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  • in reply to: no sad news for a kallah #799506

    Happy face

    Halachically there is no such thing as engagement. You are only Chapman and Allah after the chasing. Or at the minimum after kiddushin. Engagement is a non Jewish concept.

    in reply to: Teenage girls and older chewing gum on the street #800894

    It probably starts at a young age and develops into a bad habit. It really looks disgusting but the chewers don’t realize what they look like or think its normal because others are doing it too.

    in reply to: I love you #1113410


    “I felt like davening for each yid’s success.”

    I don’t know if you have time to Daven but the next time you do, take a look at the words of shemonah esrei. All the braches of requests are in the plural form barach aleinuu…we should ALWAYS be Daveing for all of Klal yisrael.

    in reply to: disproportion, misconception, and utter craziness #800063

    yossi z.

    Please tell me you are joking. “After confirming I was jewish I was then personally accused of having chopped leibby up.” Someone actually accused you for being Jewish as being a child killer?!

    in reply to: Anyone looking to change a habit? #799142

    you are all welcome 🙂

    in reply to: Public Affection #799335


    “I show my great love for Hashem by having brought my five children to Shul and teaching them the proper way to behave when they are there. As Hashem is “Ein Lo d’mus haguf v’Eino guf,” if I am moved to kiss my children or grandchildren while in Shul, I feel comfortable that I am not showing less love for Hashem by kissing the children in whose creation He partnered with my husband and me. If anything, it would seem to show hakoras hatov that I appreciate having them.”

    Among the many halachic regulations concerning one’s conduct in the synagogue sanctuary is the prohibition against kissing another person. This is especially true regarding one’s children. The ban on kissing one’s children in the synagogue was instituted in order to remind ourselves that the love we must feel for God should exceed even that which we feel towards our children.[1] It is argued that if one was permitted to freely kiss one’s children in the synagogue, it would blur the role of the synagogue as a place where one is to focus exclusively on God.[2] It does not matter whether one’s children are young or if they are adults.[3]

    You can read the whole thing at Hirurim blog.

    in reply to: Mifal HaShas – does anyone do it? #799028

    The full spectrum of Mifal ha’Shas learning programs.

    (Mifal ha’Shas, founded by the Kloizenberger Rebbe ZT’L, offers stipends for the study of Shas and Shulchan Aruch based on the results of monthly written tests. In the U.S. they can be contacted at, Mifal Hashas, 4415 14th Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11219, tel. (718) 435-3692 or (718) 436-7790. In Israel they can be reached at Rechov Rebb Akiva 108, P.O.B. 620, Bnei Brak, tel. (03) 579-7020.

    From Dafyomi.co.il

    in reply to: r u 73h l337 h4xx0rz? #800474


    Leet (or “1337”), also known as eleet or leetspeak, is an alternative alphabet for the English language that is used primarily on the Internet. It uses various combinations of ASCII characters to replace Latinate letters. For example, leet spellings of the word leet include 1337 and l33t; eleet may be spelled 31337 or 3l33t.

    The term leet is derived from the word elite. The leet alphabet is a specialized form of symbolic writing. Leet may also be considered a substitution cipher, although many dialects or linguistic varieties exist in different online communities. The term leet is also used as an adjective to describe formidable prowess or accomplishment, especially in the fields of online gaming and in its original usage, computer hacking.


    Have fun lol!

    in reply to: Apikorsus! #799190

    Raphael Kaufman

    I second what you wrote. The A word has a specific meaning (which most people dont know unless they learned the Rambam in depth) so lets stop tossing it around.

    in reply to: Anyone looking to change a habit? #799139

    Bar Shattya

    I mean I used it for various habits but havent been using the website daily since I discovered it.


    You are welcome! I hope it helps you!

    in reply to: A question about being self- centered #804134


    What you have mentioned is all the Shelo Lishmah. All people have to start at the Shelo Lishma to keep them motivated and focused on doing the right things and avoiding the temptations of the Yetzer Hora. However once one has made very significant advances in Avodas Hashem after many many years of working on himself, he/she can switch the focus to serving Hashem purely out of love for Hashem and focus on doing the Ratzon Hashem because thats what He wants and completely nullifying the self and live a life totally immersed in Ratzon Hashem and only thinking about “what does Hashem want me to do right now.”

    Additionally, bear in mind that doing for others is a huge mitzvah and it is Avodas Hashem. One of the biggest mitzvos and chassadim one can do is learn Torah with someone else.

    in reply to: I need to get this rant off my chest! #799133


    Theres a difference between being Dan Lekaf Zechus and living in a pretend world. Unfortunately when you see the same types of things again and again and again you start to see a pattern.

    Maybe some people do what they want because they figure everyone will be Dan them Lkaf Zechus?

    in reply to: Wish me luck this week #800398

    Raphael Kaufman



    Ok this is touching on some deep concepts. If you want to know more you can see it in the Yaaros Dvash, Derech hashem and other sfarim.

    Bekitzur, the difference between luck and mazal is that luck means:

    Definition of LUCK from merriam-webster


    a : a force that brings good fortune or adversity

    b : the events or circumstances that operate for or against an individual


    : favoring chance; also : success

    I heard this in a shiur from Rabbi Akiva Tatz: Mazal comes from the word Nozeil which means to flow. Hashem releases a flow to the person.

    Luck is chance. Happenstance. Not a Jewish concept.

    We believe everything comes to us directly from Hashem unlike the nations of the world that do not get things straight from Hashem but rather have Sarim (ministering angels) in Shomayim that represent each nation. That Sar then releases the shefa to the Mazalos to give to its nation what it is supposed to receive.

    So when you wish Mazel Tov you give them a Bracha that Hashem should release from Himself a good flow to that person, family…

    in reply to: New Lipa Song For Leiby #797940

    am yisrael chai

    I know Nachman Kletzky personally, he is a Tzaddik of a person. Do you really think he would say something negative even if he didn’t hold of this song? How do you think Lipa would feel if the father of Leiby told him he was upset about the song? We wont know what the father really thinks because he wouldnt say but we have our own seichel.

    in reply to: Derech Halimud #1093249


    If you have noticed, most young Talmidei Chachamim today are that way because they put in their own time. Meaning they are Talmidei Chachamim despite the system not because of it. You are 100% right. The yeshivas aren’t even trying to put out Gedolim or Rabbanim. Im not quite sure what they are trying to put out actually because if you would look around on visiting day…nevermind.

    in reply to: Wish me luck this week #800381


    Luck is a non Jewish concept. I will wish you Hatzlacha I hope that what you do this week brings Hashem Nachas.

    in reply to: The Chofetz Chaim Speaks About The Horrors Of World War III #797475


    Im not sure what you thought my intention was by cutting and pasting this but my intention is certainly not clear without my elaboration so I will explain.

    I see in this a very powerful message for our generation. We are certainly living in the times of moshiach and a 3rd world war in not that far off on the horizon. The world is focused on the economic problems but the fact remains that Ahmadinejad Harasha is still working full force towards building a nuclear arsenal and is pretty close to getting his way. If he got a nuke that could certainly spark a world war, although I can imagine other scenarios leading to war as well. Things are very shaky in the world.

    We recently suffered 2 terrible tragedies lo alaynu. 2 butchers went to work, one killed an innocent sweet child and one killed an older man, a big Tzaddik one who was pure like a child. Unfortunately, in the aftermath of the story there were many people asking questions. All kinds of questions, but many were basic Emunah questions. It is scary to see that Klal Yisroel has such shaky Emunah and the second something shocking and difficult to accept occurs we start questioning Hashems ways and start doubting Him.

    It seems like Rav Chatzkel Levenstein and the Chofetz Chaim ZATZAL believe that the dor of Moshiach will be a dor that suffers from lack of Emunah. That doesnt mean that we need to fulfill that prophesy. On the contrary, the Chofetz Chaim gave us the secret to being saved from the Chevlei Moshiach. That secret it Emunah in Hashem.

    In the zchus of strengthening our Emunah may we all be saved from the Chevlei Moshiach and may we all be zoche to see the Binyan Beis Hamikdosh Hashlishi Bimheyra Biyameinu Amein!

    in reply to: Asakta peria reviah #797465

    What are YOU doing?

    in reply to: Mincha and Marriv on Motzei shabbos #797477


    Good point. If anything mincha on Shabbos is holier than shacharis as the Kedusha on Shabbos progresses as the day progresses…

    In my opinion the reason you see this activity is because there’s a general laxness towards Shabbos mincha as many people don’t spend their Shabbos afternoon properly and many people just come into Shabbos mincha in a frivolous mood.

    I also think there’s a general mood of relaxing and letting loose later in the evening (American mishegass) which is at the time of Shabbos mincha.

    in reply to: Davening for a Presidential Candidate #885734


    Why do you bother trying to correct everyone’s spelling and grammar?

    in reply to: Dow Jones "Coincidence"?! #797392

    KIsh Echad BLev Echad

    Wow amazing!

    in reply to: I need to get this rant off my chest! #799104


    100% I find that the only way I was able to grow was because certain flaws were pointed out to me by relatives or friends or because of things I saw written in sefarim articles or things I heard in shiurim.

    in reply to: Is this really "Yeshiva" world coffee room? #797035


    I understand completely. Thank you for allowing me to voice my concerns.

    in reply to: HELP #798319


    read my previous post more carefully

    end of discussion

    in reply to: Is this really "Yeshiva" world coffee room? #797030


    Thank you for your response and thank you for closing it. You know that it can’t be allowed to go that far. There’s a thread HELP where people are recommending “clean” music. What a joke. For one example I suggest you google the lyrics to Aerosmiths crying/cryin that was recommended as clean for one example. Please tell me if that’s clean? Or is not filthy = clean in this day and age?

    in reply to: HELP #798316


    Perfectly clean?! I know some of these songs from my old days. They may be cleaner than todays pop music but they aren’t clean unless you have low standards of clean. Anyone can google the lyrics to these songs and see for themselves!

    Mods is this what we do here? We promote non Jewish music?

    in reply to: I need to get this rant off my chest! #799095


    Kol Hakavod to you for being a mentsch. I also clean up after myself and get weird looks and im from intown lol.

    Rabbi Wallerstein recently spoke about the Inyan of gratitude in the Shiur “You better tip your waiter” great Shiur so to the point.

    in reply to: I need to get this rant off my chest! #799091


    Thanks for getting it 🙂


    Now Mayan Dvash understands why its impossible to go over to people. The second someone points out a flaw that we have even for constructive reasons he gets accused of Jew bashing. Im not a Jew basher and I love my fellow Jew. I care but I feel helpless. I can’t fix everything on my own.

    in reply to: I need to get this rant off my chest! #799089


    Being Jewish means being a light unto the nations. Being a light unto the nations means always being a light. Not just being a light in some ways and not in others. Middos is basic to being a Jew. If you don’t have good middos you haven’t learned the aleph Beis. Hillel said to the convert “what is hateful to you do not do unto others unto others, this is the WHOLE TORAH everything else is a peirush go and learn it.” The basics of Judaism is acting with good middos and being a mentsch.

    in reply to: I need to get this rant off my chest! #799087

    Mayan Dvash

    I am raising awareness. I do what I can and most importantly I don’t act like an an animal in public.

    I often clean up after others, but others siddurim away in Shul…. frankly it just hurts because I care. When was the last time you cleaned up a Shul and put away everyones siddurim? I do it often. For free.

    in reply to: I need to get this rant off my chest! #799086


    Im not talking about isolated incidents. Its a lot of people doing a lot of inconsiderate things and instead of putting our heads in the sand as we have done with many issues, I think we need to do something about our middos. Let’s get this straight, you walk through the streets of certain Jewish communities and the streets are filthy there’s so much litter all over the place. Why are we so busy with our lives that we don’t have the time to act like humans?

    Being Jewish means being a light unto the nations. Being a light unto the nations means always being a light. Not just being a light in some ways and not in others. Middos is basic to being a Jew. If you don’t have good middos you haven’t learned the aleph Beis.

    Hillel said to the convert “what is hateful to you do not do unto others unto others, this is the WHOLE TORAH everything else is a peirush go and learn it.” The basics of Judaism is acting with good middos and being a mentsch.

    in reply to: Davening for a Presidential Candidate #885728


    One is not supposed to Daven for certain things. For example I asked a few different Rabbanim and saw in sefarim that regarding shidduchim one shouldn’t Daven that the girl I am going out with or being set up with should be the one. Rather Daven that the date should be a good date…

    We don’t know what is good for us, so sometimes we can Daven for something that is bad for us and Hashem will answer our Tefillah because we wanted it so badly.

    Give me a break II

    Be careful what you Daven for because you just might get it. You have no idea if this guy will truly be a good president just like nobody new in advance how Obama would turn out.

    in reply to: I need to get this rant off my chest! #799080


    Most people are not open to being told that they did something wrong and I can’t go over to every person and “straighten them out.” In the case of the gift cards I picked them up. I have no problem picking up after someone else but I wish people felt the responsibility on their own.

    in reply to: which tehilim should i tell her to say… #797321


    Unless this cousin is Israeli she wont be able to read the hebrew and reading just the English is less powerful and less meaningful.

    I have a different suggestion. There is a concept in Chassidus called Hisbodedus (or Hitbodedut depending on how you pronounce words). What it basically means is going somewhere private. Go to a room someplace where there wont be any disturbances (and don’t bring a phone or turn it off) and just talk to Hashem. Pour your heart out and tell Him everything. Tell Him how you feel. Tell Him that You need His help. Tell Him that you know that you are helpless without Him and that only He can help you get through any problem. Ask Him, beg Him for mercy. Cry to Him and beseech Him to release you from your problems. At the same time, accept upon yourself to come closer to Hashem. To be better, to try harder. In the case of your cousin I would say she should be mekabel (Bli Neder explain what that means to her) to do a certain mitzvah like give X amount to a Tzedaka or to Light Shabbos candles or whatever…you can help her with that. Just don’t pick anything too difficult, but still pick something she will see meaning in.

    I wish you and her much Hatzlacha and may she see the light of Hashem and be zoche to be a chozeres biteshuvah.

    in reply to: I need to get this rant off my chest! #799078

    I am not pointing fingers at any particular group and community because unfortunately I have seen that the people who act this way are from all spectrums of orthodoxy. We need to feel responsible for how we act in public. Bottom line is we represent Judaism whenever out on the street. Its a big responsibility but we need to be cognizant of that fact.


    Yes we are wonderful and we searched for Leiby, and when it comes to displaying Rachmanus Klal Yisroel is unmatched. However it has nothing to do with my point. Im talking about basic behavior in public that people just do what they want as if nobody else exists.

    in reply to: New Lipa Song For Leiby #797935

    This whole concept of singers making a song for every tragedy is way out of hand and as 80 says it is shameful and upsetting. It comes off as fake and reeks of arrogance and self promotion.

    There’s a reason why many Rabbonim are getting fed up with the music industry. All the fame gets to these guys heads. They are “superstars” and are self absorbed and busy with their image. It used to be Jewish singers now whenever a concert it advertised its “singing superstar” ploni…

    in reply to: The song Bevo'o May-edom #796909


    Yup! That’s the one! 🙂 I am trying to find a cd that has it because I want to hear how it really goes.

    in reply to: In honor of Tisha B'av. What you respect about… #1165116

    I respect Holocaust survivors who remained frum and maintained Emunah after everything they went through, without them most of us wouldnt be here!

    in reply to: wHO is disconnecting to connect? #796841

    Baruch Hashem I dont have the problem of over”connection” so I dont think I will disconnect at that time. I try to be makpid not to let my phone run my life and ruin my sdarim…however I think its a great idea and I wish Rabbi Wallerstein and co much Hatzlacha with their endeavor.

    in reply to: Does anyone here workout, go the gym…? Laundry related question #863217

    Thanks for the tips. Is this the same thing you do with wet towels after showering?

    in reply to: Opposite Gender Friendships #795969

    You are right, its not wishes ish for the guy if the woman is single its cheirem rabbeinu gershom. Thank ryl for correcting me. But its still a despicable act and as she said she learned her lesson I would like to stop discussing this topic. Have an easy fast all.

    in reply to: Opposite Gender Friendships #795960


    “dont worry hes been cheating her for a while and she cheats him too…”

    1. You are playing around with the issur of aishes ish. One is supposed to allow themselves to be killed rather than committing adultery.

    2. What goes around comes around. If you do this sin, you will be ruining your life and you will probably have a hard time finding anyone to marry and if you do get married I can almost guarantee you that you will not have Shalom Bayis and your husband will probably break your heart and cheat on you.

    Run away from such sins. Stay far far away from opposite gender friendships. It ALWAYS ends badly.

    in reply to: "AHAVAS CHINOM!" #795471


    I think Ahavas Chinum is when someone does something bad to you and you still love them and do good for them and go out of your way for them. That’s the idea of Ahava Chinam, even though technically you would have a right to be angry, upset…and you still choose to forgive and forget and try to be closer than before. That is Ahava Chinam.

    in reply to: TEXTING ON SHABBOS #815527


    I would sincerely hope not as the implications of that are frightening.

    in reply to: The Only Mitzva That Hashem Needs To Pay Cash On Delivery #795081


    Yes that would be an exception where Hashem specifically promised to reward one who gives maaser with wealth, or the mitzvos where Hashem specifically promises a reward like Kibbud Av Vaeim and Shiluach Hakan.

    in reply to: Unsent Letters #824716


    I have actually read and heard that doing this i.e. writing letters to express your feelings is very helpful as a method to deal with overwhelming feelings of anger hatred or hurt and similar emotions.

    in reply to: Romantic songs #1003527


    Since romance has nothing to do with lust, let me ask you this, have you ever heard of a Romance Novel? Do you know what is on those pages? Those books are disgusting and even many non Jews recognize that fact. I guess you selectively define romance to what fits your purposes…but just know, that I would think an author knows what the word romance means more than you and I and a romance novel is filthy beyond description. Just keep that in mind the next time you want to convince yourself that romance is a Kosher term…

    in reply to: The Jewish Book of Why #795077


    I haven’t read it but I own and have read parts of

    Gateway to Judaism: The What, How, and Why of Jewish Life by Rabbi Mordechai Lecher and its a true masterpiece that covers everything as well as Halachos pertaining to the many subjects he discusses.

    It has 13-5 star reviews on Amazon and nothing lower. I would highly recommend it.

    in reply to: Halacha Discussions, Obscure Heteirim, and the Modern Orthodox #795491


    Hashem gave us 613 mitzvos, even were we to take care of the issue of not enough Ahavas Yisroel, we would still have the issues of peoples observance level not being up to snuff. To be worthy of Moshiach one has to be keeping the Torah according to the best of ones abilities. I don’t want to scare you or anyone else, but not everyone is going to make the cut vehamayvin yavin…

    in reply to: to life to life . . .lchayim? #798453


    Wait, you mean you first realized after getting engaged that he doesn’t Daven learn or have shmiras eynayim? (For the record shmiras eynayim on the streets are extremely difficult and some guys have a harder time than others, so as a wife you will have to understand that and realize its a constant battle one which you will never comprehend and its not your job to mind his eyes, unless you mean willfully looking at pritzus like looking at magazines, movies…)

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