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  • in reply to: Affordable gift ideas for your spouse #1175044

    would you present such a cheap $2 gift to your spouse…

    if you would then you seriously have problems & also don’t treasure or appreciate your spouse

    I guess that, according to you, I have serious problems and don’t treasure my spouse.

    I was always taught that it’s not the price of the gift that matters, but how much thought you put into it. If it makes your wife/husband happy, does it really matter how much it costs?

    Eeees asked me to order something on Amazon recently. I placed the order and (as a surprise) included a small kitten figurine (she likes cats). It wasn’t $2, but it wasn’t much more than that. I did it because I thought it would make her happy (which it did). It reminded her that I was thinking of her and wanted to make her happy. To me, *that’s* what makes the gift meaningful — not the price tag.

    However, if you want to think I don’t treasure my wife or that I have problems because the gift I sent her didn’t meet your price criteria, then go right ahead. We’re still very happy despite your perception.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: when Trump wins #1175153

    how many prisoners has obama freed illegaly recently?

    Considering that the president has the power to pardon federal crimes, why do you think his releasing of federal prisoners is illegal?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Shiduch presents #1175106

    No silver ataro? Mamish ah shanda!

    I know you’re joking, but I feel the need to point this out:

    Gifts are just that… gifts – freely given and without obligation.

    My in-laws got me a tallis (and, yes, with an atara), but if they didn’t, that would have been fine and well too. They have also given me other gifts over the years, and again, if they had not, I would have been fine with that too. No one “owes” anyone a gift (if they do, it’s not a gift). I didn’t marry my wife because of any gifts that they “owed me” or “were expected.” If they did not give me anything, I would have had no complaints whatsoever.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Shiduch presents #1175104

    My in-laws got me a tallis. However, that was really beside the point, as I had already received a gift worth far more… my wife.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Marriage License- Is it required prior to the chassuna? #1175066

    Does Rav Aharon Schechter do the paperwork after he’s mesader? He used to be mesader many nights each week.

    I don’t know… and I’ll bet that you don’t either.

    Btw, what’s your shaichos to the yeshiva that the rebbi was mesader for you?

    The yeshiva? None. He was (and still is) a very good friend of our family.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Marriage License- Is it required prior to the chassuna? #1175064

    When Rav Moshe or the Satmar Rebbe or Rav Aharon Kotler were mesader kedushin, did the choson bother them afterwards to fill out the state marriage certificate? Do the gedolim today do the paperwork after they are mesader?

    My mesader kiddushin is one of the senior rabbeim in Chaim Berlin and well-respected throughout the Yeshivish world. He filled out the paperwork for our marriage license and mailed it.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Is there only one person whom you can successfully marry? #1174897

    Wolf- That is a good point. I wonder though, if both of them can be just as successful, even if they are both successful. It is possible that the person may feel that one spouse was his “zivug” and the other is more like a good friend helping him deal with his loss.

    Does is matter? A “successful” marriage is what you make of it. There is no objective definition. If (in the case under discussion) both parties in the second marriage are happy together and in love, who are you (or I) to tell them their marriage isn’t “successful?”

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Is there only one person whom you can successfully marry? #1174894

    Obviously, you can have more than one successful marriage. There are plenty of people who have had a successful marriage where, unfortunately, a spouse dies, and then go on to have another successful marriage.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Shiduch presents #1175096

    Wolfish musings actually by chassidish people certain items are considered mandatory because it was a miniature and we strongly believe minhag biyisroel torah he

    I assume you mean “a minhag” and not “a miniature.”

    Even if that’s so, it’s still not obligatory. A marriage that is performed would be 100% valid l’chatchila if the presents were not given and, furthermore, any rav would tell you that if you cannot afford the presents, they may certainly be skipped rather than have the person not marry.

    In addition, not everything a community does automatically becomes a minhag to the extent where you say that it’s obligatory.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Copying Music – halachically #1171183

    I don’t know why this is even a question.

    A. It violates the law in most countries in the world.

    B. It is stealing from the artist, depriving him/her of income.

    C. It certainly violates the principle of “that which you don’t want done to you, do not do to your fellow man.”

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Flowers in Shidduchs #1171090

    WolfishMusings – theres LOTS of places even at shuls where you can meet the other gender. go to my rabbi shiur. there a BUNCH of people made their own shidduch. its a mixed shiur with people in their young 20.

    Yes, I know. I was really referring to places and communities where such things are not done.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: when Trump wins #1175129

    WolfishMusings – vote for johnson thats what a LOT of people are doing if they dont want to vote.

    Whatever. Like I said, the Presidential election is pretty much a foregone conclusion (unless you live in a swing state). So vote for Johnson, vote for yourself, whatever… but make sure that you *do* vote in state and local elections. *That’s* far more important.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: when Trump wins #1175127

    i decided between the two choices I ain’t registering


    Even if you hate both candidates running for President, there are state and local races that have to be decided and, in the long run, it’s far more important to vote in these races than in the Presidential election.

    No one notices at the national level if Orthodox Jews vote, but politicians at the state and local level *do* take note of it.

    So register, simply don’t choose a candidate for President (leave it blank, write in Mickey Mouse or your own name) and vote for the state and local races.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Flowers in Shidduchs #1171087

    Personally, I find this type of question troubling.

    We’ve already set up so many roadblocks to possible matches (by making it practically impossible for couples to meet on their own) and then compounded it by ritualizing the process so much (on this date you have to wear this, this is only appropriate from date X and onward, you can only discuss this on such and such date, etc.) that there is practically no room for individuality and personal expression.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Flowers in Shidduchs #1171085

    The problem is that it might be a little weird if he gives her a gift and they end up breaking up.

    Why is that weird? It happens the world over, every day.

    A friend of mine had a shelf full of stuffed animals given to her by guys she had gone out with

    Obviously she saw value in keeping them. However, she was certainly under no obligation to do so and if she wanted to get rid of them, she could have simply thrown them out, donated them, etc.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Shiduch presents #1175089

    My daughter just got engaged and was wondering what presents i had to buy her chosson

    Mazal Tov.

    You are not under any obligation to get anyone any presents. There may be certain customs in your community, but they certainly aren’t obligatory.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: when Trump wins #1175122

    can a president go against law and just padron criminals?

    The power of pardon for federal crimes is within the President’s power, completely at his/her discretion and is not subject to review. In other words, if the President pardons anyone of a federal crime, it is not against the law.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Inviting other young couples over for a seuda #1170751

    After you jave kids, it’s messed up to thing you shouldn’t be having shabbos guests. It’s hack soon or him, sip making everything a big issue. My parents always have people over and we have an awesome time. Chill out

    When come back, bring English.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: 30000 frum people have a kosher phone #1174665

    30000 from people have a kosher phone

    Why should people who have a “kosher phone” give you 30000 of anything?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Ubiquitin and Health are still at it! #1179499

    who will be voting for trump and who will be voting for clinton?

    Ain’t saying.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Shorts at ravening #1168758

    Ravening is common practice for wolves.

    I must be hanging around the wrong pack. 🙂

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Naming your kids goyish names #1170185

    Our children only have Hebrew names (not English or Yiddish). This was a deliberate choice by Eees and myself. However, I certainly don’t fault people who give their children secular or Yiddish names, especially if those names are meaningful to them.

    However, I suppose if you want to find fault me, I did use the English alphabet when spelling the names on their birth certificates. 🙂

    The Wolf

    in reply to: College, Secular Studies & Judaism #1169720

    Because that belief is apikorus.

    And yet, here, you state that, according to R. Eliyashiv, I’m *not* an apikorus becuase I accept the scientific evidence regarding the age of the earth.

    ???? ??????? vs. Orthoprax

    Make up your mind.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Ubiquitin and Health are still at it! #1179480

    Stop with the liberal lies! Name one area of jobs – where it’s Not required to work Friday afternoon! I actually know one, but only one!

    I am a database developer. I do not have to work Friday afternoons. In fact, because my job allows me to work where/whenever I like, my schedule is very flexible. I can make up the hours by staying later during the week, working on a Saturday night or Sunday, or in other ways.

    I’m not a professional photographer, but if I were, I would not be required to work on Friday afternoons. I could schedule my photo shoots for whatever time was convenient for me.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Dip your fries in barbecue sauce! #1168939

    Personally, I’m a salt-on-fries man myself.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: My makeup routine making the churban #1178213

    I have a question what in the world are wanton eyes is that like a nice way of saying Chinese?




    (of a cruel or violent action) deliberate and unprovoked.

    “sheer wanton vandalism”


    (especially of a woman) sexually immodest or promiscuous.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: "frum" boys who smoke #1179215

    Sparkly, Wolf- are u allowed to b mechalel shabbos to stop someone from smoking?…NO, so obviously it’s not pikuach nefesh because then u would be mechalel shabbos to stop someone

    *THAT’S* your proof that smoking is not dangerous?? Seriously???

    Do you really believe that if something is not an immediate threat to life that it’s not dangerous? Do you really not believe that there are things that can kill you over a long period of time? Can you not comprehend that there are some things that are dangeourous and deadly immediately (gunshot, cyanide, etc.) and there are things that are dangerous and will kill you over a long period of time (smoking, radiation, etc.)?

    If you really believe that smoking is not at all dangerous for you just because we’re not mechallel Shabbos to stop someone from lighting up, then I really feel sorry for you.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: "frum" boys who smoke #1179171

    And u c we have proof from the Torah that smoking is not pikuach nefesh

    OK, I’ll bite. I’d love to hear this. What’s the proof from the Torah that smoking isn’t dangerous?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: how to deal with anti semites #1169775

    Are you sure that the reason is because of antisemitism instead of honest human error?

    Is the cashier the owner of the store? If not, complain to the manager/owner. If yes, depending on the amount of money, you can create a scene or just forget it and don’t shop there again.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Should a Yid own a Dog? Woof Woof! #1168870

    Wolfish – if it’s a realistic fear, the rest of the world does have to accommodate. Likewise, if redheads really were dangerous, they would have to be kept off the streets.

    Dogs are not really dangerous. The vast majority of people manage to get through their day without being disturbed (let alone bitten) by a dog. You are in far more danger from other people than from a dog any day of the week. The fact that you are afraid of them does not make them dangerous.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: "frum" boys who smoke #1179157

    WolfishMusings – never said that. i was just saying that i got insulted.

    My apologies. I misunderstood what you were saying.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Should a Yid own a Dog? Woof Woof! #1168867

    WolfishMusings – they have to be considerate not to scare me with their dog.

    Oh…. and if I’m afraid of redheads, does every person have to dye their hair?

    Bottom line… it’s your fear, you get over it. The world does not have to accommodate itself to you by banning dogs.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Ubiquitin and Health are still at it! #1179430

    As both the Donald and Hilary are despised, what would happen if nobody would go to the votes? If zero people would appear at the voting boots, who would be president?

    If no one in any state votes (as unlikely as that is), then it would fall to the state’s legislature to assign the Electoral Votes for that state.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Ubiquitin and Health are still at it! #1179429

    1)the entire country knows about her emails & lies is that enough to prove it or do you want to search on youtube “hillary lies or hillary email corruption” & tell me how many thousands of videos come up

    I don’t watch political YouTube videos. It’s bad enough I have enough shrill partisans yelling at me in text. I don’t need it in video either. Besides, the vast majority of them are like the OP… full of sound and fury, but largely opinion.

    As for Hillary Clinton’s email woes, there may be the possibility that she did something wrong there… but the error seems to be one of judgement rather than one of malfeasance. In other words, she should have been using the more secure system. But we’ve all made errors in judgement, even fairly big ones. If that’s the bar, then no one should be president. Granted, it’s a point against her, but that alone certainly should not disqualify her.

    2)trump might not be the best either but hes definitely better then a corrupt liar hillary

    Opinion, devoid of any actual evidence.

    3)she will never get arrested but thats because of her high level of power & just shows you how corrupt the democratic government is.

    Conspiracy mongering and opinion, devoid of any actual evidence.

    4)if she C”V BECOMES PRESIDENT she will be worse then obama

    Opinion, devoid of any actual evidence.

    & we all already know how bad he has been doing 8 years of sleep golfing & only doing damage to the country. how many good things can you list me obama has done in all his years as president? can you tell us maybe EVEN ONE??

    Irrelevant, because Obama is not running and the election is not about him. Whether he was the best president ever, the worst ever or somewhere in-between, it doesn’t matter. It’s not about him, it’s about Hillary Clinton.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Ubiquitin and Health are still at it! #1179407

    Wolf-was a mistake Meant singular

    I find that somewhat difficult to believe.

    You see, if you substituted the masculine for the feminine, I could see that (since the masculine is used far more than the feminine is). The plural, however, is rarely used (pretty much never except in reference to Nazis as a group).

    But fine, whatever…

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Should a Yid own a Dog? Woof Woof! #1168859

    In any case, illegal or not, I find that in most communities where people own dogs there are dogs out on the street w/o leashes. People have been bitten – it’s not an unrealistic fear.

    I didn’t say it was unrealistic. I was questioning whether or not everyone else has to adjust their reality to accommodate your fear.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Ubiquitin and Health are still at it! #1179401

    wolf- you are wrong i started the topic and i only meant hillary, not the people voting for her

    Then why did you use the plural?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Should a Yid own a Dog? Woof Woof! #1168856

    I was talking about people who let their dogs out without leashes, and then their dogs actively threaten me. That should be illegal. I wonder if it is.

    That varies from community to community. Certainly many places have leash laws in public.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: To The People Who Refuse The Gift Of Vaccines #1166654

    I honestly didn’t have patience to read this long drooshis but why Don people wanna vaccinate? The autism theory was proven not true already so??

    Because, no matter how improbable, illogical or stupid the hypothesis, and no matter how much evidence you produce against it, you will always find a crackpot fringe who believes in it:

    Vaccines cause autism. The world is flat. The moon landing was faked. The Jews caused 9/11. The Holocaust never happened. Osama bin Laden is still alive, Sandy Hook was a false flag operation by the US government… and on and on.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: "frum" boys who smoke #1179151

    WolfishMusings – that is an insult.

    Why? Do you think that intelligent people (and even righteous people) are somehow immune from making very poor (and, yes, stupid) decisions?

    An insult would be calling the person stupid him/herself. I did not (and would not) do that. But calling a specific action stupid or wrong is not an insult.

    Just to bring the point home — my mother smoked. It was a stupid thing for her to do. But she, herself was not stupid.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Ubiquitin and Health are still at it! #1179397

    OP called her yms, not the people voting for her.

    No, you’re wrong. The OP did not use the singular (sh’mo or, more properly, sh’mah), but the plural.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Ubiquitin and Health are still at it! #1179395

    Thank you, Mods, for changing the title. For what it’s worth, I think Chas V’Shalom is also too strong, but at least it’s not an actual curse aimed at a person.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: "frum" boys who smoke #1179149

    And by the way, many of the rabbonim Lakewood smoke 3 packs a day

    Is that an argument in favor of smoking? All it proves is that even the biggest talmidei chachamim can do stupid things.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: anyone know of a not pricy shadchan #1166170

    In that case, I have always wanted to be off the derech but haven’t managed to yet. I didn’t realize going off the derech was so difficult…

    I hope you find your zivvug soon — whether it’s on your own or via a shadchan.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: "frum" boys who smoke #1179148

    WolfishMusings – how do you consider that NOT an insult?

    I don’t believe I commented on whether it was an insult one way or the other. All I did was correct the person’s spelling.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Ubiquitin and Health are still at it! #1179393

    Oh, and by the way, I must say that saying “Yemach Sh’mam” about anyone just for their choice of candidate is odious and offensive.

    I guess the prohibition against cursing other Jews has been repealed. I’ll go strike that pasuk out of my Chumash.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Ubiquitin and Health are still at it! #1179392

    As everyone knows we have a very big problem; Hillary who’s worse than trump is running for for president and there are a lot of “frum” people are voting for her. Now, I would like to ask you readers what’s better trump who’s an idiot but may possibly do something for our country or Hillary who’s definitely not gonna do anything good and is also gonna destroy America??? So all those “frum” people voting for Hillary, think twice before you do stupid things and vote for stupid people!!!!!!!!

    Yawn. Another political screed, devoid of facts, reasoning or anything of substance.

    When you come back, how about giving us concrete reasons, backed up by actual evidence, as to why we should vote for your Trump*?

    The Wolf

    * (And yes, the same request applies to you Clinton, Johnson, Stein or whoever else supporters.)

    in reply to: Should a Yid own a Dog? Woof Woof! #1168854

    how do dogs differ from coffee makers?

    Dogs are notoriously bad at making coffee.

    I know that a lot of people are going to disagree with me on this, but personally, I don’t think that people should get dogs as pets because some of us are scared of dogs, and for good reason. They bite and bark at people. I have been threatened by dogs many times, and even had a dog stick his teeth in me!! It was very scary!!

    So everyone has to accommodate their homes to you and your fears?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: "frum" boys who smoke #1179144

    I would say your messed up

    I’m saying that your messed up

    I’m saying that your grammar is messed up.

    (Try using “you’re” instead.)

    The Wolf

    in reply to: anyone know of a not pricy shadchan #1166166

    WolfishMusings – you said you got married at 21 to a 19 year old girl that you met by yourself. were you otd?

    If your definition of off the derech is “meeting your spouse by yourself,” then yes, I’m off the derech.

    The Wolf

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