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  • in reply to: Eid passuled because of Iphone #895203

    And to whomever said it was political and not halachic, how is it appropriate to make political statements at someone’s wedding, when that someone probably chose the eidim beforehand and now you go ahead and decide to jettison that pick?

    Personally, I think that it is within the MK’s rights to do so. Whether it’s appropriate to do so is another question.

    And certainly, such issues should have been clarified well before the wedding, to avoid potential embarrassments and to give the couple a chance to find another MK if they absolutely wanted this person as a witness. The couple should have been given the option ahead of time. At the wedding is not the appropriate time to start making non-halachic* (i.e. personal/political) objections.

    The Wolf

    * I was at a wedding once where the couple called up the bride’s brother-in-law as a witness. That’s an example of a *halachic* objection (since he’s ineligible).

    in reply to: Apology #895658

    And Wolfish, I know you’re in the room, hope I didn’t offend you. I felt I needed to defend myself and you are mature enough to “listen in”.

    No offense taken. I didn’t take offense at Health’s suggestion either.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Eid passuled because of Iphone #895201

    He did not want such a person as an eid.

    See my previous post. It hinges on how accurately the event was reported. It was reported as that he disqualified him. Do you have any information to the contrary (i.e. that it was a personal decision)?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Eid passuled because of Iphone #895199

    I don’t think he said he is pasul for eidus, rather as mesader kidushin, he decided that he does not want this operson as an eid. Which as mesader kedushin seems to fall within his purview.

    If that’s the way it happened, I would agree with you (although, were I the mesader kidushin, I would have investigated these things before the chuppah, rather than potentially embarrassing someone at the wedding itself — but that’s not the point we’re arguing). However, it’s reported that he disqualified him, not asked that he simply be replaced with another.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Apology #895655

    Who are you to ask him to do anything? He has a right to think negative about himself. Perhaps thinking bad about oneself is Not a good idea, but I already posted he should seek therapy.

    You are Not his therapist!

    There’s nothing wrong with posting helpful advice which I am free to accept or reject.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Apology #895654

    If everyone around you is so in love with you, certainly without even knowing you, there must be something wonderful to love.

    It’s funny you mention that, because my wife tells me the same thing. I don’t always believer her, of course, but she says it just the same. 🙂

    The Wolf

    in reply to: What's your proof? #895551

    You guys are going to make me cry. The rambam says you have to *know* Hashem. One can only know him when you can prove with an undeniable proof that Hashem exists.

    Then I guess I’m in violation, because none of the proofs hold water, and yet I still believe.

    Besides, I think you’re overplaying the word “know.” We all know things without having direct evidence. I know that water is composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom, even though I’ve never looked at it under a microscope. I know that Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg Address, even though I have no proof at all that his travelling secretary didn’t write it. To know something does not require absolute proof.

    Heck, we put people to death on the basis of less than absolute proof. If I could be put to death under Bais Din for less than absolute proof, why shouldn’t I be able to accept HKBH’s existence on the same basis?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Eid passuled because of Iphone #895197

    probably because the guy with an iphone has access to the internet…and we all know what kind of dirty things are there…so we assume this person does some bad bad aveyros…

    And you have a functioning car, and we all know that a car can take you to all sorts of dirty places that you shouldn’t go to… so we assume that you’ve frequented these places.

    And you have functioning hands, and we all know that property is often left around just “asking” to be taken… so we assume you’ve done some serious stealing…

    And you have a knife capable of cutting through things, and we all know that a knife can be used to assault, injure or even kill people… so we assume that you have committed serious assaults and murder…

    Bottom line: the means to do something does not mean we can assume that that thing has been done.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Apology #895651

    Well, I can only say it again — I was being genuine, as I am with this apology. If you choose not to believe me, I don’t know what else I can say to change that and will have to just accept the fact that that’s how you feel.

    Nonetheless, regardless of how you feel, whether you believe me or not, I will be making every effort to keep my comments about myself neutral.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Apology #895648

    And I still do!

    And therefore I’ll repeat:

    You’re entitled to think that. You’re also entitled to withhold your acceptance of same. I only hope that one day I can convince you to change your mind.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Apology #895646

    You were obviously being satirical like your talking during leining (as you are a baal koreh)

    Yes, I grant you that that was satirical. That’s also the oldest of my self-criticisms here on the boards, well before I began being seriously self-critical.

    talking to girls (your family)

    No, I meant that seriously. Like I said, I began internalizing some of the more extreme elements of the board’s population and their positions and, perhaps, even began carrying them too far myself.

    I really dont understand your apology and I think its another one of your “funny” jokes.

    You’re entitled to think that. You’re also entitled to withhold your acceptance of same. I only hope that one day I can convince you to change your mind.

    I’ll say this much for myself — I do have a very good sense of humor. If I’m trying to be funny, it will be unambiguously so.

    you sound depressed. consider therapy.

    You might be right, but I’m not considering therapy for personal reasons.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: iPad App #895056

    Search for it under “On Your Way.”

    I believe it’s “onyourway” written as one word.

    You are correct. My apologies for the misinformation.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Apology #895642

    I thought it was satirical writing. Especially when you said obnoxious things about yourself for asking your family members how they were.

    Nope. That was me internalizing some of the extreme positions posited here. I probably shouldn’t do that anymore.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: What's your proof? #895535

    As intelligent human beings, we should all have a pretty good reason for why we believe in Torah min hashamayim. I’m just curious – what are the personal proof(s) you have?

    I have none. Every “proof” that’s been presented to me for Torah MinHashamayim has not stood up to intellectual scrutiny.

    And yet, despite that, I believe. I don’t need an ironclad proof.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Rabbinical authority nowadays #895008

    Rabbonim have the right to make takanos upon the kehilla.

    Not with carte blanche. That’s very concept that a decree “she’ain hatzibur yecholim la’amod bah” proves that the tzibbur can, in fact, reject such a decree if they are unable to fulfill it.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: iPad App #895054

    No such app is coming up…

    Sorry. Search for it under “On Your Way.” The app icon is a silhouette of a man holding a book against a green field.


    The Wolf

    in reply to: The Torah's View of the Husband / Wife Relationship #895003

    Rambam (Hilchos Ishus 15:20): And thus our Sages have commanded that the woman honor her husband to an extreme degree and the fear of him should be on her and she should do all her deeds according to what he says and he should be in her eyes as a ruler or king.

    I don’t run my marriage in this fashion. Frankly, I suspect that there are very few in this day and age who actually do.

    I have been married over 20 years and, with thanks to HKBH, have a wonderful marriage. It’s a marriage of partnership and of equals. I don’t dominate her (and I certainly don’t “put the fear” of me upon her. I don’t set myself up as her “king,” “ruler,” or “master.” We have a marriage where we respect each other’s opinions. We also have a marriage where one person does not make unilateral decisions without the other. If we disagree on a subject, we work it out until we come to an agreeable compromise.

    I’m not saying that everyone’s marriage has to be as mine is. Heck, if ruling over your wife as a master works for the both of you, go right ahead. But it annoys me when posters decide that they have to rule everyone else’s marriage and imply that ALL marriages have to fit the model of a place and time that was VERY different from modern times and that that is the ONLY (proper) way to run a marriage. Culture (and even Jewish culture) has changed over time and with those changes come changes of what each partner expects out of a marriage.

    After more than 20 years, Eeees and I are comfortable in our relationship. For us to change our marriage as the OP suggests would be to destroy the marriage entirely… as I suspect it would destroy most Jewish marriages that exist today.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: iPad App #895052

    Assuming you don’t want to spend $10/month for the Artscroll Daf Yomi subscription, you can always download “U’v’lecht’cha Baderech.” It has lots of seforim (including Shas) and, best of all, is 100% free.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: What Food Item Would You Like To See Get A Hecsher? #895465

    Umm, how would anyone know what non-kosher product they would like to become kosher — unless they previously tried the treif products??

    You’ve never seen a food that you’ve never eaten before and said to yourself “Hey, that looks good?”

    Happens to me all the time when I look through cookbooks.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Apology #895639

    This apology confuses me so much. I always thought u were kidding.

    I’ve said on *numerous* occassions that I meant what I said and that if I was trying to be funny you’d know it.

    Apology for the insincere self-deprecation duly accepted.

    As I said, I didn’t expect to appease everyone. I hope over time you’ll actually come to forgive me, and, if not, I’m at a loss as to what else to do. If you have any suggestions, I’m open to them (within reason, of course).

    I’m going to take the liberty and ask you one BIG favor. Can you please write down privately (or at least think of) one wholly positive thing you did that day every night?

    I might. I’ll think about it.

    As was mentioned above, you’re not allowed to speak loshon hara about yourself. We manufacture enough tsouris on our own as a communtity – please don’t add to it 🙁

    Well, that’s the point here, isn’t it — to apologize for having done so in the past and to announce that I will try to restrain myself in the future.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Eid passuled because of Iphone #895166

    The working suspicion is that someone who has immediate and private access to these horrible sites, is liable to be suspected as possible having visited these forbidden sites.

    A. As yehudayona pointed out, such things could be accessed any number of ways, including via an old-fashioned phone.

    B. So what? Is it wrong? Sure. But there are plenty of things that one can do wrong that don’t make one passul l’eidus. Why does this? How does this fit into the classically defined cases?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Apology #895632

    And just to clarify… I’m not changing my opinion on any of the matters that we usually debate here. If you hated/loved my opinions, you’re still going to hate/love them. I’m not apologizing for any of my opinions, just the way I express my feelings about myself.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Apology #895631

    I accept your response, but am curious why when you are feeling down you don’t feel like posting on your site, but you do feel like posting here at such times?

    Good question. I don’t know if I have an answer. Perhaps because here I don’t have to come up with a post — I can just react to others? That might be it, but I can’t say for sure. Sorry.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Apology #895628

    Wow…..I love how people here publisize their apologies!

    Considering the fact that the people wronged are the readers of this board and, with a few exceptions, I don’t have the ability to email them privately and apologize, can you please tell me how I could have apologized in a different (less public) manner?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Apology #895625

    That made it seem contrived, since if it were sincere why the difference between here and there?

    You’ll notice that I barely blog at my site anymore. I think the two might be related. When I’m feeling down, I find that I don’t have the desire or energy to blog at my site, so at the times that I’m most likely to make such remarks, I’m not blogging at my site anyway.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: What's the point of participating in an opinion based online forum? #894955

    Do people expect to change other’s opinions?

    No, I don’t expect to change anyone’s mind. But I enjoy hearing other people’s opinions and I enjoy debating issues.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Eid passuled because of Iphone #895158

    It was right to be malbin pnei chaveiro barabim like that? }

    I believe the news story said that it happened in private, before the chuppah.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Eid passuled because of Iphone #895155

    Just out of curiosity, what are the halachic grounds for making this determination? Obviously, when the disqualifications were codified, Iphones did not exist. So, how were the classic disqualifications applied to apply to one who owns an Iphone?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: How Do I Drop A Friend? #895269

    Hi! I’m Shopping613’s friend and I’m borrowing her account here and there, you can call me

    CR Queen! When I post I ‘ll put CR QUEEN in big letters at the top with lots of stars!

    Is there a reason you can’t sign up for your own account?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Question about Tznius #911898

    Often Rashi says “makshin Ha’olam”, the world asks. Remember how your rebbi explained this?

    That applies here as well.

    I don’t remember. Please elucidate.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: High Schools! #894590

    You think someone repeating what you write is tarnishing your reputation? How can they be? If they are repeating what you say.

    Because you are stating that my kids were rejected from Brooklyn schools because I trumpet my rishus. In fact, I said nothing of the sort. *You* said that.

    Want to say I’m wicked? Fine — I said that. I did not say that my kids were rejected from any school because of it — and I’ll thank you not to imply or state it.

    Well here’s a bit of news, we find it irritating when you do it as well.

    I’m sorry you find the truth irritating.

    so we wonder what else to take from it.

    I suppose it never occurred to you that it might be possible that I didn’t find any of the schools in Brooklyn appropriate for my kids and didn’t even apply? And that that was my response to the OP regarding his query — that I found the schools in Brooklyn wanting. Or was the “fact” that my kids were rejected the *only* possibility?

    Even if I don’t deserve the benefit of the doubt, I think my children do.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: High Schools! #894587

    A school knows that it can only work together with parents. They cannot fight parents. Why would they think they can be successful or for that matter not detrimental when a parent proudly and loudly proclaims the opposite of what the school is trying to teach.

    Perhaps. You may have a point here.

    They weren’t accepted in local schools? Because of someone’s proudly crowing about his rishus?

    By the way, I’ll thank you not to spread false rumors about me. Unless you know me, you have no way of knowing which school we applied to, if we were rejected from any and, if so, why we were rejected.

    The fact of the matter is that I did not apply to any schools in Brooklyn for my kids for high school. So, unless you have evidence to the contrary (which you can’t have, because it didn’t happen), I’ll thank you not to tarnish my reputation further than it already is.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: A Mitzvah Completely Ruined #913894


    I’m not suggesting you do anything. You do as you believe halacha dictates.

    As for the other issues, other posters who are far smarter than I am have made it abundantly clear that talking to females is strictly forbidden. Who am I to argue with them?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Being Mechallel Shabbos in the Army #895297

    Don’t you think people should ask their LOR before assuming something is automatically muttar.

    Within reason, of course.

    With regard to the subject at hand (going into the army), yes, one should ask their LOR before joining the army. I never implied otherwise. (My objection was to the absolute categorization of it being forbidden — that does not mean that it’s automatically permitted.)

    With regard to the broader issue you bring up, that only applies if one believes there might be grounds for something to be assur. When I made a chocolate cake for the first time, I didn’t go to ask my rav if it was mattur. When I first began keeping a journal, I didn’t ask my rav if it was muttar. When I first became a ba’al kriah, I didn’t ask my rav if it was muttar. And so on.

    On the other hand, when you encounter areas where there are greater shades of gray, then, by all means, one should ask a LOR.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: A Mitzvah Completely Ruined #913887

    You get the credit for Kibud Em no matter WHY you show the kovod.

    Perhaps, perhaps not. But it doesn’t excuse the other sins I committed in the process. They more than completely destroy any good I might have accomplished (which I doubt was any at all).

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Why do people do this? #948737

    Can I ask you a question, why do people start every question with ”Can I ask you a question”?

    Whenever anyone does that to me, I answer “You just did.”

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Being Mechallel Shabbos in the Army #895295

    No. (But they should be ready to accept his ruling even if they don’t like it.)

    Fair enough.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Please recommend Shabbos permissible adult word games. #894474

    You’re still within the edit window time to edit out that sig. 🙂

    Not any more.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Being Mechallel Shabbos in the Army #895293

    I qualified my “pronouncement” to functions that have a risk of requiring Chillul Shabbos. That would probably constitute the vast majority of Armed Forces enlistments. Likely a chaplain is one of the exceptions.

    I agree with you that many positions would pose problems. Do you have a problem with my suggesting that people ask their LOR before just assuming it’s absolutely forbidden?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Please recommend Shabbos permissible adult word games. #894472

    Wolf: That sig is probably an Issur of Ona’as D’varim, even if you were actually wronged by him in that way in the past.

    Thank you.

    See, I don’t mind if people take me to task on things I actually say. It’s when people attribute arguments and positions to me that I never take that bothers me — and he has done it to me — repeatedly.

    Nonetheless, I will take your criticism to heart and hereby ask for his forgiveness for it.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Being Mechallel Shabbos in the Army #895291

    The Army can reassign you to wherever they need you, if necessary, even if it isn’t what you enlisted for. Also, most functions the enlistee knows off the bat that Chillul Shabbos (and a host of other aveiros) is a near certainty.

    They can, but that doesn’t mean that they routinely do so willy-nilly.

    In any event, I would advise you to ask your LOR before making such absolute pronouncements… especially considering the fact that there *are* frum yidden in the armed forces (including chaplains) and they may well have asked and been told it was muttar before enlisting.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Being Mechallel Shabbos in the Army #895289

    So surely it is forbidden to voluntarily enlist

    I suggest you contact your LOR before making such pronouncements. There may be certain MOS where keeping Shabbos may not be an issue. A database programmer, or a chaplain, for example, may not have an issue.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: A Mitzvah Completely Ruined #913883

    Also, am I correct in recalling that if a Yid regrets doing a mitzvah, he doesn’t lose it

    nishtdayngesheft seems to disagree with you.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Please recommend Shabbos permissible adult word games. #894470

    Eeees and I often have a good time playing Ghost.

    The Wolf (who is waiting for nishtdayngesheft to come along and accuse him of saying something that he never said).

    in reply to: A Mitzvah Completely Ruined #913881

    Refuah Shelaima to your mother. May she have a quick and speedy recovery.

    Amen. And thank you.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Being Mechallel Shabbos in the Army #895286

    There is no heter to be Mechallel Shabbos.

    Not even if the enemy is shooting at you?

    The Wolf

    (waiting for nishtdayngesheft to come along and accuse me of saying something I didn’t actually say…)

    in reply to: High Schools! #894583

    not their kids’ merits.

    Sorry. Epic fail on my part. Let’s try that again:

    Furthermore, I’d like to think that a school judges it’s applicants on their own merits, not their parents’ merits.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: A Mitzvah Completely Ruined #913877

    It is clear in halacha that if someone has charotah for a mitzvah, it is considered as if he/she had not done the mitzvah at all.

    Still putting words in my mouth? Please point out where I said that I had chorotoh or regretted the mitzvah.

    I pointed out that I completely messed it up — I never said that I regretted doing what I did for my mother — just merely that, in the process of trying to do good, I messed up as I always.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: High Schools! #894582

    They weren’t accepted in local schools? Because of someone’s proudly crowing about his rishus?

    No. I didn’t even apply to any. They weren’t right for my kids.

    Furthermore, I’d like to think that a school judges it’s applicants on their own merits, not their kids’ merits.

    Why not D’rav Meir or Machon? They are excellent schools!

    They may very well be excellent schools. But because a school is an excellent school, that doesn’t mean that it’s an excellent school for every child. Neither of those schools were appropriate for my daughter.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Tuition crisis RESOLVED!!! #894556

    great Wolf

    Still putting words in my mouth?

    I never said I was great. I never implied it.

    You want to accuse me of hijacking the thread? Fine, I can see it (even though it wasn’t my intention). But don’t accuse me of something that is blatantly untrue.

    The Wolf

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