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how about the leviim in the bais hamikdash playing the harps etc.?
what about david hamelech playing for shaul?
Can you reproduce them?
I think it’s safe to say that he was referring to the Jewish music that is available today. There is nothing “inherently Jewish” about that. He obviously wasn’t considering the music you brought up becuase it’s not available to us.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantAverage is just what is sounds like — take the sum of the observations and divide them by the number of observations. If you want to know what the average age of the people in your shul is, simply add up the ages of everyone and divide by the number of people.
That being said, average does not equal normal. Averages can be greatly skewed. The story is told of the elementary school that tried to attract parents by stating (truthfully) that the graduates of that school averaged a million dollars a year in income. Of course, what wasn’t pointed out was that two of the graduates were the founders of Microsoft, who skewed the average to the right.
To find out if something is “normal,” you have to take into account the average *and* the standard deviation. This gives you a better picture of what is normal.
As for your question regarding how someone could be “average” if we are created B’tselem Elokim, then by definition, about half of us have to be below average. Or, to give you similar example, if you had a list of all the millionaires in the world, by definition about half of them will be below the average of that list. So too with people. If everyone is a Tselem Elokim, then, by definition, about half of them will fall below the average.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantTriginometry, Chemistry, higher economics…will they need those.
You’d be surprised. I use algebra and geometry fairly regularly — and trig is starting to make a comeback in my life too.
While I haven’t used chemistry since college, I still everyone should have a *basic* understanding of science. Likewise, I think everyone should have a basic understanding of economics. I’m fairly convinced that a good part of the reason that people are in economic trouble today (Jews and non-Jews) is because they don’t have a basic understanding of economics. When people propose silly ideas such as boycotting the purchase of gas for one day, it only reveals that the general public really doesn’t know how money and economics works. I’m not saying that everyone has to become a financial analyst, but everyone *should* know the difference between a stock and a bond, between a mutual fund and an index, between a money-market account and a certificate of deposit. Likewise, I think that everyone today should know how to use a word processor and the basics of using a spreadsheet.
The Wolf
Are you telling me that if a Gadol today told you that an infant today was definitely from Amalek, you would have absolutely no qualms about going to his house, saying a “hareini…” and, in front of his parents, blow his head off in his crib? And you would do this happily because it’s a mitzvah?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantCooking is very useful. I think even boys should learn the basics of cooking. I’m not saying that they need to learn how to prepare a three course meal with deserts, but they should be able to spice and throw a chicken in the oven, or scramble some eggs, or prepare a steak. In other words, they should know enough that they won’t be forced to subsist on sandwiches and frozen waffles if they’re home alone for a few days.
The Wolf
(Full Disclosure: I might be a bit biased since I can cook.)
WolfishMusingsParticipantI don’t think it’s so unbelievable. Unlikely? Maybe. But not unbelievable.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantI always felt that all schools (both Bais Ya’akovs and standard yeshivos) should teach more practical life skills. I agree that there is a point of diminishing returns when it comes to learning more and more meforshim on Tanach at the elementary/high school level. While I think that Nach is important (I think our girls’ schools overdo it and our boys’ schools grossly under-learn it) and while I also agree that Gemara should be the main focus of the boys’ programs, I think that there should be some additional lessons on basic life skills. High schoolers of both genders should learn how to balance a checkbook, understand how credit cards work and understand the difference between a stock and a bond, and what a mutual fund is. Both genders should be taught cooking (to different degrees — girls should probably have more advanced lessons, but I think that boys should be able to fend for themselves and make something more advanced than peanut butter & jelly in the kitchen in a pinch).
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantAlso… just to add this: Whenever you want to purchase something online from a “lesser-known” place, check out ResellerRatings. It’s an invaluable resource for weeding out scam artists.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantAs an serious amateur photographer, let me give you some simple advice… if you see a price for a camera that is too good to be true, then it is. It’s that simple.
When I look for camera equipment, I *only* go to places that are reputable and well-known. I highly recommend using B&H, Adorama or J&R for just about all your camera needs (and I’m not just mentioning them because they’re all Jewish-owned). All of these places have well-earned reputations among photographers worldwide.
My last camera was purchased from Circuit City (simply because they had it in stock when the others didn’t). Since CC is a well-known establishment, I didn’t have any problems purchasing from them. I buy lenses, flashes, filters, etc. from the B&H or J&R.
Don’t fall for these scams. Only shop at stores that are known to be reputable. It may seem like it’s costing you more, but it’s not… you weren’t going to get the camera from these “bargain basement” places at the advertised price anyway.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantIf you were at the White House for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, you can be sure that you would “forget” to turn off your ringer after a while.
Or, you could do what I do… leave it on vibrate all the time. This way, if I do forget to turn it off, it’s barely noticeable and easily ignorable.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantshmutzdiker goy
And what if it came from a non-Jew who wasn’t “shmutzdiker?”
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantFirmly agree. There is no reason for anyone to have their phones on in shul. If you *absolutely* must be available for contact (i.e. your wife is due to go into labor any minute, etc.), then put it on vibrate and when it rings, go OUTSIDE and answer it.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantYes, it is right.
A person is required to give 10% of his income to tzedaka. He can even go as high as 20% if he likes. Beyond that, he is not required to go at all.
Using your logic, no one should ever spend a cent on any discretionary item, since there is *always* someone in the neighborhood who doesn’t have food for Shabbos, can’t get the funds for yeshiva tuition, needs money to marry off a child, etc.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantYOU ARE A KOIFER, my friend!
So, if someone doesn’t believe that a girl sat in a coma for 73 years that makes her a kofer? Gee, I wasn’t aware that that was one of the ikkarei emunah.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantNo, that’s not what I’m saying… and I’ll thank you not to put words into my mouth.
I believe that bodies don’t decay on occasion for both reasons. Just like I believe the sun will rise in the morning because Chazal tell us this and because I can see it with my own eyes.
And you still haven’t addressed my point. A person in a coma for 73 years in the modern era would have left behind an enormous amount of evidence. The fact that there is no such evidence is a fairly strong indication that it didn’t happen.
(And the comparisons to Choni HaMa’agol are invalid in any event… Choni’s 70 year sleep would not have left behind any evidence that we can find today, so I would not rule it out on the basis of there being no evidence. A modern-day coma, on the other hand, *can* be ruled out based on the lack of evidence).
The Wolf
July 31, 2008 3:00 pm at 3:00 pm in reply to: ?? ???? ????? ??????? ????? ???”? ??????? ??? ????? ???? #620994WolfishMusingsParticipantFor what it’s worth, whenever I daven for the amud, I always say it audibly too.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipant<i>Have you ever attended an evening where a famous speaker adressed the public?
MOST of the time you will not hear him telling a story while including the ‘name, rank and seriel number’ of the subjects involved. That doesnt mean the story aint true!</i>
Correct… but that doesn’t mean that it is true either. Don’t you think it’s within the realm of possibility that the story teller was either mistaken or embellishing a story to make a point?
As for non-decaying bodies, I would believe it over the story of a 73 year coma for two reasons:
1. Bodies that don’t decay *do* sometimes happen.
2. The amount of evidence left behind by an undecayed body that was quickly reburied would be very small. The amount of evidence left behind by a 73 year coma patient would be great. A great deal of medical record-keeping and literature would have been generated by such a case. And yet, not one shred of evidence has turned up.
What is that meant to imply? Are you implying that because I don’t believe a girl was in a coma for 73 years that I don’t believe anything? Please tell me what you meant by that statement.
The Wolf
And again, I’m not denying that God has the power to make it happen… I’m denying that it actually happened. Can you see the difference?
My primary source is the Guinness Book of World Records. Elaine Esposito, of Tarpon Springs, FL, went into a coma on Aug 6, 1941 and never stirred again. She died on November 25, 1978 — over 37 years later. If you google “Elaine Esposito coma” you will come up with numerous sources.
Other than a “it once happened…” nameless has not provided a name, place or date for his story. Usually that’s the hallmark of an Urban Legend.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantIf the Almighty decides that he wants someone to be in a coma for over 70 years, thats exactly whats gona happen
That’s right. And if He decides that a huge sea squid is going to swallow downtown Johannesburg, then it will happen to. But that doesn’t mean that it *did*.
The same applies to your coma story. Sure it can happen – but that doesn’t mean it did. I’m still calling it an Urban Legend.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantYou could ask the same question about anything less than one’s best. Why not ask how anyone can daven in anything less than one’s finest?
I suppose you can state that since we have this audience with the King at a minimum of three times a day (and, in reality, as often as we want, since you can daven at almost any time), we have (for better or for worse) a familiarity with Him which allows us to approach Him in our less than best.
That being said, however, I would tend to agree that Crocs are probably inappropriate.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantReliable enough???
Not for me. Not everything said by a rebbetzin (even if she’s the daughter of a rav covered in a book) is true.
As I stated above, the longest known medical coma is 37 years. Now, you’re telling me of a coma that lasted 73 years, more than double the length of the known record. I would think that if someone was in a coma that long, it would certainly have been written up in medical literature. There would certainly be records available to corroborate the story. Can you provide any? A name, a place, dates? Anything?
Until then, I’m calling the story an Urban Legend.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantI still find it interesting that no one answered my question from the first page. The best WHAT?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThere was a 17 year old girl who got into an accident which left her in a coma till she was 90 years old.
Sorry, but I find that hard to believe. The longest coma on record has been for 37 years. This sounds like a Jewish Urban Legend. Can you provide any more details to corroborate the story?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantI don’t mean to say that you have to stop & take in people in your car , but on the other hand – you will get only schar from above- did you think about that?
That’s why I said:
So, by all means offer them help. Give them money for the bus, offer to call them a cab, etc.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantOK, leave him (her?) be. I’m sure it was just a poor choice of words.
WolfishMusingsParticipantHow do you say no to people like that.
Very simple… you tell them no. If it’s illegal in your jurisdiction, you can tell them that too. If you have a cell phone, you can offer to call them a cab.
I suspect that more often then not they’re just poor innocent people(Chassidish or Yeshiva Bochurim) looking for a bit of extra help.
You’re right, probably the vast majority are fine, upstanding people. So, by all means offer them help. Give them money for the bus, offer to call them a cab, etc. But don’t let them in your car unless you know who they are. The risks are, IMHO, just too great.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantpersonally i feel bad for these boys so sometimes give them rides
And you are thereby encouraging them to do it again.
My personal rule is that in the city where public transportation is available, I don’t pick up anyone whom I (or a member of my family) doesn’t know personally.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantAt the risk of sounding silly, let me ask you to qualify your statement:
Yidden are the absolute best WHAT?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThat’s would a laugh, if it weren’t so serious. WAKE UP!!! If she doesn’t stop immediately, it may be too late.
Cherry… you may (sight unseen) disagree with my statement – but please don’t laugh about my mother’s medical condition. I didn’t bring it up for your amusement.
She is well aware of the risks of smoking. She knows what it is doing to her. She has tried on multiple occasions to stop. Every single one of her children and grandchildren want her to stop — and she knows it. And yet, for whatever reason, she cannot. I’m very glad that you have been able to overcome this, and I hope that she gains the same chizzuk that you had.
That being said, you can’t take someone with my mother’s medical history (of which you know nothing) and just toss another drug (Zyban) into the mix without first consulting with her numerous physicians. If you don’t trust me on this, well… I don’t know what to tell you.
The Wolf
July 3, 2008 7:57 pm at 7:57 pm in reply to: Out Of The Mailbag: (Taking Issue With School Administration) #627645WolfishMusingsParticipantMy wife worked for a chesed organization when she was single. She didn’t get her paycheck at the end of the month. When she inquired about it, she was told that there was no money available. When she asked when it would be available, she was told that since it’s a tzedakah organization, she should deduct this payment off of her current or future maaser money. Needless to say, she quit right then and there.
That’s outright theft! Not only would I have quit, I would have called them in to a din Torah or to court.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantRav Eliyashev holds that dina dmalchusa dina does not apply on issues of ben adam lchaveiroi
So, Rav Eliyashev would allow insider trading*? He has no problem if I photocopy someone’s sefer (which I bought legitimately) and start selling it on the street for 50% off?
The Wolf
* Using inside information may be unethical in a fair market, but it’s not stealing.
WolfishMusingsParticipant<i>Someone cannot prevent the dissemination of Torah.</i>
And yet, that flies right in the face of the historical data that we have. Rabbonim *have* granted copyrights and monopolies on Torah content in the past.
The Wolf
I don’t know if she has or not. Unfortunately, my mother has a host of medical issues which might prevent her from taking it. I’ll mention it to her, however. I know she *wants* to quit… but is just physically unable to do so.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantMy mother is a heavy smoker and has been so for over forty years. She knows that it is bad for her… but she has a physical addiction that is very hard to break. You can tell her from here to tomorrow that it is against halacha, but in this case, the physical addictions acts as a VERY strong ta’aivah. She’d love to quit… but she just can’t.
WolfishMusingsParticipantJosephf — so then I assume that a mechaber sefer would have no complaints against me if I copied his sefer in a country where copyrights are not recognized?
In any event, the idea that rabbonim allow willy-nilly copying is certainly not true. In the past they have recognized the need for protection of people who put efforts into work. For example, very often, if a printer put out a new edition of Shas, the rabbis of the area would protect his work by granting him the exclusive rights to print a Shas in the area for a term (usually 25 years or so). They understood that if this were not done, no one would invest the time and effort into producing new sefarim. The same could be said for almost any intellectual property.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipant(As a side point, ripping the files to your MP3 player is not the same thing as distributing the files to others for their use. The producers of CDs expect you to rip the file to your MP3 player… they know you’re not going to purchase a second CD for that purpose alone. In addition, if it’s on your MP3 player, it’s still for your personal use. That’s a long way from copying it for others.)
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantHow about just not doing it because it’s not an ehrlich thing to do?
Seriously. Put aside copyright for a moment. Put aside whether it’s halachically permitted for a moment. Just ask yourself this question — if the situation were reversed, and you spent a lot of time, money and effort creating a CD, DVD, book, etc., would you want people to copy and redistribute it for free to everyone and their brother?
The Wolf