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  • in reply to: A Capella Music ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ #1266560

    good A Capella albums that donโ€™t sound like music?

    One could argue that if it doesn’t sound like music, then it’s not good a capella.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Tornado on Shabbos Questions ๐ŸŒช๏ธ #1266559

    On the contrary. I think the rabbi has a duty to actively make sure his congregants know to stay home. While most will have the common sense to stay home, there will usually be a small number who, out of foolhardiness, genuine righteousness or some combination of the two, will think that they should risk it. It’s the rabbi’s responsibility to actively announce (or get the word out via telephone, email, text message or however) that the shul will be closed during a weather emergency. The rabbi most certainly should not do nothing.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Tornado on Shabbos Questions ๐ŸŒช๏ธ #1266357

    Rabbis are not required to potentially lose their lives over weather — or, at least, not any more than non-rabbis.

    If the weather is inclement to point where there is a real potential for loss of life, yes, the shul should be closed.

    If something happened last minute, I’m not sure what you want the rabbi to do about it. Build a time machine to go back in time and warn everyone to stay home?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Comparing Sephardic and Ashkenazic Chumras and Kulot #1266250

    OK, fine. I guess it’s a bad thing to simply accept the differences between frum Jews doing the will of HKBH. Forget I mentioned it.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Comparing Sephardic and Ashkenazic Chumras and Kulot #1266173

    Why does everything have to be X vs. Y. Can’t we just appreciate the fact that we are all doing the bidding of HKBH, however we got there.

    No, I suppose not. We have to label it as X is more this trait and Y is less of that one… ๐Ÿ™

    The Wolf

    in reply to: What did you learn in shul this Shabbat? #1266024

    Don’t admire it.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: What did you learn in shul this Shabbat? #1265897

    I learned that I committed fraud and theft this Shabbos. The shul had a learning seder during the afternoon, where it was advertised that the shul was open for “learning with a chavrusa.” However, I attended and learned alone. It did not occur to me until afterwards that I was violating the terms of the learning seder and use of the shul.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: 120 Years #1265074

    Search was born before Moshe Rabbeinu.

    (Not that it matters, because, as I pointed out years ago, upthread, the whole idea that we can’t live past 120 is bunk anyway.)

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Robots calling my house. #1265072

    If a robot calls my house, I hang up. I don’t care how worthy your cause it, once I determine that it’s a robo-call, I’m done.

    If you want me, speak to me.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Attn: Wolf #1261679

    Thank you, but I was not looking for a hug. I was looking for people’s opinions and answers to my question.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: How to increase Tzinius #1244165

    I only used it once, btw.

    I know… but the famous quote is “You keep using that word…” ๐Ÿ™‚

    The Wolf

    in reply to: How to increase Tzinius #1243469


    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: shidduchim advice #1242361

    Is the family of the guy you are talking about from Queens, and did they get married around 2005-2007?

    No and no. I think that pretty much settles it. ๐Ÿ™‚

    The Wolf

    in reply to: shidduchim advice #1242332

    about someone who lives in New York

    The couple I know of never lived in NY as a married couple.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: shidduchim advice #1242281

    Wolf โ€“ really? It must be the same couple โ€“ how many can there be like that? –

    Probably more than you know. It could be the same couple, but I highly doubt they are the only one.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: shidduchim advice #1241443

    I know a guy who is approximately negative 16 years older than his wife. When they got married, he was around 23 and she was around 39.

    I know someone who did the same.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Being Yotzei Daled Kossos with sleeping #1241444

    Ooooh… I didn’t know we could include pictures in the new version of the boards. #offtopic

    The Wolf

    in reply to: My wedding #1228669

    Mazal Tov!

    The key is to just have a good day. Remember that it’s only one day in a long, long marriage — yes, it’s an important day, but when it comes down to it, it’s just one day. It’s how you spend the rest of the days that is far more important than what happens on your wedding day.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Home-baked Cookies in MM #1227830

    We have a family tradition to bake hamantaschen every year. We don’t include them in the Mishloach Manos (largely because they don’t last until Purim ๐Ÿ™‚ ) but I would have no problem including them.

    If you don’t trust my kashrus and don’t want to it? That’s fine — just don’t be a jerk and say so to my face.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Male hangers vs female hangers #1228523

    It is an explicit passuk

    And that invalidates what lightbrite said, how????

    Are not the directives of explicit pesukim also halacha?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Male hangers vs female hangers #1228520

    Except for skirt hangers, my wife and I use the same hangers all the time. I guess we’re really spiritually mixed up.

    The Wolf

    (Interesting fact: My father and grandparents used to make hangers. I remember when I was a kid watching wire coming off these huge spools (at least six feet tall) and being fed into these machines that bent and twisted them. My favorite part was the part that created the little twisted braid near the top.)

    in reply to: Daylight saving time actually doesn't make sense. #1226126

    Daylight savings time is bad because the extra hour of sunlight is bad for the crops and confuses the cows.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: "Rabbi" Shmuly #1225595

    anyone believing the world is over 6000 years old is an apikorus.

    It’s a shame, Joseph, that I can’t find the old thread where we argued over this, but at least now I have you on record as agreeing that I am an apikorus.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: How to erase a cup of coffee #1221984


    Thank you, but an apology really wasn’t necessary… just an acknowledgement that you mixed up my position and Joseph’s. ๐Ÿ™‚

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Bachurim/yungeleit wearing sweaters #1222176

    It seems that it is not accepted in many communities/yeshivos…

    You mean that in some communities it’s accepted for bachurim to be cold for no reason?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Inaccurate things we learned as kids #1222475

    But if anyone who has worth thinks you have worth, then you must have worth.

    At the risk of invoking Godwin’s Law, then even Hitler had worth.

    (And please don’t tell me that anyone who valued Hitler must be worthless, because then it just becomes a tautology.)

    The Wolf

    in reply to: How to erase a cup of coffee #1221968

    I did not castigate Jewish parents for allowing older children to sip kiddush wine. They were talking about giving children alcohol on Purim. Close to drunk but not officially drunk.

    No, you explicitly said that you were addressing me (you mentioned me by name). See below.

    I *never* allowed my children to get drunk. Heck *I’ve* never been drunk in my life. I don’t keep hard liquor (or anything besides low-alcohol wine or, occasionally, a liqueur) in the house. And I don’t have any alcohol at my Purim seuda. And yet, you chose to single me out as causing damage to my children.

    The Wolf


    (Just for reference, since it’s in a different thread:)

    Joseph asked me (in my response to saying that I allow my adult children some kiddish wine):

    Wolf, aren’t you breaking the law by serving your 20 year old guests alcohol?

    My response was:

    Perhaps. But I’m not actually endangering them as I would be if I allowed a 13 year old to get drunk. If you can’t make that distinction, then I feel sorry for you.

    To which Lightbrite responded:

    Someone does not need to be visibly drunk to be impaired and have brain damage from consuming alcohol… especially a teenage or young adult whose brain is still developing until mid-20’s.

    If you cannot understand that, then I feel sorry for those who look up to you as you serve them alcohol.

    And, when asked who that was addressed to, she responded:

    Wolf who had just said this to Joseph…


    in reply to: wine for purim #1222320


    Your silence to the question is deafening.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Is the grass greener on the other side? #1220818

    If I take a picture of it, I can make it so using a vibrance adjustment layer and a layer mask in Photoshop.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Meet me in real life #1220442

    How is your email address publicly known? We don’t even know your name.

    Google is your friend. Google practically the only thing you know about me.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: wine for purim #1222318

    I don’t think she actually implied criminal, although what she did say was quite harsh and confusing,

    Not sure she stated or implied that either.

    Fair enough. I probably overstated the case somewhat.

    That being said, I *still* await her explanation.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Purim Torah #1220250

    What’s your favorite Purim Torah?

    The same Torah that I have year round. I don’t adopt a new Torah for Purim.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Inaccurate things we learned as kids #1222466

    Wolf… have you spoken to a professional in the behavioral health field about your feelings?

    Huh? I don’t understand. You think me a horrible father because I give my adult kids a small amount of low-alcohol wine for shabbos (despite setting a good example to them about sobriety and responsible drinking) but now you’re concerned about me?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Inaccurate things we learned as kids #1222465

    And saying that it only applies to you makes no sense, because if it’s based on the Chafetz Chaim, then it applies to everyone who it applies to.

    I think (and I can easily see why you would this excusable mistake) you are conflating two issues. My self-worth has nothing to do with what the CC said. I grant the point that even a rasha gamur can have worth.

    I’m sure your wife doesn’t agree. Or your kids. Or your friends.

    Everyone’s entitled to their opinion.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: wine for purim #1222315

    I was out during that time, and didn’t open this thread until I got home to my computer.

    Fair enough. Then I eagerly await your response, lightbrite.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: wine for purim #1222310

    Do you honestly intend to castigate every Jewish parent who allows their adult children to have a sip of kiddush wine as unfit to be a proper role model? And you see no moral difference between that and encouraging binge drinking among young teenagers?

    It would seem, based on her (?) lack of response, that you have your answer.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Meet me in real life #1220434

    Regardless of where I reach you it is still in your hands.

    Considering I have absolutely no idea what it is you want to do, I can’t really address that, can I?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Dieting Tips #1220190

    FWIW, about a decade ago, I lost 95 pounds over the course of a year using Weight Watchers.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Kosher Cruise #1220188

    Byzantium became Constantinople became Istanbul.

    St. Petersburg (Russia) became Petrograd became Leningrad became St. Petersburg again.

    Tsaritsyn became Stalingrad became Volgograd.

    Hanyang became Hanseong became Geyongseong became Seoul.

    And, of course, let’s not forget that New Amsterdam became New York.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Kosher Cruise #1220187

    What happens if the location changes over time? I guess nothing right?

    Why would anything happen? City names (and, more frequently country boundaries) change. A kesubah, like any sh’tar, has to have the correct place at the time that it is written and/or goes into effect. It does not have to be correct after that.

    Can you imagine what would happen if that were not the case and all the gitten written in a city suddenly became passul because the name and/or country changed?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Chocolate Covered Lentils? #1220482

    Just realized that chocolate lentils are not chocolate covered lentils

    Next you’ll be telling me that jelly beans aren’t beans and that Kit Kats aren’t made out of felines.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Meet me in real life #1220430

    If all that’s stopping you from doing whatever you is the fact that you lack specific information from me, then all you need to do is contact me.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Meet me in real life #1220428

    Absolutely. Without the details you control my ability to move forward.

    You already have the ability to communicate with me, both publicly and privately.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Inaccurate things we learned as kids #1222460

    nothing to do with the Chofetz Chaim

    Not specifically… and please allow me to state publicly and make unambiguously clear that anything I state (unless I explicitly make the point otherwise) applies to me and only to me. Not to my wife, my kids, my extended family and certainly not to strangers on the internet whom I never met and have absolutely no way of saying if they are good, evil or anywhere in between.

    What do you think doesn’t have worth?

    The above being said, the answer is me.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Meet me in real life #1220426

    Can I do you a favor? Or at least exact revenge?

    Can I really stop you from doing anything?

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Meet me in real life #1220424

    The moderators don’t let you post such messages unless you are joking. So he had no choice but to be joking even if he really wanted to meet you.

    My email address is publicly known. Anyone can email me.

    I needed this person to do me a favor. They initially implied they would, but after an exchange of a few emails, it became apparent that he really had no interest in helping me.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Inaccurate things we learned as kids #1222458

    Everything does have worth. It’s not a lie.

    You’re entitled to your opinion.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Is Rabbi Yaakov Hillel a mekubal? #1221000

    You don’t have to believe.

    And so I don’t.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: How to erase a cup of coffee #1221960

    Take a picture of it, open Photoshop and use the eraser tool.

    The Wolf

    in reply to: Meet me in real life #1220422

    I’d meet people in real life.

    In fact, I tried to arrange a meeting a few years ago, but it turns out he was cruelly pulling my leg the whole time and had no real interest in meeting.

    The Wolf

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