Forum Replies Created
How can they al be talking, what is the שליח צבור doing?
He is talking too, is he not?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWhat defines a messed up school?
Any school that would allow me on the grounds.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantI refuse to answer. What are you going to do about it?
The Wolf
December 5, 2019 8:46 pm at 8:46 pm in reply to: Inviting divorced women to your Shabbos table? #1808302WolfishMusingsParticipantWe very often (at least every other week and often more often than that) had a divorced woman by our table (and sleep over at our house) on Shabbos. I guess this proves, once again, how horrible I am. But don’t worry… I won’t be having this person over to my house again.
The Wolf
You may want to try rereading the post
December 1, 2019 3:29 pm at 3:29 pm in reply to: Does a Divorce indicate a Family lacked Shalom Bayis? #1806291WolfishMusingsParticipantDo all marriages indicate that the couple was extremely anxious to leave thier parents house,because they simply couldn’t deal with the pressures of living at home anymore?
No. I was not anxious to leave my mother’s house and I had no problems living with my mother and sister. I got married because I loved (and, nearly thirty years later, still do love) my wife and wanted to spend my life with her.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantI listen to the following Jewish podcasts:
5 Minute Daf Yomi by Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld
Chochmat Nashim Podcast
Daily Halacha by Rabbi Eli Mansour
Iggros Moshe A to Z (inactive, but the archives are available, and I’m subscribed if anything new should come along)
Maimonides Minute by Rabbi Scott Kahn
Responsa Radio – Jewish Public Media.Please note that not all of these podcasts will agree with your hashkafic outlook. Listener discretion is advised.
The Wolf
December 1, 2019 3:29 pm at 3:29 pm in reply to: Is it okay to learn (Torah) During Davening? #1806293WolfishMusingsParticipantI will sometimes learn something after I finish Shmoneh Esrei, but I close the sefer as soon as Chazaras HaShatz begins.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWolf, what is the basis for that judgment?
I have to have a basis for hating someone?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantMeno, Avrohom only davened for any hypothetical innocent Sedomim, not for the guilty ones.
That’s not true. He was asking to save the entire city, not just the righteous people that may have been in it.
On the other hand, it should be pointed out that you don’t have to love someone to daven for them.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThere is one Jew that I do not love. It is because he is a rasha gamur and (as I’m often reminded on these boards) it is a mitzvah to hate him.
The Wolf
August 1, 2019 9:52 pm at 9:52 pm in reply to: Tuna soup is delicious, and if you refuse to try it, you’re a coward. #1768764WolfishMusingsParticipantFine. I’m a coward.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantafter trying that, we were thrown out of the bowling alley. then the boy proposed to me and I said yes!! mazel tov
Worst. Plot. Ever.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWho said classical music ever went out of style?
And, certainly, there is plenty of good instrumental music being made today.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThe Wolf: Of course you’re an unrefined boor. You were raised by wolves.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantIf I were looking for a wife (I’m not, I’m happily married over 25 years), I would have no problem taking a woman to a restaurant for a first date.
I guess it’s just because I’m an unrefined boor.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantHas anyone noted the irony that one of the voices advocating an end to women’s suffrage and criticizing leadership by women has a username that commemorates a male politician who made one of the biggest mistakes in the last century?
The Wolf
I’m still waiting for an answer to my question. The fact that you are not answering leads me to believe that you don’t have an answer.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantBefore Artscroll, the Gemara was a closed book to me.
Since using it, it has helped me to become familiar with the terminology and methods used in the Gemara. The more I used it, the more I learned how to read the Gemara without it. Since using it, the Gemara has opened up to me to the point where I can open a non-Artscroll Gemara and figure out, in most cases, what is going on.
The result is a deterioration in the quality and depth of understanding in all areas of Torah study, from Mishna and Gemara, through Poskim and Shutim. I doubt there is a way back.
I guess it was terribly selfish of me to contribute to the communal deterioration of learning in all areas of Torah just for the sake of my own learning. The classic case of a mitzvah haba’ah b’aveirah.
The Wolf
I ask my question again…
My understanding is that an admission card is given to parents when their past accounts are settled.
Can you please tell us ( a ) if I am wrong (and if so, how), or ( b ) why using this process to ensure the yeshiva receives monies it is entitled to results in the money being stolen?
Can you please answer?
Thank you.
The Wolf
My understanding is that an admission card is given to parents when their past accounts are settled.
Can you please tell us ( a ) if I am wrong (and if so, how), or ( b ) why using this process to ensure the yeshiva receives monies it is entitled to results in the money being stolen?
Thank you.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWolfishMusingsParticipantTo the best of my ability, yes.
I don’t necessarily get it right every time, but I try my best to pronounce a Sh’va Na/Nach correctly, especially since it sometimes changes the meaning of the word.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThe vast majority of Sephardim are right-handed. The same is true of Ashkenazim.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantI actually own it. Is there something you want looked up?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantIt’s 28 years after my chuppah. We still hold hands.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThere is one flaw in your argument: Despite your silly argument that they should not count, New York and California do, in fact, count.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantSports are a form if avodah zara where one worships the human body and physical form. It is the opposite of ruchniyus and kedusha where we value the soul and spiritual pursuits.
And yet, just about every yeshiva allows their kids to play some form of sports during recess. And just about every summer camp allows kids to play sports.
I guess practically every yeshiva and camp official are facilitating avoda zara, according to you.
The Wolf
May 10, 2019 4:19 pm at 4:19 pm in reply to: Is there a hetter for staying up both nights of Shavuos? #1725425WolfishMusingsParticipantI don’t know. I don’t even stay up all night the first night.
(I usually take a half hour nap after the meal and then go to shul for the rest of the night to learn.).
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWould you be comfortable with having your son/daughter marry a BT? Why/Why not?
Yes, I would be comfortable.
1. When my children get married, they will be old enough to judge a person’s character and decide his or her merits based on their actions and middos, not the circumstances of their birth.
2. I, myself, am a ba’al teshuva and am married to someone who is frum from birth.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantYou mean why would a school call itself a Bais Yaakov instead of just a “Jewish girls school?” Same reason a place would call itself a yeshiva or mesivta instead of a “Hebrew Day School.” The titles signal the type of institution.
So, in other words, it’s just branding?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWell, I tried to convince my wife to go by Mrs. Husband Name.
She refused.
She pointed out that my first name isn’t “Husband” and my last name isn’t “Name.”
I couldn’t really argue against that…
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantFor some it may be muttar. CYLOR
For some, they may not have started observing the mourning portion of the Omer until today (Rosh Chodesh).The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantOK, I know this is a stupid question, only worthy to be asked by an idiot like me, but I honestly don’t know the answer:
What, exactly, is a Bais Ya’akov? How is it different from any other girls’ school?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantGood to see this thread. I’m always on the lookout for new places to go on dates.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantOne of my kids moved out and now their room is vacant. I guess I have to remove it from the house…
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantI think I heard that there was an office there.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWho says the goat was innocent?
Who says the cat is wrong for doing what cats do naturally? Who says the dog is right or wrong for doing what dogs do naturally?
How can fire and water be right or wrong? Neither have consciences? Perhaps the “blame” belongs with whomever set the stick on fire or dowsed the fire with the water?
The Malach HaMaves is an angel and doesn’t have free will. It does what HKBH wants it to do. It can’t be “right ” or “wrong.”The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantCome to think of it: Both the cheese and the eggs might be treif. The cheese made from cows undergone that stomach procedure and the eggs from a chicken that was a treifa.
Yes, you figured it out. I purposely sought out a cow and chicken that were teraifos, just so that I could have non-kosher cheese and eggs.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantIf you’re one of those people that puts ketchup on your eggs, I will consider you the epitome of evil.
No ketchup on eggs. Even the completely evil have standards.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWolf, maybe you are machmir to be maykil.
Not adopting a chumra (especially one I never heard of before today) does not being being maikil.
Next you’re going to tell me that I’m being maikil because I allow electric lights to stay on in my house over Shabbos or because I eat gebrokts on Pesach.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThere’s a famous maaseh about the Satmar Rebbe speaking with Rav Bick. The Satmar Rebbe was upset tha tcouples were meeting 8 times before getting engaged instead of 2. Rav Bick told him, “you say 2 because you’re a mesader kiddushin. I say 8 because I’m a mesader gittin”
I guess they would both hate me, as I went on many more than eight dates before getting married.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantAnyone keeping the chumra of treating eggs like fleishig (because they are produced by chicken)?
No. I have eggs and cheese often.
I have never observed this chumra, never heard of it, and have no intention of ever following it.
Just another sign of my moral bankruptcy.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantEvil people don’t look at themselves as evil
I would challenge that assertion.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThe posuk says ‘u’k’shartem’ (you shall bind them) , not “v’hinachtem’ (you shall place them) – indeed, we routinely call it “putting on tefilin” = “hanachas tefilin”, rather than the way the Torah calls it: “keshiras tefilin”..
Well then, I guess I must be a complete idiot and am ha’aretz, since I have never made the bracha of “asher kidishanu b’mitvosav, vitzivanu, l’kasher tefillin.”
Thank you for educating me.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWell, for starters, sometimes the grass truly is greener (i.e. another town/neighborhood may be a better fit for the family).
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantI do not now how the term “shiva call” became part of our vernacular.
Do you also wonder why we park in a driveway and drive on a parkway?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantkeshiras tefillin
I would say “hanachas tefillin.” But what do I know?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWhat is your opinion about arranged marriages?
My opinion about arranged marriages is the same as my opinion about unarranged marriages. If it works for the couple, wonderful. If it does not work for them, then they should not do it.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantAll in context.
That contradicts what you said earlier. You said that using a title before the name belittles a person.
So, if I say “HaMelech Dovid,” is that denigrating him or respecting him?
The Wolf
March 31, 2019 3:19 pm at 3:19 pm in reply to: Going t Kever Rochel – “Mama Rochel helf mir” #1705583WolfishMusingsParticipantAvi K, it is a common practice to say to be a melitz yosher.
There are two possible ways to look at this without having to resort to “doresh el hamesim” issues:
1. We are asking HKBH that so and so should be a melitz yosher. In other words, we’re not directly asking the dead to do anything for us – we’re asking HKBH to cause them to intercede and pray for us.
2. We’re not praying to the dead to be a melitz yosher, we’re just hoping that they are — much as I may express hope that the weather is good tomorrow without actually asking KHBH to make the weather fine tomorrow.
The Wolf