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  • in reply to: New news story- OTD Lakewood woman with 4 kids wants custody #857215

    And Al Pi Halacha, using secular court is an issur gamur normally. They MUST, al pi halacha, arbitrate their dispute in A B”D, whichever one it is. Secular court is NOT an option for a Jew.

    Then I guess my great-grandfather violated halacha when he used a secular court to become a U.S. citizen in 1890. I guess I also violated halacha when a judge asked to speak to me during my parents’ divorce*.

    The Wolf (who hates all Jews because he’s a Zionist)

    * Note: My parents weren’t frum when the divorce proceeding started, so naturally they went to secular court. During the process, my mother and I became frum. When the judge asked to speak to me, I was already frum by that point. I suppose I should have refused to go, been convicted of contempt of court and been sent to juvenile detention.

    in reply to: Tehillim and Pedicures #853403

    Wolf: Not sure but why does this pretain to you? When is the last time you put polish on your toes?

    A. You don’t know the answer to the last question. 😉

    B. I know people whom I care about who *DO* put polish on their toes.

    C. So what? I have no brothers, but does that mean I’m not allowed to ask a question regarding Yibbum?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: teens doing chesed #863517

    Can you please rephrase that question in English?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Tehillim and Pedicures #853400

    it is ABSOLUTELY assur to have your toes uncovered while you are davening.

    A. Please present a source for this.

    B. Please prove that indicates that voluntarily saying tehillim is the same as davening.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: simanim.. #854028

    wolf, not to sound pessimistic but I think you are right on this one SO STOP BREATHING!


    in reply to: simanim.. #854026

    My personal siman is this: If I continue to breathe, keep living. If I stop, then stop.

    This is an issur d’oraisa and an insecurity issue. Get professional help

    It’s an issur ‘doraisa for me to continue living if I breathe??! OK, if you say so.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Taking home Shampoo from a Hotel #853178

    Do any of you folks against taking the bit of shampoo steal the magnetic key card the hotel gave you

    When Eeees and I went to Niagara Falls, we gave in the keycards by the desk. They told us to keep them. They are now in the photo album we have of the trip.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: jeans……?? yes? no? black? white? #856754

    Can you please clarify your question(s) (and preferably in complete sentences)?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Simple but important question. #853415

    Is it assur to daven there?

    Have your friend ask a rav.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: simanim.. #854018

    No, your not permitted to do so.

    Too bad… I do this every day.

    My personal siman is this: If I continue to breathe, keep living. If I stop, then stop.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Taking home Shampoo from a Hotel #853174

    they said that the Hotel expects you to take the small shampoos and the liek. They actually like that you do, since it has the name of teh hotel. It is cheap advertising for them.

    Advertising to whom? The crowds of people who pass through your bathroom?

    In any event, even if it is true, then there is nothing to lose by asking at the front desk.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Seeking house For weekend #852055

    Google is your friend.

    Here’s one in Cape May, NJ


    I don’t know your budget, but putting ‘”15 bedroom” rental ny’ (or nj or ct) into Google should give you some options.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: shemoneh esrei and the spine #851999

    When something is easy to determine and chazal says something that appears wrong,

    What are you going to believe? Chazal, or the evidence in front of your eyes?

    Rav Uren Riech said (empahsis mine):

    Furthermore, the Rashba says (regarding terifos) that if someone comes up to you and tells you that he knows of a cow that lived more than 12 months with one of the simanei treifah that you should not believe him.

    So, again, I ask you, who are you going to believe? Chazal when they say that man has 18 bones in his spine, or the “doctors” who say otherwise?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Giving A Year To R' Elyashiv #893029

    I think that the fact that someone appreciates the importance of a gadol hador’s contribution to the entire klal as being greater than his own protiyus is an incredible maalah. In shamayim it might not be true, but to judge from what we know here, I can’t understand how one could not sympathize with this man’s feelings.


    Were I to make a statement like that, I would be bashed down with “the Torah isn’t about feelings and mushiness but about halacha and what’s right.” But when it comes to this, all of sudden we get something along the lines of “it’s all right because his heart is in the right place.”

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Giving A Year To R' Elyashiv #893015

    Do you believe the Twin Towers could have fallen during the lifetimes of the four Gedolim that were niftar the year before

    You (and I) have no way of knowing whether it would have happened or not.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Random Thoughts #953020

    I’d love to try a parachute jump from a plane.

    So would I…

































































    … if the plane were about to crash.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: techeiles #853030

    Wolf: The din of lo sisgodidu has actual rules; it isn’t just some vague notion.

    So, please educate me. Why might techeilis be an issue but other garments not.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: techeiles #853027

    I have seen a shitta that one is oiver lo sisgodidu (you can argue),but not everyone agrees.

    In what way is wearing “techeiles” an issue of “Lo sisgod’du” but wearing a streimel or some other garb exclusive to chassidus (or any other subgroup) not?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Giving A Year To R' Elyashiv #892998


    We say that you are not allowed to kill one person to save another. The Gemara uses the phrase “who says his blood is redder [i.e. that his life is more valuable]?” This applies even if the one to be saved is a true tzaddik and the one to be killed is a true rasha — nonetheless, we don’t say “kill the rasha to save the tzaddik.”

    And yet, this person has decided that he knows that R. Eliyashiv (who should live and be well) is more valuable than himself. Apparently, he must have some insight into Heavenly matters to decide that a year of R. Elyashiv’s life is worth more than a year of his own.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: shemoneh esrei and the spine #851993

    And why do you presume that 2scents was referring to you?

    Force of habit. When someone says “kofer” (or any other variation of the word) the first thought is me.

    Granted, it’s possible that 2cents was not referring to me.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Memoir called "Unorthodox" and its effect on us #868683

    Just have her in mind three times a day, when davening vlamalshinim.

    Me too.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: shemoneh esrei and the spine #851991

    After all some of the posters are commenting things which are Kefira, at least in the eyes of the yeshivish world.

    Saying that Chazal were right is Kefirah??!!

    Man, I *really* can’t do anything right, can I? I ought to just give up and cash it in now.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Compelling All Jews to Perform Mitzvos and Follow Halacha #852041

    Apparently the OP likes to talk the talk but not walk the walk.

    Figures. He talks big about beating people up to bring them in line with halacha but when offered the chance does nothing to follow up on it. And that’s even after I said that I’d offer no resistance.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: techeiles #853024

    The answer is speak to your Rav and not to a bunch of anonymous posters on the internet who may or may not know what they are talking about.

    He’s right. I should not have said it’s blue. Go ask your Rav what color it is.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: shemoneh esrei and the spine #851988

    Wolf, im joining you in hell.

    Please don’t joke about that. I wasn’t joking.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: techeiles #853016

    It’s blue.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Cheer Up Chevra… #851851

    Sorry. NOT cheered up.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Move to Eretz Yisroel Without Accepting Citizenship #943722

    Wolf- Tzum Drite Muhl- A child born in Israel to parents that are both not Israeli citizens, IS NOT AN ISRAELI CITIZEN!!! aargh!

    Fine. Yes, I’m thick headed, but now that you’ve yelled at me, I think it got through. Thank you for educating this stupid, thick, evil ignoramus.

    Nonetheless, my other point still remains. There is nothing that the OP can do (that I know of) to prevent his children from ever becoming Israeli citizens.

    If you know of a way, please, by all means, yell it at me.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: shemoneh esrei and the spine #851983

    and WolfishMusings would have laughed at them.

    Who is laughing?

    I can’t seem to win.

    When I recommend that Chazal ought not to be taken at 100% face value when their observations are found to be in conflict with modern science I catch grief. And now that I say “go with Chazal and forget about modern science” I’m catching grief again by being accused of “laughing at Chazal.”

    I just can’t win. So fine, what do I know? It’s obvious that my wickedness and evil nature will prevent me from ever doing anything right. I guess I’m just doomed to continue doing evil no matter which approach I take.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Move to Eretz Yisroel Without Accepting Citizenship #943713

    But he’s asking how he can prevent any children who will be born (presumably, if they are born in Israel, they will automatically be Israeli citizens) or immigrate (who may or may not become citizens on immigration) from EVER becoming citizens.

    If your children are born citizens, then you would need to renounce that citizenship.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: shemoneh esrei and the spine #851980

    Meh… count this vertebra, disregard those vertebra, count these fused bones as one, count those as multiples… it’s all arbitrary and post-hoc explanatory at best. Much simpler and better to say Chazal was right, we only have 18 bones in the spine and all the anatomy books are, perforce, wrong. Do *you* believe some anatomy book over Chazal?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Move to Eretz Yisroel Without Accepting Citizenship #943711

    Despite all this posturing, to answer the OP’s question, there is NOTHING he can do to make sure that his children NEVER become Israeli citizens. Any children will have the ability to apply for citizenship as an adult regardless of any actions the OP takes.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Whose Minhagim to follow!?! #851522

    I don’t feel that such contradictions threaten my belief in Judaism.

    I don’t let such contradictions threaten my belief in Judaism either. My belief in Judaism is quite strong. My belief in myself, on the other hand, is not.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: shemoneh esrei and the spine #851968

    anyone have a good lamdishe answer to settle the two?

    What’s to settle? Chazal said there are 18 bones in the spine and that’s it. Whatever you “learned” in anatomy class is obviously wrong and to be disregarded*. If Chazal say there are 18 bones, then they are to believed and all the so-called doctors are to be ignored.

    The Wolf

    * Although, for your exam, I suggest you answer “l’shitosom.”

    in reply to: The Koach of our Gedolim: A Story with Rav Chaim shlit"a #851441

    Wolf, don’t flatter yourself. You’re nowhere near the worst person in the world. You’re not even in the top (bottom?) 20.

    1. You don’t know me. How can you possibly state that?

    2. Even if I’m the 21st worst person in the world, that’s still bad enough.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Whose Minhagim to follow!?! #851518

    And why would this bother you?

    Because then, according to that opinion, I am, once again, doing something wrong.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Compelling All Jews to Perform Mitzvos and Follow Halacha #852037

    I don’t know about your family,

    I was not allowing them to beat anyone except myself.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Is it mutar to be an organ donor? #853692

    Rav Moshe did not allow receiving heart transplates or even open heart surgery, he considered doctors who performed the transplants to be committing murder.

    It is also possible that he did not allow it because the mortality rates from such surgeries was very high and the life expectancy of the patient was rather low.

    Those conditions, thank God, no longer exist. Do you know of any *contemporary* poskim who prohibit heart surgery across-the-board?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Move to Eretz Yisroel Without Accepting Citizenship #943694

    If you don’t want your kids born here to be citizens, make sure to renounce it formally after each birth.

    In the US, you cannot renounce your citizenship if you are physically in the US. A similar situation would seem to agree with regard to Israel. At the Israeli government website dealing with renunciation of citizenship, it specifies that you must be an Israeli citizen *living abroad* to renounce your citizenship. In addition, you will have to present certification from another country that citizenship will be granted. In other words, you cannot deliberately leave yourself (or your child) stateless.

    Lastly, the entire process is up to the Interior Minister and can be declined at his/her discretion.


    The Wolf

    in reply to: Compelling All Jews to Perform Mitzvos and Follow Halacha #852035

    Both Rambam and I believe Shulchan Aruch too bring it as halacha l’maisa that Beis Din can beat someone.

    If you truly feel that way, put your (figurative) money where your mouth is. I’ve given you plenty of reasons to come beat me up above in this thread. Form a bais din and come do so.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Whose Minhagim to follow!?! #851515

    The wolf: what tune to sing is not a minhag – be my guest and change to a new tune every year…

    I wouldn’t be surprised if there were some people who felt it was.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Move to Eretz Yisroel Without Accepting Citizenship #943689

    what steps must he take to NOT (ever) become an Israeli citizen? Neither himself nor his current and future children.

    I highly doubt that there is any step you can take that would prevent your children from EVER becoming citizens. Even if you manage to keep citizenship from them as children, there is nothing you can do to prevent them from applying for it when they become adults.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Whose Minhagim to follow!?! #851506

    I cannot emphasize strongly enough how important it is to ask halocha sheilos to a rav. When people make guesses as to what they think the halocha is they are bound to make mistakes.

    I am not bothering my rav with a shaila about what tune I should use for Maoz Tzur.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Prepare For Next Shabbos When Cleaning Up From Last! #851298

    Heck, I begin preparing for the next Shabbos even *before* the present one is finished.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Reason The Gedolim Are Sick #851263

    Ah, so this too (as a blogger) is my fault.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: I have changed my mind! #851119

    tell me pls pls pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!!!

    That was the story… that he had a story to tell and then got cold feet.

    The End

    The Wolf

    in reply to: The Koach of our Gedolim: A Story with Rav Chaim shlit"a #851430

    then it follows that things said regarding you can be applied to others

    Not necessarily. If someone commits all the same sins that I do, then perhaps what I say about myself can be applied to them. But no one (other than myself) is that bad.

    No redeeming features to it at all.

    It has one important redeeming feature. It’s the truth. Kabel es haEmes miMi sheAmro.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Whose Minhagim to follow!?! #851500

    I had a tune for Maoz Tzur that I learned in yeshiva that I liked greatly. My wife’s family, however, used the traditional tune.

    In our (now married) house, we switch off tunes.

    Yeah, I know… I’m sure that someone will tell me that I’m transgressing some Y’hareg V’al Ya’avor by using my wife’s tune half the time.

    Too bad.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Compelling All Jews to Perform Mitzvos and Follow Halacha #852019


    If you’re so eager to follow the Torah, you’re more than welcome to come beat me up for the sins I mentioned above. I won’t even resist or fight back.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: How to solve the shidduch crisis? #851246

    If 23 year old boys marry 22 or even 21 year old girls instead of 19 and 20 year olds the problem will be greatly mitigated and iy”h disappear.

    I’ve got to tell you, I never get tired of hearing you say that the shidduch crisis is, in small part, my fault, because I married a girl two years younger than myself.

    The Wolf

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