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  • in reply to: Maybe I Just Shouldn't Say Kaddish? #1101320

    Thank you all for your words of kindness and support. I didn’t mean to leave this thread without contributing, but factors prevented me from fully participating.

    In the end, whenever I say Kaddish without really thinking about the meaning of the words, it almost feels like I brought a korbon to HKBH — but of only the skin. Without the meaning, the words are hollow and empty, with no real substance. Like the skin when stuffed or inflated, it may seem real, and it may even fool some people, but in the end, it doesn’t fool HKBH. (I often feel the same way when davening Shmoneh Esrei without the proper kavanah as well.)

    I don’t really want to go to the bimah for several reasons. First of all, the other people saying kaddish are (to the best of my knowledge) all members of one family. It is not for me to intrude myself upon their family grief. Just because I am going through something similar does not, automatically, grant me rights to insert myself into their family and their proceedings.

    In addition, going to the bimah implies an importance of myself and my kaddish which, truthfully, I just don’t feel. I’m the type of person who would much rather sit in the back corner (yes, in my weekday shul, I literally sit in the back corner as far away from the center of the shul as possible) and be paid no attention whatsoever. If I didn’t actually have to say kaddish, no one would probably even know that I was there in the morning.

    Lastly, going to the bimah and saying it slowly and “forcing” them to slow down to my pace would be imposing *my* way of doing something on them — and I’m certainly not the right person to be doing that.

    In truth, I guess I was just really upset the day I posted this, and I probably let it get to me far more than I should have. I probably should not have vented my frustrations here.

    Again, thank you for the kind and supporting words. May you all have a k’siva v’chasima tova.

    The Wolf


    If your child is vaccinated there should be no problem your child will not get the disease. It is no different than if you send your child to school with sun screen and his friend doesn’t have sun screen. Your child wouldn’t get sun burnt but the other one will.

    There are two issues here:

    1. Some people, for various reasons, cannot be vaccinated.

    2. Vaccinations are not necessarily 100% effective. Sometimes you can get a vaccine and still come down with the disease if you come in contact with an infected person.

    In both of these cases, “herd immunity” protects them from coming down with the disease in question. By having a general population that is vaccinated, the chances of them coming down with the disease is much lower.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Sunglasses assur? #1098298

    I wear sunglasses on occasion when my eye infection acts up. Not that I need them, per se, but just so that other people don’t have to see my swollen up, infected eye.

    I guess it’s just another indication of my moral degradation. 🙁

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Orthodox & Mormon Shidduch Crisis comparison – Time Magazine #1098009

    So, they also have this issue, despite not

    having the cheirem d’Rabbeinu Gershom ?

    The LDS outlawed and repudiated polygamy over a century ago. Polygamists today are shunned by the mainstream LDS church.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: What a Beautiful Gorgeous Sunny Day!! #1095846

    Does photography make you happy?

    Yes, but apparently good photography days are bad because they’re not bright and sunny as Happy Go Lucky requires. Furthermore, my puny photos can’t do a sunny day justice, so why bother trying.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: freezer for morahs #1097204

    No hiring unmarried girls as Morahs.

    You are aware, of course, that discrimination on the basis of marital status is illegal.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: What a Beautiful Gorgeous Sunny Day!! #1095844

    And no photograph would compare, do justice.

    I guess you’re right. Since no photograph would ever do it justice, I suppose I should just give it up.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: What a Beautiful Gorgeous Sunny Day!! #1095841

    Please don’t shoot any innocent lions.

    That’s okay. The cameras I shoot with are harmless to whomever they are pointed at.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: What a Beautiful Gorgeous Sunny Day!! #1095839


    I’m glad you’re happy, but, personally, as a photographer, I’d prefer an overcast day on the days that I go shooting. 🙂

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Response to "A Ritual of Madness" #1095592

    To e/o: It definitely sounded like criticism. Esp. when the word “heck” was used!

    Fine. Whatever.

    Consider my perfectly reasonable request withdrawn. It’s not worth it.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Why are republicans pro-life? #1095739

    Just to provide context, Joseph’s post was in response to this:

    Why force feed?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Why force feed? #1095892

    Can we stop quoting these Shittos please? They are wholly and entirely rejected by every major Posek in the last century, most notably (and strongly) R’ Moshe Feinstein.

    Next you’ll be telling me I should never state that Bais Shammai have a particular opinion (except for the rare cases when we do hold like them).

    The Wolf

    in reply to: What Makes You HAPPY? #1096689

    Sometimes, nothing. And the fact that nothing does, when I have so much going for me in my life, and knowing how truly blessed I am with what I have in my life, only makes me sadder still.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Why force feed? #1095890

    See also ????? ?”? ??’ ? who apparently entertains a tzad that suicide is muttar

    Rav Ya’akov Emden has a teshuva where he states that one is permitted to commit suicide as an atonement for a sin for which the punishment is the death penalty.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Response to "A Ritual of Madness" #1095587

    Instead of criticizing, why don’t you give an opinion? If you agree, then fine. If not, tell us why!

    What the heck was wrong with my request? All I ask was that, in the future, when such threads are created, a link be provided so that I and others can know what it’s about.

    That’s not a criticism, that’s a request. And I’m not required to have an opinion on the matter one way or the other to be entitled to understand what it’s about.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Response to "A Ritual of Madness" #1095585

    May I make a suggestion, please?

    If you’re going to start a thread about a news item or mailbag item posted on YWN, please include a link.

    Not all of us follow every YWN news item and, more importantly, someone finding this thread six months or a year from now will certainly have no idea what the heck the OP was talking about.

    The Wolf


    in reply to: Why are republicans pro-life? #1095712

    Based on your logic, I suppose Republicans wouldn’t oppose people who engage in shooting sprees at Democratic events?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Why force feed? #1095860

    Wolfish – There are two reasons why we kill a ????: a) ???? ????? – saving the victim, and b) ??????? ???????. Your tone of surprise is because you are working with the first reason, in which case killing him is obviously useless. However, according to the second reason, if he is about to commit suicide and there is no way of stopping him, you should kill him (provided suicide is ?? ????, as I said above).

    Can you please cite where this is halacha? I would be very interested in reading such a ruling.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Why force feed? #1095858

    According to the shittos that somebody who commits suicide transgresses ?? ????, somebody who attempts to commit suicide may have a din of a Roidef, in which case he is ???? ?????? ?????!!

    By that logic, if the only way to prevent a suicide is by killing him, you should do it???

    The Wolf

    in reply to: But people don't get to choose their own schools in America #1097625

    Some context, please?

    The Wolf


    What happened to the OP?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Shabbos trouble at Lefrak City #1094610

    What’s Lefrak City?

    Seriously mod42? its on Queens blvd past Forest Hills in the direction of Manhattan

    It might do to remember that not everyone is from New York.

    It might also do to remember that not even all New Yorkers know where all the neighborhoods are. I heard of Lefrak City, and knew that it was somewhere in the city, but aside from knowing it’s not in Manhattan, I couldn’t have placed it on a map either.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Girls name Raylah #1094644

    1) A Jew should have a name found in Nach (which is kinda strange, cause as far as I know Chaim isn’t a name in Nach either)

    There is the objection you yourself mentioned. There is also plenty of other names that are widely used with no objections that aren’t names in the Torah either. So why “pick on” Shira?

    2) Shira is a davar she’ain bo mamash and/or a shtus, and Jewish names should have more significance.

    Again, you could make the same argument for any number of other names. Chaim, Shalom, etc.

    3) It comes from non-Jewish or secular Zionist influence/origins.

    “Shira” means song. Songs are pretty much universal. Jews in the Torah sang songs.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Contact Rabbi Lawrence Kelemen #1093881

    He has a Facebook page. You could, presumably, contact him through there.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: cats in my yard #1092421

    Tips to repel cats:

    1. Remove food sources (check trashcans, etc.)

    2. Moving water sprinklers

    3. Cat repellent plants (sprinkle rue around your yard. Or spray citrus scents).

    4. Buy a commercially sold cat repellent spray.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: And I'm The One Disrespecting The Davening???!! #1092647

    Big deal. I know this dude who talks right through the whole krias hatorah. The entire time! He never shuts up except between aliyos–that’s right, he only shuts up between aliyos.

    Such a person shows absolutely no respect to the davening or leining. He should be publicly shunned and shamed until he changes his behavior.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: And I'm The One Disrespecting The Davening???!! #1092646

    yyou didn’t tear him to shreds?

    No. I don’t rebuke anyone directly.

    but seriously i don’t kknow this person, if he’s a habitual talker or not, however if he is i’m very impressed he kept shut during shachris hallel and krias hatorah and couldn’t hold himself back any longer!

    I don’t know either. I’ve been living in this neighborhood over a decade, but I really don’t know anyone here well enough to know their habits. I don’t know if the person is a regular talker or not… I usually don’t pay attention to those things if they aren’t bothering me. I usually pay attention to my davening and that’s it. The only reason I noticed it this time was because he was so close and disturbing me.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Why do women like flowers? #1151338

    T613, how does an exception prove a rule? Wouldn’t a rule be stronger if there were no exceptions?

    A common misunderstanding.

    The way we use the word “prove” today would mean that when you finally find an exception, then you know the rule is true. Of course, that’s logically inconsistent because, if you find an exception, then the rule is not a rule. So how did this phrase originate?

    The answer is that when the phrase was coined, “prove” had a different meaning. “Prove” meant “to test.” So to “prove a rule” actually meant to test it. You would use an exception to try to test whether or not the rule was true.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: And I'm The One Disrespecting The Davening???!! #1092630

    Speaking of disrespecting davening, I maintain those who learn during davening are doing the same.

    I would agree, but with a caveat….

    … if you’re just waiting (i.e. you finished Shmoneh Esrei and are waiting for Chazaras HaShatz to begin; you finished P’sukei D’zima and are waiting for the tzibbur to get up to Yishtabach, etc.) then it’s okay. However, once the tzibbur begins, then it’s time to shut the sefer and follow along with the tzibbur.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: olam habah #1092108

    i want to know why we learn besides sechar and if its only to know right and wrong we might as well just learn shulchan aruch why gemora and the like.

    That’s a different question than the one you were asking earlier.

    You learn Gemara to learn the *reasoning* behind the decisions in the S”A and other Halachic codes. The reasoning is important because it may provide clues as to when the Halacha as brought down in the S”A or other Halachic codes may or may not apply in situations not envisioned by the writers of those codes.

    It’s akin to knowing how SCOTUS rules on a case vs. actually reading the decision written by the justices.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: olam habah #1092105

    1. If I do not care for sechar and am not scared of onesh why should I keep mitzvos?

    Because doing right and wrong isn’t always about a reward. Things that are right are right because they are right and not because of the reward we may get. We should strive to do right for it’s own sake and not for the sake of the reward.

    When you say “thank you” to someone for something they did for you, do you do it only because you see some reward in it for you at a later date? When you give up your seat on the subway/bus to another person who really needs it, would you really not do it and be completely selfish if there was nothing in it for you?

    2. Why do we learn torah?

    To learn what *is* right and what *is* wrong.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Why do women like flowers? #1151322

    I like flowers, and I’m not a woman.

    My wife also buys me flowers on occasion too (although she usually does this with the intent of me photographing them as I enjoy floral photography).

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Echad Mi Yodea with Gemara #1091843

    Thanks a lot

    You’re welcome.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Echad Mi Yodea with Gemara #1091840

    Since the mods don’t allow links…

    Go to Youtube. Search for “Tanu Tanu Rabanan – Passover Song”


    The Wolf

    in reply to: Skipping in pesukei d'zimra #1092219

    Everyone has some reason why their late at least once in a while.

    Oh, man. I don’t believe I did that….

    I’m sorry, folks. That should be “they’re” not “their.”

    The Wolf (who is usually pretty good when it comes to choosing the correct homophone…)

    in reply to: Skipping in pesukei d'zimra #1092216

    Why skip? Why not make the effort to show up on time?

    Because no one is perfect. I’m almost always on time (even early) yet, as it happens, this morning, I overslept and got to the 7:30 minyan at 7:33. (Fortunately, they didn’t start until 7:40.)

    Everyone has some reason why their late at least once in a while.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Yahrzeit – Stressful Day? #1105581

    Thank you.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Equality and Inequality #1091505

    The Wolf = Anav.

    Whatever.,. I don’t have the willpower to fight with you on this.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: What is more disruptive in shul…. #1091497

    FWIW, my phone is usually still at home for Shacharis. For Mincha/Ma’ariv, however, I do have my phone with me. However, I always keep it on vibrate.

    No, I don’t turn it off (and probably wouldn’t even if you asked me to – although I’d double check to make sure it was on vibrate/silent).

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Girls name Raylah #1094619

    One of my daughter’s names is a highly unusual one. But there is absolutely no doubt that R. Kanievsky would consider it a Jewish name.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Skipping in pesukei d'zimra #1092212

    The first thing people sacrifice when they come late to shul is the korbanos.

    I remember getting a laugh out of that the first time I heard it.

    (Yeah, I know I’m sick to find humor in a joke about skipping parts of davening.)

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Searching for employment #1091451

    I’m afraid I don’t have any specific advise for you, but (FWIW), I hope you find something soon. May HKBH bless your search efforts and help you to secure a good position soon.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Shabbos-Permissible Word (Board) Games #1091448

    We use poker chips. We also use the same type of board that charliehall mentions.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Skipping in pesukei d'zimra #1092211

    Since becoming an avel, I’ve actually made it to shul on time every day, so I don’t need to skip. I manage to say it all every day.

    That does not mean, however, that I actually pay attention all the time. Sadly, that is far from the case.

    Body present, mind… not so much.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Equality and Inequality #1091503

    The Wolf = Lamid Vov.

    M’dvar sheker tirchak.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: bbarbecues during the nine days #1091702

    what? you want me to give names of organizations that are doing this?

    No, I wasn’t asking for that. I didn’t even know that anyone was doing it. Oh, well… my stupidity shows again. Please forget I said anything.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Equality and Inequality #1091501

    The Wolf <> Good.

    in reply to: Cholov Yisroel and Gan Eden #1091560

    I dare say you don’t really know what they think of you in shomayim either, but you’ll deny that, so we’ll leave that alone.

    Fair enough. We can agree to disagree.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: bbarbecues during the nine days #1091700

    I have no idea what you’re talking about.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Cholov Yisroel and Gan Eden #1091558

    No, how can you say you’re worse than the other person.

    Oh, I misunderstood. I answered that above.

    Wolf: If someone says Tehilim every day (aside from what’s in davening) will he get schar in olam haba for that? Or do you contend there is no way to know whether he will get more schar than if he lived his life exactly as otherwise except that he did not say Tehilim every day?

    No, I don’t know that. How can you be so certain that you do? Perhaps there is a *better* use of one’s time than saying Tehillim (yeah, I know, that borders on heresy…). Perhaps HKBH wants me to do something else instead. Perhaps I could be doing tzedaka, learning or even earning a living and supporting my family during that time. There are times when it’s appropriate to put away the Tehillim and do something else.

    Or maybe He just doesn’t want my Tehillim.

    The Wolf

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