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  • in reply to: KIPPOT SERUGOT #1159293

    No, it was a sharp answer, because there are no real alternate possibilities

    Yes there were. I even provided a few possible legitimate reasons why he might not want to wear the one the school wanted. Given the facts as presented, he didn’t even ask why the kid would want to wear a different yarmulke – he basically indicated that there was no possible reason to want to wear a different one.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Are Jews allowed to listen to Noahide music? #1215398

    This one goes back a while. From Allan Sherman’s Chim-Chim-Cheree parody:

    My Fastback has Wide-Track and Autronic Eye,

    Which winks when a cute little Volvo goes by;

    My tank full of Platformate starts with a roar,

    But when I try to stop, it goes two miles more.

    I measure my breathing with my Nasograph,

    It’s nice, but oh my, how it hurts when I laugh.

    My chair is upholstered in real Naugahyde;

    When they killed that nauga, I sat down and cried.

    (He moved to Chicago when that nauga died!)

    The Wolf

    in reply to: overbearing parents #1161260

    What is the right balance for parents to control their teenagers lives?

    It really depends on the individual teen and the age of said teen. I don’t think there’s a “one size fits all” answer. Can you provide more specifics?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: KIPPOT SERUGOT #1159291

    No, it was a sharp answer.

    No, it was a dismissal, because he refused to consider any of the possible alternatives. He also refused to consider the alternative of “if it makes no difference, then why should the school expel him?”

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Women & Tznius #1159541

    Honestly, you are in the wrong place. Go to Imamother.com. 🙂

    If she’s single, she cannot join Imamother.

    From their front page:

    Welcome! Imamother is a warm community of married and once married frum Jewish women.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: KIPPOT SERUGOT #1159286

    Rav Shteinman responded, “So if there’s no difference, why doesn’t he just wear the black one?”

    That’s not an answer, that’s a dismissal.

    There are plenty of reasons why he might want to wear the other yarmulke. Perhaps he likes the color better. Perhaps it stays on his head better. Perhaps it feels more comfortable for him. Perhaps it has sentimental value for him (it was made/given to him by someone who means a lot to him).

    The Wolf

    in reply to: KIPPOT SERUGOT #1159264

    a kipa is perceived by some as being used to identify with a group

    I wear a kippah serugah. It’s large and completely black. So I guess that means that I identify with very modern Chareidim??

    The Wolf

    in reply to: the shidduch system #1203100

    We urgently require a ????, that if a marriage ends in divorce within 10 years, that ???? is ????? to return the money.

    That’s one of the most ridiculous things I’ve heard in years. The Shadchan is not responsible for the couple’s marital problems.

    “But,” you’ll say “it is his/her fault. The Shadchan should never have put them together if they were going to fail.”

    Baloney. The Shadchan doesn’t force anyone into a marriage. The primary people who have to take responsibility for a marriage are the bride and groom. If they go into a marriage that is doomed to fail from the start (which is the only scenario where you might, conceivably, say it’s the Shadchan’s fault) then it’s their fault for not saying “No. This marriage isn’t going to work. I’m not going forward.” They have to take primary responsibility – not the Shadchan.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Friday of Chukas Attack #1159430

    it is against halacha to ever fast on any erev Shabbos i.e. friday

    So, I guess when 10 Teves comes out on Friday, you don’t fast?

    I don’t know about you, but I do. And if that makes me a rasha, a Maskil or a Reform Jew or whatever other language you would want to use to disparage me for ignoring your “halacha” then so be it.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: ???? ??????? vs. Orthoprax #1158801

    Wolf, specifically regarding that position, Rav Elyashev stated that while that position is apikorsus, the subscriber of that position is not necessarily personally an apikorus. If I recall correctly I think his reason was because the subscriber mistakenly, but sincerely, thinks its a halachicly legitimate position to hold.

    So, you’re going to weasel out of it by saying that as long as the apikorus beleives his apikorsus, then all is well as we can welcome him? I don’t believe that normative halacha views the matter that way.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Frum Jews on Reality Shows #1160372

    Bah. I don’t like Clinton and I don’t like Trump, and I’m not going to vote for either of them, regardless of what any rav says.

    I will either vote for a third party candidate, or else just leave the presidential portion of my ballot blank.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: ???? ??????? vs. Orthoprax #1158799

    I can’t think of any positions you hold that are apikorsus.

    For starters, I’m not a Young Earth Creationist. I believe that would put me outside the pale for you and many others.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: ???? ??????? vs. Orthoprax #1158797

    “???? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ??? ?’ ???? ?’ – ????: “???? ?????? ?????? ??? ??? ????????? ????? ?????? ??????? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ??????”.

    ??????- “???????? ???? ????? ?????… ?????? ??? ???? ?? ????? ???? ?? ????? ??? ????? ???…”

    Hilchos Rechilus 9:15

    ???? ????? ???? ?????? ????? ??? ???????, ??? ??? ????? ??????? ?????

    Do you disagree with the Chofetz Chaim? The CC says you should judge an apikorus.

    Do you disagree with the Chofetz Chaim? I think you do.

    You’ve known, *for years* that I hold positions that many frum people (yourself included) would view as apikorsus. And for years, you’ve been trotting out this statement of the CC’s. And yet, you have not sought to publicly embarrass me, judge me or degrade me, as the Chofetz Chaim commands.

    So, sir, I am calling you out on this. I don’t think you truly believe or wish to observe this command of the Chofetz Chaim as you have failed, for years, to observe it.

    So, in essence, I’m asking you to put up or shut up. Either observe his command and embarrass me and degrade me as per the command, or stop bringing it up.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Was women's suffrage a mistake? #1158978

    mw13, do you disagree that a woman’s place is in the home and that civilization for thousands of years, until roughly 100 years ago, always recognized and acted as such. And are you unfamiliar that our seforim hakedoshim state that a man’s place is to go out in the world and engage outside the home while a woman’s place is to remain in the home and run they family’s domestic affairs?

    Do you think not only the American founding fathers got it wrong, but all of civilization from the beginning of time until Susan B. Anthony came along all got it wrong, including Chazal and our own chachomim?

    So, based on that logic, let’s empty out all the yeshivos were masses learn every day, so that they can go to work and their wives can stay home. After all, the phenomenon of so many people learning is very new, in the post-Shoah world.

    Do you think that all of Jewish history from the beginning of the settling of Eretz Yisroel until the Holocaust had it wrong, including Chazal?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Recent shootings/protests #1166175

    pecifically black-on-police shootings, which occur far far far more frequently

    Not true (at least with regard to fatalities).

    So far, 26 police officers have died of gunshot wounds in 2016. There is no racial breakdown for this data, so let’s say that I give you all 26 as having come from blacks.

    123 blacks have been killed by police officers this year, to date. So to state that blacks kill cops “far far far more frequently” than the reverse is patently untrue.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: ???? ??????? vs. Orthoprax #1158793

    Wolf, which question are you referring to?

    I asked:

    How can an Orthoprax who doesn’t believe in God possibly be a ???? ???????

    and Joseph responded with*:

    And what is your conclusion on the question?

    and so I responded with:

    I would have thought that would be obvious. You can’t intend to make angry that which you don’t believe exists.

    The Wolf

    * Granted, he might not have been speaking to me, but his post was directly under mine, so, without any further indications, I have to at least consider the possibility that he was addressing me. For the record, this is why I always quote what I am responding to.

    in reply to: ???? ??????? vs. Orthoprax #1158791

    And what is your conclusion on the question?

    I would have thought that would be obvious. You can’t intend to make angry that which you don’t believe exists.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Police Brutality and Possible Racism #1159212

    And my faith in the goodness of humanity just took another big hit this morning. I’m not sure I want to belong to the species anymore. 🙁

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Police Brutality and Possible Racism #1159211

    charlie, wolf, and rebyidd: The facts of the case in Minnesota

    I don’t have a problem with waiting to see what the facts are. It’s the people who have preemptively branded the shooting victims as criminals that I have a problem with. If someone in this thread had not made his comment that the people involved were criminals (and, by implication, that the shootings were justified), I probably would not have said anything either.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Police Brutality and Possible Racism #1159206

    Wolf, you completed the investigation to conclude that the guy wasn’t a criminal

    … and you completed yours and determined that he was.

    While neither of us know much details on a case that is hardly 24 hours old

    … and you’ve already determined that he was a criminal.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Police Brutality and Possible Racism #1159198

    Another day, another criminal getting into an altercation with law enforcement.

    Really, sir? Someone driving with a busted taillight is a criminal that requires shooting?

    This has to be one of the absolute worst things I ever read on these boards.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: ???? ??????? vs. Orthoprax #1158782

    Can we conclude that an Orthoprax is closer to a ???? ?????? than to a ???? ????????

    How can an Orthoprax who doesn’t believe in God possibly be a ???? ???????

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Nail Polish #1158418

    Historically when in the contemporary era did Jewish women start wearing nail polish?

    Historically, when in the contemporary era did Jewish men start wearing ties?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Can a bad person create good art? #1158490

    I’m told by some that my photography is good.

    I’ll let you judge for yourself whether or not that answers the OP’s question.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: People who rarely or never travel by air #1157739

    I rarely fly. In the last decade, the only flights I’ve made are:

    2007: to/from St. Thomas

    2015: to/from West Palm Beach (twice)

    That’s it for the last decade.

    I’m not afraid to fly. I just don’t have the opportunity.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Shavuos: Cheese-Cake Reason? #1156825

    (I eagerly await Wolf’s retort and mea culpa.)


    The Wolf

    in reply to: Does Hashem listen to a Prayer of a Goy? #1157565

    “For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations.”

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Eating Humble Pie #1192286

    Here’s a piece for Reb Wolf:

    I believe I’ve demonstrated in the past that I am more than capable of apologizing or retracting when I am convinced that I am in the wrong.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Lakewood�Off the Derech #1156447

    You can’t. That’s why you’ll never hear the stories.

    I’m sorry. Apparently, I mis-read your statement.

    :: Bowing head in shame ::

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Lakewood�Off the Derech #1156445

    ZD, you’ll never hear the stories about the girls who would have gone OTD had they gone to college, and were saved because they didn’t.

    How can you possibly know that someone would or would not have gone off the derech had they gone or not gone to college?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Not looking into something, to avoid shailos #1155927

    Sigh, Wolf, will mosherose ever stop giving you nightmares, even years and years after he stopped posting?

    He gives me exactly the same number of nightmares as you do… 0. Yes, I mention his posts time and again, but only because I find them to be the greatest example of foolishness I’ve ever seen on these boards. So, when something he says (or anyone else, for that matter) comes up that is relevant to a topic, I’ll bring it up.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Not looking into something, to avoid shailos #1155922

    When it’s based on utter stupidity.

    One poster once commented that my marriage wasn’t valid because we didn’t use a Shadchan. He told me that I needed to ask my rav. I refused, because his contention was based on stupidity and nonsense. I’m not going to bother my rav over nonsense.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: My Own Universe #1155462

    The Chasam Sofer writes that a medical test on goyim doesn’t prove how it’ll affect Yidden.

    Leaving aside the issue of whether that is true or not, what does this have to do with the OP? Or are you contending that toilets in Jewish homes are different than toilets in non-Jewish homes?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: My Own Universe #1155461

    The only logical explanation for this is that I am in my own universe.

    An even more logical explanation is that the packaging is wrong or that you have a nonstandard toilet.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Lakewood�Off the Derech #1156398

    Just how wide is “the derech” in Lakewood? I wouldn’t be surprised if I would be considered “off the derech” if I lived in Lakewood.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Shavuos: Cheese-Cake Reason? #1156819


    Absolutely none of these reasons explain why we eat cheesecake.

    1. Moshe (the one who received and gave us the TORAH) wouldnt nurse from non jewish woman. Therefore to recall his zechus on this day.

    That might explain why we drink milk and/or eat dairy. Nothing to do with cheesecake.

    2. As mentioned previously now the jews had halachos of Treif animals and shechita their kaylim were treif it was shabbos and they could not do Hagolas Kaylim until after shabbos.

    Same as above.

    3. Before Matan Torah they were choshed that milk was ayver min hachai and so asur. From the pasuk Eretz zovas cholov oodvash they learnt milk was ok.

    Same as above.

    4. Chalav is Gematria 40. kineged the 40 days Moshe went up

    Same as above

    5.The Midrash states that Har Sinai has 8 names, 1 is Gavnunim because it was white like Gevina. So we eat Gevina as a Zecher.

    This might explain why we eat cheese, but says nothing about cheesecake.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: BMG College Credits #1155670

    I would ask the office, but they throw you out if you do.

    I doubt that as well.

    And, if it’s true, ask yourself this question – do you *really* want to attend a yeshiva that would throw out a student for asking that question?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Attention big bad wolf #1154758

    You’ve been publicly proclaiming how bad you are for years. Why are you surprised it rubbed off on some people?

    You have a valid point. Nonetheless, it is surprising to see it from someone else.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Attention big bad wolf #1154755

    I wanted to get your attention

    “Attention Wolf” or “Hey, Wolf” or “Dear WolfishMusings” or the like would have worked. No need to call me good or bad.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Attention big bad wolf #1154753

    I was not aware that other people saw me as bad.

    As to your question, my wife was not in Cedarhurst today. In addition, we do not have vanity plates on our car.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Camp Time #1154138

    How do you know? You were there?!?

    How does who you? Who are you talking to?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: reading the news #1211617

    I’m very sad to see not even one person replied regarding my question & everyone failing, cause this was actually a test

    Who appointed you as the one to “test” us?

    everyone failing,

    Wait… you’re saying that I failed some major test of life because I didn’t open and read a CR thread? I wasn’t aware that reading every thread (and responding) was one the mitzvos.

    to see if people really do treasure their gift of life & at least try to spend it wisely without just sitting around reading news & blogs etc.

    So, wait… you’re saying that I’m wasting my life because I didn’t respond to your thread??? Is your CR thread so important that it should override any time I do anything else?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Camp Time #1154136

    Night descends on them an hour earlier.

    More precisely, night descends on them at the same time as it does for everyone else in the region. They’re just calling it an hour earlier.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Redeeming Modern Orthodoxy #1153878

    OO identifies as MO. (A subset thereof.) MO isn’t only RWMO. LWMO is also MO.

    And NK identifies as chassidic. Should I therefore ascribe all of NK’s faults to all of chassidus? Or even all of Satmar?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Nibiru – Planet X #1153740

    Wolf: that was really good!

    Thank you. 🙂

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Nibiru – Planet X #1153736

    did anyone else here about this planet that’s supposedly about to do some damage?

    Yes, I did. I heard about it while visiting my friend, the Loch Ness Monster while he was vacationing in the Bermuda Triangle. Both of us called our Lizard People overlords and, I’m told, they’re working on the problem as we speak.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Conspiracy theories (not Anything to do with president of USA) #1153590

    I see the wolf had no answer to who killed Rabin

    I missed this. Amir killed Rabin.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Slight Complaint #1153451

    I would *love* to hear Little Froggie answer my question regarding the pig meal.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Conspiracy theories (not Anything to do with president of USA) #1153585

    Diana was killed

    by a vehicle traveling at high speed crashing into a solid object.

    Did we land on the moon?

    We, as in you and I or anyone on the CR? No. Did twelve people from the USA walk on the moon in the last 1960s and early 1970s? Yes.

    Who did 9/11?

    Nineteen Islamists, mostly from Saudi Arabia, backed by Osama bin Laden, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and others.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Hated, persecuted minority? #1153385

    The ideology that led to the founding of their state worked with Adolf Eichmann and his National Socialist Party in effecting the final solution.

    Wow. It only took three posts to get a comparison of Zionism and Nazism. What is this? Stormfront?

    The Wolf

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