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In this economy giving vouchers or a tax break is easier than accepting jewish kids into public school.
1. That’s not necessarily so. The money has to come from somewhere. If the economy is the problem, I would think that coming up with the money to pay for vouchers is going to be a big issue.
2. It doesn’t really matter because what’s easier is not what’s relevant. It’s still against the law in New York to fund religious schools with public money.
Why would they take them in if they can get away cheaper.
Because that’s what the law requires.
If it takes 2 years so be it.
You’re kidding, right?
Have you even considered the exclusionary nature of yeshivos today. There are parents who send their kids to particular schools because they don’t want them sitting next to my kids — and we’re Orthodox, Shomer Shabbos Jews. Do you really think that most frum Brooklynites will keep their kids in public school for two plus years??
In addition, you’re facing two additional hurdles:
1. In the span of two years, the city could *certainly* absorb the extra kids.
2. Any change to the constitution must be presented to the voters of the state as well. All such previous attempts to overturn the Blaine Amendment have failed — miserably. You’re going to have a real tough battle convincing upstate residents (who are roughly two-thirds of the state population) that they should pay for yeshiva education of kids in New York City. In short, it ain’t gonna happen.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantHow do you know what he (LJ) holds? Maybe he holds Elu V’elu?
I don’t think so. His statement sounded pretty absolute to me.
Nonetheless, if I’m wrong and he doesn’t hold that it’s an absolute violation of tznius for a woman to drive or sit in front, I’ll be more than happy to retract.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThe wife of the R’Y of Lakewood drives, I saw it with my own two eyes and he went into the passenger side
I guess, according to Loyal Jew (or whatever he’s calling himself these days), the R”Y of Lakewood isn’t familiar with the proper comportment of a Jewish woman vis-a-vis tznius. 🙂
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThis again??!!
OK, one more time…
1. New York State has a Blaine Amendment in its constitution which prohibits state funding (barring a few excepted services) of schools where religion is taught or that is controlled by a religious institution.
2. Flooding the public schools will not change point number 1. Even if every Jewish parent showed up with their kids, they won’t go ahead and say “okay, go back to your yeshivas and we’ll pay for it” because it is prohibited by the state constitution. True, they probably couldn’t handle it on day one, but within a few weeks, they’d probably be able to absorb them.
3. The only way around the Blaine Amendment is to amend the state constitution. However, the process to amend the state constitution is over two years long. Are you going to leave your kids in public school for two years?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWolfish, all I can say is that he’s not material. He wouldn’t enjoy a tie like farrocks suggested or a watch, wallet, etc.,
That’s not much to go on. Does he have any hobbies? Is there something that he can use professionally? Or would he prefer to have just some quiet quality time with the two of you (i.e. out on a date)?
The Wolf
Thanks. As I said above, I was just assuming based on regular makeup. I don’t actually know what’s involved.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantCan you tell us anything about him that might help us with coming up with ideas?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantIt’s like getting a tattoo.
Is it? I’m not certain that it is.
In a tattoo, ink gets injected through the dermal layers. With permanent makeup*, it is applied on the outside of the skin. It may not actually qualify as a tattoo for halachic purposes.
In many ways, it may be similar to eating fake crab meat, which (assuming it is otherwise kosher) is certainly permitted.**
The Wolf
* I don’t actually know this to be fact. If I’m wrong, then obviously you should disregard what I said above.
** I’m not addressing any hashkafic concerns (i.e. is it proper to do so even if technically permitted?). Those are separate questions.
WolfishMusingsParticipantTorah is meant to be learned from a sefer. Im sorry but you cant learn Shas on an ipad!
Somehow I can see someone in the past having said “Torah is meant to be learned from a scroll. I’m sorry, but you can’t learn from a bound codex.” I can also see someone saying “Seforim weren’t meant to be mass printed. They were meant to be handwritten by trained sofrim.”
In all seriousness, however, can you provide some basis for your statement, or is it just your opinion. Is there some reason why you can’t learn from an e-Sefer as effectively as you can from a paper sefer?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantNo, but not out of any belief that doing so is forbidden.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantYou always manage to sneak in a sinning comment!
That’s not true. There are any number of threads where I don’t mention sin at all.
The Wolf
November 20, 2012 2:01 am at 2:01 am in reply to: Secession petitions now filed for all 50 states #908029WolfishMusingsParticipantOomis: How excited were the Yekkes when Hitler rose to power? Would you call them sour grapes too?
Oh, please. Don’t post stupid, ridiculous comparisons.
If you really believe that Obama’s re-election is anything akin to Hitler’s coming to power, then you’re truly deluded.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantSo, when couples want to/need to go for joint therapy, are they automatically sinning (since one of them must be of the opposite gender)?
The Wolf
November 16, 2012 4:03 pm at 4:03 pm in reply to: Secession petitions now filed for all 50 states #908019WolfishMusingsParticipantif 50 states all secede, would that leave just Washington dc and porta rica in the USA?
Well, I think the Union would collapse well before the 50th state seceeded. In any event, in addition to porta rica* (sic), the U.S. has other insular territories as well, including Guam, American Somoa, Northern Mariana Islands and the U.S. Virgin Islands (which, I should point out, is a beautiful place).
The Wolf
* It’s “Puerto Rico.”
November 16, 2012 4:00 pm at 4:00 pm in reply to: Secession petitions now filed for all 50 states #908018WolfishMusingsParticipantIf only secession was possible.
It’s not. We had a little dustup back in the 1860s on that very issue.
In addition, the Supreme Court ruled (Texas v. White) that secession is not possible.
The Wolf
November 7, 2012 11:32 pm at 11:32 pm in reply to: Cleaning Up Your Tableware After Your Restaurant Meal #903416WolfishMusingsParticipantIs it proper to discard your own tableware papergoods (plates, forks, etc.) after eating in a pizza shop or is it expected that the restaurant will clean off your table?
My general rule is this:
If the restaurant has waiter service, then I let the waiters do it. If it’s “fast food,” I always clean up after myself, whether it’s “proper” or not.
The Wolf
November 7, 2012 11:31 pm at 11:31 pm in reply to: Boro Park / Flatbush / Kensington / Benzenhurst #907113WolfishMusingsParticipantBenzenhurst
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThe short answer is that there is no Jewish court authorized today to try capital cases.
In order to do so, you need two prerequisites — both of which are missing:
1. The Sanhedrin (the Supreme Court/Legislative body of Sages) must be convened in the Bais HaMikdash. Since there is no Bais HaMikdash today, no court can try capital cases.
2. You need judges who have an unbroken chain of rabbinical ordination from Moshe. That chain was broken long ago. As a result, there are no judges today qualified to try capital cases.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantCan one touch one’s best friend’s sister?
Well, if my best friend’s sister is my wife*…
The Wolf
*No, not my case, but certainly there must be such cases.
WolfishMusingsParticipantBolding the words does not change that it was not the reason *why* HKB”H sent the hurricane, rather *how* he sent it.
You’re obviously missing this. Let’s try this one more time.
The little I know said the following:
Anyone who tells me the precise cause for Sandy is either a kofer, a ball gaava, or a plain idiot.
Please note that he did not say “anyone who gives the reason HaShem brought Hurricane Sandy.” He said “the precise cause for Sandy.” IME, the precise cause for Sandy was HKBH’s choosing to send Sandy.
Are there reasons He decided to send Sandy? Certainly — and I wouldn’t dare to speculate as to what they are. But that’s a *separate question* then the question of the cause for Sandy.
TLIK said that anyone who gives a cause (not the reason why the hurricane came, but the cause) is a kofer, a ba’al ga’avah or a plain idiot. I gave a cause — HKBH’s will was the cause for the storm.
And I apologize about the kofer, to be accurate you said ” Am I a kofer, a ba’al ga’avah or a plain idiot”.
Apology accepted.
To The Little I Know: I still await your response to my query. Your silence on the matter says to me that you don’t really believe what you said.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantRegardless as to why you may be a kofer,
I did not say that. In fact, I’ve been careful not to say such things since I said I would no longer do so. Are you again putting words in my mouth, or are you calling me a kofer?
You said how it happened, not why.
I did say why. I’ll even highlight the pertinent part:
Hurricane Sandy came because HKBH chose to manipulate atmospheric and oceanic conditions, causing the confluence of weather events which led to Hurricane Sandy making landfall in New Jersey.
The “why” is because HKBH wanted it. That’s not a “how.” The rest of my statement could be said to be a “how,” but that portion is clearly a “why.”
It is left to you to explain why you are a kofer, which you seem to be asserting.
I asserted no such thing. The poster stated that a person who says something must belong to one of three categories. I merely asked him which I belonged to now that I made that statement. I asked a question. I did not make an assertion. At no point did I say “I must be a kofer because I believe the hurricane happened for reason X.”
You are *again* putting words in my mouth — something you have done in the past, something which I’ve repeatedly asked you to stop doing, and for some perverse reason, you seem to continually do.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantYou just love being different dont you?
No, it’s not that. I truly did not like either of the two mainstream candidates, so I did not vote for them. For the other races, I *did* vote for candidates from the Republican and/or Democratic party.
The Wolf
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWell, I’m a registered Democrat and I voted today. So please, tell me where I should go to turn myself in for casting an illegal ballot.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantA niece is an ervoh like any other girl
The term “ervah” is usually used to refer to a potential partner who is forbidden to you by virtue of being already married, a relative, or a relative of a previous or current spouse. In that sense, a niece is NOT an ervah*, nor is “any other girl.”
The Wolf
* Yes, technically, if a Niddah, she is an ervah, but when discussing potentially permitted relationships, we don’t use the term ervah in that sense.
WolfishMusingsParticipantI will not say whom I voted for, but I will make the following two statements:
1. I did vote.
2. I did not vote for President Obama or Governor Romney for President.
The Wolf
November 6, 2012 10:11 pm at 10:11 pm in reply to: Why do you think the Hurricane Sandy came? #906897WolfishMusingsParticipantYour response was *how* Hurricane Sandy happened, not *why*.
Whether I answered the OP or not is irrelevant. My latest question was addressed to “The little I know,” who made a definitive statement. My question is posed to him(?), not the OP. He(?) said that anyone who can state a cause for the hurricane is a kofer, ba’al ga’avah or a plain idiot. I gave a cause and I’m asking him(?) which category I now belong to.
The Wolf
November 6, 2012 3:58 pm at 3:58 pm in reply to: Must a vote be cast in every section of the ballot? #903146WolfishMusingsParticipantTo answer the OP, the laws probably vary from state to state.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipant“2) The only permissible relatives for a person to hug and kiss are a mother/father, son/daughter, grandson/granddaughter according to some Poskim and a sister below the age of 3 (or 7 according to the Chazon Ish). (See Aruch Hashulchan Even HaEzer Siman 21:10)
Oh well, I guess my wife is out.
As an aside, why is it permissible to touch a grandson/daughter but not a grandfather/mother? And how is someone to touch their grandchildren without having them touch you back?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWhen life gives you lemons, make sure to ask for some water, sugar, ice and some tall glasses.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThe little I know:
You still did not answer my question. You said:
Anyone who tells me the precise cause for Sandy is either a kofer, a ball gaava, or a plain idiot.
I gave a cause above. Now please tell me which category I fall into according to you. Am I a kofer, a ba’al ga’avah or a plain idiot?
I await your response. If you fail to respond, I will take it to mean that you don’t really mean what you said, since you aren’t willing to back it up.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantAnother one of my favorites:
Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read. ~ Groucho Marx
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantAnyone who tells me the precise cause for Sandy is either a kofer, a ball gaava, or a plain idiot.
I gave a cause, above. To wit:
Hurricane Sandy came because HKBH chose to manipulate atmospheric and oceanic conditions, causing the confluence of weather events which led to Hurricane Sandy making landfall in New Jersey.
To which category do I belong? Am I a kofer, a ba’al ga’avah or an idiot?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantA good oldie attributed to Yogi Berra:
“When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”
The Wolf
November 4, 2012 3:22 pm at 3:22 pm in reply to: Newly Assuming Managerial Duties at Employer #902304WolfishMusingsParticipantUse the same name every day.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantHurricane Sandy came because HKBH chose to manipulate atmospheric and oceanic conditions, causing the confluence of weather events which led to Hurricane Sandy making landfall in New Jersey.
Beyond that, all is speculation.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThe sentiment you speak of, doesnt negate the need for an organization that welcomes these ex-Chasids, that isnt antagonistic towards religious observance.
You missed what I wrote. I agreed with you that such an organization should exist. However, I also expressed pessimism about the practicality of it existing.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantDitto for the MO. 1) Why aren’t you advocating organizations to help transition MO Jews to a Chareidi way of life? 2) Why has only the reverse occurred to you?
Did you even read what I wrote above:
And, to your point, if an MO person would be more comfortable in a chassidic setting, they should be allowed to follow that derech too.
The truth, however, is that there isn’t a need for organizations the other way. Yeshivish and MO Jews aren’t given the message that it’s either their way or OTD. They know that if they want to join a chassidus, all they have to do is approach them. It happens all the time.
Chassidic people, on the other hand, are given the message that if they don’t follow in chassidus, then it’s little or no different than going OTD.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantI’m game. I’m a CR poster, ask me anything. And you *can* verify that.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantAvhaben (or whatever you call yourself these days),
You;ve missed the entire point.
There are Chassidic people who are unhappy with their lives in the fold. To escape, they leave the derech altogether, when they might just as easily remain on the derech and in the yeshivish or MO camps. (Now, I know you don’t consider MO on the derech at all and probably think they’re better off in a Reform Temple than in MO, but I’m going to ignore that for now). And so, there should be programs that allow them to go where they’re more comfortable and remain on the derech.
And, to your point, if an MO person would be more comfortable in a chassidic setting, they should be allowed to follow that derech too.
The Wolf
November 1, 2012 11:46 pm at 11:46 pm in reply to: Shocking Study of Modern Orthodox OTD Rate #941588WolfishMusingsParticipantWhile I agree that such an organization is needed, I don’t ever see one coming to fruition.
I don’t see Satmar* just sitting by while an organization that turns disgruntled Satmars into yeshivish or MO Jews is created. They would denounce such an organization and attempt to use their influence in the Orthodox world to have the organization shuttered.
The Wolf
* I don’t mean to pick on Satmar specifically. I think the same would hold true for most, if not all, chassidic groups. However, Satmar is one of the few with the clout to really make trouble for a pro-Orthodox organization that allows individuals to segue out of the chassidus.
WolfishMusingsParticipantOn someone’s 120th Birthday, you can’t really wish him “ad mayah v’esrim shana”, so what do you wish them…”Have a good day”?
How about “may you have many more days and years of health and happiness?”
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWhy can’t they institute diagonal parking. We’d be able to fit more cars all over the place. Maybe someone could mention this to the Department of traffic, the Mayor, the President… Let’s see change..
Some streets are too narrow to support diagonal parking on both sides.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantIt is never* wrong to learn Mishnayos, regardless of the reason.
The Wolf
*Barring Tisha B’Av or during mourning.
WolfishMusingsParticipantIn real life, I’m somewhat less confrontational (i.e. If I overhear someone make a statement, I will usually not comment on it as I do here). Otherwise, I’m pretty much in real life as I am here.
Oh, and I’m slightly less furry in real life as well.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantI hope you”ll tell us, Wolf, that your Zaidy lived to see you born, and to enjoy the thrill of a grandson!
(Calm down all you posters who are thinking of calling me a misogynist; I’m sure Wolf’s grandfather loved all his daughters dearly.)
Well, he did live to see me born, married and become a father myself. Whether or not I am a “thrill of a grandson” I’ll leave to the judgement of others.
The Wolf
(And yes, he loved all his daughters.)
October 25, 2012 9:39 pm at 9:39 pm in reply to: Rav Chaim: A Nebach Apikorus is also an Apikorus #900888WolfishMusingsParticipantJust find me one source that would apply the concept of Guf to Hashem.
The Rambam, in Hilchos Teshuva (3:7), states that one who states that God has a body is a “min.” The Ra’avad asks on this why the Rambam would call such a person a “min” when greater rabbis than he (the Rambam) held such beliefs.
While I do not think this means to imply that the Ra’avad, himself, held such a belief, he was, however, clearly okay with it and did not consider it heresy to hold such a view.
You might also want to check out Dr. Shapiro’s book (which I don’t have handy right now) “The Limits of Orthodox Theology” where he brings several examples of gedolim who held that the idea of God having a body isn’t heresy.
The Wolf
October 25, 2012 6:59 pm at 6:59 pm in reply to: Whats wrong with Eating Ice Cream or a Hot Dog in #900793WolfishMusingsParticipantI am being dan l’kaf z’chus that the owner of the website does not yet know about this. But now that I Googled the name, I agree that such a despicable person’s name should not be used as a SN.
FWIW, I was not aware of the significance of the name either before gavra brought it up.
However, as far as the user goes, your sense of humor is… unappreciated and inappropriate.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipanti mean, are you serious?! why would someone in their right mind want someone with ANY problem??? NOT to say that people are perfect, and everyone has SOME chessronos, but when displayed out in the open, the answer will always be a resounding NO.
This sentence beautifully illustrates one of the major problems with the way shidduchim are done today.
The Wolf
October 24, 2012 11:09 pm at 11:09 pm in reply to: Shocking Study of Modern Orthodox OTD Rate #941462WolfishMusingsParticipantMeh. I got tired of fighting the haters.
There are several posters on these boards who have nothing better to do than simply make hateful, hurtful statements just for the sake of either hurting others or stirring up the pot. I’ve learned to just treat their statements as the product of people who are either ignorant, xenophobic, possessed of a holier-than-thou attitude or, perhaps, just plain mean and spiteful (or, perhaps a combination of all of the above).
Sometimes you have to remember the old maxim: don’t wrestle with a pig. It only gets you dirty and annoys the pig. (And yes, I, too, am sometimes guilty of ignoring this maxim myself.)
The Wolf