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I don’t have a favorite cologne and don’t wear any.
Eeees has one, but I only put it on for her in private. It doesn’t really do anything for me. And no, it’s not burberry.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipanthope you all realize the two main stars of star trek are Jewish
Patrick Stewart and Jonathan Frakes are Jewish? 🙂
The Wolf
(Reminds me of an old Billy Crystal joke. He knew he was getting old when his daughter came to him one day and asked “Is it true Paul McCartney was in another group before Wings?”)
WolfishMusingsParticipant(no im not a scifi nerd by the way).
Your loss. 🙂
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantIf my soul is a “chelek eloka mima’al” then, by definition, it’s eternal.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantYou call her that to her, or is that her equivalent pseudonym like your being known as Wolf?
It’s not a pseudonym. It’s an actual nickname that I use sometimes.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantI just have to say that I am shocked at how naive some people can be!!! I guess I am naive to think that people are not naive.
Is there some context to this observation?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantHow do you pronounce Eeees?
With a long “e” sound and an “s” sound (and not with a “z” sound).
IPA: /is/
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantHow did you come up with the name Eeees?
It’s a nickname.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantknowing tzippi i think her remarks were grossly misunderstood
Perhaps… but then she should clarify. I don’t see anything in the OP’s remarks that even remotely warrants being compared to Bilaam.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantIf you’re going to walk the walk, I doubt you’ll be appearing here again. Lehavdil, please don’t think I’m comparing you to Bilam but you know how he wanted to die like the righteous? You have to live like the righteous. I’m sure you’re a lot closer than Bilam though. Hatzlacha!
What did the OP say to merit that sort of response?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantA friend of mine told me I’m not ready to get married because I don’t want to change my name.
Back in August 2008, I blogged about how wrong that argument is.
The Wolf
June 27, 2011 7:03 pm at 7:03 pm in reply to: Are you allowed to lie to save yourself embarrassment.? #780943WolfishMusingsParticipantAnd the gemara itself discusses lying for tznius – relating to matters between husband and wife.
I understood that. My point was in context to a seven year old. In that regard, there is no reason to lie. You can either say “you’re not old enough to discuss this” or “none of your business.”
The Wolf
When Eeees and I got married, it didn’t matter to me if she kept her name or took mine. She ended up taking mine, but it was her choice.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWolf, when I read choice F it made me wonder why you think that way about yourself. You mentioned similar lines in other threads. You seem to be a very nice and honest fellow, there is no reason to think of yourself as a Kofer.
It depends on the day and mood.
You are always better off wearing a Yarmulka!
Truth be told, even if someone picked “f,” I’d still wear a yarmulke.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantwhat was your impetus to change?
I just felt it was time for a change. I do that from time to time with my clothing (change the style of tie or shirt that I wear, etc.). There was no theological reason for the change.
Does this mean that your bald spot is getting larger?
It is, but I still have quite a bit of hair. I certainly have more hair that a number of younger men that I know. Any spot that is covered by my yarmulke still has hair.
Till then, I must assume that yarmulka is a minhag, and there are no shiurim or sub halochos to a minhag.
Fair enough. I just assumed there was a minimum size. I could easily be wrong.
The Wolf
June 27, 2011 6:24 pm at 6:24 pm in reply to: Are you allowed to lie to save yourself embarrassment.? #780939WolfishMusingsParticipantYou may lie for Tznius,
What possible reason could there be to lie to a seven year old for tznius? Far better to tell her that either (a) she is currently too young for the information or (b) the information is none of her business*.
I’ve used both answers with my children.
The Wolf
* Said more nicely, of course.
June 27, 2011 3:03 pm at 3:03 pm in reply to: Are you allowed to lie to save yourself embarrassment.? #780935WolfishMusingsParticipantDon’t lie to children. Period.
That doesn’t mean that you have to answer their every question either. There are certain things where you can say “It’s a topic for adults and I’ll talk to you about it a bit more when you are older.”
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantnot Marvin Gaye.
Not Marvin Gaye?? Darn! I thought I heard it through the grapevine…
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWow, wolf, Abraham, Martin and John? Haven’t thought about that for years and years.
Yeah, well, I know it’s the 2010s, but a large chunk of the music I listen to is from the 1940s to 1960s.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantI don’t know. Why do you think you are doing it?
I just wanted a change. I do that with items in my wardrobe from time to time.
There is no major theological shift that caused it.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantHas anybody here, seen my old friend John
Can you tell me where he’s gone?
He freed a lot of people
but it seems the good, they die young.
I just looked around, and he’s gone.
The Wolf (who did not write the above lyrics)
WolfishMusingsParticipantIt doesn’t matter. Period.
That’s one vote for “e.” 🙂
The Wolf
June 27, 2011 3:12 am at 3:12 am in reply to: Can a CR post Constitute Valid Halachic Kefirah #780750WolfishMusingsParticipantAn overreaction, I think, considering that the OP simply mistakenly used the word “does” in place of “can”.
It’s something that changes the entire meaning of the question. I simply answered it accordingly.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantMeh. Sometimes I say “my wife” and sometimes I say “Eeees.”
When talking to her privately, I’ll say “Eeees.” (Saying “my wife” to my wife would just be too weird).
The Wolf
June 27, 2011 2:53 am at 2:53 am in reply to: Can a CR post Constitute Valid Halachic Kefirah #780748WolfishMusingsParticipantThis is a post, hence it’s kefirah.
Yep, I see the logic behind that. : rolleyes :
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantSeriusly how does any sane man ever marry a girl?
If you’re asking the question, you obviously have not found the right girl.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWouldn’t you do it to protect your family (if the situation arose)?
Good question. I don’t know. It doesn’t matter here, as I’m not bringing my family to this.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWe don’t allow trying to contact other members.
My email address is public knowledge anyway. You can’t stop him from emailing me so we can do this.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantHaba l’horg’cha, hashkeim l’horgo. Bring your gun (or fangs).
I will not do that. I will not kill anyone, even if halacha allows me to. If you want to regard that as a further sign of my wickedness, so be it.
The Wolf
Why are you deleting my posts? I would like to get this done.
The Wolf
We don’t allow trying to contact other members.
WolfishMusingsParticipantWhich of the misos beis din shall we implement?
I don’t think it has to be one of the misos bais din, since it’s not a judicial execution. Nonetheless, I ask you to choose one that is not painful, but I leave the ultimate choice up to you.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWolf: I was kidding; however i will gladly take you up on your offer – we shall duel at dawn.
Your offer is accepted, except that I was not going to duel. As shein indicated, I am not offering any resistance.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantIt’s an aseh (Key IM B’sulah Mayamov yekoch) and also a lo’ saasay Almonoh Ugrushoh… LO Sikuch.
Right. Like I said, forget everything I said in this thread. It’s* all garbage. 🙁
The Wolf
* My musings, not the thread.
WolfishMusingsParticipantI new… on a cosmic scale.
The Wolf
June 24, 2011 7:48 pm at 7:48 pm in reply to: Flatbush- why are the streets so empty after dark? #780449WolfishMusingsParticipantAnd two or more adults taking a walk together is unsafe as well?
Do people not take walks in the evenings in the Five Towns and suburbia? If not, what a shame it is that people are living in these $1,000,000+ homes, in neighborhoods where theyre scared to walk around the block after dark. Wow.
The people in the Five Towns are not afraid to walk because they don’t have a Wolf in their midst. The people of Flatbush do. If they were a smart, organized community, they’d do something about it.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantOr maybe not. Who knows… maybe everything I’ve said here is 100% wrong. Forget anything I said in this thread, it’s probably worthless anyway.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantAnother point that “K’doshim T’hiyu” doesn’t apply to a widow:
A Kohen who is married to a widow and is appointed KG is allowed to remain married to his wife. If she were subject to KT, every further conjugal act should be forbidden. Since he can remain married to her, it’s obvious that KT does not apply.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantbtw, i wonder if the spitting is ma’akev?
Yes, the spitting is an essential part of the rite.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantno meaning i got the asay wrong?
or no meaning there is no lo sasay
There is a negative commandment — “almana you yikachu”
K’doshim Tihiyu, however, TTBOMU, does NOT cover a widow, since it’s a commandment to ALL kohanim and 99.9999% of them can marry a widow.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantgavra isnt it an aseh (kdosh t’hyu) and also a lo’ saasay? im asking i dont know what the lo sasay is i just always assumed it.
No. K’doshim tihiyu is WRT a regular kohen (and a KG) and a g’rusha/challalah/zonah.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantwhat is the chiddush that he can do chalitzah, why would we think that he could not do chalitzah?
In most cases where yibum is forbidden, chalitza is not done either. For example, if a man’s daughter falls to him in yibum, no yibum or chalitza is done. This is because she is an erva to him.
It is possible, however, for a KG to marry a widow. In other words, if he does it, it’s a valid (although forbidden) marriage. Since a marriage *is* possible, chalitzah must be done.
Interestingly enough, WRT a kohen gadol, he could even, m’ikar hadin, do yibum, since the first act is an aseh which overrides the prohibition. However, since any subsequent conjugal acts would be forbidden, we do not allow him to perform the first.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantChazal tell us “meimis atzmo l’Torah” – kill yourself for Torah.
How does one go about fulfilling this ma’amar Chazal?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantMy Brother is getting married this sunday iyh!!
Mazal Tov to you and your brother as well.
The Wolf
June 24, 2011 5:17 pm at 5:17 pm in reply to: Flatbush- why are the streets so empty after dark? #780445WolfishMusingsParticipantyou are wise in this regard
One thing I’ve done right in my life. 🙁
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThe cost of the ticket is probably less than the cost of the hours of your last sleep. He should be asking YOU for mechila.
That’s a separate issue altogether.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantAs such, you are within your rights to break into the car and rip out the battery, thereby stopping the alarm. By using a proxy, you saved the owner money (even with a ticket), and are not Chayiv.
I don’t think it works that way. The point of mesirah is informing (or giving over his money) to non-Jews. It’s not about incurring a loss. After all, if I ripped out his battery, I’d be causing him a loss, but it’s not mesirah. My point is that while the two are related, they aren’t the same. Just because I could have done it myself doesn’t mean that it’s not mesirah if I call the cops to do it.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantReal men don’t have moods.
I guess I’m not a real man. 🙁
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantYes. I’m in a clique with close to seven billion other people.
The Wolf
June 24, 2011 5:04 pm at 5:04 pm in reply to: Flatbush- why are the streets so empty after dark? #780442WolfishMusingsParticipantSo how do you stay hydrated? Intravenously?
I’m pretty sure that OfCourse was referring to alcoholic beverages. I drink *very* little alcohol — to the point where I’ve never been drunk in my life (and I have no intention of ever doing so).
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWhat klach said is a paraphrase of the Rambam’s endorsement of killing a moiser. It means “whoever kills him first gets the merit”.
Ah, thanks.
Klach — are you indicating that you want some merit? If so, I’ll accommodate you.
The Wolf