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  • in reply to: wine for purim #1222309

    In lightbrite’s world, a father who makes a positive example about sobriety and responsible drinking by never getting drunk giving his adult kids 2 oz. of 5% alcohol is a criminal while someone who sets a terrible example by getting drunk in front of their kids is fine as long as he doesn’t actually give them any himself (because, as we all know, they won’t touch it if he tells them not to…)

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Is Rabbi Yaakov Hillel a mekubal? #1220997

    I don’t believe in wolves.

    FWIW, I don’t believe wolves (or anything else) exists either.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: wine for purim #1222302

    Someone does not need to be visibly drunk to be impaired and have brain damage from consuming alcohol… especially a teenage or young adult whose brain is still developing until mid-20’s.

    If you cannot understand that, then I feel sorry for those who look up to you as you serve them alcohol.

    My kids are in the 20-25 age range. We give them (if they want) some of the wine from kiddush on Shabbos and Yom Tov.

    My kids are now at an age where I do not tell them what to do or not do. However, they have learned the value of sobriety from myself and my wife, neither of whom has *ever* been drunk. My kids do not (and did not) go around drinking on Purim and, to the best of my knowledge, none of them has ever been drunk either.

    If, despite that, you think that a quarter cup or less of low alcohol wine is going to damage them, then I invite you to call the cops on me for abuse.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Kosher Cruise #1220182

    I didn’t know that the ketubah has the location of the wedding on it.

    Yes, it does. Next time you’re by a wedding, listen to the reading of the ketubah. You’ll hear the place name in the first minute of the reading.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Who was Charlie Hall? #1219795

    Is. Thank God he’s still alive.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: wine for purim #1222294

    Wolf, aren’t you breaking the law by serving your 20 year old guests alcohol?

    Perhaps. But I’m not actually endangering them as I would be if I allowed a 13 year old to get drunk. If you can’t make that distinction, then I feel sorry for you.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Is Rabbi Yaakov Hillel a mekubal? #1220996

    I don’t believe in wolves.

    And that is your right.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: wine for purim #1222292

    Wolf, if you have a 20 year olds guest on Shabbos, do you permit him to drink the wine for Kiddush?

    Yes, but not enough that they will get drunk (or even close to it).

    But, besides, we’re not really talking about 20 year olds, are we? You mean even 13 year olds.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Would you be offended? #1219578

    No, I wouldn’t be offended. But then again, I don’t get offended easily.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Is Rabbi Yaakov Hillel a mekubal? #1220994

    I don’t believe in mekubalim.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: wine for purim #1222289

    There is nothing that says that I have to serve a child wine. So I don’t do it.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: May I Disagree With the Chofetz Chaim? #1219452

    If he states something as fact, presumably based on a source, and I’m not sure what you mean that you ‘disagree’.

    I didn’t say that I disagreed. I asked if one is allowed to disagree. The two are not the same.

    Bottom line: He said that in circumstance X, the result will certainly (he uses the word “b’vadai”) be Y. Since X happened, Y must be true.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: May I Disagree With the Chofetz Chaim? #1219451

    but it is also true that if something the Chofetz Chaim says makes you feel bad about yourself, you must be understanding it or applying it incorrectly.

    Not likely. He is very clear and straightforward in what he says.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: May I Disagree With the Chofetz Chaim? #1219450

    Accept your limitations and move on.

    Apparently, that seems to be what I must do. Accept the limitations the Chofetz Chaim puts on me (from which there is no moving forward).

    The Wolf

    in reply to: May I Disagree With the Chofetz Chaim? #1219447

    You seem to be picking and choosing responses. There were others too.

    No. The only ones I did not respond to are Randomex (because I don’t care to go into the particular of what he said and, besides, I wasn’t allowed to post it yesterday anyway) and Lilmod, who basically said the same thing that lakewoodmaidel did (to whom I did respond).

    The Wolf

    in reply to: May I Disagree With the Chofetz Chaim? #1219446

    You may not disagree with him


    I understand. I have to take what he says about me as 100% truth. Thank you for the confirmation.

    The Wolf

    You seem to be picking and choosing responses. There were others too.

    in reply to: May I Disagree With the Chofetz Chaim? #1219443

    The chofetz Chaim said you cannot speak l”h about yourself

    I guess further proving the point of what he said.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: May I Disagree With the Chofetz Chaim? #1219442

    I think that if you’re having trouble understanding something the Chofetz Chaim said

    I am not having trouble understanding what he said. He was very clear and straightforward in what he said. There is really little, if any, room for ambiguity.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Non-slip Tallis #1219423

    I use one on Shabbos. It’s not slip proof, but it definitely slips far less than the non-slip one I use during the week.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Government covering up alien life #1219432

    of course they would be the first to know

    Not necessarily. It depends on how they decide to contact us.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: wine for purim #1222284

    For example, in this case, they don’t care about it on Purim.

    They will care if a child ends up drunk and in the hospital.

    And what about every Shabbos for that matter? Don’t many Frum families serve wine to their kids on Shabbos?

    When our kids were younger, no, they did not get wine (they got grape juice). When they got older, they were allowed to have wine, but clearly not enough to intoxicate them to any degree.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: prayers for governments #1219390

    Our shul doesn’t mention mention names or even offices, simply praying for the welfare of the United States of America (and that they treat us well).

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Is this acceptable for shalach manos? #1218969

    mik, you hold it’s okay to drink OJ that has no hechsher?

    I would, if I squeezed it myself.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Mods? Really? #1218946

    I will say we do miss you though.

    Thank you for the kind words.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Pickles don't bring me happiness. #1219768


    Your question has no bearing on the story you told. Just because person A likes or does not like a pickle does not mean that you are eating one correctly or incorrectly. They are completely independent of each other.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: wine for purim #1222243

    No alcohol by me. I don’t get drunk (never have in my life).

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Mods? Really? #1218945

    Reb Wolf, my dear talmid, I am most very proud of you today.

    Let’s see if you say the same thing when you actually see the post.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Friends in different grades #1219556

    If your friends in group A are not going to be your friends because you’re friends of people in group B (and the people in group B are nice people), then perhaps you’re better off without the friends in group A.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Mods? Really? #1218944

    No… not a parody of anyone. It’s a straight (translated) quote. Feel free to look it up yourself.

    And the issue of a ben Niddah has been discussed on these boards before… several times.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: dressing up like a boy for Purim #1218942


    The Wolf

    in reply to: Home-baked Cookies in MM #1227817

    If I want to give home baked goods for Mishloach Manos, I will. If people don’t trust my kashrus to eat it, that’s their problem, not mine.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Moshiach #1205141

    The Rebbe, according to most, was childless

    There’s anyone who disputes this???

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Moshiach #1205119

    Is Moshiach said to get married and have children?

    Why would you think not?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Have we argued enough about Chanukah? #1206022

    baking cookies

    I had no idea that when I bake cookies I am violating the lav of “U’v’chukosaihem lo sailaichu.” 🙁

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Tochacha #1204323

    As I’ve stated on these boards before, I don’t give tochacha.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Chessed? Or Just a Waste of Time? #1204240

    Thank you, all.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Is Dating Tznius? #1211938

    Take a tip from Yitzchak Avinu (actually that’s why the Torah choose to write it) ????? ???? ????? ??? ??? ???? ?? ???? ???? ?? ???? ???????. He brought her in to his mother’s tent (he found her compatible – ??? ??? ???) he married her, and THEN grew to love her.

    Or from Ya’akov Avinu.

    ?????????? ??????? ???-?????

    The Wolf

    different type of ????

    in reply to: Justice Antonin Scalia #1191117

    Well, Mr. Luchos, my suggested gambit has paid off and proven correct, you’ll have to admit.

    And when the power shifts and the Democrats have the Senate in a Republican president’s fourth year, you’re not going to get a conservative jurist on the bench then either.

    The sword swings both ways.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Are you going to watch the eclipse? #1189759

    If you’re still going to be around on May 1 2079, a total eclipse will go right through the city. In fact, you can see the totality by standing on Flatbush Avenue, just north of the Marine Park Bridge.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Are you going to watch the eclipse? #1189758

    The moon has to fully cover the sun to be an eclipse

    To be a total eclipse. A partial eclipse is when the moon only covers a portion of the sun’s disc.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Are you going to watch the eclipse? #1189757

    Also, can someone explain to me why it’s only visible in certain places? If it’s during hours when the sun is out, shouldn’t you be able to see it from any place the sun is visible?

    Take a lamp and shine it on the floor. Now take a marble (or similarly shaped object) and hold it between the lamp and the floor so that it casts a shadow on the floor.

    Now, pretend the lamp is the sun, the marble is the moon and the floor is the earth. The marble is much smaller than the lamp bulb, and so only casts a shadow on a portion of the floor. Likewise, the moon is smaller than the sun, and so only casts a shadow on a portion of the earth. The part that is in shadow is the part that sees the eclipse.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Romance – a gentile attitude #1187747

    Rabbi miller also apparently said you should threaten people’s family if they don’t have the right hashkafos.

    Much as there are many aspects of R. Miller’s hashkafos that I disagree with, I find it difficult to give that credence without confirmation. Do you have a source and context in which this was said?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Romance – a gentile attitude #1187746

    All I’ll say is this —

    I am an unabashed and unashamed romantic and happily married 25 years.

    If you don’t have romance in your marriage, I *truly* feel sorry for you.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Rabbeinu Gershom Me�or HaGolah #1185780


    OK. I believe he existed.

    Or did you have something more specific in mind?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: In Bereishis, who spoke up before he was supposed to? #1183724

    The baker in prison with Yosef. The butler was invited by Yosef to tell him his dream. The baker, on the other hand, did not wait for an invitation.

    The Wolf (who assumed you meant *Sefer* B’raishis, as opposed to simply the first parsha.)

    in reply to: talking to goyim about jewish religion #1183921

    And we’ve seen on these comment boards how off base is the Judaic and halachic knowledge of people whose knowledge is from Rabbah Google.

    Even if that’s true, that’s *still* an improvement. At least I have the ability to evaluate what “Rabbah Google” says and make a judgement call as to what’s correct. I may or may not be correct, but I certainly have a better shot than someone without my knowledge and experience.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: PBA has flown the coop #1184078

    And at the RCA every twenty-something year old member gets the same vote as Rabbi Willig.

    When Bais Shammai and Bais Hillel voted on halacha, did everyone have an equal vote, or did “Rav X” have 2.37 votes and “Rav Y” have 1.38 votes and “Rav Z” have 1.82 votes?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Cellphone Jammers in Shuls #1184194

    Wolf: flashlights?

    You think my davening would be better while trying to manage a flashlight in one hand and a siddur in the other than with my Ipad siddur app?


    An even worse suggestion. I would constantly be afraid of either dropping it myself or someone else dropping one.

    Or as my shul has emergency lights that turn on when there is a blackout.

    That’s nice. The shul I was daveining in didn’t have one. Or were you suggesting that we delay davening that morning until we could get one installed?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Cellphone Jammers in Shuls #1184191

    Why do you need a siddur app on the phone when you have printed siddurim in the shul?

    I used a siddur app in shul when we had a blackout.

    (Yeah, I know… it was probably better that I not daven at all rather than use a lighted screen.)

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Controversy In Israel – Woman says Sheva Brachos #1180941

    *Smiles* No offence taken. I’m an easy going person.

    I would argue that if you’re wishing death on other people, then you’re *not* easy going. It’s easy to be easy-going with people who agree with you. The real test of being “easy-going” is how you react with people you disagree with.

    The Wolf

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