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Refuah sheleimah wolf, im sorry, I didn’t know…..
No worries, coffee addict. While I’ve been very open about my illness on social media (where I use my real name) I haven’t really said too much about it here.
Maybe you could make it easier on yourself and arrange to partner with someone and lain every second aliya so that you can rest and continue laining for many years to come?!
It hasn’t come to that, Always Ask Questions. So far, in the last two years, there have only been two or three times when I’ve actually needed to stop laining (including one time I fainted during an aliya — don’t worry… I felt it coming on and sat down before I fully fell, so no real injuries there). The current chemo regimen I’m on is actually treating me pretty well — so since this past August things have been much better for me (in terms of how well I feel).
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantI’m sorry if I was less than clear or didn’t fully explain.
No, I never stopped laining. B”H, despite two years of pancreatic cancer, I’ve still managed to continue laining just about every week. The only difference is that before, when I was standing during laining and between aliyos, when the gabbi would call me up, I wouldn’t have to do anything, because I was already standing there. I just waited until the gabbai finished his MiSheberachs and then would recite the Birchas HaTorah for my own aliya.
Now, I sit down after every aliya, so when the gabbi says “Ya’amod…,” I sit until the gabbai finished the MiSheberachs (whereupon I get up and to recite the Birchas HaTorah).
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantI wonder if Mashiach Agent is fasting today (again, 10 Teves 5785, Friday).
I’m not fasting, but I have different reasons that, hopefully, are not relevant to Mashiact Agent.
The Wolf
January 7, 2025 11:42 am at 11:42 am in reply to: Does Saying “CE” and “BCE” Kasher the Christian Calendar? #2349816WolfishMusingsParticipantIn the end, does it matter?
If you live in the United States, you will be asked for your date of birth numerous times in your life by governments and businesses. Unless you are going to never get a passport, State ID, go to a doctor’s office/hospital, register to vote, and probably half a dozen other things I forgot to mention, you will be using it.
Just about American Rav says that you have to vote, and in order to vote you have to use the secular calendar (try registering to vote while telling them you were born in 5755).
Just about every American Rav will tell you that if you are seriously ill, you should go to the hospital. Try registering using your Hebrew date of birth.
I’m not aware of any Rav who says that it is forbidden to get a passport or State ID. To get those, you must use your Gregorian calendar date of birth.
Ergo, it is certainly permitted to use the Gregorian calendar date for at least certain necessary functions.
The Wolf
January 1 means nothing to me.
The year 2024 will continue until March 25th as it always has since time immemorial.To you, it’s not even January 1 yet. 😀
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantMy goal as well is 28 lines a week
That’s my goal as well (although I’ve always termed it as four lines per day). Again, it doesn’t always get done (so far in 2024 [through 12/27], I’ve only written on 221 days), but I do my best.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantHow can you write a כשר ספר תורה without learning safrus and once you learn safrus and start writing your own Sefer doesn’t that make you a sofer?
Well, it’s sort of a “yes and no” situation.
I did learn safrus from a sofer. However, my intention was not to become a working sofer. I have no real interest in writing tefillin, mezzuzos, etc. The sole goal of the project was to write a sefer Torah to fulfill the mitzvah. As a result, I never bothered going for formal certification as a sofer*. So, I don’t consider myself to be a sofer in the way most people would use the term. I focused mainly on the halachos of writing (including the halachos of k’sidran, even though they don’t apply to a sefer Torah), but I never learned about battim, retzuos, and other parts of the craft that a normal sofer would be expected to know to be able to do his job.
The Wolf
(*It should be noted that while I am not formally certified, I am also not “out on my own” either. I check in with my safrus rebbe regularly for guidance, advice, etc. He also confirmed that I do not need formal certification for what I’m doing.)
WolfishMusingsParticipantI put this post through first. When it didn’t go up after about 48 hours, I figured it fell through the cracks and then posted the other one. Eventually, it looks like both went through.
There is only one Sefer Torah. Period.
The Wolf
(who is none of the three things you’ve mentioned)WolfishMusingsParticipantNice. I am up to vayikra. It’s been 11 years on and off.
I’m hoping to have it done well before eleven years, if only because I don’t know how long I have.
I try to get at least four lines done every day, more if possible.
My current projected end date based my current rate of writing is Feb 27 2030, but I’m hoping to make that earlier, if I can.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantAre you doing it שנים מקרא ואחד תרגום?
I don’t get it.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantYou’re writing it yourself?
Yes. And, yes, I realize I was being a bit oblique in my previous post on the subject. My apologies.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantA quick rule of thumb… never use an apostrophe to indicate a plural.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThe Wolf: Why isn’t it possible currently?
I don’t know if I’ll have the long-term health and strength to properly care for a dog. I’m doing okay now, but there are few guarantees…
The Wolf
November 17, 2024 10:12 am at 10:12 am in reply to: Am I A Hypocrite? Or Just Plain Selfish? #2332641WolfishMusingsParticipantObviously, Wolf is trying to fulfil this by buying his sefer Torah and leining it.
Not buying.
The Wolf
November 17, 2024 10:12 am at 10:12 am in reply to: Am I A Hypocrite? Or Just Plain Selfish? #2332640WolfishMusingsParticipantThank you all for your replies. They are greatly appreciated.
Yes, I knew that he was being unreasonable. But sometimes it’s good to ask an outside opinion, especially when you are a nogeiah b’davar as I am here. Considering the fact that it’s going to take me several more years to write (assuming HKBH gives me the life, health, and strength to do so), I have a lot invested in this, and so, I can’t really claim to have a truly objective view.
Just to address some of the points brought up:
What is stopping this fellow from raising money and fulfilling his own idea? Why does it need to be the one you’re working to get?
To be fair, he is doing this. He’s already arranged to have five Sifrei Torah sent to the Army.
1) Why “the Israeli Army and the chayalim” either write “soldiers” or “Tzeva HaYisraeli”.
Because I’m not always consistent. Chatasi…
I’m sure your friend means well, but I think he’s wrong about this.
I have no doubt that his intentions are good.
The main thing is that you shouldn’t talk during leining. Everything else is commentary.
Sorry… as the ba’al kriah, it’s my job to talk during laining. 🙂
FYI- most hold that if you donate a sefer torah then you lose your mitzva of ksivas sefer torah.
Best practice if you want to be mikayim the mitzva is to lend it to whomever will use it, while keeping ownership of the ST yourself.Yes, I know. That was the plan all along – to put it in the shul I daven in and use it during Krias HaTorah.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantOy… Please, give it a rest.
The Wolf
November 11, 2024 8:25 am at 8:25 am in reply to: I’m Taking Over The Coffee Room So Yaal’ Better Watch Out! #2331461WolfishMusingsParticipant“YALL’ GOTTA FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT”
Make me.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantI had two dogs growing up. I love dogs.
Alas, it’s not really possible for me to adopt one now.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThe second part of your sentence shows that you clearly don’t know what it means.
(Or that the joke is over my head.)
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantOK, but what does that have to do with honoring one’s parents?
Or did I miss something?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThe whole level of discourse has declined since the time of Reagan and even Clinton.
I’m not normally a “blame the Internet” person, but in this case, I believe there is some merit to the argument.
Before the Internet, if you wanted to discuss politics, you had to do it with real people in real-time. Very often, these were people you knew — your family sitting around the table, your neighbors in your yards, your coworkers meeting around the water cooler, and so on. And you understood that there may be, in that group, people who disagree with you, but, at the end of the conversation, you still had to live and work with these people. As such, you moderated your opinion. Sure, you argued your position, but you didn’t (generally) go overboard because there may have been some real-life social consequences of being seen as extreme in your position.
Now, however, if you want to discuss politics, you can very easily find entire communities online that will cater to whatever your position is. And because these people are strangers whom you will never meet because you are likely hiding behind the anonymity of a screen name, you can let loose with all the vitriol you like. You can espouse a theory, no matter how wacky, and you don’t have to worry about the consequences of having to live and work with the people you are talking to. You can find your own echo chamber of like-minded individuals and get positive reinforcement for your position with no opposition — no matter how correct or ridiculously wrong your position is.
This, I believe, has led to a fundamental change in the way we discuss politics today. Moderation is no longer necessary. You can go full throttle with any language and theories you choose with little if any, social consequences afterward.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantEven the litvish are curious about Gimmel Tammuz.
Curious about what? Everyone in the Litvish community who is interested in it understands what 3 Tammuz is. It’s the Yahrtzeit of the last Lubavitch Rebbe. What else is there to be curious about?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantI have personally been experiencing a form of this as well.
About ten months ago, I began writing a Sefer Torah. Along the way, people have been asking me if they can dedicate a letter or word or whatnot for various reasons*. I have always felt very strange about the idea of taking other people’s money for things like this.
Sometimes, I’ll honor the request and tell them, “Sure, I’ll write the letter/word for you for <fill in the reason here>, and do so. But I have never accepted money for it, and I have no plans to change that policy.
The Wolf
* No, they’re not asking to purchase a letter. I’m not really in favor of doing that either, but no one’s asked, so the issue hasn’t come up.
WolfishMusingsParticipantMY ADVICE:
I’m not going to address your points (despite the fact that I think that it reveals quite a bit about you, personally) except to say that they have absolutely nothing to do with the question posed by the OP.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipant1. Why is it Choshuv?
Presumably because, if your shul is oriented correctly, it’s the front of the shul. Which is why I generally make it my business to sit in the last row of any given shul if possible.
2. Who qualifies?
That would probably be at the discretion of whomever assigns seating in said shul
3. Which side of the Aron Kodesh is more Choshuv?
I wasn’t aware that one side was more chashuv than the other. I’ve been at shuls where the Rav sits to the right of the Aron and other shul where he sits to the left. Ask your LOR.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantA graduation ceremony is not in the Torah
Neither is an aufruf. Or a Vacht Nacht.
I have seen here on the CR that people view ceremonies not in the Torah as avoda zara.
I’ve seen lots of silly things claimed here in the Coffee Room too. That doesn’t make them true.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantHow is your health coming along?
It’s still coming along. I’m still in treatment – I started a new chemo regimen two weeks ago. So far no major reactions to it.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantA. Mazal Tov! Wonderful news.
B. Is it not possible to simply change your username? Mods?The Wolf
December 19, 2023 1:18 pm at 1:18 pm in reply to: 10 teves daven screaming oovinay yerushalayim #2247996WolfishMusingsParticipantA. There are halachos that shmonei esrei is to be recited silently and not heard by your fellow congregants.
B. Why would you say that is unique to 10 Teves?
If you want to scream in the privacy of your own home, or in shul when there aren’t other people davening, go right ahead… all the more power to you. But not while everyone else is davening around you.
The Wolf
December 12, 2023 1:16 pm at 1:16 pm in reply to: Chanukah: A Reminder of the Dystopia that Exists in the Frum Community #2246243WolfishMusingsParticipantStores competing for who’ll make the most over-the-top donuts, meat boards and fish boards for $300, hiring a band instead of just playing music. Is this what chanukah is meant to be? It’s almost as if the Yevanim won. People in Israel are at war with people displaced and held under hostage and this is how we celebrate? Where are the Rabbonim when it comes to addressing needles spending?
Those things may or may not be bad, but they’re hardly dystopian.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThe Wolf is a major anav and will likely claim he’s not such an expert and/or he doesn’t do photography at events
Thank you for the kind words. However, I’m afraid that event photography is not my area of expertise. My photography specialties are landscape/cityscape and macro photography. Almost none of my photos have people in them. I would be a poor choice for this type of assignment, as my lighting (with regard to people) and posing skills are not good.
The Wolf
July 16, 2023 4:27 pm at 4:27 pm in reply to: Dreaming About Listening to Music During the Three Weeks #2208756WolfishMusingsParticipantI can’t figure out if you are joking or serious about the tattoos.
Serious. Just six dots. It’s needed for medical treatment.
The Wolf
I assumed such but hoped I was wrong. Refuah Shelaima
July 16, 2023 10:06 am at 10:06 am in reply to: Dreaming About Listening to Music During the Three Weeks #2208610WolfishMusingsParticipantHaving such dreams and being even mildly bothered by them shows that you have true yiras shomayim.
While I thank you for your kind words, I wouldn’t go that far. I did, after all, also get six tattoos this past week.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantWhen I was a kid, we had two dogs.
As married adults, my wife and I had hamsters.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantHi Wolf, How are you doing? Besoros Tovos.
Doing fine, thank you.
i guess you’re referring to crowns on shaatnez getz. Why is haman’s “single” and yeraushalyim’s “solitary?”
That’s correct. Just a choice of term.
See above.
The Wolf
June 26, 2023 5:23 pm at 5:23 pm in reply to: It’s almost Rosh Chodesh Elul, does your daughter have a school yet?!? #2203233WolfishMusingsParticipantNo, my daughter does not have a school yet. But then again, my daughter is more than 25 years old.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantBefore you can define “Kol HaTorah” you have to define the word “Torah.”
The way it’s used, it usually refers to one of two things:
1. The first five books of the Tanach.
2. The entire corpus of Halachic/Aggadic literature.Any other definitions are just arbitrary decisions made by the person making the statement.
Also, why is this thread tagged with “Apikuris?” Was the OP hoping I’d respond?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipanthalachically not be engaged
What does it even mean (in the absence of tenaim) to be “halachically engaged?”
The Wolf
June 1, 2023 3:04 pm at 3:04 pm in reply to: Bridging the Gap Between The Torah World and MO #2194877WolfishMusingsParticipantJust “appreciating” the fact that, according to the OP, the MO isn’t considered part of the “Torah world.” I shudder to think what world they do consider them to be in.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantSo many logical and factual errors…
1) The flag is waving in the wind. There is no wind on in the moon.
The flag didn’t wave. It moved when Armstrong and/or Aldrin moved the pole it was attached to.
2) Any slight degree of deviation of target in 238,900 miles, would result in missing the moon by hundreds of miles. There was no such powerful computing power in 1969 to do that. A cell phone today has much more computing power than a computer the size of a large building had in 1969.
You are correct that today’s computers are far better than what they had in 1969. But so what? How does that prove it was impossible to do in 1969?
That’s like saying today’s ovens are much better than they were a century ago, so my great-grandmother must not have been able to bake a cake.
3) Every video tape today of the first moon landing is proven to be a copy, not the original tape. If cutting and pasting was actually done (to produce a forgery,) it can only be proven on the original. The original is gone. Nasa says they accidentally taped something else over the original video tape. What was this? Someone’s bar mitzvah video that someone accidentally taped a football game over it?? It cost 355 million dollars, and billions in today’s money, and they weren’t careful???
I don’t know if this is true or not, but so what? Because someone may have done something stupid with the tapes after the fact proves that it didn’t happen?
If I tape over my wedding video to record a football game, does that prove that I was never married? After all, who would do something so stupid?
4) President Kennedy vowed to beat the Russians and that the USA would land on the moon before the end of the decade. They had to show something by 1969. The pressure was enormous.
So, the argument here goes: Kennedy promised something, they had to get it done, there was pressure to get it done, so therefore it wasn’t done and the whole thing is a fake???
5) They were no where near the technology in that time to do this.
This is a repeat of the argument above in #2. And completely without evidence.6) Everyone involved in this hoax on the world, including the 3 original astronauts, could never ever reveal it, without becoming the most hated charlatans in history.
So, the proof of the hoax is that no one ever snitched?
One would wonder, however, if it were fake, why didn’t the Soviets scream it to the heavens? Or were they in their arch-rival’s scheme?
7) There was never evidence found of a USA flag post left on the moon.
I don’t know what evidence you’re looking for. None of the landing sites have been revisited, and none of the satellites in orbit around the moon can resolve an object as small as a flag.
However, satellites in orbit have been able to resolve larger items, such as lunar rovers that have been left on the lunar surface. In addition, mirrors attached to the lunar surface by Armstrong and Aldrin are used regularly by scientists.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantIt’s a well known fact that the “moon landings” were filmed and directed by Stanley Kubrick, the award-winning director.
However, Kubrick, who was known as a perfectionist and always insisted on every detail being correct, demanded that they be shot on location for authenticity.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipant“Rabbi Yisroel Reisman [a very respected Orthodox Rabbi] spoke out against those Jews who plan their vacations for locations like: Switzerland, France, or Italy where the people hate Jews.”
[He said:] “It would be better to visit the Land of Israel to benefit from its holiness and help our brothers economically.”
SOURCE: Flatbush Jewish Journal, 2010/6/17, page 32
I can’t speak to those places (and I would probably agree with the sentiment), but I can say that I was in Iceland twice and walked around with a kippah only (except when too windy, in which case I put on my baseball cap, but that wasn’t too often) and had no problems whatsoever.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThank you for posting. I’m glad you were able to get this taken care of early.
Wishing you continued health.
The Wolf
May 7, 2023 4:16 pm at 4:16 pm in reply to: A Chief Rabbi Attends the Coronation in a Church? #2187928WolfishMusingsParticipantDidn’t we have this argument during the funeral for Elizabeth II?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipanti prefer a wolf
Thank you very much. 🙂
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantHowever when moshiach comes, and techias hameisim happens, we will have the greatest minds of all times so we’ll be able to review everything Halachically according to the new circumstances. Hence we will rule according to Beis Shamai etc.
The greatest minds of all time do not have the power to completely nullify a Torah commandment.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantsays that apikorsim are from zera of male and female demons.
And here I thought I came from my parents. Do you mean my parents lied to me when they told me that I was born from them?
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantSha’arei Shalom (Ave P and Madison — not too far away) has a Mincha minyan at 7:00 pm.
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipantThe most exciting thing I’ve learned recently is that I’ll be able to enter the Kodesh hakodoshim as long as I’m at that spiritual level, any day, when moshiach comes.
I have always found claims like this to be very theologically troubling. Another example is the claim that when Moshiach comes the Yomim Tovim will be disestablished.
My understanding is that the mitzvos are for all generations, including those after the arrival of Moshiach. Indeed, it is one of our ikkarim that the Torah will not be changed.
I’m well aware that the origins of this belief (at least with regard to the Yomim Tovim) come from among our earliest rabbinic writing (the Midrash) and are spoken about by the Rishonim and Acharonim. And yet, I still have *serious* reservations about such lines of thought. We believe in the eternity of our Torah. There is nothing there that states that any of the mitzvos are due to be completely annulled at any future date.
(I know, I know… I’m an apikorus for even having such doubts…)
The Wolf
WolfishMusingsParticipant“100% , cannot and will never be a queen of any kind”
And yet, she *is* the Queen.
The Wolf