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Im so confused. Im asking where did the libs go, not which presidents cheated
whitecarParticipant@akuperma as Ronald Regean said “I didnt leave the democrats, the democrats left me”
whitecarParticipant@amil zola no kidding your not interested in the latest news. its about how the people you support are 100% corrupt. I understand why you choose to ignore the latest news. all the libs recently started focusing on “the important things” and not this garbage called politics
whitecarParticipant@avi k yes that is a a correct answer for the long run but wouldnt help him. I guess in america the only thing stopping people from being an animal (at least in some sense) is the goverment
whitecarParticipant@coffee addict i actually heard that is one of the greatest mysteries that we do not have an answer for
whitecarParticipantAnti scammer
whitecarParticipantOk i did it last night. Helped me fall asleep but i dont think this particaualler one was hypnotism. It was more like guided meditaition.
whitecarParticipantSo that night it didnt work (it was downloaded on google drive whoch had a outage and i dont have access to youtube) last night didnt want to risk it. Perhaps tonight
whitecarParticipantOk i did it. He knocked me out but had a very hard time getting out of bed this morning and def did not feel refreshed. Not sure if it had to do w the hypnosis ( it was an hour long amd have no clue what he was telling me after ten min) or my body is behind on alot of sleep. Will try again tonight
whitecarParticipantI had a bad pain in my mouth last night amd painkillers or dousing whisky on it didnt work. I went on youtube and found a hypnosis video to remove the pain. The hypnotist paralyzed me (on condition if an emergency would arise I would retain full conciseness) and relaxed me and the pain. It felt so good, I woke up after my phone died feeling much better.
Tonight I’m gonna try another video to see if I can get myself a deep refreshing sleep, Ill get back to you to let you know how it goes
whitecarParticipantIf i didnt have a limo, no one should have a limo
whitecarParticipantMisameach chosson vekallah
whitecarParticipantI returned a lease and had my oil changes privately. Never got finned
whitecarParticipantMy father spent like $1500 for a lincoln town car. It lasted over 7 years
February 20, 2019 7:26 pm at 7:26 pm in reply to: Saving shul seats, sidurrim for others not yet here #1683193whitecarParticipantI have a feeling @ctl doesnt live in lakewood or flatbush. I also believe he might be a lawyer
February 18, 2019 5:39 pm at 5:39 pm in reply to: how about sending a simple mishloach manos? #1681567whitecarParticipantRebyid23 excuse me? Do you know who i am? I am from a very choshuva family with very choshuva yichus. I speak on a normal basis with choshuva rabbanim very often and have been honored (against my will of course) by many dinners and simaler events. The chesed is uncomparable! Just ask my wife and kids, theyll confirm to you Im never home. Always out doing chesed.
The unbeliveable emunah and bitachon I have is not to be believed and I thank you for the Portion of Olam Habah you gave to be (since you attempted to embarress me in public) and if anyone needs a beracha let me know cause i am one who does not answer to those who embaress me berabim (and i have very choshuva yichus)
February 18, 2019 4:57 pm at 4:57 pm in reply to: how about sending a simple mishloach manos? #1681553whitecarParticipant@rebyidd23 stop questioning. You have no emunas chachamim
February 18, 2019 2:42 pm at 2:42 pm in reply to: how about sending a simple mishloach manos? #1681478whitecarParticipantAlso correcting my spelling mistakes
February 18, 2019 2:22 pm at 2:22 pm in reply to: how about sending a simple mishloach manos? #1681445whitecarParticipantMaking fancy themed shaloch manos is the equivlant to avodah zara (included in that catagory is cars fancier then mine, vacations that cost more then mine, buying cloths that cost more then mine, fancier simchas then mine and of course spending more money on aliyos then me)
One is CHAYIV MISAH for behaving in such a way
February 18, 2019 1:55 pm at 1:55 pm in reply to: MAZEL TOV: YWN CR Reaches 640,000 Comments #1681439whitecarParticipantNo one cares
February 17, 2019 11:28 pm at 11:28 pm in reply to: how about sending a simple mishloach manos? #1681081whitecarParticipantLOTR92 cause this isnt what mordechai and esther had in mind. This isnt about me. This is all lesheim shamayim. And is this what were supposed to show to our kids what is important?
February 15, 2019 10:58 am at 10:58 am in reply to: how about sending a simple mishloach manos? #1680236whitecarParticipantFor me please no wafers, zazas and hamentashin. Want choclates, beers and sodas
February 14, 2019 12:10 pm at 12:10 pm in reply to: how about sending a simple mishloach manos? #1679719whitecarParticipantand @uncle ben thank you in advance for the next spelling lesson
February 14, 2019 12:02 pm at 12:02 pm in reply to: how about sending a simple mishloach manos? #1679687whitecarParticipantOk lets say everyone did the simple shaloch manos. Hamentashen and grape juice (and those zazas).. imagine by the end of purim you’ll have say 10-35 (depending how chosguv you are) of those small grape juices and way too much hamentashin. Now that we have themes it allows us to have a variety of items which can be eaten in a nice fasion. Soda cand and snack bags for kids snacks. Cakes and cookies and hametashin for shabbos. Choclate is good for anytime and so on. You want to keep it simple keep it simple. I wont remember who gave what anyway (or ill just give it to someone else as their shaloch manos, i dont care)
February 13, 2019 11:29 am at 11:29 am in reply to: how about sending a simple mishloach manos? #1678760February 13, 2019 10:06 am at 10:06 am in reply to: how about sending a simple mishloach manos? #1678657whitecarParticipantPeople like to express their creativity with shaloch manos. If you dont want to, you dont have to, and no one will think less of you for doing something simple (and if they do, you have awful friends or family). To tell people not to do something because you dont want to is a bit outrages though
whitecarParticipantPirkei Avos?
February 5, 2019 9:43 am at 9:43 am in reply to: Who else is getting sick of YWN telling us what to think #1674305whitecarParticipantOnce again. @ywn posts an article about hawaii banning smoking so of course the most appropiate thumbnail is 2 youmg chareidi boys smoking!
Why on earth would you use that for a story that has no relavance to them? We get it @ywn you really dont like them and you fully believe in your self righteous opinion that they are practically not even jewish, but how do you justify that and say its not at all loshon harah?
whitecarParticipantMake a coffee room thread
whitecarParticipantAny cons to this?
whitecarParticipantWinnieh the pooh your probably right about that, another issue i should have mentioned is that we did go through our friends and my circles and hers are very different from each other. That being said, it seems that situation is the exception and not the majority of marriges. However ill try again. Avacado is right, its selfish if you might be the one who can bring two ppl who were meant to be together, but you gave up too soon.
whitecarParticipantActually i drive alot for my job. My hand which is exposed to the sun through the windshield got sunburnt (and is hurting like crazy) . Google it, sunburns can happen in the winter. Apparently it doesnt come down to heat
whitecarParticipantI try im married for year and a half, almost all suggestions i come up with are either not or barley considered. Gets annoying after a bunch of times
January 23, 2019 9:02 am at 9:02 am in reply to: I got married! The shidduch crisis is over #1667056whitecarParticipant@CTL perfect. This looks perfect next to my car next to it and I put some MAGA stickers on the mailbox as a token to our friendship and loyalty to the republican party. Thank you for the check, i made a donation in your name to the RNC. We greatly appreciate your generosity
January 23, 2019 12:40 am at 12:40 am in reply to: I got married! The shidduch crisis is over #1666915January 22, 2019 12:16 pm at 12:16 pm in reply to: I got married! The shidduch crisis is over #1666122whitecarParticipant@mammela i had a white car when i made my account. Now i have a gray car
January 22, 2019 12:16 pm at 12:16 pm in reply to: I got married! The shidduch crisis is over #1666121December 11, 2018 9:56 am at 9:56 am in reply to: Who else is getting sick of YWN telling us what to think #1641383whitecarParticipant@yichusdik you must be new to this site. Ywn has a clear bias to the circles it the owner owner doesnt like (chareidim, berlanders, lev tahor ppl) not that they are wrong but their titles are filled with hatred. They feel its their job to influence our opinion. We can read articles for ourselves and form an opinion but no. Ywn will tell you what opinion to form before you even click on anything. Such disgusting ppl
whitecarParticipant@Toi there is one I know of in Brachos where I believe it was Rav Nachman (i could be wrong) asked his shamesh that if he falls asleep in the morning while saying shema, if he didnt finish the first paragraph then he should be woken. Otherwise dont wake him even though he has not completley finished. I heard that (i forgot who) this was so the shamash wouldnt cause Gezel Shaina (since r nachman holds only the first paragraph is a chiyuv and therefore must be woken up)
November 26, 2018 12:58 am at 12:58 am in reply to: Why Are Torah Observant Jews Overwhelmingly Republican/Conservative? #1630368whitecarParticipantAre you serious or just trolling
November 21, 2018 7:33 pm at 7:33 pm in reply to: How important is it to you to have a nice mailbox? #1628670whitecarParticipantMaybe for chanukah
November 14, 2018 1:07 pm at 1:07 pm in reply to: Why should we not harrass the anti vaxers #1623438whitecarParticipantThen why are Rabbonim not giving heterim and if there are Rabbonim that are, who are they?
whitecarParticipantWe did alot better then what is the norm
whitecarParticipantYay i was right