportation of children to and from any school or institution of learning.

    This is the major obstacle to having state funds used for yeshiva education in New York State. Under the state constitution, no state funding (aside from a few specified services) can be used for schools that teach religion or are under the control of a religious organization.

    So, that being said, if everyone were to show up at the doors of their public schools tomorrow with their kids, the state won’t just throw up its hands in surrender and send everyone back to yeshiva because, by law, they can’t. Perhaps they won’t find everyone seats on day one, but in time, they’ll make the necessary adjustments.

    2. So, you might say, let’s change the State Constitution and get rid of the Blaine Amendment. Well, that is possible, but it’s a process that takes two years at minimum. In other words, if you’re going to try to force the issue by having everyone attend public schools, they’re going to be there for two years. I bet that within two years, the BoE will *easily* be able to absorb everyone.

    There is also the fact that NYC only encompasses about 1/3 of the population of the state. Even if you could convince everyone in NYC to vote for this, you still have to deal with upstate, where the vast majority of the state doesn’t live anywhere near a yeshiva and doesn’t care at all about yeshivos. Convincing voters in the mostly yeshiva-less areas of upstate New York, where the majority of the state population lives, to fund yeshiva education from their tax dollars is going to be a *very* hard sell.

    That’s the legal side of things. You also have problems with the very nature of the frum Jewish community in New York that will not make this work. Specifically:

    3. The exclusive nature of yeshivos in New York. My family is a shomer Shabbos family. We keep kashrus. We learn. I am a ba’al kriah in shul. But there are families in this city who would never, ever consider a yeshiva where my kids would sit next to theirs because my kids watched TV and read Harry Potter and the like. If these parents don’t want their kids sitting next to mine, you can bet dollars to donuts that they don’t want them sitting next to a non-Jewish kid celebrating Christmas, coming to school with non-kosher snacks and singing the latest pop and rap tunes. Good luck convincing those parents to send their kids to public school for a week, let alone two years.

    That, more or less, is the gist of the situation.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Bad poetry #1644778

    Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
    Thy micturations are to me,(with big yawning)
    As plurdled gabbleblotchits,
    On a lurgid bee,
    That mordiously hath blurted out,
    Its earted jurtles, grumbling
    Into a rancid festering confectious organ squealer. [drowned out by moaning and screaming]
    Now the jurpling slayjid agrocrustles,
    Are slurping hagrilly up the axlegrurts,
    And living glupules frart and stipulate,
    Like jowling meated liverslime,
    Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes,
    And hooptiously drangle me,
    With crinkly bindlewurdles,mashurbitries.
    Or else I shall rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon,
    See if I don’t!
    (I probably won’t!)

    (Douglas Adams)

    in reply to: Let’s Register Our Children To Public School #1644090

    We’ve had this discussion before. It would not work. Search the archives for it.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Proof that vaccines are safe #1644047

    NOW have the SICKEST GENERATION EVER in the History of USA

    To say that we now have the sickest generation ever in US history shows a gross lack of understanding of the history of medicine in the United States.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: are jews allowed to play poker with chips? (obviosly not with money) #1629553

    If the chips merely represent points, why would it be different than playing Scrabble or any other point based game?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Is it Mutar to celebrate Thanksgiving?!?!?!?!?!?! #1629552

    I celebrate Thanksgiving by taking advantage of the two days I have off and giving my wife and kids a break by cooking for Shabbos myself — everything from challos to appetizers to entrees and sides and desserts.

    If you want to think that celebrating Thanksgiving in this way makes me guilty of avoda zara, chukas hagoyim, darkei emori or any other such way, so be it.

    The Wolf


    How about being meticulous with the spelling of “meticulous?”

    The Wolf

    in reply to: should jews become pilots becaese off all the dangers involved #1626422

    What danger exists that it should compel me to become a pilot?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Did Dell Bigtree change your perspective about anti vaxxers? #1625519

    the doctors are saying that vaccines are 100% safe is based on false assumptions.

    No one says vaccines are 100% safe. There is always a risk. However, the risk is so small and the reward (in terms of public good) is so large that the benefits far outweigh the risks.

    No one lives their lives doing only things that are 100% safe.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Anim Zemirot and Shabbtai Tzvi #1625496

    about 27 years before Shabbatai Tzvi was born

    Well, we’re not goint to let a pesky thing like an ironclad, irrefutable fact get in our way.

    Shabbatai Tzvi was a time-traveller. He went back in time to before he was born and influcenced and/or wrote A’anim Z’miros just to fool everything into thinking that he couldn’t be responsible.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Pro Vaccination Paranoia in the frum community. #1621737

    Rabbi Dovid Lichtenstein’s “Headlines” podcast deals with this issue this week.

    Sadly, there was one Rav he had on who is convinced that the pharmaceutical companies have bought off every doctor, every medical journal, every member of the CDC, every member of Congress, etc. Any evidence you showed him was tainted in his eyes and there was literally nothing that he would accept.

    This Rav also was also convinced that 9/11 was not conducted by 19 terrorists with box cutters taking over airplanes.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Halachic question #1621735

    a. It’s not a “halacha” in the sense that it is commonly used.
    b. Aisav does not keep halacha anyway.

    The Wolf


    Once again, I’ll make the point that everyone should have an index card in their tallis and/or tefillin bag with their contact information. It would make posts like this unnecessary and allow for the lost items to returned to its owner much more quickly.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Calling 311 on someone blocking your driveway is mesira #1616843

    Wolf: slaying a moser is only halachicly possible before he commits his craven deed; not afterwards.

    I’ve already said that if the same thing were to happen again, I would do the same thing.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Calling 311 on someone blocking your driveway is mesira #1616760

    Don’t be silly. You’re only chayev misa if you knew the alarm owner was a jew. I’m assuming you knew otherwise. If, on the other hand, you knew it was a jew and you called the cops anyway, then you’re out of luck. )-:

    I can’t say for certain that the car belonged to a Jew, but the odds are well in favor that it was a Jew’s car, since the majority of people on my block are Jews.

    And, besides, I’d do the same thing again in a heartbeat (call the cops at 3 am, and not call a Bais Din). I understand that that not only makes me a moser, but an unrepentant one who is a menace to the community.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Calling 311 on someone blocking your driveway is mesira #1616516

    A while back, I called the cops because someone’s car alarm was going off at 3:00 am and would not turn off.

    Silly me… I should have called a Bais Din.

    Since this makes me a moser, and hence, eligible for the death penalty, please someone let me know when and where to show up for my execution.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: why were reshaim created? #1611594

    So, why was I created?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Female Police Handling Men #1601049

    When you break the law, you don’t get the luxury of deciding which police officer will arrest you.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Tipping Waiters/Waitresses Properly #1601021

    Tipping is totally optional.

    So is saying “excuse me” after burping.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Eruv Question (regarding 600K people) #1596841

    Otherwise, you need to be a fool to think you can just go and argue against someone way above your imagination. Though I doubt it renders one an apikorus – as a shotah is not an apikorus.

    Again, where in my OP did you see that I was arguing with anyone — wiser or not?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: help! Wedding questions #1596373

    If all that was being asked was about a valid marriage, they wouldn’t need a singer, flowers, or a wedding hall either.

    You obviously missed (or ignored) the point.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Eruv Question (regarding 600K people) #1596376

    You’re not an apikores for asking a question about halacha, but you might be for going against R Moshe.

    Okay, I don’t see where I went “against R Moshe” in asking my question, but okay, I guess I’m an apikores then for asking it (if simply asking my question is going against him).

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Eruv Question (regarding 600K people) #1596386

    It’s not true that an eruv doesn’t work in reshus horabim. If it were true then you couldn’t carry in your house!

    A house is not an eruv.

    A house is a reshus hayachid. You can *always* carry in a reshus hayachid, even if it’s smack dab in the middle of a reshus harabim.

    The point of an eruv is to be able to carry in a karmelis.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Eruv Question (regarding 600K people) #1596398

    See MB O”CH 345 s”k 23 who asks the question and says that we only count what the Torah specifically enumerates.

    The Levi’im were also enumerated. Shouldn’t the count then be 601730 + 22300?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Eruv Question (regarding 600K people) #1596405

    you’re making a kind of reshus hayachid, which I think is the point of an eruv.

    I do not believe that to be correct.

    The point is this — it is permitted to carry in a RhY. It is forbidden to carry in a RhY.

    It is permitted (Min HaTorah) to carry in a Karmelis. However, the Rabban forbade carrying in a karmelis, lest one come to carry in a RhR. That being said, they also created the “loophole” when they created the prohibition — if you demarcate the area in the karmelis in a specified manner, then you can carry in it (presumably in that the eruv will act as a reminder).

    That’s why an eruv is ineffective in a RhR — the Rabbannan cannot permit carrying in a RhR when it is forbidden by the Torah. They can, however, permit it when it is they, themselves who are forbidding it.

    The eruv does not create a RhY. It simply creates an “area” within the karmelis that you can carry in.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Alchohol #1596407

    News flash: men like alcohol

    I guess I’m not a man.

    I do like a bit of wine now and then, but I certainly don’t talk about alcohol at meals. However, I have never been drunk in my life (yes, I know that I’m a rasha for not fulfilling the mitzvah of getting drunk on Purim) and I have no intention of ever doing so.

    The Wolf

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